Brighton - Brighton

Za druge kraje z istim imenom glej Brighton (večznačna opredelitev).
Brighton Seafront

Brighton je znano obmorsko letovišče in očarljivo mesto v Ljubljani Vzhodni Sussex na jugovzhodu Anglija, 76 km (47 milj) južno od London. Leta 2000 so se sosednji skupnosti Brighton in Hove pridružile ustanovi Mesto Brighton in Hove.

Brighton je znan po svoji veličastni arhitekturi Regency, več znamenitostih v orientalskem arhitekturnem slogu, vključno s paviljonom s seznamom Grade I, in po svoji veliki LGBT skupnost.


Brighton je bil majhno zaspano ribiško vasico, takrat znano kot Brighthelmstone, dokler dr. Richard Russell iz Lewes je začel pacientom predpisovati uporabo morske vode. Zavzemal se je za pitje morske vode in kopanje v morju leta 1750. Leta 1753 je postavil veliko hišo v bližini plaže zase in za svoje paciente. Nadaljnji dejavnik rasti Brightona je prišel v začetku 19. stoletja, ko je Waleski princ zgradil Kraljevski paviljon, ekstravagantno zgradbo regije, ki jo je zasnoval John Nash. Toda šele z razvojem železnice, okrog leta 1840, je Brighton resnično začel razcvet.

Podnebna karta (razlaga)
Povprečna maks. in min. temperature v ° C
PadavineSneg skupaj v mm
Vir: Wikipedija. Obiščite Met Office za petdnevno napoved.
Cesarska pretvorba
Povprečna maks. in min. temperature v ° F
PadavineSneg vsote v palcih

Mesto je blizu Londona in je vedno bolj priljubljeno pri medijih in glasbenih vrstah, ki nočejo živeti v prestolnici. Zaradi tega ga včasih imenujejo "London-by-the-Sea". Brighton se običajno imenuje gejevska prestolnica Britanije. V mestu Kemp je pomembno gejevsko okrožje, ki prispeva k boemskemu vzdušju mesta.

Medtem ko bo enodnevni izlet v Brighton ali celo dolg konec tedna obiskovalcem ponudil dejavnosti in kulturo skozi vse leto, je mesto spomladi res zaživelo, maj pa se vrača dve najbolj priljubljeni festivalih, festivalu Brighton in festivalskem obrobju (glej odsek dogodkov). Poleti Brighton resnično cveti, prebivalci in obiskovalci uživajo v lenih dneh in čudovitih sončnih zahodih na morda največjem bogastvu mesta, na več kot 5 milj odseku plaže s skodlami, ki gleda proti jugu na Rokavski preliv.

Za tiste z delovnimi vizumi je Brighton dobro mesto za sezonsko in začasno delo, deloma zaradi statusa študentskega mesta, deloma pa tudi na morju.


Z vlakom

Pogled proti zahodu ob plaži Brighton

Wikivoyage ima vodnik po Železniška potovanja v Združenem kraljestvu.

Vlaki do Brightona vozijo od Victoria in londonski most postaje v Londonu, kar traja približno eno uro (hitreje za storitve Brighton Express iz Viktorije, čeprav pričakujemo, da bomo dodali še 20 minut, če potujemo v času največje vožnje). Po obali vozijo tudi vlaki iz Hastings in Lewes na vzhodu in Portsmouth in Chichester na zahodu. Brighton je na neposredni liniji do Gatwick in Luton letališčih (Gatwick je veliko bližje, južno od Londona).

Brighton ima 2 postaji: 1 Brighton Terminus in 2 Postaja London Road. Vsi vlaki, ki se ustavljajo v Brightonu, se ustavijo pri Brighton Terminusu, na Junction Road. Lokalni vlaki do Newhaven prek Lewes ustavite se tudi na postaji London Road, na ulici Shaftesbury Place, tik ob Ditchling Riseu. Ta postaja je resnično uporabna samo za severovzhodni del Brightona in ni predaleč od glavne postaje Brighton. Ko bi potovali v Brighton, bi bilo lažje preprosto načrtovati vožnjo do glavne postaje Brighton, saj je tudi bližje središču mesta.

Vlake do Brightona vozijo Južni, Thameslink in GWR. Southern upravlja vlake do Eastbourne, Hastings, Ashford, Newhaven, Portsmouth in London Victoria; medtem ko Thameslink vozi vlake do Bedford, Cambridge, London St Pancras, Luton in London Blackfriars. Great Western Railway dnevno vozi več vlakov vzdolž zahodne obalne črte do Bristol nekaj pa še do Great Malvern.

V vlakih je ob sobotah gneča, ko doma igra nogometni klub Brighton & Hove Albion: val je proti Brightonu okoli kosila in proti Londonu pozno popoldne.

Z avtom

Brighton je preobremenjeno mesto in ga v konicah ni enostavno voziti ali parkirati. Glavna pot od Londona in letališča Gatwick proti severu je A23, ki se takoj zatem spremeni v M23 Crawley. A27 poteka vzdolž južne obale od Portsmouth na zahodu do Pevenseyja (blizu Eastbourna) na vzhodu in je večji del vozišča zahodno od Brightona, vendar je v glavnem preobremenjeno normalno vozišče proti vzhodu Brightona, A27 po Portsmouthu zavije v M27 in nadaljuje naprej v narodni park New Forest. V središču Brightona je več parkirišč - pričakujte, da boste celo ob nedeljah plačali približno 1,50 GBP na uro, čeprav se včasih lahko precej napolnijo, zato ne računajte, da boste našli kje parkirati.

The Parkirišče Ethos spletna stran na zemljevidu prikazuje, kje so na voljo parkirišča na nekaterih parkiriščih z vstopnimi ovirami po mestu. Vendar ne prikazuje vseh parkirišč.

Za en dan na plaži je na voljo, čeprav zelo omejeno parkirišče, na dveh cestah, ki so vzporedne plaži med glavnim pomolom in marino, Madeira Drive in Marine Parade. Kot pri mnogih priljubljenih obmorskih krajih v Angliji, prej ko prispete na topel sončen dan, boljše so vaše možnosti, da si zagotovite prostor! Dajatve se med sezonami in lokacijsko premijo razlikujejo, vendar na splošno pričakujemo, da bomo v času poletja plačevali 15-20 funtov na dan bližje pomolu in 5-7 funtov na dan vzhodneje.

Namesto vožnje do središča mesta je parkirišče (z doplačilom) na voljo na Worthing, Železniške postaje Hassocks ali Lewes, obe približno 20 minut vožnje z vlakom iz središča mesta. Druga možnost je uporaba mestne Storitev parkiranja in vožnje, kjer parkirate na brezplačnem parkirišču, oddaljenem približno 45 minut hoje od glavne železniške postaje, nato pa se z avtobusom pripeljete do središča mesta.

V letu so določeni dnevi zelo neprimerno voziti v Brighton:

  • Dan otroške parade na začetku Festival v Brightonu. Običajno prvo soboto v maju. Številne ceste v središču Brightona so zaprte.
  • Dan vsakoletne vožnje s kolesom iz Londona v Brighton. To je v nedeljo junija - v mestu je več deset tisoč kolesarjev in njihovih podpornih vozil, zato bo veliko cest blokiranih ali težko prehodnih.
  • Paradni dan Teden ponosa v Brightonu in Hoveu[mrtva povezava]. Okoli prve avgustovske sobote. Številne ceste v središču Brightona in okoli pomola so zaprte za ves promet, preusmeritvene poti pa so dolge in / ali niso zgrajene za močan promet. Zastoj se pogosto zgodi v soboto ponosa.
  • Maraton v Brightonu v začetku aprila (toliko, da ga ima celo svet celotno spletno stran[mrtva povezava] o parkiranju med maratonom), kjer so številne ceste v mestu zaprte.
  • Prvo nedeljo v novembru, ko poteka veteranski avtomobilski tek od Londona do Brightona (razen če seveda niste lastnik veteranskega avtomobila!)
  • Vsak poletni dan, ko posije sonce in se ves London odloči, da se odpravi na plažo Brighton.

Z avtobusom

  • Avtobusi Brighton in Hove je glavno avtobusno podjetje v Brightonu, do Brightona pa vozijo iz Eastbourna na vzhodu (z linijami 12, 12A, 12X ali 13X) in Tunbridge Wells na severu (z linijami 28, 29, 29B ali 29X). Potovanje z avtobusi Brighton & Hove stane 2 GBP na potovanje ali 4 GBP na dan za potovanje znotraj Brightona (Southwick - Newhaven - Lewes - to se imenuje CitySaver). Na voljo je tudi vozovnica NetworkSaver za potovanje po omrežju za 6,50 GBP na dan. Obstaja veliko popustov ("CentreFares", spletne vozovnice) in vozovnic, ki stanejo več (Nočni avtobusi - od 2 GBP za N7 in N25 do 5 GBP za N69). Otroci prejmejo popust samo z BusID.
  • National Express nudijo avtobusne storitve iz Londona (avtobus je ponavadi počasen in traja približno 2 uri) in drugih mest do avtobusne postaje Pool Valley, med Old Steine ​​in obalo.
  • Avtobus s kočijami storitve vozijo do Brightona iz Portsmouth-a, prek Worthinga, s prevozom 700. Za enodnevni neomejeni prevoz na tej poti stane 6,30 GBP.
  • Metrobus ima "hop-on, hop-off" storitve, ki tečejo iz Haywards Heath (s progama 271 in 272), Nenavadno (s potjo 272) in Trije mostovi (s potjo 272). Vstopnice stanejo med 4 in 5,30 funtov za te poti, lahko pa jih uporabite tudi v avtobusih Brighton in Hove.

Z letalom

Bližina mesta do Londona pomeni, da letališča Brighton dobro oskrbujejo. Do Brightona je mogoče priti Gatwick z vlakom v samo 25 minutah 8,50–10,50 funtov, december 2017).

  • 3 Letališče Shoreham (Letališče Brighton City), Cecil Pashley Way, Shoreham-by-Sea, BN43 5FF (Verjetno je najbolje, če pridete do vlaka iz Brightona do Shoreham - približno 15 minut, nato pa taksi od tam do letališča), 44 1273 467373, . To letališče (ESH IATA) je 8 km zahodno od Brightona. Je najbližje letališče za lahka letala in ponuja tudi oglede letov. Vendar od tu ni rednih letov. To je najstarejše letališče z licenco v Veliki Britaniji. Brighton City Airport (Q735756) on Wikidata Brighton City Airport on Wikipedia


50 ° 50′14 ″ S 0 ° 8′56 ″ Z
Zemljevid Brightona

Brightonci pogosto dajejo napotke glede na vidno znamenitost, Zvonik, ki stoji južno od železniške postaje, kjer se Queen's Road sreča z Dyke Road (oh ja, res je), West Street, North Street in Western Road.

Najstarejši del mesta je Pasovi, ki je omejena s North Street, West Street in East Street, skozi katero teče Middle Street - in Ship Street. Pazite se črkovanja podobno imenovanih Severni Laine (kar pomeni "severna polja"), ki je butik in alternativna nakupovalna nirvana, na severni strani Severne ulice.

Zahodna cesta, glavna nakupovalna ulica, vodi od vzhodno-zahodno od Clock Tower-a, medtem ko vzhodna cesta teče po hribu proti glavni bolnišnici z območja, znanega kot Stari Steine (rima se s clean), ki ga ima Brighton Pier na obali tukaj.

Ko tečete severno od delujočega pomola, se vam zdi nepozabno Kraljevski paviljon, spuščena cerkev sv. Petra in The Level, ki se razvija. Od tod gre proti severovzhodu Lewes Road (izgovorjeno "Lewis"), ki vas pripelje do meje mesta in obeh univerz.

Hove najdemo zahodno od Brightona. Vzhodno od mesta je marina Brighton.

S kolesom

Čeprav je območje hribovito. kolesarjenje je v Brightonu vse pogostejša oblika prevoza. Mesto je eno izmed Kolesarska Anglija "Kolesarska predstavitvena mesta" spletna stran mestnega sveta vsebuje več podrobnosti o kolesarjenju, vključno z zemljevidom poti.

Z avtobusom

Dva avtobusa Brighton in Hove, spredaj z imenoma "Virginia Woolf" in "Levi Emanuel Cohen". Avtobusno podjetje ima celoten seznam imen, uporabljenih v njihovih avtobusih - poglejte, koliko jih lahko opazite!

Svet Brighton in Hove sta objavila načrtovalec potovanja za lokalni promet.

V Brightonu in Hoveu je razvejana avtobusna mreža. V središču mesta so storitve zelo pogoste in številna postajališča imajo informacije o avtobusu v realnem času. Večino avtobusov vozi eno podjetje, Avtobusi Brighton & Hove. Najboljša možnost za obiskovalca je, da si zagotovite celodnevno vozovnico CitySAVER v višini 4,40 GBP, da se izognete enojnim cenam v višini 2,20 GBP.

Otroci potujejo po polovični ceni, upokojenci pa po 9. uri brezplačno (z ustrezno kartico RFID). Če potujete z vlakom, lahko na vozovnico za vozovnico dodate možnost »plus bus« CitySaver za 2 GBP ali pa CitySaver za 3 GBP na avtobusnih postajah Brighton Station.

Obstajajo tri poti ob delavnikih (pot 52 tudi ob sobotah) med mestnim središčem in univerzami s svetlo rumeno avtobusno družbo, imenovano velika limona, stane le 1,50 GBP za en sam in 2 GBP za celodnevno vozovnico.

Nekaj ​​dni v letu avtobuse motijo ​​parade itd. - isti dnevi kot v "z avtom"zgoraj.

Številna vozila Brighton & Hove Bus so poimenovana po zvezdnikih (nekateri živijo, nekateri umrli) in posameznikih, ki so na pomemben način prispevali k mestnemu življenju Brighton & Hove. Imena spletnih mest za avtobuse lahko celo predlagate na spletni strani avtobusnega podjetja!

Z vlakom

Postaja Brighton je eden najpomembnejših železniških terminalov na jugovzhodu in od tu ima mesto Brighton majhno primestno železniško omrežje s postajo London Road, 1 Postaja Hove, 2 Postaja Preston Park, 3 Postaja Aldrington, 4 Postaja Falmer in 5 Postaja Moulsecoomb ki služijo mestu (Moulsecoomb in Falmer za univerze v mestu).

Storitve Southern in Thameslink to počnejo ne vozite kolesa med konicami (od 7. do 10. ure in od 16. do 19. ure).

S taksijem

Značilen videz taksija v Brightonu po vzoru Škode Superb

V Brightonu je veliko teal (zeleno-modrih) in belih taksijev z logotipom sveta na vratih. So pa dražja od večine drugih mest v Angliji. V petek in soboto po polnoči znaša najem taksija 4,10 GBP pred začetkom potovanja.

Glavni taksi postaji sta na železniški postaji Brighton in na ulici East Street (blizu Lanes). (Manjše vrste, posejane s pikami, vključujejo: Queen Square (nasproti Churchillovega trga), severno stran cerkve sv. Petra in dno ceste Montpelier.) Nekatere taksi družbe so:


Brightonski pomol
Zažgani ostanki zahodnega pomola
Flamboyant Royal Pavilion

The Vstopnica s kombiniranim varčevanjem za znamenitosti Brightona vam prihrani do 30% pri vstopnicah za Kraljevski paviljon, i360 stolp in Sea Life Brighton. Nakup na i360 (ali prek spleta 3 dni vnaprej): odrasli £ 27,70 (£ 26,10), otrok (5-15 let) 14,75 £ (13,95 £), otrok (4 leta - do 4 leta brezplačno): 8,00 £ (7,20 £) ) (November 2017).

1 Brightonski pomol (Palace Pier), Madeira Drive, BN2 1TW, 44 1273 609361, . Vsak dan od 10h, pozimi od 11h. Časi zapiranja se skozi leto razlikujejo, vendar so običajno nekaj ur po sončnem zahodu. Mogoče je lepljiv in boleče sladek, noben obisk Brightona ni popoln brez sprehoda po 525 metrov dolgem pomolu. Občudujte poglede - tako na morje kot nazaj na obalo -, zavrtite se med vožnjami ali si privoščite nostalgične arkadne atrakcije. Obstaja veliko stojnic s hrano, kjer strežejo tipične obmorske dobrote, poleg tega pa tudi sedeča restavracija, koktajl bar in picerija. Poleti je na velikem zaslonu prikazan šport in filmi v živo. Obiskovalci pozimi lahko vidijo slavnega mrmranje škorcev: očarljivi oblaki ptic, ki letijo skupaj, preden ponoči počivajo pod pomolom. Vstop prost. Plačajte na vožnjo ali dobite celodnevni zapestnico: nad 1,2 m £ 17,50, pod 1,2 m £ 9 (spletne cene - če kupite na dan, boste plačali več). Brighton Pier (Q2745160) on Wikidata Brighton Pier on Wikipedia

  • Brighton Beach. Poleti je prodnata plaža pokrita s turisti in Brightonci. Poi twirlers naredijo čudovito podobo ob sončnih zahodih, v poletne večere pa se v zrak spustijo goreče lučke. Vzhodno od Brightona je določena nudistična plaža. Prodnata plaža se umakne ravnem peščenemu morskemu dnu tik pod mejo oseke, zato čas zaplavajte do oseke in se izognite bolečim stopalom. Tik za marino je območje za deskarje. Ribiči svoje palice oddajo iz Marine ali ob velikanskem krofu. Za 16 funtov lahko s kratkim ziplinom preletite plažo (2017). Tam je tudi razbitina Zahodni pomol ki je bila nekaj časa zapuščena, preden je zgorela.
  • Pasovi - območje majhnih trgovin, podrti načrt ulice odraža postavitev prvotne ribiške vasice Brighton, ki je bila tu. Skoraj vsaka trgovina na Lanesu je nakit, čeprav obstajajo tudi kavarne, bari, prodajalne plošč, trgovina, ki prodaja staro orožje, in številne italijanske restavracije.
  • Severni Laine (včasih napačno imenovan Severni pasovi). Divje gnezdo alternativizma, območje Severne Laine hodijo dreadlocked hipiji, svetle barve, punkerji, goti in čudne žoge. Trgovine prodajajo vse, od bongov do čarobnih napojev, od velikanskih lesenih rok do vilinskih kril in od vrečk do gasilskih štabov ter polno kavarn, barov, trgovin z rabljenimi oblačili in trafik. Območje je severno od Pasov na drugi strani Severne ulice.

2 Kraljevski paviljon, 4/5 zgradbe paviljona, BN1 1EE, 44 1273 290900. 10. oktober – 10. 10. – 17.15 na dan (zadnje vstopnice ob 16.30), april – september od 9.30 do 17.45 (zadnje vstopnice ob 17. uri), zaprto od 14.30 do 24. decembra in ves dan od 25. do 26. decembra. Zanimiva arhitekturna atrakcija, ki jo je med letoma 1815 in 1823 arhitekt John Nash po navodilih takratnega princa regenta (kasneje kralja Georgea IV.) Preoblikoval v razkošno palačo užitkov ob morju. Zunanjost ima indijsko tematiko, medtem ko je bila notranjost okrašena s kitajskim dekorjem. Na voljo vodeni ogledi in se splačajo. Dostopnost: dve nadstropji - samo pritličje je dostopno z invalidskim vozičkom. Dostopna stranišča. 10% popust, če ga kupite v spletu vnaprej. Odrasli 13,00 £; študentje, upokojenci, invalidi, brezposelni 12,50 GBP; otroci 7,50 funtov; 10% popust, če ga kupite v spletu vnaprej. Dvodnevne kombinirane vstopnice "History Pass" do paviljona, muzeja Brighton in dvorca Preston: odrasli 16,00 £; študentje, upokojenci, invalidi, brezposelni 14,00 £; otroci 9,00 funtov. Royal Pavilion (Q62364) on Wikidata Royal Pavilion on Wikipedia

  • Naravoslovni muzej Booth - V tej spektakularni zbirki taksidermije, malo zunaj mesta na Dyke Roadu, je več kot 300 osebkov ptic, velikanski medved, sirena-sirena in zloglasna "Kostna soba".

3 [mrtva povezava]Muzej in umetniška galerija Brighton. Ponedeljek ob ponedeljkih od ponedeljka do ponedeljka od 10. do 17. ure. Zanimiv muzej in zgodovina, kultura in umetnost, povezan z Brightonom in naprej. Odlična stalna zbirka in briljantne razstave mednarodnih umetnikov. Vsa območja muzeja so dostopna uporabnikom invalidskih vozičkov. Odrasli 5,20 £; študentje, upokojenci, invalidi, brezposelni 4,20 GBP; otroci 3,00 £; 10% popust, če ga kupite v spletu vnaprej. Kombinacija vstopnic "History Pass" - glejte zgoraj Royal Pavilion. Brighton Museum & Art Gallery (Q2790574) on Wikidata Brighton Museum & Art Gallery on Wikipedia

4 Muzej igrač in modelov Brighton, 52-55 Trafalgar St. (Nasproti Frederick Place. Podzemni vhod v ulico Trafalgar je za varnostnimi ograjami pred sprednjo stranjo postaje.), 44 1273 749494. Tu-F 10 AM-5PM; Od 11. do 17. ure. Majhen, neznan muzej, ki se skriva pod viaduktom postaje Brighton, specializiran za igrače iz prve polovice 20. stoletja. Brighton Toy and Model Museum (Q4967734) on Wikidata Brighton Toy and Model Museum on Wikipedia

  • Komedia - glavni komedijski klub v Severni Laini.
  • Brighton Marina s čolni, pubi, restavracijami, supermarketom in celo hotelom, vzhodno od središča mesta.

5 Stari Steine. Osrednji del "cvetličnih vrat" v Brightonu vključuje vrtljive gredice, vodnjak in kavarno. Med festivalom Brighton Fringe (maja) je pogosto velika razstava na prostem, kjer se odvijajo predstave. Old Steine (Q15263862) on Wikidata Old Steine on Wikipedia

6 Graščina Preston, Preston Drove, Brighton, BN1 6SD (2 milji N od središča mesta; 30-40 min hoje; od železniške postaje Preston Park, 10 min hoje; avtobusi 5, 5A, 17, 40, 40X in 273 iz središča mesta ustavljajo v bližini Prestonove graščine), 44 3000 290900, . Samo od 1. aprila do 30. septembra: ponedeljek od 10. do 17. ure, ponedeljek od 14. do 17. ure. Zgodovinska hiša, urejena in opremljena v edvardijanskem slogu. Njegove elegantne sprejemne sobe in funkcionalne prostore za uslužbence razkrivajo življenje v zgornjem in spodnjem delu dvorca. Brezplačno parkiranje na kraju samem: vstopite v vožnjo s Preston Drove. Odrasli 6,80 £; študentje, upokojenci, invalidi, brezposelni 5,70 £; otroci 3,80 funtov; 10% popust, če ga kupite v spletu vnaprej. Kombinacija vstopnic "History Pass" - glejte zgoraj Royal Pavilion. Preston Manor, Brighton (Q7241935) on Wikidata Preston Manor, Brighton on Wikipedia

7 Šola Roedean, Roedean Way, BN2 5RQ, 44 1273 667 500. Ogromna kamnita stavba, ki je ena najbolj znanih in dragih britanskih šol za dekleta, gleda čez Rokavski preliv. Roedean School (Q7357563) on Wikidata Roedean School on Wikipedia

8 Center morskega življenja, Marine Parade, Brighton, BN2 1TB (20 minut hoje od železniške postaje Brighton: navzdol po ulici Queens in nato zavijte na vzhod proti pomolu Brighton), 44 871 423 2110. Vsak dan od 10. do 18. ure od junija do avgusta, zapre se prej v drugih mesecih, zadnji sprejem pa eno uro pred zaprtjem. Akvarij s prehodnim podvodnim tunelom ob pomolu Brighton. To je najstarejši delujoči akvarij na svetu. Dostopnost: s sprehajališča pojdite na morsko obalo, da pridete do rampe, ki vodi do plaže. Nato boste videli podhod za Sea Life. Parkirišče je omejeno in je lahko drago. Od 10,50 funtov, če jih kupite v spletu ali po telefonu vnaprej, ali od 18,50 funtov. Sea Life Brighton (Q72769631) on Wikidata Sea Life Brighton on Wikipedia

  • Gledališče Royal, gledališče Pavilion, gledališče Corn Exchange, koncertna dvorana Dome - Gledališča in glasbena prizorišča so v "Kulturni četrti", ki zajema Novo cesto, Jubilejno ulico in dele Severne Laine.
  • Jubilejni trg - Sodobna prenova proti jugu Brighton's North Laine, ki vključuje veličastno knjižnico Jubilee, vrhunske restavracije in kavarno.

9 Cerkev sv. Bartolomeja, Ann St, BN1 4GP, 44 1273 620491. Ena najvišjih evropskih cerkva (od tal do stropa). Ta izjemna cerkev, ki se dviga nad Brightonom, ni ravno najlepša cerkev na svetu, toda zaradi njene velikanske strukture in neverjetne dekoracije je cerkev zanimiva. Pravi dragulj v zgodovini Brightona, ki potrebuje turizem in donacije, saj mu grozi zaprtje. Saint Bartholomew's Church (Q7592597) on Wikidata St Bartholomew's Church, Brighton on Wikipedia

10 Veleposlaniško sodišče. Ta znamenita stavba v slogu art deco iz tridesetih let prejšnjega stoletja je bila skoraj porušena, a je bila od takrat v celoti obnovljena v svojo modernistično resničnost. Spodaj so umetniški studii. Ogledi stavbe potekajo v času festivala. Embassy Court (Q5369514) on Wikidata Embassy Court on Wikipedia

11 Brightonski ribiški muzej, 201 King's Road, The Lanes, Brighton in Hove, BN1 1NB (Najbližji avtobusni prevoz do javnega prevoza: Pool Valley - 5 min hoje. Najbližja železniška postaja: Brighton - 15 min hoje), 44 1273 723064. Dnevno od 11.00 do 17.00. Ribiški muzej Brighton prikazuje zgodovino in dediščino rightonske industrije v Brightonu z obilico fotografij, izjemnimi predmeti in obnovljenimi tradicionalnimi klinker ribiškimi čolni Sussex. Brighton Fishing Museum (Q4967641) on Wikidata Brighton Fishing Museum on Wikipedia

12 British Airways i360. Iz popolnoma zaprtega razglednega prostora obiskovalci doživijo 360-stopinjski pogled na Brighton, South Downs, Rokavski preliv, ob najjasnejših dneh pa si lahko ogledate 27 km (27 km) Beachy Head proti vzhodu in otok Wight 49 79 km zahodno. Odrasli (stari od 16 do 59 let) od 14,40 GBP; Otrok (4-15 let) od 7,20 GBP; Otrok (mlajši od 4 let) Brezplačno; Senior (60 let) od 12,15 GBP. British Airways i360 (Q5968218) on Wikidata British Airways i360 on Wikipedia


  • St James's Street / Kemp Town - Brightonova gejevska vas, ki mestu daje naziv "Gay Capital of Britain", je kratek sprehod vzhodno od središča mesta. Poskrbi za LGBT skupnost in je dom številnih restavracij in kavarn. Če nadaljujete v isti smeri, pridete do precej bolj tihega in čudovitega območja Kemptown Village, z drugo sklopko trgovin s starinami.

Območje zahodno od Trg regije je eden izmed bolj zanimivih delov Brightona, ki ga lahko preživite en dan v potepu (če je nekoliko manj saniran; območje ima veliko bordelov in hiš na pol poti. Še vedno varno, vendar ponoči bolj previdno kot drugod v Brightonu). Široka paleta trgovin - vključno s čudovitim kitajskim supermarketom - in nekaj osupljive arhitekture.

Umetnostna galerija

13 Fabrica, 40 Duke Street, BN1 1AG (nastanjen v prenovljeni cerkvi na vogalu Ship St in Duke St v središču mesta), 44 1273 778 646, . Sodobna umetniška galerija, specializirana za nova naročila, specifična za spletno mesto. Kot umetniški prostor je to edinstveno prizorišče na jugovzhodu, ki prikazuje pomembna nova dela mednarodnih umetnikov. Fabrica ni prodajna galerija, temveč prostor, ki ponuja dostop do razburljivih obsežnih del in medijskih instalacij. prost.

  • Velika parada - Umetniška galerija v najbolj osrednjem univerzitetnem kampusu v Brightonu. V galeriji so pogosto razstave študentskih del in bogastva mednarodnih umetnikov. V bližini cerkve sv. Petra, severno od Starih Stein.
  • Črnilo D - Majhen, a trendovski majhen prostor, ki razstavlja nejasna umetniška dela in oblikovanje. Na dnu je North Road, North Laine.
  • Svetilnik - Druga galerija sodobne umetnosti na ulici Kensington Street, North Laine. Tako kot Fabrica nima stalne zbirke in je izključno pod vodstvom umetnikov. Galerija je na mestu zapuščenega skladišča.
  • Phoenix - V drugi umetniški galeriji so dela umetnikov z vsega sveta. Galerija je v precej osrednjem delu mesta in je tik ob Grand Parade.


  • Brightonska gledališča. Brighton je odličen kraj za ogled gledališke predstave ali koncerta. V Brightonu in okolici je veliko gledališč in prizorišč.

Oglejte si nogomet (tj. nogomet) ob 1 Brighton & Hove Albion, Falmer, BN1 9BL (od A27 pet milj severno od mesta ob železniški postaji Falmer). Kdo igra v Premier ligi, najvišji stopnji angleškega nogometa. Igrajo na stadionu Falmer (ali Amex) s kapaciteto 30.750. Njihove ženske ekipe igrajo v ženski super ligi, domače tekme pa v Crawley Townu. Brighton & Hove Albion F.C. (Q19453) on Wikidata Brighton & Hove Albion F.C. on Wikipedia

2 Oglejte si kriket v Sussexu CCC, Eaton Rd, Hove BN3 3AN (Miljo zahodno od osrednjega Brightona). Sussex CCC igra v diviziji dva okrožnega prvenstva.

  • Nakupujte, dokler ne padete. Klic v številne čudne trgovine v Lainesu, ki iščejo ta izmuzljivi izbrisani LP, knjigo v usnjenih knjigah, enkratno zabavno obleko ali organsko pivo, je lahko vrhunec in priložnost, da odkrijete skrite dragulje.

3 Kino vojvode York, Preston Rd, BN1 4NA (Do Stene je 15 minut hoje po London Roadu), 44 719 025747. Kino vojvode od Yorka je umetniški hišni kino v Brightonu in najstarejši neprekinjeno kino v Evropi. Odprt leta 1910, ima še vedno en sam zaslon, ki prikazuje mešanico umetniških hiš in več običajnih filmov, v soboto zjutraj pa Otroški klub. Stavba je prepoznavna po velikanskih nogah iz steklenih vlaken na strehi. Bar v prvem nadstropju je dober kraj za pijačo pred filmom, z balkonom, ki ima dober pogled na ulico spodaj. Balkon (razstavni prostor) v nadstropju ima dvosedežne sedežne garniture, v pritličju pa običajne kino sedeže. Duke of York's Picture House, Brighton (Q5313140) on Wikidata Duke of York's Picture House, Brighton on Wikipedia

4 Privlačnost Phileas Foggs, Sussex House, Crowhurst Road, Hollingbury Industrial Estate, BN1 8AF (Tik ob A27. Zavijte na križišču pri Hollingbury Industrial Estate), 44 1273 007799, . 10.00 - 16.00. Phileas Foggs Attraction je atrakcija skupinske igre, postavljena v 19. stoletje. Po vsem svetu vas vodijo skozi 16 oddaljenih dežel, ki vas čakajo številni izzivi. Vključuje vonjave, zvoke in znamenitosti iz sveta 19. stoletja, spretnosti, skrivnostne in miselne igre v do 3 ekipah. £29.50.

5 Volks železnica (ob obali). April-september: vsakih 15 min od 10:15 (na M & F od 11:15) do 17:00 na Sa & Su do 18:00). Prva javna električna železnica na svetu, odprta leta 1883. Vse postaje so dostopne z invalidskim vozičkom. Invalidski vozički morajo biti zloženi, da se prilegajo vlakom. Poteka 12-minutno potovanje Odrasli 3,90 £, otrok 2,30 £. Volk's Electric Railway (Q378512) on Wikidata Volk's Electric Railway on Wikipedia Iz 6 Akvarij (na pomolu Brighton). do 7 Črna skala (v bližini marine). Black Rock (Q4921695) on Wikidata Black Rock (Brighton and Hove) on Wikipedia


Tržnica med festivalom v Brightonu. Gledališče Royal je rdeča stavba.
Barvita parada po cesti Queens med Ponosom leta 2016.
  • Brighton Festival Fringe: 2. maj - 2. junij 2019, 44 1273 764900. Fringe teče hkrati z glavnim festivalom in ima več kot 600 prireditev, vključno s komedijo, gledališčem, glasbo in "dnevi odprtih vrat" (lokalni umetniki razstavljajo v svojih domovih) in ogledi (gostilne v pubih, Regency Brighton, cerkve, pokopališča, kanalizacija itd.) (datum je treba posodobiti)
  • Festival v Brightonu: 4. – 26. Maja 2019, 44 1273 709709 (vstopnice). Majski festival Brighton je vsako leto drugi največji umetniški festival v Veliki Britaniji (ki prihaja tesno zadaj Edinburgh). Glasba vseh vrst, umetniške razstave in knjižne razprave. (datum je treba posodobiti)
  • Veliki pobeg: 9. – 11. Maja 2019 Brighton (Anglija). Glasbeni festival, ki se maja udeleži prireditev po vsem mestu. Na festivalu 2016 so nastopili Stormzy, M.O., Craig David in številni drugi glasbeniki z vsega sveta. (datum je treba posodobiti)
  • London do Brighton Bike Ride: 16. junija 2019,0845 130 8663 (nacionalna ekipa za prireditve BHF; negeografska številka), 44 20 7935 0185 (Sedež BHF). Dobrodelna vožnja s kolesom v dolžini 95 kilometrov (95 km), ki poteka vsako leto junija, v korist British Heart Foundation. Od začetka leta 1980 je Ride od prizadevanj več kot 550.000 kolesarjev zbral več kot 26 milijonov funtov za raziskave srca. Pot je primerna za vse stopnje kolesarjev in vodi skozi veličastno podeželje na pristopu do Brightona. (datum je treba posodobiti)
  • Brighton Pride: 2. – 4. Avgusta 2019. Številni veljajo za največji in najboljši festival lezbičnih homoseksualnih biseksualcev in transspolnih pripadnikov v Veliki Britaniji, ki vsako leto v Brighton privabi več kot 100.000 ljudi na celotedenski festival konec julija in v začetku avgusta. Vsebuje parade, zabave in glasbo. Leta 2016 so bile med umetniki, ki so nastopale med vikendi, zvezde Carly Rae Jepsen, Fleur East in Alesha Dixon. (datum je treba posodobiti)

Nauči se

V Brightonu domujeta dve univerzi, Univerza v Sussexu (na robu mesta pri Falmerju) in Univerza v Brightonu, ki ima kampuse po mestu, in v bližnjih mestih.

1 Univerza v Sussexu, Sussex House, BN1 9RH, 44 1273 606755, . University of Sussex (Q1161297) on Wikidata University of Sussex on Wikipedia

2 Univerza v Brightonu, Mithrasova hiša, Lewesova cesta, BN2 4AT (Tri postaje od postaje Brighton na progi do Lewesa), 44 1273 600900. Prostoren kampus z opazno arhitekturo Sir Basil Spence. University of Brighton (Q3056813) on Wikidata University of Brighton on Wikipedia

3 [mrtva povezava]City College Brighton, Pelham Street, BN1 4FA, 44 1273 667788, faks: 44 1273 667703, . Ta šola ponuja tečaje s krajšim delovnim časom na številnih področjih, vključno z računalništvom, modo, jeziki, frizerstvom in športom. Morda boste potrebovali pristojbine in morda boste morali opraviti preizkus in razgovor, da se udeležite tečaja. City College Brighton & Hove (Q5123113) on Wikidata City College Brighton & Hove on Wikipedia


Nakupovanje je eden glavnih razlogov za obisk Brightona. Toda ne zataknite se v običajnem nakupovalnem predelu okrog zahodne ceste. Obstaja ogromno trgovin, ki skrbijo za vse okuse, toda impresiven izbor neodvisnih trgovin in butikov razlikuje Brighton od mnogih drugih britanskih mest. Vzdušje v Severni Laine in The Lanes je eden od nematerialnih vidikov mesta, zaradi katerega se mnogi znova in znova vračajo. Brighton je še posebej dober za trgovine z glasbo, knjigami in neodvisnimi oblačili. Pojdite proti Hoveu na zahodni cesti in tam boste našli zatočišče kakovostnih dobrodelnih trgovin zunaj centra.

Severni Laine vsebuje kup trgovin in tržnic, da bi preizkusili vse domiselne ali starinske domišljije, ne da bi imeli na vidiku verigo trgovin. V mestu je bolšji sejem s številnimi stojnicami Vrtovi Kensington in drugo, "The North Laine Antiques & Fleamarket" v bližnji ulici Upper Gardner. Trgovine so ponavadi manj razširjene, bolj severno v območje Severne Laine greš.

1 Dve peresi, 11 Kensingtonski vrtovi, BN1 4AL, 44 1273 692929. M-Sa: od 10. do 18. ure, ne: od 23. do 18. ure. Indijanska zlatarna, ki prodaja novoveške izdelke, kot so kristali, kadila, olja za aromaterapijo in tarot / oracle kartice.

2 Vstopite v galerijo, 13 Bond St, BN1 1RD, 44 1273 724829. M-Ž: 9:30 - 18:00, sobota: 9:00 - 18:00, ne: 11:00 - 17:00.

Pasovi so znane po svojih neodvisnih trgovinah, zlasti antikvariatih in draguljarjih. Lahko se nekoliko ponavljajo, toda na notranjem trgu Snooper's Paradise je vedno veselo potepati.

3 Orožarna Lanes, 26 Hiša za sestanke Ln, BN1 1HB, 44 1273 321357. M-Sa: od 11h do 17h, Ned: Zaprto. Svetovno znan po prodaji starinskih spominkov in orožja.

  • Brighton je poln neodvisne prodajalne plošč, od katerih večina prodaja vinil, vključno z:

4 Stanovalka, 28 vrtov Kensington, BN1 4AL, 44 1273 606312. M-Sa: od 9. do 18.30, ne: od 10. do 18. ure. Leta 2011 je bil izbran za "najljubšo trgovino indie plošč v Angliji".

5 Čez steze, 110 Gloucester Rd, BN1 4AF, 44 1273 677906.

6 Album za snemanje, 8 Terminus Rd, BN1 3PD (tik nad postajo). Majhna trgovina, specializirana za vinilne zvočne posnetke in druge retro zanimivosti.

  • Nakupovalni center Churchill Square in okolica ponujajo več običajnega blaga, običajnih vozovnic na glavnih ulicah Združenega kraljestva in v nakupovalnih središčih.
  • London Road je nenavadno nakupovalno območje "High Street" z nekaj resničnimi ugodnimi ponudbami, zlasti na Odprti trg. Proti severnemu koncu okrog Prestonovega cirkusa je koncentracija prodajalcev elektronike, fotografije in hi-fi opreme.
  • Brighton Marina vsebuje več vrhunskih trgovin.
  • Pešci George St. je glavno nakupovalno območje Hovea, vendar ni vredno obvoza, če ste že v osrednjem Brightonu.


Brighton ima izvrstno hrano, zlasti za vegetarijance. The most famous (and fairly expensive) vegetarian restaurant is Food for Friends in The Lanes.

On the other end of the scale, there are many takeaways in Brighton catering for different kinds of tastes (pizza, Chinese, Mexican, Indian food). On the beachfront there are many stalls near Brighton Pier selling crêpes, doughnuts and ice-cream. Prices are usually fairly cheap and most are open until late.


  • No seaside town is complete without seafood stalls. On the seafront, about 100 m west of the pier, are a clutch of stands offering snacks of cockles and mussels, crab sandwiches, fish soup and oysters, all for a few pounds. Daytime only.
  • The Small Batch Coffee Company. Has locations including Brighton and Hove.
  • The Bombay Aloo, 44 1273 776038 39. Ship St. All-you-can-eat Indian vegetarian buffet, a tremendous bargain, particularly between 3:15PM and 5:15PM. Often gets crowded, but ask about the upstairs room before giving up. The Bombay Lounge in North Street, and Bombay Mix in St. James's St are similar.
  • Burger Off, 52 Brunswick St W, 44 1273 326655. Burgers. Family-run with a Five-Star Health inspectorate Rating, well worth a visit

1 Foodilic, 60 North Street, BN1 1RH, 44 1273 774138. 11AM-7PM. North Street, is another buffet restaurant, with a variety of vegetarian dishes and some carnivorous options.

  • Grubb Burgers (89 St James's St, Western Rd, London Rd, Lewes Road) are something of a local legend, renowned for their many sauces and toppings.
  • Hell's Kitchen, New England House, New England Street, Brighton, BN1 4GH. In Gardner St. Not a sit-down restaurant but rather a New York-style deli offering bagels, salt beef, etc.
  • Little Bay Brighton, 60-64 Kings Road, BN1 1NA, 44 1273 731330, . Daily 7AM-midnight. A Modern European restaurant on the Kings Road seafront offering high quality cuisine at the best value for money prices. The quirky theatrical decor makes for a romantic evening or a great location for the family. There is live entertainment 7 days-a-week ranging from their signature live opera through folk and jazz to cabaret. £9.95 3-course meal.

2 Market Diner (Circus St.), 19-21 Circus Street, BN2 9QF. A "greasy spoon" famed for its all-night opening hours and "gutbusters".

  • Pablos, 36 Ship Street, 44 1273 20812. Brighton and Hove. Serves great Italian food, with pizzas and pasta dishes starting at £2.50. It is popular in the evening so expect to wait for a table unless you make a reservation, getting a table during the day is usually no problem.
  • Pom Poko, 110 Church Street. A delightful, small, genuine Japanese cafe, selling a wide range of delicious dishes for a very reasonable price. (If you are eating alone or if there is space at your table, often other diners will be seated with you, which can make some people feel uncomfortable.) Take-away available.

3 The Regency, 131 Kings Rd, BN1 2HH (on the seafront almost opposite the collapsing West Pier), 44 1273 325 014. 8AM-10:30PM. Good value fish and seafood restaurant that won't break the bank.

  • Preston Street, 44 871 2071847. On the border of Hove and Brighton has a string of low to mid priced ethnic restaurants. For instance, China China at number 74 is a good value (around £6 per person) Chinese restaurant, with lots of seating, five minutes from the beach.

Srednji razred

  • Bill's Restaurant & Bar, The Depot, 100 North Rd, 44 1273 692894, fax: 44 1273 692387. M-Sa 8AM-8PM, Su 10AM-4PM. consistently highly rated and reviewed, the café at Bills specialises in organic munchies of the best type.
  • Gar's (Meeting House Lane). Possibly the best Chinese restaurant in town.
  • The George pub, on Trafalgar Street near the train station, serves only the finest vegetarian meals and snacks. Wi-Fi available.
  • Terre à Terre, 71 East St, 44 1273 729051. Well-respected vegetarian restaurant, with a lively crowd and bright décor - voted 2nd best British restaurant in the Observer Food Monthly 2004.
  • Due South, 139 Kings Rd, 44 1273 821218. Arches. Great food and location at this relative newcomer
  • The Eagle, 125 Gloucester Rd, 44 1273 607765. Great vegan, vegetarian and carnivorous food
  • The Greys, 105 Southover St, 44 1273 680734. 11th best pub in the UK in 2004. Famous for its food, and chef "Spats" (no child licence.)
  • The Open House, 146 Springfield Rd, 44 1273 880102. 20th best pub in UK in 2004. Large, child-friendly pub next to London Road train station. Good food and drink.
  • Bardsley's, 22-23a Baker St (Just off London Road, near the level park), 44 1273 681256. 11:30AM-2:30PM & 4PM-8:30PM. Fine fish and chip restaurants serving delicious fish and chips and some really excellent specials (roys shark steaks are amazing). The family run restaurant has fantastic reviews. It is very popular with locals.
  • Planet India, 4-5 Richmond Parade, 44 1273 818149. Tu-Su 6PM-10PM. Great Indian vegetarian restaurant that serves an authentic menu within a friendly atmosphere (barefoot waiter included!) under £10.
  • Moshimo. An unusual conveyor-belt sushi restaurant, unusually in a glass-sided building, the "opticon", in Bartholomew Square.
  • Gobi.(East St.) Concept restaurant where you select your own ingredients and have them cooked in front of you.
  • There is a stretch of Western road with several Middle Eastern and North African restaurants, for instance Kambi's,(Number 107) Mascara(Number 10) and Sahara (Number 103).
  • Giggiling Squid (11 Market St, 159 Church Rod) Good-value Thai restaurants noted for their lunchtime tapas.


  • Englishs, 30-31 East Street, 44 1273 327980. Seafood restaurant: this place is not cheap at around £20 for a main course. Decor and clientele tend towards the old-school.

4 Gingerman, 21a Norfolk Square Brighton East Sussex BN1 2PD, 44 1273 326 688. fine-dining restaurant (Norfolk Sq.) garnered numerous accolades and spawned three sister operations:

  • Havana, 32 Duke St, 44 1273 773388. In the converted Theatre Royal opened in 1790, the enticing facade mirrors the exquisite international cuisine but expect a hefty bill as this is a popular with the Rich and Famous (Orlando Bloom is known to visit when in town).


There are many, many pubs and bars catering for all tastes. Any list of reasonable length will be far from complete; if there's a street in central Brighton there is likely to be a pub on it. LGBT-orientated pubs, bars and clubs are mostly in the Kemp Town area of the city, in the vicinity of St James's Street and Marine Drive.

Look out for the spirit 'Tuaca', a sweet Italian brandy liqueur. Almost every bar in Brighton will have it (ask for a squeeze of lime!) but it's rare to see elsewhere in the UK.

Station and Trafalgar Street

1 The Evening Star, 55-56 Surrey St, BN1 3PB (200 m from railway station), 44 1273 328 931. If you enjoy real ales this is a must. They have a wide selection of tap ales, ciders and bottled Headbangers too. Best of all, it's really cheap!

  • The Great Eastern, 103 Trafalgar Court, 44 1273 685681. Offers a wide range of US bourbons and rye whiskeys.
  • The Prince Albert, Trafalgar Street. Boisterous indie kids' pub, with a selection of local ales and a mural of its patron saint, John Peel.
  • The Lord Nelson, 36 Trafalgar St. The "Nellie" is a thoroughly traditional, multi-roomed pub serving a range of ales from the 200-year-old brewery in nearby Lewes.
  • Trafalgar Wines, an off-licence with an amazing array of bottled beers from around the world.

North Laine

2 Basketmakers Arms, 12 Gloucester Rd, BN1 4AD, 44 1273 689006. Great traditional backstreet pub on a side street in the North Laine area. Excellent choice of English ales and excellent good value food. Often busy so arrive early to bag a seat.

3 Eagle. directly opposite is also excellent.

4 The Heart & Hand, 75 North Rd, BN1 1YD (just off Queen's Rd). This traditional pub, is an indie kids' favourite, famed for its jukebox

5 The Office (Green Dragon), 8-9 Sydney St, BN1 4EN. specialises in multitudinous varieties of gin.

6 Ten Green Bottles, 9 Jubilee St, Brighton BN1 1GE (opposite the Jubilee Library), 44 1273 567 176. a wine bar and merchant

The Lanes

7 The Cricketers, 15 Black Lion St, BN1 1ND, 44 1273 329 472. Brighton's oldest pub, with a plush Victorian interior. Pricey. The Cricketers Arms Hotel And Attached Iron Chain And Sign (Q26660218) on Wikidata

  • Hotel du Vin in Pub du Vin (Ship St.) Two excellent but very pricey operations in the Lanes.
  • The Victory (Duke Street). Old-fashioned green-tiled pub with fine ales and gigs going on upstairs.
  • The Black Lion (24 Black Lion St) One of the best all-round pubs in Brighton. Live music, good food, reasonably priced drinks and the whole place turns into a dancefloor late on weekends. Also close to everything and next door to another of Brighton's great boozy establishments, the Cricketers pub.


8 The Royal Pavilion Tavern (Pav Tav), 7-8 Castle Square, BN1 1FX. A cheap pub colloquially known as the 'Pav Tav'. Expect to see just about any type of person in here from Indie Kids and Goths to Old Men and Chavs who somehow all manage to co-exist harmoniously. There is also a nightclub above the pub.

9 Ye Olde King & Queen, 13-17 Marlborough Pl. A faux traditional old pub that never loses its popularity! The decor is in a fake-medieval style, but the place is fun if you like a studenty atmosphere. Especially popular with students from the language school called St.Giles close to the pub always hang out here. It is a meeting point for them. As the name of the pub shows, there are portraits of former English kings and queens. The pub has a high ceiling and the space is large. Various forms of entertainment which include karaoke, televised sport and occasional live music.

Churchill Square and Seafront

10 Fortune of War, 156 Kings Rd, BN1 1NB, 44 1273 205 065. The most interesting beachside pub, designed to look like a galleon. Can heave as well!

  • The Quadrant.(12-13 North St.) Historic, precipitously multi-level pub by the Clocktower, with good beer and live performances.
  • Regency Tavern, 32-34 Russell Sq. Very welcoming if pricey pub, attracting a quiet, mixed clientelle. It is renowned for its kitsch decor, which becomes extra fabulous during Christmas and Valentine's Day.

Western Road area

11 The Bee's Mouth, 10 Western Road. Hove. This self-described "jazz dive" serves a selection of potent and pricey world beers in faux-oriental ambience resembling one of Amsterdam's more smokily atmospheric venues.

  • Craft, (22 Upper North Road, behind Top Shop). Beer geek's heaven, with 9 cask ales, 30 draught beers and more yet in bottles.
  • The Farm Tavern (Farm Rd. Hove). Cosy, friendly pub with a small but well chosen selection of ales, in a side street off Western Road.
  • Lion and Lobster. (24 Sillwood St.) Large pub with cluttered, Victorian junk shop interior. There are screens for watching sport, but it is also possible to get away from it.
  • Molly Malones. (57 West Street) Irish pub with live music, good decor and fairly expensive drinks. Somehow infamous, nobody knows why. Best visited at the end of the night when it's filled with locals all similarly confused as to how and why they're there.
  • Temple Bar (121 Western Road). Large pub in a shopping area, serving a good selection of Sussex ales and world beers. Somewhat pricey.


12 The Ancient Mariner, 59 Rutland Rd, BN3 5FE, 44 1273 748 595.

13 The Better Half Pub, 1 Hove Pl, BN3 2RG, 44 1273 737 869.

14 The Foragers, 3 Stirling Place, BN3 3YU, 441273733134. Is a gastropub emphasising local and organic ingredients.

15 The Poets Ale and Smokehouse (Poet's Corner), 33 Montgomery St, BN3 5BF, 44 1273 272212. Hove's best Harvey's pub. Regular live music is offered, and the pub is home to a Folk club.

Sussex Cricketer, Eaton Road. is a large pub near the cricket ground, with a good menu and selection of ales.

16 The Urchin, 15-17 Belfast St, BN3 3YS, 441273241881.

Bali Brasserie (Indonesian-Malaysian Restaurant in Hove), Kingsway Court, First Avenue, 44 1273 323810, . Bali Brasserie is one of the finest Brighton restaurants renowned for delicious Indonesian and Malaysian cuisines.

St James's Street and Kemptown

  • Bar56 (56 George St.) A modern and funky bar, offering a relaxing atmosphere during the day, before turning in to a pre-club bar at night. They offer regular cabaret nights and a weekly quiz night.
  • The Barley Mow (92 St George's St.) Perhaps the best of a good selection of pubs in Kemptown village, with Sussex ales and fresh cooked food.
  • The Black Dove 74 St. James' Street. Eclectic and interesting surroundings, very impressive beer and cider list, live music and performance arts in an intimate space. Worth a visit!

17 The Bulldog, 31 St James's St, Kemptown, BN2 1RF, 44 1273 696996. The oldest gay bar in Brighton. Mostly over-30 clientele. The lights are dark, the music loud, and the drinks are cheap. A real love-it-or-hate-it venue, but always memorable. Su-T Free, F-Sa membership and entry fee required.

18 Charles Street Tap, 8 Marine Parade, BN2 1TA. LGBT-orientatated bar. Half-price drinks (excluding sparkling wine and cocktails) M-F 5-9PM, Su 8:30PM-close. Small dance floor. Get there early to get a table. Outside smoking garden, sheltered but no heaters. Entry fee selected nights.

  • The Hand in Hand (33 Upper St. James's St.) Everything is quirky about this little pub from the eccentric regulars to the collection of Edwardian erotica on the ceiling. Live music on Sundays if you can squeeze in.
  • The Ranelagh, 2-3 High Street. M-Th 11AM-1AM, F 11AM-2AM, Sa noon-2AM, Su noon-1AM. Blues pub with regular gigs, real ale and a musical decor to match.
  • The Royal Oak A serious ale bar run by the Basketmakers team.
  • The St. James's Tavern, 16 Madeira Place. Laid-back pub offering over 70 rums, decent real ales, Thai food and an atmosphere all its own.
  • The Sidewinder, 65 Upper St James's Street, 44 1273 679927. Su-Th noon-midnight, F Sa noon-2AM. Cosy pub, live music some nights. Great beer garden with lots of tables and about ten heated booths; fantastic smokers' pub. Entry free.


The Hannover area of Brighton (north-east of the centre, walk north from St. James, or cross the Level from the bottom of Trafalgar St.) has numerous excellent pubs in close proximity (hence its nickname: "Hangover") to each other and is well worth the 15 minute walk from the city centre. The stand-out is the19 The Greys Freehouse (at the bottom (mercifully) of Southover street). Brighton's best known pub crawl takes place in this area — up Southover St and down Islingword Rd (or vice-versa) — the hill is very steep!

The atmosphere is more relaxed than the centre and the historic Victorian terraced streets with their brightly coloured houses are also notable.

In Southover Street and you will find 20 The Geese. Greys, 21 Dover Castle.22 Sir Charles Napier. in 23 Haus On The Hill. all of which are worth a visit.

Islingword Road runs parallel to Southover Street and there you will find the 24 The Admiral.25 Village.26 The Constant Service. in 27 The Islingword Inn.

There is also a small but good beer festival once a year in Hanover.

Northern Brighton

Well off the tourist trail, Brighton's relatively gritty northern sprawl is home to a number of boozers, some rough, others diamonds.

  • Mitre (Bond Street) Traditional Harvey's pub, just off the London Road shopping area, with quietly dotty regulars.

28 Druids Arms, 79-81 Ditchling Rd, BN1 4SD, 44 1273 680 596. Strenuously eccentric pub (the landlord sports a fez!) with cheap beer and Thai food, where the Open Market backs onto the Level

  • Cobbler's Thumb, New England Road. Scruffy, studenty and utterly laid-back.

29 Preston Park Tavern, 88 Havelock Rd, BN1 6GF (Havelock Road, near Preston Park Station), 44 1273 330 517. Gastropub with a good line in ales.

Clubs and musical venues

  • The Dome in Corn Exchange are large, neighbouring venues, both architecturally distinguished, being parts of the Royal Pavilion complex. Well known acts are interspersed with more avant garde choices.
  • The Brighton Centre, on the seafront, is the largest live performance venue in town, although far from the best loved as a building. The programme is mainstream.
  • Tru. Large West Street club, popular with stag and hen parties, distinctly less with the so-hip-it-hurts crowd.
  • Digital is a the new name for the Zap Club, a large seafront nightclub purveying cutting-edge sounds. Mostly DJ-based, but such acts as Frankmusic have appeared. Brighton Coalition in Buddha Lounge are nearby.
  • Komedia in the heart of the North Laine area is a multi-room venue with a wide variety of comedy and music.
  • Audio / Above Audio, 10 Marine Parade. Audio is medium capacity nightclub catering for fairly specialist musical tastes through a particularly large sound system. Above Audio is an award-winning (National Theme Bar and Restaurant Awards) late night bar serving great cocktails and (when offered) good food. Wi-Fi available.
  • Concorde 2. A medium-sized venue with a busy schedule of live music, a stone's throw from the pier.
  • Casablanca (3 Middle St) Scruffy, studenty club offering Jazz, Funk Latin and Disco from DJs and live acts.
  • Volks (Madeira Drive) Small nightclub offering "underground" music — appropriately, it is built into a seafront archway.
  • Jazz Place (10 Ship Street) Small, basement club specialising in the funky rather than beard-stroking end of the jazz spectrum. The Loft, upstairs in the same building is a more typical club.
  • Funky Fish Club.(Madeira Hotel, 19-23 Marine Parade) A sweaty Soul and RnB club where the more mature need not feel uncomfortable.
  • Proud Cabaret Brighton (George St. Brighton)
  • Green Door Store club and live music venue in the arches beneath the station.
  • Latest Music Bar. A medium-sized live venue with a varied, generally trendy, bill of fare, just off the seafront.
  • The Verdict. (Edrward Street). A special-purpose Jazz venue and supper club, north of St James's Street.
  • The Brunswick in Holland Rd., Hove is a large pub venue hosting several performances a week of comedy, jazz, funk, soul and cabaret. Ticket prices are generally not much more than £5.
  • The Prince Albert 48 Trafalgar Street. One of Brighton's oldest pubs, and an Indie venue (music upstairs) instantly recognisable from its outside mural of the late John Peel, and invaluable early Banksy graffito.
  • The Ranelagh, St.James St/High St. This small pub is an intimate Blues music venue at night, with garden for watching the world pass by. Wi-Fi available.
  • The Greys (Southover Street) is a tiny pub venue which only hosts live music occasionally, but is nonetheless worth keeping an eye on because the (mostly acoustic) acts are so well chosen. Advance booking highly advisable. Also respected for its food and drink.
  • The Hope (Queen's Road), the Fiddler's Elbow (Boyce St.), The Cobbler's Thumb (New England Rd.) and The Neptune (Victoria Terrace, Kingsway, Hove) are other music pubs.



A general note on hostels in Brighton- research the place you're booking into thoroughly before committing. Some are not meant for travellers although marketed as 'hostels'. Hostelpoint on the seafront in particular has a rough reputation, being overcrowded with junkies and generally unsafe. Spend a couple of quid extra and go for a friendlier place, it's worth it.

  • St Christopher's Brighton Hostel, 10-12 Grand Junction Rd, 44 1273 202035. (bookings are taken via the central office, tel: 44 20 7407-1856) Directly next to the National Express coach station, on the seafront and with direct view of Brighton Pier; bed in a – albeit fairly cramped – mixed dorm from £16 a night, continental breakfast included; hotel rooms are also available; clean, no curfew, friendly staff. The hostel rooms are directly above a pub so if you are planning on getting some sleep this may not be the best choice for you!
  • Grapevine Seafront, 75 Middle St, 44 1273 777717.
  • Baggies Backpackers, 33 Oriental Pl, 44 1273 733740. Probably the best hostel in Brighton. A gorgeous and clean backpackers with a warm and friendly vibe. Quite a party place on weekends but things rarely get out of hand within the hostel itself. It's just off the beach, two blocks west from the Old Pier. Look for the i360 eyesore, British Airways' towering (and inarguably phallic) contribution to the Brighton seafront. Accepts a limited number of long-term (2 weeks ) guests, at a reduced rate. Spread over 4-5 floors and not wheelchair accessible. £16 weekdays/£23 weekends.
  • Gullivers B&B, 12a New Steine, 44 1273 695415. Right in the city centre, approximately 250 m from Brighton Pier. Double Rooms from £46.25pppn.
  • Kipps Hostel, 76 Grand Parade, 44 1273 604182. Close to Old Stein, Kipps is a pleasant place to stay with a variety of room sizes (10 share mixed dorm to private rooms). The staff are very helpful and welcoming.
  • Home Brighton Backpackers, 33 Richmond Pl, BN2 9NA, 44 1273 239649. Basic hostel above a (rather nice) pub. Sometimes has a nice vibe, better than a lot of Brighton hostels. Surrounding area can be sketchy at night. Its main selling point is that it is almost never full, which many of the better nearby hostels are in high season. Dorms can get intolerably hot in the summer, insist on a bed opposite one of the small fans. Middle beds are like ovens. Dorms from £10 per person per night.

Srednji razred

1 The Brighton Hotel, 143-145 Kings Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 2PQ, 44 1273 820555, . This Grade II listed hotel is on the seafront directly opposite the Brighton Bandstand.

  • Granville Hotel, 124 Kings Rd, 44 1273 326302. It's right on the seafront, with no other buildings between it and the beach, and so half of its 24 rooms have a great view of the sea. Each room is decorated in a different style - Japanese, Art Deco, Wedgwood and lace, etc. Some of the rooms have built-in Jacuzzis in the en-suite baths. Well-executed breakfasts, including a vegetarian (and optionally vegan) version of a full English breakfast. Seaview rooms start from £108 (price for two people including breakfast); other rooms are £88. All rooms are non-smoking.
  • Mercure Brighton Seafront Hotel, 149 Kings Rd, 44 844 815 9061, . This grand Victorian beachfront hotel was built back in 1864 and has all the period features. Next to Brighton Pier. Internet access in all rooms. Double rooms from £100 per night.
  • New Steine Hotel, 10-11 New Steine, 44 1273 695415, 44 1273 681546. New Steine Hotel is right in the heart of Brighton city centre, a few hundred metres from the Pier. The restaurant, the New Steine Bistro has been awarded the AA Breakfast and Dinner Award for outstanding quality and service. Double rooms from £95 per night.
  • Artist Residence, 34 Regency Square BN1 2FJ, 44 1273 324302. Modern graffiti art decorates this characterful small hotel. Good scores for comfort and service. B&B double £110.
  • Room With A View, 41 Marine Parade, Brighton BN2 1PE, 44 1273 682885. Bright clean B&B in a Regency house on Kemp Town prom. No children under 12 or dogs. B&B double £110.
  • Paskins, 18 Charlotte St BN2 1AG, 44 1273 601203. Smart, Art Deco style B&B; vegan bias but breakfast also offers bacon etc. B&B double £70.


2 Grand Hotel, Kings Rd, 44 1273 224300. The only 5-star hotel in Brighton. On the seafront, 200 rooms from £120 a night. Grand Brighton Hotel (Q5594619) on Wikidata Grand Brighton Hotel on Wikipedia

  • Hotel Du Vin, 44 1273 718588. Close to the Seafront and the pier with a beautiful courtyard entry. This is where the stars stay when in Brighton. Great restaurant as well. Rooms start at around £175 but many would say 'completely worth it for the exclusivity alone'.
  • Royal York Hotel, Old Steine, 44 1273 766700. Boutique Hotel with karaoke, cocktail bar and restaurant rooms start at £150.
  • The Claremont, Second Ave, Hove, 44 1273 735161. 5-star hotel 50 yards from the seafront in Hove. Single £75, double from £125.
  • Queen's Hotel, 1 Kings Rd, 44 1273 321222. Contemporary, fresh and centralcentral Seafront hotel boasting breathtaking Channel views, spacious rooms, swimming pool, steam room, sauna & gym. Free Wi-Fi. Great restaurant menu, extensive wine, cocktail & Champagne list. Enjoy a high quality stay at a sensible rate. Our best prices are available online.
  • The Thistle, Kings Rd, 44 871 376 9041. Has swimming pool, sauna, and spa, as well as an AA awarded restaurant and hotel bar. From £99.
  • Hotel Una, 44 1273 820464. Hotel Una is tucked away in Regency Square adjacent to the West pier. It's a bit of a secret that is well worth discovering. Excellent website shows all the individual room styles. Singles from £55, up to £375 for their top room.
  • Kemp Townhouse, 44 1273 681400. Stylish and very comfortable boutique hotel in the heart of Brighton, with a Visit Britain five-star rating. Not the cheapest, but excellent value for affordable luxury Singles start at £70, and doubles at £90.
  • Oriental Brighton Bed and Breakfast (B&B and Guesthouse), The Oriental, 9 Oriental Pl, 44 1273 205050. Beautiful bed and breakfast in the heart of Brighton.
  • Hilton Metropole, Kings Rd (on the seafront to the west of the pier), 44 1273 775432. Check-in: 15.00, check-out: opoldne. Hotel with a distinguished history, much of which is still visible in the reception and dining areas. Positives are large rooms and family-friendly policy that gives 50% discount on second room for kids. Offsetting this is the generally poor maintenance and disappointing service levels. From £100.
  • Drakes, 43 Marine Parade, Kemptown BN2 1PE, 44 1273 696934. Upscale small hotel facing Palace Pier. Stylish rooms, great dining. Assistance dogs only. B&B double £150.

Spopadite se

Ostani varen

Although Brighton is generally a safe place, like every other big city it has its share of problems. The city centre can get quite rowdy at weekends, and West Street is best avoided after midnight. The sheer volume of people on weekends combined with alcohol consumption make Friday and Saturday nights on this street potentially volatile. However, it is still perfectly possible to have a civilised Friday or Saturday night at one of the venues favoured by locals and sensible tourists.

Brighton attracts quite a lot of homeless people, although most of these individuals are harmless. They will likely only ask you for money and, if you refuse, will simply go on to the next person. Drug-users often gather around London Road and the Level, although these places are perfectly safe before dark. Some areas on the outskirts, such as Whitehawk and Moulsecoomb, have a bad reputation, but most tourists would have little reason to visit them anyway, being far removed from the main attractions and cultural venues the city has to offer.

As with most LGBT-friendly towns and cities, caution should still be used for same-sex public displays of affection in certain areas, but by-and-large the diversity of Brighton & Hove is celebrated and welcomed. In Hove, The Lanes in North Laine areas of the city, same-sex displays of affection will generally go unnoticed and are seen by most residents as acceptable as the norm between men and women. In the Kemp Town in Kemp Town Village areas especially, any homophobic abuse towards LGBT visitors would likely be met by residents with outright hostility towards the perpetrator of such abuse.

Lifeguards patrol the city's beaches from the end of May until the first weekend in September; signposts on the beach show which areas are covered. In an emergency related to the sea, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.

Povežite se


There are plenty of internet cafes around, prices are usually about £1/hour.


Free Wi-Fi is reasonably common in Brighton. Loose connection[mrtva povezava] provides free Wi-Fi in a number of pubs around Brighton. The City of Brighton provides a list of free hotspots on their website.

The Lanes
The Bath Arms, a pub in the heart of the Lanes. Provider is Loose Connection. No password required.
The Fiddler's Elbow, a pub near the Lanes, and off West Street. Password from the bar.
The Victory Inn, BN1 1AH. No password required.
The Hop Poles, 13 Middle Street, BN1 1AL. Network name: 2WIRE184. Password from the bar.
In Kemptown
The Ranelagh, a pub half-way up St. James's Street. Password from the bar.
The Sidewinder, a pub in St. James' Street.
Bom-Bane's, a small café/restaurant/venue/bar (difficult to classify, actually) in George Street in Brighton (not the George Street in Hove!). Password from Jane.
Spinelli's, a café in College Road (off St. George's Road), with a second branch on St James's Street
Near Brighton Station
The Grand Central, a pub immediately outside Brighton railway station. Provider is Loose Connection. No password required.
The Earth & Stars. A pub in Church Street down from Queens Road (which is the main road from Brighton Station to the seafront). Provider is Loose Connection. No password required.
The Three Jolly Butchers (a.k.a. 3jb). Pub in North Road (down from Queens Road). Provider is Loose Connection. No password required.
Moksha, a café in York Place (opposite St. Peter's Church)
Taylor Street Baristas on Queen's Road (the road that leads from the station to the sea) at the corner of North Road.
The Dover Castle on Southover Street (corner Islingword Street), a pub (from 11) which also serves coffee, pastries and food from 9AM.
London Road
The Hare & Hounds. Pub at Preston Circus. BN1 4JF. Provider is Loose Connection. No password required.
Western Road
The Norfolk Arms, a pub on the south side of Western Road close to the Brighton/Hove border. No password required.
The Robin Hood, a pub south of Western Road. Password from the bar.
North Laine
The Brighton Tavern, a gay pub in Gloucester Road. No password required.
The Fountainhead, a Zelgrain pub in North Road. Provider is Loose Connection. No password required.
The Eagle, a pub in North Road. Password from the bar.
Riki Tik, a café/bar at 18a Bond Street, BN1 1RD. No password required.
The Mash Tun at the corner of Church Street and New Road. Says it has free Wi-Fi but connecting is difficult.
The Red Lion, near to the King Alfred Leisure Centre and the seaside. Password from the bar.

Pojdi naprej

  • Lewes – this gorgeous medieval town has a castle, as well as Glyndebourne Opera House, a famous opera house, set in beautiful grounds where opera-goers eat gourmet picnics at intervals which can be brought in or ordered from their own catering service. Eleven miles from Brighton and 20 minutes away by train.
  • Dieppe, France – by ferry from Newhaven Harbour, about 9 mi (14 km) east of Brighton. Services are three daily and take around four hours. The service is operated by DFDS
  • Rottingdean – Just east of Brighton, with memories of Kipling, Burne-Jones and several other artists.
  • London – an hour away via train or 2 hours via coach.
  • Worthing – There is no reason you wouldn't want to visit this lovely town. Short journey via train from Brighton Station.
Poti skozi Brighton
LondonCrawley/Gatwick Airport N UK road A23.svg S KONEC
PortsmouthShoreham-by-Sea W UK road A27.svg E LewesEastbourne
Ta vodnik po mestu Brighton je uporabno Članek. Vsebuje informacije o tem, kako do tja, o restavracijah in hotelih. Pustolovska oseba bi lahko uporabila ta članek, vendar ga lahko izboljšate z urejanjem strani.