Binghamton - Binghamton

Binghamton je mesto v zvezni državi New Yorkob sotočju rek Susquehanna in Chenango. Je kulturno in finančno središče velemestnega območja Binghamton in sedež okrožja Broome. Binghamton je del "Triple Cities" z Endicott in Johnson City.

Binghamton ima v središču mesta številne fantastične primere romanske preporodne arhitekture; zaradi tega in zaradi zbirke okrašenih dvorcev in lepih domov je znano kot Salonsko mesto. Območje Binghamton je znano tudi kot Ameriška prestolnica vrtiljakov, kjer živi 6 od preostalih 150 starinskih vrtiljakov v državi. Druge zgodovinske znamenitosti so Robersonov muzej, Vesoljski center Kopernik in živalski vrt Ross Park.

Rodil se je Rod Serling, scenarist in televizijski producent, tu pa je nastal regionalni sendvič, znan kot "spiedie". Praznujejo jih na letnem Rod Serling Video Festu in Spiedie Festu oziroma Balloon Rallyu. Kljub temu, da je Binghamton mesto urbano jedro regije, ga je National Arbor Day Foundation že vrsto let imenovala za Tree City in ga Better Homes and Gardens uvršča na 9. mesto najboljših zelenih mest. Mesto je mednarodno priznanje doseglo tudi kot finalist za nagrado Philips Livable Cities Award za svoj program Design Your Own Park.

Sosednji Vestal je dom za Državna univerza v New Yorku v Binghamtonu (Binghamton University), ki deluje kot atletsko, akademsko in kulturno središče mesta.



Downtown Binghamton
Perryjev blok na Court Streetu. Novinarska stavba se dviga v ozadju
Zgodovinski azil za nepopustljive osebe NYS od leta 2010
Prva prodajalna športne opreme Dicks

Mesto Binghamton je razdeljeno na sedem sosesk.

Center mesta: To je upravno, poslovno, zabaviščno in prevozno središče v regiji. Nahaja se ob sotočju rek Susquehanna in Chenango južno od južnih železniških tirov Norfolk in zahodno od avtoceste Brandywine. Na splošno so za mesto značilne poslovne lastnosti in več stolpnic ob rekah z eno- in večstanovanjskimi stanovanji nižjega razreda proti avtocesti. Obstaja več področij urbane škode, predvsem ob industrijski hrbtenici Brandywine.

Downtown Binghamton je znan po svoji arhitekturi in je mesto zgodovinskega okrožja Court Street. V tem okrožju je veliko zgodovinskih stavb (skupno 89) s preloma prejšnjega stoletja, med katerimi sta najbolj opazni Tiskovna in Varnostna vzajemna stavba. Tu se nahajajo tudi številne stavbe v nacionalnem registru slovitega arhitekta Isaaca G Perryja, vključno z blokom Perry, sodiščem okrožja Broome in dvorcem Phelps.

Zahodna stran: Nahaja se čez reko Chenango od centra mesta. To območje je večinoma stanovanjsko in ima svoj značaj od mestnega do primestnega. Na splošno območje med Seminarijo in reko Susquehanna naseljujejo prebivalci srednjega in višjega razreda, medtem ko območje severno od Seminarske avenije do Prvega oddelka naseljujejo prebivalci delavskega razreda in študenti sosednjih fakultet. Ob Main St je trgovski koridor z večinoma lažjimi komercialnimi objekti in nekaj velikimi plazami. Srednja šola Binghamton, lokacija gledališča Helen Foley, se nahaja tukaj, tik čez most Court St iz središča mesta. Tu najdete tudi bolnišnico Lourdes.

Kljub stanovanjskemu značaju je na zahodu mogoče najti številne zgodovinske in arhitekturno pomembne stavbe. Muzej Roberson, hiša generala Edwarda F. Jonesa in trakt Abel Bennett najdete tukaj.

Južna stran: Southside se nanaša na območje mesta južno od reke Susquehanna. Razlikuje se od domov višjega razreda v zahodnem in južnem delu do večinoma srednjega razreda povsod drugje. Na južnem koncu mostu S Washington St je majhno trgovsko središče z različnimi lahkimi trgovinami in restavracijami, kjer je tudi Splošna bolnišnica Binghamton. Ob delih Conklin Ave je mogoče najti več lahkih komercialnih in nekaj lahke industrijske industrije, več industrije pa potuje vzhodneje.

V Southsideu sta tudi živalski vrt Ross Park in Discovery Center.

Vzhodna stran: Eastside leži vzhodno od središča mesta ob severnem bregu reke Susquehanna. Zanj je značilna predvsem Brandywine Industrial Spine, območje težke industrije in urbane škode, ki ga ločuje od ostalega dela mesta. Poleg tega je v soseski večinoma delavski razred, različne trgovine in restavracije pa so osredotočene na Robinson St. Rt 11 ali Upper Court St, kot je znano, ko preide pod Brandywine, je bolj komercialne narave, z več nakupovalnimi centri in domovi večina prodajnih mest za odrasle v regiji.

Prvotna trgovina s športno opremo Dick's tukaj še vedno deluje, najdete jo na zgornjem dvorišču St, malo mimo vojske odrešenja. Območje je tudi nedopustni azil države New York, prva ustanova za duševno zdravje, ki alkoholizem obravnava kot bolezen. Tudi njega je zasnoval Isaac Perry in je uvrščen v državni in nacionalni zgodovinski register.

Northside: Northside se nahaja severno od centra mesta čez železniške proge Norfolk Southern. Zanj so značilni veliki deli komercialnih dejavnosti severno od centra mesta in ob ulici Chenango. Preostali del območja so stanovanjske, večinoma enodružinske hiše iz delavskega razreda.

Prvi oddelek: Prvi oddelek je večinoma stanovanjska soseska. Zavzema območje zahodno od reke Chenango med južnimi stezami Norfolk I86 / Rt 17. Ob sprednji ulici je nekaj opaznih dvorcev v viktorijanskem slogu, ki so bili spremenjeni v večstanovanjska stanovanja, a poleg tega je prvi oddelek večinoma znan po antiki. Row, ki se nahaja vzdolž ulice Clinton St. Številni deli te ulice so uničeni, zlasti proti Front St, toda tisto, kar je ostalo, so spremenili v številne starinarnice. Opera Tri-Cities je na voljo tudi na ulici Clinton St.

Ely Park: Park Ely je območje zahodno od reke Chenango in severno od I86 / Rt 17. Splošno je stanovanjsko in je znano predvsem po občinskem igrišču za golf in istoimenskem vladnem subvencioniranem stanovanjskem projektu.

Večji Binghamton

Medtem ko statistično območje Binghamton Metropolitan vključuje vse okrožje Broome in Tioga, je območje, imenovano Veliki Binghamton, veliko manj opredeljeno. Na splošno se nanaša na večje območje somestja, ki obkroža mesto Binghamton, od Kirkwooda na vzhodu do Endicotta na zahodu, in vključuje naslednji seznam mest in vasi. Večina teh skupnosti velja za majhna predmestja ali skupnosti spalnic z nekaj tisoč prebivalci, vendar je med njimi izjemno visoka stopnja integracije, tako da večina tujcev ne bo ugotovila, da so prestopili občinsko mejo. Mnogi domačini bodo celo imeli težave z razlikovanjem, kje se ena skupnost konča, druga pa začne. Te skupnosti so pomembne samo znotraj regije, saj je celotno območje zunanjemu svetu znano kot "Binghamton".

Most Chenango: Majhno predmestje Binghamtona se nahaja najbolj oddaljeno proti reki Chenango. Znamenit je most Rt 12A čez reko.

Conklin: Nahaja se vzhodno od Binghamtona ob reki Susquehanna. V njegovem industrijskem parku živi več glavnih delodajalcev na tem območju, vključno z L-3 Communications, Universal Instruments in Frito Lay. Tam je majhen grad, ki ga je leta 1900 zgradil Alpheus Corby kot rezidenco. V njem je več mestnih pisarn.

Endwell: Na splošno razkošno stanovanjsko predmestje, stisnjeno med Endicottom in Johnson Cityjem ter čez Susquehanno od Vestala. V njej se nahaja Highland Park in njegov dobro znani ognjemet četrtega julija ter več igrišč za golf in IBM Glen. Tradicije v spa in letovišču Glen najdete tukaj.


Hillcrest: Nahaja se severno od Binghamtona na vzhodnem bregu reke Chenango; je med Port Dickinsonom in mostom Chenango. To je majhno stanovanjsko predmestje.

Johnson City: Del "trojnih mest" (čeprav je spet le vas) je Johnson City ena večjih skupnosti v regiji. Vas takoj meji in je ni mogoče ločiti od zahodne strani Binghamtona. Tu je mogoče najti eno glavnih nakupovalnih središč v regiji, nakupovalni center Oakdale Mall, pa tudi industrijsko hrbtenico Endicott-Johnson, območje industrijskih ruševin s površino 230 hektarjev (92 ha), ki se počasi oživlja. V središču mesta Johnson City je veliko glavnih trgovin ob Main St.

Port Dickinson: Nahaja se severno od Binghamtona na nasprotni strani reke od Hillcresta. Tu lahko najdete Broome Community College, prav tako Otseningo Park: dom Spedie Festa in balonskega relija. Port Dickinson (Port Dick) je večinoma stanovanjski objekt v neposredni bližini BCC, bolj severno pa je trgovsko okrožje Upper Front Street. To je manjša različica 'Parkwaya' na Vestalu in vsebuje številne trgovine, restavracije, tržnice in razstavne centre. Tu je mogoče najti nekaj večjih trgovskih verig, kot sta Lowes in Regal Cinemas, eno od regij, kjer se nahajata večkranski kinodvorani. Port Dick je tudi dom Samu pivcu.

Vestal: Vestal zaseda ves južni breg reke Susquehanne zahodno od Binghamtona. To je trgovsko središče regij s številnimi velikimi tržnicami, nakupovalnimi središči in večjimi trgovinami, zgrajenimi vzdolž Vestal Parkway. Obstaja tudi veliko težje industrije in čistilna naprava, ki se nahaja vzdolž Old Vestal Rd. Stanovanjska območja višjega razreda so zgrajena vzdolž pobočij in hribov na jugu. V zahodnem delu Vestala, znanem pod imenom "Štirje koti", se nahajajo šole Vestal (uvrščene med najvišje v državi) in so bolj majhne narave, z majhnimi trgovinami ob Front St in soseskami srednjega razreda. Parkway je najbolj prometna cesta na območju in se mu je najbolje izogniti, razen če imate razlog, da ste tam.

Zahodni koti: Nahaja se severno od Endicotta vzdolž Rt 26, to se na splošno šteje za najbolj oddaljen zahod v regiji Greater Binghamton. Obstaja majhna nakupovalna plaza, obdana s stanovanjskimi območji. West Corners je znan samo po tem, da je dom nacionalno priznane Phil's Chicken House.


Podnebna karta (razlaga)
Povprečna maks. in min. temperature v ° F
PadavineSneg vsote v palcih
Glej sedemdnevno napoved Binghamton, NY
Metrična pretvorba
Povprečna maks. in min. temperature v ° C
PadavineSneg skupaj v mm

Binghamton ima vlažno celinsko podnebje s 4 različnimi letnimi časi in je dobro znano po svojem mračnem vremenu. V sončnih dneh je običajno slišati pripombe domačinov o absurdnosti sončne svetlobe v Binghamtonu: "Kaj je to noro rumeno kroglo in zakaj me tako bolijo oči?" To se ne zgodi pogosto, čeprav upoštevamo, da je Binghamton v povprečju le 52 sončnih dni v letu. Binghamton slovi tudi kot eno najbolj deževnih mest v Ameriki. Ne, na leto dobi le približno 36 centimetrov dežja (90 cm), v povprečju pa je 161 dni padavin, zato se to zagotovo zdi.

Pomlad vreme v Binghamtonu je pogosto zelo neurejeno, še posebej zgodaj. Snežne nevihte konec aprila, čeprav nenavadne, niso nezaslišane. Pogosto pred snegom ali toplim vremenom ... včasih isti dan! Spomladanske poplave so pogoste in reke so pogosto povišane skozi celo sezono, saj se najprej topi sneg in nato prihaja močan dež. Deževni dnevi niso nič pogostejši kot preostanek leta, vendar so pogosto močnejši. Ko pa je konec neurejenega vremena marca in aprila, je vreme pogosto fantastično s toplimi, prijetnimi dnevi in ​​vonj neštetih spomladanskih cvetov napolni zrak.

Poletje na splošno ni preveč vroče, temperature so pogosto med 27-30 ° C in od 80 do 30 ° C. Vendar so ponavadi zelo vlažni, pogosto zatirajoči in jih je najbolje opisati kot "močvirnate". Vlaga je običajno slabša avgusta in popoldne, ko so temperature najvišje. Pogosto bo vlaga ostala povišana več dni, ne da bi se odmorila, pogosto pa se ponoči poslabša, spanje pa postane neprijetno brez klimatske naprave. V teh dneh po mestu patruljirajo roji ogromnih komarjev, za katere je znano, da odnašajo mačke in majhne pse.

padec je lahko ena najlepših sezon v Binghamtonu in ne samo za kulise. Vlaga se običajno zlomi sredi septembra in temperature bodo običajno ostale prijetno tople vse do sneženja ... običajno na noč čarovnic.

Zima ponavadi je hladno, zasneženo in nepredvidljivo. Nekatera leta se ponavljajo cikli zamrzovanja / odtaljevanja, ki zapustijo mesto pokrito z debelo plastjo trdega snega in ledu. V drugih letih začne snežiti in se nikoli ne ustavi, vsaka nova nevihta pa spodaj sneži sneg v debelo plast trdega snega in ledu. Vidite trend tukaj? Mesto je na odlični lokaciji, da lahko izkoristite oba snežna jezera z Velikih jezer in Nor'Easters, ki prihajajo z Atlantika (Nor'Easter je kot orkan, le da sneg namesto dežja). Vendar pa je oddaljenost mesta od Jezer in pregrade, ki jo tvorijo Apalaške gore, običajno omejena na le meter ali dva naenkrat. Oddelek za javna dela sicer dobro opravlja avtoceste, vendar je na mestnih ulicah opravil grozno delo, saj nekatere ulice sploh niso preorane šele nekaj dni po tem, ko je neurje minilo.


Zemljevid Binghamtona

Z letalom

Letališče BGM ni na voljo z množičnim prevozom. Možnosti kopenskega prevoza vključujejo:

  • Izposoja avtomobilov na mestu pri Avis, Budget in Hertz.
  • Najem avtomobila izven kraja je na voljo pri podjetju Enterprise. Ponujajo dodatne storitve prevzema in odvoza, če let prispe ali odleti v običajnem delovnem času.
  • Zunaj terminala so na voljo licencirani taksiji, ki vas za 25 USD pripeljejo kamor koli v okrožje Broome. Dobro je, da pokličete takoj, ko vaš let pristane, čeprav so v času konic prihoda kabine morda že postavljene zunaj.

Najbližja večja letališča so Mednarodno letališče Syracuse-HancockSYR IATA, približno 110 km severno od Binghamtona in mednarodnega letališča Albany ALB IATA, 153 km severovzhodno. Če prihajate izven vzhodne obale, boste morda našli na teh letališčih boljši nabor letov, skupaj z bolj konkurenčnimi cenami zaradi prisotnosti nizkocenovnih prevoznikov. Poleg širšega obsega linijskih in regionalnih storitev za American, Delta in United, Syracuse opravljata tudi Allegiant in JetBlue, Albany pa Southwest Airlines. Druga možnost je letenje v enega od treh New York City letališčih (Newark, JFK, ali LaGuardia) in dosežete Binghamton s pogostimi avtobusnimi prevozi iz pristaniške uprave (glejte spodaj) - to je morda najboljša možnost, če prispete z zahodne obale ali iz tujine.

Druga možnost je letenje v Elmira, kar je približno uro vožnje (približno 67 milj). Vstopnice so ponavadi nekoliko cenejše in imajo na voljo več možnosti kot neposredni leti v in izven BGM.

Z avtobusom

Medkrajevni avtobusni prevoz je na voljo z avtobusnega terminala Binghamton v središču mesta ob BC Junction (vozlišče za lokalni avtobusni prevoz).

New York City

  • Hrt / steze: Scranton / Wilkes-Barre, New York (pristaniška uprava)
  • Trener ZDA : Monticello, Newark NJ, New York (pristaniška uprava)
  • Megabus prodaja karte na svoji spletni strani med Manhattnom in Binghamtonom. Megabus ne vozi dvonadstropnih avtobusov do Binghamtona; te vozovnice so znižane cene predplačil za obstoječe storitve od / do pristaniške uprave na avtobusu ZDA (ki je lastnik Megabusa). Vstopnice, kupljene prek Megabusa, veljajo samo ob določenem datumu in uri. Če ne rezervirate nočnega odhoda ali več tednov vnaprej, cena vozovnice za Megabus morda ni toliko manjša (in občasno je dejansko višja!). Če niste prepričani o datumih in urah potovanja, razmislite o nakupu standardne vozovnice neposredno pri avtobusu ZDA - veljajo za kateri koli avtobus v roku 30 dni (enosmerno) ali 90 dni (povratno potovanje) od nakupa. Vstopnice na Manhattan ali z njega lahko kupite le prek Megabusa, vstopnice za druge cilje ameriškega trenerja (Ithaca, Monticello itd.) Morate kupiti na avtobusni postaji.

Dalje Upstate in Kanada

  • Hrt / steze : Cortland, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Toronto
  • Hrt / steze: Itaka, Ženeva, Rochester, Buffalo, Toronto
  • Trener ZDA: Owego, Itaka
  • Trener ZDA: Depozit, Norwich

Vzhodna država New York in Nova Anglija

  • Trener ZDA : Oneonta, Colbleskill, Albany
  • Hrt / steze : Oneonta, Cobleskill, Albany, Worcester, Boston (južna postaja)

Južni nivo

  • Trener ZDA : Corning, Elmira, Big Flats, Olean in Jamestown; in nadaljevanje obratovanja do ustanove Mayville-Chautauqua (sezonsko), Westfielda, Dunkirka / Fredonije in Buffala na avtobusu ErieLine Coach USA.

Z vlakom

Najbližja postaja Amtrak je oddaljena 105 km Sirakuza, ki ga vozijo vlaki Empire Corridor / Maple Leaf in Lakeshore Limited. Medtem ko se lahko vozite z vlakom do Syracuse in avtobusom do Binghamtona, razen če ne prispete zahodno od Buffalo ponavadi je ceneje in hitreje vzeti avtobus neposredno. New York City dobro nudijo Greyhound / Trailways in CoachUSA (glej zgoraj).

Z avtom

Tri avtoceste služijo območju Binghamton.


BC Transit avtobusi v kampusu univerze Binghamton

Javni prevoz

Javni prevoz v Greater Binghamtonu in obrobnih predelih nudi BC Transit, služba Oddelek za promet okrožja Broome. Avtobusi vozijo med delavniki približno med 6. in 21. uro, soboto od 7. do 18. ure in ob nedeljah od 9.30 do 17. ure. Nekatere proge med vikendi ne obratujejo, ob praznikih je storitev morda omejena ali začasno ustavljena. Denarne cene znašajo 2 USD na vožnjo (na zahtevo vključuje eno vozovnico). Če se boste z avtobusom vozili več kot dvakrat v enem dnevu, lahko voznika za 5 USD kupite neomejeno dnevno vozovnico. Tedenske (25 USD) in mesečne (70 USD) vozovnice so na voljo tudi v pisarni BC Transit (na križišču) ali lokacijah Weis Market v okrožju Broome.

Možnosti tranzita niso omejene na lokalne avtobuse s fiksnimi progami. BC Country zagotavlja prevoz na oddaljenih območjih, vendar se mora za to dogovoriti vnaprej.


Taksijev je v mestu veliko, v času, ko ni konic, načrtujete klic 20 minut, preden ste pripravljeni na odhod. Rezervacija kabine vnaprej je na splošno nepotrebna in mnogi operaterji v Binghamtonu odsvetujejo to prakso, razen če imate na voljo let ali avtobus.

  • Univerzitetna kabina 1 607-797-5555
  • Rumeni taksi 1 607-722-2322
  • A-1 Vljudnostna kabina 1 607-723-2000
  • Mestna kabina AAA 1 607-722-2422

Obstaja tudi več manjših operaterjev z voznim parkom manj kot pet vozil. BC Junction, letališče, študentska zveza univerze Binghamton in nekateri hoteli v središču mesta imajo taksije, vendar je to prej izjema kot pravilo. Ko je povpraševanje veliko, lahko delite svojo kabino z drugimi potniki (čeprav bodo vozniki prevzeli le dodatne potnike, ki gredo v isti splošni smeri, na splošno pa vas bodo odpeljali v vrstnem redu, po katerem ste bili prevzeti.) Cene ureja okrožje (čeprav se lahko razlikujejo za dolar ali dva, odvisno od operaterja) in uporablja sistem pasov, namesto taksimetra.

  • Osnovna cena se razlikuje glede na operaterja, vendar je običajno 6-8 USD.
  • Cene vozovnic se med potovanjem skozi vsako od šestih povečajo za 1 USD na območje mestna območja:
  • Central City
  • Westside in First Ward
  • Zgornja Front Street
  • Northside in Eastside
  • Južna stran
  • Vzhodni Vestal (do vključno kampusa univerze Binghamton)
Praviloma prestopite v novo cono vsakič, ko prečkate reko, železniške proge ali mestno progo.
  • Zunaj zgoraj opisanega sistemskega območja se cena vozovnice po mestu poveča za 2 USD:
  • Zahodni Vestal (onkraj BU campus)
  • Johnson City
  • Vas Endwell
  • Vas Endicott
  • Podeželske skupnosti (npr. Port Dickinson, Windsor, Kirkwood itd.) Se zaračunajo glede na skupno kilometrino. Dispečerski center vam bo dal vozovnico, preden vas bo voznik prevzel.
  • Izleti do letališča Binghamton, ne glede na izvor, znašajo 25 USD.

V okrožju Broome (ali kjer koli drugje v državi New York, razen Pet okrožij in delih Dolgi otok.)


Kolo poti obstajajo, vendar so omejene. Obstaja več ulic z določenimi kolesarskimi stezami in še nekaj z markacijami, ki voznike opozarjajo na možen kolesarski promet. Vendar prevoz koles ni pogost in mnogi vozniki, čeprav niso sovražni, niso prepričani, kako ravnati s kolesarskim prometom.

Avtoceste in ceste

I-81.svg Meddržavni 81

  • I-81 je glavna zvezna avtocesta sever-jug, ki poteka skozi osrednji in jugovzhodni del Velikega Binghamtona. Povezuje Binghamton z Sirakuza na severu in Scranton proti jugu. Medtem ko je promet med prometno konico lahko gost, se na splošno premika s hitrostjo.

I-86.svg Meddržavna 86 /NY-17.svg Državna pot New York 17

  • NY 17 je pomembna pot na tem območju, ki služi kot glavna os potovanja vzhod-zahod v regiji Greater Binghamton. Promet je v prometnih konicah lahko gost, vendar se na splošno brez težav premika s hitrostjo. Pot povezuje Interstate 90 v Ljubljani Erie z Interstate 87 (New York State Thruway) v Ljubljani Harriman kot ločena avtocesta in je znana kot Južni nivo Hitra cesta zahodno od Binghamtona.
  • I-86 je nadgradnja obstoječe hitre ceste NY 17 med Erie in Harrimanom. Od leta 2014 je meddržavna oznaka nepopolna, oddelek od Elmira do Erie in odsek vzhodno od Binghamtona, označen z I-86.

I-88.svg Meddržavna 88

  • Hitra cesta senator Warren M. Anderson / hitra cesta Susquehanna. To je neposredna povezava od Binghamtona do Schenectady, s povezavami do New York State Thruway (I-87 / I-90), ki omogoča dostop do Albany.

ZDA 11.svg Ameriška pot 11

  • ZDA 11 vzporedno z I-81 na večini poti, tudi skozi Binghamton. Tako kot I-81 je tudi US 11 smer sever-jug skozi osrednji in jugovzhodni del mesta. Vendar pa ZDA 11 gre naravnost skozi mesto in ne gre okoli njega. ZDA 11 sledi Court St skozi središče mesta, nato pa po prečkanju mostu Court St zavije proti severu na Front St.

NY-7.svg Državna pot New York 7

  • Vzporednice ZDA 11 na južnem bregu reke Susquehanna od Pensilvanija meje, dokler pri mostu Tompkins St ne zavije proti severu. Conklin Ave teče večino svoje dolžine hkrati z NY 7. Znana je kot avtocesta Brandywine od mostu Tompkins St, dokler ne prečka I-88 (kar je vzporedno z Schenectady).

NY-12.svg Državna pot New York 12

  • Začne se v regiji Greater Binghamton in se razlikuje od ZDA 11 severno od Port Dickinsona. NY 12 povezuje Binghamton z Utica. Upper Front St se nadaljuje po NY 12 miljo ali dve severno. NY 12A se od tu razlikuje do skupnosti mostu Chenango.

NY-17C.svg Državna pot New York 17C

  • NY 17C potuje od zahoda proti vzhodu v Greater Binghamton Owegoin je v večini skupnosti, skozi katere gre, znan kot Main St. Konča se na Front St v Binghamtonu, vendar se pot nadaljuje kot Court St (US 11) v središče mesta.

NY-26.svg Državna pot New York 26

  • Glavna pot sever-jug na zahodnem koncu širše regije Binghamton. Začne se ob Pensilvanija meja na jugu Vestala in potuje proti severu do Endicotta, West Cornerjev, Whitney Pointa in naprej.

NY-201.svg Državna pot New York 201

  • Kratka avtocesta sever-jug med obema glavnima nakupovalnima okrožjema, ki povezuje Harry L Drive Johnson City (vključno z nakupovalnim centrom Oakdale) in Vestal Parkway z I-86 / NY 17 in NY 17C. To je eden najpogosteje prevoženih mostov čez reko Susquehanna, promet pa se lahko ob prometnih konicah občasno ustavi na južnih pasovih.

NY-363.svg Državna pot New York 363

  • Lokalno znan kot North Shore Drive, je kratka avtocesta z omejenim dostopom sever-jug, ki obide središče Binghamtona in povezuje NY 434 z NY 7 in I-81 / NY 17 (izhod 4 S).

NY-434.svg Državna pot New York 434

  • Na splošno se imenuje Vestal Parkway med mestno črto Binghamton in Okrožje Tioga meje se po tej cesti močno vozi in se ji je najbolje izogniti, kadar je le mogoče. Odsek med Bunn Hill Rd in African Rd je v glavnem dom številnih plaz in trakastih nakupovalnih središč ter je ves dan zelo obremenjen.

Pomembne lokalne ceste

  • Ulica Chenango Glavna prometnica skozi Binghamton / Port Dickinson / Hillcrest na vzhodnem bregu reke Chenango.
  • Clinton Street Glavna prometnica skozi prvi oddelek v Binghamtonu. Domov do Antique Row.
  • Conklin Ave Glavna prometnica skozi Binghamton / Conklin na južnem bregu reke Susquehanna.
  • Court Street Glavna prometnica skozi Binghamton vzhodno od reke Chenango.
  • Cvetlični ave Večinoma stanovanjski. Povezuje glavno ulico v Binghamtonu s prometnim krogom.
  • Sprednja ulica Glavna prometnica skozi Binghamton / Port Dickinson na zahodnem bregu reke Chenango.
  • Hooper Road Glavna prometnica skozi Endwell.
  • Glavna ulica Nekoč je bila glavna povezovalna cesta trojnih mest (Binghamton, Endicott in Johnson City) in je služila kot komercialno srce vsakega. Veliko edinstvenih majhnih trgovin je še vedno mogoče najti v vsakem od njihovih nakupovalnih okolišev.
  • Stara vestalna cesta Nekoč je bila glavna prometnica vzhod / zahod skozi Vestal. Zdaj služi kot alternativa Vestal Parkway, vendar lahko postane preobremenjen z drugimi ljudmi, ki želijo storiti enako.
  • Riverside Drive Glavna prometnica skozi Binghamton / Johnson City vzdolž severnega brega reke Susquehanna. Opazno po številu velikih zgodovinskih rezidenc po svoji dolžini.

Druge lokacije

Zračna fotografija zloglasne krivulje Kamikaze
  • Johnson City Traffic Circle V Johnson City, povezuje Floral Ave, Riverside Drive in NY 201.
  • Kamikaze krivulja Izmenjevalnica I-81 / NY 17. Ta nevarna izmenjava je različica običajne oblike Directional-T, pri čemer je izmenjava zgrajena kot tristopenjski križišče neposredno nad reko Chenango. Nevarnost večinoma prihaja iz ostre krivine, ki jo NY 17 zavije okoli gore Prospect neposredno pred / po izmenjavi. V vseh smereh je malo opozoril o tem, kako ostra je krivulja, in ko se I-81 seka na krivulji, je težko združiti. Da bi položaj še bolj zakompliciral, je vozlišče na dnu hriba, okrog zelo tesnega bankinskega vogala. V okviru nadgradnje New Yorka 17 na I-86 potekajoče gradnje delajo na odpravi situacije s premikanjem točk spajanja vozlišč in rekonfiguracijo več izhodov na območju. Projekt naj bi bil končan leta 2019.

Rečni prehodi

Riverside Drive most čez izliv reke Chenango
Zgodovinski most St. Lenticular Truss iz južnega Washingtona

Reka Chenango

Premikanje od severa proti jugu:

  • NY 12A Most Chenango
  • I-88 Port Dickinson
  • I-81 / I-86 / NY 17 Izmenjava Binghamton
  • Most Clinton St Binghamton
  • Dvorni most sv Binghamton
  • Riverside Drive Binghamton

Reka Susquehanna

Premikanje od vzhoda proti zahodu:

  • Conklin-Kirkwood Rd Conklin
  • Tompkinsov most Binghamton
  • NY 434 Binghamton
  • Parabolični most na ulici South Washington (samo za pešce, Nacionalni register zgodovinskih krajev) Binghamton
  • NY 201 Vestal-Johnson City
  • I-86 / NY 17 Vestal-Endicott
  • NY 26 Vestal-Endicott
  • Most sv Vestal-Endicott


  • Na večini mestnih ulic v središču mesta je na voljo omejeno parkirišče in nekaj ulic na obeh straneh glavne ulice na zahodni strani - četrt vam prinese 15 minut parkiranja, največ meter, ki ga lahko naenkrat zadrži, pa sta dve uri . Ulično parkiranje je od ponedeljka do petka in ob koncu tedna ves dan po 18. uri brezplačno. Upoštevajte, da so nekateri prostori na Court Streetu nagnjeni glede na robnik in ker znaki jasno nakazujejo, morate nazaj vaše vozilo. Nepravilno parkirajte in vi volja po vozovnico.
  • Garaže so na voljo tudi na državni ulici v bližini mestne hiše in sodišča, Exchange Street nasproti BC Junction in Water Street za veleblagovnico Boscovs. Plačljivi sklopi obstajajo na ulici Stuart blizu Holiday Inna in za Metrocentrom. Garaže zaračunavajo po urah, plačani sklopi pavšalno plačujejo ves dan, pristojbine pa se zbirajo 24 ur na dan.
  • Parkiranje je brezplačno na drugih mestnih ulicah v stanovanjskih naseljih. Upoštevajte, da mesto od decembra do aprila zahteva nadomestno stransko parkirišče za pomoč pri odstranjevanju snega. Po 17. uri ne pozabite park za jutri, kar pomeni, če je naslednji dan parni dan (2., 4., 6., itd. v mesecu) parkiramo na sodo stran ulice, podobno, če bo jutri neparen dan (1., 3., 5. itd. mesec), parkirajte na čudni strani ulice po 17. uri. Čez noč parkirajte na napačni strani in končali boste z vstopnico. Upoštevajte, da pravilo o nadomestni strani še vedno velja, tudi če je na eni strani ulice označeno "brez parkiranja" (razen če ima blok znak, ki označuje izjemo.) Pred 17. uro naj bi vozila parkirala ob strani ulice. ulica, ki ustreza datumu tega dne, čeprav se v praksi to ne izvaja, razen če sneži in plugi niso zunaj. Od maja do novembra lahko parkirate na obeh straneh ulice, pod pogojem, da na njej ni oznake "brez parkiranja".
  • Univerza Binghamton deluje na celotnem sistemu dovoljenj v kampusu. Lahko kupite vozovnico za parkiranje obiskovalcev za 6 USD iz informacijske kabine, parkirate v merjenem prostoru (en komplet je v bližini knjižnice, drugi ob upravni stavbi) ali garažo v bližini likovne umetnosti za 1 USD na uro. Med tednom je med šolanjem pouka težko najti parkirišče, univerza pa študente izven kampusa spodbuja, da uporabljajo prevoz ali hodijo.
  • Zakon države New York dovoljuje policiji, da izda parkirno vozovnico, če je nalepka za pregled na vašem vozilu zastarela. V Binghamtonu obstaja večja verjetnost, da vas bodo zaradi tega navajali, tudi če ni prišlo do nobene druge kršitve parkiranja. Vedno morate voziti s trenutno nalepko za pregled, vendar se izogibajte uličnemu parkiranju in držite garaž, zasebnih parcel in dovozov, če je vašemu potekel rok uporabe.
  • Kazni za parkiranje v Binghamtonu so drage tudi po zveznih državah New Yorka. Večina manjših kršitev (npr. Čezmerni števec, pozimi parkiran na napačni strani) znaša 70 USD, če pa vozovnico plačate v dveh delovnih dneh, bodisi osebno v mestni hiši, prek spleta ali po pošti (mesto uporablja poštni žig, določi plačila), se globa zniža za 50%. To ne velja za hujše kršitve, kot je blokada požarnega hidranta ali uporaba prostora za invalide brez ustreznega dovoljenja.


Sotočje Park
IBM Glen med Johnson Cityjem in Endwellom
  • Sotočje Park (na vzhodnem koncu rečnega mostu Dr). kadarkoli. Precej nov javni park ponuja slikovito lokacijo za uživanje v srečanju rek Susquehanna in Chenango skupaj z zgodovinskim mostom Washington Street. Bližnje kavarne in bari so na južnem koncu mostu. Z reke je lahko dostopen s kanujem ali kajakom, kajakaše pa pogosto vidimo, kako deskajo po stoječem valu na Susquehanni v bližini. prost.
  • 1 Cutler botanični vrt, 840 Spredaj St (Uporabite izhod 5 iz Interstate 81), 1 607 584-9966. podnevi. Učni in raziskovalni vrt s površino 3½ hektarjev (1½ ha), ki ga vzdržuje Cornell Cooperative Extension. prost. Botanični vrt Cutler (Q5196873) na Wikidata Botanični vrt Cutler na Wikipediji
  • Greenwood Park (Rt.17 do izvoza 71 N (Letališka cesta). Po cesti Airport Road pojdite približno 10 km severno. Zavijte levo na Commercial Drive. At end of Commercial Drive take right onto East Maine Road. Go 3 miles (5 km) on East Maine Road to stop sign. Go straight onto Road to stop sign. Turn right on Nanticoke Road- travel 7 miles (11 km). Turn left onto Greenwood Road.), 1 607 778-2193. This county park offers good recreational opportunities in all seasons. In winter, it offers affordable cross-country ski rentals and 5.5 miles (9km) of groomed trails with good options for beginners.
  • Otsiningo Park, 1 Otsiningo Park (take exit 5 off Interstate 81 and go S, park is left very shortly after), 1 607 778-6541. dawn to dusk. Extending for about three miles along the west bank of the Chenango River, Otsiningo Park offers many recreational opportunities, including several miles of paved pedestrian/bicycle trails. There are several good locations for birdwatching. Restrooms and water fountains are available in several areas as well as soccer and baseball fields. prost.
  • Recreation Park and Carousel, vicinity of Beethoven St and Seminary Ave (turn N on Beethoven St from Riverside Dr). dawn to dusk. A neighborhood park built as part of local shoemaker George F. Johnson's "square deal" for his workers, "Rec Park" is a popular place year-round. It features public pools, playgrounds, and the second-largest of the six Herschell Carousels that Johnson donated to the community on the condition that they be maintained with free admission in perpetuity. When it works, the Wurlitzer music machine makes the ride around particularly fun. Rod Serling rode this carousel as a youngster, and he included it in the "Walking Distance" episode of Cona mraka. prost.
  • Temple Concord/Kilmer Mansion, 9 Riverside Dr, 1 607 723-7355. Built at a cost of $1 million in 1901, the Kilmer Mansion is easily the most elaborate single family home ever constructed in Binghamton history. The Kilmers played a prominent role in Binghamton history, and the estate formerly covered much of the town's West Side. The home has been owned and maintained for more than 50 years by Temple Concord, a Reform Jewish congregation which opens it up for a seasonal "Hanukkah House" exhibition during the winter holiday season. Even if you're not around when the exhibit is open, the building itself is something to behold from the outside.
  • IBM Glen. Sunrise-Sunset.
  • 2 Kopernik Observatory and Science Center, 698 Underwood Rd, Vestal, 1 607 748-3685. Vesoljski center Kopernik (Q6431076) na Wikidata Observatorij Kopernik in znanstveni center na Wikipediji



  • 1 C.Fred Johnson Park, 98 C.F.J. Boulevard, Johnson City, NY, 1 607 797-3031. Memorial Day weekend-June 24: M-F 4PM-8PM; Sa Su noon-8PM. June 25-Labor Day: daily noon-8PM. prost. C. Vrtiljak Fred Fred Johnson (Q5006459) na Wikidata C. Vrtiljak Fred Fred Johnson na Wikipediji
  • 2 George W. Johnson Park, 201 Oak Hill Avenue, Endicott, NY, 1 607 757-0856. Memorial Day-Labor Day: 10AM–5PM and 6PM–8PM. prost. Vrtiljak George W. Johnson Park (Q5545662) na Wikidata Vrtiljak George W. Johnson Park na Wikipediji
  • 3 Highland Park, 801 Hooper Road, Endwell, NY, 1 607 786-2970. Memorial Day-June 19: Sa Su noon-7:45PM. June 25-Labor Day: daily noon–7:45PM. prost. Vrtiljak Highland Park (Q5758963) na Wikidata Vrtiljak Highland Park na Wikipediji
  • 4 Rekreacijski park, 58-78 Beethoven St, 1 607 722-9166, 1 607 772-7017. prost. Rekreacijski park (Q7303048) na Wikidata Rekreacijski park (Binghamton) na Wikipediji
  • 5 Ross Park, 60 Morgan Rd, 1 607 722-9166, 1 607 772-7017. Memorial Day, May 30-June 17: M-F 3–6PM, Sa Su 10AM–6PM; June 18-Labor Day: daily 10AM–6PM. prost. Vrtiljak Ross Park (Q7369559) na Wikidata Vrtiljak Ross Park na Wikipediji
  • 6 West Endicott Park, 501 Maple Street (at Page Avenue), Endicott, NY, 1 607 786-2970. Memorial Day-June 19: Sa Su noon-7:45PM. prost. Vrtiljak West Endicott Park (Q7985115) na Wikidata Vrtiljak West Endicott Park na Wikipediji


  • Cinema Saver, 19 Madison Avenue, Endicott, 1 607 754-6588.
  • AMC Town Square, 2425 Vestal Parkway, Vestal, brez cestnin: 1-888-262-4386. 8-screen, stadium seating with all digital/3-D capable projection.
  • Regal Cinemas, 900 Front St (take exit 5 from Interstate 81 and head north), 1 607 724-1230. First run. 12 screens with surround sound.

Museums and education

  • Bundy Arts and Victorian Museum, 129 Main St (west side, just across Chenango River from Court Street), 1 607 222-0921. Tu-Su 11AM-5PM. This museum is located in the former home of Harlow Bundy, who with his brother Willard, built up what eventually became the International Business Machines (IBM) corporation. The stated mission of the museum is to honor local entrepreneurs, artists, and personalities by showcasing the fruits of their labor and the culture they influenced. The museum includes an extensive collection showcasing the Bundy Time Recording company with the clocks and punch-cards that became IBM's first major boon. Also features an eclectic collection of arts and antiques. $5.50-7.50.
  • Discovery Center of the Southern Tier, 60 Morgan Rd (take Park Ave south 1 mi and turn L on Morgan Rd), 1 607 773-8661. Summer: F 10AM-4PM, Sa 10AM-5PM; Winter: open, hours unknown. The mission of the Discovery Center of the Southern Tier is to develop the intellectual, physical and emotional well-being of the children of the Southern Tier through participatory exhibits and programs. Everything is hands-on. $6 or less depending on age.
  • 7 Kopernik Observatory and Science Center, 698 Underwood Road, Vestal (Follow Route 17 West to Route 26 South (Exit 67s). Proceed 5 miles (8 km) and turn right at Glenwood Road. (Note the green observatory sign). Take the first left onto Underwood Road and proceed 1.8 miles (3 km) up the hill. Kopernik Observatory will be visible soon on the left.), 1 607 748-3685. 7:30PM F March–November; limited winter hours. The Kopernik Observatory bills itself as "the best-sited and best equipped public observatory in the Northeast United States for over 25 years". During the warmer half of the year, it offers regular educational programming and observation every Friday evening. $5 adults, $3 children & seniors; discounts for groups and large families. Vesoljski center Kopernik (Q6431076) na Wikidata Observatorij Kopernik in znanstveni center na Wikipediji
  • 8 Phelps Mansion Museum, 191 Court St, 1 607 722-4873. Sa Su Tu noon-3PM; first Friday of the month 6-9PM. A well-preserved and maintained example of Binghamton architecture in the guilded age, the Phelps Mansion was the home of a successful local banker in the 1870s. It was designed by Isaac Perry, known for many locally significant historic landmarks as well as the New York State Capitol. Tours are available during regular hours or by appointment. $4 per person. Dvorec Phelps (Q7181271) na Wikipodatih Dvorec Phelps na Wikipediji
  • 9 Roberson Museum and Science Center, 30 Front St (on Riverside Drive, from downtown, turn R), brez cestnin: 1-888-269-5325. W-Su noon-5PM; Fri until 9PM. Roberson Museum and Science Center engages people of all ages and backgrounds by providing community-relevant exhibitions and programs in art, history and science education. It hosts the Binghamton Visitor's Center, which is open daily, free of charge. The museum features a planetarium with regular shows for an extra $2 per person. The permanent exhibit on the region's role aviation and flight simulation is particularly good. $8 adults, $6 seniors and students, children free. Muzej in znanstveni center Roberson (Q18155119) na Wikidata Muzej in znanstveni center Roberson na Wikipediji
  • 10 Ross Park Zoo, 185 Park Ave, 1 607 724-5461. daily 10AM-4PM, in season. The Binghamton Zoo at Ross Park is the nation's fifth oldest zoo in continual operation. The zoo has benefited from increased community investment and management, and you can see the care taken in its volunteer maintained gardens and well-kept if modest exhibits. It makes an enjoyable and educational half-day visit. Be sure to spend some time with the Golden Lion Tamarins. If you stay a while, you may hear the gray wolves howl at the sound of sirens from the occasional ambulance approaching nearby General Hospital. The antique carousel by the zoo entrance is, like all others in the area, open to the public free of charge. As of June 2018, the carousel is closed for renovations and restoration. $8 adults, discounted for seniors, students, children and groups. Živalski vrt Binghamton v parku Ross (Q4914260) na Wikidata Živalski vrt Binghamton v Ross Parku na Wikipediji

Umetnost in kultura

  • Anderson Center for the Performing Arts, Binghamton University Campus, Vestal Pkwy (First left after traffic circle on BU campus), 1 607 777-6802. Consisting of three theaters (Osterhout Concert Theater, Chamber Hall, and Watters Theater), The Anderson Center provides a world-class venue for any size performance that may come to the region. The Center strives to bring in a variety of international performances in keeping with the university's multicultural perspective, however, it also hosts many local and national performances.
  • Binghamton Philharmonic Orchestra, 31 Front St, 1 607 723-3931. Led by José-Luis Novo, the Binghamton Philharmonic produces a classical and chamber music series at the Anderson Center for Performing Arts and a popular music series at the Forum Theater downtown.
  • Blues on the Bridge, Washington Street Pedestrian Bridge (v središču mesta). noon-10PM. Blues festival held annually on the historic South Washington St Bridge in mid September. 180 (or so) bands will perform along with food and crafts vendors. prost.
  • 11 Broome County Veterans Memorial Arena and the Forum Theater, 1 Stuart Street and 236 Washington St. respectively (v središču mesta), 1 607 778-1528. Binghamton's two largest indoor venues are managed by the Broome County Department of Parks and Recreation. The Arena hosts numerous traveling productions and music concerts. It is also the home venue of the local professional ice hockey team, the Binghamton Senators. The Forum is a restored vaudeville house and hosts the Tri Cities Opera, popular music productions of the Binghamton Philharmonic, and Broadway Theater League shows. Spominska arena veteranov okrožja Broome (Q990628) na Wikipodatih Spominska arena veteranov Floyd L. Maines na Wikipediji
  • [prej mrtva povezava]First Night, city-wide, 1 607 723-8572. Begins 5PM New Year's Eve. Nationally recognized arts and culture celebration to bring in the new year. City buses provide transportation to events scattered around the city through-out the evening. At midnight a massive bonfire is lit outside The Arena. $10, $6 in advance.
  • 12 The Goodwill Theatre, 67 Broad Street, Johnson City, NY 13790, 1 607 772-2404, . Box office: M-F 9AM-5PM. Gledališče dobre volje (Q5583660) na Wikidata Gledališče dobre volje na Wikipediji
  • Otsiningo Powwow, Otsiningo Park (exit 5 off Interstate 81 and proceed S). first weekend in June. A festival showcasing native peoples of the Americas, particularly the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) heritage of upstate New York. The park was the site of an 18th century Haudenosaunee village.
  • [mrtva povezava]Rod Serling Video Festival, 31 Main St, 1 607 762-8202. first weekend in August. State wide film contest for would-be directors in grades k-12. Film entries are screened at the Helen Foley Theatre in Binghamton, and aired publicly on WSKG Public Television Station
  • Spiedie Festival and Balloon Rally, Otsiningo Park (use exit 5 from Interstate 81), 1 607 765-6604. first weekend in August. The Spiedie Fest brings together about 100,000 people to celebrate local culture, launch a hot air balloon rally, and yes, serve up lots of spiedies. The name of the food is from the Italian word for "skewer", appropriate as the dish was invented/adapted by Italian immigrants who settled here in the early 20th century. There are also many arts, crafts, live music, and all the other sorts of things you'd expect at a big fair.
  • St. Patrick's Parade Day, Downtown/Westside Binghamton. 2 weeks before St. Patrick's Day. By having its parade day early, Binghamton gets to showcase some of the best groups from New York City, Philadelphia, Scranton, and elsewhere.
  • Tri-Cities Opera, 236 Washington St, 1 607 772-0400. Founded in 1949, the Tri-Cities Opera delivers three major opera productions each year at the Forum Theater as well as a number of shorter productions at its Clinton Street location. $16 adults; discounts for children, students, senior and others.

Sporting events and recreation

  • Binghamton Bearcats (Vestal; from Route 17, take Route 201 south and follow SUNY signs to Route 434 east and campus), 1 607 777-BTIX (2849). NCAA Division I sports teams representing Binghamton University, playing 21 sports (but not football) mostly in the America East Conference.
  • Binghamton Devils (downtown at the Veterans Memorial Arena), 1 607 722-7367. Strokovno hockey team in the second-level American Hockey League, and main feeder for the NHL's New Jersey Devils.
  • Binghamton Rumble Poniji (downtown, follow signage from Court Street exit off 363), 1 607 723-6387. AA minor league baseball team. Feeder for MLB's New York Mets.
  • Dick's Sporting Goods Open, En-Joie Golf Course, 722 W Main St, Endicott (From I86, take rt 26N to 17c (Main St). Go west until almost out of town.), 1 607 785-1661. Formerly the BC Open, it is now a stop on PGA Tour Champions, the PGA Tour's circuit for golfers 50 and over.
  • 13 Greek Peak Mountain Resort, 2000 NYS Rt. 392, Cortland (From Interstate 81 exit at #9 and then take Route 11 North to 392 West), brez cestnin: 1-800-955-2-SKI (754). Greek Peak is the nearest downhill ski resort to Binghamton. It has expanded significantly and also offers nordic options. About 40 minutes drive from Binghamton. Grški vrh (Q14706299) na Wikidata Gorsko letovišče Greek Peak na Wikipediji
  • [mrtva povezava]Levene Gouldin & Thompson Tennis Challenger, Rekreacijski park, 1 607 754-5952. Men's Challenger tennis tournament held over 9 days a few weeks prior to the US Open. Challengers are Pro Circuit tennis players from around the world.


STOP-DWI (which stands for "Special Traffic Options Program for Driving While Intoxicated") sponsors sports competitions in Broome County as a way of reaching out to youth and the community about the dangers of drunk driving in addition to encouraging sports as a healthy alternative to drinking for teens.

  • STOP-DWI Chris Thater Memorial Races, Rekreacijski park, 1 607 778-2056. Premier cycling and running event held in honor drunk driving victim, Chris Thater. Traditionally falls on the last weekend of August
  • STOP-DWI Holiday Classic, Broome County Veterans Memorial Arena (v središču mesta), 1 607 778-2056. High school basketball tournament held during the Christmas season. Host some of the best teams from across the nation.
  • STOP-DWI Tournament of Champions, BAGSAI Softball Complex (Upper Front St, across from Regal Cinema. On the left, past Broome Community College.), 1 607 778-2056. One of the top high school softball tournaments in the country. Heavily visited by college softball coaches.
  • STOP-DWI World Youth Classic, 1 607 778-2056. American Legion youth baseball tournament cosponsored by STOP-DWI since 2006. Features world-class Legion baseball teams held annually in July


Big box stores

  • Oakdale Mall - anchored by JCPenney and Burlington Coat Factory, it is the only indoor super-regional mall in the Greater Binghamton area and within a 50-mile radius. Located in suburban Johnson City.
  • Vestal Parkway in suburban Vestal has most of the area's big box retail strip centers.
  • Downtown Binghamton has several shopping options including a Boscov's department store on Court Street.

Art galleries and craft shops

  • Anam Cara Art Gallery, 204 State St, 1 607 722-2220.
  • Anthony Brunelli Fine Arts, 186 State St, 1 607 772-0485. Sa noon-4PM. Anthony Brunelli is known particular for his photorealist works, but his gallery features several other artists including Marla Olmstead whose early childhood was the subject of the 2007 documentary "My Kid Could Paint That".
  • Atomic Tom's Gallery, 196 State St.
  • Cooperative Gallery 213, 213 State St (from N Shoreline Dr turn N onto Washington St, then R on Hawley St and L on State St), 1 607 724-3462. F 3-6PM (9PM on first F of month), Sa noon-4PM. A local artist cooperative with about two dozen members, Cooperative Gallery 213 has some work of each member on display at all times and a rotating feature exhibition for one of its members.
  • [prej mrtva povezava]On Point Productions and Gallery, 67 Court Street, 2nd floor (v središču mesta), 1 607 773-7850. F 6-9PM, Sa noon-3PM. In addition to providing multimedia production services, On Point has gallery featuring one or two local artists at a time.
  • Orazio Salati Gallery, 205 State Street, 2nd floor, 1 607 772-6725. 6-9PM first Friday of month, Sa 11AM-4PM. Features paintings by various local artists, including a large rotating solo exhibition.
  • Tom's Coffee, Cards, and Gifts, 184 Main St (west of Front St about 1 mi), 1 607 773-8500. Su 11AM-9PM, M-Sa 9AM-9PM. Billing itself as Binghamton's premier craft gallery and gift shop, if you get hungry while you're looking expect a variety complementary gourmet treats: chutneys, salsas, biscuits.


  • Mad Hatter Antiques, 284 Clinton St (turn W from Front St and proceed about 1.5 mi), 1 607 729-6036. Stuffed with wonderful items old and older, the Mad Hatter is among the best of the shops on Clinton Street, which is also billed locally as "Antique Row". Leave yourself a good hour to explore the shop.


Binghamton has always been (and still is) a melting pot of ethnic flavors. The city's history has been strongly influenced by German, Italian, and Polish immigrants; with many today coming from Eastern Europe, Latin America, and India. The eateries in the city reflect this and provide that big city cultural and culinary experience largely missing in many small cities. Many of the national chains are present in the city as well, and are easily located.

General food and cafés

  • Cyber Café West, 176 Main St (from rt 201, head east on 17C. Around a mile down the road near Schiller St. next to a Wendy's), 1 607 723-2456. M-W 11:30AM-11PM; Th-Sa 11:30AM-1AM; Su noon-9PM. Don't let the name fool you! This cafe doesn't rent out computers and internet access by the hour but does feature live music at least four nights a week along with more than 22 beers on tap (emphasis on craft beer and local breweries from the Southern Tier), bottled beer and local wine - ask owner Jeff Kahn for his hilarious explanation as to why he won't serve liquor! Students and locals refer to this place as their "second home" in Binghamton, and indeed it has a very "homey" atmosphere with lots of couches and easy chairs to sprawl out on. Innovative and tasty sandwiches and wraps (many of which are vegetarian or vegan friendly) along with coffee, espresso, tea and soft drinks. Beer specials every Sunday and Wednesday. Team Trivia on Mondays, Open Mike or Karaoke on Tuesday, and live music Wednesday-Saturday evenings and occasionally Sunday afternoons. The owner's band jam band, which depending on the lineup that evening is called either "Thing 1", "Thing Two", or "Monkey's Typing" (the very original lineup which recorded studio albums and toured locally) performs on Thursdays and is excellent. Most shows are free although some larger bands on the weekends can attract a $5-10 cover charge, all ages venue. Free wi-fi. Proračun.
  • Laveggio Roasteria and Espresso Bar, 101 Court St, 1 607 779-1100. F 7AM-4PM F, first Friday of month 6-9PM. This local coffee house roasts coffee beans to order and emphasizes direct trade and sustainable practices. Proračun.
  • Nezuntoz, 50 Pennsylvania Avenue #4. M-Sa 7AM-5PM; Su 7AM-4PM. (pronounced "knees-and-toes"). Bagels and bagel sandwiches (both breakfast and lunch options), pastries, coffee, espresso drinks, tea, and soft drinks. Free wi-fi although seating is very limited. Located in the rear of the Weiss plaza on the corner of Vestal and Pennsylvania Avenues across from Walgreens. Proračun.
  • Pat Mitchell's Ice Cream.
  • Sweet Frog Frozen Yogurt, 46 South Washington St (Southside, directly across from the Washington Street foot bridge). Sweet Frog is one of many frozen self-serve frozen yogurt shops in the Triple Cities, and has a second location on the Vestal Parkway near the AMC Movie Theater. Choose your favorite flavor(s), top it with fruit, candy, or sauces and pay by the ounce. A word of note - Sweet Frog is owned by born again Christians (according to signs in the store, FROG is an acronym for Fully Rely On God) and elements of this are visible throughout the store: many of the employees wear crosses, hymns or contemporary Christian music plays on the muzak, and most of the non-edible merchandise carried is of a religious nature (illustrated bible stories, for example) although there are no attempts at overt proselytization. If religious symbols make you uncomfortable, Binghamton is home to several other yogurt chains, including Hoopla on Upper Front Street (next to Moe's) and Simply Sweet on Washington Street in central city (right over the foot bridge). Proračun.
  • Lost Dog Café, 222 Water St (from Court St, follow Water St north two blocks), 1 607 771-6063. 11:30AM-10PM. This eclectic fusion restaurant serves great and generous dishes. Though they offer lunch, the place really heats up at night and often has live music. It can get busy, particularly when the university is in session so you may want to call ahead. Srednji razred.
  • River Muse Café, 7 South Washington St (just of NY 434 in South Bridge neighborhood), 1 607 235-3122. Delicious, homemade baked goods and fine coffee await you at this South Side gem. It has a friendly owner, laid-back atmosphere, and often shows local artists' work on its walls. There are free tango (or salsa, can't remember) lessons every week that make you part of the entertainment! Proračun.
  • Tranquil Bar and Bistro, 36 Pine Street #1 (from Court St turn N onto Carroll St and R onto Pine St), 1 607 723-0495. see website. French dining, downtown. Depending on the time and day, offers brunch, lunch, dinner, and nightlife. Srednji razred.

Grocery and deli

Indian food

  • Curry's of India, 45 Court St # 2. A nice hole-in-the-wall with a very affordable lunch buffet.
  • Taj Restaurant, 59 Main St.


The Binghamton area has a relatively high number of traditional and not so traditional Japanese restaurants, possibly owing to the significant international student population from Asia (which may also explain why the majority of these restaurants are located within a mile or two of the Binghamton University campus on the Vestal Parkway.)

  • [mrtva povezava]Fuji San, 4105 Vestal Parkway East (next to Quality Inn and Suites), 1 607-797-9888. Probably the best choice for authentic Japanese cuisine with an extensive menu, hibachi, and sushi bar. Srednji razred.
  • Kampai, 108 North Jensen Road, Vestal, 1 607 798-7521. They advertise themselves as "three restaurants under one roof", and offer distinct sections for traditional Japanese dining, hibachi, and sushi. Very high quality, albeit pricey. Splurge.
  • Sake-Tumi, 71 Court Street, 1 607-238-1771. Asian-American fusion with an extensive sushi selection that changes weekly.Mix and match traditional and some interesting but delicious fusion rolls - ever try a roll smoked salmon and pineapple before? How about tuna marinated in spiedie sauce in your sushi? Extensive menu with Japanese and American favorites. A little on the pricey side but they offer dollar sushi on Tuesdays and Thursdays which can bring the price down significantly. Splurge.


Binghamton has some of the most authentic southern Italian and Sicilian food this side of Italy. Each of these restaurants also serves pizza but the focus is on fine Italian dinning.

  • Cortese Restaurant, 117 Robinson St.
  • [mrtva povezava]Grandes Bella Cucina, 1171 Vestal Ave.
  • Grotta Azzurra, 52 Main St # 1.
  • J Michaels Restaurant and Lounge, 59 Court St, 1 607 720-6453. Don't let the façade fool you! This restaurant sits in the basement of one of Binghamton's oldest buildings. The winding stairwell that you follow down drops you at what used to be the ground floor when State Street was the Chenango Canal. The light fare is the best here, especially the thin crust pizza.
  • Little Venice Restaurant, 111 Chenango St (near the bus station), 1 607 724-2513. Tu-Su 11AM-11PM. This charming little restaurant offers more than the outside suggests. Several pasta dishes are homemade, and the manicotti are especially good. The original owner was quite an art collector and you will find dozens of paintings to look at while you wait for your order, including several idyllic, impressionistic paintings of local landmarks by Armonodo Dellasanta. Proračun.
  • Mama Giuseppa Restaurant, 4 South Liberty Street, Endicott (from I-86, take exit 67N then Main St west for about 1½ mi, then R on Liberty St), 1 607 748-7200. Among the best Italian restaurants, location is a bit odd but the food is exceptional. Make sure to come hungry -- the servings are extremely generous and you'll want to leave room from dessert. Srednji razred.


Pizza in Binghamton is predominantly New York style. However, Binghamton is well known (and sometimes reviled) for its 'sheet' or square pizza. Those who enjoy New England (Greek) Style pizza, may want to check out Amici's (see above)

  • Bella Pizza, 1116 Chenango St.
  • La Cucina Pizzeria, 62 Glenwood Ave.
  • Leroy Pizza & Subs, 67 Leroy St.
  • Nandos, 286 Conklin Ave.
  • New York Pizzeria, 33 W State St.
  • Nirchi's, 954 Front St. 219 Main Street, and 166 Water St, Binghamton.
  • Pronto Cucina, 790 Conklin Rd.


  • Taste of Europe, 440 Court Street, 1 607-296-4213. 11AM-10PM daily. A family-owned hole-in-the-wall on Court Street. Their speciality is authentic food from Ukraine and Russia, such as borscht and cabbage soup but the menu also includes favorites from Poland, the Baltic States and other Eastern European countries. Proračun.

Pub food and diners

  • Park Diner, 119 Conklin Ave, 1 607 722-9840. Traditional Greek diner on small hill above the Rockbottom Dam, across the river from downtown Binghamton. It has a fantastic view and the food is just as good. The Par is very popular with locals and weekend mornings (in particular Sunday) are generally very busy. there can be a wait. Proračun.
  • The Spot, 1062 Upper Front St, 1 607 723-8149. Open until 11PM, popular among local college scene, great French toast. Proračun.
  • [mrtva povezava]Thirsty's Tavern, 46 S Washington St, 1 607 771-0660. Down-to-earth experience, barn-like décor with rough wood floors, barrels for tables and stools for seats. Good beer, a burger-heavy menu, frequent local bands, banquet hall and catering. Proračun.

Specialty and steakhouses


The Spiedie is a regional dish born in Binghamton to Italian immigrants. It consists of marinated chunks of meat grilled over charcoal on metal skewers. It is served still on the skewer with a slice of Italian bread (almost always Felix Roma's) used to pull the meat off, usually with a little marinade drizzled on top. The original meat was lamb, but has come to include chicken, pork, and venison.

  • Sharkey's Restaurant, 56 Glenwood Ave, 1 607 729-9201. Purported to be the birthplace of the spiedie, it is certainly the oldest remaining purveyor and one of the tastiest. Proračun.
  • Lupo's S&S Char Pit, 6 West State St, 1 607 723-6106. One of the two major spiedie sauce labels in the area (the other being Salamida's). Proračun.
  • Spiedie and Rib Pit, 1268 Front St, 1 607 722-7628. A second location is 3908 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal, 1 607 729-2679. Proračun.

Garbage plates

  • Binghamton Hots, 128 Washington St, 1 607 296-4687. M 11AM-3PM; Tu-Th 11AM-1:30AM; F 11AM-3:30AM; Sa 4PM-3:30AM. Binghamton Hots is the only place in the Triple Cities where you can try Rochester's signature three layer "Hot Plate" or "Garbage Plate", with all the traditional fixings such as home fries, mac salad or baked beans topped with red hots (hot dogs) and Rochester style hot sauce. Alternatively, try a plate with Southern Tier favorites such as chicken spiedies and salt potatoes. Menu also includes other options such as wraps, spiedies, burgers, hot dogs, and salads. Being only a block away from State Street, BH gets very busy with the bar crowd, especially on weekends when the colleges are in session - be prepared for a line if you go late at night, or check them out during the afternoon or early evening when they tend to be quieter. Proračun.


State Street and the historic Stevens Square Building
  • The Ale House, 3744 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal 13850, 1 607 729-9053, . Monday - Saturday: 3PM - 1AM. 36 beers on tap
  • The Belmar, 95 Main St, 1 607 724-5920. Rough-edged town Irish pub, popular with students. Open mike every Monday, live music most weekends.
  • Mad Moose Saloon, 53 Chenango St, 1 607 723-3470.
  • Callahan's Sportsman Club, 190 Main St, 1 607 772-6313. Irish themed sports bar with arguably the best wings in Binghamton. Be forewarned: if you plan on paying with a card or opening a tab, Callahan's strictly enforces a $25 minimum for credit or debit cards (which is surprisingly hard to hit for one or two people, their drink prices are very low). Unless you're going with a large group or plan to get food, hit the ATM first!
  • Mosquito Bar and Grill, 4 West State St, 1 607 798-0346.
  • On the Roxx, 73 Court St, 1 607 722-3606.
  • The Voodoo Lounge, 15 Charlotte St, 1 607 644-9233.

Državna ulica

One of the most popular areas in Binghamton for the drinking crowd, particularly among BU students. The pub area of the street is generally closed town to vehicular traffic in the evenings on weekends. This is the epicenter of the annual 'Pub Crawl' among graduating BU seniors.


Although not quite to the extent of rainbow filled Itaka, Binghamton is a diverse and accepting city with a "live and let live" attitude. Nearly all the major bars and nightlife spots see both locals and college students who are openly lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender on a regular basis, odds are nobody even gives it a second thought. (Bars where being openly LGBT lahko be problematic are well off the beaten path in the rural outskirts of the city and likely would not be of any interest to tourists. Even if you did happen to stumble into one by mistake, odds you would face outright hostility or violence are fairly low). Discrimination based on sexual orientation or (as of 2016) gender identity/ expression is a crime in New York State.

Binghamton's sole gay bar/club (Merlins) closed in 2015, although there are other spots that tend to attract a larger LGBT crowd:

  • Matty B's Bar, Corner of Glenwood and Prospect St, 1 607 217-7067. 8PM-1AM Tues-Thurs, 8PM-3AM Fri-Sat, closed Sun-Mon. Dive with a fun, diverse and primarily local crowd. Small food menu (wings, sliders, fries, etc.), Yuengling on tap, the usual suspects (Bud Lite, Labatt, Sam Adams, Heineken, etc.) in bottles, and a very respectable liquor selection. They are famous for their Irish Car Bombs and a couple very interesting speciality cocktails, typically one or two of which are drink specials on any given night. Regardless, pours are generous and prices extremely reasonable. Trivia on Thursdays, karaoke Fridays, live music some Saturdays, pool and darts every day. Not specifically a gay bar but owned and bartended by an adorable couple Marty and Sam, flies the pride flag outside and many of the regulars are either members of the LGBT community or strong allies.


Binghamton has many places to stay, but if you will be visiting around Binghamton University's Commencement (late May, early June), be sure to book VERY early. Hotels have been known to fill up a year in advance.

Hoteli in moteli

The Old Binghamton City Hall, now the Grand Royale Hotel

Nočitev z zajtrkom


Nauči se

  • Univerza Binghamton is one of the four flagship "University Centers" of the SUNY system and is generally regarded as a "Public Ivy" due to its high level of research activity. The university is well known for it's programs in engineering, computer science, biotech, nursing, K-12 education, music (particularly opera performance and musicology) and theatre, however a wide variety of undergraduate, masters, doctoral, and pre-professional programs are offered.
  • SUNY Broome[mrtva povezava] (prej Broome County Community College) is a two-year community college offering associate degrees and certificate programs. Broome also has an attrition agreement with Binghamton University: students who complete an associate degree with at least a 3.0 GPA are guaranteed transfer admission to a BU bachelor's program with all credits eligible for transfer.
  • Davis College is a Pentecostal Bible college and seminary.
  • Additionally, for-profit career colleges Ridley Lowell[mrtva povezava] in Elmira Business Institute both have satellite campuses in Binghamton.


Binghamton (along with Upstate New York in general) has struggled economically over the second half of the 20th century. New York State has been trying to develop Binghamton as the state's "tech hub", encouraging startups and small businesses to relocate to the area with substantial tax and other incentives. While there has been some growth in the technology sector the past few years, so far this has been largely restricted to engineering, robotics, and aerospace and hasn't yet extended to software or web development. Companies such as IBM, Sanmina, BAE Systems, Universal Instruments, and Lockheed Martin all have a substantial presence in the Triple Cities and are among the largest employers in Broome County.

The other two major skilled fields are medicine and education. Both hospital systems in the area, United Health Service and Our Lady of Lourdes (Catholic Health) always have a demand for medical staff (especially nurses), along with IT, administrative, and support professionals. Binghamton University, being one of the flagship campuses of the SUNY system, employs a significant number of faculty members, researchers and support staff members. Although not to the same extent, Broome County Community College also employs a similar range of people.

High paying positions that do not require either professional licenses and/or a graduate degree are still relatively hard to come by. There are still a small number of manufacturing jobs available through Raymond Corporation, Felchar, and Frito-Lay. Several larger companies operate call centers in and around Binghamton, including Time Warner Cable and New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG). Contract call centers (hired by a company to replace or augment their in-house customer service department) also exist. The largest of these is Nationwide Credit (NCI), a former collection agency in Endicott.

Being a college town, there are also a multitude of jobs available each year in restaurants, bars, and retail, although many of these positions are part-time without benefits. That said, these positions may help you get your foot in the door into the area if you're looking to relocate, and Binghamton is not a bad small city to relocate to or settle down in. Many believe that Binghamton is on the verge of its second renaissance with a multitude of natural and cultural resources, a relatively low cost of living, and extremely friendly and hard working people who would be more than happy to welcome you into the community.

Povežite se

  • WSKG. Binghamton's local NPR can be heard on 89.3 FM or as a live stream from their website. Produces a surprisingly high volume of local current affairs and cultural programing for a smaller market station, in addition to national content such as Morning Edition, All Things Considered, a Prairie Home Companion, This American Life, etc., with classical music during the daytime. A mostly jazz format dominates sister station WSQX on 91.5 FM, with some current affairs programming networked from WGBH/WBUR in Boston. Both stations frequently advertise local performances and cultural events through the "Community Calendar" both on-air and online.
  • Press & Sun Bulletin. The Press and Sun Bulletin is Binghamton's only daily newspaper, widely available throughout the Southern Tier.
  • Cevne sanje. Binghamton University's twice weekly student published newspaper. Primarily distributed on campus, although available for free at a few local businesses.
  • [mrtva povezava]Triple Cities Carousel. Free monthly arts paper available at Cyber Cafe West and other local businesses. Many of the editorial staff work at or frequent the Cyber Cafe (see under eat) and love discussing their articles or any other local news of the day, whether arts related or not. You may even find yourself being interviewed for a future article or survey!

Pojdi naprej

New York State


Routes through Binghamton
SirakuzaCortland N I-81.svg S Clarks SummitScranton
KONEC W I-88.svg E OneontaSchenectady
ElmiraJohnson City W NY-17.svg E KirkwoodSrednja dolina-Harriman
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