Pensacola - Pensacola

Pensacola je zgodovinsko mesto ob plaži na severozahodu Florida, v Združene države Amerike. Nahaja se v okrožju Escambia, najbolj zahodnem okrožju Floride, na vrhu "panhandle". Mesto je dom pomorske letalske postaje Pensacola, Narodnega muzeja pomorskega letalstva in številnih zgodovinskih okrožij, ki obkrožajo središče mesta. Območje Pensacole je s treh strani obdano z vodo, polno zgodovine, razbitin ladij, plaž in čudovitih razgledov.

Pensacole ne smemo zamenjati s sosedo, Plaža Pensacola, zajeta v ločenem članku.



Pensacola ima vzdevek "Mesto petih zastav." Pravzaprav samo gospodarska zbornica Pensacola uporablja to ime, vendar je to priročen kratkoročen opis zgodovine mesta. V zadnjih 450 letih je bila Pensacola v lasti petih držav: Španije, Francije, Združenega kraljestva, ZDA in Konfederacijskih držav. V njem so živela tudi različna indijanska plemena, vendar se zdi, da jih sloganeerji nikoli ne vključujejo.

Ko Indijanci Panzacola prispeli v Pensacolo pred tisočletji, našli so starodavne borove gozdove, odebeljene z masivnimi borovci, tako velikimi, da bi potrebovali dva ali tri moške, da bi vas ovili okoli prtljažnika. Ta drevesa so zagotavljala toliko sence, da na gozdnih tleh skoraj ni bilo podrasti, potovanje po gozdu pa je bilo enostavno. Ker v borovih gozdovih ni mogoče najti veliko hrane, so plemena običajno živela v bližini vode, kjer je bilo ribolova veliko. O teh zgodnjih prebivalcih tega območja ni znanega veliko: za seboj so pustili malo artefaktov in vsa plemena, ki so živela v Pensacoli pred evropsko kolonizacijo, so izumrla.

Evropska kolonizacija se je začela z Španski: Juan Ponce de León (iz Fountain of Youth slave) je najprej opazil območje, kasneje pa je španske raziskovalce navdušil dobro zaščiten globokomorski zaliv. Priporočili so poravnavo in leta 1559 je Tristán de Luna y Arellano prispeli v zaliv in ustanovili prvo evropsko naselje v ZDA. Poimenoval ga je ... Puerto de Santa Maria. Nesrečno je propadlo. Svoje ljudi je poslal v brezvredne izvidniške misije v puščave borovih gozdov, v orkanu je izgubil vse ladje (z zalogami še vedno na krovu!) In bil tako nesposoben in ne navdihujoč, da so se njegovi moti uporili. Zahvaljujoč posredovanju katoliških misijonarjev v mestu je živel, a ko so čez nekaj mesecev prispele španske ladje, so preostali Španci naselje hitro opustili.

Španija se je vrnila šele leta 1698. Zaliv so znova odkrili pet let prej med odpravo zemljevidov. Ker je bil zaliv še vedno mamljivo pristanišče, na bližnji reki Blackwater pa je bilo veliko starih rastnih borov, ki bi bili kot nalašč za ladjedelništvo, se je Španija odločila za preselitev zaliva. Tokrat je naselje dobilo ime Bahía Santa María de Filipina. Še vedno ne Pensacola! Vendar je bilo ime "Panzacola" zapisano na raziskovalnih zemljevidih ​​za to območje in ime je začelo dobivati ​​neformalno uporabo. Naselje je bilo revno, majhno, v njem so živeli večinoma ujetniki in je utrpelo številne neuspehe.

Leta 1719 je Francija, na čelu z guvernerjem Francije Louisiana zavzel Pensacolo iz Španije na začetku vojne četverice. Pensacole skoraj ni bilo nobenega upora: Pensacolians se ni nihče potrudil povedati, da so v vojni! Zmedeno mesto je Francoze pozdravilo z odprtimi rokami in pričakovalo, da bodo ladje iz Mobile trgovale z zalogami in ne z naboji. Po prevzemu nadzora z mestom niso storili veliko. Francozi so Pensacolo požgali med umikom leta 1722, Španci pa so ponovno prevzeli nadzor nad (oplenjenim, zoglenim) mestom ...

Do leta 1763, ko Velika Britanija je Floriko od španske dobil kot koncesijo po francoski in indijski vojni / sedemletni vojni. V zameno je bilo Španiji dovoljeno obdržati Kubo, Francijo pa je v zameno za njihovo pomoč med vojno dobila tudi Louisiana. Ni slaba trgovina. Velika Britanija je bila ponosna na svoje novo mesto in so se zelo potrudile za izboljšave. Razglašena je bila za prestolnico nove kolonije britanske Zahodne Floride, zgradili pa so večino ulic v središču Pensacole, ki se uporabljajo še danes.

To obdobje britanske blaginje pa ni trajalo predolgo, ker je leta 1781 Španija ponovno zavzel Pensacolo skupaj s preostalo Florido kot zaveznico ZDA v ameriški revolucionarni vojni. Bernardo de Gálvez, general španske Louisiane, je bil ključen za zmago mesta med bitko pri Pensacoli. Ko je španski poveljnik flote izgubil ladjo in noče več pošiljati v zaliv Pensacola, je Gálvez s svojimi guvernerskimi pooblastili poveljeval eno od ladij iz Louisiane in jo osebno zaplul v pristanišče, pod stalnim topovskim strelom Britancev. Druge ladje v floti so kmalu sledile, nekoliko zamišljeno, si predstavlja. Z Florido, ki je zdaj pod španskim nadzorom, je Španija nadzorovala celotno zalivsko obalo in dele reke Mississippi, kar je povzročilo veliko nezadovoljstva med ameriškimi naseljenci na jugu. Želeli so dostop do vode in njihova vznemirjenost za morsko pristanišče je sčasoma navdihnila mladega generala po imenu Andrew Jackson.

Leta 1821 je Jacksonu četrti in zadnjič končno uspelo ujeti Pensacolo in Florido: zdaj je bila v lasti Združene države Amerike. Pogodba Adams-Onís je nakup prevzela uradno, Pensacolo in vso špansko Florido pa Američanom. To je bilo blagodejno za Mississippi in Alabamo, ki sta končno dobili dostop do morja. To ni bilo tako dobro za generala Jacksona, ki je postal guverner Floride, služba, ki jo je sovražil, in pozneje odstopil. V tem času je Pensacola postala največje mesto na Floridi in je bila eno najpomembnejših pristanišč na zalivski obali. Leta 1845 je ozemlje postalo 27. Združena država. ZDA so veliko vlagale na Florido, tu gradile utrdbe in povečale vojaško prisotnost. Zgradili so ladjedelnice, ki bodo sto let kasneje postale Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola.

Leta 1861 se je Florida od ZDA odcepila, da bi se pridružila Konfederacijske države Amerike. Štiri leta se je Florida v okviru ameriške državljanske vojne borila z jugom. V nasprotju s prvotnimi pričakovanji se ta vojna za Jug ni končala dobro. Še huje za Pensacolo je, da je Konfederacija sama uničila mestno gospodarstvo. Konfederacijski polkovnik John Beard, ki se je bal, da bodo vojaki Unije zajeli Pensacolo, je svojim ljudem ukazal, naj "uničijo vsako nogo lesa, vse žage, čolne itd.", Skupaj z vsem drugim, kar bi lahko koristilo "sovražniku". Mestno gospodarstvo si ni nikoli popolnoma opomoglo.

Pensacola se je ponovno pridružil ZDA leta 1865, kar je začelo dolgo upadanje mesta. Lesna industrija se je začela obnavljati, toda do tridesetih let prejšnjega stoletja je bilo na severozahodu Floride posekano vsako drevo, ki je ostajalo, razen majhnih, novo posajenih borovcev. Zaliv Pensacola, celoten razlog za obstoj mesta, ni mogel sprejeti sodobnih ladij, ki so zahtevale globlje vode. Mestni svet ni hotel izsušiti zaliva, da bi bila voda globlja, pristanišče pa skoraj nič. Večina pošiljanja se je preselila v Mobilni, Alabama.

Danes je vojska gonilna sila gospodarstva Pensacole. Ladjedelnice Pensacola so bile preoblikovane in leta 1913 so postale prva pomorska letališka postaja v ZDA. NAS Pensacola je dom Modrih angelov in Narodnega muzeja pomorskega letalstva. Vsi pomorski letalci so na neki točki svoje kariere usposobljeni pri NAS Pensacola. V bazi je zaposlenih več kot 23.000 ljudi.


Podnebna karta (razlaga)
Povprečna maks. in min. temperature v ° F
PadavineSneg vsote v palcih
Oglejte si 7-dnevno napoved Pensacole
Metrična pretvorba
Povprečna maks. in min. temperature v ° C
PadavineSneg skupaj v mm

Pogosto opisano kot imeti tri sezone in pol, Pensacola ima subtropsko podnebje s kratkimi, milimi zimami in vročimi, vlažnimi poletji. Tipične poletne razmere imajo najvišje vrednosti v 32-34 ° C (90- ° F) in najnižje v sredini 70-ih (23-24 ° C). Popoldanske ali večerne nevihte so v poletnih mesecih pogoste. Deloma zaradi obalne lege so temperature nad 37,8 ° C nad 100 ° F redke in so se nazadnje zgodile junija 2011, ko sta dva od prvih štirih dni v mesecu zabeležila najvišje vrednosti nad 100 ° F.

Pozimi pričakujte živahne, hladne, suhe dni. Povprečna najvišja vrednost januarja je 16,2 ° C, najnižja pa 6,0 ° C, čeprav se temperature zmrzovanja pojavljajo v povprečju petnajst noči na sezono. Če prihajate iz severnega podnebja, lahko zimo v Pensacoli preživite samo s puloverjem ali lahkim jopičem. Pensacolians pa parki povlečejo ven, ko doseže petdeset stopinj.

Pomlad in jesen sta tako blag čas za obisk. Temperature se običajno zadržujejo okoli šestdeset do osemdeset stopinj, manj je nevarnosti tropskih neviht, manj vlage in nevihte so manj močne. Pravi čas je tudi za sončenje, ko je sonce močno, a blago.

Ne glede na letni čas, ki ga obiščete, bi morali imeti s seboj dežnik. Pensacola je eno najbolj deževnih krajev vzhodno od Mississippija in ni sušne sezone ali mokre sezone: dež lahko udari kadar koli v letu. Mesto prejema 1.630 mm padavin na leto, poleti pa deževno obdobje. Najbolj deževen mesec je julij z 204 mm (8,02 palcev), april pa je najbolj suh z 99 mm. Pomlad in poletje imajo "kokice", pepel evfemizem za nevihte, za katere se zdi, da obstajajo zgolj zato, da vas nepričakovano namočijo, nato pa izginejo in tako spet uživate v soncu. Vedno, ko obiščete Pensacolo, imejte nekaj načrtov za dejavnosti v zaprtih prostorih, če bodo vaši načrti na prostem deževali. Obstaja veliko priljubljenih dejavnosti v zaprtih prostorih, ki vas bodo zabavale.

Junij do november je znan kot sezona orkanov. Orkani so močne tropske nevihte z visoko hitrostjo vetra, dežjem in obalnimi poplavami. Prav tako otežujejo dobro porjavelost. Čeprav je Pensacola občutljiva na orkane, jih ne zadevajo vsako leto in večina jih je precej šibkih. Po skoraj 70 letih brez neposrednega zadetka je Pensacolo na Floridi avgusta 1995 neposredno prizadel orkan Erin (kategorija 2) in septembra 2004 večji orkan Ivan (kategorija 3). Orkan Dennis je julija 2005 zrušil območje in povzročil zmerno škodo. Obiskovalci bodo običajno obveščeni, če bodo sledili medijem.

Informacije o obiskovalcih


Z letalom

Mednarodno letališče Pensacola (PNS IATA) opravlja šest letalskih družb, ki zagotavljajo neposredne storitve za interkontinentalni del Houston George Bush, Houston-Hobby, Atlanta, Dallas / Ft. Vredno, Dallas-Love, Chicago O'Hare, Chicago-Midway, Charlotte, Washington National, Denver, Saint Louis, Nashville, Tampa, Orlando, Philadelphia, Miami, Kansas City in Austin.

Na letališču lahko najamete avto, naročite taksi ali uporabite avtobusni sistem Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT). Številna podjetja ponujajo storitev najema avtomobilov iz PNS in to bo vaša najboljša možnost za potovanje po mestu. Alamo, Avis, Proračun, Dollar Rent-a-Car, Hertz, in National Car Rental vsi ponujajo storitve na letališču. Poleg tega Enterprise Rent-a-Car, in Thrifty najem avtomobila imajo lokacije blizu letališke nepremičnine in nudijo brezplačen prevoz do svojih pisarn.

Taksi kabine lahko zaračunajo dodatnih 1 USD, da poberejo koga z letališča, za uporabo taksija z letališča pa je treba plačati najmanj 11 USD. Vendar je ta pristojbina nižja od večine mest v ZDA in dejansko so cene taksijev v Pensacoli med najnižjimi v državi; zaradi velike velikosti Pensacole so taksiji drag način potovanja po mestu, a učinkovit in enostaven način.

Avtobusna linija 63, ki jo izvaja ECAT, letališče obdeluje vsakih 60 minut ob delavnikih, začenši ob 6:10 in konča ob 17:10. Ob vikendih avtobusna linija 63 prispe vsaki dve uri, začne se ob 8:10 in konča ob 4:10. Cesta 63 se konča v kampusu Penacola Junior College; od tam avtobus postane pot 43, ki potuje do Univerze v Zahodni Floridi, ali pa lahko izstopite in počakate na pot 41 (Bayou Blvd, Cervantes in 12th Ave), pot 42 (centralna postaja ECAT) ali pot 58 ( do središča mesta skozi 9. avenijo, nato do NAS Pensacola in mornariške bolnišnice.)

Mobilno regionalno letališče (MOB IATA) je uro vožnje od Pensacole v Alabami. Običajno je dražje od pristanka na PNS, vendar lahko občasno prihranite nekaj sto dolarjev na letih. Običajno je vsak let, ki zahteva odhod v Atlanti, cenejši v Pensacoli; če let ne zahteva prekinitve v Atlanti, je morda ceneje pristati pri Mobileu. Na Mobileu so na letališču na voljo izposojeni avtomobili, ali pa vas avtobus Greyhound odpelje v Pensacolo za približno 20 USD. Do postaje Greyhound pridete prek mobilnega sistema javnega prevoza z uporabo dostavne poti 19, ki je povezana z avtobusno linijo 1, ki je povezana z avtobusno linijo 9, ki vas bo pripeljala do postaje Greyhound.

Z avtom

Z avtom je Pensacola približno tri ure zahodno od Tallahassee in tri ure vzhodno od New Orleans preko I-10 in tri ure južno od Montgomery preko Hwy 29 in I-65. Meddržavni 10 potuje vzhod-zahod skozi Pensacolo in je najlažji vstop v mesto. Vendar pa koridor I-10 skozi jugovzhod ZDA šteje za enega najbolj dolgočasnih odsekov ceste v državi; nič drugega kot borovci na kilometre in kilometre.

Avtocesta 90 je manjša cesta, ki vozi vzporedno z I-10 in se vije skozi številna majhna mesta. Če vas ne moti nekoliko daljša vožnja v zameno za boljšo kuliso, je avtocesta 90 morda vredna dodatnega časa vožnje. Popotniki na 90-u naj upoštevajo, da se cesta odcepi v Pensacoli; lokalno ime severnega razcepa avtoceste 90 je Nine Mile Road, in se večinoma izogiba mestu. Južna vilica se imenuje številna; Mobilna avtocesta,Ulica Cervantes, in Slikovita avtocesta. Je daljše in potuje skozi osrčje Pensacole, toda pogled na zaliv Pensacola z blefov po Scenic Highway je eno najlepših pogledov v mestu.

Avtocesta 29 je podeželska avtocesta, ki povezuje Pensacolo z interstate 65. Če potujete proti jugu Pensacole skozi Alabamo, lahko z avtocesto 29 kot bližnjico do I-65 prihranite približno dve uri.

Meddržavni 110 je 6 milj dolg meddržavni vzhod sever-jug, ki povezuje I-10 s središčem Pensacole.

Z avtobusom

Hrt ponuja prevoz do Pensacole od njihove postaje na Pensacola Boulevard, tik ob I-10. Njihova postaja je odprta sedem dni v tednu, od 5:15 do 19 ure in od 21:30 do 23:45. Pot hrtov skozi Pensacolo je vzhod-zahod in potuje po I-10. Kdor želi potovati proti severu, bo moral opraviti prevoz v Mobile, Panama City ali Tallahassee. Od postaje Greyhound je na voljo storitev mestnega avtobusa iz ECAT-a po poti 50, čeprav boste morali hoditi do avenije Pensacola in prečkati prometno ulico. Avtobus ECAT prispe proti jugu proti centralni avtobusni postaji ECAT vsakih 30 minut po uri, od 6.30 do 19.30. Ne zapeljite se do poti ECAT 50 proti severu, ki prispe dvajset minute po uri; avtobus proti severu bo času vašega potovanja dodal še eno uro.


Zemljevid Pensacole
Zemljevid Downtown Pensacola

Vožnja je daleč najboljši način za obhod okolice Pensacole. Z izjemo centra mesta je parkirišč veliko in brezplačno. V središču mesta je ulično parkirišče in nekaj parkirnih garaž, ki imajo med ponedeljkom do petka večino majhnih stroškov med delovnim dnem, od 9.00 do 17.00. Parkiranje v središču mesta je ob vikendih brezplačno, v posebnih dogodkih pa je morda malo. Potovanje skozi mesto lahko prvič zmede voznika; nekatere glavne ulice imajo več imen, najbolj razvpito je FL SR 296, ki vodi tudi do Bayou Boulevard, Brent Lane, Beverly Parkway, Michigan Avenue in Saufley Field Road! Poleg tega se številne glavne prometnice krivijo ali tečejo po nenavadnih diagonalah. Zemljevid bo prišel prav. I-110 je glavno meddržavno območje, ki poteka od severa proti jugu skozi Pensacolo in je zelo priročno vodilo za potovanje skozi mesto.

Obstajajo kolesarske steze po vsem mestu vzdolž večine glavnih cest, vendar jih ni enostavno opaziti, če jih dejansko ne uporabljajo; poiščite majhne pasove ob cesti s simbolom kolesa, narisanim na asfaltu. Downtown Pensacola je čudovito videti s kolesom, zlasti staro območje Seville in zgodovinsko okrožje.

Z avtobusom

ECAT, 1515 W Fairfield Dr., 1 850 595-3228. M-Sa od 5.30 do 19.30, ned zaprto, točni časi so odvisni od poti. ECAT zagotavlja javni avtobusni prevoz do mesta Pensacola in bližnje okolice ter ustavlja v nakupovalnih središčih in bolnišnicah. Avtobusni prevoz ne obratuje po celotnem mestu, zmanjšanje proračuna je zmanjšalo razpoložljivost prog, storitve so skrajšane, poti so dolge in počasne, vendar avtobusi skoraj vedno pridejo pravočasno. Zemljevidi poti so na voljo v avtobusu, voznik avtobusa pa lahko odgovori na preprosta vprašanja o tem, kako priti do večine glavnih destinacij v Pensacoli. Za načrtovanje poti pred časom pokličite avtobusno postajo ECAT.

Če se želite vkrcati na avtobus ECAT, na avtobusno postajališče prispejte vsaj deset minut prej; avtobusov ni mogoče označiti. Pripravite svoj denar ali vozovnico in prosite za prenos prej plačevanje; vozniku avtobusa vam ni treba dati nakazila, če ste pozabili vprašati. En prenos prejmete brezplačno, kar je dobro dve uri; dodatni prenosi so deset centov. Vstopnice so 1,75 USD na odraslo osebo, 1,25 USD za starejše otroke in študente z veljavno študentsko izkaznico, 85 ¢ za imetnike kartic Medicare in brezplačne za majhne otroke; poskrbite za natančno spremembo! V tranzitnem centru so na voljo neomejene dnevne, sedemdnevne in tridesetdnevne vozovnice. Stojala za kolesa so na voljo na vseh avtobusih ECAT, toda ob izstopu obvezno opozorite voznika, da morate pobrati kolo!

S taksijem

Taksi prevoz v Pensacoli je lahko drag zaradi dolgega časa vožnje, ki je potreben za prevoz z enega konca mesta na drugega. Ne pričakujte, da boste našli kabino, ko boste potrebovali vožnjo, niti je ne boste pozvali; ponavadi boste morali poklicati taksista in pričakovati čakanje. Nekaj ​​taksijev se nahaja v centru Pensacole (na srečo pri iskanju) in na letališču. Cene taksi kabin so določene z mestnim odlokom in so naslednje:

  • 2 dolarja za prvo deveto miljo.
  • .25 ¢ za vsako nadaljnjo eno deveto miljo (2,25 USD na miljo.)
  • .50 ¢ za vsako prtljago nad dvema vrečama.
  • .50 ¢ za vsakega potnika, starejšega od trinajstih let.
  • .50 ¢ za potovanja med 21.00 in 5.00.
  • 18 USD na uro čakanja

Za vsako vožnjo s taksijem z regionalnega letališča Pensacola je treba plačati najmanj 11 USD, za prevoz s taksijem nad 11 USD pa doplačilo v višini 1 USD.

  • Americab Express, 1 850 490-0794.
  • Metro kabina Pensacola, 1 850 433-9999.
  • Taksi Pensacola, 1 850 456-3000.
  • [mrtva povezava]Rumena kabina Pensacole, 3434 Martin Luther King ml. Dr, 1 850 433-3333. Največja taksi služba v Pensacoli, ki obstaja od leta 1909, ima običajno najkrajše čakalne dobe za taksi, njihovi avtomobili pa so čisti in dobro vzdrževani.
  • Taksi služba Roddawg Express, 213 S mornarsko modra, 1 850 554-8015. Edinstvena izkušnja taksija, kjer je kabina skoraj kot valjani jukebox; vožnja ima stereo sistem s tisoč vati in odlično izbiro zabave.


Sedem čudes Pensacola

Prebivalci Pensacole se pogosto šalijo glede kičastih stavb in zanimivosti v mestu. Časopis je sestavil jezikovni seznam najbolj znanih delcev, uh, arhitekturne razkošnosti, rezultat pa je Sedem čudes Pensacole. Nobena od njih ni vredna daljšega potovanja ali postanka, vendar jih lahko vidite s ceste in jih med vožnjo morda vidite naokoli.

  • 12. predor Avenue (Sicer znan kot Objemljena drevesa) (12th Ave, južno od Fairfield Dr). Starodavni, dolgokraki živi hrasti so tu razprostirali veje nad cesto, kot listnat, soncem zasut rov.
  • Grafitni most 17. avenije (17th Ave, severno od Bayfront Pkwy). Uradno je to železniški trestle na 17. aveniji, vendar mu vsi pravijo most grafitov; na tem kratkem razponu ni ostal niti centimeter izpostavljenega betona. Mesto je uradno označilo grafite na tej spletni strani za popolnoma zakonite, zdaj pa je most postal dovolj znan, da se pojavlja na blagu Pensacola in ima svoj okras božičnega drevesa!
  • Kristalna ledena hiša, 2024 Davis St. (Križišče Jordan St). Ta majhna stavba je videti kot majhen grad iz izrezljanega ledu in je narejena iz belega betona in sljude, zato se iskri. Na tej obcestni stojnici so v tridesetih letih prodajali led za ledene škatle in je naveden v nacionalnem registru zgodovinskih krajev.
  • Veseli zeleni velikan, 4301 N Davis Hwy (severno od Fairfielda Dr.). Spremlja Bailey's Farmers Market v upanju, da bo na zelenjavne stojnice privabil radovedne voznike. Leta 2004 se je zmanjšal z 32 na 25 čevljev, ko se je trg kmetov preselil v meje mesta Pensacola, in odredbe mestnih podpisov so zahtevale zmanjšanje velikosti.
  • Južna skulptura, 2911 N Palafox St. (južno od Fairfielda Dr.). Te skulpture, v celoti narejene iz odpadnih kovin, je 30 metrov nemogoče zgrešiti med vožnjo podjetja Southern Scrap. Na njej naj bi bil prikazan gradbeni žerjav, ki spušča odpadne kovine, vendar so ga primerjali z vsem, od robotke do bruhajočega zmaja.
  • Tempelj Hadji Shriner, 800 W Nine Mile Rd (zahodno od Pensacola Blvd). Ta majhen kongresni center, ki je v lasti Shrinersov (fesovcev z majhnimi avtomobili), je videti kot miniaturna kopija Tadž Mahala, skupaj s stolpi in zlato obarvano kupolo.
  • Vesoljska hiša, 1304 Panferio dr (Pogled z ulice Via de Luna Dr, 3 km zahodno od Fort Pickens Rd). Nahaja se na plaži Pensacola, ta nov dom je zgrajen kot retro leteči krožnik, skupaj z nagačenimi tujci v oknih dnevne sobe.
  • 1 Naval Air Station Pensacola, S. konec Navy Blvd, 1 850 452-3100. Naval Air Station je največji delodajalec v Pensacoli in je gonilna sila mestnega gospodarstva. Pensacola zelo spoštuje svojo vojaško oporišče, NAS Pensacola pa mu vrača uslugo tako, da javnosti ponudi zanimivosti in omogoči javni dostop. Lokacija je bila prvič zgrajena leta 1826 kot ladjedelnica mornarice in je bila izbrana zaradi globokih voda zaliva Pensacola in pomena mornariškega pristanišča v Mehiškem zalivu. Leta 1913 je bila Pensacola po izumu letala izbrana za prvo pomorsko letalsko postajo v državi in ​​še danes ostaja osnovna baza za usposabljanje vseh letalskih častnikov mornarice in mornarice. Obiskovalci baze si lahko osebno na kratko ogledajo vojaško bazo in si ogledajo številne zgodovinske znamenitosti. Ko prvič zapeljete v bazo, vas bo čuvaj vprašal, katere zanimivosti si želite ogledati, in vam izdal oznako vozila za te cilje. Večina teh znamenitosti je na ulici Radford Boulevard ali Taylor Road; če se preveč oddaljite od pretepljene poti, se pripravite na zaslišanje zelo radovednega vojaškega policista. Naval Air Station Pensacola (Q321162) na Wikipodatih Naval Air Station Pensacola na Wikipediji
    • Modri ​​angeli. Elitni piloti reaktivnih lovcev ameriške mornarice so del leta nameščeni pri NAS Pensacola in če ste ob 8.30 v zahodnem delu Pensacole, ko vadijo, jih boste morda lahko videli pri izvajanju letalskih manevrov nad glavo. Modri ​​angelčki običajno izvedejo dve javni oddaji na leto za Pensacolo; enega na plaži in enega na NAS Pensacola, te letalske razstave pa so množično obiskane. Domačini, ki vedo, preskočijo letalske razstave in namesto tega odidejo v muzej pomorskega letalstva na treninge v torek in sredo ob 8.30; nekajkrat na mesec Modri ​​angeli vadijo tik nad muzejem. Muzej ima za to celo posebno razgledno površino, nato pa bodo ob sredah Modri ​​angeli podpisovali avtograme in gledalcem odgovarjali na vprašanja. Preizkusite to na letalski razstavi! Prost.
    • 2 Trdnjava Barrancas, Taylor Rd, 1 850 455-5167. Pomeni "blefi" v španščini, Barrancas je bilo priljubljeno mesto za vojaške utrdbe; Britanci, Španci in ZDA so tu zgradili utrdbe za zaščito zaliva Pensacola. Ena od treh vojaških utrdb, ki so jih okoli zaliva Pensacola zgradile ZDA, Fort Barrancas je še vedno v izrednem stanju in lahko dostopna, za razliko od svojih sestrskih utrdb Mcree in Pickens. Ogledi glavne utrdbe so na voljo vsak dan ob 14.00, ogledi napredne redute pa so na voljo ob sobotah ob 11.00. V preostalem času je utrdba razmeroma zapuščena in pogosto lahko brezplačno vladate ruševinam za raziskovanje. Prost. Fort Barrancas (Q824960) na Wikipodatih Fort Barrancas na Wikipediji
    • 3 Nacionalni muzej pomorskega letalstva, 1750 Radford Blvd (v bazo morate vstopiti in izstopiti skozi West Gate s parkirišča Blue Angel, razen če ga spremlja imetnik DOD ID), 1 850 452-3604. 9.00–17.00. Muzej pomorskega letalstva je najbolj priljubljena turistična destinacija v Pensacoli in ponuja celovit vpogled v zgodovino letenja v mornarici, obalni straži in marincih. 150 lepo obnovljenih letal je tu največji žreb; obvezno si oglejte curke Blue Angels, ki visijo v atriju! Otroci bodo uživali v simulatorju letenja, gledališče IMAX pa prikazuje vizualno osupljiv dokumentarec Zgodovina letenja. Brezplačno, donacije pa dobrodošle. 8 USD za vstopnice IMAX. Nacionalni muzej pomorskega letalstva (Q1368608) na Wikidata Nacionalni muzej pomorskega letalstva na Wikipediji
    • 4 Svetilnik Pensacola, 190 Radford Blvd. Ljubitelji svetilnikov si bodo morda želeli ogledati črno-beli svetilnik Pensacola. Zgrajen je bil leta 1858, da bi nadomestil prejšnji, slabši svetilnik, je med državljansko vojno postal tarča sindikatov v Fort Pickens, katerega cilj je bil Fort Barrancas, ki ga je držala Konfederacija. Iz varnostnih razlogov ogledi niso več na voljo, dostop do terena pa je še vedno na voljo. Vstop v prostore svetilnikov in imetnikov je treba plačati. Lahko se povzpnete na 15-nadstropni svetilnik za čudovit razgled na plažo, gozd in vzletno stezo NAS spodaj. Pensacola Light (Q7164695) na Wikipodatih Pensacola Light na Wikipediji
  • 5 Zgodovinsko središče mesta Pensacola, 205 E Zaragoza St, 1 850 595-5985. M-Sa od 10. do 16. ure, ned zaprto. Ta skupina zgodovinskih stavb, imenovana Zgodovinska vas Pensacola vključuje številne muzeje, kot so muzej T.T. Wentworth Jr., zgodovinski muzej, trgovinski muzej in industrijski muzej. V to skupino stavb je vključena tudi cerkev Old Christ Church, zgrajena leta 1832, ki je bila prenovljena. Vodeni sprehodi so na voljo ob 11.00, 13.00 in 14:30 po zgodovinskih domovih v zabavnem, senčnem predelu okoli trga Seville. 6 USD, 3 USD za otroke. Brezplačen vstop v muzej T.T.Wentworth Jr. Zgodovinsko okrožje Pensacola (Q7164687) na Wikipodatih Zgodovinsko okrožje Pensacola na Wikipediji
  • 6 Muzej umetnosti Pensacola, 407 S Jefferson St, 1 850 432-6247. Tu-F 10 AM-5PM, Sa Su opoldne-17 PM, M zaprto. Ta muzej je nameščen v starem mestnem zaporu, španski preporodni strukturi v centru Pensacole. Zbirka se osredotoča predvsem na umetnost 20. in 21. stoletja in v svoji zbirki zastopa številne znane umetnike, med njimi Alexander Calder, Miriam Schapiro in Louis Comfort Tiffany. V preteklih letih predstavljajo številne posebne razstave, že prej pa so gostili umetniške razstave Picassa, Rodina in Andyja Warhola. Vstopnina 5 USD, za študente in vojaške 2 USD, ob torkih brezplačno. Muzej umetnosti Pensacola (Q7164697) na Wikidata Muzej umetnosti Pensacola na Wikipediji
  • Pokopališče sv. Mihaela, 6 N Alcaniz St., 1 850 436-4643. 9.00–17.00. Pokopališče, ki je navedeno v nacionalnem registru zgodovinskih krajev, se nahaja na osmi hektarjih čez cesto od civilnega centra Pensacola na robu zgodovinskega okrožja. Je eno najstarejših pokopališč na Floridi, ki so ga uradno označili Španci leta 1807. Brezplačno.
  • Spomenik veteranov in Južni zid (križišče ulice Romana in Bayfront Pkwy). Spomenik je bil velik park ob obali Pensacole v čast veteranom vseh ameriških vojn, zgrajen je bil kot prostor za počastitev ameriških veteranov, ne da bi se bilo treba odpraviti na potovanje v Washington DC. Vključuje polovično različico Vietnamskega spomenika v Washingtonu DC in drugi spomeniki, posvečeni prvi in ​​drugi svetovni vojni ter korejski vojni. Z lahkoto ga najdemo s helikopterjem AH-1 Huey Cobra na Bayfront Parkway. Prost.


Skupina igra pod hrasti ob večerih na trgu Olde Seville.
  • The plaže Pensacola, s svojim znanim sladkorno belim peskom, so najbolj priljubljene znamenitosti mesta. Čeprav je mesto Pensacola v celoti obdano z vodo, v mestnih mejah ni plaž. Namesto tega boste morali odpotovati v eno od obalnih skupnosti, ki je le kratko vožnjo stran. Plaža Pensacola je v bližini in je zelo priljubljen tako med turisti kot z domačini, medtem ko ima številne restavracije, hotele, dobrine in nakupovanje Ključ Perdido je le kratka vožnja naprej in je bolj mirna in nedotaknjena.
  • Potapljanje priložnosti so večinoma potopljene ladje, ki niso zgolj zgodovinsko zanimive, ampak zagotavljajo domove za celotne ekosisteme. Najbolj priljubljen potop je nov "greben" letalonosilke Oriskany, približno 24 milj jugovzhodno od prelaza Pensacola; razbitina je dolga skoraj tisoč metrov! Drugi potop vključuje USS Massachusetts, ki je bil uporabljen kot tarča za topniški ogenj po razgradnji leta 1919. Sedi v 30 metrih vode blizu prelaza Pensacola in je znano, da je nepredvidljiv potop. Ruski tovornjak je priljubljen za potapljače, kjer so na voljo škarpina, snapper in jastog. Popotniki, ki jih zanima potapljanje, se za več informacij in za najem čolnov obrnite na eno od štirih potapljaških trgovin v mestu.
  • Opazovalci ptic. Morali bi si ogledati državni park Big Lagoon, zahodno od mesta, kjer roparice zlahka opazimo v mrtvih drevesih s pogledom na vodo. V Veliki laguni bodite pozorni zgodaj spomladi po posebej močnih plohah, ko so ptice selivke pogosto prisiljene pristati in je mogoče opaziti številne nenavadne ptice. Naravna pot Edwarda z univerze na Zahodni Floridi se vije skozi močvirje in omogoča redek pogled na mokrišča, kot so briljantni rumeni tanagerji in rdečekrili črni kos. In seveda obalne ptice in morske ptice zlahka opazimo v bližini obale.
  • Civilni center Pensacola, 201 E Gregory St, 1 850 432-0800. Civilno središče v Pensacoli, ki je dovolj veliko za 10.000, privablja skupine, koncerte v živo in kongrese. Med preteklimi izvajalci so bili Celtic Woman, Brad Paisley, Toby Keith, Sheryl Crow in Kiss. Vstopnice so na voljo prek Ticketmasterja, vendar lahko prihranite denar tako, da jih osebno prevzamete na blagajni.
  • 1 Samovo zabavno mesto, 6709 Pensacola Blvd (južno od I-10 na avtocesti 29), 1 850-505-0800. Edini zabaviščni in vodni park Pensacola z več kot 20 vožnjami in atrakcijami. Recimo, da gre za 24–49 dolarjev.
  • Silvestrska kapljica pelikan, 41 N. Jefferson St, 1 850 434-5371. 17.00–12.30. Ves večer je velikanski pelikan (14 metrov visok in 20-metrski razpon kril) nameščen nad praznovanjem na 100-metrski ploščadi na križišču ulice Palafox in vladne ulice. Čeprav bosta Palafox in Vladina ulica zaprti za promet, so restavracije na območju odprte, dodatni prodajalci pa osvežilne pijače). Nastopi v živo na treh odrih na prostem zagotavljajo stalno zabavo ves večer. Priljubljeno otroško območje ima posebno odštevanje otrok ob 20.00 s konfeti in "bubble stompom". Ob polnoči je celo mesto praznovalo, ko se Pelikan spušča med ognjemetom in več konfeti.
  • 2 Državni park Big Lagoon, 12301 Gulf Beach Hwy (približno 10 milj jugozahodno od Pensacole na avtocesti Gulf Beach), 1 850 492-1595. 733 hektarjev (~ 3 km²) Florida State Park na severozahodni obali Floride. Obsega severno mejo Velike lagune, ko se kače proti zalivu Pensacola na vzhodu. Laguna Wild Grande in njeni manjši pritoki ležijo znotraj meja parka, prav tako pa tudi aligator, naseljen Long Pond, ki pokriva obalno močvirje. Park je "prehodno mesto" za Veliko ptičjo pot Florida. V njem so štiri ločene naravne skupnosti, vključno z ustnim plimskim močvirjem, mezičnim ravnim gozdom, mokrim ravnim gozdom, v njem prevladujejo obalni grmičevje. V parku so številne ogrožene in ogrožene vrste, kot so vzhodna indigo kača, gopher želva, selitvene obalne ptice, kot je Snowy Plover, Least Tern, med približno dvajsetimi drugimi vrstami s seznama. The park has such amenities as beaches along the shoreline of Big Lagoon, bicycling down the 2.6-mile park drive, boating from a 40-slip boat ramp, canoeing along Big Lagoon, fishing, hiking along 4 miles of trails, kayaking in Grande Lagoon, wildlife viewing from a four story observation tower and footbridge overlooks at Long Pond and Grande Lagoon, picnicking at 21 shelters, swimming in Big Lagoon and 75 electrified camping sites and a group camp. Državni park Big Lagoon (Q4905938) na Wikidata Državni park Big Lagoon na Wikipediji
  • 3 Tarkiln Bayou Preserve State Park, 2401 Bauer Rd, 1 850 492-1595. 8 AM- sončni zahod. $3/vehicle. $2 pedestrians, bicyclists, extra passengers. Državni park Tarkiln Bayou Preserve (Q7686271) na Wikidata Državni park Tarkiln Bayou Preserve na Wikipediji


  • Hopjacks Trivia Night, 10 S Palafox, downtown, 1 850 497-6073, . W 9PM. A popular destination in downtown Pensacola on Wednesday nights. Often between 10 and 20 teams competing for numerous prizes; including free bar tabs, a $50 Hopjacks gift card, and boot schwag. Entry is free and there is a team size limit of 8. The best team name each week also wins a round of shots. Sprinkled throughout the game are several "fast finger" questions, in which the first team to scrawl the correct answer on a piece of paper and bring it up to the judge wins a separate prize (usually a bottle of wine or hats/key chains). Be sure to check out the surprisingly gourmet bar menu, famous for their pizzas, and the impressive beer list. prost.
  • [mrtva povezava]Fiesta of Five Flags, Multiple venues, 1 850 433-6512, faks: 1 850 438-5572. The Fiesta of Five Flags celebrates the history of Pensacola and its founding by Spanish governor Don Tristan de Luna. Many separate events are included under the Fiesta of Five Flags banner, and include float parades, boat parades, balls, golf tournaments, scavenger hunts and sand castle contests, among other events. The fiesta's most popular event is a stylized re-enactment of the landing of Don Tristan de Luna. Prost.
  • Gallery Nights, Palafox St, downtown, 1 850 432-9906, . Downtown Pensacola is home to a large number of art galleries and unique stores, and on Gallery Night, they stay open late, bring in food and wine, invite some musicians, and have a party! The event is a great way to meet Pensacola artists, view some great art, and shop while noshing on free food. Dress up nice, because shorts and tee shirts look out of place in this crowd. Prost.
  • [mrtva povezava]Pensacola Seafood Festival, Seville Square, 1 850 433-6512, faks: 1 850 438-5572, . Last weekend in Sep: F noon - 11PM, Sa 10AM - 11PM, Su 11AM - 5PM. For seafood lovers and fans of Southern cuisine, this is one of two important events in Pensacola to attend! With free admission, free live music, hundreds of artist booths, all set in beautiful downtown, the Seafood Festival is a perfect way to spend a weekend. For foodies looking for a taste of Pensacola cuisine, try the grits-a-ya-ya; grits served with shrimp, cheese, bacon, and fried onions. Fried grouper is popular too, but avoid the crawfish, which are out of season in September. Free admission, food $5-15.
  • [mrtva povezava]Pensacola Crawfish Festival, Bartram Park, near Main St and Barracks St, 1 850 433-6512, faks: 1 850 438-5572, . End of Apr/early May: Fnoon - 11PM, Sa 10AM - 11PM, Su 11AM - 5PM. The main event at the crawfish festival is, of course, mind-blowing amounts of ruby-red mudbugs. Most of the crawfish here is served boiled, and very spicy, with red potatoes and corn, but 'fancy' foods are available too, like crawfish poboys and gumbo. In addition to the food, there's a crawfish eating contest, crawfish races, bayou bands and Southern music, and a kids crafts festival. $5 daily, $10 for a weekend pass. Children under 12 free. Food $5-15.
  • Sunsets at de Luna, Plaza de Luna (south end of Palafox St). Th 5:30PM. Watch the sun set at Pensacola's new waterfront park, while listening to musicians play. Prost.
  • Palafox Market, Martin Luther King Jr. Plaza, Palafox St (just north of Hwy 98). May-Sep: Sa 8AM-2PM. Fresh produce, live plants, baked goods and antiques are just a few of the items offered by vendors at Palafox Market in Downtown Pensacola. The market is open every Saturday, rain or shine. Many items originate directly from vendors who grow, make, or create the fruits, vegetables, herbs, and art for sale.

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras in Pensacola is a time to let your cookie jar down, dye it purple, then march into the streets or bars for shiny beads, moon pies, liquor and fun. Don't go too wild though! As a family-friendly Mardi Gras destination, excessive drunkenness and exposing yourself will earn you a visit from the city police, which isn't worth a few extra good 'throws'. Also, Pensacolians like to keep their partying confined to the weekend, so there is no parade na Fat Tuesday. The odd scheduling does give a unique benefit: you can see all three parades in the Pensacola Area on the weekend, then travel to Mobilni ali New Orleans for their spectacular, and ribald, Fat Tuesday parades.

  • Krewe of Lafitte Parade, Corner of Spring St and Garden St, to Palafox Pl, to Government St. F prior to Fat Tu 8PM. The Krewe of Lafitte parade is the only night parade in Pensacola, and conveniently passes by most of the bars downtown, giving it a much more adult atmosphere than the other two Pensacola Parades. prost.
  • The Grand Parade, Corner of Spring St and Main St, to Garden St, to Palafox St, back to Main St, 1 850 436-7638, . Sa prior to Fat Tu 2PM. With more than two hundred floats and over a hundred thousand spectators attending, the Grand Parade is Pensacola's largest parade. Since Pensacola is so small, plan to arrive early if you want a good spot along the parade route, and expect to either walk a long way or pay for parking. This parade is very popular for families, but adults can go to the raucous after party, which is held at a different bar each year at sundown following the parade. prost.

The Krewe of Wrecks Parade, the last of the three Pensacola Mardi Gras parades, is held at 2PM on Sunday afternoon at nearby Plaža Pensacola.

Ball season begins in January and lasts until the parades before Fat Tuesday, with a very high concentration of balls centered around Valentine's Day. These balls are a great excuse to Balls are one of the most important fundraisers for Mardi Gras Krewes, and some of them can be very lavish indeed! It's a great excuse to dress up, socialize, dance, drink and nosh. Some of these balls are restricted to Krewe members only, while others are open to the public: the best way to learn where and when is to check the 'Local' section of the newspaper. Make sure to follow the dress code, which is usually either black-tie formal or costume. (Hint: the more sequins on the costume, the better.) Balls are always limited to those 21 and older.

  • Les Petits Enfants Cordova Mall Ball, Cordova Mall, 5100 9th Ave, 1 850 416-4660, . One Sa in Jan. Pensacola's most popular Mardi Gras ball is limited to the first 2500 ticket buyers. Features a silent auction and catered food from some of Pensacola's best restaurants. All proceeds go the Sacred Heart Children's Hospital. Black-tie formal. $50.


  • 1 Nakupovalni center Cordova, 5100 N 9. avenija, 1 850 477-5355. M-Sa 10AM-9PM, Su noon-6PM. A large indoor shopping mall located at the intersection of 9th Avenue and Bayou Boulevard. It is surrounded by many small shopping areas and provides a great place to wander around on a rainy day. Trgovski center Cordova (Q5170049) na Wikidata Cordova Mall na Wikipediji
  • Downtown Pensacola, Palafox Pl (south of Cervantes St), 1 850 434-5371, . Offers an eclectic shopping experience, mainly on Palafox Street and the surrounding area. Popular shops include Distinctive Kitchens, a kitchen accessories store with chef-led cooking classes, Running Wild, a specialty store for runners and joggers, and Dollarhide's, an upscale music store. Most businesses are open until 5PM on weekdays, until 2PM on Saturdays, and closed Sundays.
  • Duh, 501 N 9th Ave, 1 850 439-0640. This garden and design center provides outdoor and indoor ideas for your home. The environment of the store is a sight to see and they spend a lot of energy finding pieces from the around the world to enhance their stock, including importing from Italy twice a year. Prices range from $5 to $8000, so there's something for every budget!
  • Eden Garden Supply, 5044 N Palafox St, 1 850 439-1299. A hydroponic and organic gardening shop. Learn how to grow your own fruits, vegetables and flowers year round or how to get a jump on the growing season every year. Indoor and outdoor growing systems, check with their staff for anything from prebuilt beginner systems to help in building your own special growing areas. Only hydroponics shop between New Orleans, Gainesville and Atlanta.
  • J.W. Renfroe Pecan Company, 2400 W Fairfield Dr, brez cestnin: 1-800-874-4929. This rustic store has built a thriving business off the humble pecan, which you can still buy here in a traditional burlap sack, shelled or unshelled. Besides plain nuts, they also sell them in candies and conserves alongside a wide selection of traditional Southern food. Try their fudge or praline; they're always generous with the free samples!
  • Palafox Farmer's Market, Martin Luther King Plaza, Palafox St, 1 850 434-5371. Jun-Oct: Sa 8AM-1PM. As the only farmer's market in Pensacola, this Saturday summertime event attracts farmers, cooks and artists.
  • Pensacola Hardware, 20 E Gregory St, 1 850 438-3186. M-F 7AM-5PM, Sa 7:30AM-noon. First opened in 1852, Pensacola Hardware is the oldest continually running business in Pensacola. In addition to hardware, it now sells kitchen supplies and folk art.
  • T&W Flea Market, 1717 N T St, 1 850 433-4315. W Sa Su 6AM-5PM. This large flea market is a great place to scrounge for antiques, good deals, and unique knick-knacks. The best shopping is Saturday and before 3PM; the other days have much fewer vendors.
  • University Mall, 7171 N Davis Hwy, 1 850 478-3600. M-Sa 10AM-9PM, Su noon-6PM. Located directly off Interstate 10 on Davis Hwy, it is an outdoor shopping center with anchor stores Belk, Sears, and JCPenney remain open.
  • Yard sales are very popular in Pensacola on Saturdays, and it's common to see a half-dozen fluorescent signs fighting for space on an electric pole. Start early, around 7AM, before the best buys are snatched up! Popular yard-sale destinations include the affluent homes on Scenic Hwy, the old neighborhood of East Hill, the subdivisions of Nine Mile Rd, and the city of Gulf Breeze, just south of Pensacola.


Located on the Gulf Coast, with good harbors, Pensacola has access to a wide variety of fresh morski sadeži, and many restaurants in the area proudly use fresh-caught fish and shellfish in their meals. Rdeči snapper is bountiful in the waters here, but good luck finding it; most of it is shipped to New York City, where it can fetch a higher price. Locals in the know often hit the docks when the fishing ships come in, when a small bribe can net you a beautiful snapper at bargain prices. Gulf shrimp are cheap and plentiful here, and most dining establishments have it on the menu in some form or another. Mullet fish are an oily, strong-flavored species of fish, popular only because of its dirt-cheap price. It can be bought for a dollar a pound, and is always served deep-fried, like catfish; locals often eat the tails like they eat potato chips. And although Pensacola is a little late to the raw fish party, incredible suši can be found here, made with fish caught from the docks.

Being in the southern United States, Pensacola also features many restaurants that specialize in traditional southern cooking; imeti zdrob, a ground corn porridge, for breakfast is a source of pride for many Southerners. Pecans in peanuts are grown by many farmers in the Florida panhandle, and Pensacolians put them to good use in pecan pie, pecan ice cream, roasted peanuts, and especially cajun-spiced boiled peanuts. And all this southern food is washed down with sweet iced tea; the best places boil sugar and water into a syrup, and add this to their brewed iced tea, along with oranges or lemons to make a true Southern-style sweet tea.


Offered at convenience stores, country fairs, high school football concession stands and farmer's markets, boiled peanuts are an ubiquitous snack food in Pensacola. Usually using fresh peanuts from farms in the north part of the county, the raw nuts are boiled in salted water until soft in the middle. Both spicy and plain varieties are available, and are usually just a dollar or two for a bag. If you've never had them before, expect your first reaction to be "slimy."

Zdrob are offered anywhere breakfast is served; even the fast food chain Whataburger has them in the mornings. Expect to pay just a dollar or so for plain, buttered grits, and more if you want any fancy ingredients added, like cheese or bacon. Hominy grits, made from lye-soaked corn kernels, popular in other parts of the south, are hard to find in Pensacola.

If you're lucky, you might find yourself invited to a southern fish fry. Do not turn down this invitation. An important part of southern food tradition, fish fries can be used as fundraisers, as celebrations, or just a cheap way to bring friends and family together. Tradicionalno som is the main course, but in Pensacola, mullet fish is popular too. Fried fish is usually served with hush puppies, and coleslaw, french fries, baked beans, and grits can all make an appearance. Plates usually run $5 or less at fundraising events, but unless you have really cheap friends, it's free at fish fry parties.

  • Bagelheads. M-F 6AM-3PM, Sa Su 7AM-3PM. A small, city chain of shops featuring fresh-baked, from scratch bagels, Bagelheads has become a hip morning hangout for college students. Try their veggie cream cheese, made with freshly cut, crisp vegetables for an awesome (but still not healthy) breakfast. Skip the coffee though, unless you like rubber-tasting Community Cup brews; stick with their cinnamon-y House Latte, or their excellent cappuccinos. $1-5.
  • Blue Dot Barbecue, 310 N De Villiers St, 1 850 432-0644. M 11AM-2:30PM, Tu-F 11AM-5PM, Sa 12:30-5PM. Open since 1947, this Pensacola institution has a cult-following for their burgers and smoked rib sandwiches, which are the only items on the menu. Service is very curt, and they may close early on some days, or not even open at all, if they "feel like it." $4 hamburgers, $7.21 rib sandwich.
  • The Coffee Cup, 520 E Cervantes St, 1 850 432-7060. "No Grits, No Glory" is the motto of this Southern diner, and it's a good slogan for how to eat here; if you aren't going to order the grits, don't bother. It opened in 1945; this greasy-spoon diner hasn't changed anything other than its prices ever since. The Nassau grits, served with ham, tomatoes, peppers, and onions, were mentioned in Saveur magazine, and are worth an order. The regulars, who love the cheap food here, tend to stick with eggs, biscuits, and bacon or a smoked pork chop, with a bottomless cup of thin coffee. A "road food" lovers treat. $4-8.
  • Dairy Queen, 7600 Scenic Hwy, 1 850 473-1111. Enjoy a cheap soft-serve ice cream cone while standing on the bluffs overlooking Escambia Bay. Come by in the morning, when the sun sparkles on the water and the freight trains thunder on the beach beneath you.
  • Dog House Deli, 30 S Palafox Pl, 1 850 432-3104. M-F 7AM-3PM, closed Sa Su. You can get almost any topping you want on your hot dog for no extra cost here, but their best is the Cole Slaw Hound, with chili, cheese, and cole slaw. Order a cup of their spicy, sausage-studded, from-scratch red beans and rice, no matter what hot dog you choose. Breakfast offered before 10:30AM. $3-8.
  • J's Pastry Shop. In the trendy East Hill district of Pensacola, there's only one place to go for a hungry traveler on a budget, and that's J's Bakery. A little run down, and hard to find in its small brick building, it nevertheless has a faithful following among pastry lovers in the area. They speak in awed, hushed tones about cheese danishes the size of your head. You will too, once you try one. $1-3.
  • Jerry's Drive-In, 2815 E Cervantes St, 1 850 433-9910. While it's not a drive-in, this is a great place to sit and enjoy a cheap beer while watching the regulars eat delicious hamburgers, fried chicken livers and onion rings. Famous in the city for their double-bacon cheeseburgers and from-scratch milkshakes, there is usually a line to get a table. Bring cash, since credit cards aren't accepted at this mom and pop place. $2-7.
  • Krispy Kreme Donuts, E Cervantes St. Eating a fresh, hot Krispy Kreme donut proves that you're a Pensacola tourist 'in the know.' Although the donuts from this factory are no different than any other in the South, Pensacolians harbor a strange attachment to the sticky sweet pastry. When the building reopened after a three month renovation, it made front page news in the city newspaper; truly, a bastion of Southern culture. $0.50-$1.50 per donut. $2-4 for specialty coffee.
  • O'Zone Pizza Pub, 1010 N 12th Ave, 1 850 433-7336. Su-M 11AM-9PM. Built in the basement of the old Sacred Heart Hospital, inside the morgue, O'Zone Pizza offers more than just fresh pizza and beer; it offers an experience that borders on terrifying. Expect it to be crowded, loud, fun, and to have an, ah, interesting crowd. $10-20 per pizza.
  • Whataburger, Multiple locations, mostly in north part of city. Open 24-hours. A chain popular across the south, Whataburger has endeared itself to the student population with good prices, good burgers, heart-clogging portions, free Wi-fi, and 2-for-1 hamburger deals on Wednesdays. Bacon, jalapeño, and cheddar are popular additions to their burgers. Don't order the 'large size' unless you know what you're getting yourself into. $5-8.

Srednji razred

Several local restaurants are around Seville Square

You can find chain restaurants, like Applebee's and Olive Garden in the Cordova Mall area, near the intersection of Bayou Blvd and 9th Ave. Local restaurants are more scattered, but you can find a few hotspots downtown, and along Scenic Hwy.

  • Chet's Seafood, 3708 Navy Blvd, 1 850 456-0165. Th-Sa. Chet's specializes in simple Southern seafood, and most of their food is served fried or broiled, with coleslaw, french fries and iced sweet tea. The house specialty is fried mullet, and indeed, it's almost a waste to order anything else here! $10-15.
  • Hopjacks, 10 S Palafox Pl, 1 850 497-6073, . Daily 11AM-2AM. Serves American-style pizza with gourmet toppings, in a hip, rowdy atmosphere with 36 beers on tap and over 150 more bottled. $14-26 per pizza.
  • Italy's Finest Pizzeria, 5555 N Davis Hwy, 1 850 607-8575, . M-Th 11AM-10PM, F-Su 11AM-midnight. Family-run restaurant uses traditional recipes developed over years of experience in the pizza business. Also serves a variety of courses, including Stromboli, calzones, sandwiches, breads, salads and pastas. You can also watch the games on tv at the full-service bar
  • Jaco's Bayfront Bar & Grille, 997 South Palafox, 1 850 432-5226. n-Tu 11AM-9PM, W-Sa 11AM-10PM, Su 10AM-8PM. Most waterfront restaurants emphasize atmosphere and view rather than the quality of the food. This is an exception - the location and the cuisine are both superb. Jaco's is at the foot of Palafox Street overlooking the yacht harbor and the bay, next to Plaza de Luna. They keep a good list of flatbread pizzas, and a seasonal specialty menu. Expect $8-24 a plate.
  • Jerry's Cajun Cafe & Market, 6205 N 9th Ave, 1 850 484-6836. M-Th 11AM-8:30PM, F Sa 11AM-9:30PM, closed Su. A favorite among lovers of spicy food, Jerry's is the only authentic Cajun restaurant in Pensacola! Its relaxed dining environment serves up Louisiana favorites like gumbo, crawfish tails, boudin (a specialty sausage), etouffee, and jambalaya. It also has a small market that sells hot sauce, cajun mixes, cajun seasonings and coffee. $10-20.
  • The Oar House, 1901 Cypress St, 1 850 549-4444. Daily 11AM-10PM. Serves grouper sandwiches and fried green beans from a trailer at the marina; all tables are outdoors overlooking the water, and they keep a full bar. $12-25, $9 for a grouper sandwich.
  • Tre Fratelli, 304 S Alcaniz St, 1 850 438-3663. M-Sa 11AM-9PM, closed Su. Named for the three Italian brothers who run this restaurant, Tre Fratelli is an authentically Italian restaurant, not American. Taking advantage of fresh Gulf seafood, the chefs here serve mostly Sicilian dishes, which are based on Mediterranean seafood. The restaurant has outdoor dining available, overlooking Seville Park. $15-25
  • The Tuscan Oven, 4801 N 9th Ave, 1 850 484-6836. Tu-Th 11AM-9PM, F Sa 11AM-10PM, closed Su-M. Their Italian-built, imported, wood-fired oven is the draw at this elegant mom-and-pop pizzeria. Try their Pizza Margherita for the best pizza you'll find in Pensacola, or try their house special, the Danato, topped with chicken, rosemary, mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes and garlic. $13-18 per pizza.


What seems expensive to the average Pensacola eater may seem pretty cheap to out of towners. Even the best meals in town rarely top $30 a person, and seafood in Pensacola is dirt cheap compared with some parts of the country. Take advantage of this; there is incredible seafood to be found at the finer establishments in town.

  • Angus Seafood, Meats and Spirits, 1101 Scenic Hwy, 1 850 432-0539. An American Steakhouse, with a full bar and lounge, 'the Angus' has an upscale atmosphere. Although it used to be dark, and a bit stuffy, it's been given a modern facelift to bring it into the 21st century. They take their service very seriously, and feature juicy steaks and fresh-caught Gulf seafood. $15-40.
  • Dharma Blue, 300 S Alcaniz St (at Seville Square), 1 850 433-1275. M-Th 5-10PM, F Sa 5PM-11PM, Su 5PM-10PM, lunch M-Sa 11AM-4PM. It was started as an upscale American food restaurant. Dharma Blue has truly found its niche serving sushi. Bring your non-fish-loving friends here so they can enjoy the blackberry sauced duck breast or filet mignon while you dine on grouper, meaty dauphin, or an expert-made rainbow roll. Lunch $8-15, dinner $10-30, sushi $6-13 per roll.
  • The Fish House, 600 S Barracks St, 1 850 470-0003. Su-M 11AM-until, brunch Su 11AM-2PM. This is the height of 'fancy eats' in Escambia county, with its unique take on southern seafood, beautiful views of Pensacola Bay, and high (for Pensacola) prices. The restaurant's signature dish, the 'Grits a Ya Ya,' features grits with smoked gouda cheese, applewood smoked bacon, and Gulf shrimp, but it can't top the chef's excellent key lime pie. $15-30.
  • [prej mrtva povezava]The Global Grill, 27 S Palafox Pl, 1 850 469-9966. Tu-Sa 5PM-late, Su-M closed. The Global Grill is an eclectic restaurant, serving cuisines from around the world, located in the heart of downtown Pensacola. The upscale restaurant features tapas, which are small appetizers ranging from $4-20, and diners are encouraged to order multiple tapas and share with their companions; ordering an entree isn't required. The decor is its most memorable feature; both elegant and eclectic, the Global Grill has a modern, chic feel, with eye-catching hometown art on the walls and unique table settings for each table. The globally-inspired food, the communal aspect of sharing tapas, and the modern atmosphere have made the restaurant popular for couples and elegant group get-togethers. Make sure to place a reservation. $10-30.
  • Jackson's Steakhouse, 400 S Palafox Pl, 1 850 469-9898. Lunch M-F 11AM-2PM, dinner M-Sa 5PM-late. One of the best restaurants in Florida, and that isn't an empty boast; they have the Golden Spoon award from Florida Trend Magazine to prove it. Chef Irv Miller is proud of his restaurant, and only serves grain-fed, Midwestern, wet-aged beef and Pensacola-caught fresh seafood. $30-50.
  • McGuire's Irish Pub and Restaurant, 600 East Gregory St, 1 850 433-6789. While McGuires is one of the best Irish pubs in the country (see pub information below), the restaurant serves some of the best steaks in the region. The restaurant was named Steak House of the Year by the National Beef Council in 1998. McGuire's advertises its steaks as "Certified Angus corn-fed beef, never frozen and hand cut daily." The restaurant has won numerous Florida Trend Magazine's Golden Spoon Awards and Wine Spectator Magazine Awards of Excellence. $20-$50.


  • Joe Patti's Seafood, 524 S B St (intersection of Main St and B St), 1 850 432-3315. Su-Th 7AM-6:30PM, F Sa 7AM-7PM. This seafood market is so popular, customers are expected to take a number, and the wait can be up to a half hour! It's easy to see why; they offer fresh local seafood brought in straight from the docks, along with high-quality imported seafood, at startlingly low prices. While waiting, try an order of sushi from their sushi bar, visit Anna's Wine Shop in the back, or browse the imported foods and knick-knacks at Amangiari's Shop.
  • Maria's Fresh Seafood, 621 E Cervantes St, 1 850 432-4999. Unlike Joe Patti's, Maria's is a quiet seafood market, without all the bells and whistles. It's a well-kept secret to Pensacola seafood restaurants; most of them buy their seafood through here.


One drink that's a Pensacola favorite is the Bushwacker. This frozen drink, made from Kahlua, rum, coconut, and ice cream, is more associated with Pensacola Beach, but every bar in town knows how to make it, and many have their own special versions.

International travelers, when going out to drink, bring your passport. Doormen at some bars, Seville Quarter in particular, may not recognize an international driver's license, and will call the police after confiscating it as a fake ID!


  • 600 South Martini and Wine Bar, 600 S Palafox Pl, 1 850 434-7736. With modern furniture, a chandelier lit room, and European sofas to relax on with your drink, 600 South is a classy place to enjoy a bottle of wine, or an expertly made martini. They have some cocktail food for noshing while you drink, nuts and olives and the like. $6-10 per drink.
  • 1 The Cabaret, 101 S Jefferson St, 1 850-607-2020. LGBT-friendly, with live entertainment, a piano bar, and Karaoke two nights a week.
  • 2 McGuire's Irish Pub, 600 E Gregory St, 1 850-433-6789. 11AM-2AM. A popular Irish pub, McGuire's is the most well-known restaurant in Pensacola, loved for its quirky sense of humor, community involvement, Irish food in addition to bar food, and their award-winning in-house beer brewery. During evenings, live entertainment and music can get rowdy. They serve handmade draft beers brewed on site, in addition to a full bar, and a few oddball house specialties. By the time you've finished their infamous Irish Wake, you'll be drunk enough to kiss the stuffed moose, and possibly even enjoy the bagpipers! You also get to keep the souvenir mason jar the drink is served in. First-time visitors are expected to pin a dollar bill to the wall with their name on it, a tradition that has resulted in over a half-million dollars papering the walls and ceiling. Sunday brunch is amazing, with giant six egg omelets, bottomless Mimosa's, and good prices. See "Events" for information on McGuire's Running Club on Tuesday nights. Dinner $12-25. $5 draft.
  • 3 Woodshed Grill and Brew Pub, 847 N Navy Blvd, 1 850 456-2537. Dinner $6-10, draft $2-5.
  • Seville Quarter, 130 E Government St, 1 850 434-6211. A collection of entertainment and dining venues located in downtown Pensacola. First opened in 1967, beginning with Rosie O'Grady's bar, it has since been expanded to include two more pubs, banquet halls, a fine-dining restaurant (Lili Marlene's,) billiards hall (Fast Eddie's,) and dance club (Phineas Phogg's.) During the evenings, Seville Quarter is a popular party spot for college students and military men and women.

Bars and Nightclubs

  • Capt'n Fun.
  • [prej mrtva povezava]Smaragdno mesto, 406 E Wright St, 1 850 433-9491. Nightclub open W-M 9PM-3AM, bar open daily, 3PM-3AM. Pensacola's main LGBT bar, with a high-energy dance club, and themed events each day of the week. Their drink and drown, with free well drinks, is popular on Wednesday and Sunday.
  • Salon Flora-Bama, 17401 Perdido Key Dr, 1 850 492-0611, 1 251 980-5118. 11AM-until. Located on the Florida-Alabama State Line, this institution is famous for the Annual Mullet Toss, where participants attempt to throw a local fish, the mullet, across the state line. After a few disastrous hurricanes and the growing number of high-rise condos surrounding it, the Flora-Bama, despite rumors, is still going strong and has a great schedule of events. From chili cook-offs to musical entertainment and an annual polar bear dip, this place is in a league of its own!
  • The Gutter Lounge.
  • Sluggo's, 101 S Jefferson St. Th-Sa 5PM-1AM, Su 6PM-1AM, M-Tu 5PM-1AM. Sluggo's is the center of Pensacola's indie music scene, and bands are usually playing on Fridays and Saturdays. Although it's most-well known as a music venue, Sluggo's does have a small bar and is also a popular vegetarian restaurant. $3-6 cover charge.
  • Hopjacks, 10 S Palafox, downtown, 1 850 497-6073, . Daily 11AM-2:30AM. A local bar known for its surprisingly gourmet bar menu, to include fantastic pizzas and Belgian fries (fried in duck fat), Hopjacks has over 150 beers with 36 taps. It is popular with the 20-something crowd, often largely comprised of local military pilots in training. Events include live music and an extremely popular trivia night on Wed nights (see "Events" for more detail).
  • [mrtva povezava]Will Call Sports Grille, 22 Palafox, downtown, 1 850 912-8644, . Su-W 11AM-midnight, Th-Sa 11AM-2AM. Will Call is a popular destination to watch major sports games, on no less than 44 large-screen TVs. Check the website for ongoing drink specials and happy hour. Also a Sunday brunch with "bottomless champagne." Military discounts available on some items. No cover charge..


  • [prej mrtva povezava]Bad Ass Coffee Company, 1014 Underwood Ave, 1 850 478-0634, . M-F 7AM-6PM, Sa 8AM-2PM, Su closed. A bit overpriced, charging as high as five dollars for a latte, Bad Ass nevertheless does decent business serving students from Pensacola Junior College. Try their smoky Kona drip coffee, made from 100% Hawaiian Kona coffee beans; no blends. Wi-Fi available.
  • Breaktime Cafe, 34 Palafox Pl, 1 850 438-7788. Serving the workers of downtown Pensacola, Breaktime Cafe has a quirky staff and a constantly changing list of seasonal specials. Great place to people watch.
  • The Drowsy Poet, 86 Brent Ln (west end of overpass), 1 850 434-7638. M-F 5AM-10PM, Sa 8AM-10PM, Su closed. Everything about this poetry-themed independent cafe screams Starbucks, from the green-circle logo to the drive-thru to the frappuccino-like drinks. Unlike Starbucks though, all their beans are roasted in store, they know how to use their espresso machine, and they take pride in every drink they make.
  • The End of the Line Cafe, 610 Wright St, 1 850 429-0336, . Tu-Sa 10AM-10PM, Su 11AM-5PM, M closed. A bohemian, vegan cafe staffed entirely by volunteers, where you can expect poetry readings up front and Tolstoy books in the back. Their coffee here is good, and made with soy by default; they offer a wide selection of vegan food, and their Sunday brunch, at $7.50, is a great deal. Make sure to tip the workers, since otherwise, they don't get paid for this! Wi-Fi available, and a small internet cafe in the corner.
  • Starbucks. Starbucks came to Pensacola in 1997 with the Barnes and Noble Bookstore, and Pensacolians took a liking to it; there are multiple locations in the north part of the city, as well as are two serving NAS Pensacola. The store at 5040 Bayou Blvd, near Cordova Mall has live music on Saturday evenings from 6:30 to 9:30PM.


Pensacola offers dozens of hotels, from small weathered motels to full-service resorts. Vacation rentals are also a popular option for large groups or extended stays. Since Pensacola often has a large influx of evacuees from other cities during the hurricane season, there are a large number of extended-stay hotels and suites available in the city. Outside of hurricane season, you can often find a great deal on these rooms.

If you're looking to spend a lot of time on the beach, you may want to look at hotels in Plaža Pensacola ali Ključ Perdido, which will save you a lot of driving. Also, if you are military, or have a military ID, you can stay at the Navy Lodge at NAS Pensacola. Rooms are spartan, but cheap, and the location is on a bluff overlooking the beach.


Many major hotel chains have a presence in Pensacola, including all the usual budget suspects. Most of these budget hotels are located along I-10 on Plantation Rd at the Davis Hwy exit, and at the Pensacola Blvd exit. The attractions of Pensacola are about a twenty-minute drive from here. Unless you're on an extreme budget, avoid the cheap motels along the portion of Hwy 90 known as Mobile Hwy; this is a high-crime area, and the motels there are rundown and unsavory.

  • Comfort Inn, 8080 North Davis Hwy (I-10 E, take exit 13, turn right onto Davis Hwy. (Hwy. 291) go north approximately 1/4 mile. Hotel is on the right side behind Beach Community Bank.), 1 850 484-8070, faks: 1 850 484-3853. Preveri: 11.00. $99-119.
  • Comfort Inn, 8690 Pine Forest Rd (I-10W Exit 7, (old exit 2) Hotel on Right. I-10E Exit 7B (old exit 2B) Hotel on Right.), 1 850 476-8989, faks: 1 850 478-2305. Preveri: 11.00. $99-119.
  • Days Inn, 710 N Palafox St, 1 850 438-4922. Located rather oddly on the side of a hill, this location is known more for its restaurant, the Cavern, than the hotel underneath it. Still, it has good rooms in a good location. $80.
  • East #1105, 7226 Plantation Rd, 1 850 474-1060, faks: 1 850 476-5104. One pet allowed. Wi-Fi available, for $3 fee. $45.
  • Podaljšano bivanje v Ameriki, 809 Bloodworth Ln (behind Fazoli's restaurant), 1 850 473-9323, faks: 1 850 473-9324, . A hotel room with a kitchen and on-site laundry, Extended Stay America caters largely to hurricane victims, so expect prices here to rise in the event of a storm. At other times of the year, their room rates are pretty low. Wi-Fi available, for a $5 fee. $75.
  • Motel 6. They offer few of the standard amenities, but the rates are the cheapest you'll find in town.
    • North #1183, 7827 N Davis Highway, 1 850 476-5386, faks: 1 850 476-7458. One pet allowed. Wi-Fi available, for $3 fee. $50.
  • Quality Inn & Suites, 7601 Scenic Hwy (I-10, Take Exit 17-Scenic Hwy), 1 850 477-7155, faks: 1 850 478-2479. Prijava: 15.00, preveri: opoldne. Located on Scenic Hwy with a view overlooking Pensacola Bay, the Quality Inn & Suites offers decent amenities (including a pool), and a complimentary hot breakfast buffet. Check out the Dairy Queen across the street to get an even better view of the bay. $59-$99.
  • Quality Inn N.A.S.-Corry, 3 New Warrington Rd (Traveling east: Take I-10 west, take exit 12 onto Interstate 110 southbound to Exit 4 (Fairfield Drive), turn right at the traffic light onto Fairfield. After the 7th traffic light the road divides. Veer left (State Rd 295/NAS) travel approx 3 miles. Quality Inn will be on your right just past Troy University. Hotel is located just before corner of Chief's Way and 3 N. New Warrington Rd.), 1 850 455-3233, faks: 1 850 453-3445. Preveri: 11.00. $50-70.
  • Quality Inn North, 6550 Pensacola Blvd (near Ruby Tuesdays, Rave Theatre, and Sam's Fun City), 1 850 477-0711. Preveri: opoldne. Offers standard smoking/non-smoking/pet-friendly rooms with a free continental breakfast. Friendly and clean hotel. $69.
  • Quality Inn West, 8060 Lavelle Way (Traveling west on I-10 take exit 7/Pine Forest Rd. turn left. Traveling east on I-10 take exit 7A/Pine Forest Rd. Traveling south on Pine Forest turn right on Wilde Lake, turn right onto Lavelle Way, follow Lavelle Way to end.), 1 850 944-0333, faks: 1 850 941-1961. Preveri: 11.00. $59-79.
  • Ramada. Cheap and comfortable, a Ramada Inn certainly isn't a destination hotel, but it will keep you rested in between forays to the beach.
    • Ramada Pensacola, 7051 Pensacola Blvd (I-10, exit 10-A), 1 850 476-9091, faks: 1 850 479-6292. This Ramada has been modernized with better looking, more comfortable rooms. It's still a long drive from downtown Pensacola, but it's convenient to I-10. $70.
  • Gostišče Red Roof, 7340 Plantation Rd, 1 850 476-7960, faks: 1 850 479-4706. Prijava: 13.00, preveri: opoldne. Pets welcome, Wi-Fi available. $60.
  • Hotel Suburban Extended Stay, 3984 Barrancas Ave, 1 850 453-4140, faks: 1 850 453-2760. Prijava: 15.00, preveri: opoldne. Na voljo je brezplačen brezžični internet.
    • West #4276, 5829 Pensacola Blvd, 1 850 494-1122, faks: 1 850 478-9461. One pet allowed. $50.

Srednji razred

  • Baymont Inn & Suites, 7330 Plantation Rd, 1 850 477-3333, faks: 1 850 477-8163. Prijava: 15.00, preveri: opoldne. Near I-10 and Davis Hwy intersection, offers complimentary continental breakfast. Old, but clean. $90.
  • Holiday Inn, 7813 N Davis Hwy, 1 850 472-1400, faks: 1 850 472-1410. Prijava: 15.00, preveri: 11.00. Caters to businessmen arriving from Pensacola Regional Airport, and weary travellers from I-10. Wi-Fi available. $110.
  • Noble Manor Bed and Breakfast, 110 W Strong St, brez cestnin: 1-877-598-4634, . Prijava: 3-6PM, preveri: 11.00. Built in 1905 and located in downtown Pensacola, the Noble Manor is a Tudor Revival inn, beautifully modernized. $95-125.
  • Pensacola Victorian Bed and Breakfast, 203 W Gregory St, 1 850 434-2818, brez cestnin: 1-800-370-8354, faks: 1 850 429-0675, . This Victorian home, built by ship captain William Northup, has been lovingly restored by innkeepers Chuck and Barbee Major. At a price cheaper than many hotels in town, you can spend the night here in elegant, turn-of-the-century style rooms. Breakfast and treats are complimentary. $85-125.
  • Springhill Guesthouse, 903 N Spring St, 1 850 438-6887. Prijava: 15.00, preveri: 11.00. A quaintly decorated bed and breakfast that makes you feel like you're back in the 1950s. With high-speed Internet. $115.
  • TownePlace Suites Pensacola, 481 Creighton Rd, 1 850 484-7022. Prijava: 16.00, preveri: opoldne. Situated off I-10 and Davis Hwy, TownePlace is another suite-style hotel, popular with evacuees and business travellers. It's near the University Mall. It offers large guest suites, outdoor pool and business center. $110.


Pensacola's nicest sleeping options are almost all located downtown.

  • 1 Courtyard Pensacola Downtown, 700 E Chase St, 1 850 439-3330, brez cestnin: 1-800-321-2211, faks: 1 850 439-3338. Primarily a hotel for businessmen, this hotel also caters to the leisure traveler and offers Wi-fi and conference rooms. Also offers a complimentary breakfast. $160-200.
  • 2 Crowne Plaza Pensacola Grand Hotel, 200 E Gregory St, 1 850 433-3336, faks: 1 850 469-1417, . At fifteen stories, this is the tallest building in town and might offer the best view of the city. Built on the remains of the historic L&N train depot, the hotel owners took careful care to preserve as much of the original building as possible. You can see the original French clay tile roof, carefully cleaned and restored, and numerous antiques decorate the building's lobby and meeting rooms. $140-190.
  • Hampton Inn and Suites Pensacola-University, 7050 Plantation Rd, 1 850 505-7500, faks: 1 850 505-7502. Near the University Mall, this hotel is just a short distance from I-10. This location also offers suites for rent. $125.
  • Hampton Inn Pensacola-Airport, 2187 Airport Blvd, 1 850 478-1123, faks: 1 850 478-8519. Located just outside Pensacola Regional Airport, this hotel is clean and comfortable, and convenient to the Cordova shopping center. $135.
  • 3 Lee House Bed and Breakfast Inn, 400 Bayfront Pkwy, 1 850 525-3765. Prijava: 15.00, preveri: 11.00. Built from the ashes of the historic Lee House and reopened in 2008, this new bed and breakfast overlooks Pensacola Bay, in the heart of the historic district. The rooms are thoroughly modernized and gourmet meals were slated to be added to their services in 2009. $175.
  • 4 New World Inn, 600 S Palafox Pl, 1 850 432-4111, . Located in historic downtown Pensacola, this relatively new inn just off the water is small and well-hidden. Small enough to provide excellent service to every guest, and each room is unique and comfortable. $130.
  • 5 Residence Inn Pensacola Downtown, 601 E Chase St, 1 850-432-0202. With comfortable suites, complete with dens and kitchenettes, Residence Inns are intended for travellers who will be staying put for a while.

Ostani varen

Tropical weather can be a hazard, especially during the Atlantic hurricane season from June 1 to November 30. In the event of an approaching hurricane or tropical storm, pay attention to television and radio news alerts, who will tell you what to do and what to expect. Typically when a hurricane is imminent, people staying at beaches, low-lying areas, and trailer homes will be asked to evacuate further inland. If your area is asked to evacuate, do so immediately, before traffic slows to a crawl; the most dangerous place to be in a hurricane is stuck in traffic. Hurricane-safe shelters, built inside public schools, will be opened to anyone who needs them.

Theft and crime are minor problems in Pensacola, and you'll be safe if you stick to the main tourist areas. Avoid the area of Pensacola known as Brownsville, on Highway 90 from D Street to Mobile Highway; although the sheriff's office has tried to curb crime in this area, drugs and prostitution still make it a dangerous area to linger in.

Promet in Pensacola is tame compared to large cities, but some roads have a reputation for being especially dangerous. Be careful when driving along Gulf Beach Highway; ozka cesta s kroničnimi hitrostmi in slepimi ovinki letno terja pol ducata življenj. I-110 je v težki gradnji in prehitra vožnja tukaj ni samo nevarna, zelo verjetno si boste prislužili prometno karto. I-10 skozi Pensacolo je znan kot hitra past; ne pozabite, da omejitev hitrosti pade na 60 MPH, medtem ko na območju Pensacola ne na 70 MPH, kot je v sosednjih okrožjih.

Pojdi naprej

  • Plaža Pensacola leži južno od Pensacole na otoku Santa Rosa in ponuja nakupovanje na promenadi, hotele, bele peščene plaže in trdnjavo Fort Pickens. Peljite se po mostu Pensacola Bay do zaliva Gulf Breeze in zavijte desno pri velikanskem znaku mečarice Pensacola Beach. Za vstop v skupnost je treba plačati 1 USD. Med vožnjo skozi Gulf Breeze pazite na omejitev hitrosti; policija tukaj je znana po targetiranju turistov in vam bo dala vozovnico, če boste vozili celo eno miljo na uro nad dovoljeno hitrostjo.
  • Ključ Perdido je približno 15 milj zahodno od centra mesta Pensacola in je odlična točka na plaži, ki je manj zasedena kot plaža Pensacola. Dom državnega rekreacijskega območja Big Lagoon, zalivskega zaliva National Seashore, ruševine Fort Mcree in bivalnega prostora Flora-Bama.
  • Mobilni je približno 50 milj zahodno od Pensacole in je veliko mesto s francoskimi vplivi; v njihovem centru je vsak vikend kakšen festival. I-10 je najhitrejša pot, če vas ne moti pospeševanje prometa, če pa vas ne moti slikovita pot, poskusite po avtocesti 90.
  • Gulf Shores je turistično mesto na plaži v Alabami, približno 40 minut od Pensacole, z več odličnimi plažami, restavracijami in turističnimi pastmi.
  • Foley je podeželsko mesto v Alabami, značilno le po velikem nakupovalnem središču in znameniti restavraciji Lambert's south. Pojdite proti zahodu na Hwy 98, čez zaliv Perdido, dokler ne pridete do Foleyja.
  • Milton je majhno mestece, približno 10 kilometrov vzhodno od Pensacole, ki vsako leto gosti festival praskanja gležnja, ki poudarja glasbene talente, umetnost in obrt ter otroške svečanosti.
  • Adventures Unlimited je približno 12 milj severno od Miltona in ponuja vožnjo s kanuji, kajaki in cevmi po državnem gozdu Blackwater River.
  • Plaža Fort Walton je uro vožnje vzhodno od Pensacole in ima peščeno modro vodo, živahno čolnarsko skupnost in vsako leto gosti festival Billy Bowlegs, ki praznuje pirate.
Poti skozi Pensacolo
MobilniKantoniranje W I-10.svg E MiltonTallahassee
AtlantaAuburn N ZDA 29.svg S KONEC
New OrleansMobilni W ZDA 90.svg E MiltonTallahassee
MobilniFoley W ZDA 98.svg E Zalivski vetričLakeland
Ta vodnik po mestu Pensacola ima vodnik stanje. Vsebuje vrsto dobrih in kakovostnih informacij, vključno s hoteli, restavracijami, znamenitostmi in podrobnostmi o potovanju. Prosimo, prispevajte in nam pomagajte, da to naredimo zvezda !