Pleasanton - Pleasanton

Downtown Pleasanton
Za mesto v Teksasu glej Pleasanton (Teksas).

Pleasanton je mesto v Okrožje Alameda, v Vzhodni zaliv od Območje zaliva San Francisco. Je eno najbogatejših mest te vrste, s številnimi vrhunskimi restavracijami in zgodovinskimi okrožji. Zaradi sredozemskega podnebja na tem območju lahko na podeželju najdemo vinograde, skupaj s hrastovimi griči, vročim poletnim vremenom in dokaj blagim zimskim vremenom.


Pleasanton se je konec 20. in v začetku 21. stoletja močno spremenil, vendar mu je uspelo ohraniti videz kavbojskega mesta. Prometne mestne ulice, ki so pogosto obrobljene z drevesi, so dobro oblikovane in zasedajo skupno šest pasov, zlasti na severu mesta; vendar obstajajo druge, bližnje, vendar manjše ulice, ki so kljub naraščajočemu prebivalstvu in napredku ostale presenetljivo tihe. Resnično nenavaden, čeprav precej čuden vidik Pleasantona je, da mu Pleasanton kljub stavbam, ki izgledajo naravnost iz zahoda, daje položaj v bližini Silicijeve doline svetovljanski občutek: restavracije z mehiško, italijansko, turško, Azijske in ameriške kuhinje so med seboj oddaljene približno kilometer.


Pleasanton je bil ustanovljen kot "Alisal". Mesto naj bi postalo Pleasonton, po imenu vojaške osebe v Uniji. Ker pa so različna mesta jasno pokazala, da se želijo imenovati Pleasonton (kot npr Pleasanton v Teksas), je ameriška vlada naredila pravopisno napako in jih vse poimenovala "Pleasanton", kar je še danes. Mnogi domačini domnevajo, da gre za pristanišče besed "prijetno" in "mesto".

Pleasanton antena


Pleasanton se je skozi leta močno spremenil; v preteklosti je bilo grobo mesto, ki so ga obiskovali razbojniki, vendar je zdaj Pleasanton eno najbogatejših mest v državi. Območje se je začelo razvijati v štiridesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja in je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1850.

Nekatere mestne ulice, kot je Kottinger, so poimenovane po zgodnjih lastnikih zemljišč v mestu. Poimenovanje ulic po lastnikih zemljišč je v Pleasantonu presenetljivo pogosto in takšni postopki poimenovanja se dogajajo celo v novejših stanovanjskih naseljih.

Mesto je postalo pomembnejše v Kaliforniji v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, ko je postalo eno glavnih kalifornijskih središč za snemanje, nekako tako kot Hollywood danes. Rebecca s kmetije Sunnybrookna primer, je bil posnet leta 1917 v Pleasantonu. Prebivalstvo Pleasantona pa je začelo naraščati v šestdesetih letih, prebivalstvo pa se je več kot potrojilo na 18.000 v letu 1970. Prebivalstvo je od takrat naraslo na približno 80.000.

Pleasanton ima veliko zgodovinsko okrožje s središčem, nekaj zgodovinskih domov in 1 zgodovinska cerkvena stavba med prvo in tretjo ulico. Predvsem okoli Prve in Druge ulice je nekaj dobro vzdrževanih domov, nekaj pa jih je iz 19. stoletja, nekateri pa so v viktorijanskem slogu.


Pleasanton je zahodno od Livermora in južno od Dublina na območju zaliva v Kaliforniji. Če je cestni promet dober, je Pleasanton oddaljen približno eno uro San Francisco, 30-35 minut od Oakland, in dve uri od glavnega mesta države, Sacramento. Obdan je z gorami, vključno z Mount Diablo na severu. (Gora Diablo se vije nad regijo in drugimi gorami.) Veliki deli reke Diablo Range, ki gre skozi območje Pleasanton, so zaščiteni kot Regionalni park East Bay.

Mesto je dokaj blizu Okrožje Santa Clara, območje, dobro znano po tehnologiji. Nekateri Pleasantonci se vozijo na območja v Južnem zalivu in na Polotok, medtem ko drugi živijo in delajo v Tri-Valleyu.

Vinogradi v bližini Livermore

Pleasanton je tudi le nekaj ur stran od Vinska dežela Napa Valley. Zato imajo deli mesta in bližnji Livermore nekaj kvadratnih kilometrov vinogradov, zlasti na jugovzhodu. Dvorci in kleti so raztreseni po tej regiji. Pleasanton je dobro izhodišče za turiste, saj je med nekaj pomembnimi regijami Kalifornije in turisti bodo našli dostojno izhodišče za obalo, San Francisco območje, Silicijeva dolina, Srednja dolina, in Napa/Sonoma regiji.


Pleasanton je nekoliko raznoliko mesto. Čeprav je dve tretjini prebivalstva belcev, je več kot dvajset odstotkov Pleasantoncev Azijcev. Približno deset odstotkov prebivalstva je Hispanoamerikanov. V nasprotju s številnimi raznolikimi mesti pa ni posebnih kulturnih skupnosti. Namesto tega se večina mestnega prebivalstva meša in v tesni družbi boste našli ljudi številnih narodnosti.

Po navedbah Wikipedije belci, ki niso Hispanci, predstavljajo približno tri petine prebivalstva, Azijci, ki niso Hispanci, predstavljajo 23% prebivalstva, tisti, ki se imajo za hispano, pa približno eno desetino prebivalstva. V nasprotju s številnimi drugimi mesti na območju zaliva pa je afroameriško prebivalstvo majhno in predstavlja manj kot 2% prebivalstva.

Poleg upokojenskih skupnosti, kot so 1 Potok Stoneridge, Pleasanton ima mlado prebivalstvo. Zaradi visokih življenjskih stroškov in bližine služb v Silicijevi dolini se mnogi, ki se upokojijo, sčasoma preselijo na cenejše lokacije v drugih delih ZDA.


Podnebna karta (razlaga)
Povprečna maks. in min. temperature v ° F
PadavineSneg vsote v palcih
Vir: Wikipedia. Vendar si je treba zapomniti, da gre za povprečne temperature. V vsakem letnem času lahko postane veliko hladneje in veliko bolj vroče.
Metrična pretvorba
Povprečna maks. in min. temperature v ° C
PadavineSneg skupaj v mm

Podnebje Pleasantona je Sredozemsko, vendar ni daleč od puščavskega podnebja, zlasti kadar nastopi suša. Padavin je v vlažnih letih lahko več kot 510 mm na leto, v sušnih letih pa le nekaj centimetrov. Večina dežja nastopi v zimskih mesecih. Zato se mora Pleasanton v veliki meri zanašati na namakanje, da ohrani drevesa in vrtove pri življenju, v sodobnih stanovanjskih gradnjah, zlasti z začetkom suše v 2010-ih, pa so bila prizadevanja za spodbujanje uporabe "odpornih proti suši" - ki ne zahtevajo namakanje - rastline namesto trate.

Podnebje Pleasantona se zelo razlikuje glede na leto. Tako je na primer v letih 2013–2015 doživel ekstremne sušne razmere v Kaliforniji in lokalni rezervoarji so skoraj popolnoma presahnili. Vendar so se pozimi 2016-2017 rezervoarji napolnili in v Jezero Oroville približno sto kilometrov proti severovzhodu se je rezervoar prelil na zasilno prelivanje, ki se je nato zlomilo. V bistvu pa se nekaj vidikov Pleasantonovega podnebja dobro ohrani v katerem koli letu: 1) temperatura ima skoraj vedno velike razlike med dnevom in nočjo, zaradi česar je vreme vsaj v nekem dnevu zmerno prijetno; in 2) obstaja jasna mokra sezona (približno november ali december do katerega koli obdobja med februarjem in aprilom) in sušna sezona (preostanek leta), vendar ne jasno opredeljena pomlad ali jesen.

Poleti lahko temperature preidejo do 43 ° C, pozimi pa lahko padejo pod ledišče. Najboljši meseci za obisk so april, maj in oktober, ko so temperature primerne in dežja skoraj ni.

Junij je lahko vroči mesec, kot se običajno pričakuje. Junij je drugi najvišji mesec za rekordne temperature v Pleasantonu, za septembrom. Julija in avgusta v Pleasantonu skoraj vsak dan zmerno vroče, vendar pogosto ne dosežemo enakih rekordno visokih temperatur, kot so junija in septembra.

Najvišja temperatura, ki jo je Pleasanton uradno kdaj dosegel, je vročina (46 ° C), čeprav je na vzhodu mesta, kjer so temperature na splošno najbolj skrajne zaradi večje oddaljenosti od Tihega oceana, lahko celo bolj vroče.

Enostaven način zapomnitve podnebja za tiste, ki ga ne poznajo, je "30-60-90", slavni pravokotni trikotnik. Temperature pozimi so običajno v območju od –1 ° C do 16 ° C, medtem ko so temperature poleti običajno od 32 ° F (16 ° C) do 90 ° F (32 ° F). C) obseg. 60 ° F (16 ° C) je temperatura, ki si jo delita tako poletje kot zima. Vendar ta pomnilniški pripomoček ne upošteva vročinskih valov. Kaže pa, da Pleasanton pozimi prejema konstantno vreme, povprečni vzponi in padci v zimskih mesecih pa se popolnoma ujemajo z značilnim vremenom v mestu.

Informacije o obiskovalcih

Za informacije o obiskovalcih pojdite na 2 Knjižnica Pleasanton. V bližini knjižnice Old Bernal Avenue ima knjižnica glavno informacijsko mizo, kjer odgovarjajo na vprašanja. Obiščete lahko tudi bližnjo 3 Stavba civilnega centra za informacije o mestu. Vendar pa bodo te stavbe sčasoma preselili v novo civilno središče, ki bo na aveniji Pleasanton. Po mestnih načrtih bo kompleks civilnega centra združen v eno glavno stavbo v bližini parka Bernal Community Park (ki bo bližje I-680).

Številne knjigarne in druge trgovine okoli Pleasantona prodajajo zgodovinsko knjigo Pleasanton, ki podrobno prehaja skozi zgodovino mesta.


Z letalom

Čeprav je regionalno letališče v Livermoreju, so najboljša letališča v območju Pleasanton v San Franciscu, Oaklandu in San Joseu. Ta letališča bi morala biti od Pleasantona oddaljena manj kot dve uri vožnje, če je promet dober.

Letališče San Francisco

Mednarodno letališče San Francisco (SFO) je največje od teh letališč. Iz San Francisca pa je treba priti do Pleasantona - to storiti z avtom vključuje več prometnih avtocest s številnimi zapletenimi križišči, kar je lahko izziv za tiste, ki tega območja še niso bili. SFO ima tudi postajo BART.

Letališče Oakland

Letališče Oakland (HRAST IATA) je manjše letališče v Oaklandu v Kaliforniji, bistveno bližje Pleasantonu. Letališče je z BART-om povezano s prevoznikom ljudi in ima hitro cesto, ki ga povezuje s preostalim delom območja. Tudi zanka na letališču razmeroma olajša vstop in izstop z avtomobilom. Ko ste na vzhodu I-580, je pot do Pleasantona dokaj preprosta, če poznate avtoceste v ZDA

Letališče San Jose

Letališče San Jose (SJC IATA) je zdaj glavno letališče. Če pa se popoldne vozite proti severu od San Joseja do doline Tri-Valley, lahko I-680 (avtocesta, ki povezuje San Jose s Pleasantonom in Concordom) traja ure vožnje proti severu. Najslabši del se začne okoli ceste Scott Creek v kraju Fremont območje in se konča z avtocesto CA-84 pred križiščem južno od Pleasantona.

Slika I-580 v bližini Dolina Castro

Z avtom

Avto je večinoma najboljši način potovanja za vstop v Pleasanton.


V Pleasantonu sta dve avtocesti: I-580 (severna stran) in I-680 (zahodna stran) ter ena hitra cesta CA-84 (jugovzhodna in vzhodna stran). I-580 in I-680 pa sta lahko strašno zaposlena. Na primer vožnja po I-680 od San Jose do Pleasantona, ki bi trajalo le približno štirideset minut, lahko traja več kot eno uro. Obe avtocesti in CA-84 se strmo vzpneta; I-680 in I-580 sta nekoliko zvita v hribih in ne pomagata prometnim težavam.

CA-84 je kalifornijska avtocesta, ki šele nastaja v letih cestnih del. Večina odseka CA-84 od križišča z I-680 južno od Pleasantona do križišča z I-580 v Livermoreu je bila nadgrajena z dvopasovnice na štiripasovno hitro cesto. CA-84 sledi Vallecitos "Road" od I-680, v bližini Sunol, skozi hribe severovzhodno do vzhodne meje Pleasanton in Livermore. CA-84 se srečuje s cestami Pleasanton na križiščih z Vineyard Avenue, Stanley Boulevard in Jack London Boulevard (vzhodni del Stoneridge Drive).

Druge ceste

Približuje se z vzhoda: več cest povezuje Tracy z Livermoreom; če greš zahodno od Tracyja, greš mimo Livermora na poti do Pleasantona. Sem spadajo I-580, Tesla Road (J2), Altamont Pass Road in Patterson Pass Road. Tesla Road, Altamont Pass Road in Patterson Pass Road pa so mestoma ozke in zvite.

BART vlak

Bližanje z jugozahoda: jugozahodno od Pleasantona lepa cesta z imenom Niles Canyon Road (zahodni del CA-84) povezuje Fremont območje s Sunol, mesto na jugozahodu Pleasantona. Iz Sunola lahko pridete do Foothill Road, Pleasanton-Sunol Road, I-680 ali CA-84, da pridete do Pleasantona.

Približuje se s severa: več cest v Dublinu, mestu severno od Pleasantona, se nadaljuje v Pleasanton pod drugimi imeni: Dougherty Road postane Hopyard Road, Tassajara Road postane Santa Rita Road, San Ramon Road postane Foothill Road, Fallon Road postane El Charro Road, in Hacienda Road prečka I-580. I-680 gre od Dublina, San Ramona in različnih mest severno od Pleasantona do Pleasantona (in se seveda nato nadaljuje proti jugu do Silicijeve doline).

S kolesom

Zaradi hribovitega terena je večina cest v Pleasanton bodisi preozka za kolesarske steze bodisi avtocesta, zato ni veliko dobrih možnosti za kolesarjenje v Pleasanton. Najboljši cesti s kolesarskimi stezami sta Pleasanton-Sunol Road na jugu in Vineyard Avenue na vzhodu. Kolesarjenje v Pleasantonu je bolj primerno kot rekreacijska dejavnost.

Avtor BART

Zemljevid poti BART, vključno s Pleasantonom

The 1 Dublin / Pleasanton Dublin/Pleasanton station on Wikipedia in 2 Zahodni Dublin / Pleasanton West Dublin/Pleasanton station on Wikipedia Postaje BART ponujajo poti do Oakland in naprej do San Francisco in Mednarodno letališče San Francisco. Postaja Dublin / Pleasanton ima avtobusno povezavo do centra Pleasantona (glej #Z avtobusom).

Vlaki BART so precej hitri (približno 50 km / h), podobno hitrosti avtomobilov, ko je promet dober. Kot lahko vidite na zemljevidu, večina vlakov BART vozi v San Francisco in Oakland. Proga Dublin / Pleasanton se sčasoma poveže s fremontskimi linijami, gre skozi Oakland, pod zalivom San Francisco, skozi San Francisco in se konča v Millbrae. Obstajajo pa številne postaje, kjer se bo vlak vsakič ustavil za nekaj minut. Nato traja nekaj minut in se spet ustavi.

Z BART-om so se zgodila kazniva dejanja, zato bodite vedno previdni, ko ste v vlakih BART, da veste, kje so vaše stvari, in se prepričajte, da jih nihče ne more pobirati.

Z vlakom

The Altamont koridor Express (ACE) je železniška storitev, ki vozi od Pleasantona do bližnjih krajev, vključno Stockton in San Jose. Poteka le 4-krat na dan v vsako smer - zjutraj proti jugu in popoldne proti severu - in se ustavi pri 3 Postaja Pleasanton Pleasanton station on Wikipedia v središču mesta.

Z avtobusom

Obstajajo lokalni lokalni avtobusi. Na primer, avtobus 10R vozi od postaje Dublin / Pleasanton BART do centra mesta Pleasanton (nadaljuje do Livermore) s 15-minutno frekvenco čez dan.


Mesto je dokaj enostavno za navigacijo; ceste so v nasprotju z Livermoreom postavljene v logičnih vzorcih z zelo neposrednimi križišči.



Pleasanton ima sprehodljivo zgodovinsko središče mesta. Središče središča je Main Street, od avenije Bernal na jugu (zasidrana od mestne hiše na starem Bernalu) do Arroyo del Valle na severu. (Načrt centra mesta je določen na Spletno mesto Pleasanton Downtown Plan[mrtva povezava].) Pleasanton Downtown Association ponuja navodila o tem, kako priti do centra mesta z različnih točk. Zgodovinsko stanovanjsko okrožje ima tudi zelo sprehodljive ulice, čeprav so v tem delu mesta strmi hribi.

Severni Pleasanton

Severni Pleasanton je bil nekoč močvirje, zato so ko razvili območje, izkopali kanale. Ob kanalih so 4 poti za kolesarje in sprehajalce. Vendar se je veliko bank v kanalih sesulo v deževni sezoni 2016–2017, vzdrževanje in zapiranje pa se nadaljuje do leta 2017. Govori se, da nekatera zemljišča v tej regiji tonejo; razvoj pa se je nadaljeval.

Ko potujete peš, se izogibajte stezam blizu I-680, saj zagotovo niso mirne.

Druga navigacija

Razen 5 Pot železnega konja in drugih zgoraj omenjenih poteh je težko peš voditi zunaj centra mesta. Pleasanton je milje širok in milje od severa proti jugu, zato lahko traja nekaj ur, da pridete od poslovnega parka Hacienda do samega centra mesta. Čeprav so pločniki ob cestah okoli Pleasantona, po njih hodi le malo ljudi, razen šolarjev.

Z avtom

Vožnja je v Pleasantonu razmeroma enostavna in na splošno je parkirišč dovolj za vse (čeprav včasih v središču mesta ni tako. Na primer med sejmom okrožja Alameda). I-680 obkroža zahodno stran mestnega območja s tremi izhodi (Sunol Boulevard, Bernal Avenue in Stoneridge Drive) in I-580 opredeljuje severno mejo mesta Pleasanton s štirimi izhodi (Hopyard Road, Hacienda Drive, Santa Rita Ceste in ceste El Charro). Če potujete proti jugu po cesti Santa Rita, stran od I-580 proti središču Pleasantona, cesta zavije v Main Street, ki označuje vhod v središče mesta. Če gremo proti jugu po Hopyard Road, se sčasoma zoži in zavije v Division Street, ki postane Street Saint Mary, ki se konča na Main Street v centru mesta.

Pleasanton, zlasti od ustanovitve Poslovnega parka Hacienda, ima številne široke ceste (na severu), po katerih je zelo enostavno voziti.


Parkirišča so prostorna, zlasti v nakupovalnih središčih, zaradi ravnejših tal in veliko dodatnega prostora. Vendar je parkiranje v centru mesta zapleteno, zlasti ob Main Streetu. Med poletnim sejmom okrožja Alameda je parkiranje v središču mesta skoraj nemogoče.

Ne poskušajte parkirati neposredno na Glavni ulici ali Prvi ulici podnevi, saj so te ceste ozke in prometne, zato je parkiranje ob njih zahtevno. Površinske ulice z enostavnim parkiranjem so pogosto le malo oddaljene od prometnih, preobremenjenih cest. Glavna ulica in na splošno središče mesta sta lahko katastrofalna za parkiranje med prireditvami, med sejem okrožja Alameda pa ljudje parkirajo v središču mesta, da se izognejo parkirninam na sejmišču. Težave je lahko tudi parkiranje, zlasti v manjših ulicah, jeseni, ko odpadlo listje pokrije parkirna mesta in drevesa. s svojimi listi, pokrivajo razsvetljavo in napise.

Na splošno se parkirišče v regiji Hacienda Business Park nahaja v nakupovalnih središčih ali v bližini poslovnih enot. Na tem območju so parkirišča velika, prostora je več, kot je avtomobilov.

I-580 je razdeljen s črto BART, ki poteka skozi sredino


Glavne ceste v Pleasantonu vključujejo (ti cesti sta na vsaki strani dva pasova vsaj na najširši točki):

  • Cesta Santa Rita: gre od I-580 proti jugu do centra Pleasantona in na južnem koncu postane Main Street.
  • Hopyard Road: teče nekoliko vzporedno s cesto Santa Rita in (gre proti jugu) sčasoma postane Division Street in vodi v središče Pleasantona.
  • Stanley Boulevard, Prva ulica, in Sunol Boulevard: tri imena za različne dele iste ceste. Sunol Boulevard gre od I-680 severovzhodno do centra mesta, First Street prečka središče mesta, Stanley Boulevard pa gre proti vzhodu, mimo Shadow Cliffs in kamnolomov do Livermore.

Druge ceste, ki jih je treba poznati:

  • Glavna ulica: počasna cesta, boljša za pešce kot avtomobili
  • Prva ulica: glej Stanley Boulevard
  • Pleasanton-Sunol Road: povezuje Pleasanton v bližini Sunol Boulevard do centra mesta Sunol

Z avtobusom

Nekaj ​​tranzitnih podjetij služi območju Pleasanton. Glavni avtobusni prevoznik je KOLESA, ki gre za Dublin in Livermore, pa tudi postaje BART. County Connection ima nekaj avtobusov v Pleasantonu. Obstajajo tudi povratne storitve vrha od Pleasantona do Modesto, potovanje do Modesta zjutraj in vrnitev do postaje Dublin / Pleasanton Bart popoldan; cena vozovnice je 11 USD enosmerna ali 13 USD povratna vožnja (mora biti isti dan).

S kolesom

Mesto ima dobro kolesarsko mrežo. Ob kanalih na severozahodu mesta je nekaj poti za sprehajalce in kolesarje. Delo je bilo narejeno za ustvarjanje kolesarske mreže v središču mesta, vendar do zdaj ni bilo uspešno, saj so ceste večinoma preveč zasedene za kolesarje. V gledališču Firehouse stojijo stojala za kolesa.

Načrtuje se tudi povezava kolesarskih mrež Pleasanton in Livermore, saj ima Livermore tudi dobro kolesarsko mrežo. Od leta 2018 poteka asfaltirana pot vzdolž East Vineyard Avenue v Livermoreju, od koder poteka makadamska pot vzporedno z zahodno Vineyard Avenue v Pleasanton.


Hiše ob First Streetu v zgodovinskem središču Pleasantona


Downtown Pleasanton

Pleasanton ima številne zgodovinske znamenitosti v središču mesta. Običajno so v dveh odsekih: komercialni odsek vzdolž glavne ulice in stanovanjski odsek ob prvi in ​​drugi ulici.

The trgovsko okrožje na Main Streetu je dolga približno pol kilometra. To okrožje v središču mesta je osredinjeno na križišču Angele in Main Streets, blizu Kmečke tržnice. Vendar pa se razteza tudi proti severu od tega križišča, vključno z glavnim križiščem, kjer se stikajo Ray Street, Saint John Street in Main Street (na tem križišču sta restavracija Oasis in hotel Rose). Pešce pogosto opazujejo, kako se sprehajajo po tem okrožju v središču mesta, pogosto pred ali po obroku v restavraciji.

The stanovanjski okoliš, jugovzhodno od glavne ulice, ni tako dolga kot glavna ulica, ima pa nekaj zgodovinskih hiš. Če greste jugovzhodno od glavne ulice, First Street označuje prehod iz komercialne v stanovanjsko, ki je še vedno zgodovinska v drugo in naprej na tretjo ulico. Po tej točki so hiše novejše gradnje, čeprav so nekatere celo v tem delu mesta precej privlačne.

Opazne so tudi druge znamenitosti, kot sta Kottingerjev skedenj in muzej na Majni. To so zgodovinske stavbe, ki so bile od takrat spremenjene v nekaj, česar še niso bile. Na primer, Firehouse Arts Center je bil stavba gasilcev, preden je bila v 2000-ih preoblikovana v gledališko in umetniško galerijo.

Območja držav

Dokler projekt civilnega centra ne bo končan, bo v središču Pleasantona malo (lepih) parkov in vrtov. Zato boste želeli oditi v državo, da bi videli floro in favno.

Skupine, kot je East Bay Parks District, so kupile pomembne dele zemlje v vzhodnem zalivu, ki so zdaj odprte za javnost. Ti parki dajejo tujcem in prebivalcem mesta predstavo o tem, kako je bilo območje Pleasanton nekoč pred novejšimi dogodki. Za parke je značilna država ranča; danes ne boste našli veliko kmetij ob Pleasantonu. Večinoma so to območja bodisi hrastovi gozdovi v kanjonih in hladnejših, mokrih krajih in odprta travinja na bolj osamljenih, bolj suhih lokacijah. Pleasanton Ridge je dober primer te kombinacije - pogosto je ena stran grebena popolnoma prekrita s hrasti, druga stran pa je skoraj neplodna, saj so srednje visoki, a suhi rumeni travi (v mokri sezoni zeleni) poganjki. primarna oblika vegetacije.

37 ° 40′4 ″ S 121 ° 52′11 ″ Z
Zemljevid Pleasanton

Senčne pečine so pomembna izjema, saj se nahajajo vzdolž Arroyo Del Valle in več jezer. To pomeni, da lahko na tem območju rastejo drevesa, na drugih pa ne morejo preživeti, ker je presuho.

Zaradi lokacije Pleasantona (nestled med Livermore, Dublin, in Sunol), v primerjavi s sosedi je malo možnosti za parke. Ko se odpravljate iskati resnično divjino, je najboljša možnost južno od Livermorea, kjer poleg tega Jezero Del Valle je 4000 metrov visokih gora Mount Hamiltonin na stotine kvadratnih kilometrov parkov na mestih, kot so Državni park Henry Coe.

Muzeji in zgodovinske znamenitosti

  • 1 Zapuščena železnica. Preden je bila železnica preusmerjena na severozahod centra Pleasantona, je železnica nekoč tekla skozi središče mesta. Še vedno lahko vidite znake železniškega prehoda na ulici West Angela, na primer na Kmečki tržnici. Nekateri železniški tiri so še vedno vidni v bližini gledališča Firehouse, daljši odsek zapuščene železnice pa je mogoče videti vzdolž bulvarja Sunol južno od središča Pleasantona.
  • 2 Kottingerjev skedenj, 200 Ray Street, Pleasanton, CA (Zavijte na Prvo ulico do ulice Ray; zavijte na Ray Street proti centru Pleasanton). Kottingerjev skedenj, zgrajen leta 1852, je bil nekoč zapor, ki so ga razbojniki pogosto "obiskovali". Debele stene in zakrita okna stavbe so zanimiv kontrast majhni trgovini in rastlinam v lončkih, ki danes obstajajo na lokaciji.
  • 3 Muzej na Majni (Muzej Pleasanton), Glavna ulica St. (Pojdite po Main Streetu, blizu Blue Agave), 1 925 462-2766. Tu-Sa 10.00–16.00, Ned 13.00–16.00. Ta muzej prikazuje zgodovino Pleasantona s številnimi zgodovinskimi predmeti, zemljevidi in še več, od katerih nekateri segajo v indijanske čase. Obstajajo tudi eksponati za stvari okoli tega območja, kot je Pleasantonova zgodovina snemanja. Te se spreminjajo vsakih nekaj mesecev. Brezplačno, donacije dobrodošle.
  • 4 Trgovsko okrožje Pleasanton, Glavna ulica (Sledite cesti Santa Rita proti jugu od I-580 ali pa zavijte na Sunol Boulevard severovzhodno od I-680.). Trgovsko okrožje v središču Pleasantona temelji na glavni ulici, počasni dvopasovni cesti s trgovinami in restavracijami. Glavna ulica je za pešce boljša od voznikov, saj je cesta zelo prometna. Nekatere stavbe so starejše od drugih - nove stavbe še vedno dodajajo vzdolž glavne ulice, druge pa imajo dolgo zgodovino. Najboljše in najdražje restavracije so na splošno v centru Pleasantona, čeprav je v drugih delih mesta še nekaj dobrih restavracij. Center lahko raziskujete brezplačno, vendar so podjetja večinoma na dragi strani.
  • Na tem delu glavne ulice sta muzej in restavracija; stavba na levi je muzej na Majni
    5 Zgodovinsko stanovanjsko okrožje Pleasanton, Druga ulica (Zavijte na Prvo ulico do ulice Neal in po ulici Neal v smeri domov). Skupaj z zgodovinskimi zgradbami v trgovskem okrožju v središču Pleasantona obstaja več blokov dobro vzdrževanih starejših domov, ki so dostopni vzdolž ulice Neal južno od centra mesta. Zlasti okoli baptistične cerkve Svetilnika je več domov iz 19. stoletja. Mnoge od teh stavb imajo lepe vrtove ob avenijah visokih dreves. Območje ima veliko strmih gričev, podobnih kot v San Franciscu, zato bi lahko bilo sprehajanje po okolici za nekatere naporno.
  • 6 Pleasanton Sign Arch, Glavna ulica severno od Divizijske ulice. Napis se glasi: "Znak Pleasanton ga je leta 1932 prvotno postavil Ženski klub za izboljšanje in postal znan mejnik in pomemben simbol skupnosti. Leta 2005 je bil znak v celoti obnovljen, mestni svet pa ga je 8. aprila ponovno posvetil . "
  • 7 Main Street Green, Glavna ulica 895 (Križišče Main Street in Del Valle Parkway). V tem majhnem parku na severnem koncu centra mesta je kip. Pot vodi do potoka Arroyo del Valle, ki teče ob parku.


  • 8 Umetniški center Firehouse, 4444 Železniška avenija (en blok vzhodno od glavne ulice, nasproti divizije St, v središču mesta), 1 925 931-4850 (Informacije), 1 925 931-4848 (Blagajna). Umetniški center Firehouse, ki je bil odprt leta 2010, je zgodovinski Fire House One mesta Pleasanton iz leta 1929, prenovljen in razširjen v umetniški center z gledališčem Firehouse z 230 sedeži, galerijo likovnih umetnosti Harrington, dvema velikima učilnicama za umetnost in velikim preddverjem za sprejeme. in dogodki. Preoblikovani objekt ponuja tudi povezavo za pešce od glavne ulice do razširjenega parka Lions Wayside.
  • Številni freski. Po centru Pleasantona je raztresenih nekaj čudovitih fresk in stenskih risb. V bližini restavracije Strizzi's je 9 poslikava Tri doline. Druga slika, ki prikazuje ulično sceno, je na 10 Vodovod v dolini. (Obrnjena je proti aveniji Peters.) Ti freski pogosto naredijo nekaj, kar bi bilo običajno dolgočasno obzidje, nekaj najbolj zanimivega v mestu.
Poslovni park Hacienda zlahka prepoznamo po nenavadni prometni signalizaciji

Poslovni parki

  • 11 Poslovni park Hacienda, Owensov pogon (Velik del severnega Pleasantona je Hacienda Business Park). To ni najboljše mesto za obisk popotnikov, če nimajo veliko časa v rokah, je pa zanimivo mesto za obisk, če ne veste, kaj še storiti s seboj. Dva dejavnika sta tisto, zaradi česar je Hacienda Business Park vizualno zanimiv: arhitektura uličnih tabel in zgodovina poslovnega parka. Prvič, nenavadni semaforji in ulični znaki so velikanske kvadratne strukture, ki so zgrajene čez ceste in so poudarjene s tem, kar jih takoj obdaja. Drugič, zgodovina parka: Hacienda Business Park je bil zgrajen okoli osemdesetih let, ko je Pleasanton začel izgledati tako kot danes, in Hacienda Business Park je nadomestil kmetijo in kmetijstvo. Zdaj je severni Pleasanton v nekaj letih iz podeželja postal pomemben del mesta Pleasanton. Vendar načrti razvijalcev, da bi Hacienda Business Park spremenili v enega največjih svetovnih poslovnih parkov, niso uspeli - široki bulevariji v poslovnem parku so presenetljivo prazni, kar daje poslovnemu parku včasih skoraj zapuščen občutek. Hacienda Business Park (Q5637115) on Wikidata Hacienda Business Park on Wikipedia



Lokalni dogodki

Vsako poletje Pleasanton gosti sejem okrožja Alameda, glavni ponovljeni dogodek v Pleasantonu. Vendar ima Pleasanton številne druge prireditve, glasbeno in drugače. Pleasanton ima tako kot sosed Livermore presenetljivo močno jazz sceno. Najpomembnejši jazz dogodki vključujejo mesečne koncerte Inklings, ki so brezplačni in odprti za javnost.

Pleasanton gosti številne dejavnosti vzdolž glavne ulice. Takšne dejavnosti vključujejo umetniški sprehod tretji četrtek: ti so pomembni tudi za tiste, ki se dogodkov ne udeležijo, saj pogosto pripeljejo do zapore cest na Main Street ali Angela Street.

Pleasanton Ridge je regionalni park EBRPD v zahodnih gričih Pleasantona


Čeprav je nekaj lokalnih parkov v lasti mestne vlade, je večina večjih parkov v lasti EBRPD, kar pomeni "okrožje regionalnih parkov East Bay". EBRPD ima v lasti nekaj parkov v Pleasantonu, vključno s Pleasanton Ridge in Shadow Cliffs, ima pa tudi nekaj drugih parkov v širši Tri-Valleyju, vključno z Del Valle, Regionalni rezervat Brushy Peak in ozemlje Morgan.

Parki in glavne poti

  • 1 Alviso Adobe Community Park, 3465 Old Foothill Rd. (zahodno od Foothill Road približno 0,5 km severno od Bernal Ave), 1 925 931-3479, . Z-Ned od 10. do 16. ure. Ta obnovljeni skupnostni park, odprt leta 2008, obiskovalcem omogoča vpogled v zgodovino doline Amador, vključno z interpretativnimi prikazi zgodnje ohlonske kulture pred španskim prihodom, leti Ranchosa, ki upravlja črede goveda na 9.000 hektarjih (3.600 hektarov) Rancho Santa Rita Mexican Land Grant in replika ameriške mlekarne Meadowlark v začetku do sredine 20. stoletja. Zvezdni poudarek tega interpretativnega parka je redka izvirna ameriška hiša iz adobe, ki jo je leta 1854 zgradil Francisco Alviso in je bila v uporabi do leta 1969. Alviso Adobe je obnovljen in na ogled opremljen, kot bi bil v dvajsetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. Obiskovalni center / mlekarna ima dejavnosti za otroke; razlogi imajo mize za piknike. Parkirišče na južnem koncu. prost. Alviso Adobe Community Park (Q4738318) on Wikidata Alviso Adobe Community Park on Wikipedia
  • 2 Park Augustin Bernal, 8200 Pot zlatega orla (Do ulice Golden Eagle lahko pridete s Foothill Road). Zraven je mestni park Pleasanton #Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park. Skoraj v vseh pogledih je podoben sosedu, le da je manjši.
Jezero del Valle
  • 3 Skupnostni park Bernal, 7001 Pleasanton Ave. (Vozite po aveniji Valley do avenije Pleasanton (jug). Ta del avenije Pleasanton je v gradnji in se bo sčasoma povezal z avenijo Bernal v bližini centra mesta.). Skupnostni park Bernal je del večjega načrta za prestavitev civilnega središča iz avenije Old Bernal v avenijo Pleasanton proti jugu mesta. Čeprav to novo civilno središče še ni bilo zgrajeno, je bil zgrajen lokalni park. Vključuje majhno površino novo zasajenih hrastovih gozdov skupaj s športnim parkom. prost.
  • 4 Regionalni rezervat Brushy Peak, Laughlin Road (Laughlin Road je dostopen s ceste Northfront (Altamont Pass); vendar je del Laughlin Road enosmerna cesta). Regionalni rezervat Brushy Peak je park EBRPD severovzhodno od Livermorea. Javne poti ne vodijo do vrha vrha, ampak gredo po splošnem območju. V parku je nekaj poti, glavna zanka pa je dolga približno štiri ali pet milj. Brushy Peak Regional Preserve (Q4979759) on Wikidata Brushy Peak Regional Preserve on Wikipedia
  • 5 Rezervat Callippe (Golf igrišče Callippe), 8500 Clubhouse Dr. (Zavijte na Sunol Boulevard proti jugu, zavijte levo na Pleasanton-Sunol Road, zavijte levo na Happy Valley Road in zavijte desno na Westbridge Lane. Po cesti sledite do parkirišča na igrišču za golf). Rezervat Callippe je večini Pleasantoncev znan kot igrišče za golf; however, there is a nearly 4-mile trail around the golf course and local ranching areas. The trail can get muddy in winter, though, and is not easy to find. But it does give those from outside of Pleasanton an idea of the local flora and countryside in general. Trail is free.
  • 6 Del Valle Regional Park. This park is closer to Livermore than Pleasanton but is still well under an hour's drive from anywhere in either city. At the center of this EBRPD park is Lake Del Valle, but there are several beautiful rock formations in the park as well. There are scores of miles of trails in the park that go through the hills and mountains surrounding Lake Del Valle, and the park works as a gateway to the Ohlone Trail, which leads in the direction of one of the Bay Area's most popular climbs, Mission Peak. Del Valle Regional Park (Q5253015) on Wikidata Del Valle Regional Park on Wikipedia
Sunol Regional Wilderness
  • 7 Morgan Territory Regional Preserve, Morgan Territory Road (Follow the narrow, twisty Morgan Territory Road to the mountain pass). This is a fairly large park with many miles of hiking trails that is north of Livermore. Morgan Territory, as it is usually called, consists of some oak woodlands, streams, canyons, and grass-covered plateaus. Morgan Territory Regional Preserve (Q6911865) on Wikidata Morgan Territory Regional Preserve on Wikipedia
  • 8 Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park, Foothill Road (Take Sunol Boulevard out of Pleasanton; when you reach the entrance to the Castlewood community, make a left on Foothill Road and follow it for about one mile.), 1 510-544-3030. This regional park features the mountainous ranching country of the Diablo Range in California. The park has miles of rugged country, including oak forests and grasslands. The highest ridges are about 2,100 feet; most of the ridges are at least 1,000 feet. prost. Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park (Q7204132) on Wikidata Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park on Wikipedia
  • 9 Shadow Cliffs, 2500 Stanley Boulevard (Take Stanley Boulevard east toward Livermore). The park was once part of the quarry, but the excavated land is now Shadow Cliffs Lake. It includes a couple miles of trails around the lake. However, be prepared for the strong barbecue odors encountered around the grills near the lake. Shadow Cliffs Regional Park (Q7460485) on Wikidata Shadow Cliffs Regional Recreation Area on Wikipedia
  • 10 Sunol Regional Wilderness, Geary Road or Welsh Road (Drive down Calaveras Road south from Pleasanton). This large wilderness area is a popular, fairly easy-to-reach park south of Pleasanton. Several trails lead from the park's trailheads into the mountain ranges around the park. There is a Sunol Regional Wilderness visitor center near Geary Road. Sunol Wilderness is connected to Del Valle Regional Park and Mission Peak via the Ohlone Regional Wilderness Trail. Sunol Regional Wilderness (Q7640954) on Wikidata Sunol Regional Wilderness on Wikipedia

Arts & entertainment

Horses racing at Alameda County Fairgrounds
  • 3rd Thursdays Art Walk, Downtown Pleasanton (From 580: Exit Santa Rita, head south following signs to downtown. From 680: exit Bernal, head east following the signs to downtown.), 1-925-400-8190. 6:30PM-9PM. The 3rd Thursdays MerchantArts Walk is a collaborative event bringing together local downtown merchants, arts groups and area artists in an effort to continue adding interesting and lively events to Downtown Pleasanton. It's a nice walk, on a nice evening, and an opportunity to join the community, support local artists and help this community thrive. prost.
  • 11 Alameda County Fair (Alameda County Fairgrounds), 4501 Pleasanton Avenue (Entrances along Valley Avenue near Koll Center Parkway). The fair has been at Alameda County Fairgrounds every summer since 1912. You can also plan a morning & go behind the scenes to experience the exciting world of thoroughbred racing at the Eddie Rich Racing Stable. There are car shows and horse races at the fairgrounds annually.
  • 12 Jazz at Inklings (Pleasanton Jazz Society), 530 Main Street (Concerts are held in the Inklings Events Room). 7-9PM on most concert nights. In the Events Room (Common Room) behind Inklings Coffee & Tea, jazz concerts are held, generally once a month. Various musicians, from around the Bay Area and occasionally from other parts of the country, perform. prost.
  • 13 Koncerti v parku, 4501 First St (Near Pleasanton downtown). The concerts are held weekly on Friday nights in the summer. They feature a wide range of musical genres and are open to the public at Delucchi Park. People often come several hours early to get a spot in the park. prost.

City parks

Although these are not quite the equivalent of Yosemite in Yellowstone, they are places to go if you want to play sports or take children to the playground.

  • 14 Ken Mercer Sports Park, 5800 Parkside Drive. This is a more than half-mile-long city park dedicated completely to sports activities. A few summer camps operate here.

Golf & country clubs

  • 15 Callippe Golf Course, 8500 Clubhouse Dr. (Take Happy Valley Road from Pleasanton Sunol Road.), 1 925 426-6666. A golf course, restaurant, and hiking destination in the south of Pleasanton. In the Happy Valley region, the countryside is beautiful. You can also hike in the region.
  • 16 Castlewood Country Club, 707 Country Club Cir (Accessible via Castlewood Drive), 1 925 846-2871. A first-class country club located in the Foothills community in western Pleasanton. For those who have money to spend and to want to have the finest experience possible in Pleasanton, this is the place to go. It is situated on the side of Pleasanton Ridge, not very far from the regional park, although it is not along the road to the park.
  • 17 Ruby Hill Country Club, 3400 W Ruby Hill Dr (Accessed from Ruby Hill Boulevard or Ruby Hill Drive). Another first-class country club, this time in the wine country in eastern Pleasanton. It is in a gated community.


Although Pleasanton isn't a beach town, there are still places to take time relaxing. Pleasanton's historic residential district is nearly always peaceful — especially along Second Street and onwards, you could almost think that no-one was living there.

Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park and Shadow Cliffs Regional Park are not the best places to relax. For relaxation in parklands, the best place to go is Livermore. In Livermore, 2 Sycamore Grove has beautiful trails featuring woodlands, historic buildings, and hills in the south. There are numerous benches around the park, so feel free to bring a snack and enjoy the peacefulness of the sycamore and olive groves.

Pleasanton and Livermore are working on a trail network for cyclists and pedestrians. Portions of Livermore's trail network are already complete; the trails mostly contain gentle slopes in nice countryside, ranchlands, and vineyards - a good area to escape the busyness of ordinary life. The trail network is accessible from the Sycamore Grove Staging Area. When the Pleasanton section is complete along 4 Old Vineyard Avenue, the trail network in the region will grow even more.


Once the headquarters of Safeway Stores (before they were purchased a few years ago), Pleasanton abounds in grocery stores. There are two Safeway Stores in Pleasanton, along with a Trader Joe's and a Ranch 99. Stoneridge Mall is a large mall in the north of town. It is near Hacienda Business Park, like Rosewood Plaza. Downtown Pleasanton is, of course, to the south.

  • 1 Gold N Time, 3500 Bernal Ave # 135 (Vintage Hills Mall, which is near the intersection of Tawny Drive and Bernal Avenue). Small shop that sells watches and repairs them.
  • 2 Gregory Frame Shoppe, 800 Main Street (At the northern end of downtown), 1 925 846-1824. This shop is recognized by the beautiful flowers on the front side of the building that faces Main Street. The shop itself is also an interesting building, being covered by white paint and being somewhat built upon a slope.
  • 3 Pleasanton Farmers' Market, West Angela Street, Pleasanton, California. Saturday mornings. Farmer's Market operates every Saturday morning on the section of West Angela Street between Main Street and First Street. They close this section of Angela Street so you can walk along it and buy food items, donate to causes, or learn about elections or events in the booths that go along this closed section of the street.
  • 4 Rosewood Plaza, Rosewood Drive, Pleasanton, California (Near Santa Rita Road fairly close to I-580). Rosewood Plaza is a neighborhood center with several stores. Poceni.
  • 5 Stoneridge Mall, 1 Stoneridge Mall Rd (Take Stoneridge Drive to Stoneridge Mall Road. Follow Stoneridge Mall Road, and it will take you around the shopping mall, and there are huge numbers of parking spaces), 1 925-737-4100. Main shopping mall in Pleasanton. It's an enclosed regional mall with Macy's, Nordstrom, J.C. Penney, and Apple stores. Stoneridge Shopping Center (Q7619290) on Wikidata Stoneridge Shopping Center on Wikipedia
  • 6 Studio 7 Art Gallery, 400 Main St (Downtown — right next to the intersection with Angela Street). Art gallery store which features paintings of local country scenes, such as views of Mount Diablo, and some city scenes like San Francisco.
  • 7 Towne Center Books, 555 Main St (Next to the Chase Bank). It's the main downtown bookstore. The store is divided into two sections, with adult books in the front, and children's books and games in the back.
  • The city also has a Wal-Mart, Kohl's, and Home Depot in the north of the town. There are also two Safeway stores, both towards the southern side of town.


Pleasanton has a wide range of restaurants, particularly along Main Street. What is mid-range for Pleasanton would probably be considered expensive in many places, due to Pleasanton's high cost of living.

Pleasanton's restaurant styles include some cuisines that are rare in much of the country, such as Mediterranean and Arabian food. There are also some Indian restaurants in Pleasanton.


37°39′44″N 121°52′31″W
Downtown Pleasanton
  • 1 Albertos Cantina, 435 Main St. This is your usual Mexican-American restaurant, whether you like it or not. They serve tortilla chips upon your arrival at the restaurant and practically anyone who saw the menu could tell that the food was Mexican. Due to the cantina's low prices compared to other Pleasanton restaurants, Alberto's Cantina is a popular Mexican restaurant in downtown Pleasanton. Poceni.
  • 2 Chicago's Umpires Grill, 6003 W. Las Positas Blvd, 1 925-462-1678. Enjoy a delicious Italian Beef or any of the creative sandwiches this Chicago style eatery has to Offer. Famous not only for its food, but also as the place leading thoroughbred jockey, Martin Garcia, once carved sandwiches.
  • 3 Cocina, 55 West Angela Street (Near the old railroad), 1 925 485-3010. Meals are available for less than $10.
  • 4 Frontier Spice Indian Cuisine, 411 Main Steet (Near Nonni's Bistro; there is a parking lot behind the restaurant and pedestrian access between the parking lot and the Frontier Spice Restaurant). Frontier Spice serves Punjab Indian cuisine and they take reservations. When you first arrive at the restaurant, you are served Indian bread that is hard and is somewhat similar to crackers. Their main courses are divided into vegetarian and non-vegetarian curries, with the rice and bread separate orders. Most meals in the $10s; then you pay a few more dollars for rice, Indian-style bread, etc.
  • 5 Rancho Grande Taqueria, 2707 Hopyard Rd. Mexican restaurant. Less than $10 for a main course.
  • 6 Sultans Kebab, 6654 Koll Center Pkwy #205. Around $10 for an entree.
The northern part of downtown Pleasanton; note the construction in the background of the image

Srednji razred

  • 7 Andy & Yu's, 348 St. Mary Street (Near Main Street), 1 925 750-8888. The name quite accurately defines the restaurant: it's Chinese-American, with Chinese food but a Western atmosphere. Most meals in the $10s; however, some cost more.
  • 8 Blue Fox Cuisine, 5681 Gibraltar Drive. Indian cuisine. Although only $10 for an entree, it's a little more when you add a few dollars for bread and rice.
  • 9 Chianti Reserve, 436 Main Street (Near the Main-Angela junction), 1 925 484-3877. Most dinner meals are in the $10s.
  • 10 Experience Burma Restaurant, 220 Division Street. Burmese restaurant that is just off Main Street.
  • 11 India Garden, 210 Rose Ave (Just off Main Street). This is a rather interesting restaurant because it probably is the most aroma-producing eatery in Pleasanton. In the $10s for an entree - of course, rice and bread would be more.
  • 12 Jim's Country-Style Restaurant, 5400 Sunol Boulevard. This American restaurant is in the same shopping mall as the Raley's grocery store, which is a fairly short distance south of downtown Pleasanton on Sunol Boulevard.
  • 13 Oasis Lounge, 780 Main St (Across from Rose Hotel). Serves Mediterranean food and drink in downtown Pleasanton. Oasis has been in Pleasanton for many years and has a good location in downtown, although very limited parking in its main parking lot. There is a lot of seating for the indoor section of the restaurant and also some seating in a garden setting outside the restaurant. However, the downside with sitting outside is you get the sound of all the traffic that goes along Ray Street into downtown Pleasanton, then turns left onto Main Street for a short section (right in front of the Oasis Restaurant), and then turns right onto St. John Street toward Peters Avenue.
  • 14 Pastas Trattoria, 405 Main St. Italian restaurant in downtown Pleasanton.
  • 15 Prime Poke, 349 Main St (This restaurant is close to the junction of Main and Angela Streets and where the Fontina Restaurant used to be), 1 925 523-396. This is a Hawaiian fish restaurant. Generally in the low $10s.
  • 16 Rising Loafer Cafe, 428 Main Street. This is a traditional American cafe/restaurant. Their emphasis is largely on breakfast, and they serve breakfast dishes like bacon, eggs, and sausages. Their lunch meals still have the traditional American influence, although they do include plenty of sandwiches on their lunch menu.
  • 17 Senro Sushi, 30 Neal Street #110 (This restaurant is somewhat hard to find. It is quite close to the ridiculously-named "Alameda Transportation Corridor", which is in fact where the railroad used to go before it was diverted to the other side of downtown - most of it is now either just gravel or has been converted into parking), 1 925 600-8040.
  • 18 Sweet & Savory, 5685 Gibraltar Drive (In the Hacienda Business Park area of Pleasanton), 1 925 847-2911. Monday-Friday 6:30 AM - 3 PM. Some lunch meals under $10.
  • 19 Wayne's Sushi Bistro, 3500 Bernal Ave #130 (Near the Vintage Hills Mall and at the intersection of Bernal Avenue and Tawny Drive). A Japanese restaurant that's towards the outskirts of Pleasanton, rather than in the center of town.


  • 20 Baci, 500 Main Street. This restaurant is on a street corner in Pleasanton downtown's Main Street; it is one of several Pleasanton restaurants that has outdoor seating along the sidewalk. There are also a few interesting structures outside their restaurant that have fires burning inside them to keep outdoor restaurant customers warm during the late evening. Pasta dishes are generally $20 or $30; most seafood/steaks are more than $30.
  • 21 Barone's Restaurant, 475 St. John St. (Close to Main Street and the Rose Hotel). It's an upscale, expensive Italian restaurant in downtown Pleasanton with event space. On some Friday nights, there is live music at Barone's. Entrees can cost up to $40.
  • 22 Blue Agave, 625 Main St. (On Main Street near the Pleasanton sign and Museum on Main). They serve upscale Mexican food in downtown Pleasanton in the building next to Museum on Main. Blue Agave is easily recognized by its large seating area in front of the restaurant and the restaurant building's bright colors.
  • 23 Hap's Original, 122 West Neal St. Hap's has an old-school cocktail sign visible from Main Street. From there you might think it's an old watering hole until you walk up to the restaurant, and the upscale nature of the establishment becomes evident. This is an American Steak House, with fantastic steaks and somewhat pricey side dishes. Meals are ala carte. Stop in the bar for a Manhattan before dinner. Moderately expensive.
  • 24 Lokanta Restaurant, 443 Main St, 1 925 223-8074. Lokanta is a fairly high-end restaurant in downtown Pleasanton. Lokanta serves Mediterranean food, primary Greek and Turkish, and is open at both breakfast and dinner. Their restaurant includes four areas where you can sit down and eat: in front of the restaurant, the main part of the restaurant (location of the kitchen), a room behind the front room with a bar and large windows, and an alley next to the restaurant with several tables.
  • 25 Nonni's, 425 Main Street (Next to Frontier Spice Restaurant; there is a parking lot behind the restaurant and a pathway that leads from that parking lot to a section of Main Street just next to Nonni's). European food with French, English, and Italian elements. Most dinner meals are just under $30.
  • 26 Salt Craft, 377 Mary Street (At the Peters Avenue-Mary Street Junction). This restaurant isn't right on Main Street, but it has quickly become of the most popular restaurants in downtown Pleasanton. Much of the restaurant's seating is outdoors in front of the main restaurant building. Salt Craft's menu consists of Italian-American cooking and more modern cuisine. It has been posted on Instagram (in 2020) that it will take some time for the restaurant to reopen due to business reasons. Most meals are either $18 or $27; salads and other appetizers are an extra charge.
  • 27 Strizzi's, 649 Main Street (At the same junction as downtown's only gas station). Serves traditional Italian food. There are other locations in Livermore and Fremont.
  • 28 Tri-Valley Bistro, 519 Main Street. American food, mostly non-vegetarian dishes. Ranges from low $20s to low $30s.


Ruby Hill Winery (right in image) and the Ruby Hills community (left) are in eastern Pleasanton.

Pleasanton is at the edge of Livermore wine country. Eastern Pleasanton, in particular, is somewhat similar to Napa Valley Wine Country.


  • 1 Inklings Coffee & Tea, 530 Main Street. Inklings Coffee & Tea serves coffee, tea, soft drinks, and some snacks. It's a large coffee shop with many separate sections that are called rooms, including rooms with names like "The Wardrobe" and "The Common Room", where the Jazz at Inklings concerts are hosted, along with other events. Prices are what you would expect at chains, like Starbucks, etc.

Pubs and wine bars

  • 2 Cellar Door, 4469 Railroad Avenue (On Railroad Avenue behind Inklings Coffee and close to the Firehouse Arts Center). This wine bar serves wine, beer, and some food items, which include flatbreads, chili, and hamburgers. In front of the wine bar is a fairly large patio area, and behind this is the wine bar itself. The wine bar is laid out like a restaurant, and the back part of the wine bar has curtains that can be pulled across to separate the two sections of the business. Sometimes, there is live music, and live music usually takes place behind the front window farthest from the bar.
  • 3 Main Street Brewery, 830 Main Street, 1 925 462-8218. If you're looking for Pleasanton's cosmopolitan side, this is not the place to go, but if you're looking for a lively atmosphere and live music, the Main Street Brewery is a good place to go. Rock, pop, and blues music groups are often live here, along with performances by a local jazz singer, Karen Marguth, and the Moving Parts band.
  • 4 McKay's Beer Garden, 252 Main Street (Southern end of Main Street), 1 925 425-0217. Towards the southern end of downtown. In the front is a nice patio area where statues were displayed before the beer garden was established.
  • 5 Pairings Cellars, 310 Main St.. This place has all the modern technology and systems you can imagine and being at this wine bar really makes you feel like you're in a first-class establishment. Don't be surprised if it's expensive, though.
  • 6 Sabio on Main, Glavna ulica St. (Pastime Plaza), 1 925 800-3090. Tapas bar and eatery in the Pastime Plaza. It has quite a few tables and chairs, along with a small outdoor patio near Main Street.
  • 7 The Hop Yard American Alehouse & Grill, 3015 Hopyard Rd, 1 925 426-9600. Lots of beers on tap, mostly American microbrews but including imports. The food is good, but nothing to write home about (burgers, salads); the beer is worth the trip. Outdoor seating fills up in the warmer months.


  • 8 Rubino Estates Winery, 1188 Vineyard Ave (Along Vineyard Avenue; closer to Pleasanton than Ruby Hill). In size and grandeur, it has some similarities with Ruby Hill Winery. Rubino Winery has a long entrance driveway that leads away from Vineyard Avenue to the winery.
  • 9 Ruby Hill Winery, 400 Vineyard Avenue (Just of CA-84, or take Vineyard Avenue out of Pleasanton). Beautiful, upscale winery in the east of Pleasanton. The area immediately surrounding the winery is much like that of Napa and Livermore Wine Country, and is backed by vineyards and mansions. Near the winery is the (also upscale) Ruby Hill gated community.


Pleasanton's hotels are mostly in the north of the town, although the Rose Hotel is in the downtown.


  • 1 Motel 6, 5102 Hopyard Rd, 1 925 463-2626, faks: 1 925 225-0128.

Srednji razred


  • 9 Rose Hotel, 807 Main Street, Pleasanton, California (At the intersection of Saint John Street and Main Street and across from the US Bank and Oasis Restaurant). The Rose Hotel is one of Pleasanton's most beautiful buildings because of its height and large size, making it the closest thing in Pleasanton to the type of expensive hotels you would find in the downtowns of many popular tourist destinations. There is an entrance to the building along Main Street and there is parking for the hotel on the first floor of the building itself. Expensive.

Ostani varen


El Charro Road east of Pleasanton; much of this road is used for quarry transport


On the whole, Pleasanton is a safe city. The most dangerous locations in Pleasanton are toward the edges of the city — Vineyard Avenue, on the east of the city, has a high speed limit and turns without good curbs, and accidents have occurred around certain corners.

When driving in country areas, deer will often jump over a high fence onto the road, and that can be problematic when someone is driving along that piece of road. The same is true with raccoons and other smaller animals, but of course this does not pose so much danger to drivers.


Remember, if you're a cyclist who uses a bicycle for transportation, you're on the wrong side of the pond.

Cyclists should be careful about going on the wide, country roads, for sure; commuters from the Srednja dolina drive far above speed limits and often crash into fences or anything along the sides of the road. Avoid cycling in downtown; the roads are busy, cycling lanes (if they exist!) are narrow, and pedestrians often walk along the sidewalks. Cycling is best done on the numerous bike trails around town.


Pleasanton seems, unless you know the Pleasonton story, to have reason behind its name — it is one of America's safer towns. Even at night, you could walk in almost any part of the town with no worry whatsoever about crime. The little crime in the area generally comes from inhabitants of larger cities in Okrožje Alameda.

One problem in Pleasanton and Livermore is drunk driving. With numerous wineries in the area, people will often drive from one to another and drink at each one, and their condition rapidly deteriorates, sometimes leading to serious accidents when they drive home.

Generally, although the city is very safe, the safest parts of town are in the downtown area. Unless you're Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, you should not have to worry about leaving your car unlocked while you eat at a restaurant (not that you should). Signs and posters along the Main Street won't get vandalized, unless they're political. People are often afraid to make their political views public, for example, especially if they're part of the right-wing minority.

Divje živali

Outside Pleasanton is probably more dangerous than inside the city. The East Bay has a mountain lion population, although mountain lions generally stay away from populated places and parklands, at least during the day.

When you see a mountain lion and it is acting threateningly towards you (which isn't very common, by the way), act the nasprotno way you would act to a bear. With bears, advice is often to make yourself as small as possible. However, with mountain lions, your best chance is to scare them off. By making yourself look large and by throwing stones, the mountain lions are most likely to work out that you're more powerful than they are, and they will go away.

Rattlesnakes can also be a problem outside of the city itself. Generally, you can avoid rattlesnakes by walking in the center of trails (so you can see them). If it's not in a good position for attack, you'll have time to get away from the rattlesnakes. If the snake is coiled, then it’s angry and ready for attack, so get away as fast as possible. Ali ne attempt to take pictures of the snake within several feet of it. Rattlesnakes can spring surprisingly far and use their venom before you can get away, so make sure you are extremely careful in any parks and country areas.

Povežite se


Pleasanton downtown has its own Wi-Fi, while most restaurants, coffee shops, and hotels will also have their own. The area is also covered by XFINITY internet connectivity for those who have an XFINITY account.


There are several local newspapers, such as the 5 Neodvisno newspaper based in Livermore, and the 6 Pleasanton Weekly newspaper based in Pleasanton. A magazine commonly seen at storefronts and coffee shops is the 7 Alive Magazine, linked here to the Peet's Coffee location with Alive magazines in Pleasanton.

The Neodvisno in Pleasanton Weekly also have websites where news articles can be read without charge.


Glavni 8 Pleasanton Post Office is on Black Avenue quite close to downtown Pleasanton; however, there is another post office in the northern part of town.

Spopadite se

Generally, coping in Pleasanton shouldn't be much harder than it would be anywhere else, although the wide boulevards (of which there are many in the north near Hacienda Business Park) could be overwhelming for visitors. Cost of living may surprise visitors; if you're traveling on a budget, there's a Trgovec Joe's grocery store in the north of town, with cheaper groceries; and various low-price goods can be purchased at Rick's Picks, na primer.

Zdravstvena oskrba

There is a major hospital and 9 heliport along northern Santa Rita Road. It is the main hospital in town.

In Dublin just across the I-580 (on Tassajara Road) is a 10 ValleyCare Urgent Care center. This is useful for those who have sudden ailments, although there are often long waits for care and the urgent care center does not do major operations - just relatively simple care.

Pojdi naprej

  • Livermore is in some ways similar to Pleasanton, but is still different. While Pleasanton has many historic sights, Livermore has an abundance of wineries, vineyards, and large areas of mountains and parks. The city has about 8,000 more people in Pleasanton, and is an interesting contrast.
  • Just south of Livermore is Del Valle Regional Park, which is a large regional park with several campsites and a large reservoir, Lake Del Valle. From the top of some of the ridges are beautiful views of the lake and in other locations high cliffs. Del Valle is also a gateway into some even wilder country at Ohlone Regional Wilderness.
  • Mount Hamilton, also known as Lick Observatory, is south of Ohlone, and can be accessed via either Livermore, Patterson, ali San Jose. Particularly from the eastern side, the drive is a lonely one. However, once you reach the top Mount Hamilton and look around you, the long, tiring drive was worth it. The 4,000-foot-high scientific community and observatory has views of San Jose and possibly the Sierra Nevada in good weather conditions. There is a museum and a gift shop at the settlement.
  • Farther south of Mount Hamilton, Del Valle, and Ohlone is some of the loneliest country in California at Henry Coe State Park. Miles and miles of trails lead deep into the Diablo Range wilderness and mountains covered in pine trees.
  • San Francisco, in many ways, need not be explained. It is the home of several piers, cable cars, and the Golden Gate Bridge, and is less than two hours from Pleasanton - that is, in good traffic. (The freeways into San Francisco are traffic jams much of the time.)
  • San Jose is one of California's largest and fastest-expanding cities, with a population of more than a million. It is home to several museums, along with Alviso, a coastal town which was once a thriving port but is now the home of a nature reserve.
  • Concord is, along with Orehov potok, an area with many shops and more nightlife than Pleasanton and the Tri-Valley regiji.
  • Sunol is a small village south of Pleasanton with some unique attractions. One of these is the locally-famous Sunol Water Tower, which is for a few hours on some days, and the passenger train which runs from Sunol to Niles za vikend.
  • Mount Diablo is a dramatically-situated mountain to the north of Pleasanton. Although it is less than 4,000 feet, its prominence enables it to be seen from as much as a hundred miles away.
Routes through Pleasanton
OaklandCastro Valley W I-580.svg E LivermoreTracy
ConcordDublin N I-680.svg S FremontSan Jose
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