Worcester (Massachusetts) - Worcester (Massachusetts)

Raziščite likovno umetnost, zgodovino in vodite predstavo v Worcester, srednje veliko mesto v Ljubljani Osrednji Massachusetts približno uro vožnje zahodno od Boston. Na sedmih gričih Worcesterja in njihovih dolinah so vrhunski muzeji, devet kolegijev in univerz, čudoviti parki in hrana z vsega sveta.


Worcester je bil ustanovljen kot mesto 14. junija 1722 in kot mesto 29. februarja 1848. Ima približno 200.000 prebivalcev in je drugo največje mesto v Nova Anglija, zadaj Boston. Worcester je dom devetih šol in univerz, Medicinskega centra Univerze v Massachusettsu, Raziskovalnega parka za biotehnologijo v Massachusettsu in Ameriškega antičnega združenja. Kljub velikemu številu fakultete in univerze v Worcesterju niso dale velikega odtisa na splošen občutek mesta - v dobrem in slabem to ni niti najmanj kolidžsko mesto. Worcester ima zelo nizko stopnjo nasilnih kaznivih dejanj v primerjavi s primerljivo velikim mestom Providence, Rhode Island. Ima tudi veliko parkov, zelenih površin, majhnih vodnih teles in ulic z drevesi.

Downtown Worcester, Massachusetts


Worcester je eno najbolj zasneženih mest v Novi Angliji, ki v povprečju letno prejme približno 175 centimetrov. Običajno v snežnih padavinah prevladujejo veliki dolgotrajni dogodki, mesto pa vsako leto prizadene več noasasov in občasno snežni metež. Kot starejše gričevnato mesto je odstranjevanje snega zelo slabo in le glavne ceste bodo dobro očiščene. Nekatere stranske ulice so lahko še nekaj dni po nevihti zasnežene. Poletja so lahko precej vroča, vendar ne dlje časa. Pomlad in jesen sta nadvse prijetna, podnevi imajo temperature med 16-21 ° C in cvetoče rože ali briljantne jesenske barve. Worcesterjev sloves snega ne preide v dež, čeprav ima dovolj dežja.


  • Središče mesta: Downtown Worcester je območje okrog Worcester Common-a, ki izžareva več blokov v vse smeri. Velik del središča mesta je namenjen pisarniškim delavcem, zato se večina restavracij zapre pred večerjo. V središču mesta je veliko večjih mestnih glasbenih prizorišč in gledališč, pa tudi center DCU, toda če ni dogodka, je območje ponoči večinoma zapuščeno, čeprav obstaja nekaj zelo spoštovanih restavracij, ki so izjema od pravila. Mesto poskuša to stanje spremeniti s spodbujanjem gradnje več stanovanj, ki se bodo po delovnih aktivnostih na tem območju bolj spodbudile.
  • Okrožje Blackstone Canal: To območje mesta, ki se običajno imenuje okrožje Canal, je bilo nekoč industrijska cona, osredotočena na dolgo pokriti kanal Blackstone. Čeprav še vedno obstaja nekaj industrijske uporabe, je bil velik del prostora preurejen v restavracije, bare in nočne klube. Obstaja tudi nekaj precej dragih stanovanj / apartmajev. V tem delu mesta si prizadevajo za ponovno odprtje kanala, ki pa še ni dobil velikega oprijema.
  • Glavni jug: To je območje južno od centra mesta vzdolž Main St, dokler se ne konča na Webster Square. Main South slovi po kaznivih dejanjih, čeprav na južnem koncu soseske vedno bolj prevladuje univerza Clark in je dom kavarn in univerzitetnih barov. Soseska je ena najbolj raznolikih Worcesterjev in obstaja veliko poceni restavracij, ki strežejo kulinariko z vsega sveta.
  • Piemont: Piemont je približno opredeljen s Chandler St na jugu, Salisbury St na severu, Park Ave na zahodu in Downtown na vzhodu. Soseska je polna čudovitih starih hiš in nekaj velikih stanovanjskih zgradb, vendar je v glavnem študentsko stanovanje za študente WPI in Becker College, ki sta oba v soseski. Elm Park, najstarejši v mestu, je na zahodnem koncu soseske. Highland Ave je glavna destinacija za jedilnico in nočno življenje, ki poteka vzhodno-zahodno vzdolž severne strani soseske. Umetniški muzej Worcester je na vzhodnem robu soseske.
Zgodovinsko okrožje Montvale na mestnem zahodu
  • Zahodna stran: Večinoma stanovanjski Westside je najbolj bogata soseska Worcesterja. Opredelitev je nekoliko tekoča, vendar je v bistvu vse, kar je zahodno od Park Ave / West Boylston St. To je precej gričevnato, z drevesi pokrito območje, napolnjeno z velikimi domovi, od katerih so bili številni zgrajeni med industrijskim vrhom Worcesterja. Worcester State University in Assumption College sta na zahodu, vendar je to območje bolj kot predmestje kot univerzitetno mesto. Obstaja veliko parkov, majhnih restavracij in celo nekaj jezer.
  • Greendale-Burncoat: To je območje severno in severovzhodno od centra mesta. V dolini se razprostira veliko tovarn, ki se raztezajo severno od centra mesta, medtem ko so hribi nad njo napolnjeni s stanovanjskimi naselji. Tu je največji park v mestu Green Hill, nakupovalni center Greendale Mall in kar nekaj restavracij. Great Brook Valley, najnevarnejši del mesta, najdemo na obrobju Greendale-Burncoat, vendar je tu malo potnika.
  • Vzhodna stran: Ljudje Worcester vizualno povezujejo z dvema stvaroma: hribi in troprostorci (škatlaste, ozke, 3-nadstropne hiše). Obojih najdemo v izobilju na vzhodu. V tem delu mesta je zelo malo ravnih tal. Glavna jedilnica Worcesterja, Shrewsbury St, je na severnem koncu soseske, kot tudi Medicinska šola UMass. Vzhodna meja je jezero Quinsigamond, južna meja pa cesta 20. Tu je tudi ekotarij, državni park Quinsigamond in jezerski park.
  • Južni Worcester: V Južnem Worcesterju je Kolegij Svetega Križa in vse, kar je južno od njega. Za potovalne namene so tu razviti deli mesta Auburn, ki vključuje večino mestnih hotelov in nakupovalni center Auburn.


42 ° 16′8 ″ S 71 ° 48′14 ″ Z
Zemljevid Worcester (Massachusetts)

Z letalom

Mednarodno letališče Logan (BOS IATA) v Boston ali T.F. Zeleno letališče v Warwick prevažajo glavnino potnikov na tem območju, čeprav so od mesta oddaljeni približno eno uro. Ali pa bi lahko prileteli Mednarodno letališče Bradley v Hartford ki je nekaj več kot uro zahodno od mesta. Iz Bostona do Worcesterja je na voljo vlak. Worcester sicer ima svoje letališče, vendar ni dobro postreženo.

  • 1 Regionalno letališče Worcester (ORH IATA), 375 Airport Drive,, 1-888-359-9672. Služijo JetBlue in American Airlines, storitev Delta pa naj bi se začela leta 2019. Storitve za Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Philadelphia, New York City in Detroit (predvidoma začnejo leta 2019). Letališče se nahaja na hribu in je oddaljeno nekaj kilometrov od centra mesta, vendar je dobro povezano z avtobusnimi in taksi službami WRTA. Worcester Regional Airport (Q8034218) on Wikidata Worcester Regional Airport on Wikipedia

Z vlakom

Worcester ima samo eno železniško postajo, 2 Postaja Union, ki je v središču mesta ob glavnem mestnem avtobusnem terminalu. Od tu se lahko sprehodite tudi do okrožja Blackstone Canal ali ulice Shrewsbury St.

  • MBTALinija Framingham Worcester: 12,50 USD v eno smer. Od južne postaje v Bostonu do postaje Union v Worcesterju pogosto traja uro do uro in pol, odvisno od tega, ali je na lokalnem ali hitrem vlaku. MBTA Commuter Rail v ekstremnih zimskih vremenskih razmerah na splošno ni zanesljiv, zato ga po potrebi načrtujte. Tudi linija Worcester je dovzetna za upogibanje v toplem vremenu, zaradi česar se vlaki poleti upočasnijo. Vlaki do Worcesterja so zjutraj redki, zvečer pa do Bostona.
  • Amtrak, 2 Washington Sq. (Union Station). Iz Bostona v Slovenijo vsak dan vozi vlak Chicago, Lake Shore Limited, ki se ustavi v Worcesterju. Ta vlak vsak dan prispe tudi iz Chicaga, vendar Amtrak ne sprejema vkrcanja v Worcesterju v smeri Bostona (čeprav se lahko vozite iz Bostona v Worcester). V večini primerov je potovanje z vlakom do Worcesterja najbolj zanesljivo in najprimerneje, če potujete v Boston na Amtrak, nato na MBTA v Worcester (ali obratno).

Z avtobusom

Z avtom

  • Worcester je dobro postrežen avtocest. Meddržavna vožnja 290 poteka skozi Worcester in se poveže z avtocestami 495, Interstate 190, Interstate 395 in Interstate 90 (avtocesta Massachusetts). Večina obiskovalcev mesta bo prispela z avtomobilom. Promet na I-90 v bližini Worcesterja se lahko premika zelo počasi skoraj v vsakem trenutku dneva, zlasti ob praznikih ob koncu tedna. Ko prispete, parkiranje verjetno ne bo več problem, saj je na voljo veliko uličnih parkirišč ter javnih parkirišč in garaž.


Mnoga zanimiva mesta Worcesterja so med seboj zelo oddaljena. Edini praktični način za prevoz je z avtom (ali kolesom). Javni prevoz v Worcesterju je namenjen predvsem potnikom. Kabine so pogosto dražje na kilometer kot kabine v drugih mestih. Če ste tam več kot le na obisku, so kolesa na voljo v številnih rabljenih trgovinah in so najboljši način za obisk in raziskovanje. Avtobusi v mestu običajno vozijo vsakih 30 do 60 minut, nekateri vozijo le vsaki dve uri, odvisno od poti. Cena vozovnice je 1,75 USD; prave dnevne vozovnice niso več na voljo - zdaj je na voljo vozovnica za 8 vozovnic, dobra za eno osebo, dobra samo en dan. Avtobusi na določenih poteh pogosto zamujajo pol ure ali več, vendar bodite na postanku že zgodaj, saj pogosto letijo nekaj minut prej, da nadoknadijo prejšnje pozne postaje.

Z avtobusom

Worcester sicer ima avtobusni sistem, vendar je navigacija redka in zmedena. Glede na to, kam se odpravljate, je avtobusni sistem morda neučinkovit način za obhod po mestu, saj skoraj vse poti vozijo v obliki napere od terminala, ki meji na postajo Union. Načrtovanje poti z dovolj časa za povezave in odstopanja voznega reda je bistvenega pomena. Napovedi ustavitve v realnem času so splošno na voljo.



Worcester je presenetljivo težko voditi peš. Mesto pokriva veliko območje po standardih Nove Anglije in kljub temu, da ima "središče mesta", so kontaktne točke za obiskovalce razporejene po vsem mestu, zato jih je težko doseči peš. Vrzite po slabih pločnikih in agresivnih voznikih in razumeli boste, zakaj pešcev ni prav veliko.

Z avtom

Najučinkovitejši, če ne celo najbolj prijeten način za obisk mesta. Vožnja v Worcesterju ni za plahe. Čeprav je Boston v Novi Angliji morda najbolj pozoren na agresivne voznike, je Worcester v večini primerov slabši. Študija zavarovanja je Worcester na podlagi stopnje nesreč uvrstila med najslabše mesto za vožnjo v ZDA. Promet ni skoraj tako slab kot v Bostonu, vendar je v prometnih konicah veliko varnostnih kopij in v nekaterih delih mesta markacijskih oznak morda ni. Kakovost cest je na večini cest dobra, vendar na nekaterih območjih še vedno obstajajo neasfaltirane ulice.

Ni ulice, ki bi se lažje orientirala in za vožnjo tu boste verjetno potrebovali GPS ali nekoga drugega, ki vas bo usmerjal po zemljevidu. Meddržavna cesta 190/290 lahko postane zelo prometna v prometnih konicah (od 16. do 18. ure). Ulice v jedru mesta, kot so Park Ave, Highland Ave, Main St in Cambridge St, lahko varnostno kopirate skoraj kadar koli v dnevu, tudi ob vikendih.


V Worcesterju je videti presenetljivo veliko. Mnogi popotniki se morda zdijo vredni le enodnevnega potovanja, vendar bi bilo to zmotno. Umetniški muzej Worcester je dovolj velik, da zasede cel dan. Če pustimo ob strani mestne muzeje, se boste morda vseeno želeli sprehoditi po enem od mestnih zgodovinskih parkov ali kampusov.

Muzeji in galerije

Worcester ima muzej za vse. Poleg Umetniški muzej v Worcesterju, obstaja zanimiv majhen zgodovinski muzej ter znanstveno in naravoslovno središče, ki je super za otroke. The Muzej ruskih ikon je v bližnjem Clintonu.

Mozaiki, Worcester Art Museum
  • 1 Umetniški muzej v Worcesterju, 55 Salisbury St, 1 508-759-4406. Z-Ned 11.00–17.00, Čet 11.00–20.00, Ponedeljek 10.00–17.00. Umetniški muzej Worcester (WAM) je ena najbolj podcenjenih znamenitosti v Novi Angliji. Če ne bi bilo v bližini bolj znanega Muzeja likovnih umetnosti v Bostonu, bi WAM morda dobil večjo prepoznavnost. WAM je drugi največji umetniški muzej v Novi Angliji, ki obsega štiri nadstropja in vsako obdobje od starega Egipta do danes. Muzej je pridobil zbirko ugaslega muzeja orožja Higgins, s čimer je dobil največjo zbirko orožja in oklepa v ZDA. Medtem ko WAM nima prostora za razstavo celotne zbirke, pripravijo vrsto vrtljivih eksponatov s kosi iz zbirke, ki so povezani z drugo sorodno umetnostjo. Če prispete pred soboto do poldneva, je vstop prost. $14. Worcester Art Museum (Q847508) on Wikidata Worcester Art Museum on Wikipedia
  • 2 EcoTarium - Muzej znanosti in narave, 222 Harringtonova pot, 1 508-929-2700, faks: 1 508-929-2701, . Tu-Sa 10.00–17.00, ponedeljek – 17.00. Odličen živalski vrt s polarnim medvedom in delujočim, otroškim dizelskim vlakom in še več. 10 dolarjev; Starejši, študenti, stari od 3 do 18 let, 8 USD. Planetarij, vlak, drevored so doplačljivi. EcoTarium (Q5333127) on Wikidata EcoTarium on Wikipedia
  • 3 Zgodovinski muzej Worcester, Ulica Elm 30, 1 508-753-8278. Ponedeljek od 10. do 16. ure, od 10. do 20.30. Majhen muzej v čudoviti stari stavbi, ki predstavlja zgodovino mesta. Zgodovinski muzej Worcester ima rotirajočo umetniško razstavo in oddelek, posvečen različnim predelovalnim industrijam, ki so zgradile mesto. Ima tudi sobo, posvečeno "smeškemu obrazu", ki so ga izumili v Worcesterju. Worcester Historical Museum (Q8034187) on Wikidata Worcester Historical Museum on Wikipedia
  • 4 Dvorec Salisbury, 40 Highland Street, 1 508-753-8278. Zgodovinski hišni muzej, ki je del zgodovinskega muzeja Worcester. Vstop v hišo je vključen v vstop v zgodovinski muzej, samo hranite svojo vozovnico in jo predstavite v dvorcu. Nekdanji dom družine Salisbury, nekoč najbogatejši v mestu. Hiša je danes najstarejša zgradba v mestu, zgrajena je bila v 18. stoletju. Ogled zajema zgodovino hiše in družine, ki jo je zgradila, dotakne pa se tudi vidikov življenja v zgodnji zgodovini Worcesterja. Salisbury Mansion and Store (Q7404783) on Wikidata Salisbury Mansion and Store on Wikipedia
  • 5 Tovarna škropilnic, 38 Harlow Street. Galerija in umetniški studio, ki prikazuje lokalne umetnike
  • 6 ArtsWorcester, Glavna ulica 660, 1 508-755 5142, . Th-Sa opoldne-4PM. Umetniška galerija z lokalnimi sodobnimi deli.


Ljubitelji arhitekture in fotografi bodo cenili Worcesterjevo zbirko zgodovinskih stavb in spomenikov.

  • 6 Postaja Union, 2 Washington Sq.. Worcesterjev ponos in veselje. To neverjetno umetniško delo sega v čas slave železniških cest, tajkunov in položaja Worcesterja kot doma podjetja Pullman's Dining Car Company. Zapuščen v sedemdesetih letih je bil leta 2000 po 32-milijonski akciji za reševanje postaje oživljen do prvotnega sijaja. Ko vstopite, opazite relikvije preloma stoletja (na primer marmornate stene in trideset metrov stropov). Vlak do Bostona 12,50 USD, otroci do 11 let brezplačno. Union Station (Q7886112) on Wikidata Union Station (Worcester, Massachusetts) on Wikipedia
  • 7 Spomenik vojne veteranov v Massachusettsu, Skyline Drive, park Green Hill (http://www.massvvm.org/map/). podnevi. Na 4 hektarjev velikem zemljišču, posvečenem junija 2002, je ribnik, sprehajalne poti in spominsko obeležje. Kraj za dostojno, mirno, naravno mesto za razmislek in učenje. Spomenik je zasnovan v treh odsekih, imenovanih kraji. Te sestavljajo kraj zastav, kraj besed in imen. Mesto besed prikazuje besedilo iz pisem, ki so jih domov napisali nekateri vojaki, mornarji, letalci in marinci, ki so umrli v Vietnamu. Kraj imen v kamnu razglaša ime vsakega prebivalca Massachusettsa, ki je umrl v boju ali zaradi ran, prejetih med akcijo v Vietnamu. prost.
  • 8 [mrtva povezava]Bancroft Tower, Bancroft Tower Rd (Vožnja na vrh hriba). Norost, ki jo je v spomin na dosežke Georgea Bancrofta zgradil takratni najbogatejši mož Worcesterja Stephen Salisbury. Bancroft Tower nekako izgleda, kot da sodi v stari grad. Je v gozdnatem parku na vrhu hriba. Običajno je notranjost stolpa zaprta za javnost, včasih pa je odprta in pogled z vrha gleda na ves Worcester. Bancroft Tower (Q4854170) on Wikidata Bancroft Tower on Wikipedia
  • 9 [mrtva povezava]Worcester Common. Worcester ima tako kot številna mesta v Massachusettsu v središču zgodovinsko mesto. Worcester Common je bil ustanovljen leta 1669 z 20 hektarji (12 ha). Razvoj mesta se je od takrat zmanjšal na 1,8 hektarja. Worcester Common je v prenovi, da bi poleg več sedežev dodal novejše in večje pločnike. Worcester Common (Q49583123) on Wikidata
    • 10 Mestna hiša Worcester, 455 Glavna sv. Mestna hiša Worcester je znamenitost. Mestna hiša, zgrajena leta 1898 na vrhuncu Worcesterjeve industrijske pomembnosti, je bila zgrajena v italijanskem slogu in ima impozantno zunanjost iz granita. Worcester City Hall and Common (Q8034154) on Wikidata Worcester City Hall and Common on Wikipedia
    • 11 Burnside vodnjak (na južni strani Worcester Common). Domačinom je znan kot "Turtle-Boy". V vodnjaku sta deček in želva, ki se ukvarjata s tem, kar bi moral vsak razumen opazovalec ugotoviti, da je nespodobno - ali vsaj neskladno - dejanje. Ni veliko ljudi, če sploh, ljudje vedo, kaj to v resnici predstavlja, zato presodite sami. Burnside Fountain (Q5000131) on Wikidata Burnside Fountain on Wikipedia
    • 12 Vojaški spomenik (Worcester Common). 60-metrski (18-metrski) spomenik, zgrajen leta 1874 v počastitev Worcesterjeve državljanske vojne. Soldiers' Monument (Worcester, Massachusetts) (Q7557365) on Wikidata Soldiers' Monument (Worcester, Massachusetts) on Wikipedia


Mesto se ponaša s številnimi parki za uživanje prebivalcev in obiskovalcev od največjega parka Green Hill do parka Elm in parka Institute, ki v poletni sezoni gosti številne koncerte na prostem.

Elm Park Iron Bridge Worcester, Massachusetts
  • 13 Arboretum Hadwen, 950 Main St., 1 508-793-7601. Stoletna drevesa in 40 rastlinskih vrst si delijo prostor v tem gozdu v kampusu s potmi in vrtom. Del univerze Clark. Hadwen Arboretum (Q5638108) on Wikidata Hadwen Arboretum on Wikipedia
  • 14 [mrtva povezava]Elm Park, 284 Highland St. Velika stara gospa v Worcesterju parkira. Zemljišče, na katerem sedi park, je mesto kupilo leta 1854, s čimer je postalo eden prvih nakupov zemljišč, namenjenih javnemu parku v ZDA. Park je v postopku prenove, a stari železni most čez ribnik na sredini je bila obnovljena. Elm Park (Q5366301) on Wikidata Elm Park (Worcester, Massachusetts) on Wikipedia
  • 15 Newton Hill (čez Park Ave od Elm Parka). Del Elm Parka, vendar morate priti čez Park Ave, da pridete do njega. Newton Hill ima igrišče za disk z golfom in poti, ki vodijo do vrha. Pogled bi bil impresiven, če ne bi bila drevesa. Newton Hill (Q49056864) on Wikidata
  • 16 Inštitutski park (Salisbury St med Parkom in Groveom). Pometalni park s pogledom na Zavod ribnik, zgrajen na podarjeni zemlji leta 1887. Poleti organizira številne festivale in koncerte. Institute Park (Q14715613) on Wikidata Institute Park on Wikipedia
  • 17 Green Hill Park, 50 Skyline Dr.. Ta 480 hektarjev velik (210 ha) park je daleč največji v mestu. Pravzaprav je tako velik, da lahko pozabite, da ste sploh sredi mesta. Green Hill Park je na vrhu hriba severovzhodno od centra mesta in ima sprehajalne poti, jezero, spomenik veteranov v Massachusettsu v Vietnamu in javno igrišče za golf z restavracijo v klubski hiši. Green Hill Park (Q5602655) on Wikidata Green Hill Park on Wikipedia
  • 18 [mrtva povezava]Hadwen Park (vzdolž vzhodne strani Heard St.). 50 hektarjev velik park v južnem Worcesterju, ki ima enostavne pohodniške poti in nekaj prosto živečih živali. Hadwen Park (Q49497039) on Wikidata


Boyton Hall na WPI

V Worcesterju živijo številne visoke šole in univerze. Veliko kampusov je novejših, s precej dolgočasno sodobno arhitekturo. Vendar so tri najstarejše mestne zasebne ustanove precej lepe. Medtem ko ste v mestu, poiščite predavanja, odprta za javnost.

  • 19 Kolegij svetega križa, 1 College St. Worcesterjeva najstarejša in najlepša visokošolska ustanova. Raziščite starodavne opečne zgradbe na pobočju s pogledom na mesto. College of the Holy Cross (Q2620177) on Wikidata College of the Holy Cross on Wikipedia
    • 20 Gledališče Seelos (Dno kampusa). V tem gledališču enkrat na teden v semestru brezplačno predvajajo izbor za oskarja nominiranih in uspešnic. Odprto za splošno javnost. Pravzaprav je večina občinstva običajno neštudentov.
    • 21 Umetniška galerija Cantor. Umetniška galerija v kampusu prikazuje zgodovinska in sodobna dela v korist skupnosti.
  • 22 Univerza Clark, 950 Main St., 1 508-793-7711. Univerza Clark vzdržuje slikovit kampus v osrčju Worcesterjeve glavne južne četrti. Clark University (Q1095773) on Wikidata Clark University on Wikipedia
  • 23 Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 100 Inštitut Rd. Starejši deli tega kampusa se nahajajo na grebenski črti med Highland Avenue in Institute Park. Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Q195046) on Wikidata Worcester Polytechnic Institute on Wikipedia


V Worcesterju je obilo dejavnosti, v katerih lahko uživajo obiskovalci. Spomladi, poleti in jeseni se skoraj vedno zgodi kakšen festival. Worcester ima tudi izkušnje s privabljanjem solidnih glasbenih nastopov. Pop zvezde v centru DCU, klasika v dvorani Mehanika in metal v paladiju. Worcesterjeve športne ekipe so sicer manjše lige, vendar ponujajo cenovno ugodno zabavo.


  • Parada na dan Worcester St. Patrick, Sredi marca. Park Ave. Ena največjih irskih parad v državi.
  • Albanski festival, začetek junija, izmenično neparna leta, Albanska pravoslavna cerkev sv. Marije. Največji albanski festival v državi
  • Grški festival], začetek junija, izmenično s številom let. Cerkev sv. Spiridona. Eden največjih grških festivalov v Novi Angliji z več kot 25.000 udeleženci
  • Poletni državljani, 4. julija, konec tedna, vroče palice in modni avtomobili prevzamejo park Green Hill in središče mesta Worcester (organizatorji so dogodek za 2017 zadržali)
  • Italijanski festival[mrtva povezava], sredi avgusta, Mt. Cerkev Karmela. Zelo priljubljen letni festival v mestu.
  • Latinskoameriški festival, Sredi avgusta, Mestna hiša, Downtown Worcester. Eden največjih latinskoameriških festivalov v Novi Angliji.
  • Pet Rock Festival, v začetku septembra, ki je potekalo na Quinsigamond Community College. Največja neprofitna korist za živali v Novi Angliji. Vsako leto ga zaslužijo za zavetišča in druge storitve, povezane z živalmi. "Ne morejo govoriti, zato se bomo mi."
  • START na ulici. September, Park Avenue. Ogromen ulični festival z več kot 200 lokalnimi prodajalci in umetniki, hrano ter živo glasbo in performansom. StART ima tudi StART v parku (pomlad) in StART na postaji (božični čas).
  • [mrtva povezava]Canalfest (Harding St v okrožju Canal). Vsak september proslavite okrožje Canal s tem uličnim festivalom. Stojnice s hrano, umetniki in drugi prodajalci, razstave, ogromna tombola, replika kanalov, vožnja s kajaki in ulične predstave.
  • Paulie's New Orleans Jazz & Blues Festival, 152 Zelena St.. Vsako junija, poslušajte glasbo Jazz in Blues v živo.

Šport in na prostem

  • 1 Worcester Red Sox, 122 Madison St. April-september Worcester Red Sox, podružnica Baseball-a Triple-A Minor League Baseball Boston Red Soxa, bo začel igrati v Mednarodni ligi leta 2021 na Polar Parku. Worcester Red Sox (Q85816174) on Wikidata Worcester Red Sox on Wikipedia
  • Worcester Tornadi. Fitton Field. Maj-september. Z baseballom v kanadsko-ameriški ligi so začeli igrati v Worcesterju leta 2005 in v samo treh tekmah zmagali v kanadskem ameriškem prvenstvu proti Quebecu. Zdi se, da imajo ljudje radi Tornade. Worcester Tornadoes (Q2528241) on Wikidata Worcester Tornadoes on Wikipedia
  • Mestni golf klub Worcester Green Hill, 2 Green Hill Av, 1 508-799-1359. April-sredina 18. decembra, luknja, 6487 jardov, par 72, CR-70.4, S-122. Javno.
  • 2 Quinsigamond State Park, 10 Severno jezero Av, 1 508-755-6880. Sončni vzhod sončni zahod. Ta državni park ima javno plažo, jadralni center, ribiška mesta in prostor za piknik v mestu. Parkiranje 15 USD / dan, prebivalci MA 8 USD. Quinsigamond State Park (Q7272351) on Wikidata Quinsigamond State Park on Wikipedia
  • Festivalski klub Worcester, 243 Stafford Street..
  • Igrišče za golf Pakachoag, 15 Upland St, Auburn, 1 508-755-3291. Privoščite si čas na tem javnem igrišču za golf, ki je tudi izstrelišče prve rakete Roberta Goddarda.
  • Telovadnica za srednje plezanje, 299 Barber Ave. M-F 10:00 - 10:00, razen od 10:00 do 23:00, od 9:00 do 10:00, od 10:00 do 19:00. Največja dvoranska plezalna telovadnica v osrednjem Massachusettsu s približno 14.000 kvadratnimi metri plezališča in plezalnimi stenami od 15 do več kot 40 čevljev. Čeprav mnogi hardcore plezalci obiskujejo telovadnico, je težava terena od začetnika do strokovnjaka, ločen prostor za začetnike in zid pa je namenjen tudi otrokom. Ne skrbite, če še nikoli niste plezali, ta kraj je zelo prijeten in osebje je super! Majhna trgovina na drobno blizu glavne pisarne prodaja plezalne dodatke in oblačila. V zgornjem nadstropju je dnevni prostor z brezplačnim brezžičnim internetom in soba za jogo, ki jo lahko uporabljate za raztezanje, kadar tečaji joge ne vadijo. Obrazci za odpoved so potrebni za vse, ki želijo plezati, mladoletniki pa potrebujejo starševski podpis. Članstva so na voljo, dnevne vstopnice pa znašajo 14 USD za odrasle in 12 USD za študente. Ponujajo tudi specialitete za zgodnje ptice pred 14. uro. Če vas zanima samo balvaniranje, je to 10 USD. Na recepciji si lahko izposodite čevlje, pasove in kredo..
  • Družinski zabaviščni center Crystal Caves, 790 Southbridge St, Auburn, 1 508 832-0797. Ž 10.00–10.00, sobota od 9.00 do 10.00, nedelja od 9.00 do 19.00. Mini golf, kletke, domač sladoled.
  • Broadmeadow Brook, 414 Massasoit Rd, 1 508-753-6087. Sprehodite se po dobro označenih poteh v največjem mestnem zavetju divjih živali v Novi Angliji.
  • Ogled okrožnega vagona preko kanala Blackstone (Kelley Square). Raziščite zgodovino kanala Blackstone in preobrazbo Worcesterja iz kmetijske vasi v industrijsko elektrarno. Ogledi odhajajo s trga Kelley Square ob četrtkih zvečer v juliju in avgustu. prost.
  • Ledeni center Worcester, 112 Harding St., 1 774 530-6217, . Ledeni center Worcester je večnamenski objekt z dvojnim drsališčem v okrožju Canal. Dom Worcester Railers. Javno drsanje je običajno odprto ob koncu tedna popoldan. Priložena (hipsterska) kavarna. $ 5 javnih drsalk $ 5 najem drsalk.

Umetnost in gledališče

  • Glasbeni Worcester, Mehanična dvorana, 323 Main St, 1 508-754-3231. Predstavitelj glasbenega festivala Worcester (najstarejši glasbeni festival v ZDA), mednarodne serije umetnikov in Mass Jazz festivala.
  • Hannovrsko gledališče za uprizoritvene umetnosti, 2 Southbridge St, brez cestnin: 1-877-571-PRIKAŽI (7469). Obnovljeno gledališče v središču uprizoritve profesionalnih turnej in uprizoritev nacionalnih komikov in glasbenih del.
  • ArtsWorcester, 660 Main St., 1 508-755-5142. Organizacija, ki promovira umetniške programe in razstave po vsem mestu. Na voljo urnik.
  • Massachusettsov simfonični orkester, Tuckermanova dvorana, ulica Tuckerman 10, 1 508-754-1234. Letne dejavnosti simfoničnega orkestra Massachusetts vključujejo letne koncerte brez vstopa v Worcester's Institute Park, pa tudi simfonične in "pop" nastope v Worcesterjevi dvorani Tuckerman in Mechanics Halls pred občinstvom, ki šteje tisoče.
  • Simfonija sedmih hribov. Orkester skupnosti, povezan z Medicinskim centrom Univerze v Massachusettsu, občasno koncertira skozi vse leto.

Zabaviščni areni

  • 3 DCU Center, 50 Foster St, 1 508-755-6800, faks: 1 508-929-0011. Več kot 14.000 sedežev. Kongresni objekti, koncerti, sejmi, športni dogodki. Večina večjih dejanj, ki gredo skozi območje, bo izvedena v centru DCU. DCU Center (Q912283) on Wikidata DCU Center on Wikipedia
Notranjost gledališča v Hannovru
  • 4 Hannovrsko gledališče, Glavna ulica St., 1 508-770-0101. Gledališče s 2300 sedeži. Hannover je bil zgrajen leta 1904 kot gledališče Franklin Square in je gostil burleskne predstave in potujoče predstave na Broadwayu. Kmalu je bil preurejen v kino in je posloval do leta 1998. Po dolgotrajni akciji zbiranja sredstev se je leta 2008 ponovno odprl in je dobil ime po lokalni zavarovalnici, ki je zagotavljala financiranje semen. Danes se je vrnil k svojim koreninam kot prostor za nastope v živo, gostovanje uglednih govorcev in Broadwayevih oddaj. Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts (Q5649435) on Wikidata Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts on Wikipedia
Notranja mehanična dvorana, ples, Worcester, MA
  • 5 Mehanska dvorana, 321 Main St., 1 508-752-5608. Koncertna dvorana iz obdobja pred državljansko vojno. Velika dvorana s 1600 sedeži. Koncerti (klasična, jazz, zabavna glasba), predavanja, poslovna srečanja. Mehanično dvorano so leta 1857 zgradili delavci Worcesterja za izobraževalne in kulturne dejavnosti. Leta 1864 je bil nameščen organ Hook Organ in je zdaj najstarejši nespremenjeni organ s štirimi tipkami na zahodni polobli. Dvorana je v 20. stoletju propadla in je bila v času urbane prenove skoraj porušena. Rešili so ga in obnovili konec sedemdesetih let. Mechanics Hall (Q6804590) on Wikidata Mechanics Hall (Worcester, Massachusetts) on Wikipedia
  • 6 Tuckermanova dvorana, 10 Tuckerman St. (vogal Salisbury St. in Tuckerman St.), 1 508-754-1234. Neoklasicistično zasnovana stavba v trikotni obliki poleg umetniškega muzeja Worcester vsebuje osupljivo glavno dvorano s 550 sedeži, okrašeno z veličastnimi detajli iz mavca in okrašenimi zlatimi listi. Neokrnjen krožni avditorij z 200 in šestimi kamini opremljenimi kupolami, vsak z drugačnim arhitekturnim motivom, vključno s kolonialnimi, nizozemskimi, mavrskimi in renesančnimi oživitvenimi slogi. Tuckerman Hall (Q7851104) on Wikidata Tuckerman Hall on Wikipedia
  • 7 Paladij, 261 Main St., 1 508-797-9696, faks: 1 508-791-7101. Zgrajeno leta 1928 kot gledališče Plymouth, ima to priljubljeno prizorišče približno 2500 koncertov. Paladij ima različna dela, vendar je večina kovin / kamnin. Worcester Palladium (Q8034204) on Wikidata Worcester Palladium on Wikipedia

Nauči se

Worcester ima v svoji regiji lepo število srednjih šol, fakultet in univerz.


Čeprav je Worcester drugo največje mesto v Novi Angliji, ni nakupovalna meka. V mestu je en majhen nakupovalni center, ki popotnikov ne zanima. V središču mesta je bilo nekoč veliko veleblagovnic in nato velik notranji center. Od takrat je trgovski center podrt in veleblagovnic ni več. V predmestjih Auburn, Millbury in Berlin so trije nakupovalni centri, ki pa popotnika prav tako ne zanimajo veliko. Worcester ima nekaj zanimivih trgovin, ki si jih lahko ogledate. Glavnega nakupovalnega okrožja ni; trgovine so razporejene po vsem mestu.

  • 1 Nakupovalni center Auburn, 1 508-832-6000. M-Sa 10.00–21.00, ponedeljek-18.00, delovni čas se lahko razlikuje od ure nakupovalnega središča. Nakupovanje in prehranjevanje vključuje trgovine, vključno z Macys, Forever 21, Sears in Filenes Express. Drsanje: notranje drsališče Auburn Mall (Q4819279) on Wikidata Auburn Mall (Massachusetts) on Wikipedia
  • To je zabava, 244 Park Av, 1 508-755-4207. Če vas zanimajo stripi, znanstvena fantastika, grozljivke, fantazije, igranje vlog itd., Si oglejte to.
  • Orientalska tržnica Hung Thinh, 15 Parker St.. Prodaja cel, zamrznjen durian.
  • FYC (Fuck Yea Center), 420 Prijetna St. (stari HBML). Cool punk / skate shoppe, prodaja dobre plošče, rolke, majice, DVD, VHS, kasete, mešane kasete, drsalke (lokalne in mednarodne), tovornjake, kolesa, ležaje, hlače, kape, skrivnostne škatle, itd. Znotraj je četrtina cevi (!) in na reg-jih naredijo veliko kul dogodkov.
  • Bahnanova mednarodna tržnica, 344 Prijetna St., 1 508-796-5365. Mediteranska trgovina z vsemi stvarmi, ki jih v supermarketu ne najdete. Nejasne (za Severno Ameriko) začimbe in druge sestavine lahko najdete tukaj, pa tudi številne druge izdelke, kot je tahini, ki jih najdemo v supermarketih, vendar so pri Bahnanovih bistveno cenejši. Obstaja tudi razdelek za fete v razsutem stanju, kjer lahko izberete svoj sir po izvoru in zahtevate določeno količino. Cene cenejših možnosti so približno polovice tistih, ki bi jih plačali drugje v regiji. Bahnan ima tudi majhno kavarno, če vas vse to nakupovanje naredi lačnega.
  • Umazanija, 356 Shrewsbury St, 1 508-755-5055. Modni butik novih in rabljenih oblačil na trendovskem trgu Shrewsbury St.
  • Trunk & Disorderly, Glavna ulica 122, 1 508-459-1049. Funky downtown carinarnica.
  • Sredozemska tržnica Eda Hyderja, 408 Prijeten St., 1 508-755-0258. Če potrebujete modnejšo različico Bahnanovega, pojdite na nekaj vrat do Eda Hyderja, drugega polno založenega sredozemskega trga, ki prodaja tudi vino.
  • 2 Nakupovalni center Greendale, 7 Neponset St., 1 508-856-9401. M-Sa od 10. do 21. ure, od 11. do 18. ure. Majhen nakupovalni center v mejah mesta, ki je v prvi vrsti zanimiv za prebivalce. Ima Best Buy in TJ Maxx. Greendale Mall (Q5603818) on Wikidata Greendale Mall on Wikipedia

Okrožje Blackstone Canal

  • Pošiljka Alexis Grace, 7 Harrison Street, 1 508-799-4700. Pošiljka v prenovljeni mlinarski stavbi v okrožju Canal.
  • Brezova aleja, 19 Harrison St, 1 508-753-1434. Edinstvena trgovina z opremo za dom v okrožju Canal
  • Crompton Collective, 138 Zelena St., 1 508-753-7303. Ogromna in eklektična pošiljka v kleti starega podjetja Crompton Loom Works. Crompton Collective nosi vse od starinskega pohištva in kipov do spominkov lokalnih umetnikov. Ni vam treba zapraviti denarja, da bi bilo to vredno obiskati, samo brskanje po nišah je pravi čas samo zase.


Worcester provides a dining experience to suit all tastes. Everything from massive, opulent fine dining restaurants to "is this even a restaurant?" holes in the wall can be found here. Major global cuisines (Chinese, Indian, Italian, Mediterranean, Mexican, Thai, and Vietnamese) are quite common. You can even find Afghan, Salvadorian, and Polish food scattered around the city. Shrewsbury St. is the city's emerging "Restaurant Row," where you will find the greatest concentration and variety of dining options.


Worcester is full of cheap places to eat. Most of these will get you a meal for under $10.

  • Coney Island Hot Dogs, 158 Southbridge St, 1 508-753-4362. Open W-M (best hot dogs, best sign) If you go to Coney Island, make sure you go into the bar. The bartender will get you your hot dogs and beer, letting you skip the line.
  • Long Island Hot Dogs, 68 Stafford St, 1 508-753-9223. (best burger) A true diamond in the rough. A real greasy spoon dinner hidden in a stripmall.
  • New England Roast Beef, 33 Park Ave, 1 508-756-1991. Great roast beef; however, their hours are more limited than many of Worcester's dining options. Supposedly, the roast beef sandwich was invented in Massachusetts. This may be an urban legend, but roast beef sandwiches are a local specialty and New England Roast Beef is the standard setter for the region. They have a pretty extensive menu, but the reason to come here is the beef. Get the biggest sandwich you think you can finish.
  • Major League Roast Beef, 503 Washington St, Auburn, 1 508-832-4300. While it has a different name and website, Major League Roast Beef has the exact same menu (and probably same owner) as New England Roast Beef. If on the south end of the city and craving roast beef, you can come here instead of driving through Worcester.
  • Corner Grille, 806 Pleasant St, 1 508-754-8884. Popular thin crust pizza place on the city's west side.
  • Belmont Vegetarian Restaurant, 157 Belmont St, 1 508-798-8898. One of Worcester's most consistently loved restaurants. Don't let the seemingly sketchy location scare you away. If anything happens, the hospital is just down the street.
  • Sol of Mexico, 538 Pleasant St, 1 508-756-2660. Barebones authentic Mexican cuisine. Very simple menu, but well executed. Also has a lime green tin ceiling
  • Soc Trang Express, 118 Cambridge St, Ste 6, 1 508-890-8783. 8:30AM-9:30PM (10PM F-Sa). Don't be put off by the strip mall location and shabby interior. Soc Trang is one of Worcester's best kept secrets, offering authentic Vietnamese food that branches out from your typical pho for low prices. Also has some Cambodian dishes.
  • Wooberry, 141 Highland St. A short walk from WPI, you will find Worcester's standard for frozen yogurt. Wooberry is not self serve, you don't pay by the pound, and there aren't 30 flavors. What you do get is a quality product. They generally have vanilla, chocolate, and a third flavor (like peanut butter) to choose as your base. There are also preset topping combinations or you can pick your own. Wooberry is quite generous with its cheesecake bits.
  • Belsito's, 305 Plantation St, 1 508-756-3850. Tiny Italian deli serving cheap, but high quality subs in a quiet residential neighborhood. There's only a handful of tables and it is cash only, but certainly one of the better options for a cheap lunch.
  • Bay State Shawarma & Grill, 86 Water St, 1 508-753-6000. Super cheap falafel and shawarma restaurant. You can just get a sandwich, or order a full meal with sides. Either way, nothing on the menu is more than $10.
  • Vintage Grille, 346 Shrewsbury St., 1 508-752-0558. Auto-themed bar and grill in an old auto repair shop near the top of Shrewbury St. Vintage Grille has an over-the-top spin on your typical bar food, with burgers and sandwiches piled with more toppings than might seem sensible. The restaurant isn't very big, but in the summer the garage doors retract making the entire space open air and an outdoor seating area pops up. The wall are decorated with old license plates and other car paraphernalia and you can enjoy your gigantic meal with a small selection of beer. It's not the best selection, but you can get local brews from Wormtown for less than they cost at the brewery down the street. Cocktails should be avoided as they are mostly pre-made mixes.
  • Napoli Deli, 79 S Quinsigamond Ave, Shrewsbury, 1 508-798-7999. Napoli is a small deli on the east shore of Lake Quinsigamond that serves mostly Italian food. Think Italian subs, foccaccia sandwiches, eggplant parm, and arancini. The prices are very low and the portions are big. The interior is pretty simple, but has some tables where you can enjoy your food. They also serve breakfast.
  • Tacos Parilla Mexicana, 138 Millbury St., 1 508-798-3496. Hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant with a surprisingly large menu. The interior is nothing spectacular, just a simple storefront with tables and chairs, but the food is authentic Mexican and the prices are very low. You could feed two people for less than $15.
  • Gibson Brother's Dairy (Gibby's), 50 Sunderland Rd, 1 508-753-1095. Ice cream stand owned by a local dairy farm. The ice cream is made with their own milk and there are plenty of flavors to choose from. Portion sizes are on the large side. Gibby's also carries soft serve. Cash only.
  • El Basha, 256 Park Ave, 1 508-795-0222. Cheap Middle Eastern food, especially on the lunch menu. El Basha is a full service sit-down restaurant, but their lunch menu prices are often lower than many simple takeout places. The portion size for the sandwiches (actually pita wraps) are ridiculous, you could easily share one. There is a nice selection of salads and other appetizers to choose from.


Worcester is packed with neighborhood bakeries. Most people probably have a tribal loyalty to whatever their favorite is. You can find places that have been around for generations and hark back to the city's industrial heyday as well as newer, trendier spots.

  • Birch Tree Bread Company, 138 Green St, Ste 5, 1 774-243-6944. Huge bakery in the Crompton Loomworks above Crompton Collective. Birch Tree proudly features their bread, available for sale as either whole loaves or featured in a variety of lunch sandwiches and breakfast toasts. The sandwiches feature locally procured ingredients as do their salads. Their menu also includes a breakfast sandwich of egg, sharp cheddar, and smoked ham from BT's Smokehouse in Sturbrdge all served on a fresh croissant. It is only available before 11AM or on Sundays. The coffee is from Acoustic Java, a local roaster. The bakery and seating area are huge, easily accommodating the crowds. There are a variety of seating options scattered around the factory floor, from booths to small tables to couches.
  • Crust Artisan Bakeshop, 118 Main St, 1 508-795-1012. A small bakery owned by the same people as Worcester's famous Armsby Abbey. Limited, but well crafted selection. They do offer coffee to go, but no espresso drinks.
  • Crown Bakery & Cafe, 133 Gold Star Blvd, 1 508-852-0746. Without a doubt the city's most popular bakery. A veritable Worcester institution. Crown has a huge selection of pastries and cookies. They also serve sandwiches for lunch. Crown has less of focus on bread and is mainly known for its sweets.
  • On the Rise Bakery, 1120 Pleasant St, 1 508-752-3809. Small bakery in Tatnuck Square on the Westside.


Worcester is the center of the diner universe, being the hometown of the Worcester Lunch Car Company, which built most of the classic diner cars people associate with mid 20th century America. For breakfast the wealth of diners opens up and it is near impossible to choose. Here are some of the most cool and comfy:

  • Corner Lunch, 133 Lamartine St, 1 508-799-9866. A famous DeRaffelle diner.
  • Parkway Diner, 148 Shrewsbury St, 1 508-753-9968. Well-known local diner. Also has a bar.
  • Jeans Place, 136 Cambridge St, 1 508-753-9466.
  • Annie's Clark Brunch (formerly known as Wendy's). Regulars are allowed a tab.)
  • 1 Boulevard Diner, 155 Shrewsbury St, 1 508-791-4535. A favorite among college students, open 24 hours. Boulevard Diner (Q4949638) on Wikidata Boulevard Diner on Wikipedia
  • Gold Star Restaurant, 68 W Boylston Dr, 1 508-852-7900. Diner between the Greendale and Indian Lake neighborhoods
  • Shaker's Cafe, 296 Hamilton St, 1 508-797-5550. Very small diner with a Mediterranean twist. Known for their "Lebanese Breakfast" of eggs scrambled with lamb, but they also have a standard American diner menu. Shaker's may appear closed to passersby, but on weekend mornings you can't help but notice the cars lining the street out front. The space is a little worse for wear, but you could argue that adds to the ambiance. Cash only.


Some of the most popular restaurants in the city are in the $10-20 price range.

  • Boynton Restaurant, 117 Highland St, 1 508-756-8458. Popular hangout near the WPI campus. The Boynton has a massive menu focused on typical pub food like burgers and wings, but they have Italian and seafood dishes as well. The beer list is one of the main attractions here, with over 40 mostly craft beers on tap. They have a dedicated tap for Maine Beer Co and a range of local and national craft brews.
  • O'Connor's Restaurant & Bar, 1160 West Boylston St, 1 508-853-0789. Huge Irish pub on the outskirts of the city.
  • The Armsby Abbey, 144 North Main St. Worcester's flagship farm-to-table restaurant is frequently chosen as the best restaurant in the city. The menu changes with the seasons and much of the meat and produce is sourced from New England. The interior is filled with dark wood and a large bar. The bar itself is a reason to come here as it has one of Worcester's best curated selections of beer and a respected cocktail selection.
  • VIA Italian Table, 89 Shrewsbury St, 1 508-754-4842. Worcester's biggest and probably fanciest Italian restaurant. Very close to Union Station.
  • Mare E Monti Trattoria, 19 Wall St, 1 508-767-1800. Italian restaurant on a residential side street that is rapidly gaining a following. The bar area is the first thing that greets you makes it seem like a nightclub. Don't worry, just continue past into the simple dining room. There is a nice range of entrees, depending upon how much money you'd like to spend.
  • Pomir Grill, 119 Shrewsbury St, 1 508-755-7333. Family-owned Afghan restaurant.
  • Smokestack Urban BBQ, 139 Green St, 1 508-363-1111. Worcester's biggest and best known BBQ joint also has a large beer selection and outdoor seating in the heart of the Canal District.
  • Brew City Grill & Brew House, 104 Shrewsbury St, 1 508 752-3862. Brew City is a sports bar with slightly better food and 40 beers on tap. This is not really a fine dining experience or even a gastropub, but you can find reliable bar food at a reasonable price and wash it down with something other than Budweiser. The beer selection isn't particularly well curated, but with 40 options you should be able to find something to please everyone. The place can get pretty loud when its busy, but they are one of the few restaurants on Shrewsbury Street that has its own parking lot.
  • Mezcal Tequila Cantina, 30 Major Taylor Blvd, 1 508-926-8308. Upmarket Mexican restaurant occupying the first floor of a downtown parking garage. Mezcal is a huge and undeniably popular restaurant, but it is a bit divisive. Some people love it while others would say its not exactly authentic and a little too pricey. If what you want is a $10-15 burrito and a cocktail served in a classier than your typical cantina environment, Mezcal won't disappoint.
  • Volturno, 72 Shrewsbury St, 1 508-756-8658. Big Neapolitan pizza place in an old Buick dealership. Volturno can get a little spendy for pizza, but they also offer 2-for-1 pizzas on Monday and Tuesday. There is a nice patio and a decent selection of beer, wine, and cocktails.


Worcester's fanciest dining establishments will set you back at least $20 and probably more than $30 per person.

  • 111 Chop House, 111 Shrewsbury St, 1 508-799-4111. Worcester's fanciest steakhouse. If you want to blow your budget, eat here.
  • The Flying Rhino Cafe and Watering Hole, 278 Shrewsbury St, 1 508-757-1450. Much better than the name suggests.
  • Sole Proprietor, 118 Highland St, 1 508-798-3474. Large and popular seafood restaurant, one of the city's fine dining standbys
  • Baba Restaurant and Sushi Bar, 309 Park Ave, 1 508-752-8822. One of the city's most popular sushi spots. More expensive than most, but also very highly rated.
  • Bocado, 82 Winter St, 1 508-797-1011. Tapas and wine bar in a restored mill building. Bocado has an enormous, some might say overwhelming menu of mostly Spanish inspired options. In addition to tapas, you can get Paella to share with several people. Although Bocado is in a historic building, the interior is fairly modern and doesn't display much except for some exposed brick. This is a recurring issue in Worcester restaurants. Calling this a splurge is a bit deceiving since it's tapas. You can get a meal here for a completely reasonable amount of money, or break the bank.
  • Nuovo, 92 Shrewsbury St, 1 508-796-5915. Upscale Italian restaurant. Sometimes has a piano player in the lounge.
  • The People's Kitchen, 1 Exchange Pl, 1 508-459-9090. New American cuisine with a simple, but frequently changing menu. People's Kitchen does use some gimmicks and the presentation of the dishes is a bit pretentious, but it doesn't distract the quality of the food. The restaurant is quite large, but you won't really notice since there are so many different small dining rooms. The ambiance isn't as nice as the prices would suggest.
  • Lock 50, 50 Water St, 1 508-379-3400. Restaurant with a focus on small plates and cocktails. There are also a few large shareable entrees and a selection of fine cocktails and draft beer. Lock 50 also operates a more casual cafe in the front room during breakfast and lunch hours.


Worcester has a nightlife option to suit everyone. You can attend a lecture or poetry reading at a coffeeshop, find a bar to quench all thirsts, dance the night away in a nightclub, or take in some live music.


Worcester has a lot of bars as a result of its large college population. Unfortunately for the traveler, this makes many of them feel rather samey. For anyone interested in the raucous college set, the Blackstone Canal District is a good place to look, especially Water St. Still, with this many bars there are some unique and interesting spots that tipplers should explore.

  • Vincent's, 49 Suffolk St. Where else can you get meatball subs and $2 Gansetts served by shirt and tie wearing bar staff? Vincent's has only been around since 1997, but it certainly feels much older. The inside is dark and dingy and the walls are covered with taxidermy. They usually have live music at night and its always free. The beer selection is pretty terrible, but they have strong cocktails and fussing about the drinks quality is missing the point. Vincent's does serve food. Your options consist of a meatball or sausage sandwich, ziti with meatball or sausage, wachusett potato chips, or a "cheese plate" which consists of a sleeve of saltines and a bunch of cheddar. In the summer, take advantage of the back yard which includes a wooden shack with a porch to sit on, a covered patio, and a fairly well manicured lawn. Vincent's is in a residential area across the street from a large and possibly abandoned warehouse so although it might seem like you've gotten lost, you have actually found one of Worcester's hidden treasures.
  • Lucky Dog Music Hall, 89 Green St. Live Music and drinks
  • The Dive Bar, 34 Green St. Not actually a dive bar, despite the name and appearance from the outside and lack of signage. Inside you will find a dark, intimate atmosphere with a well curated selection of mostly American craft beer. The narrow, dingy interior is partially a relic of its previous incarnation as a dive bar, but is decorated with diving paraphernalia (get it?) There is an enormous back porch lined with hop trellises/drink shelves to enjoy in the warmer months. From the porch, you can enjoy the huge mural decorating the back of the building and a view of downtown Worcester's skyline peeking out from behind the elevated railroad tracks. Cash only, does not serve food, but there's usually a food cart parked out front.
  • The Armsby Abbey, 144 North Main St. Frequently wins the award for Worcester's best bar. Big and always changing selection of craft beer from all over the world. Armsby Abbey and its sister bar Dive Bar are the only places to regularly carry Hill Farmstead beers on tap in the entire state. That, combined with Armsby's ever-changing line up of American craft beers and Belgian ales make it a destination for beer lovers. Armsby also has a large cocktail program with a frequently changing lineup and very knowledgeable bar tenders. It is decidedly not cheap, but is a bargain for visitors from larger cities.
  • 1 Ralph's Chadwick Square Diner, 148 Grove Street (90 Prescott Street), 1 508-753-9543. 4PM-2AM everyday. Legendary rock nightclub. Entertainment every night. It is on an unpaved drive behind an old factory building north of downtown. Look for the big neon "Ralph's" sign. There is actually a diner car here. Inside you can get a burger, hot dog, or chili. Emphatically not a craft beer bar. $2 Gansett drafts are the mainstay here. The main bar area is filled with ridiculous decorations, including a coffin. Chadwick Square Diner (Q14715431) on Wikidata Chadwick Square Diner on Wikipedia
  • Hotel Vernon. Kelly Square. $1 drafts (Gansett, Bush, Pabst), pool, darts. A backroom decorated to look like the inside of a ship (the Ship Room). It is beneath a "rooms by the week" hotel. Had a speakeasy in the basement during the Prohibition, still partially intact. Hotel Vernon is considered by some to be a dive bar, but is also one of the most eclectic places to have a drink in the city. The bar attracts college students, townies, aging hipsters, white collar office workers, and people from the rural areas surrounding the city.
  • Guertin's, Off Canterbury Street. Beautiful woodwork, $1.50 drafts.
  • Nick's Bar, 124 Millbury St, 1 508-753-4030. Nick's might be the classiest bar in the city if you ignore the location in one of Worcester's seedier areas. Not a great beer bar, but they are known to have good/strong cocktails. There is no drink menu, the bartenders can make most anything and even choose a drink for you crafted to your personal tastes. Staff is formally dressed and there is a great lounge for listening to Jazz music. Lots of wood.
  • The Citizen, 1 Exchange St, 1 508-459-9090. Worcester's only dedicated wine bar. It is in the heart of downtown across the street from the DCU Center.
  • Breen's Cafe, 18 Cambridge St, 1 508-799-2808. Comfortable neighborhood pub with a small food menu and a few beers on tap. The crowd is mostly regulars, but its a welcoming place. Drinks are cheap and strong. This is a good place to sit with friends and contemplate the Schlitz-holding leprechaun painted on the ceiling.
  • The Blarney Stone, 79 Maywood St, 1 508-753-3410. Worcester's quintessential college bar draws a lot of Clark University students, but is more than friendly to the general public seeking a cheap beer and a low key environment. The draft list includes local/regional favorites like Wormtown and Switchback and you won't pay more than $5 for a beer. They even have $1 jello shot if the mood strikes. Next door is a pizza place and you are more than welcome to bring food over.

A number of restaurants mentioned in the eat section also have good bars. The Boynton has one of the largest selections of craft beer in Worcester. O'Connors is a popular Irish pub with an decent beer selection. Smokestack Urban BBQ also has an extensive beer selection and outdoor seating. Bocado has a large wine selection and is known for their sangria

  • The Muse, 536 Main St, 1 508-756-6873, . Cocktail bar with an extensive menu of drinks and the ingredients to make you pretty much anything. The Muse also features local artists for wall decor and maintains a good list of draft beer. Also known locally for their selection of amari.


Worcester should probably have more breweries than it does. Three is not a great showing for the second largest city in New England. However, Worcester gets the most out of its three existing breweries, all of which are incredibly popular and make beer the city can truly be proud of.

  • 3Cross Brewing, 26 Cambridge Street. Worcester's newest brewery. Only open for growler fills, samples, and pints on Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons. Typically, you will find four beers on tap covering a surprisingly deep range of styles for a startup brewery. 3Cross has a bicycle motif with most of the beer names having some kind of cycling reference and there are plenty of places to hang up a bike inside. The logo is also a bike wheel. The taproom is pretty big and located in a basement so it stays cool all the time which is great in the summer, but its not summer very much in this city. There is sometimes a hot dog truck in the parking lot and you're allowed to bring food in.
  • Wormtown Brewery, 72 Shrewsbury St. Unit 4, 1 774-239-1555. 2014 Grand National Champion at the U.S. Open Beer Championship. Wormtown just moved to a bigger space with a dedicated taproom on Worcester's restaurant row. They don't serve food, but there are dozens of restaurants right up the street, including two in the same building. The tap room is bright an airy and the back wall is lined with huge windows so you can see into the brewery. Samples, full pours, and growlers are available. There is also an outdoor seating area with tables and a few couches for the warmer months. Wormtown is known for their aggressively hoppy IPAs, especially their flagship Be Hoppy and the over 8% alcohol Hopulence Double IPA.
  • Flying Dreams Brewing, 455B Park Ave, 1 508-926-8251. Tiny taproom attached to Peppercorn's restaurant brewing an ambitious range of beers. You can't get a full poor in the brewery, but walk into the attached bar at Peppercorn's and they will have several Flying Dream's options on tap.


Worcester is not a coffee drinkers' mecca. There aren't many non-Dunkin Donuts options to begin with and those that do exist probably won't excite anyone from Seattle, yet there are a few places with a decent atmosphere where you can get your fix.

  • Bean Counter Coffee Bar & Bakery (Lombardi Bakery Service), 113 Highland St, 1 508-754-3125. Worcester's most popular coffee shop on bustling Highland St. Very close to WPI's campus. Also a good spot for baked goods.
  • Acoustic Java, 932 Main St, 1 508-756-9446. Funky coffee shop on the door step of Clark University. Acoustic Java is your classic cramped college coffeehouse. They have crammed an impressive amount of seating into this tiny space in an old storefront in Main South. The coffees served are their own roasts and they offer espresso drinks and will give you a real mug to drink from. Beware, the quality is inconsistent since the place is staffed mostly by students. Acoustic also has a food menu featuring sandwiches, wraps, and salads which is quite vegan friendly. Acoustic has live music on occasion (hence the name).
  • NU Cafe, 335 Chandler St, 1 508-926-8800. Large cafe with tons of coffee and smoothie options down the street from Worcester State University. Also serves a few draft beers and wine. There is a light food menu (salads, sandwiches) as well. NU hosts a series of monthly science lectures and occasional live music.

Oddly enough, two of the better places to get a coffee in Worcester aren't primarily coffee shops. Crust Artisan Bakeshop in the downtown serves Northborough's Armeno Coffee Roasters, although they do not have an espresso machine. Birch Tree Bread Company is a huge bakery in the old Crompton Loomworks building that also has good coffee options and an espresso machine.


The city of Worcester itself doesn't have very many hotels. There are a few downtown and a few clustered around UMass Medical School on the Eastside. There aren't any unique or boutique hotels, just standard chains aimed at business travelers and parents of college students.


The following hotels are in Auburn, which is another town. This distinction is irrelevant except that you must remember to put in "Auburn" as the town on your GPS since some of the street names are also found in Worcester, Southbridge St being one of the city's main throughfares which extends into Auburn.

Pojdi naprej

Worcester is in the center of New England and an easy drive to many destinations.

  • Boston and its numerous attractions are about an hour to the east.
  • Providence-Here you will find Brown University, renowned art museums, exciting food, and unique neighborhoods. All within a 45 minute drive south from Worcester.
  • Pioneer Valley-This valley is home to many colleges, funky towns, and the urban grit and cultural attractions of Springfield. In addition, there are hiking opportunities in the hills above the valley and the region has some of the Commonwealth's best farmland. About an hour west of Worcester.
  • Regija Monadnock-The Monadnock Region of New Hampshire is about an hour north of Worcester. Here you will find hiking opportunities and the adorable college town of Keene.
Routes through Worcester
Albany (Rensselaer)Springfield W Amtrak Lake Shore Limited icon.png E FraminghamBoston
SpringfieldSturbridge ← rest area ← W I-90.svg E MillburyBoston
FitchburgSterling N I-190.svg S Konča se ob I-290.svg
Becomes I-395.svg W I-290.svg E ShrewsburyMarlborough
Becomes I-290.svg N I-395.svg S OxfordNorwich
SpringfieldOxford W US 20.svg E ShrewsburyBoston
NorthamptonBrookfields W MA Route 9.svg E ShrewsburyBoston
Konča se ob I-290.svg N MA Route 146.svg S MillburyProvidence
KONEC W MBTA Framingham-Worcester icon.png E WestboroughBoston
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