Dublin - Dublin

Za druge kraje z istim imenom glej Dublin (večznačnost).

Dublin (Irski: Baile Átha Cliath, "Mesto oviranega Forda") je glavno mesto Ljubljana Irska. Njegova živahnost, nočno življenje in turistične znamenitosti so svetovno znani in je najbolj priljubljena vstopna točka za mednarodne obiskovalce Irske.

Kot mesto je nesorazmerno veliko glede na velikost države z 1,9 milijona prebivalcev v regiji Greater Dublin (2011); skoraj polovica prebivalstva republike živi v tem metropolitanskem območju. Po osrednjih znamenitostih je mogoče hoditi peš, z nekaj obrobnimi znamenitostmi, predmestja pa se razprostirajo na kilometre.

Podnebje je blago, zato je Dublin celoletna destinacija. Pozimi redko zmrzne, poleti je hladno in kadar koli so pogoste plohe, glej Okrožje Dublin vremenska karta.



Ob ustanovitvi, leta 841, so Dublin naselili Vikingi med prebivalstvom keltskih plemen. V 9. stoletju so Danci zavzeli Dublin in imeli nadzor do leta 1171, ko jih je angleški kralj Henrik II. Do 14. stoletja je angleški kralj nadzoroval Dublin in okolico, imenovano "Pale".

Ko se je leta 1649 angleška državljanska vojna končala, jo je prevzel Oliver Cromwell. Dublin je v 17. stoletju doživel veliko rast in razvoj, ker je v Dublin prišlo veliko protestantskih beguncev iz Evrope. Do 17. stoletja je bil Dublin drugo največje mesto na Britanskih otokih, le za Londonom, in obdobje, ko so bile zgrajene velike zgradbe v gruzijskem slogu, ki stojijo še danes. Arhitektura v gruzijskem slogu je bila priljubljena od 1720 do 1840 v času, ko so vladali George I, George II, George III in George IV iz Anglije.

Leta 1800 je Akt o uniji med Anglijo in Irsko odpravil irski parlament. Od tega trenutka so si Irci prizadevali za osamosvojitev od Anglije, ki so jo končno dobili leta 1922. Velikonočna vzpon leta 1916 in osamosvojitvena vojna sta Irski močno pomagali, da je dobila svojo svobodo.

Neuspeli poskus prevzema več pomembnih zgradb, med njimi Generalne pošte na ulici O'Connell, je privedel do aretacije več sto ljudi in usmrtitve 15, ki so zdaj zaradi tega mučeni. Mnogi verjamejo, da je ta dogodek pomagal pridobiti simpatije do boja za neodvisnost od Britanije.


Carinarnica na Liffeyu

Dublin deli reka Liffey. Na severni strani Liffeyja je ulica O'Connell - glavna prometnica, ki jo sekajo številne nakupovalne ulice, med katerimi sta Henry Street in Mary Street, najprometnejša nakupovalna četrt v mestu. Na južni strani so St Stephen's Green in Grafton Street, drugo najbolj prometno in razkošno nakupovalno območje, Trinity College, Christ Church in St Patrick's Cathedrals, glavna podružnica Narodnega muzeja in številne druge znamenitosti.

Zelena tablica Leeson St pred datumom vključitve poštnih okrožij; novejša modra tablica Hatch St označuje, da je okrožje Dublin 2

Poštno okrožje Dublin 1 je severno od reke, ki je osredotočeno na pošto, Dublin 2 je južno na Trinity College in tako naprej do burbs. Ta okrožja so bila vključena v Eircode, ki pokrivajo celotno republiko. Tako je D04, ki mu sledijo štiri alfanumerične številke, nekje okoli Ballsbridgea. Te strani uporabljajo Eircode, kjer koli je to mogoče, saj jih bo vnos na spletni zemljevid pripeljal do natančnega naslova. Veljajo samo za naslove, ki prejemajo pošto, tako da je osamljena megalitska grobnica na pobočju ne bo imela, vendar je to v središču Dublina le redko vprašanje.

Čeprav je bila nekaj najlepših gruzinskih arhitektur v Dublinu porušena sredi 20. stoletja, ostaja izjemna količina. V nekem trenutku so te stavbe veljale za spomin na pretekli britanski imperializem, mnoge pa so jih porušili, ne glede na njihovo lepoto in arhitekturni pomen, in jih nadomestili z modernističnimi ali pastišnimi pisarniškimi bloki, pri čemer so bili primeri St. Na srečo so se odnosi močno spremenili in Dublinci so zdaj upravičeno ponosni na svoje impresivne zgradbe iz vseh obdobij.

Obstaja Dublin Visitor Center severozahod pri 1 1 Kraj Sackville nasproti GPO in še en jugozahod na 2 118 Grafton Street avtor Trinity College. Oba sta odprta vsak dan od 08:30 do 18:00. Številni drugi kraji se imenujejo "turistične pisarne", vendar samo tržijo svoje ture.


Z letalom

1 Letališče Dublin (DUB IATA) (10 km severno od središča mesta). Letališče Dublin ima razvejano mrežo kratkih in srednjih razdalj in je osnova za Aer Lingus, Aer Lingus Regional in Ryanair. Terminal 2 lahko sprejme letala širokega telesa in ga uporabljajo Aer Lingus (& Regional), American Airlines, Delta, Emirates, Norwegian in United. Vsi ostali uporabljajo starejši terminal 1, približno 300 m severno s sprehajalno potjo. Skupaj ponujajo neposredne lete iz večine večjih mest v Veliki Britaniji (ki služijo vsem letališčem v Londonu, najpogosteje pa Heathrowu) in Evropi (vključno s Keflavikom, Moskvo in Istanbulom). Severnoameriški leti prihajajo iz New Yorka, Newarka, Bostona, Chicaga, Orlanda, Philadelphije, San Francisca, Seattla in Washingtona (s predhodnim carinjenjem ameriških carin in priseljevanja pred letom) in Toronta. Poleti z Bližnjega vzhoda vključujejo Dubaj, Doho in Abu Dabi. Domači leti so iz Kerryja in Donegala; ni letov iz Belfasta, Shannona ali Corka. Vsa glavna podjetja za najem avtomobilov imajo kioske v Arrivals - tukaj je veliko boljša izbira kot v središču mesta, vendar rezervirajte vnaprej za najboljše ponudbe. Letališče ima parkirišča za kratkoročno parkiranje na kraju samem, dolgoročno zunaj njega in storitve "meet & greet". Kioske z valutami vodi ICE z 10-odstotno stopnjo nakupa / prodaje, dostojne vrednosti. Na letališču sta hotela Radisson Blu in Maldron, nekaj več pa na križišču M1 / ​​M50 južno in Meči na severu. Dublin Airport (Q178021) on Wikidata Dublin Airport on Wikipedia

Med letališčem in mestom: avtobus in taksi sta na voljo, povezave železnica / podzemna železnica ni.

  • Letalski avtobus (veliki modri avtobus) vozi do središča mesta in več glavnih dublinskih hotelov, ki so večinoma na južni strani. Avtobusi vozijo od T1 do T2 vsakih 15 minut, pri čemer traja 30 minut, cena je 7 EUR za enojno ali 12 EUR za povrat. Aircoach vozi tudi v druga mesta, med drugim v Cork in Belfast. Taksisti rutinsko poskušajo pobrati potnike, ki čakajo na postaji Aircoach: to jim je prepovedano, vendar ponujajo podobno stopnjo in pridobijo veliko prevoznikov, zato vztrajajo.
  • Avtobusi AirLink 747 in 757, upravlja Dublinski avtobus, vozijo vsak dan 05: 00-00: 30 vsakih 10 minut ali približno tako podnevi za pot 747 in približno vsakih 30 minut za pot 757. Od T1 preko T2 in predora v pristanišče vzamejo 30 minut; nato zadenejo promet v središču mesta in počasi napredujejo. 747 gre skozi osrednjo avtobusno postajo (Busáras), železniško postajo Connolly, Gardiner St, O’Connell St, College Green & Temple Bar, katedralo Christ Church, High St, pristanišče Ushers in železniško postajo Heuston. 757 vozi naprej proti jugu po navadi Custom House Quay, mostu O'Connell, mostu Hawkins St & Temple Bar, Westland Row, trgu Merrion, trgu St. Stephen's Green, Camden in Harcourt St. Cena vozovnice (samo v gotovini) znaša 7 EUR, povratna cena 12 EUR ali brezplačno, če kupite a Preskoči vizitko v terminalu pred vkrcanjem.
  • Lokalni avtobusi so veliko počasnejši - omogočajo eno uro -, vendar cenejši (običajno 3,30 EUR) in so morda bolj primerni za predmestja. Dve poti sta:
- Avtobus 16 prek železniške postaje Drumcondra, O'Connell St, Georges St in do južnega predmestja Rathmines in Ballanteer / Kingstown.
- Avtobus 41 preko železniške postaje Drumcondra in ulice O'Connell St, ki pelje blizu Busárasa, do spodnje opatije St. Northbound, do Meči.
Postajališča za lokalne avtobuse so na terminalu 1 skozi parkirišče nasproti izvoza Prihodi in nato desno. Plačajte samo s kovanci, avtomati za prodajo vozovnic dajo drobiž, vozniki avtobusov pa ne. Prostor za prtljago je na lokalnih avtobusih omejen, vozniki pa neznancem zavrnejo potnike s paketi, ki jih ni mogoče shraniti.
  • A taksi do središča mesta naj stane približno 20–30 EUR, zato se bo ujemal z avtobusom, če ste v skupini treh ali več. Taksiji so zakonsko dolžni predložiti elektronski račun s podrobnimi podatki o vozovnici, razdalji in drugih ustreznih podrobnostih. Prepričajte se, da zahtevate potrdilo, saj ga v nasprotnem primeru pogosto ne predložijo.

Drugi kraji: veliko linij Bus Eireann med Dublinom in drugimi irskimi mesti poteka prek letališča, glejte "Vstopite" v posamezna mesta. V okrožju Dublin:

- Avtobus 101 vozi vsakih 20 minut do Balrothery, Balbriggan in Drogheda. Ta avtobus vozi od ulice Dublin Talbot St prek Drumcondre, vendar ni na voljo za potovanja med mestom, letališčem in meči.
- Avtobus 102 vozi od letališča vsakih 30 min do Meči, Malahide, Portmarnock in Sutton v bližini Howth.
- Drumcondra (avtobusa 16 in 41) ima vlake od Connollyja proti Maynoothu.
- Letalski avtobus Avtobus 700 vozi do Leopoldstown & Sandyford, 702 do Bray & Greystones in 703 do Dún Laoghaire, Dalkey & Killiney.

Z vlakom

Država železnice zbližati se na mesto, glej Potovanje z železnico na Irskem.

  • 2 Heuston (Stáisiún Heuston), St Johns Rd West, Dublin 8 (2 km zahodno od središča mesta, na tramvajski rdeči progi LUAS). Blagajna 07: 00-21: 00. Ta služi v vse smeri, razen severne ali vzhodne obale. Neposredni vlaki vozijo iz Corka (2 uri 30), Galwaya (2 uri 30), Limericka Colberta (2 uri 15) in Waterforda (2 uri). Druge storitve imajo menjavo na Limerick Junction, ki je blizu mesta Tipperary in 30 km od Limericka. Iz Tralee in Mallow, presadite v Corku. Heuston ima stranišča, bankomat, majhne trgovine, kioske in kavarne ter supermarkete na bližnjih ulicah. Do centra pridete s tramvajem: če vozovnico dobite do Dubin City Center, je cena tramvaja že vključena.
  • 3 Connolly (Stáisiún Uí Chonghaile), Amiens St, Dublin 1 (severovzhodno središče mesta, 200 m severno od glavne avtobusne postaje, na tramvajski rdeči progi LUAS). Blagajna 06: 30-19: 00. Ta služi severni in vzhodni obali. Neposredni vlaki vozijo iz Sliga (3 ure), Belfasta preko Droghede (2 uri) in trajektnega pristanišča Rosslare preko Wexforda (3 ure). Od menjave Derry v Belfastu, od Donegala je najbližja postaja Sligo. Connolly je tudi središče primestnih vlakov in vlakov DART iz vsega mesta. Ima stranišča, bankomat in majhne trgovine ter Madiganov bar / restavracijo. Okolica je ponoči lepljiva.

Če želite prestopiti med Heustonom in Connollyjem, počakajte 45 minut.

Z avtobusom

Dublinski avtobus

4 Busáras glavna avtobusna postaja ima Avtobus Eireann storitve iz večine irskih mest, kot so Belfast (2 uri 30), Cork (4 ure), Limerick (3 ure 30), Galway (4 ure) in Donegal (2 uri 30), ki potekajo prek letališča. Drugi operaterji so Kavanaghs do Limericka in Waterforda ter Citylink in GoBus v Galway. Eurolines Avtobus 871 vozi nočno v Dublin iz londonske Viktorije prek avtocest Luton, Birmingham, Lymm (s povezavami National Express iz Liverpoola, Manchestera, Bradforda in Leedsa) do Holyheda, nato s trajektom do pristanišča Dublin in Busárasa. Omarice za prtljago so v kleti, skupaj z javnimi stranišči, ki jih je treba plačati.

Nekateri avtobusi do okrožja Dublin in sosednjega okrožja Meath ne uporabljajo postaje, ampak ustavljajo s postajališč v bližnjih ulicah. Busáras je južno od železniške postaje Connolly in 300 m vzhodno od ulice O'Connell.

Moj čoln

Trajekt Stena na Irsko

Dublin ima trajekte iz Holyhead v Wales (Stena in Irski trajekti, 3 ure 30 minut), Bootle blizu Liverpool (P&O, 8 ur) in Douglas, otok Man (Trajekti na otoku Man, 3 ure 30 minut). Od Cherbourg v Normandiji in Pembroke v Wales danes plujejo le do Rosslare in ne v Dublin. Vsa jadranja so do 5 Dublinsko pristanišče 2 km vzhodno od centra; povezovalni vodnik povezuje pristanišče z Busárasom. Nekdanje trajektno pristanišče Dún Laoghaire, 7 km južno, se ne uporablja več: novi predor pomeni, da se lahko avtomobilisti izkrcajo v Dublinu in zapeljejo naravnost na avtocesto, ne da bi se zataknili v prometu v središču mesta.

Druga trajektna pot je kratek prehod od Cairnryana na Škotskem do Belfasta, nato pa po cesti ali železnici do Dublina.

Z avtom

Če Dublin obiščete samo za enodnevni izlet, ne vozite avtomobila v preobremenjen center, uporabite Park & ​​Ride. Od juga uporabite postajališče Sandyford Luas, tik pred križiščem 15 na M50 na Blackthorn Rd, ali postajališče Bray DART na Bray Rd. Od zahoda uporabite postajališče Red Cow Luas, pred križiščem 9 na M50. Od severovzhoda uporabite postajo Howth DART. Tarife na postajah Park & ​​Ride znašajo od 2 do 4 EUR.


53 ° 21′0 ″ S 6 ° 16′48 ″ Z
Zemljevid Dublina

Večji del mesta si lahko ogledate peš.

Most Ha'Penny

Z javnim prevozom

Javni prevoz v Dublinu sestavljajo vlaki, tramvaji in avtobusi. Za razliko od mnogih drugih evropskih prestolnic je železniško omrežje v Dublinu precej omejeno, zato so avtobusi daleč glavni način javnega prevoza. Javnega prevoza ne vodi ena sama agencija, temveč več izvajalcev, ki jih naroči država, večina informacij pa je na voljo posebej na spletnem mestu vsakega operaterja. Vlake vozijo Irska železnica in tramvaji mimo Luas, medtem ko večino avtobusov vozi Dublinski avtobus, razen nekaterih lokalnih avtobusov v primestnih območjih, ki jih vozi Pojdi naprej Irska.

Prevoz za Irsko (TFI) je krovna blagovna znamka za javni prevoz na Irskem, čeprav vas njegova spletna stran v glavnem samo usmerja na informacije posameznih spletnih mest operaterjev. Vendar pa Načrtovalec potovanj TFI je dober način za načrtovanje potovanja po različnih načinih in Odhodi v živo zagotavlja informacije v realnem času za vse železniške in avtobusne postaje. TFI ponuja tudi številne aplikacije za pametne telefone vključno z načrtovalcem potovanja in odhodom v realnem času. Upoštevajte, da aplikacija za načrtovanje potovanj ponuja tudi odhode v realnem času, zato vam ni treba prenesti obeh. Načrtovalec potovanj TFI in odhodi v živo sta prav tako integrirana v Google Transit in sta na voljo v Google Zemljevidih.

Vstopnice in kartica za preskok

V vlakih in tramvajih lahko vozovnice kupite v prodajnih avtomatih na postaji ali ustavite pred vkrcanjem. Vozovnice veljajo na dan nakupa in so potrebne za prehod skozi vhodne in izstopne odcepe na postajah. Vstopnic za tramvaj ni treba potrditi pred vkrcanjem, ampak jih je treba porabiti v 90 minutah po nakupu. V avtobusih lahko voznik plačate voznino ob vkrcanju, vendar morate imeti natančen znesek v kovancih. Opomb ni mogoče zapisovati in če preplačate v kovancih, sprememb ni.

Če nameravate veliko uporabljati javni prevoz, razmislite o nakupu Kartica preskoka TFI, ki ga lahko dopolnite s kreditom in uporabite za plačilo vozovnic za ves javni prevoz v mestu, s 30-odstotnim popustom. Karte Leap lahko kupite v večini trgovin po samo 5 EUR za odrasle in 3 EUR za otroke (to je dejansko polog in če kartico registrirate na spletu, jo lahko pozneje vrnete na bančni račun EU ali številne dobrodelne organizacije) . Kredit lahko preverite in kartico dopolnite v večini trgovin, v prodajnih avtomatih za vlake ali tramvajske vozovnice in v telefonu pri Aplikacija Leap Top-Up.

Če želite kartico za preskok uporabiti na vlakih ali tramvajih, se morate pred vkrcanjem držati kartice ob turnejah ali validaciji, nato pa jo na koncu poti spet označiti na turnekli ali validerju. Avtomatično vam bomo zaračunali ustrezno vozovnico med lokacijami za označevanje in odjavo. Če želite kartico preskočiti v avtobusih, jo morate položiti na strojevodje in vozniku povedati, kam greste, in odštel bo ustrezno ceno. Če se odpravite na daljše potovanje, lahko namesto tega držite svojo kartico na validatorju na desni strani vrat, kjer vam bomo samodejno zaračunali najvišjo ceno. Pomembno je vedeti, da če se ne prijavite, nimate veljavne vozovnice, zato boste lahko kaznovani, če bo preglednik vozovnic vstopil in preveril vašo kartico.

Posamezne vozovnice so približno 30% cenejše s kartico Leap Card kot z gotovino. Če v 90 minutah prestopite med avtobusi, tramvaji ali vlaki, bodo morebitne nadaljnje vozovnice samodejno znižane za dodatnih 1 EUR. Cene vozovnic so prav tako omejene, tako da lahko, ko v istem dnevu ali tednu (od ponedeljka do nedelje) dosežete določen znesek, nadaljujete brezplačno potovanje do konca tega dne ali tedna. Za odrasle dnevne omejitve znašajo 7 EUR za avtobuse ali tramvaje, 9,50 EUR za vlake in 10 EUR za vse načine. Tedenske omejitve znašajo 27,50 EUR za avtobuse ali tramvaje, 37 EUR za vlake in 40 EUR za vse načine. Otroške kape so precej nižje, približno ena tretjina odraslih kapic.

Posebna Preskoči vizitko je na voljo tudi turistom, kar omogoča neomejeno uporabo celotnega javnega prevoza 1 dan (10 EUR), 3 dni (19,50 EUR) ali 7 dni (40 EUR), od trenutka prve uporabe. To lahko kupite ob prihodu na letališče Dublin (WH Smith na terminalu 1 in Spar na terminalu 2) v nekaterih mestnih središčih ali pa jih naročite prek spleta za dostavo. Ko izbrano časovno obdobje poteče, ga lahko dopolnite z dodatnimi časovnimi obdobji v večini trgovin v mestu.

Z vlakom

The DART (hitri tranzit na območju Dublina) je pogosta primestna železniška storitev v okolici Dublinskega zaliva iz Ljubljane Howth in Malahide na severu do Bray in Greystones na jugu skozi središče mesta, Dún Laoghaire in Dalkey. To je priročen način za obisk nekaterih obalnih delov mesta, južni del pa poteka vzdolž obale s slikovitim razgledom na zaliv.

Ob osrednjem delu med Howth Junctionom na severu in Brayem na jugu vlaki teči vsakih 10 minut od ponedeljka do petka in vsakih 30 minut ob sobotah in nedeljah. Severno od križišča Howth se storitve ločijo, vsak drugi vlak vozi bodisi do Howtha na severovzhodu bodisi nadaljuje proti severu do Malahide. Južno od Braya se vsak tretji vlak razteza do Greystones.

Poleg proge DART v Dubinu obratujejo tudi številne medmestne železniške proge:

  • The Severna proga teče od postaje Connolly do Droghede skozi obmorska mesta Portmarnock, Malahide, Donabate, Rush, Skerries in Balbriggan na severu Dublina.
  • The Zahodna vozna linija teče od postaje Connolly do univerzitetnega mesta Maynooth, skozi Drumcondro, Castleknock, Clonsillo in Leixlip.
    • Od Clonsille do Dunboyne vozi kratka podružnica. Čez dan se ti vlaki časovno povežejo z zahodnimi primestnimi vlaki v Clonsilli, medtem ko vlaki Dunboyne nadaljujejo skozi Clonsillo in segajo do postaje Docklands v središču mesta.
  • The Jugozahodna mestna linija teče v Kildare, skozi Clondalkin, Hazelhatch, Sallins in Newbridge. Nekatere od teh storitev vozijo do postaje Heuston zahodno od središča mesta, nekatere pa skozi tunel Phoenix Park do postaje Connolly in pristanišča Grand Canal.
  • The Jugovzhodna primestna linija poteka od postaje Connolly vzdolž južne obale Dublina in Wicklowa skozi Bray, Greystones, Wicklow, Rathnew in Arklow, sčasoma pa se razteza v Wexford.

Vsi vlaki v Dublinu vozijo na eni od treh postaj:

  • Postaja Connolly je glavno primestno vozlišče in najbližje središču mesta, kjer vozi DART, vsi severni, zahodni in jugovzhodni primestni vlaki ter vlaki jugozahodne proge, ki vozijo skozi tunel Phoenix Park. Služi tudi z vlaki Intercity za Sligo in Rosslare ter čezmejnim vlakom Enterprise do Belfasta. Veliko vlakov skozi Connolly služi tudi Ulica Tara in Postaja Pearse, ki so bližje glavnim nakupovalnim območjem v središču juga mesta.
  • Postaja Heuston je zahodno od središča mesta in služi jugozahodnim vlakom, ki ne vozijo skozi tunel Phoenix Park. Je tudi glavna postaja Intercity za Dublin, ki vozi vse vlake na jugu in zahodu Irske, vključno s Corkom, Galwayem, Kilkennyjem, Limerickom, Traleejem, Waterfordom in Westportom. Rdeča črta tramvajske mreže Luas med seboj povezuje postajo Heuston in Connolly.
  • Postaja Docklands je na severnih pristaniščih in služi samo primestnim vlakom ob konicah iz Dunboyna. Do postaje Spencer Dock na progi Luas Red je kratek sprehod, od postaje Connolly pa nekoliko daljši sprehod.

Zemljevid železniškega omrežja v Dublinu je na voljo tukaj.

Območje kratkega hmelja zajema ves DART, kot tudi storitve primestnega železniškega prometa do Balbriggan, Kilcock, Sallins in Kilcoole. Samski cene v območju kratkega hmelja sta 2,25–6,20 EUR za odraslega in 1,25–2,55 EUR za otroke, če jih kupite v prodajnih avtomatih, medtem ko pri plačilu s kartico za preskok TFI znašajo 1,70–4,90 EUR za odrasle in 0,80–1,94 EUR za otroke. Na voljo so tudi dnevne povratne, enodnevne, tridnevne, sedemdnevne in mesečne vozovnice. Družinska celodnevna vstopnica je na voljo za 20 EUR, ki jo lahko uporabljata do 2 odrasla in 4 otroci.

S tramvajem

Tramvaj Luas na postaji Heuston

The Luas (Irski jezik za "hitrost") je dublinski tramvajski sistem. Sistem je začel delovati šele leta 2004, tramvaji pa so moderni in običajno zanesljivi. Tramvaji vozijo pogosto od zgodnjega jutra do nekaj po polnoči vsak dan. Obstajata dve vrstici:

  • The rdeča črta teče od Tallaght in Saggart na jugozahodu mesta do postaje Connolly in The Pointa na vzhodu, ki služijo Rdeči kravi, bolnišnici St. James, bolnišnici Heuston, ulici Abbey Street, Busárasu in Areni 3.
  • The Zelena črta teče od Brides Glen na jugovzhodu mesta do Broombridgea na severozahodu, kjer služi poslovnim okrožjem Cherrywood in Sandyford, mestnemu središču Dundrum, St. Stephen's Green, ulici O'Connell Street in kampusu TU Dublin Grangegorman.

Obe progi se med seboj povežeta v središču mesta, kjer je od postaje Abbey na rdeči črti le 100 metrov hoje do postajališč O'Connell GPO (severno) ali Marlborough (južno) na zeleni črti. Povezava med obema vrsticama ni označena, lahko pa vidite, kje se črti prekrižata. Rdeča proga se povezuje tudi z vlaki na postajah Connolly in Heuston, zelena pa z zahodnimi primestnimi vlaki na Broombridgeu.

Samski cene vozovnic za Luas sta 2,10–3,20 evra za odraslega in 1,00–1,30 evra za otroke, če jih kupite v prodajnih avtomatih, medtem ko za plačilo s kartico za preskok TFI znašajo 1,54–2,40 evra za odrasle in 0,80–1,00 evra za otroka. Na voljo so tudi dnevne povratne vozovnice, enodnevne in sedemdnevne vozovnice.

Z avtobusom

Mestno omrežje

Razširjena mreža 150 avtobusnih linij oskrbuje večino mest in predmestja. Večina avtobusov v središču mesta vozi skozi območje O'Connell St (vključno s trgi Mountjoy in Parnell, Eden Quay in Fleet St) in območje Trinity College (vključno s Pearse St, Nassau St, Dame St in College Green). Storitve se razlikujejo od visokofrekvenčnih poti, ki vozijo vsakih nekaj minut ves dan, do manj frekvenčnih poti, ki vozijo vsako uro ali manj, do poti z omejenim postankom z omejenim postankom in poti pozno zvečer "Nitelink", ki potekajo le čez vikend.

Zmedeno je, da avtobusno mrežo v Dublinu vodita dve ločeni družbi, vozni redi pa so navedeni na dveh ločenih spletnih mestih in so na postajališčih prikazani v dveh različnih oblikah. Vendar imata obe družbi enako strukturo vozovnic in sistem izdajanja vozovnic za preskok, vse poti pa so vključene v aplikacije Transport for Ireland Trip Planner in Real Time:

  • Dublinski avtobus upravljati vse čezmejne poti in vse poti, ki vodijo do in iz središča mesta. Vozni redi, prikazani na postajališčih, se nanašajo na čas, ko avtobus zapusti postajo, ne na čas, ko bo minil to postajališče, zato je treba ugibati.
  • Pojdi naprej Irska upravljati lokalne poti v predmestju, pa tudi orbitalne poti, ki se izogibajo središču mesta. V nasprotju z avtobusom Dublin Bus se vsi vozni redi Go-Ahead Ireland, prikazani na postajališčih, nanašajo na čas, ko naj bi avtobusi peljali mimo tega postajališča.

Shematski zemljevid glavnih mestnih poti, kot tudi zemljevid mestnih postajališč so na voljo tukaj. Podroben zemljevid celotnega mestnega omrežja, barvno kodiran po frekvenci je na voljo tukaj (in za daljna zunanja območja glej tukaj).

Gotovina cene v mestu (natančen znesek samo v kovancih) znaša 2,15–3,80 EUR za odraslega in 1,00–1,60 EUR za otroka, medtem ko je pri plačilu s kartico TFI Leap 1,55–3,00 EUR za odraslega in 0,80–1,26 EUR za otroka. Tisti, ki plačujejo s kartico TFI Leap, lahko koristijo tudi popust v višini 1 EUR, če zamenjate kartico v 90 minutah, in največjo dnevno in tedensko omejitev. Glej Vstopnice in kartica za preskok.

Na bolj zasedenih postajališčih elektronski znak navaja naslednjih 4 do 6 odhodov v realnem času. Za vsa ostala postajališča lahko sprotne odhode preverite v spletu ali v aplikacijah TFI (glej Z javnim prevozom nad). Vsi avtobusi na sprednji strani prikažejo svojo številko poti in cilj. Ko vidite avtobus, ki se približuje, iztegnite roko in vozniku sporočite, da želite vstopiti, sicer se morda ne ustavijo. Če imate predplačniško kartico TFI Leap Card, vnesite na desni strani in jo označite tako, da držite kartico ob bralnik. V nasprotnem primeru vstopite na levi strani, da plačate vozniku.

Znotraj avtobusa so na majhnih zaslonih naslednja postaja v irskem in angleškem jeziku, skupaj z zvočnim obvestilom v obeh jezikih. Ko vidite ali slišite napoved ustavitve, pritisnite enega od rdečih gumbov, da vozniku sporočite, da želite izstopiti.

Uporabne poti

Naslednje poti so najpogostejše medmestne poti, ki vozijo vsakih 8 do 12 minut od ponedeljka do petka in vsakih 10 do 15 minut ob sobotah in nedeljah:

  • Pot 4 deluje od Harristowna in Ballymuna na severu do Ballsbridgea in Blackrocka na jugovzhodu.
  • Pot 15 deluje od Clongriffina in Artana na severovzhodu do Templeogue in Ballycullena na jugozahodu.
  • Pot 16 deluje od letališča Dublin in Santry na severu do Rathfarnhama in Ballinteerja na jugu.
  • 27. pot deluje od Clare Hall in Artane na severovzhodu do Walkinstown in Tallaght na jugozahodu.
  • Pot 39a deluje od Ongarja in Blanchardstowna na severozahodu do ulice Baggot in University College Dublin na jugovzhodu.
  • Cesta 40 deluje od Charlestowna in Finglasa na severozahodu do Ballyfermota in doline Liffey na zahodu.
  • Pot 41 in Cesta 41c vozijo od Swords, Santry in Drumcondre na severu do ulice Abbey v središču mesta, vsak drugi avtobus (proga 41) pa vozi do letališča Dublin.
  • Cesta 46a deluje od parka Phoenix na notranjem severozahodu do University College Dublin, Stillorgan in Dún Laoghaire na jugovzhodu.
  • Cesta 130 deluje od ulice Abbey v središču mesta do kraja Clontarf, otoka Bull in parka St. Annes na vzhodu.
  • Cesta 145 obratuje od postaje Heuston na zahodu do University College Dublin, Stillorgan in Bray na jugovzhodu.

Medtem ko je dublinsko avtobusno omrežje osredotočeno predvsem na medmestne poti in poti v središče mesta, obstajajo tudi številne orbitalne poti, ki se izogibajo mestnemu središču. Najbolj uporabni med njimi so:

  • Pot 17 deluje okrog juga mesta, od Rialta prek Terenureja, Rathfarnhama in University College Dublin do Blackrocka, vsakih 20 minut od ponedeljka do sobote in vsakih 30 minut ob nedeljah.
  • Pot 17a deluje na severu mesta, od Blanchardstowna prek Finglasa, Ballymuna, Santryja in Coolocka do Kilbarracka, vsakih 20 minut od ponedeljka do nedelje.
  • Pot 18 obratuje čez notranji jug mesta, od Palmerstowna prek Ballyfermota, Kylemoreja, Crumlina, Rathminesa, Ranelagha in Ballsbridgea do Sandymounta, vsakih 20 minut od ponedeljka do nedelje.
  • Pot 75 obratuje čez zunanji jug mesta, od Tallaght preko Rathfarnhama, Ballinteerja, Dundruma in Stillorgana do Dúna Laoghaireja, vsakih 30 minut od ponedeljka do nedelje.
  • Pot 76 na zahodu mesta, od Tallaghta skozi Clondalkin, Liffey Valley in Ballyfermot do Chapelizoda, vsakih 20 minut od ponedeljka do nedelje. Omejeno število storitev se razteza do Blanchardstowna (pot 76a, samo od ponedeljka do petka).
  • Pot 175 deluje čez jug mesta, od Citywesta prek Tallaght, Ballinteer in Dundrum do University College Dublin, vsakih 30 minut od ponedeljka do petka in vsakih 60 minut ob nedeljah.

Nočne službe

Na večini poti so zadnji odhodi v središče mesta in nazaj vsako noč ob 23.30. Vendar pa tri poti opravljajo 24-urno storitev, 7 dni v tednu, z odhodi vsakih 30 minut čez noč v vsako smer:

  • Pot 15 je čezmejna pot med Clongriffinom na severovzhodu in Ballycullenom na jugozahodu skozi cesto Malahide, središče mesta, Rathmine in Templeogue.
  • Pot 39a je čezmejna pot med Ongarjem na severozahodu in University College Dublin na jugovzhodu skozi Blanchardstown, cesto Navan, središče mesta, Baggot Street in Donnybrook.
  • Pot 41 deluje med ulico Abbey v središču mesta in meči na severu, prek drumcondre, Santry in letališča Dublin.

V petek in soboto zvečer mreža 15 poti Nitelink zagotavlja pozne nočne odhode iz središča mesta v večji del mesta. Ti odhajajo iz ulice D'Olier, ulice Westmoreland in Aston Quay med polnočjo in 4. uro zjutraj in delujejo le navzven iz središča mesta. Zemljevid poti in voznih redov Nitelink so na voljo tukaj.

Za tri 24-urne proge veljajo običajne dnevne vozovnice in vozovnice. Na progah Nitelink je višja cena vozovnice v višini 6,60 EUR, cena prestopnice pa 4,50 EUR. Kot pri vseh poteh je tudi na avtobusu sprejet le natančen znesek v kovancih. Če pa nimate natančnega zneska, lahko predplačniško vozovnico za isti znesek kupite tudi pri Londisu ali Colemansu na ulici Westmoreland Street ali pri Sparu na ulici D'Olier.

S kolesom

Dublinbikes, Temple Bar

Če želite priti izven samega središča mesta in se udobno vozite v prometu, je priročen način najema koles. Kot rečeno, mesto ni zelo prijazno do koles, niti glede količine in kakovosti kolesarskih poti, pešcev in voznikov, ki častijo kolesarske steze, na voljo cestnega prostora, kjer kolesarske poti ni (tj. Številne ozke ceste), ali voznika odnosov na splošno.

Ko kolesarite v središču mesta, se zavedajte, da imajo kolesarske steze tam, kjer obstajajo, praviloma avtobusi, taksiji, motorji in parkirani avtomobili; kolesarji naj bodo še posebej pozorni, ko se približujejo avtobusnim postajališčem, kjer avtobus ustavlja. Motorna kolesa ne smejo uporabljati kolesarskih stez, a mnogi to še vedno počnejo. Prehod po levi strani je prav tako dovoljen le v omejenih okoliščinah, vendar je v resnici še vedno pogost. Ko kolesarimo v parku Phoenix, medtem ko je na obeh straneh glavne prometnice urejen poseben kolesarski pas, jih na žalost uporabljajo tudi pešci.

Obstajajo kolesa, ki jih lahko najamete na več lokacijah po središču mesta Dublinbikes shemo. Tridnevna vozovnica (ki je edina dovolilnica, ki je na voljo nerezidentom) stane 5 EUR in vam omogoča dostop do koles. Prvih 30 minut so brezplačni, najem do 1 ure stane 0,50 EUR, do 2 uri pa 1,50 EUR, zato je dobro, da kolesa pogosto vračate. 3-dnevno vozovnico lahko kupite samo na postajah, ki sprejemajo kreditne kartice, po nakupu pa jo lahko najamete na kateri koli postaji. Vaša kreditna kartica bo predhodno pooblaščena z varščino v višini 150 EUR, ki se zaračuna v primeru kraje ali če kolesa niso vrnili v 24 urah. Med drugim je kraj za izposojo koles Dublinbikes, ki se nahaja na vhodu v park Phoenix, Dublin 8.

Z avtom

Vožnja v Dublinu ni priporočljiva večji del dneva, zlasti v središču mesta. Promet je lahko gost in obstaja obsežen enosmerni sistem. Jaywalking je pogost. Obstaja veliko število pasov za avtobuse (avtobusi, taksiji in kolesa s pedali lahko uporabljajo le-te; drugi so budno kaznovani). Običajno je dovoljeno voziti po avtobusnih pasovih v času, ki ni označen na konicah. Če morate v mesto potovati z zasebnim avtomobilom, raziščite želeno pot (z uporabo GPS ali celo Google Maps) in vnaprej poiščite primerno parkirišče.

Parkirišče je težko najti drugače kot na večnadstropnih parkiriščih. Parkiranje na ulici za kratek čas je dovoljeno pri parkomatih, vendar pazite, da ne boste preveč zadržali svojega časa, saj vas bodo podjetja, ki pogosto patruljirajo, "stisnila" - pristojbine za sprostitev objemke se gibljejo od 70 do 150 EUR na 24 ur.

Po mestu je bil uveden sistem dveh obvoznic z barvnimi oznakami v vijolični in modri barvi (glej zemljevid notranje orbitalne poti in outer orbital route map). The M50 motorway connects to the M1 (to the north of Ireland and Belfast) near Dublin Airport and to the M11 (for Wicklow, Wexford and the South) south of the city and to other motorways and national roads along its "C-shaped" route. It has been upgraded so is less congested, and is well signposted.

However, crossing the river using the M50 entails crossing the Westlink bridge. This is a toll bridge with the amount of the toll varying depending on the type of vehicle and how it is paid. The toll ne more be paid at booths while crossing the bridge but must be paid by internet or phone (or using electronic passes in the vehicle), or in certain shops. The vehicle passes through the toll gate without being stopped but the registration plate is photographed automatically. The toll must be paid by 20:00 the following day.

After this deadline, the longer the toll remains unpaid, the higher the fees involved. For foreign registered vehicles, this presents no problem as the Irish vehicle registration base does not have access to foreign ownership details, but for Irish registered vehicles, including rental cars, any fees due, including penalties for late payment, may well be reclaimed through the rental company and subsequently from the credit card of the person hiring the car. The car hire company may charge a hefty fee as well (Avis, for example, charges €30 per unpaid toll, on top of the original toll and the €3 notice fee).

Outside of the city centre, parking is generally not an issue, and ample free parking can be found outside of the M50 (and in certain areas within the M50 ring road).

S taksijem

Cene vozovnic so urejene na nacionalni ravni in taksiji morajo uporabljati števec. As of March 2021, city fares M-Sa 08:00 to 20:00 are €3.80 flagfall then €1.14-1.50 per km, 20:00 to 08:00 and Sunday €4.20 flagfall then €1.45-1.80 per km. V počasnem prometu ali če vas pozovejo, da počakate, zaračunajo iz minute v minuto, 40-50 centov.

There are many firms including Uber.


Dublin city panorama

In summer, Dublin's top attractions can sell out. Buy tickets online in advance if you know you want to see something, especially for the Book of Kells where even early arrivals may find all the day's slots are filled.

The Dublin Pass gives you free and fast track entry to thirty-some attractions in Dublin. Adult prices are €62 for one day, €83 for two, €102 for three and €128 for five, child prices about half, and days must run consecutively. You may struggle to break even on this deal as only the Hop-on Hop-off bus tour and the Jameson Distillery and Guinness tours charge over €20; most are way cheaper and among their "free entry" attractions are many that don't charge anyhow. The Pass doesn't include the Library & Book of Kells at Trinity College, and it doesn't include any public transport.

North of the river

  • 1 General Post Office (GPO), O'Connell St Lower, Dublin 1, 353 1 705-7000. The GPO is the headquarters of the Post Office in Ireland, built in Neo-Classical style 1814-1818. In 1916 it was occupied by Irish rebels led by PH Pearse, who read the Proclamation of the Republic outside the front door of the building. The interior was burnt out by shelling from government forces against the rebels, but the exterior survived. Subsequently the GPO was restored, reopening in 1929, and remains a busy working post office. It formerly hosted An Post Museum: this closed in 2015 but you can view the collection online. General Post Office (Q1339254) on Wikidata General Post Office, Dublin on Wikipedia
The Spire on O'Connell Street
  • O'Connell Street is the broad thoroughfare running north from the river, and the main district for budget accommodation. It was smashed up in the 1916 uprising and subsequent civil war, but rebuilt; then in the 1970s the developers made one sorry mess of it. Plus their assistants: All along O'Connell Street the pieces flew, up went Nelson, and the pillar too . . . was the ditty commemorating the 1966 IRA bombing of Nelson's Column. Where it stood, next to the GPO, is now the 121 m pin of the Spire of Dublin; close by on North Earl St is the James Joyce Statue. Northbound trams glide up the street: go a block east for the southbound track. The city council are doing their best to further improve the place but it's a work in progress: pleasant enough by day, but tacky by night.
  • 2 St Mary's Pro-Cathedral, 83 Marlborough Place (one block east of O'Connell St). Dublin's Catholic cathedral, built in 1825. Catholicism was always the majority religion in Ireland, but its practice was forbidden until the 19th C. The official cathedral is Christ Church, so designated by the Pope in 1300, but taken over by the Protestants in the 16th C. When the laws relaxed, St Mary's was built in neo-Classical style as a temporary or "pro"-cathedral, until such time as the Pope decrees otherwise or the Protestants hand back Christ Church; neither event appears imminent. St Mary's Pro-Cathedral (Q1798235) on Wikidata St Mary's Pro-Cathedral on Wikipedia
  • At its north end at Parnell Square, O'Connell St takes a turn and becomes Frederick St. Here are the Rotunda Hospital, City Art Gallery, Writer's Museum and Garden of Remembrance.
  • 3 Dublin City Gallery - The Hugh Lane, Charlemont House, Parnell Square North, Dublin 1, 353 1 222 5550. Tu-Th 10:00-18:00, F Sa 10:00-17:00, Su 11:00-17:00, Mon closed. This public gallery has permanent and temporary exhibitions of modern and contemporary art. It also houses Francis Bacon's studio which was relocated in 2001 from London. prost. Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane (Q496040) on Wikidata Hugh Lane Gallery on Wikipedia
  • 4 Dublin Writers Museum, 18 Parnell Sq, Dublin 1 (next to Art Gallery), 353 1 872-2077. M-Sa 10:00-17:00, (Jun-Aug open until 18:00) Su & holidays 11:00-17:00. Located in an 18th-century house, the museum is dedicated to Irish literature and the lives of individual writers such as Shaw, Joyce, Yeats & Pearse. €7.25, children €4.55, family tickets €21. Dublin Writers Museum (Q3040529) on Wikidata Dublin Writers Museum on Wikipedia
  • The Vrt spomina across the street from the gallery and museum commemorates those who died in the struggle for Irish independence. Open daily.
  • The Reka Liffey is lined by stylish buildings, many of which have been renovated within living memory. Just upstream from O'Connell Bridge, the 5 Ha'penny Bridge is the one on all the picture postcards and film locations, a 43 m cast-iron arch spanning the river between Liffey St Lower and Wellington Quay. Officially called the "Liffey Bridge" (Droichead na Life), it was built in 1816 to replace the cross-river ferries, with the right to charge a ha'penny toll for the next century. There were turnstiles at both ends, removed in 1919 after the toll ceased. The bridge was extensively repaired in 2001. Please don't clutter it up with "love-locks" - the last big clean-up removed 300 kg of these, and bear in mind that the 2001 repairs were by Harland and Wolff, who built the Titanik.
  • Downstream from O'Connell Bridge the river broadens into dockland and the open sea, with poignant reminders of the Irish people's relationship with that sea.
  • 6 The Famine Memorial on Custom House Quay depicts victims of the Great Famine (an Gorta Mór) of 1845-49, when a million died and another million fled the country. Five gaunt figures totter to the docks with their bundles as if to take ship and leave. Or perhaps they hope for scraps from those ships, which during the famine years were briskly exporting food for profit, plenty to feed everyone yet unaffordable to most.
  • 7 EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum (EPIC), CHQ, Custom House Quay (10 min walk from city centre, 5 min from Connolly/Tara Station, George’s Dock Stop Luas Red Line or Hop off/hop on buses stop outside EPIC), 353 1 906 0861, . Daily 10:00-18:45 (last entry is 17:00). This museum tells the story of Ireland’s expansive emigration, and the impact it has had on the world. Features 1500 years of Irish history told through 20 interactive galleries. Adult €16.50, child 6-15 €8.00, child 0-5 free, senior 65 €15.00, student 16 €15.00. EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum (Q29831711) on Wikidata EPIC The Irish Emigration Museum on Wikipedia
  • 8 Jeanie Johnston Tall Ship Museum, Custom House Quay (Downstream of Sean O'Casey Bridge), 353 01 473-0111, . Tours (50 min) daily Apr-Oct 10:00-16:00, Nov-Mar 11:00-15:00. The original Jeanie Johnston was a 3-masted barque sailing between County Kerry and North America 1847-1855, taking Irish emigrants west in the Great Famine, and bringing timber back east. No lives were ever lost aboard, even during her final sinking. The present ship is a replica launched in 2000, and berthed here to act as a museum. The ship has previously made cruises and served as a training vessel, but since 2010 she's not been seaworthy, and the repairs appear unaffordable. Adult €11, Senior €10, Student €10, Teenagers €9, Children €6, Infant €0. Jeanie Johnston (Q3175892) on Wikidata Jeanie Johnston on Wikipedia
Samuel Beckett Bridge
  • 9 Samuel Beckett Bridge. Designed by Santiago Calatrava, this is a harp-shaped cable-stay road bridge of 120 m. It spans the river between North Wall Quay (in Docklands, north bank) and Sir John Rogerson's Quay (near Grand Canal Square, south bank) and the whole contraption hinges through 90 degrees to let ships pass. Daytime it's busy with traffic and is most scenic when floodlit at night. Calatrava also designed the James Joyce bridge upstream. Samuel Beckett Bridge (Q1193916) on Wikidata Samuel Beckett Bridge on Wikipedia
  • 10 Green on Red Gallery, Park Lane, Spencer Dock, Dublin 1 (Exiting Pearse rail station and turn right. Cross Pearse St and it will be on the left opposite Lombard bar), 353 1 671-3414, 353 87 245 4282, . W-F 10:00-18:00, Sa 11:00-15:00, Su closed, M and Tu by appointment. This one of Ireland’s most dynamic and exciting galleries. Representing some of the best Irish and international contemporary work on the market. The programme is based on 10-11 solo exhibitions and 1-2 group or thematic exhibitions per year. Green On Red participates annually in international art fairs and the gallery’s artists regularly exhibit abroad in private and public venues. Free entrance.

South of the river

Many of Dublin's top sights are just south of the river, notably Trinity College, the National Museum archaeology collections, the National Gallery, and the elegant town through Merrion Square to St Stephen's Green.

Trinity College
  • 11 Trinity College, College Green, Dublin 2, 353 1 896-2320, faks: 353 1 896-2690, . Kells: May-Sep: M-Sa 08:30-17:00, Su 09:30-17:00; Oct-Apr: M-Sa 09:30-17:00, Su 12:00-16:30. Trinity College is the fine Georgian campus of the University of Dublin. It's generally open to stroll around in daylight hours, but it is a working university, and most interiors are off-limits to tourists. You can visit the Chapel near the front (west) gate of the College. But the big attraction (ie mobbed) is the Old Library and Book of Kells. If you've not booked online, then first buy your ticket from the machines under the new (Lecky) library just south - this is for a timed slot, and on holiday weekends may be booked out. You enter an exhibition hall setting the Book in the context of other monastic writings of its period, circa 800 AD. Next, enter the display area: only two pages are displayed at any time, one being richly illustrated with little text (or no text, on the "carpet" pages), and one page being text of the Vulgate Gospels, written in Insular Majuscule Latin. But it's difficult to enjoy, with crowds jostling round the display case. Next, go upstairs into the massive Long Hall of the library, with books and ladders and more books and ladders towering away upwards. Last but not least, exit through the gift shop, which can be entered without a ticket. Adults €13 (€10 online off-peak), students & seniors €10, family €26, under 12 years free. Audio guides €5.
  • Look into the posh Bank of Ireland opposite the College while waiting for your appointment with Kells. Small display of early banknotes and memorabilia.
  • Temple Bar is the district just west of the College along the riverside. It's wall-to-wall pubs and eating places, the cobbled streets are agreeable but there are no specific sights except Ha'penny Bridge until the Castle area, described in "West city". It's thronged with merry-makers, and by evening the hen parties and lads' outings are steaming, raucous and upchucking.
  • Irish Whiskey Museum: and not before time. Irish distilleries have for too long pumped out bland commercial fare, though the country has all the ingredients (including the know-how) to produce whiskey of character to rival single-malt Scotch. The museum is next to the Dublin Visitor Centre at the gates of Trinity College. It's open daily Apr-Oct 10:00-18:00, Nov-Mar 10:30-18:00; the bar stays open Friday till 23:00 and Sat & Sun to 22:00. Standard tour (1 hour) costs €20.
  • 12 Molly Malone is the subject of a 19th century music-hall ballad, who pushed her wheelbarrow crying "cockles and mussels alive, alive-oh" before dying of a fever. She's entirely fictional, though Dublin had many such streethawkers, and she's not to be confused with Mary Mallon of Cookstowm, the all-too-real "Typhoid Mary". Her kitsch statue dates to 1988 and was originally on nearby Grafton Street, but moved to its present spot in 2014 to make way for tram tracks. She's often mocked as "The Tart with the Cart" or "The Trollop with the Scallop" and her breasts (above an unhistorical low-cut dress) have been well polished by passing hands. Alas amidst these misogynist tropes & gropes, we forget the sad fate of the cockles and mussels themselves.
  • 13 National Gallery of Ireland, Merrion Square West & Clare St, Dublin 2, 353 1 661-5133, faks: 353 1 661-5372, . Tu W F Sa 09:15-17:30, Th 09:15-20:30, Su M 11:00-17:30. Impressive national collection of Irish and European Art. prost. National Gallery of Ireland (Q2018379) on Wikidata National Gallery of Ireland on Wikipedia
  • 14 National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology & History, Kildare St, Dublin 2 (just north of St Stephen's Green), 353 1 677 7444, faks: 353 1 677 7450, . Tu-Sa 10:00-17:00, Su M 13:00-17:00. Excellent display of Ireland's artefacts from prehistory through the Viking era to independence. The standout is the Treasury (eg the 12th C Ardagh Chalice and 9th C Tara Brooch), and the prehistoric jewellery: gold and silver beautifully worked and carved - then chucked into the bog?? And likewise into the bog went bodies, presumably of defeated foes given the violence of their deaths. Normally when a body is buried, the flesh decays and a skeleton persists. But if you throw a body into a peat bog, the acid dissolves the bones while tannin preserves the hide. The person turns into a handbag. prost. National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology (Q6974473) on Wikidata National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology on Wikipedia
  • 15 National Museum of Ireland - Natural History, Merrion Square, Dublin 2, 353 1 677-7444, faks: 353 1 677-7450, . Tu-Sa 10:00-17:00; Su M 13:00-17:00. The "Dead Zoo" contains a comprehensive zoological collection stored and maintained in a manner unchanged since its establishment in Victorian times. prost. Natural History Museum (Q6033599) on Wikidata Natural History Museum (Ireland) on Wikipedia
  • 16 Merrion Square. This large stately square is filled with grassy and shady areas and surrounded by Georgian red-brick houses. At the northwest corner is a life-sized statue of the writer and dramatist Oscar (draw breath) . . . Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854-1900), who grew up at No. 1 here. He's depicted sprawled on the embankment, with a lop-sided smirk, as if totally wasted. (As if! And him with the hollowest legs in London!) Two short marble columns are covered in his quotable quotes. On the surrounding buildings, plaques commemorate other notable residents, such as the Duke of Wellington. The fine architecture continues south, along Mount Street Upper and Fitzwilliam Street Lower. The neo-classical government buildings on Upper Merrion St can be visited by free guided tour Saturdays hourly 10:30-13:30, pick up tickets in the National Gallery lobby. Trg Merrion (Q630780) na Wikidata Trg Merrion na Wikipediji
  • Number Twenty Nine (Georgian House Museum), 29 Fitzwilliam Street Lower (SE corner of Merrion Square). Zaprto. Georgian townhouse museum recreates the lifestyle of a historic middle-class family. Je zaprto for renovation until 2020. Številka dvajset devet: Gruzijski hišni muzej (Q20642441) na Wikidata Number Twenty Nine - Gruzijski hišni muzej na Wikipediji
  • 17 St Stephens Green, Dublin 2 (At the southern end of Grafton St). Pleasant Victorian public park. Note the Fusiliers' Arch, constructed in 1907 to commemorate the Royal Dublin Fusiliers who fell in the Second Boer War (1899-1902). Saint Stephen's Green (Q1432605) na Wikipodatih St Stephen's Green na Wikipediji
  • 18 Dvorec on Dawson Street is the office of the Lord Mayor of Dublin. You can only get in to see it (eg the plush 1821 Round Room) for special events or on occasional open days.
  • 19 Little Museum of Dublin, 15 St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, 353 1 661-1000. Daily 09:30-17:00. Housed in a Georgian townhouse on St. Stephen's Green, this displays the 20th C social, cultural and political history of Dublin city, with many artefacts donated by Dubliners. Visit by guided tour every 30-60 mins. Adult €10, conc €8. Mali muzej v Dublinu (Q7747675) na Wikidata Mali muzej v Dublinu na Wikipediji
  • Iveagh Gardens are a block south of St Stephens Green: a hidden green space, as they're secluded by buildings.
  • The Grand Canal marks the southern boundary of the inner city; the Royal Canal similarly loops across the northern city. Both were built in the 18th / 19th C to carry passengers and freight between Dublin and the Shannon and Atlantic. The Grand Canal took 47 years to construct: the expense of crossing the Bog of Allen replicated the prehistoric custom of sinking gold into bogs. And indeed Irish waterways go that far back, as the earliest dwellers could barely get about by land. The dockland visitor centre has closed but the Waterways Ireland website gives information eg on walks, navigability and fishing on this and the other canals.

West city

The original Dublin was in this area, at the confluence of the Liffey and the smaller Poddle (now culverted). Their peaty waters formed a dark pool, in Irish dubh linn.

  • 20 Dublin Castle, 2 Palace St, Dublin 2, 353 1 677-7129, faks: 353 679-7831, . Daily M-Sa 10:00-17:15. Former seat of British rule in Ireland. The guided tour (hourly) takes in the medieval basements and Chapel Royal, then you see the State Apartments in your own time. You can skip the tour and just see the apartments for less. Guided tour €12, apartments alone €8. Dublinski grad (Q742767) na Wikipodatih Dublinski grad na Wikipediji
  • Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2, 353 1 407-0750, faks: 353 1 407-0760, . Mar-Oct M-F 10:00-17:00, Sa 11:00-17:00, Su 13:00-17:00; Nov-Feb closed M. Sir Alfred Chester Beatty (1875-1968) was an American mining magnate who amassed a fabulous collection of early books and manuscripts and oriental art. He moved to London and collaborated generously with the British Museum, but in 1950 there was a falling-out and he moved to Ireland. He established the library to avoid his collection being split up; it's now in the Clock Tower in the Castle gardens. prost. Knjižnica Chester Beatty (Q391976) na Wikidata Knjižnica Chester Beatty na Wikipediji
  • 21 Kristusova cerkev katedrala (Holy Trinity), Christ Church Pl, Dublin 2, 353 1 677-8099, . Apr-Sept M-Sa 09:30-19:00, Su 12:30-14:30 & 16:30-19:00; Oct-Mar M-Sa 09:30-17:00, Su 12:30-14:30. Dating back to the 11th century, this is the oldest building in Dublin, though it underwent a massive restoration in the 19th century. The oldest part is the large crypt, where amongst the items on display are a mummified cat and a rat, which got themselves stuck in the church organ in the 19th C. Adult €7, conc €5.50. Kristusova cerkev katedrala (Q1067803) na Wikipodatih Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin na Wikipediji
  • 22 Dublinia & the Viking World, St. Michael's Hill, Christchurch, Dublin 2, 353 1 679-4611, . Mar-Sep 10:00-17:00, Oct-Feb 10:00-16:15. The exhibitions explore life in the Viking settlement and medieval city. Discounted admission to the Christ Church Cathedral available. €6.25, children €3.75, student €5.25.
  • St Audoen's Church on Cornmarket near Christ Church is a 19th C neo-classical church built over 12th C remains. It's now the RC Polish Chaplaincy for Ireland.
  • St Michan's Church on Church St north of Arran Quay was built in 1686 on Viking foundations. It has fine interior woodwork and an organ used by Handel. However the main draw was the mummified remains in the vaults: a 400-year old nun, a crusader, and the ancient Earls of Leitrim. In Feb 2019 these remains were vandalised so the vaults are zaprto for the forseeable future.
  • 23 National Museum of Ireland - Decorative Arts & History, Collins Barracks, Benburb St, Dublin 7 (north of river; Luas Red line tram to "Museum"), 353 1 677-7444, faks: 353 1 677-7450, . Tu-Sa 10:00-17:00, Su M 13:00-17:00. The building itself is remarkable, a great Georgian former barracks around a parade square. Displays decorative arts and artefacts over 400 years, from rustic houses through Georgian elegance to "Proclaiming a Republic", the events of Easter 1916 when the interior decor of the Post Office took a turn for the worse. prost. Irski narodni muzej - dekorativne umetnosti in zgodovina (Q6974474) na Wikidata Irski narodni muzej - dekorativne umetnosti in zgodovina na Wikipediji
  • 24 Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA), Royal Hospital, Military Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8, 353 1 612-9900, faks: 353 1 612-9999, . Tu-F 11:30-17:30, Sa 10:00-17:30, Su 12:00-17:30, M closed. Modern & contemporary art, formal gardens & café. Free entrance. Irski muzej moderne umetnosti (Q1538285) na Wikipodatih Irski muzej moderne umetnosti na Wikipediji
Kilmainham Gaol
  • 25 Kilmainham Gaol, Inchicore Rd, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 (3.5 km west of centre, Bus 16 or 79 from Aston Quay or 13 or 40 from O'Connell St), 353 1 453 5984. Apr-Sep daily 09:30-18:00, Oct-Mar daily 09:30-17:30. This prison was in use 1796-1924; thousands have passed through, including many convicts transported to Australia. It's best known as the place where the rebels from the 1916 Easter Rising were executed. (Several now lie in Arbour Hill Cemetery just north of the Decorative Arts Museum.) Access only by guided tours, every 30 mins, pre-booking essential. Adult €8, senior €4, child & student €4. Kilmainham Gaol (Q1049842) na Wikidata Kilmainham Gaol na Wikipediji
  • Irish National War Memorial park and gardens are dedicated to the 49,500 Irish soldiers who died in the Great War. They're on the riverside just north of Kilmainham Gaol.
  • 26 Dublin Zoo, Wellington/Zoo Rd, Dublin 8, 353 1 474-8900, . Winter: M-Sa 09:30-16:00, summer: M-Sa 09:30-18:30. Located in Phoenix Park and dating to 1830, the Dublin Zoo is the largest in Ireland, and notable for its role in wildlife conservation efforts. €15, students €12.50, senior citizens €12, children €10.50, family from €43.50 for 4 to €52 for 6. Dublin Zoo (Q220027) na Wikipodatih Dublin Zoo na Wikipediji
  • 27 Phoenix Park (1 km from from Heuston station or buses 25/26/66/67 to Parkgate St), 353 1 677-0095, faks: 353 1 672-6454, . The largest enclosed urban park in Europe, 2.5 km by 2 km. Includes Dublin Zoo, the residences of the President of Ireland and of the US Ambassador, the Cross commemorating the Pope's visit in 1979, a monument to the 1882 assassinations here, several sports fields, and a herd of fallow deer. Just beyond is Farmleigh mansion. But no phoenix, the name derives from Irish fionn uisce - "clear water". prost. Phoenix Park (Q377937) na Wikipodatih Phoenix Park na Wikipediji
  • The President's Residence (Áras an Uachtaráin) can be visited by free guided tour on Saturdays hourly 10:30-15:30. Pick up a ticket from the Phoenix Park visitor centre, no booking.
  • Grangegorman Military Cemetery is a leafy, reflective space on the northeast flank of Phoenix Park, opposite the fish ponds.
  • Farmleigh is an Edwardian mansion off White's Road at the west end of Phoenix Park. It's used to accommodate visiting VIPs but at other times can be seen by guided tour, daily 10:00-16:30, adult €8.
Strawberry Hall, Strawberry Beds
  • 28 Strawberry Beds (6 km from O’Connell Street or bus 67 from O’Connell Bridge to Chapelizod village and walk 3 km (map rec'd)). The picturesque Strawberry Beds area lies on the Lucan Road beyond Chapelizod village. Overlooking the river Liffey this picturesque, rural locale is popular with hikers and cyclists. The three small pubs in the area (the Anglers’ Rest, the Strawberry Hall and the Wren’s Nest) are sometimes the venue for traditional Irish music.

South suburbs

  • Donnybrook in Ballsbridge: take 46a bus to Donnybrook and the 4 or 7 buses to Ballsbridge. Ballsbridge is Dublin's embassy district and is home to some of Ireland's most expensive roads including 'Shrewsbury Road', which is famous for being the 6th most expensive residential thoroughfare in the world and 'Ailesbury Road' which is equally as salubrious and home to a bulk of the capital's embassies including Spain and Poland. Ballsbridge is also home to The Royal Dublin Society (RDS) which promotes and develops agriculture, arts, industry and science in Ireland. It hosts many concerts and also showcases the annual Show Jumping Competition, a major entertainment event. You can approach Ballsbridge via 'Herbert Park', a pleasant public green park and fashionable road, opposite Donnybrook Village and vice-versa.
  • Ranelagh in Dartry are also worth visiting- Ranelagh is small but affluent, accessible by the Luas Green line and has several critically acclaimed eateries.
  • Sandymount, a coastal suburb 3 km south-east of the centre, is another quite affluent area with a tiny park and some restaurants. It is the birthplace of W.B. Yeats. The suburb and its strand appear prominently in James Joyce's Uliks. There is a wonderful walk from Sandymount across the north end of its beach to the South Bull Wall which reaches a finger well out into the Bay.
  • 3 University College Dublin (UCD) is now a "city-within-a-city" on Belfield Campus.
  • Rathfarnham Castle is originally Elizabethan but prettified in the 18th C. Open May-Sept daily, Oct-Apr W-Su.
  • The Pearse Museum is in St Enda's Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16. Patrick Pearse lived here 1910-16.

North suburbs

  • 29 Glasnevin Cemetery, Finglas Rd, Dublin 11 (Buses 9, 13 or 40 from O'Connell St or 40a/40d from Parnell Street. Adjacent to the Botanic Gardens), 353 1 830-1133. Tours at 14:30: Mar-Sep Daily, Oct-Feb W & F. It's two miles from the city centre. Glasnevin Cemetery runs a series of walking tours. These tours give a valuable insight into the final resting place of the men and women who have helped shape Ireland's past and present. The walking tour last one and a half hours and visits the graves of Daniel O'Connell, Charles Stewart Parnell, Michael Collins, Eamonn De Valera and many other graves of architectural and cultural interest. €5, U12 go free. Pokopališče Glasnevin (Q1263215) na Wikipodatih Pokopališče Glasnevin na Wikipediji
  • 30 National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, 353 1 804-0300, faks: 353 1 836-0080, . Mar-Oct M-F 09:00-17:00, Sa Su 10:00-18:00; Nov-Feb M-F 09:00-16:30, Sa Su 10:00-16:30. Extensive gardens favouring alkaline-loving species. The great Palm House (where Wittgenstein often came to warm his lugubrious backside) was rebuilt in 2004, though the original Aquatic, Fern & Cactus houses are still under restoration. A gateway leads into Glasnevin Cemetery adjacent. The gardens also manage the arboretum at Kilmacurragh in County Wicklow. prost. Nacionalni botanični vrt (Q841037) na Wikidata Nacionalni botanični vrtovi (Irska) na Wikipediji
  • Drumcondra is a relatively expansive and bustling Victorian suburb, boasting several good parks as well as Griffith Avenue, said to be Europe's longest tree-lined residential avenue. To the east of Drumcondra is Croke Park, the centrepoint of Gaelic sports; the canal-side route to Croke Park should be approached with some caution especially at night. To the west of Drumcondra is Glasnevin which can occupy a visitor nicely with the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin Cemetery (containing many historically significant tombs) and good restaurants can be found in the Botanic Gardens and on The Rise, off Griffith Avenue.
  • Clontarf (accessible by DART/commuter rail) is a great seaside location to spend an afternoon.
  • 31 Bull Island Nature Reserve. A large recreation area. Bull Island has a 5 km beach, Dollymount Strand (Dublin's best beach), and is an important habitat for birds. Also nearby the island is St Anne's Park, a former Guinness family home estate, which has ponds, follies, walks and a world-famous Rose Garden, as well as a coffee shop and artists' studios. The ideal way to visit them is by bicycle. Go via Amien's St, North Strand, Fairview and then follow the coastline. There is an excellent bike path almost all the way. It can also be accessed by walking from Clontarf Road DART station or bus route 130 from the city centre. Otok Bull (Q3778009) na Wikipodatih Otok Bull na Wikipediji


So Padraig comes for a job in construction, and the hiring boss says "So can you tell me, what's the difference between a joist and a girder?"
"Sure, everyone knows that. Joist wrote Ulysses and Girder wrote Faust."


  • 1 Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. M and F 10:30 and 14:30. Leinster House is home of the Houses of the Oireachtas, the parliament of Ireland, and can be visited by free tours. Tours include visits to the Dáil and Seanad Chambers. You need to be there at least 15 min before with an ID/passport/drivers license and sign up at the entrance in Kildare Street Gate. Maks. 30 people per tour. Tours last approx. 30 min. prost. Leinster House (Q247595) na Wikipodatih Leinsterjeva hiša na Wikipediji
  • 2 Guinness Storehouse, St James's Gate, Dublin 8 (Buses 40/123, closest Luas Red line stop at James's), 353 1 408-4800. Daily 09:30-17:00 (open until 19:00 in Jul & Aug). Closed Good Friday and Dec 24-26. Retells the story of Dublin's most famous drink. The exhibition is interesting and is self-guided. Price of entry includes a pint at the seventh floor Gravity Bar, which has great views over Dublin and forms the head of the giant pint of Guinness formed by the atrium. Outside, tourists will encounter horse drawn carriages for hire. Beware as they charge €30 for the short walkable 2km (1 mi) ride back to the city centre. Adults €15 (10% discount for booking online), students and seniors €11, children 6-12 €5. Guinnessova shramba (Q261012) na Wikipodatih Guinnessova shramba na Wikipediji
  • 3 Teeling Distillery, 13-17 Newmarket, Dublin 8 (5min per bus from Trinity College). Daily 10:00-18:00. Last tour at 17:40. New distillery since 2015 in Dublin. Good guided tour with different tastings in the end. Teeling tasting €15, Teeling Trinity tasting €20, Teeling single malt tasting €30. Don‘t take the first choice! You don‘t want to drink a cocktail in a distillery. Teeling Distillery (Q28408323) na Wikidata Teeling Distillery na Wikipediji
  • 4 Old Jameson Distillery, Bow Street Distillery, Smithfield, Dublin 7, 353 1 807-2355. Daily 09:30-18:00. Last tour at 17:30. Closed Good Friday and Christmas holidays. This ex-distillery hasn't produced whiskey in a while, and if you are expecting to see whiskey making, you will not find it here. However, there is a tour and recreation of the process, and whiskey tasting afterwards. Adult €12.50, students and seniors €10, families €25.
  • 5 The Lazy Bike Tour Company, 4 Scarlet Row, Essex Street West, Temple Bar, Dublin 8, 35314433671, . Daily 09:30-17:50. The Lazy Bike Tour Company offers tours of Dublin by electric bike. They use state of the art, retro, funky orange bikes to get you around the city. The tour takes in some the major sights in the city as well as taking you off the beaten track to show you a very real side of Dublin. Tours last around 2 hours and are guided by local guides full of information. €25.
  • Walking Tours. Dublin city is famous for its characters. A great way to experience and live the city is by learning about it from people who are characters themselves - Dublin Tour Guides. Tours can vary from 1-hour to 4-hour in length and include, as well as the standard sightseeing tour, tours on topics like the paranormal and ghosts, music and song, literature, historical, 1916 Rising, and even Irish mythology. There are various walking tour companies and freelance tour guides available in Dublin. Anyone interested in geeky history should try the Ingenious Dublin tours, that cover history of medicine, Irish inventions (yes, there are lots!), great Irish scientists (lots of those too). They have walking tours and self-guided MP3 tours.
  • Dublin Literary Pub Crawl, 'The Duke Pub', 9 Duke St, Dublin 2 (Just off Grafton St). 2. This is the most ingenious crash course in Irish literature, history, architecture and pub bonhomie yet devised... It combines street theatre with the 'craic' that makes Dublin pubs the liveliest in Europe. It is a highly enjoyable evening that gives you the pleasant notion of replacing brain cells as you drown them. The tour is a kind of rough guide to the cultural, religious and political life of the city. Performances by professional actors are central to the experience, not forgetting a fun-filled quiz with prizes for the winners. Can be a bit formal at times but this one's been going a long time and is well worth the experience for such an unusual tour. There's just enough time to stop in each pub for a pint as well. €10-12.

Performing Arts and Concerts

  • 6 Abbey Theatre (National Theatre of Ireland), 26/27 Lower Abbey St, Dublin 1, 353 1 878-7222. Ireland's national theatre. This is a particularly good venue for presentations of Irish plays. The Abbey also shows classic and contemporary theatre from around the world. Abbey Theatre (Q306434) na Wikipodatih Abbey Theatre na Wikipediji
  • 7 Gledališče Gaiety, South King St, Dublin 2, 353 1 677-1717. The oldest continually operating theatre in Dublin hosts popular musical shows, opera, ballet, dance and drama. Admission prices vary. Gledališče Gaiety, Dublin (Q585698) na Wikidata Gledališče Gaiety, Dublin na Wikipediji
  • 8 Gate Theatre, Cavendish Row, Parnell Square, Dublin 1, 353 1 874 4045, 353 1 874 6042. Has a focus on European and American theatre ranging from classics to modern plays. It was established as a theatre company in 1928. Gledališče Gate (Q728893) na Wikidata Gledališče Gate na Wikipediji
  • 9 Narodna koncertna dvorana, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, 353 1 417 0000. Offers classical concerts. Frequent performances by the resident orchestra, the RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra.
Bord Gáis Energy Theatre (Grand Canal Theatre)
  • 10 Bord Gáis Energy Theatre (Grand Canal Theatre), Grand Canal Square, 353 1 677 7999. The theatre offers a wide range of shows featuring ballets, musicals, family shows, drama, concerts, comedy and opera. The modern building was designed by Daniel Libeskind and completed in 2010. Energetsko gledališče Bord Gáis (Q4944429) na Wikipodatih Energetsko gledališče Bord Gáis na Wikipediji
  • International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival. An annual event held in May, celebrating the contribution of gay people to theatre, past and present. The Festival was founded in 2004 to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Oscar Wilde, in his native city. With an emphasis on new or recent International and Irish works with a broadly gay theme or relevance, the Festival has grown to become the largest event of its type in the world. Dublinski gledališki festival (Q2668481) na Wikidata Dublinski gledališki festival na Wikipediji


Bloody Sunday

Sun 21 Nov 1920 saw shocking killings in Dublin. Ireland was nominally still part of the UK, but had declared independence, and civil war broke out. That Sunday morning, the IRA killed 16 British intelligence officers in Dublin. In the afternoon, Dublin had a Gaelic football match against Tipperary at Croke Park. Police, army and "Black and Tan" paramilitaries arrived mob-handed, officially to search the spectators for suspects. They began firing indiscriminately into the crowd: 12 were fatally shot (including a Tipperary player) and two more were crushed in the stampede to flee. It was a huge blow to the legitimacy of British rule. Glej Thurles for more on the link between Gaelic football and Irish identity.

  • 11 Traditional games at Croke Park Stadium, Jones Rd, Dublin 3. Catch a hurling ali Galski nogomet game at this 82,300 capacity, state-of-the-art stadium. These sports are uniquely Irish. Hurling is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the fastest field sport, with the ball (called a sliotar) reaching speeds above 130 km/h. Gaelic football can best be described as a combination of soccer and rugby. To keep the sports "pure," it maintains an amateur status, with each parish in Ireland having a team — the inter-county games are generally extremely well-supported, so you may have difficulty getting tickets for the bigger matches. Tours of the GAA museum and the stadium are also available, including a chance to try your hand at the sports themselves. You can also walk across the roof of one of the biggest stadiums in Europe, which provides great views of the city's skyline. Croke Park (Q478225) na Wikipodatih Croke Park na Wikipediji
  • 12 Tallaght Stadium, Whitestown Way, Tallaght (south of the city centre; easily accessible by public transport: just a few minutes walk from the Red Luas line terminal at The Square Shopping Centre and numerous bus stops). Watch a Shamrock Rovers F.C. soccer match during the FAI League of Ireland Football (zveza nogomet) season from March to November. Home matches take place on Friday nights at 19:45. Tickets cost: €15 (Adult), €7 (U-16′s/OAPs).
  • Watch rugby union ob 13 RDS Arena, Anglesea Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 (3 miles south of centre; Bus 4, 7, 18). This is the home ground of Leinster Rugby, who play in the Pro14 professional European league. They often win it, most recently in 2019. The stadium has a capacity of 18,500 and big games sometimes transfer to the larger Aviva stadium.
  • 14 Stadion Aviva on Lansdowne Rd, Dublin 4 is Ireland's national stadium, capacity 51,700. International rugby, soccer and other big events are hosted here. It's a mile or so southeast of the centre, take DART train to Lansdowne Rd or buses towards Sandymount or Ballsbridge.
  • 15 Leopardstown Racecourse, Leopardstown, Dublin 18 (from Dublin city centre, follow the N11 south, turn right into the R113 (Leopardstown Road), the racecourse will be on your left), 353 1 289-0500, faks: 353 1 289-2634, . Located in the southern suburb of Leopardstown/Foxrock, there are regular meetings throughout the year. There is a "Pay as you Play" golf course within the racecourse grounds, as well as bars, restaurants and a nightclub (Club 92). €12.55, with reductions for students and OAPs. Dirkališče Leopardstown (Q6526888) na Wikidata Dirkališče Leopardstown na Wikipediji


  • 16 Irish Film Institute, 6 Eustace Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. Watch independent Irish and international movies.
  • 17 Conradh na Gaeilge (Gaelic League), 6 Harcourt St, Dublin 2. An Irish language centre where you can hear Irish being spoken as a first language and also enjoy a beverage with friends.


Dublin is not cheap for general shopping, although visitors from outside the European Union can obtain a refund of VAT (sales tax: 23%) on many of their purchases. Just look for the refund sign and ask in the shop for details. Keep in mind that most stores will issue VAT refund vouchers only on the same day of purchase. More on VAT refund can be found on Irish eGovernment website.

South side

Grafton Street, Dublin, Ireland

The Južna stran of the river (Dublin 2) includes Dublin's most famous shopping street, the pedestrianised Grafton Street, which runs between St. Stephen's Green in Trinity College. It has, along with its surroundings, been classified as an Architectural Conservation Zone. This will involve a re-establishment of the area's rich historic charm and urban character. Alongside the historic Trinity College you will find Nassau Street where there are many shops selling tourist-related items such as Waterford Crystal, Belleek Pottery, Aran sweaters, and other Irish craft items. Dawson Street, parallel to Grafton Street, is home to the official residence of the lord mayor (the Mansion House) as well as several upmarket clothes shops, restaurants and well stocked large bookshops.

  • 1 Brown Thomas, 88-95 Grafton Street, Dublin 2. Dublin's most famous and expensive department store is on Grafton Street along with a wide range of clothing, jewelry, and photography shops, etc.
  • 2 Powerscourt Centre, 59 South William Street (just off Grafton Street). One of Dublin's most attractive shopping centres, set in a beautifully restored 18th-century townhouse. Here, you will find clothes, cafes, galleries and Irish designer jewelers. You must check out The Loft Market - it is a haven for Dublin Fashion. Prihaja veliko novih modnih oblikovalcev in prodajalcev starinskih oblačil, kot so Pletenine Lisa Shawgi in MO MUSE, ki kupujejo. Pazite se predragih trgovcev s starinami, med katerimi bodo nekateri znižali ceno za 50% le po najnižjem predlogu, ki ste ga pripravljeni barantaj (in še vedno morda ni ugodno). Za darila je v središču trgovine Bonsai Shop podjetje z gravuro.
  • 3 George's Street Arcade (znan tudi kot: Market Arcade), Dublin 2 (Zapustimo Powerscourt po okrašenih stopnicah do Južna William Street, se boste znašli pred majhno ulico z imenom Grajska tržnica, ki vodi do arkade). Pokrita nakupovalna arkada iz rdeče opeke. To območje je vredno obiskati zaradi vintage oblačil, tkanin, nenavadnih dodatkov, vinilnih oblačil in oblačil v klubih. V njem je tudi nekaj majhnih kavarn.
  • 4 Hodges Figgis, 56-58 Dawson Street, Dublin 2. Dobro založena velika knjigarna (zdaj v lasti Waterstones).
  • 5 Hiša Irske, Nassau Street 37/38, Dublin 2. Prodaja zgoraj omenjene predmete, povezane s turisti.
  • 6 Kilkenny Design, 6 Nassau Street. Prodaja tudi zgoraj omenjene predmete, povezane s turisti.
  • 7 Fresh - trg dobre hrane, Trg Grand Canal. Manjši irski supermarket s tremi lokacijami. Eno redkih krajev, kjer lahko najdete Guinnessov tuji ekstra močan. Ponuja tudi piva iz drugih irskih pivovarn.
  • Najboljša koncentracija trgovin s čevlji je na ulici Grafton Street in sosednji ulici Wicklow.

The Območje Temple Bar ponuja nekaj alternativ nakupovanju v večjih verigah. Majhni oblačilni butiki, med katerimi je edina menjalnica v središču mesta, se pojavljajo po vsem območju (Temple Lane, Crow Street in Fownes Street) s poudarkom na vintage in unikatnih originalnih neodvisnih kosih oblikovalcev. Če ob vikendih ne morete priti na nobenega od trgov, lahko najboljše med tednom najdete tukaj.

Obiščite Temple Bar Square in Temple Bar Square ter Square Meetinghouse v soboto zjutraj ali popoldne za tržnice (Dublin 2), ki prodajajo vse vrste živil, od tradicionalnih jedi do slastnih pekov. Na obeh trgih je tudi nekaj zelo dobrih restavracij. Meetinghouse Square, ki leži le približno 50 metrov zahodno od trga Temple Bar, prodaja veliko bolj fino hrano in bolj eksotično hrano kot Meetinghouse Square.

  • Casa Rebelde, Crow Street, Dublin 2 (v osrčju Temple Bar). Edinstvena nogometna navijaška trgovina, ki ponuja zaloge oblačil z vsega sveta za modno zavestnega ljubitelja nogometa.
  • Trg mode in oblikovanja Cow's Lane, Dublin 8. Največji oblikovalski trg v Dublinu ponuja ročno izdelane enkratne originalne modele. Tržnica je odprta vsako soboto od 10: 00-17: 30. Najdemo ga na prostem na Cow's Lane in v zaprtih prostorih starega Dublin's Viking Adventure, zato tega trga ne gre zamuditi.

Severna stran

Na območju je tudi obsežno nakupovalno območje severna stran reke, v Dublinu 1, s središčem na O'Connell Street in Henry Street (Najprometnejša nakupovalna ulica na Irskem). Tik ob Henry Streetu je Moore Street, ki ima tržnico sadja, zelenjave in rib. Vredno se je sprehoditi, če hočete dobiti delček življenja z manj odmevne strani Dublina. Za bolj tradicionalno izkušnjo nakupovanja v Dublinu pojdite na območje Liberties okoli ulice Thomas in si oglejte stojnice na ulici Meath in trg svobode (izven ulice Meath) ob četrtkih, petkih in sobotah. Tudi, če želite najti varčne trgovine z nicknack, potem Talbot Street je dober začetek - kot vsako mesto, če ste dovolj trdi in se pri nakupovanju ne ujamete v bleščice in glam, lahko najdete odlične ugodne ponudbe.

  • 8 Arnott's, 12 Henry St.. Velika veleblagovnica z dolgo zgodovino.
  • 9 Nakupovalni center Jervis, Jervis St.. Velik nakupovalni center.
  • 10 Ilac Center, Henry St. Še en velik nakupovalni center. V njem je tudi Dublin's Osrednja javna knjižnica.
  • 11 Knjigarna Poglavja, Ivy Exchange, Parnell Street, Dublin 1 (severna vzporedna ulica do ulice Henry). Ima velik izbor knjig po na splošno nižjih cenah kot druge prodajalne na visoki ulici, pa tudi velik oddelek iz druge roke. Posebej je odlična za umetniške knjige v slogu "klubska miza".

Še dlje

Za tiste, za katere preprosto ne bi bilo počitnic, ne da bi se družili v nakupovalnem središču, obstajajo različni nakupovalni centri v okolici Dublina.

  • Blanchardstown Center, Dublin 15 (39 in 70 avtobusnih linij).
  • Liffey Valley, Dublin 22. (avtobusne proge 25, 25A, 66, 66A, 67A, 78, 78A, 210 in 239).
  • Square Tallaght, Dublin 24 (zadnja postaja na rdečem Luasu).
  • 12 Mestno središče Dundruma, Dublin 14 (Služi Luasova zelena črta), . Največje nakupovalno središče v Evropi s 4 nadstropji in vrsto impresivnih trgovin, kot so Marks in Spencer, Harvey Nichols in druge.
  • 13 Harvey Nichols, Sandyford Road, Dublin 16 (V bližini zelene črte Luas). M-Tu 10: 00-19: 00, Z-Ž 10: 00-21: 00, Sa 10: 00-19: 00, Ned 11: 00-19: 00. Prefinjena britanska veriga veleblagovnic, v kateri so nekatera najbolj ekskluzivna imena modnih oblikovalcev, dodatkov, lepote in hrane na svetu, nahaja se v mestnem središču Dundrum v okrožju Pembroke.
  • Obstaja dokaj obsežno brezcarinsko nakupovanje ob Loop brezcarinsko, Letališče Dublin, po cenah, ki so včasih cenejše od ostalih delov mesta.
Notranjost katedrale sv. Marije


53 ° 20′42 ″ S 6 ° 15′54 ″ Z
V Dublinu ne boste lačni

Dublin ima široko paleto kakovostnih restavracij, ki so po večini po evropskih standardih predrage. Cene glavnih jedi se gibljejo od približno 10 EUR na spodnjem koncu do približno 40 EUR na zgornjem koncu. Vino v restavracijah je na splošno od že tako drage maloprodajne cene faktor, ki znaša vsaj dva- do trikratno maloprodajno ceno, ne bi bilo redko.

Obstaja veliko odličnih vrednosti Indijski restavracije okoli območja South William Street, vzporedno z Grafton Street. Pogosto imajo kosila po ugodnih cenah in ponudbe „zgodnjih ptic“, ki ponujajo tri obroke za približno 10 EUR. Kakovost je visoka, vendar ni enaka UK.

Podobna večkulturna vroča točka je ulica Parnell v Dublinu 1 (O'Connell Street-Gardiner Street), ki ima gosto koncentracijo Kitajski in Azijski restavracije, ki jih pogosto obiskujejo skupnosti nekdanjih pat.

V Dublinu se je povečalo število mehiških, indijskih in ergonomsko zasnovanih restavracij kot restavracij, kar odraža demografske podatke o hipsterjih. Številne indijske in mehiške restavracije so majhna podjetja.


  • 1 Bewleyjeva kavarna, 78 Grafton St D02 K033, 353 1 564 0900. M-Ž 12: 00-17: 30, sobota 11: 00-17: 30. Velika elegantna kavarna, dublinska ustanova. Imel je nekaj znanih rednih strank, od Joycea do Geldofa, vendar se bodo počutili enako pomembne.
  • 2 BóBós, 22 Wexford St D02 YW98, 353 1 400 5750. Vsak dan 12: 00-00: 00. Veriga restavracij s hamburgerji ( je irski za krave), imajo še tri mesta.
  • 3 Butlers Chocolate Café, 24 Wicklow Street D02 R981, 353 1 671 0591. M-Ž 08: 00-18: 00, Sa 09: 00-18: 00, Ned 10: 00-18: 00. Veriga kavarn s čokoladno tematiko, Wicklow Street je prvotno prodajno mesto. V središču mesta so še trije, na letališču pa letališče T1 in T2. Pošiljajo tudi naročila.
  • Govinda, 83 Srednja opatija St D01 EV91, 353 1 872 7463. M-Sa 12: 00-20: 00, Ned 12: 00-19: 00. Vegetarijanska restavracija, ki jo vodi Hare Krishna. Polnite porcije, naročite njihovo Special samo, če ste res lačni. Njihova prvotna prodajalna na ulici Aungier St se je zaprla.
  • 4 Iskren do dobrote, 12 Dame Court D02 YP65, 353 1 633 7727. M-Ž 08: 00-17: 00, sobota od 9: 00-17: 00, ned 10: 00-16: 00. Cafe Bakery ponuja dobre zajtrke in kosila.
  • 5 Lemon Crèpe & Coffee Company, 66 South William St D02 FT51, 353 1 672 9044. M-Ž 08: 00-17: 00, sobota 9: 00-17: 00. Krepe z dobro vrednostjo, delajo tudi vaflje in sendviče.
  • 6 Leo repinca, 2 Werburgh St D08 HC82, 353 1 454 0306. Vsak dan 12: 00-00: 00. Veriga trgovin z ribami in čipsom, to je trgovina v Christchurchu. Samo za ponev, spustite se na klop pred katedralo in se posmehujte. Velike porcije.
  • 7 Madina Street Food, 60 Mary St D01 CD40, 353 1 872 6007. Vsak dan 17: 00-21: 00. Indijska in pakistanska hrana, halal kuhinja, brez alkohola. Do leta 2020 so si prislužili dobre ocene, od takrat pa vrsto slabih.
  • 8 Pablo Picante, 131 Spodnja vreča St D02 Y237, 353 1 662 9773, . M-Ž 12: 00-20: 00. Majhna prijazna mehiška restavracija, jesti ali odnašati na bližnji St Stephen's Green. Trgovine imajo tudi na trgu Clarendon Market, Ashton Quay in Dawson St.
  • 9 Zaytoon, 44 Spodnja Camden St (nasproti Pub Bleeding Horse), 353 1 400 5006. Vsak dan 12: 00-04: 00. Običajna perzijska restavracija s kebabi itd. Imajo tudi kavarno s hitro hrano v baru Temple Bar (vogal parlamenta St. St in Essex St).

Srednji razred

  • 10 Kavarna Bad Ass, 9-11 Crown Alley D02 ED77, 353 1 675 3005. M-Th 12: 00-23: 30, F 12: 00-01: 30, Sa Su 09: 00-01: 30. Sodoben pub in zabaviščno prizorišče ameriške hrane, tradicionalno irsko pivo in glasba v živo.
  • 11 Brasserie & Bar Balfes, Balfe Street, 353 1 646 3353, . Od ponedeljka do petka: 8: 00-pozno, od sobote do ned: 10: 00-pozno. Zunanja terasa z 20 sedeži, bar s pocinkano posodo in odprta kuhinja, kjer strežejo zrezek, kozice in cele ribe, pečene na žaru na oglje, sveže ostrige, ceviče, Gravlax in rak Castletownbere, sušeni z morskimi algami, pa ponujajo morske sadeže. Celodnevni jedilni meni ponuja zdrave zajtrke, lagodna kosila in večerje z najboljšimi irskimi morskimi sadeži in kakovostnim mesom. Sveži lokalni pridelki so namenjeni ustvarjanju solat Balfes, vikend malic, sokov in koktajlov.
  • 12 Bar Italia (del Dunne & Crescenzi), Ormond Quay, Dublin 1. Prava italijanska kava z večinoma italijanskim osebjem. Odličen panini in antipasto. Dobro mesto z odličnim vzdušjem. Kosilo 15 €, kosilo 23-25 ​​€, večerja 15-26 €.
  • 13 Rog izobilja, 19-20 Wicklow St D02 FK27, 353 1 677 7583, . M-Ž 09: 30-20: 00, sobota 10: 30-20: 00. Pametna moderna restavracija za vegetarijanske, veganske in druge možnosti polnovredne hrane.
  • 14 Dunne & Crescenzi, 16 South Frederick St D02 RK68, 353 1 677 3815. Vsak dan 10: 30-23: 00. Pametna tratorija, upravičeno priljubljena, zato pridite tja zgodaj.
  • 15 Slon in grad, 18 Temple Bar D02 HY86, 353 1 533 7563. Vsak dan 12: 00-22: 00. Znani in priljubljeni po piščančjih krilcih, bi lahko zelo dolgo čakali na sobotno kosilo za mizo. Zdaj je nacionalna veriga, vendar je to prvotna trgovina. Omrežje 15-25 €.
  • FX Buckley Steakhouse, 2 Crow St D08 N228, 353 1 671 1248. Tu-Ž 16: 00-22: 30, So Ned 12: 30-21: 00. Kakovostni zrezki v prijazni in udobni restavraciji. Plus drugo meso in morski sadeži, za zelenjavo pa ne veliko.
  • 16 Gallagherjeva boxty hiša, 20 Temple Bar, Dublin 2. Dobra tradicionalna irska vozovnica in ne predraga (omrežje 10-15 €). (Boxty je tradicionalna irska krompirjeva palačinka, napolnjena in zvita - poskusite!). Poskusite tudi irsko enolončnico in juho. Majhen, prijazen, tradicionalni irski dekor.
  • Peploe's, 16 St Stephen's Green D02 KF34, 353 1 676 3144. Tu-Sa 12: 00-23: 00, Ned 12: 00-21: 00. Odličen kletni vinski bar in bistro.
  • 17 Salamanca, St Andrews St D02 R856, 353 1 677 4799. M-čet 16: 00-21: 30, petek 12: 00-23: 00, ned 13: 00-21: 00. Ugodni, okusni in obsežni tapasi, bolj podobni racionesom, po ceni približno 6-8 EUR.
  • 18 T.P. Smiths, 9-10 Jervis Street, Dublin 1. Zelo dobra hrana v pubu, prav tako priročna za ustavitev, če kupujete po območju Henry Street. Hrana postrežena do 21:00. Omrežje 11-15 €.


  • 19 Restavracija Bang, 11 Vrstica Merrion D02 KW61, 353 1 400 4229. Z-Ž 12: 30-14: 30, 17: 00-22: 00, Sa 17: 00-23: 00. Odličen svetovljanski meni. Ni poceni, hrana in predstavitev pa sta odlična.
  • 20 Brasserie Sixty6, 66-67 South Great Georges Street D02 YD61, 353 1 400 5878, . M-Ž 12: 00-22: 00, sobota 10: 00-22: 00. Velika, elegantna sodobna evropska restavracija ima dobre ocene za hrano, postrežbo in vzdušje. €20-40.
  • 21 Fire Steakhouse, Dvorec, Dawson Street D02 AF30, 353 1 676 7200. Ned-čet 17: 00-23: 00, F Sa 13: 00-23: 00. Restavracija s sproščeno jedilnico v nekdanji večerni sobi Gospodovega župana.
  • 22 L'Gueuleton, 1 Fade St, Dublin 2 (za Hoganovim barom). Kritiki hrane ga dosledno ocenjujejo kot eno izmed petih najboljših restavracij v Dublinu, vendar nima nobene politike rezervacij, zaradi nizkih cen pa je zelo priljubljena za kosilo in večerjo. Kosilo s tremi hodi z vinom je včeraj znašalo 40 EUR na glavo. Ne skrbite za politiko brez rezervacij - uvrstite svoje ime na seznam in popijte v Market Bar ali Hogan's.
  • 23 Zmaji, 15-17 Ballsbridge Terrace D04 H683, 353 1 660 7415. Z-Ned 17: 00-21: 30. Kitajci, pretežno kantonski, tudi v sečuanskem, pekinškem in tajskem slogu, dobijo odlične ocene.
  • 24 Restavracija Patrick Guilbaud, 21 Zgornja Merrion St D02 KF79, 353 1 676 4192. Tu-Sa 12: 20-14: 00, 19: 00-22: 00. Draga, a izjemna restavracija.
  • Restavracija Purple Sage je v Talbot Hotel Stillorgan, glej Sleep.
  • 25 Roly's Bistro, 7 Ballsbridge Terrace D04 DT78, 353 1 668 2611. Vsak dan od 9: 00-20: 00. Živahen bistro s ponudbo nastavljenih menijev. kosilo 28 €, večerja 35 €.
  • 26 Unicorn Food Company, 12b Merrion Row, Dublin 2. Delikatesna restavracija s sosednjo kavarno. Sendviči 4-5 € ali vrsta italijanskih užitkov - testenine, lazanje, pice, solate. Včasih dobre torte 2,50 € - 2,85 €. Delikatesa je priložena spoštovanim Samorog Italijanska restavracija po pasu ob deli (odprta za kosilo in večerjo). Večerja 25-32 €.


53 ° 20′42 ″ S 6 ° 15′54 ″ Z
Nekaj ​​izbranih dublinskih pubov

Noben obisk Dublina ne bi bil popoln brez obiska ene (ali desetih) številnih gostiln (zadnje štetje pravi, da jih je več kot 600).

Pitje je razmeroma drago: pol litra močnega stane približno 4,50 EUR in več, lager pa približno 4,90 EUR in več. Vendar je vlada v proračunu za december 2004 davčno olajšala mikrovarjeno pivo, kar je rahlo vplivalo na cene pivnic. V Dublinu obstajajo pubi, ki ponujajo cenejše pijače, če ste pripravljeni iti po uhojeni poti ali za predloge vprašati druge pokrovitelje. Zaradi povečanega turističnega pretoka je pivo na območju Temple Bar dražje, v tradicionalnejših lokalih pa bo cenejše.

Pubi strežejo pijače do 23.30 z dovoljenim časom pitja. Številni lokali imajo pozne licence, ki jim omogočajo, da strežejo do 02:30, čeprav to ponavadi pomeni kritje ali zvišanje cen po 23:30.

Kajenje je v irskih pubih (pa tudi na vseh zaprtih delovnih mestih) prepovedano od marca 2004. To je imelo pozitiven stranski učinek naraščanja na prostem objektov.

The Temple Bar o katerem ljudje pogosto govorijo, je območje, ki je bilo prej peščena palica in ne dejanska. (Kakorkoli, prvotno; v Temple Baru je pivnica "The Temple Bar".) V okrožju Temple Bar je mešanica hrane, pijače, nakupovanja in glasbe. Nagovarja vse starosti, vendar je vroča točka za turiste. Ozke, tlakovane kamnite ulice dajejo izvirni občutek v središču mesta. Njegova osrednja lokacija omogoča tudi enostavno sprehod od središča Dublina. Vendar pa pozni nočni zabavi ponavadi postanejo neprijeten kraj za temo. Prevzamejo ga lahko pijani dekliški in bujni kokošji zabavi, mnogi, ki poceni potujejo iz Združenega kraljestva, da bi izkoristili užitke Temple Bara.

Tradicionalni irski pubi

Pisani pubi v Temple Baru
  • 1 Peadar Kearney's, 64 Dame St, D02 RT72, 353 1 707 1890. M-čet 11: 00-23: 30, petek 11: 00-00: 30, ned 12: 00-23: 30. Imenovan po Peadarju Ó Cearnaíghu (1883-1942), ki je napisal Amhráin na bhFiann, Irska državna himna, in je bil stric vseh treh Behanov, avtorjev in plodnih pivcev. Pub je odličen kraj za pijače pred in po nastopih ob gledališču Olympia, z mlado množico in živo glasbo iz prihajajočih irskih zasedb. Tu so večinoma turisti, a lepo mesto za pogovor z drugimi obiskovalci.
  • 2 Kaldrma, 77 North King St, Dublin 7. Najbolj znan dublinski pub Trad, ki se nahaja na severnem koncu znamenitega trga Smithfield, ima ta pub skoraj vsako irsko skupino Trad. Tradicionalne seje so nočne; pričakujte dobro mešano množico.
  • 3 Frank Ryans, 5 Queen St D07 D227, 353 89 217 3073. M-Th 16: 00-23: 30, F Sa 16: 00-00: 30, Ned 12: 00-23: 00. Ta zabaven pub, ki je najljubši študentom, ohranja tradicionalne občutke z malo preobrata. Prijazno osebje bara in zelo mešana množica lokalnih študentov, pravnikov, trendov in domačinov naredi to živahno in zabavno mesto za nekaj pijač. Pričakujte tedenske trgovalne noči, vmešane z Rockabillyjem, državo in dušo na jukeboxu.
  • 4 O'Donoghuejeve, 15 Merrion Row, Dublin 2. Znan po improvizirani glasbi v živo. Kjer je nastala ljudska skupina The Dubliners.
  • 5 Barka, 42 Charlemont St, Dublin 2 (V bližini St. Stephen's Green). Odlična pivska hrana, odličen dekor; prijazen tradicionalni pub z zelo dobro hrano. Poskusite z ribami in čipsom, razen da namesto čipsa vzamete zagozde. Zunaj zlato rjava, znotraj hrustljava, nežna.
  • 6 Hartiganov, 100 Leeson St Spodnji D02 W023, 353 1676 2280. M-Th 11: 00-23: 30, F 11: 00-00: 30, Sa 13: 30-00: 30. Priljubljen študentski bar, ki je občasno hrustljav. Dobra možnost po mednarodnih tekmah ragbija.
  • 7 Drobna glava, 20 Bridge Street Lower, Dublin 8. Verjetno najstarejši pub v Dublinu, ne pa tudi najstarejši pub na Irskem. Star približno tisoč let. Čudovito v toplih, suhih poletnih nočeh v redkih primerih, ko se zgodijo. Tradicionalna glasba v živo in zelo prijazno vzdušje. Ena od palic je pokrita s podpisanimi valutami, običajno dolarji, od ljudi, ki so želeli pustiti svoj pečat na kraju. V središču stavbe je zaprt velik ogrevan oddelek na prostem, ki je kot nalašč za kadilce. Eno redkih krajev v Dublinu, kjer strežejo manj znano, a zelo okusno znamko piva Macardles.
  • 8 Trgovec O'Shea, 12. Bridge Street Lower, Dublin 8. Tradicionalna glasba in ples v živo.
  • 9 Fallonove, 129 The Coombe, Dublin 8 (v bližini katedrale sv. Patrika). Majhen in prijazen lokalni lokal.
  • Ovalna, 78 Srednja opatija St D01 RW24 (vogal z O'Connell St, s tramvajskim križiščem), 353 1 872 1264. M-Th 10: 30-23: 30, F Sa 10: 30-00: 30, Ned 12: 30-23: 00. Dobro za pijačo in hrano, je odlična irska enolončnica. Privablja mešano starostno skupino. Veliko slik starih irskih zvezdnikov s poklonom Tihemu človeku.
  • 10 Kavanagh's, 1 Prospect Square, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 (V bližini pokopališča Glasnevin. Približno 10–15 minut vožnje z avtobusom iz središča mesta, dobite številko 19 / 19A / 13 od ulice O'Connell St). Ta pub (popularno znan kot Grobarji zaradi neposredne bližine pokopališča) ostaja nedotaknjen že več kot 100 let, spremenjene so le pivske pipe in stranišča. Če iščete pravi tradicionalni irski pub, je to mesto, ki ga je res vredno obiskati.
  • Gostilna za samce, Bachelors Walk, Dublin 1 (ob mostu ob vznožju ulice O'Connell St). Dobri pinti Guinnessa in izbira šarže ali običajnega belega kruha na opečenem sendviču. Priljubljen pub GAA, ki se ujema z množico v Dublinu.
  • 11 Bowe's Lounge Bar, 31 Fleet St D02 DF77, 353 1 671 4038. Vsak dan 12: 00-00: 30. Viktorijanski pub z ogromno izbiro viskija.
  • 12 Mulligans, Poolbeg St, Dublin 2. Zaseden pub s čudovitim Guinnessom z veliko zgodovine, ki ga je med drugim obiskal tudi James Joyce.
  • 13 Nancy Hands, 30-32 Parkgate St D08 W6X3, 353 1 677 0149. Nedelja 12: 00-23: 30, Petek 12: 00-00: 30. Družini prijazna restavracija in bar v bližini parka Phoenix, Narodni muzej v vojašnici Collins in železniška postaja Heuston.
  • 14 Ryanova (del F.X. Buckley), 28 Parkgate St D08 CH93 (blizu postaje Heuston), 353 1 677 6097. M-Z 12: 00-15: 00, 17: 00-22: 00, Čet-Sa 12: 00-23: 00, Ned 12: 30-22: 00. Čudovit viktorijanski pub. Dober kraj za pint pred vlakom iz Dublina.
  • 15 Palace Bar, 21 Fleet St D02 H950, 353 1 671 7388. M-Th 10: 30-23: 30, F Sa 10: 30-00: 30, Ned 12: 30-23: 30. Trad bar z zanimivim dekorjem v kompletu z "udobno" (majhno zasebno kabino). Glasba v živo zgoraj v sredo in soboto.
  • 16 Dolga dvorana, 31 Georges St Great South, Dublin 2. Vsak dan 12: 00-23: 30. Atmosferski bar z viktorijanskim dekorjem, lepo okno za sedenje in gledanje ljudi. Eden zadnjih lokalov "dolge dvorane" na Irskem.
  • 17 Kehoe's, 9 Anne St South D02 NY88, 353 1 677 8312. Vsak dan 13: 00-23: 00. Odlično mesto za pint ali obrok po napornih dneh ogledov ali nakupov. Spodaj nekaj priliznjencev.
  • 18 Kennedyjeva, 30/32 Westland Row, Dublin 2. V tradicionalnem slogu, ki se nahaja na zadnji strani kolidža Trinity, strežejo kakovostno hrano in pijačo z obilico prijaznega vzdušja. Tudi dom Podzemlje eno najnovejših in najbolj intimnih prizorišč v Dublinu.
  • O'Neillova, Suffolk St, Dublin 2 (obrnjen proti kipu Molly Malone). Odlično vzdušje v viktorijanskem slogu. Imajo tudi odlično gostilno. Carvery je služil večino dni od 12.00 do 16.00 in do poznih vikendov. Ima tudi dober solatni in sendvič bar. Cena približno 10 € za rezbarijo.
  • 19 Jelenova glava, 1 Dame Court D02 TW84 (off Veliki Georges St), 353 1 679 3687. Vsak dan 13: 00-23: 00. Trad viktorijanski pub, brez televizije, samo odlične jedi in pogovori.
  • 20 Dawson Lounge, 25 Dawson St, Dublin 2. Najmanjši pub v Dublinu (ali na Irskem). Moraš iti pogledat, kaj je mišljeno. Dvajset ljudi in polno je.
  • 21 McDaids, Harryjeva ulica 3 (tik ob ulici Grafton, tik ob hotelu Westbury). Oscar Wilde je bil redno mesto za razmišljanje o življenju.
  • 22 Groganov (Grajski salon), 15 William St South D02 H336, 353 1 677 9320. M-Th 10: 30-23: 30, F Sa 10: 30-00: 30, Ned 12: 30-23: 00. Čudovit trad pub, brez glasbe ali televizije. Odličen Guinness in mešanica turistov in domačinov, z žariščem zanimive umetnosti na stenah.


  • 23 Bailey, 1-4 Duke St D02 ET99, 353 1 670 4939. M-Th 11: 30-23: 00, F-Su 11: 30-00: 30. Ta swish bar privlači Dublin's belle-monde in zvezdnice. Poleti popoldne in zvečer zelo zaseden z lepim prostorom za sedenje na prostem.
  • 24 Lotts, 9 Liffey St Spodnji D01 E3F9, 353 1 872 7669. Nedelja 12: 00-22: 00, F Sa 12: 00-23: 00. Kavarna, elegantna notranjost z lestenci, marmornatim barom in udobnimi usnjenimi sedeži. Mnogo noči živa glasba. Majhen zunanji prostor za sedenje.
  • 25 Market Market, 14a Fade St, Dublin 2. Odprt je bil leta 2005, velik prostoren bar, v ozadju je šumeč pogovor, prijetna restavracija s tapasom z dobrim menijem.
  • 26 Odeon, Harcourt St, Dublin 2. Ta privlačen bar na vrhu ulice Harcourt St se nahaja v preurejeni železniški postaji; nov tramvajski sistem ima postajališče neposredno zunaj.
  • 27 Pigmalion, 59 South William St, Dublin 2 (v nakupovalnem središču Powerscourt Townhouse), 353 1 633 4522. Zaseden bar / restavracija s hrano Med, najboljša knjiga, če upate, da boste jedli.
  • 28 Café en Seine, 39-40 Dawson St, Dublin 2. Tipičen in ne povsem neprijeten primer dublinskega "megapuba"; vključuje tropska drevesa zadaj. Zelo drago.
  • 29 Globus, 11 South Great Georges St D02 V628, 353 1 671 1220. Vsak dan 12: 30-00: 00. Eden od prvotnih trendovskih lokalov, ki je sredi 90-ih prišel v Dublin. Še vedno kul kot vedno z enim od najdaljših klubov v Dublinu Ri-Ra v kleti - za to ni treba plačati kritja.

Mikro pivovarne in pivnice

  • 30 Proti žitu, 11 Wexford St D02 HY84, 353 1 470 5100. Vsak dan 12: 00-23: 30. V lasti pivovarne s sedežem v Galwayu ponuja široko paleto irskih pivnic in svetovnih piv. Ne streže generičnih komercialnih piv iz pipe. Živahen pub z eklektično stranko.
  • 31 Bik in grad (del F.X. Buckley), Lord Lord Edward 5-7, Dublin 2 (poleg Christchurcha). Zelo zanimiv gastropub, ki v pivnici ponuja veliko izbiro mikro piv in mednarodnih piv. Ponudba piva ni tako obsežna kot The Porterhouse, vendar ponuja možnost 0,3, 0,5 in 1-litrskega piva. Poskusite Galway Hooker (pale ale) in globoko ocvrti Marsov bar v Edinburghu.
  • 32 J.W. Sweetman (prej Gospoda Maguire), 1-2 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2. Razdeljeni na dve zgodbi v dveh stavbah, ki sta blizu mostu O'Connell, ustvarijo zelo dober močan, povsem drugačen od Guinnessa, bolj svež in bolj kompleksen, poleg tega pa še svoj ale in lager. Ima tudi dobre kosila v kavarni za približno 10 EUR.
  • 33 Porterhouse, 16.-18. Parlament D02 VR94, 353 1 679 8847. M-Th 16: 00-22: 00, F-Su 12: 00-22: 00. Poleg dobrih avtohtonih zvarkov, vključno z ostrigami, obstaja obsežen belgijski in mednarodni seznam piva. Hrana tudi po ugodnih cenah. Ima sestrske pube v ulici Grafton St ter v Brayu in Phibsboroju.


  • 34 Meglena rosa, 1 Fownes Street, Dublin 2 (Temple Bar, poleg Centralne banke). Zelo priljubljen lokal pri vseh vrstah ljudi.
  • 35 Bruxelles, 7 Harry Street D02 KX36 (zraven hotela Westbury), 353 1 677 5362. Vsak dan 10: 30-23: 00. Živahen lokal, ustanovljen leta 1886, priljubljen pri 20 in 30 letih. V 3 taktih je glasba glasna in vzdušje je izvrstno. Zunaj je kip legende Phila Lynotta (iz irske rock skupine Thin Lizzy). Če imate radi metal, rock in indie glasbo, pojdite dol.
  • 36 Vojvoda, 9 Duke St D02 NR76, 353 1 679 9553. Vsak dan 12: 00-23: 00. Odličen popoldanski bar in ob petkih je napolnjen do vrat.
  • 37 O'Donoghues, 15 Suffolk Street D02 C671, 353 85 241 7790. Vsak dan 10: 30-23: 30. Udoben bar z živo glasbo in TV športom. To je tudi mesto za druženje nekaterih najbolj znanih mestnih glasbenikov, igralcev in DJ-jev.
  • Magees iz vlaken, 80-81 Parnell Street D01 CK74, 353 1 872 2575. Vsak dan 12: 00-23: 30. Težka kovinska palica, priročna za bolnišnico Rotunda.
  • O'Reillys, Postaja Tara St, 353 1 671 6769. Tu-Th 16: 00-23: 30, F M 16: 00-03: 00, Sa 17: 00-03: 00, Ned 17: 00-23: 00. Gostišče v viktorijanski pub pod postajo DART s pozno nočno glasbo Hell Club.


  • Tovarna gumbov, Curved St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. Eden izmed najboljših klubov v Dublinu, Button Factory, s kapaciteto več kot 700, gosti redne mednarodne prireditve. Formalno znano kot The Temple Bar Music Center, prizorišče je bilo prenovljeno, da bi mu zagotovili nekaj najboljših akustik v prestolnici, kar olajša njegovo gostovanje v živo z levega polja in redne klubske noči. To je eden najboljših klubov v Dublinu, ki skrbi predvsem za študente, vendar redno nudi velika imena, kot so The Bloody Beetroots, Digitalism, Erol Alkan in bendi, kot je Shellac itd. Poiščite seznam na njihovi spletni strani.
  • Klub delavcev, 10 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2. Stavba, ki se nahaja na Wellington Quayu (poleg vrat hotela Clarence), ki je v lasti U2, na tem mestu obstaja že več kot 160 let in od 1888 do 2003 in je bila dom prvotnega kluba Workingmens Club. Leta 2010 je bil spremenjen v prizorišče zabave v živo. Prizorišče ima dve nadstropji in ima več odsekov. Glavna soba v živo je prizorišče s 300 zmogljivostmi, zraven pa je bar s prizorišči. Vsako noč v tednu so priljubljeni DJ-ji različnih žanrov, včasih hkrati v različnih prostorih prizorišča, ki se običajno vrtijo približno do 4. ure zvečer.
  • Akademija, Srednja opatija, Dublin 1. To prizorišče je svojo melodijo spremenilo iz Hot Press Hall of Fame v nočni klub Spirit. Zdaj se je preimenovala v Akademijo, zdaj pa je hkrati tudi prizorišče v živo in plesni klub. Ti fantje se zavzemajo za velika očitna imena, kot sta David Morales in Jose Gonzalez. Njihov pikčast matrični znak zunaj prizorišča običajno oglašuje prihajajoče dogodke.
  • Krystle, Harcourt St, Dublin 2. Ta klub je novo zatočišče novoimenskih bogatašev in irskih zvezdnikov. Če želite iti na C seznam opazovanja zvezdnikov in nekaj delati na vrhu, predstavljajoč z kompletom D4, boste doma. Za rednega obiskovalca Dublina se izogibajte, mnogo boljšim krajem na seznamu.
  • 38 Bakrene blazinice za obraz (Slapper Face Jacks), Harcourt St, Dublin 2. To je bizarno prizorišče, toda tisto, kar ga ločuje od večine drugih večernih večerov v Dublinu, je, da če želite priti do samskih, je to kraj za vas. Ta zvečer je v dobri dublinski frazi znan kot Mesna tržnica, natrpana z ljudmi, ki so obupani, da bi postali bolj pripravljeni, ko zaužijejo več pijače. To prizorišče je priljubljeno mesto med podeželskimi prebivalci, v nasprotju s Dublinerji, je temno in semeljno in idealno mesto za vstajanje. Upoštevajte pa, da so zaradi njenega ugleda ob koncu tedna na dekleta pogosto do tri fantje. To prizorišče je v lasti upokojene Garde, obiskujejo ga pripadniki sil, zato prepir v moški sobi ni priporočljiv, saj imate morda več težav, kot si mislite; razmislite tudi o tem, če bi lahko zapeljali nekoga novega prijatelja. Nočna dostojna nastanitev in vstop v klub se začneta pri približno 5-10 EUR na osebo, odvisno od dneva, prav tako brezplačno pred polnočjo med tednom in 23:00 ob koncu tedna: tudi s temi cenami je klub v letu 2008 še vedno zaslužil več kot 16 milijonov EUR .
  • George, 89 South Georges St, Dublin 2, 353 1 478 2983. M 14: 00-23: 30, Tu-F 14: 00-02: 30 in Su 14: 00-01: 00. Najstarejši gay bar v Dublinu. Množica je pretežno gejev s poznimi nočmi, razen ob ponedeljkih in nedeljah. Ves teden se odvijajo najrazličnejše vlečne predstave. Ob sredah je "Space 'n' Veda" ob 23:00, ki jo vodita Veda in Davina Devine. Četrtki so "Žejni četrtki", ki jih gosti Davina Devine. Sobote (brezplačno pred 23:00 in 10 € po) so "Saturgays & Beauty Spot Karaoke", ki jih vodita Veda in Davina Devine in pokroviteljem ponuja priložnost, da na odru zapojejo karaoke in osvojijo dve steklenici piva - zmagovalec osvoji celo primer piva. Ob nedeljah (brezplačno pred 22:00 in pozneje 5 €) je "Bingo z barom Shirley Temple", ki ponuja različne nagrade in občasno velike nagrade. Preostale noči imajo DJ-ji z ​​aktualnimi ali klasičnimi uspešnicami. Prispejte zgodaj, če želite sedeže, saj se prizorišče napolni precej hitro, še posebej na karaoke in bingo noči. Obstaja tudi bolj pub podoben odsek ob strani glavnega kluba (ki ga geji Dubliners imenujejo "Jurassic Park", kot šala o svojih pokroviteljih), ki skrbi za starejšo stranko.



Dublin ni dobro postrežen za kampiranje ali počitniške prikolice. Najbližje središču mesta je onkraj M50 na jugozahodu.


Obstaja ogromno mladinskih hostlov (večinoma približno 20 EUR na noč v domovih), nočitev z zajtrkom (približno 45 EUR na osebo) in hotelov (50 EUR na sobo). Cenejše nastanitve najdete okoli glavne avtobusne postaje v Dublinu, Busaras. Južno od reke je dražje.

  • 2 Abbingtonova hiša, 30 St Annes Rd, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 (1 km severno od centra v bližini parka Croke), 353 1 444-1415, . Preprosto s 3 zvezdicami v severnem mestu. Nočitev z zajtrkom 70 €.
  • Abrahamov hostel, 82-83 Spodnja Gardiner St, Dublin 1, 353 1 855 0600, . To je prenosen hostel, zelo osrednji. Ima vročo 'vročo' vodo in vsaka soba ima en ključ, ki ga delite z ostalimi stanovalci (če jih poznate ali ne). Spalnica 20 evrov na mesec.
  • 3 Almara, 226 Collins Avenue West, Whitehall, Dublin 9 (5 km severovzhodno od centra), 353 1 851 0512, . Že dolgo uveljavljen B&B v severnem mestu, dobi dobre ocene gostov.
  • Sidrna hiša Dublin, Spodnja ulica Gardiner 49, Dublin 1, 353 1 878 6913, . Osrednji preprosti B&B. Prijazno uslužno osebje, večinoma. B&B dvojni 160 €.
  • 4 Ashlingova hiša, 168 Drumcondra Rd, Dublin 9, 353 1 837-0300, . Gostišče v listnati Drumcondri. Dostojne sobe, vendar ni nočitev z zajtrkom. Dvoposteljna (samo soba) 120 €.
  • Hiša Avondale, 41 Lower Gardiner St, Dublin 1, 353 1 874-5200, . Osnovna nočitev z zajtrkom (nekaj jih ima lastno kopalnico) v centru mesta.
  • Backpackers Citi Hostel, 61/62 Gardiner St, Dublin 1, 353 1 855-0035, . Zelo osnovni hostel, osrednji in le tako čist kot najslabši gostitelj v zadnjem času. Pograd v spalnici 15 €.
  • Hostel Barnacles, 19. Temple Lane, Dublin 2, 353 1 671 6277, faks: 353 1 671-6591, . Svetel in prostoren. Čiste in lepo urejene skupne spalnice in dvojnice s shrambo v sobi. Mlado in ustrežljivo osebje. Postelje v spalnici od 50 ppn.
  • Times Hosteli Camden Place, 8-9 Camden Place, Dublin 2, 353 1 475-8588. Prijazen in čist hostel z nahrbtniki. 24-urna recepcija, brezplačen brezžični internet / internet, zajtrk, čaj / kava, velika kuhinja za kuhanje, mednarodni stacionarni klici, salon s televizijo, zunanja terasa, umetniška galerija in še več. Ima spalnice in zasebne dvojnike z lastno ali skupno kopalnico. Pograd v spalnici 50 ppn.
  • Poletne sobe DCU, Dublinska mestna univerza, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, 353 1 700-5736. Prijava: 15:00, preveri: 11:00. Nastanitev Dublin City University je odprta za javnost od junija do septembra. Obstajajo tri vrste nastanitev. Vsi imajo sobe z lastno kopalnico. Na voljo je tudi samopostrežni zajtrk. Bazen in telovadnica (doplačilo) v kampusu. €36 - 89.
  • Gostišče Glen, 84 Lower Gardiner St, Dublin 1 (manj kot 5 minut hoje do ulice O'Connell St), 353 1 855 1374, . Daljinski upravljalnik, barvna televizija, telefon z direktno linijo, oprema za pripravo čaja in kave, tuši, lastna kopalnica.
  • Hostel Jacobs Inn, 21-28 Talbot St, Dublin 1 (100 m from bus & railway stations), 353 1 855 5660, . Nice, clean budget hostel with keycard security. A sister to Isaac Hostel. Ensuite shower and bathroom as well as an additional washroom at the end of each hall. The bunks are pods so there's extra privacy. Pod €22 ppn.
  • Kinlay House, 2-12 Lord Edward St, Dublin 2 (One block south of river), 353 1 679-6644. Central yet quiet hostel. Open 24 hr a day with keycard entry to the room. Staff friendly and helpful. Dorm €40 ppn.
  • Lyndon House, 26 Gardiner St, Dublin 1. Basic 2-star near the James Joyce Museum and the Custom House.
  • Maple Hotel, 74/75 Lower Gardiner St, Dublin 1 (four blocks east of O'Connell St Upper), 353 1 855 5442, . Basic 2-star, showing its age, no lift to upper floors.
  • Times Hostels College St, 8 College St, Dublin 2, 353 1 675 3652. Decent backpackers' hostel, very central, some noise from bars & clubs nearby. Another branch at Camden Place near St Stephen's Green. Dorm bunk €60 ppn.
  • Townhouse Hotel, 47- 48 Lower Gardiner St, Dublin 1 (200 m from bus station), 353 1 878-8808, . Decent 3-star in central north-side location. Parking available, private garden.
  • 5 Travelodge Dublin City Centre, Lower Rathmines Rd, Dublin 6 (2 km south of centre), 353 1 491 1402, faks: 353 1 496-7688, . Prijava: 15:00, preveri: 12:00. Reliable chain 3-star, though not exactly "city centre". Nočitev z zajtrkom 80 €.
  • Trinity College (May to mid-September only), Various locations on the Trinity College campus, 353 1 896-1177 ext 1497. Summer accommodation at Trinity College is available in single, double or apartment-style accommodation (some with en suite). The continental breakfast is very generous. Campus security may be frustrating for guests who stay out late as there are limited access points into Trinity College after midnight, which can result in a long walk from the main gate to some of the residences. From €60.
  • Generator Dublin, Smithfield Square (A block east of Queen St), 353 1 901 0222, . Prijava: 14:00, preveri: 10:00. Design-led hostel. Open social spaces but also a bar and a café to its guests. There are male and female shared rooms that come with all facilities, plus prrivate rooms. Group bookings and private hires available. Dorm bunk from €14 ppn.

Srednji razred

  • Hotel Abbey, 52 Middle Abbey St, Dublin 1 (2 blocks north of Liffey), 353 1 872-8188. Central 3-star, vfm facilities, some noise, and breakfast kinda basic. B&B double €170.
  • Albany House, 84 Harcourt St, Dublin 2 (100 m south of St Stephens Green), 353 1 475-1092. Good central 3-star, some noise in street-facing rooms. Shower & taps take 5 min to run hot, keep running & have faith. B&B double €230.
  • Ariel House, 50-54 Lansdowne Rd, Ballsbridge D04 DD27 (by Aviva Stadium), 353 1 668 5512. Very comfy welcoming B&B near Aviva stadium. Brez psov. Nočitev z zajtrkom 100 €.
  • Baggot Court Townhouse, 92 Lower Baggot St, Dublin 2 (200 m south of Merrion Sq), 353 1 661 2819. Decent 3-star Georgian townhouse. B&B double €240.
  • Barry's Hotel, 2 Great Denmark St, Dublin 1, 353 1 874-9407, . Central 2-star, all rooms en suite, tea- and coffee-making facilities, free Wi-Fi. B&B double €200.
  • Belvedere Hotel, Great Denmark St, Dublin 2 (a block back from Frederick St), 353 1 873-7700. Decent 3 star, but a lot of construction noise in vicinity in early 2019. B&B double €230.
  • Clayton Hotel, Merrion Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 (3 km south of centre), 353 1 668 1111, . Splendid 3-star in 19th-century school building. B&B double €230.
  • Buswells Hotel, 23-27 Molesworth St, Dublin 2 (corner with Kildare St, 100 m south of TCD College Park), 353 1 614-6500, . Georgian three-star hotel, small rooms but friendly staff, good location. B&B double from €200.
  • Castle Hotel, Great Denmark St, Dublin 1 (2 min from O'Connell St), 353 1 874-6949. Georgian hotel with 130 bedrooms all en suite, free Wi-Fi, TV, tea & coffee facilities and hairdryer. Restaurant & bar with live Irish music every weekend. Nočitev z zajtrkom 80 €.
  • Dublin Citi Hotel, 46-49 Dame St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 (next to Central Bank), 353 1 679-4455, . 3 star in busy central location, all rooms en suite. Hotel also has the Trinity Bar and Havanna nightclub. B&B double €250.
  • Handel's Hotel, 16-18 Fishamble St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 (off Dame St), 353 1 670 9404. Prijava: 15:00, preveri: 12:00. Central 3-star in the west end of Temple Bar. B&B double €200.
  • Fitzwilliam Townhouse, 41 Upper Fitzwilliam St, Dublin 2 (200 m south of Merrion Square), 353 1 662-5155. Georgian house with many original features. All room en-suite with free Wi-Fi. Decent 3 star, you're paying 4-star rates for the great location. B&B double €250.
  • Fleet Street Hotel, 19-20 Fleet St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2, 353 1 670-8124. Central 3-star, most rooms comfy, some a bit worn. B&B double €120.
  • Grafton Guest House, 26-27 South Great George's St, Dublin 2 (corner with Fade St), 353 1 679 2041, faks: 353 1 677 9715, . In a 112-year-old Victorian Gothic style building but with generic modern interiors. Some visitors report that reception is next door at Kelly's, it's not clear if this is a permanent arrangement. Nočitev z zajtrkom 150 €.
  • Jurys Inn. Mid-range chain with three locations:
    Jurys Inn Christchurch, facing Christ Church Cathedral and Temple Bar;
    Jurys Inn Custom House Quay, in the International Financial Services Centre near Connolly station just north of Liffey;
    Jurys Inn Parnell St, junction with Granby Row.
    All 3 B&B double €120.
  • Kildare Street Hotel, 47-49 Kildare St, Dublin 2 (Corner of Nassau Street near Trinity College), 353 1 679-4643, . Simple mid-range hotel in old building on 3 floors with no lift. Blarney Inn pub and Club Nassau are also part of this hotel. B&B double €170.
  • Maldron Parnell Square Hotel, Parnell Square West, Dublin 1 (corner of Dorset St & Granby Row), 353 1 871-6800, . Clean welcoming 3-star hotel, but a lot of construction noise in early 2019. Not to be confused with the Maldron at the airport. Room only double €89.
  • Morehampton Townhouse, 78 Morehampton Rd, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 (10 mins on bus 38 from Trinity College), 353 1 668-8866. Preveri: 11:00. 3-star with all 22 room en suite, wi-fi, car parking. B&B double from €70.
  • Portobello Hotel, 33 South Richmond St, Dublin 2 (500 m south of St Stephen's Green), 353 1 475 2715, . 2-star, many rooms have views onto the Grand Canal. B&B double from €70.
  • River House Hotel, 23 - 24 Eustace St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 (Center of Temple Bar on Eustace St), 353 1 670 7655, . 2-star in the centre of Temple Bar. B&B double from €70.
  • Sandymount Hotel (formerly Mount Herbert Hotel), Herbert Rd, Lansdowne Rd, Dublin 4, 353 1 614 2000. A three-star hotel in the Sandymount and Ballsbridge area next to AVIVA Stadium. Nice classic building and good size rooms equipped with large bathrooms makes it good value. The bar is great and there is a nice patio area overlooking the hotel's garden. Free Wi-Fi, conference facilities, and the staff are friendly and approachable. B&B double from €100.
  • 6 Talbot Hotel Stillorgan, Stillorgan Rd, Blackrock A94 V6K5 (5 km south of city centre, take bus 145 or 46a), 353 1 200 1800. Upmarket hotel with spa, restaurant, bar, free wifi and free car park. B&B double from €180.
  • Clarence Hotel, 6-8 Wellington Quay. Owned by Bono and The Edge from Irish band U2, buzzing happening sort of place... code for, you may get a lot of noise from Temple Bar, and "cool" means the showers are a tad lukeish. Overall it's a good central 4-star for 5-star prices: you're paying for the rock associations. B&B double €230.
  • Waterloo Lodge, 23 Waterloo Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 (2 km south of centre, take Bus 39a), 353 1 668 5380. 3-star in quiet area. All 20 guest rooms are en-suite and free car parking is available. B&B double €180.
  • Waterloo House, 8-10 Waterloo Rd, Ballsbridge, 353 1 660 1888. Pleasant B&B in quiet area. Brez psov. B&B double €200.
  • Aspect Hotel Parkwest, Nangor Road Park D12 F2V4 (in the Park West Business Campus), 353 1 642 9100, .
  • Premier Suites Dublin Sandyford, The Forum, Ballymoss Road Sandyford Industrial Estate, 353 1 292 0200, .
  • 7 Maldron Hotel Smithfield, Smithfield Market (Luas Red Line, Smithfield Stop), 353 1 485 0900, . Rooms feature free Wi-Fi, tea- and coffee-making equipment, and flat-screen TVs with DVD players. 92 rooms including family rooms, sleeping up to 6 people. €79.


  • InterContinental Dublin, Simmonscourt Rd, Dublin 4 (Ballsbridge 2 km south of centre), 353 1 665-4000. 5-star, gets great reviews for comfort and service. B&B double €420.
  • Hampton Hotel, 29 Morehampton Rd, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 (2 km south of centre on bus route to Donnybrook), 353 1 668-0995. Four-star boutique hotel. Original Georgian building with stylish interior design. Downstairs bar is noisy, pick an upper floor for quiet. Nočitev z zajtrkom 150 €.
  • Hilton Dublin, Charlemont Place, Dublin 2 (1 km south of centre, take tram to Charlemont), 353 1 402-9988. Pleasant, modern hotel, clean and quiet. B&B double €300.
  • Morrison Hotel, Ormond Quay, Dublin 1 (just north of Liffey near Millennium Bridge), 353 1 887-2400. Comfortable stylish hotel, central for sights. Part of Hilton chain. B&B double €300.
  • Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Golden Lane, Dublin 8, 353 1 898-2900. Five-star hotel, functional modern building, swish comfy interior and very centrally located. B&B double €350.
  • Radisson Blu St Helen's Hotel, Stillorgan Rd, Blackrock (5 km south of city centre in St Helen's Wood), 353 1 218-6000. 5-star in grand old mansion in southern suburbs, on bus route to centre. B&B double from €300.
  • The Morgan, 10 Fleet St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 (off Westmoreland St). Stylish accommodation in standard rooms, suites or penthouse apartments. All characterised by clean, modern design. B&B double from €200.
  • The Shelbourne, 27 St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, 353 1 663-4500. Five-star hotel overlooking Stephen's Green in the centre of Dublin. Fine old building dating to early 19th century, generally comfortable, but staff sometimes rushed and overloaded. Part of the Marriott chain. B&B double from €750. Hotel Shelbourne (Q7493317) na Wikipodatih Hotel Shelbourne na Wikipediji
  • 8 Alex Hotel (O'Callaghan Alexander), 41-47 Fenian St, D02 H678 (between Trinity College and the Twitter Dublin office, near Grafton Street), 335 1 607 3700. Hotel Alex (Q83849440) na Wikipodatih
  • Spencer Hotel Dublin City (The Spencer), Excise Walk, IFSC, Dublin 1, 353 1 4338800. Chic, luxurious five-star hotel in the docklands. The quay outside is busy, rooms at the back are quieter. Nočitev z zajtrkom že od 160 €.
  • 9 Mont Hotel (O'Callaghan Mont Clare), 1-4 Merrion Street Lower, Dublin 2, 353 01 6073800, . A 4-star, boutique hotel. Hotel Mont (Q86996394) na Wikipodatih
  • 10 Green Hotel (Stephens Green Hotel), 1-5 Harcourt St, Saint Peter's, Dublin 2, 353 01 607 3600, . Prijava: 15:00, preveri: 12:00. A 4-star, boutique hotel near the St. Stephen's Green park and near to Grafton Street.
  • 11 Davenport Hotel (O'Callaghan Davenport), 8-10 Merrion Street Lower, 353 01 607 3500, . Prijava: 15:00, preveri: 12:00. The splendour of Georgian Dublin reimagined with the best of 21st-century facilities.


Dublin Airport is north of the city near the town of Meči. Hotels listed here are so close to the airport that you'd travel that way to reach them, even if you weren't flying, and many inter-city buses run via the airport. Those closer to Swords town centre are listed on that page along with other amenities: they're much cheaper than their airport or city centre equivalents.

  • Carlton Hotel, Old Airport Rd, Cloghran (500 m south of airport). 4-star hotel with free bus transfer to the airport. Bar-food menu and a restaurant on the top floor. B&B double from €90.
  • 12 Clayton Hotel Dublin Airport, Stockhole Lane, Swords, Co. Dublin (At jcn M50 / M1 exit for R139 Malahide, don't take airport off-ramp), 353 1 871 1000, . Convenient three-star hotel with free shuttle bus service to the airport. B&B double €250.
  • 13 Holiday Inn Express Dublin Airport, Northwood Park, Santry Demesne, Dublin 9, 353 1 862-8866. Modern hotel on the road to the airport, adjacent to the Crowne Plaza. Free airport shuttle every 30-60 min, wired internet, good continental buffet breakfast. No gym. Buses 16A/33/41 pass nearby, but it's at least 30 min to city centre. €79.
  • Maldron Hotel is within the airport complex, B&B double from €150. Not to be confused with the city centre Maldron Hotel.
  • Radisson Blu Hotel Dublin Airport (formerly Great Southern), Letališče Dublin (200 m east of T2), 353 1 844-6000. Four-star accommodation within the airport complex just minutes from the passenger terminals. B&B double €240.

Ostani varen

Dublin is generally a very safe city during the day by American and European standards but can be an intimidating place on weekend nights. As in most other large cities, a few crimes against the person, such as muggings, unprovoked attacks, and robberies, have been known to occur in Dublin. Treat Dublin as you would other Western cities, and be sensible: never walk in poorly-lit areas at night, especially alone. As Dublin centre is relatively compact, be aware that walking a few blocks can take you into some bad areas. Areas where crimes against foreigners have occurred include Rialto and western parts of the North Circular Road. Be especially vigilant or preferably avoid walking around the city centre altogether after bar closing times on weekends (02:30 - 03:00) when very drunk people looking to take advantage of other drunk people roam the streets and when violent behaviour and crime are most likely to occur. Most homicides in the city are gang related.

Never be afraid to approach Gardaí (police officers) to ask for help or directions – it is their job to help. If you do get into trouble somehow and fear for your safety (which is very rare) and cannot find a Garda officer, head to the nearest establishment such as a bar or shop where you will be safe. Call the emergency services on "999" or 112, free from any phone, and ask for the relevant service. If you have no phone, ask anyone working in a shop or bar to call the police for you, and the employee will gladly assist. Also, most doormen and bouncers in pubs will gladly call the police for you if you explain your situation.

Področne informacije

  • Avoid the Boardwalk and Lower Abbey Street as a large number of drug addicts hang around these areas due to nearby drug rehabilitation centres.
  • The area around Temple Bar is both an attraction for tourists and for pickpockets. Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Most suburbs on all sides of the city are very safe, but there are a few rough areas, mostly on the Northern and Western peripheries of the city, which are seldom visited by tourists but might warrant some caution. Nonetheless, those interested in urban regeneration may find a visit to Ballymun (home to Ireland's most well known tower-blocks as well as Swedish furniture superstore IKEA) and Tallaght (a historic village that was developed into a 70,000-strong residential suburb) of interest.


  • You will see a wide variety of buskers and street performers, these are normal people just plying their trade; they are usually very helpful for directions and appreciate your donations. (Busking and street performance is an old and vibrant part of Irish culture, and there is nothing unusual or unsavory about a person playing an instrument or performing in a public place even in the small hours of the morning. So approach and appreciate these talented and friendly individuals. Be aware that it is considered rude to photograph a street performer without tipping.)
  • If people approach you on the street, they could indeed be people just looking for directions, charity workers looking for donations, or people simply looking for a cigarette lighter. Be aware that Dublin people are usually open and unlike big cities like London or New York, talking to complete strangers is a common and regular occurrence.
  • If someone who appears to be drunk, under the influence of drugs or a habitual drug user, approaches you asking if they can talk to you for a moment, it is wise to keep walking (although expect drunk people to talk to you in a pub as it is common). These people may simply ask you for a cigarette or some money for a bus, but be aware that most Dubliners, even if they have no money, would never ask a stranger for money or cigarettes (although asking for a light for a cigarette is common). There are several scams being used on unaware tourists and locals alike so please be careful and use your judgement. If someone comes to you on the street, touches you, and asks you for something, say "no" or "sorry" and walk away. Again, locals will almost never behave like this so avoid people who do.


  • When driving, leave nothing valuable visible in your car, lock doors while driving through slow traffic in the city. There are plenty of taxis at all hours of the day and night, which are safe and usually friendly.
  • Dublin has heavy traffic, and even if several of the locals tend to cross the road without having a green man, it is not recommended to follow this example. Hardly any of the cars slow down in front of zebra-crossings in busy and crowded streets.
  • If you rent a bicycle, ensure you rent full safety wear (helmet and lights) failure to do so can (albeit rarely) result in fines. If possible, travel by foot or public transport is best.
  • Care should also be used when taking some of the "Nitelink" buses that frequent the city as they, while often safe, have seen their fair share of trouble. Sit downstairs if possible, if only to avoid the more raucous singing, shouting, and post-drinking vomiting.
  • Taxis are well regulated in Ireland, but many taxi drivers have been known to take longer routes when tourists are being carried, ask for the quickest route. If staying in a hotel or hostel your host may be able to help you acquire a reputable taxi.
  • Be aware when crossing over roads where pedestrians have an official right of way sign, as these are frequently ignored by Dublin motorists particularly taxis, also beware than unlike a lot of European cities, Dublin cyclists will nonchalantly cycle on footpaths. This often happens even when there is also a cycle lane right beside the path, something that, in turn, is frequently ignored by the Gardai.

Spopadite se


You should only go to the hospital if you're too ill to go there, so to speak. For immediate treatment of minor ailments try one of the Walk-in Medical Centres. The most central are at 16 Dame St D02 TD50 (M-F 09:30-18:30, Sa 11:00-17:00, Su 12:00-16:00) and at 71 Middle Abbey St D01 E7K5 (M-F 10:00-17:00, Sa 10:00-15:00). They're private so an EHIC card won't help. Expect to pay €60 for a consultation, plus the cost of any prescription or other treatment.


Povežite se

As of March 2021, most of the city has 5G from all Irish carriers. Some suburbs have 5G only from Eir, with a 4G signal from Three and Vodafone.

Dublin City Libraries, Ilac Centre, Henry St, Dublin 1. There's free wifi and internet access throughout the network of branch libraries. You'll need to register as a user to access.

Pojdi naprej

Howth cliff walk

Almost all of Ireland is within 2-3 hours travel from Dublin, and the transport routes converge on the city. Those listed here are all within two hours and could be done as a day-trip.

  • Okrožje Dublin
    • Dalkey in Killiney — in the south are upmarket neighbourhoods and home to such celebrities as Bono and Enya, among others. A walk up Vico Road to take in the view is a must-do. Killiney Hill is beautiful, offering panoramic views of the surrounding Dublin Mountains. Get here by DART.
    • Črna skala ali Dun Laoghaire — in the south and accessible by bus or DART, are also worth a visit.
    • Howth — a peninsula (14km/9 mi from the city centre) very nice for a scenic seaside walk - the whole tour takes about 2–3 hr. There are boat trips to the island of Ireland's Eye, with gannets, puffins, fulmars, cormorants and a ruined Martello Tower.
    • Malahide in Skerries — are all great seaside locations to spend an afternoon. Malahide has a beautiful Castle (including extra doors for the ghost) in a Park and is a nice little village with harbour, beach, estuary and lots of restaurants. You can also take a 20- to 30-minute walk along the coast up to Portmarnock beach (a 5 km long beach).
  • County Meath
    • Arheološki park Brú Na Bóinne — the megalithic tombs of Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth are the most important archaeological sites in Ireland and are listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage site. The site is 50 km (30 mi) north of Dublin on the banks of the Boyne.
  • Okrožje Wicklow — Within easy reach to the south of Dublin, is known as 'the garden of Ireland' and has good hill-walking and some of the most spectacular scenery in the country.
    • Enniskerry — for the gardens in the Powerscourt Estate and the highest waterfall in Ireland
    • Glendalough — for the monastic village, round tower and lakes
  • County Kildare — directly west of Dublin and some of Dublin's outer suburbs are here e.g. Naas and Maynooth. The Curragh racecourse is in County Kildare, south west of Dublin, about 50 km (30 mi) from the city. The K Club in Kildare was the venue for the 2006 Ryder Cup in golf.
  • County Carlow — Boasts some fine architecture - with its courthouse from the mid-1800s and its Cathedral which was completed in 1833.
  • County Laois — Located 1 h southwest of Dublin. The county is dotted with sleepy villages, slow-moving rivers and rolling hills.
    • Port Laoise — has a cobbled main street with independent eateries, Georgian architecture and small pubs
    • Kilkenny — Ireland's medieval capital, is a bustling heritage city with a thriving arts scene. 1 h 40 min by train from Dublin.
Poti skozi Dublin
Tabliczka E1.svgBelfastMeči N Avtocesta M1 IE.png S se združi z Avtocesta M50 IE.png
se združi z Avtocesta M50 IE.png N Avtocesta M11 IE.png S BrayWexfordTabliczka E1.svg
Poti skozi Dublin
KONEC W Parni paket na otoku Man E otok ManDouglas
KONEC W Irski trajekti / Stena Line E WalesHolyhead
KONEC W Stena Line E AnglijaLiverpool
Ta vodnik po mestu Dublin ima guide stanje. It has a variety of good, quality information including hotels, restaurants, attractions and travel details. Prosimo, prispevajte in nam pomagajte, da to naredimo zvezda !