Oxford (Mississippi) - Oxford (Mississippi)

Oxford je zgodovinsko, slikovito mesto na severu osrednjega dela Mississippi. Oxford je s svojim slikovitim mestnim trgom, priznanimi restavracijami, edinstvenimi butiki, soseskami, zasenčenimi s hrastom, in prijaznimi ljudmi vzorno južno mesto. Mesto je poimenovano po angleškem Oxfordu, v upanju, da bi pritegnilo univerzo, leta 1848 izbrano za dom Univerze v Mississippiju, ki danes prevladuje nad življenjem.

Peabody Hall


Oxford je dom Univerze v Mississippiju, ljubkovalno znane kot Ole gospodičnain je v okrožju Lafayette. Služil je tudi kot navdih za izmišljenega Jeffersona (okrožje Lafayette, ki je Yoknapatawpha) nobelovca Williama Faulknerja, krajev številnih njegovih romanov. Oksonci in člani univerze to mesto radi opisujejo z geslom "Mogoče ne bomo zmagali v vsaki igri, a nikoli ne izgubimo zabave." Domačini, delno v šali, Trg imenujejo "Center vesolja". Mnogi prebivalci vidijo Oxford kot majhno mesto New Orleans, ki ga imenujemo Malo enostavno. Po vsem jugu je znan po svojem južnem šarmu, občutku Old South, zabavi in ​​čudovitih ženskah, ki jih je celo Hugh Hefner označil za najboljše na svetu. Oxford velja tudi za literarno središče, saj ga mnogi pisatelji imenujejo dom. Prav tako je dom pravne šole Ole Miss in zvezne sodne palače, zato pogosto govorijo, da so vsi v Oxfordu "odvetniki, pisatelji ali oboje". Kot da bi to želel dokazati, je slavni avtor John Grisham, alum gospa Ole Miss Law, še vedno lastnik hiše v Oxfordu in pogosto obiskuje.

Kvadrat je središče središča mesta in je glavna lokacija za najboljše mestne restavracije, trgovine, bare in kulise (stare arhitekture Juga in čudovitih južnih krajev). Verige restavracij, Wal-Mart Supercenter in drugi nacionalni trgovci na drobno se nahajajo na obrobju mesta. Vendar pa je večina domačinov odločno proti verigi. Aktivno so protestirali proti prihodu Applebee's in Wal-Mart Supercenter, pri čemer so celo izglasovali staro županjo, ker ni storila več, da bi to ustavila. Če želite resnično uživati ​​v Oxfordu, morate obiskati Trg in jesti ter nakupovati v lokalnih obratih. V nasprotnem primeru zapravljate čas za obisk in pogrešate, če pridete samo na nogometno tekmo. Potopite se v mesto, da vidite, zakaj Readerjev izvleček razglasil: "Če Oxford ne bi obstajal, bi ga bilo treba izmisliti."

Kot National Geographic Traveler revija je zapisala: "Prefinjeni mali Oxford vas čaka."


34 ° 22′0 ″ S 89 ° 31′7 ″ Z
Zemljevid Oxforda (Mississippi)

Z letalom

Najbližja letališča z letalskimi storitvami so v Memphis, 70 milj severneje in Tupelo, 45 milj proti vzhodu. Memphis je glavno središče za Delta Air Lines in je tako prednostno letališče. Tupelo ima dnevne lete do Memphisa in Atlante.

Letališče University-Oxford, znano tudi kot Clegg Field, ponuja storitve za zasebna letala, vključno z letali. Letališče ima 5600-metrsko vzletno-pristajalno stezo s terminalom in letalskimi storitvami.

Z vlakom

Za potniške storitve najbližji Amtrak postajališča so na progi mesta New Orleans v Memphis in Greenwood, Mississippi. Vlak vas bo pripeljal do Chicaga ali New Orleansa.

Z avtom

Glavne avtoceste na tem območju so:

  • Sever-Jug - državne ceste 7, 9, 315 in 331
  • Vzhod zahod - Državni avtocesti 6,30,314,328 in 334
  • Avtocesta 6 - Povezava z Interstate 55

Iz Memphisa oz Jackson (Gospodična) se peljite po I-55 do Batesvillea in zapustite MS Hwy 6 vzhod. Vzemi Old Taylor Rd. ali Kolizej Dr. izhodi za dostop do univerze. Izhod ob South Lamar Blvd. da pridete na trg in v središče mesta. Oxford je približno 25 km stran Batesville. Pot do Oxforda iz Memphisa traja približno uro in 15 minut, od Jacksona približno 2½ ure in približno 45 minut od Tupelo. Krajša pot iz Memphisa in Jacksona je Hwy 7, vendar je ta cesta dvopasovna. Iz vzhodnega predmestja Memphisa pa je hitreje Hwy 78 do Hwy 7. Od centra mesta, letališča in Southavna, I-55 do Hwy 6 je hitrejši.

Z avtobusom

  • Hrt avtobusna linija do Oxforda je bila prekinjena. Najbližje postajališče Greyhound je v Tupelu.


Javni prevoz se imenuje O-U-T. Ima več linij, ki potekajo skozi vse glavne točke v mestu. Najboljši način za obhod je peš, saj je Oxford čudovito mesto za sprehod, parkirišča v centru mesta in kampusu pa so redka. Drugi najboljši način je z avtom. Ko najdete prostor za parkiranje v kampusu, ostanite tam in hodite kamor koli želite. Enako velja za središče mesta. Ko ugotovite, kako se lahko premikate po trgu (trajalo bo nekaj časa) in okoliških enosmernih ulicah, lahko poiščete prostor za parkiranje s križarjenjem po zadnjih ulicah. Če parkirate nelegalno, boste dobili drago vozovnico.

Ne pijte in ne vozite, saj policaji budno spremljajo stranske poti, da ne omenjamo, da tvegate svoje življenje in življenja drugih. Temu se lahko izognete tako, da se odpeljete domov, se pripeljete (enostavno je najti vožnjo od prijaznega neznanca na Trgu) ali pokličete taksi.


Najem avtomobila

Storitev limuzine

  • Oxford Limo, 206 Hwy. 30 E, 1 662 238-7787
  • Limuzina Southern Comfort, 12 Dell Street, Batesville, Mississippi, 1 662 563-5466.
  • Limuzinska povezava, 124 S Thomas St, Suite B, Tupelo, Mississippi, 1 662 840-9484, 1 662 840-5884 (faks).

Oxford je certificirana kolesarjem prijazna skupnost. Za javnost je odprtih veliko kolesarskih poti; vendar mnogi vozniki avtomobilov niso ljubitelji kolesarjev. Najbolje je, da se držite pločnikov in opazujete pri prečkanju križišč.


  • LOU Poti. Ta organizacija je zadolžena za razvoj sistema poti na območju Oxforda. Njegova spletna stran vsebuje številne zemljevide in nasvete o vožnji.
  • Kolesarski klub Oxford. Lokalni kolesarski klub vzdržuje zemljevide in organizira vožnje, kot sta Double Decker Spring Ride in Clear Creek Challenge.


Oxford je zgodovinsko mesto, ki ga je najbolje videti peš. Začnite z zgradbami antebellum v kampusu, Courthouse Square in Rowan Oak. Vpijte mesto in spoznajte nekaj domačinov, ko ste že pri njem!

  • Zgodovinsko sodišče v Oxfordu - Nahaja se v središču mesta, na trgu. Leta 1864 so ga požgale zvezne enote, po vojni so ga pozidali in naj bi ga obsežno obnovili. Obiskovalci lahko samostojno brskajo po stavbi. Sodna dvorana zgoraj je korak nazaj v preteklost.
Sodišče Lafayette med festivalom Double Decker
  • 1 Rowan Hrast, 1 662 234-3284. Stara Taylorjeva cesta. Dom avtorja Nobelove nagrade William Faulkner. Ta zgodovinski dom in okolica se nahaja le nekaj ulic od trga. Faulkner je celo napisal del romana na steno svoje spalnice, kasneje odkrit med prenovo. Na voljo pešpoti. Brezplačen vstop ob sredah, 5 USD ob drugih delavnikih (donacije vedno sprejemajo). Vhod na dvorišče je prost, odprt do sončnega zahoda. Rowan Oak (Q7371803) on Wikidata Rowan Oak on Wikipedia
Rowan Oak, dom Williama Faulknerja
  • Pokopališče Oxford, Tu so pokopani ugledni ljudje, kot sta William Faulkner in LQC Lamar, veleposlanik Konfederacije v Rusiji in edini sodnik vrhovnega sodišča ZDA v Mississippiju. Tradicija zahteva, da obiskovalci Faulknerjevega groba pustijo pol litra viskija, čeprav bi bil raje viski.
  • Gaj, v kampusu Univerze v Mississippiju. V zgodnji pomladi ima videz lepo urejenega parka, v nogometni sezoni pa se spremeni v najbolj cenjeno lokacijo v celotnem univerzitetnem nogometu. Sports Illustrated ocenjuje, da je v Groveu, zeleni površini v središču kampusa Ole Miss, veliko hektarjev zelenih površin eden najpomembnejših ameriških univerzitetnih dogodkov in ga uvršča na 3. mesto na seznamu 100 stvari, ki jih morate opraviti pred diplomo. Prinesite svojo "osvežilno pijačo" in svojo najboljšo nedeljo. Glejte spodnji razdelek "Obvladovanje", kjer najdete pomembno pravilo med vožnjo z repi.
  • Southside Gallery, Sodni trg 150 (na trgu), 1 662 234-9090. Intimna zbirka spreminjajočih se umetniških del, ki se nahaja v osrčju Oxforda, na trgu. Vstop prost. To je lep postanek, če čez dan brskate po Trgu ali če ponoči čakate na mizi.
  • 2 Univerzitetni muzej, 5th & University Avenue, 1 662 915-7073. Tu-Sa 9:30 - 16:30, Ned 13 - 16, večina univerzitetnih praznikov zaprta. V njem so grške in rimske starine, znanstveni instrumenti iz 19. stoletja, zbirka Theore Hamblett, naraščajoča južnjaška zbirka ljudske umetnosti in drugi začasni eksponati. Obstaja neasfaltirana naravna pot, ki vodi od muzejskega parkirišča do Rowan Oak (Faulknerjev dom). To je enostaven sprehod, ki vam bo omogočil vpogled v starodavni gozd Mississippi, prav tako pa tudi predstavo o džungli, ki so jo morali prvi naseljenci tukaj počistiti, da so lahko zgradili svoje nasade. University of Mississippi Museum (Q7895820) on Wikidata University of Mississippi Museum on Wikipedia
  • Arhiv Ole Miss Blues, Kampus Univerze v Mississippiju, 1 662 915-7753. Najobsežnejša zbirka blues posnetkov in sorodnega gradiva na svetu. Če ste ljubitelj bluesa, je to treba videti. B. B. King je posnel album v živo (V živo pri Ole Miss) v Gaju.
  • Licej, Prva stavba v kampusu Ole Miss. Gledano kot simbol univerze. Med državljansko vojno se uporablja kot konfederacijska bolnišnica. Sprednji stolpci vsebujejo luknje od krogel iz integracije Jamesa Mereditha. Ustavite se v pisarni kanclerja v prvem nadstropju in nekdo vas bo z veseljem ogledal čudovito stavbo. Tudi prijazna kanclerka rada spozna obiskovalce.
  • Ventress Hall, viktorijanska stavba iz 19. stoletja na robu Gaja. Prvotno se je uporabljal kot knjižnica, danes dom Visoke šole za svobodne umetnosti. V njej je ogromno vitraž, ki prikazuje bojno sceno iz vojne (če ni drugače določeno, "vojna" na globokem jugu pomeni tisto, ki se je odvijala med letoma 1861 in 1865). Okno je naročilo podjetje Delta Gamma Sorority iz podjetja Tiffany Glass Company v čast University Grays, družbi, ki je bila v celoti sestavljena iz študentov Ole Miss in je v bitki pri Gettysburgu utrpela 100-odstotne žrtve. Stolp vsebuje vijugasto stopnišče, napolnjeno z grafiti, starejšimi od 100 let. Legenda pravi, da se je William Faulkner opojen, povzpel na vrh kupole in začel vzklikati "Hotty Toddy" - neuradno veselje šole. Vendar je to verjetno zgolj legenda, a prekleto dobra. Član osebja vas z veseljem pripravi na kratko.
  • 3 Center za preučevanje južne kulture (Observatorij Barnard). Še ena zgradba antebellum v kampusu, ki je bila zgrajena za največji svetovni teleskop. Med domačini je splošno razširjeno mnenje, da so teleskop pošiljali med vojno, ko so ga Yankeejeve čete zajele in poslale na severozahodno univerzo. Vendar je bolj verjetno, da si univerza po začetku vojne ni več mogla privoščiti plačila teleskopa, namesto tega pa ga je kupila družba Northwestern. Stavba ni bila nikoli uporabljena kot observatorij in je zdaj dom Centra za preučevanje južne kulture in gosti majhne razstave. Center for the Study of Southern Culture (Q5059969) on Wikidata Center for the Study of Southern Culture on Wikipedia
  • Pokopališče Konfederacije. za Kolizejem Tad Smith v kampusu Ole Miss. To je počivališče več kot 700 mrtvih iz zveze, večinoma iz bitke pri Shilohu. Univerzitetne zgradbe so bile med letoma 1862 in 1865 uporabljene kot bolnišnice in sedeži sil Unije in Konfederacije. Vsi pokopani tukaj so poginili na univerzi. Medtem ko je znanih veliko imen (vtisnjena so na spomenik v središču pokopališča), so tukaj največ pokopani neznani vojaki. Tudi tu so bili nekoč pokopani mrtvi Unije, ki pa so se že zdavnaj preselili na nacionalno pokopališče. Eden od manj znanih spletnih mest Oxforda in Ole Miss je, ki ga morajo ljubitelji državljanske vojne videti.
  • UM Oddelek za arhive in posebne zbirke. Nujno za katerega koli Faulknerjevega uradnika. Je v Knjižnica J. D. Williamsain hrani več kot 300 rokopisnih zbirk, Zbirka Williama Faulknerja, Univerzitetne arhivske zbirke, dokumenti države Mississippi in v zbirkah Mississippi več kot 20.000 zvezkov Mississippiane. Kmalu se preselimo v lepo obnovljeno in zgodovinsko dvorano Bryant.


Oxford redno kroži opazne govornike, umetniške razstave, predstave, glasbene produkcije, konference in koncerte v Groveu. The Ford Center ima redno rotacijo različnih uprizoritvenih umetnosti. The Lottov inštitut za vodstvo sponzorira znane govornike, kot so sodniki vrhovnega sodišča, senatorji in kraljevi člani. Med preteklimi govorniki so John McCain, Antonin Scalia in jordanski kralj. The Koledar dogodkov Ole Miss ima seznam najbolj prihajajočih dogodkov. Največji dogodek v letu, razen nogometnih tekem, je Double Decker festival umetnosti in glasbe. Med mnogimi je najljubši tednik Radijska oddaja Thacker Mountain, kjer območni glasbeniki nastopajo pred občinstvom v živo. Če kultura ni vaša stvar, je na območju več igrišč za golf, ogromen rezervoar Sardis, nekaj državnih parkov in rekreacijskih površin ter celo nekaj dnevnih zdravilišč.

  • Gertrude C. Ford Center za uprizoritvene umetnosti, 100 University Ave, 1 662 915-2787. Center uprizoritvenih umetnosti s številnimi predstavami klasičnih in priljubljenih umetnikov, znanimi govorci in gledališkimi predstavami. Razlogi vključujejo tudi spominski rožni vrt in manjšo skulpturo.
  • Radijska oddaja Thacker Mountain. Tedensko oddajanje v živo, ki poteka v Oxfordovih knjigah Off-Square. Del Austin City Limits, del Prairie Home Companion, ta eklektična predstava je odlična predstavitev lika Oxforda, ki se skriva za domom. Vsak teden v radijski oddaji nastopa skupina Thacker Mountain house in drugi priznani avtorji, ki berejo in podpisujejo svoje najnovejše delo. Privablja množico obiskovalcev in domačinov. Odlična zabava pred večerjo ali pred veselo uro.
  • Gledališče Big Truck, Taylor, MS. Ta sorta je nekako Omejitve mesta Austin spozna Taylor Grocery. Zgodaj ponoči posamezni izvajalci odidejo na oder. Kasneje izide 10-delna zasedba, ki oživi prostor. Najdete ga ob Taylor Arts, tik pod trgovino Taylor.
  • Grand Oaks, 1603 Grand Oaks Boulevard (v podeželskem klubu v Oxfordu), 1 662 236-3008. Uživajte v čudovitem prostem, ko igrate to igrišče za golf z 18 luknjami. Obnavljajo jo kot fazijsko zasnovani tečaj.
  • Univerzitetni golf klub, College Hill Rd.-147 CR 1056, 1 662 234-4816. Univerzitetni golf klub vzdržuje Oddelek za krajinske storitve na univerzi. Igrišče je igrišče za golf z 18 luknjami, par 72, in poligon za vožnjo.
  • Malco's Oxford Studio Cinema, 1111 Jackson Ave W, 1 662 236-3000. Ta kinodvorana ima sedeže na stadionu z zibanjem in je gostitelj letnice Filmski festival v Oxfordu februarja.
  • Igrišče za golf Mallard Pointe, 3037 State Park Road, Sardis, 1 662 487-2400, brez cestnin: 1-888-TEE-MISS (833-6477). Javno igrišče za golf z 18 luknjami tik pred Oxfordom v čudovitem državnem parku John Kyle. Več publikacij o golfu je to mesto uvrstilo med največje javne tečaje za igranje. Za študente Ole Miss M-Th je z vozičkom manj kot 17 USD. Za obiskovalce ob koncu tedna je približno 45 USD.
  • 1 Državni park John W. Kyle, 4235 State Park Road, Sardis, 1 662 487-1345. Vključuje 20 klimatiziranih kabin, opremljenih z osnovno kuhinjsko opremo in posteljnino. Vse kabine so blizu vode, imajo kamine in sprejmejo do štiri osebe. Na voljo sta 2 kabini Igrišče za golf Mallard Pointe[mrtva povezava]. Vsaka od teh kabin je sestavljena iz 4 spalnic in so opremljene podobno kot druge kabine. Rezervacije so obvezne. John W. Kyle State Park (Q6262365) on Wikidata John W. Kyle State Park on Wikipedia
  • 2 Rekreacijsko območje jezera Puskus, 1 662 236-6550. Približno 10 kilometrov vzhodno od Oxforda na avtocesti 30. Rekreacijsko območje jezera Puskus je čudovit kraj za uživanje v naravnih lepotah nacionalnega gozda Holly Springs. Tisti, ki iščejo alternativo gneči, betonskim rekreacijskim območjem, bodo navdušili nad naravnimi lepotami in mirnim okoljem jezera Puskus. Njegova oddaljena nastavitev, primerna za Oxford, zagotavlja odlično vzdušje za kampiranje, ribolov, pohodništvo in sprostitev. Puskus Lake Recreation Area (Q49546908) on Wikidata
  • Jezero Sardis / Clear Creek, Sardis (8 milj severno na avtocesti 314), 1 662 563-4531. Območje jezera Sardis ponuja široko paleto rekreativnih dejavnosti, kot so kampiranje, ribolov, čolnarjenje, smučanje, piknik in drugo. Na voljo je 32 lokacij z elektriko, mizami za piknik, žarom, priključki za vodo itd. Kamp je odprt vse leto. Rezervacije je treba opraviti vnaprej.
  • Območje upravljanja z divjimi živalmi v zgornjem Sardu (Okrožje Lafayette - od križišča Hwy. 7 in Hwy. 30 pri Oxfordu pojdite 12 milj vzhodno na Hwy. 30, da se podpišete na desni, rekoč sedež), 1 662 234-6125. To zatočišče za prosto živeče živali, ki meri 42.274 hektarjev, je naravni habitat za številne vrste. Lov na divjad so jeleni, golobi, raca, prepelice, zajec, veverica, puran in gozd.
  • 3 Zid Doxey State Park, 3946 Highway 7 South, Holly Springs (25 milj severno od Oxforda), 1 662 252-4231, . Ponuja obilo možnosti za rekreacijo na prostem v okolju, bogatem z naravnimi lepotami, osredotočenim na 60 hektarjev velikem jezeru. Dnevna uporaba 4 USD / vozilo in 0,50 USD na osebo nad 6 oseb. Wall Doxey State Park (Q7962594) on Wikidata Wall Doxey State Park on Wikipedia
  • [prej mrtva povezava]Golf klub Yoda Creek, 70 CR 259, Bruce (24 milj južno od Oxforda), 1 662-983-9632. Golf klub Yoda Creek je na pol zaseben in odprt za javnost. Njegova lepo urejena sredi dreves trdega lesa, hribovitih gričev, veliko vode in čudovitih domov in domovi. Teden dan 18 lukenj 27 USD, vključno z vozičkom Vikendi / počitnice 18 lukenj 36 USD, vključno z vozičkom. Žlica z žogami za 3 USD. Golf klub Yoda Creek ponuja nastanitvene enote v gostišču Cart Barn Inn @ Yoda Creek.
  • Lirsko gledališče, Avenija Van Buren 1006, 1 662-234-5333. Lyric Theatre se je leta 1913 odprl kot gledališče nemega filma. Po obsežni prenovi je Lyric Oxford odprl svoja vrata na trgu Oxford Square in zdaj regiji Severni Mississippi zagotavlja glavno glasbeno prizorišče in prireditve. Bližina Oxforda do Memphisa, New Orleansa, St. Louis-a in Nashville-a omogoča enostavno ustavljanje turnej glasbenikov in skupin.

Glavni posebni dogodki

  • Bluesov simpozij, v kampusu Ole Miss, se obrnite na Grega Johnsona na številko 1 662 915-7753. Spoznajte Mississippi in blues. Rojstni kraj glasbe in umetnikov. Vstop je prost.
  • Filmski festival v Oxfordu, 1 662 236-6429, faks: 1 662 236-6988, . Ta štiridnevni letni filmski festival, ki je potekal februarja, poleg odmevnih neodvisnih filmov predstavlja kratke filme in filme regionalnih ustvarjalcev filma. Oxford International Film Festival (Q7115382) on Wikidata Oxford International Film Festival on Wikipedia
  • Oxfordska konferenca za knjigo, 1 662 915-5993, faks: 1 662 915-5814, . Obrnite se na Ann Abadie. Od ustanovitve aprila 1993 je konferenca praznovala knjige, pisanje in branje; obravnaval je tudi praktične pomisleke, od katerih so odvisne literarne umetnosti. Vstop je prost.
  • Dvonadstropni umetniški festival, 1 662 234-4680, brez cestnin: 1-800-758-9177, . Sodni trg. Celodnevno praznovanje glasbe, hrane in umetnosti na zgodovinskem trgu Oxforda. Druži se s slikarji, lončarji in lesarji. Vzorčni predjedi južnih kuharjev. Uživajte v eklektični mešanici glasbe, ki vključuje jazz, funk, blues in rock 'n' roll. Vstop je prost.
  • Praznovanje četrtega julija v Oxfordu, Celodnevna prireditev, polna domoljubnih govorov, glasbe, hrane, otroških dejavnosti in parade ob dnevu neodvisnosti. Praznovanje se konča z brezplačnim koncertom na stadionu Oxford University, na katerem nastopa skupnost Oxford Community Band, ki mu sledi ognjemet. Predhodno izpustite zabavo v Groveu ali vsaj piknik daleč od odra. Omogočajo nastop vsem, ki mislijo, da imajo talent.
  • Letna konferenca Faulknerja in Yoknapatawpha, 1 662 915-5993, faks: 1 662 915-5814, . Obrnite se na Ann Abadie. Priljubljena literarna prireditev, ki vključuje šestdnevna predavanja in razprave znanstvenikov ter dramska branja iz del Williama Faulknerja. Praznujte v hrastu Rowan, nekdaj domu slavnega pisatelja.
  • [mrtva povezava]Oxford's Town BBQ Throwdown, 1 662 232-2367. Obrnite se na Kelly Houston. Ekipe za prvenstvo tekmujejo v sankcioniranem tekmovanju Memphis Barbecue Network. Amaterske ekipe se med seboj tekmujejo, kdo bo skuhal najboljša rebra. Več kot 20.000 ameriških dolarjev gotovine in nagrad.

Nauči se

The Univerza v Mississippiju je obsežna raziskovalna univerza in je dom poglavja prestižne Phi Beta Kappa. Navedeno je v Študentski vodnik po 100 najboljših ameriških nakupih in Študentski vodnik po ameriških najboljših štipendijah. UM je na 50. mestu Kiplingerjeve osebne finance revija je najboljši nakup na fakulteti za šolnine v državi in ​​46. mesto za šolnine zunaj države. Tudi v mestu je podružnica Skupnost College of Northwest Mississippi[mrtva povezava].


Daleč največji delodajalec je Univerza v Mississippiju, vendar drugi delodajalci vključujejo FNC, Inc. (podjetje za upravljanje bančnih sistemov in podatkov / analitike) in številne lokalne banke. Oxford je tudi regionalni zdravstveni center s stalno rastočimi zdravstvenimi ustanovami. Na voljo so različna delovna mesta Baptistična spominska bolnišnica - Severni Mississippi. Brezplačno Dnevno Mississippian in vsak dan Oxfordski orel so posodobili želene oglase.


V središču mesta boste našli številne lokalne trgovine, kjer lahko kupite oblikovalska oblačila, lončenino po meri Gail Pittman in McCartys Merrigolda, Mississippi, lokalna umetniška dela, lokalni glasbeni albumi in vrsta drugih vrhunskih izdelkov. Nakupovalna revija Srečno predstavlja Oxford kot majhno mesto z nakupovanjem v velikih mestih. Večina trgovin bo svojim strankam omogočila, da imajo račune za zaračunavanje, kar študentom olajša pošiljanje računa domov na plačilo.

  • Campus Book Mart, 1111 Jackson Avenue West (Znotraj nakupovalnega središča Oxford), 1 662 234-5993, brez cestnin: 1-888-712-5081. Oblačila Ole Miss, darila, dodatki in učbeniki. Lokalno upravljano.
  • Glo, 1417 University Ave, 1 662 234-6266. Vrhunsko pohištvo po meri in notranja oprema.
  • Hinton & Hinton, 135 Sodni trg (na trgu), 1 662 234-0691. Moška trgovina z dizajnerskimi oblačili v tradicionalnem slogu in zunanjo opremo.
  • Landry's, 302 Južni Lamar Boulevard, 1 662 281-0846. Landry's se nahaja tik ob trgu od trga Square Books na južnem Lamarju in je družinsko podjetje, ki opravlja izvrstna moška oblačila, dodatke in nudi prijazne storitve.
  • Le Shea's, 138 Sodni trg (na Trgu), 1 662 236-5741. Specializirala se je za sodobno žensko modo in dodatke. Le Shea's ima popoln izbor priložnostne obleke, svečane obleke in Grove primerne obleke. Od leta 1996 je Le Shea's priljubljen tako za kolege Ole Miss kot za popotnike.
  • Lilly Pad, 128 Sodni trg (na Trgu), 1 662 238-2900. Bratstvo, sestrinstvo in druga osebna darila. Ponujajo tudi sveče Yankee, prtljago Vere Bradley, zbirateljske predmete oddelka 56 in trendovski nakit iz kroglic.
  • Lokalna barva, 1000 N Lamar Blvd., 1 662 234-9605. M-Sa 11.00–18.00. Ta lokalna trgovina z spominki od protkulture do lokalne umetnosti. Ta trgovina v alternativnem slogu vsebuje številne predmete, kot so tapiserije, golfi s frizbi ploščami, albumi v živo, dodatki za kajenje, majice in vreče.
  • Kmečka tržnica Midtown, 1 662 234-6447. Maj-september: Sa 7.00-11.00, Z 14:30 - 17:30. Tržnica je na severni strani parkirišča nakupovalnega središča Mid-town na bulvarju North Lamar. V njem delajo prostovoljci, vodijo pa ga kmetje, proizvajalci in peki, ki pridelujejo ali uporabljajo izdelke, proizvedene v Mississippiju.
  • Mississippi norost, 141 Sodni trg (na Trgu), 1 662 234-5280, 1-866-234-5280. Vsebuje različne dodatke za kuhanje, oblikovalsko keramiko v Mississippiju in gurmansko hrano, izdelano v Mississippiju. Poberi nekaj Knock-You-Naked mešanica margarite proizvajalca Fat Mama's Tamales v Natchezu.
  • Gorčično seme Antique Emporium, 1737 University Ave, 1 662 281-8004. M-Sa 10.00–17.00. Nakupovalni center z več trgovci s starinskim pohištvom, zbirateljskimi predmeti, okrasnimi dodatki, vintage oblačili in nakitom. Julija in avgusta 2007 v zvezni državi izglasoval "Najboljše mesto za iskanje starin" v zvezni državi Revija Mississippi.
  • Neilsonova veleblagovnica, 119 Sodni trg (na Trgu), 1 662 234-1161. Najstarejša neprekinjeno delujoča veleblagovnica na jugu in ponuja najnovejše v vseh oddelkih. Našli boste oblačila, obutev in dodatke za vso družino, pa tudi pohištvo in darila. Neilson's nosi tudi kozmetiko Clinique in Estee Lauder. Vsebuje vse tipične predmete veleblagovnice, vendar je specializiran za osebne storitve.
  • Oxford Floral Company, 1103 Jefferson Avenue, 1 662 234-2515. M-Sa od 8. do 17.30. Starinsko pohištvo in zbirateljski predmeti, srebrno posestvo, dodatki, nenavadna darila, fin porcelan, kristal in cvetlični aranžmaji. V številki julija / avgusta 2007 je bil izbran za "Najboljše mesto za iskanje popolnega darila" Revija Mississippi-.
  • Oxford Tattoo Company, 1151 Frontage Rd, 1 662 281-8226. M-Sa 14.00–21.00. Studio za tetovaže s popolno body art po meri, ki se nahaja na vogalu ulice S. Lamar Blvd. in Hwy 6.
  • Uporniške krpe, 2302 West Jackson Avenue (Znotraj Goose Creek Mall), 1 662-234-RAGS (7247), brez cestnin: 1-877-281-REBS (7327). M-Sa 9 AM-7PM in Su 13:00-18:00. Rebel Rags ima celoten izbor predmetov, namenjenih izključno oblekam in osebnim predmetom Ole Miss. Kupci lahko kupijo karkoli, od kape Miss Miss, kavbojk do majic, nogometnih žog za avtografe in vrečk za fižol. Linija izdelkov vključuje Tommy Hilfiger, Cutter & Buck, Adidas, Russell, Heritage Pewter, Champion, Gear, Soffee, Team Jeans, Little King in številne druge priljubljene blagovne znamke.
  • Kvadratne knjige, 129 Sodni trg (na trgu), 1 662 236-2828. Knjigarna v lokalni lasti, ki je bila ocenjena kot najboljša neodvisna knjigarna v državi. New Yorker ga je opisal "tako dobrega kot boljšega kot kateri koli v New Yorku." Pogosta podpisovanja uglednih avtorjev. Poglejte v naslovnico svoje najljubše knjige, saj je morda podpisana. Prav tako delujejo Knjige zunaj kvadrata, knjigarna s popustom, ki je pravzaprav na trgu, vendar v ločeni zgradbi. Poleg tega imajo na Trgu ločeno tudi otroško knjigarno.
  • Tržnica kmetov Taylor, Town Square Lane, Plein Air Neighborhood (iz Hwyja. 6, po Old Taylor Road pojdite 8 milj in sledite tablam. Od Hwyja. 7, vzemite Hwy. 328 približno 5 milj, zavijte desno na Cutoff Road in sledite tablam), 1 662-832-8727. Sa 9:00 - 13:00. Trg kmetov Taylor Farmers Market, oddaljen 8 milj od centra Oxforda, je vsako soboto od junija do oktobra praznovanje lokalne hrane, umetnosti in glasbe v živo. V bližini hiše Southern Living Idea House iz leta 2008 ter lokalnih trgovin in restavracij je tržnica Taylor Farmers Market zabavna za vso družino, z veliko sence in zelenih površin, kjer se lahko razgrnete ali razgrnete odejo za piknik. prost.
  • Kalejdoskop, 116 Sodni trg (na trgu), 1 662-234-6722. M-Ž 10.00–17.30. Zabavna, modna, modna oblačila in dodatki. Edino mesto v Oxfordu najde blagovno znamko Free People.
  • [mrtva povezava]Terapija, 136 Sodni trg (na Trgu), 1 662 281-1197. Fini čevlji, kozmetika, oblačila in dodatki.
  • Univerzitetna športna oprema, Trg sodišča 105 (na Trgu), 1 662 234-1736. Trgovina je obvezna za oblačila, tekaške čevlje in majice Ole Miss. Univerzitetna športna oprema izvaja tudi sitotisk na majice.
  • Vaški krojač, 145 Sodišče (na trgu), 1 662 234-8217, . M-Sa od 10. do 17.30. Oblikovalska ženska oblačila in dodatki.


Za mesto z 20.000 prebivalci (35.000, ko začenja šola) je Oxford blagoslovljen s široko paleto možnosti izbire restavracij. Domov na Southern Foodways Alliance[mrtva povezava], Oxford se je razvil v "meko ...., ki privablja profesionalne strokovnjake za prehrano in ljubitelje jedi", pravi Pete Wells, pisatelj hrane in vina. Mestna živila, 208, in Grapa so zelo priporočljivi za vrhunske fine jedi. Za bolj priložnostne vozovnice ne morete zgrešiti Boure ali Ajax. Za pravo izkušnjo Mississippija morate jesti ob Živila Taylor ali Gostilna Yocona River.


  • Abners Znani razpisi za piščance (2 ulici od trga). Odlični piščančji razpisi. Športne spominke od stene do stene. Odličen sladek čaj. Zdaj se je razvil v majhno verigo z lokacijami po Mississippiju in območju Memphisa. To je prvotni Abners, začel ga je nekdanji nogometaš Ole Miss, Abner White. Odlično za hitro kosilo.
  • Pekarna na steklenicah Zabavna kava in slaščičarna zjutraj. Popoldan sendvič. Znani po vsem mestu po svojih čudovitih kruhkih, kolačkih in pecivih. Je bila predstavljena na Food Network in Oprah, ki obožuje njihovo jabolčno pito.
  • B's Hickory Dimljeni bar-B-Q, 825 College Hill Road (Sky Mart), 1 662 236-1562. Vsak dan od 9.00 do 10.00. Prekajena reza, piščanec, koruške kokoši, prepelice, rebra, svinjska reza, goveji prsi, vroča krila, stranice. Odličen kraj, kjer lahko pred nogometnimi ali baseball igrami vzamete žar za rep, čeprav boste morali veliko večje naročilo oddati pred časom. Čeprav je znotraj bencinske črpalke BP, naj vas to ne zavede. To je nekaj najboljših žarov naokoli. Vsak ostanek Q se proda pozno ponoči z velikim popustom.
  • Priročen Andy, 800 Boulevard North Lamar, 1 662 234-4621. M-Ž od 6.30 do 20.30, od 7. do 20.30. Specializiran za odlične žar, sendviče, rebra in solate. Ne pozabite na ocvrte pite z breskvami in jabolki! Eno najbolj priljubljenih mest v mestu. Množica ne prihaja zaradi vzdušja, ki je vsekakor neprijetno, temveč zaradi odlične hrane po ugodnih cenah. Poskusite sendvič z zrezki, vendar ne morete zgrešiti z odličnim žarom (še vedno je hickory kadil, ko so najbolj znani kraji v Memphisu prešli na kadilce na plin) ali pa so hamburgerji naredili takšne, kot so bili pred 50 leti. Bananin puding je nekaj najboljšega, kar boste kdaj jedli, cene pa ne morete premagati pri 97 centih na porcijo.
  • McAlister's Deli, 1515 University Avenue, 1 662 234-1363. Odlična trgovina z juhami in sendviči. Medtem ko je danes prerasel v korporacijo z lokacijami v 18 zveznih državah in raste, je v Oxfordu originalni McAllister's Deli, ki se še vedno nahaja v stari predelani bencinski črpalki na University Avenue. Prizori v filmu Srce Dixie so bili tukaj posneti. Vse na jedilniku je dobro, a sladek čaj jih je proslavil. Sendviči in druge cene manj kot 10 USD.
  • Newks Express Cafe, 1309 University Avenue, 1 662 513-5303. Vzdušje je zelo razkošno in moderno. Izjemen meni, ki vključuje juhe, solate, pico in opečene sendviče. V lasti iste družine, ki je odprla prvi McAllister's Deli.
  • Pizza Den, 499 Pogon dediščine, 1 662 234-5537. M-F 11.00–11.00, so ponedeljek-23.00. Pizza Den se je preselil na novo lokacijo in ima enak jedilnik, kot ga uporablja Pizza Bob, da bi bil med generacijami študentov Ole Miss in prebivalcev Oxforda ta priljubljena restavracija. Restavracijo upravlja pet otrok Pizza Bob, na novi lokaciji pa izvajajo enako opremo, ki se uporablja na stari lokaciji. Elementi menija vključujejo pico, špagete in sendviče. Sendviči so izven tega sveta, stromboli pa so lokalni favoriti. Čakanje na hrano je zelo dolgo, tudi če se zdi, da ni zasedeno.
  • Kletka z rebri, 311 South Lamar, 1 662 238-2929, M-Sa od 10. do 21. ure, ponedeljek od 10. do 15. ure. Rebrasti sklep, ki ima zgornjo restavracijo in spodnji bar. Tu je idealen kraj za igro na eni od njihovih 10 televizorjev. Hrana je odlična, hladno pivo pa zadržuje množico. Zabava je v kleti. Pazite na najlepše natakarice v mestu.
  • Gornja kava, 265 North Lamar Boulevard, 1 662 513-0905. Uptown se nahaja tik ob Trgu in je idealen kraj za srečanje s prijatelji, za skodelico joeja in druženje. Na voljo hitri internet.
  • Tienda Y Taqueria, University Ave. (za Obyjem). Super verodostojna, sveža mehiška kuhinja po najnižjih cenah. Mehiška hrana, ki jo jedo Mehičani.

Srednji razred

  • Ajax Diner, Sodni trg 118 (na trgu), 1 662 232-8880. Soul Food z malo začimb v funky vzdušju. Mesna štručka Mattie's Mom je lokalna najljubša. Fried Oyster Poboy je zelo priporočljiv. Odlični piščanci in cmoki, pa tudi veggie krožniki in ocvrte kumarice. Bil je najljubši kosilo za Elija Manninga v študentskih dneh. Izbran za najboljše Oxfordovo "kosilo za kosilo", "kosilo" in "priložnostno jedilnico" Predjedi 8-15 USD. Rezervacije niso sprejete.
  • BBB (velik slab zajtrk), Bulevar 7 North Lamar, 1 662 236-2666. Najboljši zajtrk v mestu, odličen, resnično južni mešanica dimljenih zajtrkov, lokalna jajca in sir, sveži želeji in marmelade ter lokalno mleti zdrob. Try the Big Bad Breakfast plate or enjoy one of the other Southern literary-named dishes. Open for breakfast and lunch. Reservations not accepted.
  • Boure, 309 North Lamar Boulevard, 1 662 234-1968. A moderately-priced offshoot of City Grocery, featuring contemporary and traditional items. Try the French Dip. Entrees $10-20.
  • Proud Larry's, 211 South Lamar Boulevard, 1 662 236-0050. M-Sa 11AM-10PM. Downtown. Hand tossed pizza, grill food, pasta specials, salads. When you step into Proud Larry's, you know instantly by the look of the building and the aroma of fresh bread that you have really found a unique place to dine. You can't beat their hand tossed pizza (the Mediterranean is exceptionally good), pasta dishes, salads, and burgers. Their spinach and artichoke dip is a must before every meal! By day, "Larry's" is a great place for a hot meal. By night, it becomes a true Oxford hotspot featuring great live music, including local and regional bands - such as North Mississippi All-Stars - as well as occasional surprises such as Elvis Costello.
  • Taylor Grocery (Taylor Grocery), 4 County Road 338, Taylor (8 miles south of Oxford), 1 662 236-6363, . This may well be the best catfish place in the world. Rustic atmosphere in a historic former grocery in the arts community of Taylor, about 10 minutes south of Oxford. Menu includes steaks, pork, and chicken, but well known for its fried catfish. Live bluegrass and blues. Brown Bag (bring your own alcohol) is a must. Be prepared to wait for at least 30 minutes to an hour, but it's well worth it. Locals bring their own drinks and tailgate outside on the front porch. An art gallery is close by, as well as sculptor's and potter's shops, which you can browse while waiting for your table. Down the road is Taylor Creek Farm, where you can find fresh flowers, herbs and eggs, and they welcome folks to tour the gardens during the summer. Just steps away Big Truck Theater hosts Mississippi-rooted music, and they will notify you when your table at Taylor is ready. You are encouraged to brown bag there as well. It is customary to sign the Taylor Grocery guest book as well as the walls, so bring your Sharpie. Such notable signatures on the walls of Taylor Grocery include Archie, Eli, and Peyton Manning, Deuce McAllister, Barbara Walters, Jimmy Buffet, Elvis (though no confirmation on authenticity), and a number of literary greats. Head south on Old Taylor Road for about 8 miles. When you think you are lost, the road will end, and you'll see the place. Featured in Southern Living and many other publications. Open Th-Su from 5PM until they decide to close. No reservations, and they frequently quit taking names by 7PM on the Friday of football weekends.


  • 208, Some of the best food in town. Hip, chic atmosphere. Can't go wrong with anything on the menu. Carolina Crabcakes, Wasabi Tuna over Stir fry, She-crab Soup, and the oysters are great. Reservations a must on Fridays of football weekends. Entrees $20-30.
  • City Grocery, 152 Courthouse Square (on the square), 1 662 232-8080. Upscale dining in the New Orleans tradition. Good wine list. Famous for their "shrimp & grits." Probably the most well-known restaurant in Oxford. Chef John Currence was nominated for the prestigious James Beard award, the highest national award a chef can receive. Entrees $20-30. Reservations not available home football weekends, seat upon arrival.
  • Prime: A Steakhouse, 1201 Jefferson Ave, 1 662 238-7750. Upscale dining steakhouse located within the Downtown Oxford Inn & Suites. One of the newest additions to Oxford's menu, serving steak, fish, soups and more. Completely renovated dining area offers a relaxed bar atmosphere as well. Entrees $20-30. Reservations available, and will be a must on ballgame weekends.
  • Ravine, 53 County Road, 1 662 234-4555. Outside the typical loop of the Square, this restaurant has an ever-changing menu using local products, set out in the country in a bed and breakfast. A five minute drive from town in a log cabin off of South Lamar, serene setting and excellent food. Menu is Southern with many contemporary twists, such as rack of lamb and seared duck breast. Local produce and goods are used when available. W-Su for dinner, as well as Sunday brunch. Reservations as well as walk-ins accepted.
  • Yocona River Inn, 04 Business 7 South, Abbeville, 1 662 234-2464. Impressive menu which changes weekly. Check the website to find out what is being served any given week. There are a few mainstays which includes their famous Yocona Fillet. It's Brown Bag (BYOB), so bring along a bottle of wine or liquor. Located in an old home 15 minutes from Oxford on Hwy 334, (take the South exit from Hwy 6). Like Taylor Grocery, diners tailgate on the porch while waiting for a table. No reservations, and they frequently quit taking names by 7PM on the Friday of football weekends. Entrees $10-32.


Cold beer is not sold in Oxford, except for bars and restaurants. Either purchase your cold beer at the county line on Hwy 6 or Hwy 7 as you are coming into town, or ice it down. An often told myth is that Oxford does not sell beer cold because the mayor once owned the local icehouse. Open containers are also not allowed in the city limits, but as long as you pour it in a cup, you are fine. If a cop sees a beer can or liquor bottle, he will pour out all of your supply. However, if you have it in a cup, you will not be bothered unless you are extremely unruly. This especially applies to the Ole Miss campus and The Grove. Just keep it in a cup and pour discreetly. Due to antiquated Southern laws, the Ole Miss campus is wet on liquor only (no beer allowed), except east of Gertrude Ford Boulevard (the old railroad bed), where both liquor and beer are allowed. In any case, alcohol is not allowed in plain view and must be kept in a cup.

Remember, bars in Oxford close early. Monday-Wednesday they close at midnight. Thursday and Friday they close at 1AM. They close at midnight on Saturdays except on game weekends, when they are open till 1AM. Still, most bar goers don't go home and go to bed but instead head to the infamous "late-nights," parties at someone's home or apartment. Despite police efforts to crack down on late-nights, they are still going strong, sometimes numbering into the thousands of partiers. Word spreads about the location of late-nights earlier in the night at the bars. Be sure to secure your beer or liquor for the late-night before you go out, because they will have stopped selling by the time the bars have closed (midnight most days, Sunday it's a "dry" city).

The Chevron at University and South Lamar, called "Chicken-on-a-Stick" because of the drunk food it serves by the same name, is a very popular stopping point between the bars and the late-nights and has achieved legendary status. Several other convenience stores carry the same food minus the tradition. If you are too drunk to drive and have no other way home, you can almost always find a ride at Chicken-on-a-Stick (the Chevron) just after the bars close.

The City Grocery Bar, or "The Grocery," is located above its namesake restaurant and tends to attract a mix between locals, writers, lawyers, and older college students. The Downtown Grill also has a great upscale bar popular with preppy students and the older crowd alike. "The Grill," as it is commonly referred to, frequently features live jazz and other types of music.

If you prefer a more casual place, you can't beat Parrish's. Located just down from The Grill, it features great local bands and many blues artists from the region. Never a cover charge and the friendliest bouncers ever - not that they can't or won't still turn a drunken frat boy into a human shoe horn.

The bar in the basement of the Rib Cage has cheap beer and is a good place to watch a game.

The eclectic crowd prefers The Jubilee Lounge, which is the most democratic establishment in Oxford. Be sure to check out their photobooth. Another alternative place is Two Stick, but it attracts a wide variety of people from the Greeks to the womens studies majors, perhaps because it also serves sushi and often has live music.

The best place to hear live music is either Proud Larry's, Two Stick, or Parrish's, which all have local and regional artists frequently.

The Levee is also 18-and-up, is the young preppy students. 1008 Jackson Avenue, 1 662 236-3666, just off the Square next to Henry's Jubilee Lounge. Musicians be warned, the crowd is not there to listen to you.

There is one other bar that is popular with the 18-21 crowd--Illusions, which is frequently referred to by its former names Nighttown or The Billiards Club. Pick up a free copy of the Daily Mississippian or the weekly Local Voice for drink specials and band listings.

  • The Library Sports Bar, known as the "Sports Bar", is an addition to the Library Bar & Grill and fills the void of a true sports bar on the Oxford Square. At the corner of 11th Street and Van Buren - just down from the original Library Bar & Grill. The Library attracts a younger crowd as it is 18-and-up.120 South 11th Street, 1 662 234-1411. It l features talented local bands and entertainment at night. During the day, you can stop by and say hi to Johnny "D" to have lunch and a drink.
  • Murff's is a great pool joint. Southern Rock, Country, and impossibly cold beer will remind exactly what part of the country this is. Located at 1210 Harrison Avenue, 1 662 234-7558. Just Off the Square, Murff's is a local bar and grill offering a full bar service and good bar food. It's the best place in town for a game of pool. Guests must be 21 to enter the bar.
  • Toddy's A 21 & up bar located underneath The Levee in the 10th Street alley (look for the red awning). Toddy's offers food, a variety of specialty drinks, infused vodka and infused bourbon, the newly introduced Mississippi-brewed Lazy Magnolia draught beers and two plasma screen TV's.


While Oxford has no luxury hotels yet, two boutique hotels are under construction just off the Square. One, (The Ava, under construction just off the Square on Jackson Ave., next to the pedestrian/bike bridge) will feature a spa and fine dining. Until they are built, the closest you will get to luxury is to stay at a bed and breakfast. Oxford has a large number of hotel rooms for a town of its size. However, if you are coming for a game weekend, nearly all the rooms are presold as a package deal for the season. Occasional rooms do open up though, but chances are slim. The next closest town with motels is Bruce (24 miles) Batesville (25 miles) to the west, Holly Springs (30 miles) to the north, Pontotoc (20 miles) to the east, Grenada (40 miles) to the south, and Senatobia (40 miles) to the northeast. Many visitors choose to stay in downtown Memphis in order to experience Beale Street and only come in for the game, or they stay in Tunica at a casino. However, it can be zelo difficult to get in, out, or around Oxford on Game Day. A viable option is to rent an RV in Memphis and stay on campus for free. You can park your RV and walk wherever you need to go the whole weekend. If you are staying in Oxford, the Downtown Inn and Suites and the Inn at Ole Miss are the most highly recommended because of the quality of the rooms, the services, and the great locations.

Bed & Breakfast

  • Blue Creek Cabin Bed and Breakfast, 535 Hwy 30 East, 1 662 238-2897. Provides a unique experience that combines a rustic 1800s log cabin with the charm and detail level that you expect today. The casual and friendly atmosphere will make you feel right at home. About 10 miles from Oxford.
  • Burrows Bed & Breakfast, 40 County Road, 1 662 236-3913. About 15 miles SE of Downtown Oxford, just north of US 278. The Burrows is a one-of-a-kind property, offering an eco-friendly, earth-sheltered architecture, luxurious in-room accommodations including whirlpool tubs, and a full southern breakfast. Amenities include a long porch with rocking chairs and a swing in addition to a pool table indoors. It is a great place for a relaxing getaway, and an excellent close-to-Oxford location to catch an Ole Miss football game.
  • Cart Barn Inn @ Yoda Creek, 07 CR 256, Bruce, 1 662-983-7829, . A luxury inn 20 minutes south of Oxford in Bruce on the Yoda Creek Golf Club property. Amenities include hot Southern breakfast, luxurious spacious bedrooms with private bath, flat screen satellite tv, high speed internet,plush linens, mini fridge, microwave, bottled water, large porch w/grill and firepits, swings, table and chairs, courtyard and gazebo overlooking Yoda Creek Golf Course, swimming pool.
  • [mrtva povezava]Colonel's Quarters, 20 County Road, 1 662 236-9601. Nestled in the rolling foothills of North Mississippi, The Colonel's Quarters Bed & Breakfast is 5 miles outside of Oxford. The Colonel's Quarters includes spacious bedrooms with private bath, poolside gazebo & grill, high speed Internet, a large, rose bordered outdoor courtyard, wrap-around porch with beautiful view and a continental breakfast.
  • [mrtva povezava]The Empty Nest Bed And Breakfast, 81 County Road, 1 662-801-9369, . Close to Oxford, is a quaint cottage in the country. Horses, porches,shade trees, and peace & quiet abound on the quintessential country lane known as Camp Hopewell Road. Accommodations include two bedrooms, 1 Bath with a private entrance and a pool. Just 7 miles from downtown Oxford, the Empty Nest is about a 10 minute drive from the Oxford Square.
  • Puddin' Place, 1008 University Avenue, 1 662 234-1250. This historic home features antiques and interesting mementos. They offer two rooms and serve a gourmet breakfast. Walking distance to the Square and Campus.
  • Ravine, 53 County Road, 1 662 234-4555. A unique log home with three rooms, all with private baths. Guests will enjoy the outdoor pool, hot tub, and gazebo. Situated on two beautiful acres, the bed and breakfast has a sixty seat full restaurant which serves culinary delights by Chef and Proprietor Joel Miller. If you want to have a drink, then brown bagging is recommended.
  • The 5 Twelve (formerly known as the Oliver-Britt House Inn and Tea Room), 512 Van Buren Avenue, 1 662 234-8043. Circa 1905, but with a modern feel. Beautiful Greek Revival architecture and elegant antiques make this a place you're sure to want to visit. Five rooms are offered with private baths and a Southern breakfast is served. Walking distance to the Square and campus. The house also holds wedding receptions and other parties.

Cabins & cottages

  • Blue Creek Cabin, 535 Highway 30 East, 1 662 238-2897. Nestled on 50 acres, Blue Creek Cabin is a unique bed & breakfast located in an authentic 1800s log cabin. Guests enjoy relaxing in front of the fireplace, luxurating in the handmade copper bathtub or savoring a full southern breakfast al fresco on the wrap-around porch.
  • Hightower Properties of Oxford, LLC, 815 Maplewood Drive, 1 662 801-6692. A variety of condos, townhouses, and private residences for short-term (2 days to 2 months) rentals. Football and other special event weekends, plus many available year-round.
  • John W. Kyle State Park, 4235 State Park Road, Sardis, 1 662 487-1345. 20 air-conditioned cabins, furnished with basic kitchen equipment and bed and bath linens. All of the cabins are located near the water, have fire places and accommodate up to four people. Additionally, 2 cabins are located on the Mallard Pointe Golf Course[mrtva povezava]. Each of these cabins consist of 4 bedrooms and equipped much the same as the other cabins. Reservations are required.
  • Wall Doxey State Park, 3946 Highway 7 South, Holly Springs, MS (25 miles north of Oxford), 1 662 252-4231. Features nine air-conditioned cabins offering forest or lake views. Accommodating four to seven persons, cabins are equipped with bed and bath linens and feature screened porches and fireplaces. Reservations are strongly recommended.

Motels / Hotels

  • Comfort Inn Oxford, 1808 Jackson Ave W, 1 662 234-6000, fax: 1 662 281-0101. This hotel offers 49 rooms with one king or two queen sized beds. The one-room suites are equipped with hair dryers, coffee units, sofa beds, a large desk, and a seating area. A spacious executive suite offers an in-room jacuzzi. All rooms include microwaves, refrigerators, irons and ironing boards, and data port telephones.
  • Days Inn, 1101 Frontage Rd, 1 662 234-9500, 1 662 513-4580, fax: 1 662 234-9330. Rooms here include a coffee maker and hair dryer. There is an outdoor pool and conference/meeting facilities. Close to both the campus and the Square.
  • [mrtva povezava]Downtown Oxford Inn & Suites, 400 N Lamar Blvd, 1 662 234-3031. Located within walking distance of the Courthouse Square. The hotel is equipped with a restaurant, lounge, meeting facility, and outdoor pool. It is one of the best moderately-priced places to stay because of its great location. Consider this and the Inn at Ole Miss first.
  • Hampton Inn, 110 Heritage Dr, 1 662 232-2442. Clean fresh comfortable rooms standard with coffee maker, iron and ironing board, data port and complimentary in-room movie channel. Enjoy complimentary local calls and no surcharge for using a calling card. Guests also enjoy the following complimentary items: hot breakfast or takeout breakfast bags (M-F), high speed internet access in every room, Wi-Fi in the lobby, meeting rooms and public areas, coffee and tea in the lobby 24 hours a day, and USA Today copies M-F. Hampton also offers a 24-hour front desk, message and fax service. One of the newest and nicest moderately-priced hotels.
  • Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites, 112 Heritage Dr, 1 662 236-2500, brez cestnin: 1-866 270-5110, fax: 1 662 236-7987. Hotel offers 67 rooms including 34 suites. A deluxe continental breakfast, guest laundry, and a fitness center available. Rooms include 2 two-line telephones, voice mail, data ports, coffee maker, iron and ironing board, hair dryer, work desk, and ceiling fan. The suites also include microwaves, refrigerators, wet bar, and sleeper sofa. A newer hotel and one of the better in Oxford.
  • Inn at Ole Miss, Alumni Dr (Ole Miss Campus), 1 662 234-2331, brez cestnin: 1-888-486-7666. The Inn at Ole Miss is on the Ole Miss campus right across from the beautiful Ole Miss Grove. 91 rooms and two suites are available. A free continental breakfast, outdoor pool, and conference facilities are offered. A new all-suite tower is under construction. If you can get a room here, this is the best place to stay in town because of the value and location.
  • Ole Miss Motel, 1517 University Ave, 1 662 234-2424. If you are having an affair, this would be the place to meet your mistress. In fact, this motel was featured in the early 1990s comedy flick The Gun in Betty Lou's Handbag as the scene of an affair and murder. Despite its limited services, it has a good location close to the Square and offers the nostalgia of a Route 66 motor inn. However, word may spread in church that your vehicle was seen in the parking lot, causing severe damage to your reputation.
  • Super 8 Motel, 2201 Jackson Ave W, 1 662 234-7013. 114-room hotel on Jackson Ave. close to Wal-Mart. Guest rooms and amenities include clock/radio, coffeemaker, iron and ironing board, hairdryer, and 25 inch television with Direct TV, free local calls, super start breakfast. Jacuzzi rooms, Executive 2-room suites, and microwaves/refrigerators available.

Ostani varen

Oxford is a very safe town, with the court dockets mostly full of minors-in-possession, public drunks, and DUIs. Oxford Police are always nearby and allow little slack for disruptive behavior. The town is safe to walk at any time of night, with only the most basic precautions necessary.


Game Day

Homecoming 2012 - Ole Miss vs. Auburn

Oxford is very crowded on football game days. Football is a religion here, and fall Saturdays are the sabbath. Therefore, expect heavy traffic, hotels that fill months in advance, and no available reservations at restaurants. The Grove opens for tailgating at 6PM Friday night, but the crowds can overwhelm security as early as 4PM Friday night, and all the good spots in the Grove will be gone by 8PM. Most tailgating is concentrated in the Grove, but it takes place everywhere on campus. The Circle, next to the Grove, has more of a family atmosphere. Officially, liquor but not beer is allowed in the Grove, but all alcohol must be kept in a cup and out of plain view.

The Grove - Ole Miss vs. Texas - 9/15/2012
  • Alcohol Policy. The university policy on alcohol is very complicated and enforcement of it is even more so. Liquor is legal on all the campus and beer on the part of campus east of Gertrude Ford Boulevard. However, all alcohol must remain out of plain view at all times. Keep it in a cup or in your cooler. While beer is illegal in the Grove, the police will not confiscate it if you keep it in a cup. Police are allowed to search unattended coolers, so keep it at a tent that is attended at all times or put a lock on it. Bottom line: keep your alcohol out of plain view and under your control, keep your behavior in check, and you won't be bothered by the police. And don't even think about drinking and driving.
  • Vaught-Hemingway Stadium Where the three-time national champion Ole Miss Rebels play football. For online ticket sales and a seating chart, visit the Ole Miss Ticket Office. The stadium is officially alcohol-free, but many fans sneak in a flask, and drinking in the club levels and suites is completely ignored. Expect extensive body searches at the visitor and student gates. If you enjoy being molested by a security guard of the same sex, you're in heaven. At the other gates, security generally just looks inside purses and bags.
  • Game Day Info from the University. Including tailgating and stadium rules, traffic info, and parking info.
  • RV information. The university provides free gravel RV lots at the Old Taylor Road and the Coliseum Drive exits off of the Hwy 6 bypass. Overflow RV parking is available at the intramural fields, accessed by the Coliseum Drive exit (turn left at the four-way stop). Paved lots with hookups including cable TV are available, but they must be purchased for the whole season. The University officially does not allow RV parking before Friday afternoon, but in reality, they allow parking in the gravel lots days in advance. People are known to never move their RVs from one Saturday to the next. A private RV park with full amenities is available in town. Many choose to stay at the more spacious and scenic Sardis Lake, which offers a plethora of cheap RV parking with full hookups in a tree-shaded environment. It is located between Oxford and Batesville, 15 to 20 minutes from town.
  • RV information. Cart Barn Inn @ Yoda Creek has Rv parking. [email protected] 1 662-983-7829, 20 minutes south of Oxford down hwy 7 to hwy 9w to Bruce.


If your weekend visit to Oxford necessitates a visit with the Deity, there are many local worship options. Some of these houses of worship have enough historic value to warrant a purely secular visit any day of the week. True to its Deep South locale, Oxford is replete with Baptist and Methodist churches, but other faiths are by no means left out in this cosmopolitan university town. Here is a very small sampling of Oxford's larger and historic religious buildings and bodies:


  • Antioch Primitive Baptist Church, South 15th Street. Sunday services are at 10:30AM. This congretation was organized in 1836. The congregation has been meeting in the current building since 1949.
  • First Baptist Church (SBC), 800 Van Buren Avenue, 1 662 234-3515. Sunday services are at 8:30AM, 9:45AM and 11AM. The congregation was founded in 1842 and the original church structure was burned by Union troops in 1864. Current site was obtained in 1881 and the current building was completed in 1952.
  • Second Baptist Church (MBC), 611 Jackson Avenue, 1 662 234-7868. It was organized by former slaves in 1869. The roots of this faith community stretch back to Baptist and Methodist ex-slaves who built a brush arbor on the edge of the old Pegues Plantation near the current church structure immediately after emancipation.


  • St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church(Roman Catholic), 403 University Avenue, 1 662 234-6073. Catholic presence in Oxford dates back to antebellum times when small numbers of Catholic residents and students at the University relied on visiting priests for spiritual sustenance. St. John's was founded in the 1930s as a mission of Water Valley's St. Patrick's parish. The original church building (a simple neo-classical structure constructed in 1943) and its adjoining rectory/parish hall, played host to federal troops sent to quell the riots surrounding the integration of the University in 1962. These buildings were later declared structurally unsound and were razed in 2003 for the construction of a new church building on the same property. Masses are celebrated on Sundays at 8:30AM, 11AM and 5PM.


  • St. Peter's Episcopal Church(ECUS), 113 South 9th Street, 1 662 234-1269-. Organized in 1851, this was the original seat of the first Episcopal bishop of Mississippi, making this building the pro-cathedral (i.e. preliminary cathedral) for the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi. First resident pastor was Frederick A.P. Barnard, originally a faculty member at Ole Miss, eventually the university's chancellor and, later, president of Columbia University. The building was completed in 1860 and was the only religious structure within the town limits of Oxford to survive the burning of the town by Union troops in 1864. William Faulkner was a parishioner. Sunday services are at 7:45AM, 9AM, 11AM and 5:30PM. There is a Spanish language service at 7PM.


  • Old Burns Church/Belfry Building, Original Building - West Jackson Avenue. Oxford's first African-American church, organized by former slaves in 1869 as Sewell Chapel, it was renamed Burns Methodist-Episcopal Church in 1900. An original wood frame structure was replaced in 1910 by the current brick building. The current congregation moved to a modern structure in 1973 on the corner of Molly Barr Road and Washington Avenue. After the congregation moved out, the 1910 building served for a time as an office for author John Grisham. Grisham donated the building for use as a Civil Rights museum. The congregation's current church building is located at 600 Molly Barr Road. Sunday worship service is at 11AM.
  • Oxford-University Methodist Church (UMC), University Avenue, 1 662 234-5278. Founded in 1836 as Oxford Methodist-Episcopal Church, the congregation was served by a circuit-riding minister who made regular stops in Oxford for services. The church's first building was on Van Buren Avenue and the congretation went through two more structures on Jackson Avenue before purchasing the current site in 1936. Services began at the current site in 1937 and the current brick sanctuary was completed in 1950. Famous parishioners have included Charles B. Galloway and L.Q.C. Lamar.


  • College Hill Presbyterian Church (PCA), College Hill Road, 1 662 234-5020. The church was founded in 1835. The building, built using slave labor and bricks fired on the grounds, was completed in 1846. It is the oldest church building in the Oxford area. During the Civil War, the surrounding community of College Hill was invaded by Union General Sherman and his troops in 1862, who occupied the grounds of the church and used the church building for sleeping quarters. William Faulkner was married here in 1929. The original structure and furnishings remain remarkably unchanged. The pulpit, pews and pew gates are original to the structure. The only major structural changes to the original structure were: 1) the addition of a veneer of modern brick which covers the structure's original exterior bricks (though the original brickwork is still viewable at a view points on the east side of the church exterior where some of the modern bricks were purposefully left un-mortared and can be temporarily removed to "peek" at the original bricks beneath), 2) the modern addition of office space in the rear of the structure, and 3) the removal of the building's slave galley (a balcony reserved for slaves to sit in during church services). The exterior doors which once led to the galley, however, still remain, floating ominously above the main entrance to the church, sans stairs.
  • First Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 924 Van Buren Avenue, {{phone| 1 662 234-1757}. The first Presbyterian congregation in the town of Oxford was organized in 1837 by early settlers of Scottish descent. The church's original 1847 wood frame building fell casualty to the flames of 1864 (when the courthouse, its square and other buildings and homes in town were burned by federal troops). The current building was built in 1881. Sunday worship services are at 8:30AM and 11AM.


  • Unitarian-Universalist Congregation of Oxford, 31 County Road 198, 1 662 513-0970. An intergenerational community that fosters spiritual growth through free thought and respect for personal beliefs. Visitors of all faiths and beliefs are welcome. Services are Sundays at 11AM, and children of all ages are welcome with childcare provided during the service (from 10:50AM -12:15PM.)


  • Oxford Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3501 S Lamar Blvd, Worship service at 10AM. Visitors are welcome.

Pojdi naprej

  • An excellent side trip, especially late at night after the bars close, is to Graceland Too. It is 30 miles north in Holly Springs. Students from the University have been known to visit this culturally-unique icon at all hours of the day (and night). Even if you are not an Elvis fan, the real entertainment is the proprietor Paul McLeod, who puts on quite a show. Just get to Holly Springs and any local can direct you to the fun. It is open 24 hours and the cost is only $5. After your third visit, you become a lifetime member and never have to pay again. You also get your picture taken while wearing Elvis' actual leather jacket.
  • Memphis-- The closest major city, known for Graceland, Beale Street, great music, and a revitalized downtown
  • Tunica-- The South's gambling mecca featuring a dozen large casino resorts
  • Tupelo--The birthplace of Elvis Presley
  • Clarksdale--The location of the famous Crossroads intersection of Highway 61 and 49 is known for its Delta blues and famous blues musicians
  • Natchez--The historic rivertown with the South's grandest collection of antebellum homes
Routes through Oxford
GreenvilleBatesville W US 278.svg E PontotocTupelo
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