Aarhus - Aarhus

Aarhus (napisano tudi Århus in izgovorjeno Vesla) je glavno mesto na Jutlandija polotok v Danska. S 345.000 prebivalci je drugo največje dansko mesto in ima najmlajše prebivalstvo.


Obzorje Aarhusa z umetniškim muzejem ARoS in znamenitim urnim stolpom mestne hiše Aarhus.

Aarhus je znan kot "Mesto nasmehov" (dansko: Smilets By). Ta slogan se je verjetno začel kot oglaševanje za izboljšanje podobe mesta, vendar se je kljub temu prijel. Mesto kavarn je še eno ime, ki ga mesto nosi s ponosom: seznam kavarn ponazarja Aarhusovo elegantno mešanico svetovljanskega mestnega življenja in čudovitega šarma majhnega mesta.

Kot univerzitetno mesto in izobraževalno središče ima Aarhus veliko študentsko populacijo in eno najnižjih srednjih starosti v katerem koli mestu v Evropi. Tukaj kulturna scena vedno uspeva: Aarhus je že dolgo inkubator danskih umetnikov in izvajalcev, v njem pa je tudi dom Aarhus Festuge, Največji skandinavski kulturni festival, ki ga konec avgusta vsako leto prirejajo 10 dni. A to ni edino, kar se še povečuje: Aarhus je skupaj z metropolitanskim območjem Vzhodnega Jutlanda, ki mu služi kot osrednje vozlišče, po številu prebivalcev najhitreje rastoče območje na Danskem. nove stolpnice, ki rastejo kot gobe na obzorju. Zato ni čudno, da je bil Aarhus izbran za evropsko prestolnico kulture leta 2017, s celotnim seznamom dogodkov, ki so bili na voljo vse leto v celotnem mestu in regiji.


Aarhus C

Aarhus C

Mesto Aarhus je osrednje okrožje in najbolj aktivno območje mesta z več zanimivimi in posebnimi soseskami, vključno s temi:

  • Indre by (Notranjost mesta) je staro srednjeveško jedro mesta, ki je bilo nekoč obzidano in zaprto do leta 1857. Velik del mestnega jedra je peš. Latinska četrt je majhna posebna četrt s tlakovanimi ulicami, nizkimi stavbami in starimi mestnimi hišami, ki se je ohranila.
  • Vesterbro, ki leži severno in zahodno od Indre, je večinoma stanovanjsko območje. Vendar boste našli več glavnih znamenitosti, vključno z botaničnimi vrtovi, muzejem starega mestnega jedra in glavnim univerzitetnim kampusom.
  • Øgade-kvarteret je stanovanjska četrt tik severozahodno od Latinske četrti in predstavlja tudi edinstveno mestno okolje z nizkimi stavbami in barvitimi mestnimi hišami, večinoma iz okoli 50-ih do 20-ih let 20. stoletja. Večina ulic v četrti je poimenovana po danskih otokih.
  • Aarhus Ø je nova stanovanjska soseska na pristanišču.
  • Trøjborg se nahaja severno od mestnega jedra in je kot majhno mesto znotraj mesta. Območje je bilo razvito v začetku 19. stoletja z večinoma štirinajst- ali petnadstropnimi stanovanjskimi bloki v opeki. Včasih je bila to soseska delavskega razreda. Je nekoliko mirna stanovanjska četrt, vključuje pa tudi osrednjo nakupovalno ulico z restavracijami in kinom.
  • Frederiksbjerg je še ena četrtina s svojim šarmom in značajem. Nahaja se tik južno od širokega železniškega dvorišča v središču mesta, to območje je bilo razvito predvsem v poznih 1800-ih in večina prvotnih stavb je ohranjenih. To je čudovita mešanica živahnega uličnega življenja, restavracij, specializiranih trgovin, malih podjetij in stanovanjskih predelov. Večinoma nizke stavbe in mestne hiše, vmes pa več majhnih parkov.

Aarhus N

Aarhus Nord (Aarhus North) je veliko poštno okrožje, ki obsega severne dele mesta. Sestavljajo ga večinoma mirne stanovanjske soseske, ponaša pa se z naravnimi znamenitostmi, kot so mestni gozd Risskov, območje jezera Egå Engsø in nekateri parki na plaži. V okrožju je tudi več izobraževalnih ustanov, velik poslovni park, industrijski park z lahko industrijo in velika regionalna bolnišnica. Nekatere soseske v Aarhusu N, kot sta Skejby in Vejlby, so nekdanje primestne vasi, ki so se združile z mestom.

Aarhus V

Aarhusov telovnik (Aarhus West) je morda največje poštno okrožje in vključuje vse zahodne soseske mesta. Večinoma gre za stanovanjska območja novejšega razvoja, nekatere soseske, kot sta Åby in Hasle, pa so nekdanje primestne vasi ali obrobne kmetije, ki so se združile z mestom. Na tem velikem območju je več naravnih znamenitosti, vključno z območjem jezera Brabrand in naravnim območjem Skjoldhøjkilen ter številnimi priložnostmi za šport.

Viby in Højbjerg

Viby (uradno Viby J, z J za Jutlando) je nekdanje železniško mesto, ki se je združilo z mestom, ki se širi. Včasih se neuradno imenuje tudi Aarhus S (Aarhus South) skupaj z Højbjerg, Skåde in Holme, tri sosednja okrožja in soseske. Okoli osrednjega trga Viby Torv je nekaj dejavnosti, sicer pa so ti južni deli mesta pretežno stanovanjski. Gozdovi Marselisborg in muzej Moesgaard sta tukaj dve najpomembnejši zanimivosti.

Kdaj iti

Montaža v Aarhusu (letni časi) .jpg
Podnebna karta (razlaga)
Povprečna maks. in min. temperature v ° C
PadavineSneg skupaj v mm
Vir:w: Aarhus # Podnebje
Cesarska pretvorba
Povprečna maks. in min. temperature v ° F
PadavineSneg vsote v palcih

Ko se letni časi spreminjajo, se temu primerno spreminja tudi značaj Aarhusa. Pozimi so aktivnosti na prostem omejene in to je predvsem čas za notranje prostore. Nenavadno je, da je vse pokrito z debelimi plastmi snega in temperature običajno ne povzročajo strašnega mraza, vendar je dnevna ura omejena, drevesa stojijo gola in nebo je pogosto depresivno sivo. Mesto je še vedno polno ljudi, a ulično življenje na prostem za večino obiskovalcev ni navdihujoče, razen v božičnem obdobju decembra. Središče mesta je okrašeno in ko se bliža božič, več prodajalcev ulic prodaja sladke dobrote in udobno hrano æbleskiver, palačinke, kuhano vino in sladki mandlji.

Mesto se lahko začne od aprila do maja in konča z oktobrom in novem. Bukve so okoli prvega maja počile v listje. V tem mesecu se dnevne ure in temperature hitro povečujejo. Ko so državljani to počakali, hitro napolnijo parke in zelenice; ulično življenje kaže veliko več intenzivnosti in raznolikosti, odvija pa se tudi več prireditev na prostem. Vendar pa je Aarhus kot preostala Danska med veliko nočjo skoraj zaprt s praznimi ulicami.

Glavne znamenitosti v Aarhusu so odprte poleti, a kar nekaj restavracij je zaprtih več tednov, čeprav ne vseh naenkrat; priložnosti je še veliko. Če pa nameravate obiskati določeno restavracijo, predhodno potrdite njihove ure. Julija in avgusta veliko prebivalcev zapusti mesto ali odpotuje v tujino. Študentje imajo prosti čas od študija in mnogi obiščejo družino v drugih mestih, delajo drugje ali potujejo. Delovni ljudje imajo pet tednov plačanih počitnic in v tej sezoni jih skoraj vsi preživijo. Iz teh razlogov je lahko središče mesta zapuščeno sredi julija do začetka avgusta in verjetno boste naleteli na več obiskovalcev kot prebivalcev. Zato bi bilo dobro obisk Aarhusa združiti z izleti na bližnje podeželje in znamenitostmi v poletnem vrhuncu. Od sredine avgusta se v mestu začnejo ponavljati stvari, ko se prebivalci vračajo. Še vedno je poletje in kmalu je čas za letni Aarhus Fest.

Do septembra se temperature začnejo hladiti in postaja vetrovno, vendar je podnevi še vedno veliko dnevnih ur in vreme je ponavadi lepo. Od oktobra začnejo listi na drevesih postajati rumeni in rdeči, vse sledi o poletju pa se končajo z nastopom novembra. Tudi september in oktober sta pravi čas za obisk, če želite na svoje potovanje vključiti izkušnje na prostem in v naravi, samo prinesite več toplih oblačil. Oktober in deli novembra so še posebej lep letni čas v mestnih parkih in gozdovih z vsemi živahnimi barvami jeseni.

Turistične informacije

Kot večino drugih krajev na Danskem tudi uradno turistično spletno mesto Aarhusa upravlja VisitDenmark, javno-zasebno partnerstvo z brezplačnimi turističnimi storitvami. Pokliče se spletna stran Aarhus Obiščite Arhus.

Glavna pisarna za turistične informacije v mestu je v Ljubljani Dokk1 knjižnica stavba ob pristanišču. Vprašajte osebje na informativni pisarni in pomagali vam bodo. Poleti je na voljo dodatno osebje, ki posebej oskrbuje turiste. Na voljo je tudi zaslon na dotik z interaktivnimi turističnimi informacijami o mestu in obilico brezplačnih inspirativnih in informativnih brošur o pomembnih znamenitostih in dogajanju v regiji. Poleg informacij, pomoči in navdiha lahko kupite tudi AarhusCARD tukaj turistična kartica s popusti na prevoz in kulturne ustanove po mestu.


Številni Danci so lahko zadržani do tujcev, a prijazni do turistov in običajno vam bodo z veseljem dali navodila in nasvete v dobri angleščini. Ker je Aarhus veliko mesto, bo težko dobiti pomoč ali navodila v skoraj tekoči angleščini.


Z vlakom

Prihod na glavno postajo Aarhus.
  • 1 Glavna postaja Aarhus. Vlaki vozijo enkrat ali dvakrat na uro od Kopenhagna (København) do Aarhusa in trajajo približno štiri ure. Cena za odrasle je 399 kr, z dodatnimi 30 kr., Da rezervirate sedež (maj 2019). 25% popust je na voljo za osebe, stare 25 let ali mlajše ali starejše od 65 let. Pomembne popuste lahko dobite tudi z nakupom Oranžne vstopnice precej vnaprej. Podrobnosti o DSBdomača stran. Glavna postaja Aarhus (Q2601548) na Wikidata Glavna postaja Aarhus na Wikipediji

Iz Aarhusa je mogoče ujeti vlak tudi do drugih delov polotoka Jutland. Vlaki grejo večino dni proti severu do Aalborga dvakrat na uro in enkrat na uro proti zahodu do Skjerna ali Struerja. Vlaki iz Hamburg prispejo večkrat na dan, vendar so dragi (50–86 EUR v eno smer, julij 2017). Če rezervirate približno dva meseca pred potovanjem, lahko kupite eno redkih vozovnic za 30 EUR (imenovano "Europa-Sparpreis"). Za več informacij obiščite spletno stran nemškega nacionalnega železniškega podjetja DB

DSB je julija 2019 uvedel obvezno rezervacijo vlakov v Nemčijo in iz nje. Čeprav je Danska na schengenskem območju, carine na vstopnih točkah preverjajo potne liste.

Vozovnice, ki se uporabljajo v vlakih, so uporabne tudi v avtobusih, in če potujete iz Kopenhagna, lahko vozovnico do konca dneva uporabite za prevoz okoli Aarhusa brez dodatnih stroškov.

Katexpress 1 je eden od dveh hitrih katamaranov za prevoz potnikov in avtomobilov za Mols Linien.

Z avtobusom

Avtobusi so postali privlačen način potovanja med Aarhusom in Københavnom zaradi bistveno nižjih cen. Medmestni avtobus traja približno uro dlje kot enakovredni hitri vlak, vendar so cene običajno med 40% (standardne vozovnice) in 90% (najcenejše Saver vozovnice) nižje od vozovnic za polne cene vlakov.

  • Flixbus. V Odense in Kopenhagen
  • Kombardo Expressen. S trajektom naravnost v Kopenhagen.

Moj čoln

  • Mols Linien. Trajekt do Odden severozahodna obala Ljubljane Zelandije. Pomembni popusti z rezervacijo vozovnic dni vnaprej. Povezave javnega prevoza do Oddena in iz njega niso zelo dobre, razen če uporabljate Kombardo Expressen (neposredni avtobus prek trajekta med Aarhusom in Kopenhagenom). Prihod s trajektom v Aarhus brez avtomobila vas prav tako nekoliko zatakne, saj do novega pristanišča ni javnega prevoza; središče mesta je oddaljeno 4 km.
  • M / Ž Lilleøre. Od 26. aprila 2021 bo nov mali trajekt za katamarane (nobeno vozilo razen koles), M / Ž Lilleøre, povezal središče Aarhusa s Samsøjem. Trajekt pristane na Dokk1 v Aarhusu in v Sælvigu na Samsøu.

Z letalom

Letališče Aarhus
  • 2 Letališče Aarhus. Letališče Aarhus je precej majhno, a ga kljub temu opravlja več evropskih letalskih družb. Poleti iz Londonsko letališče Stansted ponuja tudi nizkocenovna letalska družba Ryanair. Nahaja se približno 45 minut vožnje z avtobusom od mesta, Letališki avtobusi 925X prispeti in oditi iz Banegårdspladsen na centralni postaji. Vstopnice se prodajajo na avtobusu, enosmerne vozovnice pa stanejo 115. kr. Sprejete valute (samo računi) so: danska krona, ameriški dolar, funt funt, švicarski frank, evro, švedska in norveška krona. Sprejemajo se tudi glavne kreditne kartice. S taksijem lahko za središče mesta plačate približno 650 kr. Letališče Aarhus (Q1341664) na Wikidata Letališče Aarhus na Wikipediji
  • 3 Letališče Billund (BLL IATA). To letališče ponuja številne letalske povezave in je približno 90 minut vožnje z avtobusom. Letališki avtobusi 912X prispe in odide iz Aarhus Rutebilstation (osrednja avtobusna postaja) in se peljite skozi Banegårdspladsen na osrednji postaji. Vstopnice se prodajajo na avtobusu, enosmerne vozovnice pa stanejo 162 kr. Sprejemljivi valuti sta danski kroni in evro. Sprejemajo se tudi kreditne kartice. Letališče Billund (Q598121) na Wikidata Letališče Billund na Wikipediji
  • 4 Nordijska hidroplana, Østhavnsvej 37, 8000 Aarhus C, 45 70 20 00 60, . Povezava s hidroplanom iz Kopenhagna (40 - 50 min). Običajna vozovnica 1.897 kr (vključno z ročno prtljago), cene pa se razlikujejo glede na uro. Odhodi sredi dneva so pogosto nekoliko cenejši. Večinoma ga uporabljajo poslovni potniki. Ponuja tudi oglede Aarhusa, 697 kr (junij - avgust). Sprejemajo se glavne kreditne kartice. Nordijska hidroplana (Q24007895) na Wikidata


56 ° 9′22 ″ S 10 ° 12′25 ″ V


Celotno mesto je čisto in dobro organizirano, kar naredi hoditi odličen in prijeten način za obhod. Osrednje mesto ima obsežno cono za pešce in skoraj vse mestne ceste na Danskem imajo pločnike. Če se želite podaljšati, je bilo določenih več poti za vadbo in lagodne sprehode. Poznan kot "sončni žarki", izogibajo se prometnim cestam in vključujejo naravne izkušnje.

S kolesom

Kolesa lahko enostavno najamete v osrednjih delih mesta. Oslovska republika ponuja kolesa, ki jih lahko prevzamete 24-7 na več uličnih mestih, vključno z mestom za prevzem pred glavno postajo. Kolesa zlahka prepoznamo po svetlo oranžni barvi in ​​jih plačamo prek telefonske aplikacije. Kolo lahko dobite tudi v več trgovinah za izposojo koles, vključno z Kolesa4Rent južno od glavne postaje.

Čeprav je Danska na splošno zelo ravna, se zavedajte, da ima Aarhus nekaj najbolj strmih cest v državi in ​​so lahko velik izziv, če niste navajeni voziti kolesa. Vendar je večina cest prepih in pri daljših vožnjah lahko običajno načrtujete pot, da se izognete najtežjim vzponom, če se bojite "Arhuzijskih Alp".

Osrednje mesto Aarhus ima mrežo kolesarskih ulic (danski: Cykelgader), kjer imajo prednost kolesarji. Tu lahko kolesa uporabljajo celoten pas, avtomobili pa ne smejo prehitevati. Vsi vozniki teh pravil ne spoštujejo (morda zato, ker se jih ne zavedajo), zato morate vseeno paziti na občasni avtomobilski promet.

Po lahki železnici

Stiliziran zemljevid sistema lahkih železnic, vključno z načrtovanimi podaljški in referenčnimi železniškimi progami

Električni lahki tirni sistem "Aarhus Letbane"je odprl svojo prvo progo konec leta 2017 kot prvi tovrstni železniški sistem na Danskem in se v prihodnjih letih obeta nadaljnja širitev v predmestja.

Vstopnice lahko kupite s kreditnimi karticami na elektronskih stojnicah na izbranih postajališčih, vozovnice pa so popolnoma združljive z lokalnim sistemom rumenih avtobusov (in obratno). Kolesa lahko pripeljete s seboj z doplačilom, čeprav ne v notranjosti mestnega odseka "Skolebakken - Universitetshospitalet" med delavniki zjutraj in popoldanskimi konicami (07: 00-09: 00 in 15: 00-17: 00). Vozni red vlakov, pomembne informacije in sistem določanja območij lahko preverite na spletni strani Letbanen.

Z avtobusom

Rumeni avtobusi vozijo po lokalnih progah v mestu

V Aarhusu sta dva avtobusna sistema, oba pa upravlja Midttrafik. Rumeni avtobusi - služijo lokalnim potim znotraj mestnih meja in Modri ​​avtobusi služijo občinskim in regionalnim potim. Modre avtobusne poti gredo skozi središče mesta, tako da, če boste morali na daljša potovanja, vam med sistemoma ni treba preklapljati. X-avtobusi so ekspresni modri avtobusi, razpoznavni po velikem znaku X. X-avtobusi ustavljajo manj postankov, opremljeni so z brezplačnim brezžičnim internetom, ponavadi imajo stranišča in lahko jeste in pijete. Vsi modri avtobusi imajo omejen tovorni prostor za težko prtljago, kolesa itd., Ki ga lahko uporabite, če obvestite šoferja. V rumene mestne avtobuse lahko vstopite z vsemi vrati. Na modrih regionalnih avtobusih je vhod samo pred vrati.

Modri ​​avtobusi vozijo skozi središče mesta, vendar vozijo na dolge regionalne poti

Vstopnice, kupljene na modrih avtobusih (in vlakih), se lahko uporabljajo tudi za vožnjo z lokalnimi rumenimi avtobusi, vendar ne nujno obratno. Za rumene avtobuse morate vozovnico kupiti v prodajnih avtomatih v avtobusu, sicer tvegate globo. Na avtobusu lahko uporabite gotovino. Avtobusne vozovnice za potovanje v mestnih mejah sta kr 22 ali 11 kr, če ste mlajši od 16 let. Do dva otroka v spremstvu (mlajša od 12 let) potujeta brezplačno. Vstopnice so na voljo tudi kot vozovnice za več potovanj (10 potovanj), ki se razlikujejo po ceni, odvisno od tega, kako daleč želite iti (kr 170-). Cenejše kartice so na voljo tudi osebam, mlajšim od 16 let. Končno obstajajo vozovnice, ki vam omogočajo, da se vozite vse, kar želite, 30 dni, cene pa so odvisne od tega, kako daleč želite potovati. Za načrtovanje potovanj z avtobusom je priporočljivo uporabiti uradno spletno mesto načrtovalca potovanja za ves danski javni prevoz: Rejseplanen. Na voljo je tudi kot aplikacija.

V aplikaciji Midttrafik lahko kupite posamezne vozovnice, vozovnice za več potovanj in turistične vozovnice za Midttrafikove avtobuse in Letbanen. Ta aplikacija je na voljo v trgovinah App Store in Google Play.

Lahko tudi kupite AarhusCARD ki je na voljo v različnih časovnih obdobjih - 24, 48, 72 ali 120 ur in vam zagotavlja brezplačen prevoz z lahko železnico Letbanen in vsemi avtobusi Midttrafik, vključno z avtobusi do letališča (Aarhus in Billund). AarhusCARD vključuje tudi brezplačen vstop v več kot 25 muzejev, znamenitosti in dejavnosti.

Nočni avtobusi so dodatni avtobusi in poti do obrobnih okolišev in predmestja skozi noč. Cena vozovnice je dvakrat večja od običajne cene.

Na celotnem Danskem lahko vozovnice za vlak uporabljate tudi za vožnjo z lokalnimi avtobusnimi linijami, če vstopite v avtobus v roku, ki je določen na vaši vozovnici.

S taksijem

Z avtom

V Aarhusu je zelo dober javni prevoz, v središču mesta pa je večina znamenitosti v neposredni bližini. Avto je torej res potreben samo, če želite raziskati podeželje. Poleg tega boste ugotovili, da je parkiranje v Aarhusu C omejeno in precej drago. Brez parkirnih mest je redko, razen na nekaterih mestih, kot je Tangkrogen, pred Ceres Park & ​​Arena in v nekaterih nakupovalnih središčih.

Medtem ko se promet redko ustavi, so obvoznice in mestne ulice med prometno konico pogosto precej obremenjene. Če bi med bivanjem v Aarhusu potrebovali avto, obstaja več podjetij za najem avtomobilov s centralnimi postajami za najem.

Ne pozabite popustiti kolesarjem. Aarhus je gričevnato mesto in kolesar, ki se spušča navzdol, se bo križiščem pogosto približeval z veliko hitrostjo.


Številne znamenitosti in dogodki v Aarhusu so brezplačni, ulično življenje pa je zanimivo, tako da lahko tudi s poceni uživate v prijetnih izkušnjah.


Z zgodovino, ki sega vsaj v 700. leta v vikinški dobi, ima Aarhus številne zgodovinske stavbe, od katerih so nekatere nacionalnega pomena.

Aarhuška katedrala (1300) v središču mesta.
  • 1 Muzej vikingov v Aarhusu, Skt. Clemens Torv 6, 45 89 42 11 00. M-Z Ž 10: 00-16: 00, Čet 10: 00-17: 00. Majhen vikinški muzej, ki se nahaja nasproti katedrale v kleti banke Nordea. Muzej se osredotoča na lokalno zgodovino v vikinški dobi, večina razstavljenih predmetov pa je bila izkopana na mestu. Če vas na splošno zanima zgodovina Vikinške dobe, obiščite velik muzej Moesgaard (MoMu) južno od mesta. 30 kr za odrasle. Vikinški muzej (Q4992847) na Wikidata Vikinški muzej (Aarhus) na Wikipediji
  • 2 Muzej Aarhus. Stalna razstava v Starem mestnem muzeju se je odprla spomladi 2017. Muzej prikazuje zgodovino Aarhusa s poudarkom na zadnjih 150 letih, obdobju, ko se je iz majhnega provincialnega pristaniškega mesta razširilo na sedanje stanje drugega največjega mesta.
  • 3 Aarhus Domkirke (Aarhuška katedrala), Domkirkepladsen 2, 45 86 20 54 00. Vsak dan maj-september 09: 30-16: 00; 10. oktober - 10: 00-15: 00. Čudovita katedrala je stara več kot 800 let in je najdaljša in najvišja na Danskem. Gradnja je trajala 100 let in je najstarejša stavba v mestu, ki še vedno stoji. Včasih so organizirani koncerti in stolp ponuja dober razgled. Za cerkvijo je katedrala Aarhus School, prav tako z 800-letno zgodovino. Brezplačno (doplačilo za stolp). Aarhuška katedrala (Q491260) na Wikipodatih Aarhuška katedrala na Wikipediji
  • 4 Pred Frue Kirke (Cerkev Naše Gospe), Vestergade 21, 45 86 12 12 43. Srednjeveška cerkev z zanimivo cerkvijo kripte v kleti. Kriptna cerkev, zgrajena okoli leta 1060, je ena najstarejših kamnitih cerkva v Skandinaviji. Skozi vrata na levi strani glavne cerkve lahko vstopite v nekdanji samostan z atrijskim vrtom. prost. Cerkev Naše Gospe (Q1472113) na Wikipodatih Cerkev Naše Gospe (Aarhus) na Wikipediji

Poleg starih cerkva je cerkev sv Latinska četrt v središču mesta je veliko zgodovinskih hiš v ohranjenem okolju, samo sprehodite se po tlakovanih ulicah in si oglejte. Obstaja veliko nišnih butikov, kavarn in restavracij.

Več poklicnih vodnikov poskrbi za zgodovinske sprehode po mestu.


V okolici Aarhusa in na splošno Danske je veliko muzejev, vendar mnogi od njih niso muzeji v običajnem smislu, bolj kot tematski in interaktivni kulturni centri. Trije glavni muzeji v Aarhusu so muzej starega mestnega jedra, umetniški muzej ARoS in muzej Moesgaard.

Den Gamle By (staro mestno jedro)
Umetniški muzej ARoS
Moesgaardov muzej.
  • 5 ARoS (Muzej umetnosti Aarhus), Aros Allé 2, 45 8 730 66 00. Tu-F 10: 00-21: 00; Sa Ned 10: 00-17: 00. Eden največjih danskih muzejev. Ne pozabite si ogledati '9 prostorov', labirint galerij s črnimi stenami. Delo islandsko-danskega umetnika Olafurja Eliassona, "Vaša mavrična panorama", ponuja čudovit pogled na streho mesta znotraj krožne steze z mavričnimi okni. V dnevni sobi ob vhodu je kavarna z jedilnico in znana vrhunska gurmanska restavracija z imenom Vinska in prehrambena dvorana ARoS na 8. stopnji muzeja (Ta restavracija je začasno zaprta). 140 kr (odrasli), 110 kr (študentje in mlajši od 31 let), brezplačno za mlajše od 18 let. ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum (Q296962) na Wikipodatih ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum na Wikipediji
  • 6 Den Gamle By (Staro mestno jedro), Viborgvej 2 (V botaničnem vrtu), 45 86 12 31 8. Muzejska vas na prostem, ki obsega zbirko 75 originalnih danskih zgradb od 1597 do 1909, zbranih z vseh koncev države. Obstajajo zgodovinske trgovine in restavracije, najbolj resnične za to obdobje. Nekaj ​​uslužbencev in prostovoljcev, oblečenih v zgodovinska oblačila, popestri ambient, včasih pa se priredijo tudi dogodki. Lahko kupite konja in vožnjo s kočijo po muzejskih tlakovanih ulicah ali po zunanjem parku. Nov dodatek kompleksa, ki se bliža koncu, predstavlja mestno kulturo in zgradbe iz 20. stoletja, vključno s pekarno, več trgovinami, muzejem plakatov in jazz klubom. Za praznovanje Evropske prestolnice kulture leta 2017 je muzej odprl nove stalne razstave, ki se osredotočajo na lokalno zgodovino in klasični danski nakit iz 20. stoletja. Ne pozabite nekaj časa preživeti tudi v veliki okolici Botanični vrt in novo Rastlinjaki. 135 kr (odrasli), 70 kr (študentje), Botanični vrt in rastlinjaki brezplačno. Staro mesto (Q1186756) na Wikipodatih Staro mesto na Wikipediji
  • 7 Kunsthal Aarhus, J. M. Mørks Gade 13 (Pojdite v Mølleparken. Kunsthal Aarhus se nahaja čez reko.), 45 86 20 60 50, . Tu-F 10: 00-17: 00; W 10: 00-21: 00; Sa Ned 12: 00-17: 00. Umetniški center za promocijo sodobne umetnosti. Zgrajeno leta 1917, je eno najstarejših umetniških središč v Evropi. Lepa kavarna. prost. Kunsthal Aarhus (Q4661711) na Wikipodatih Kunsthal Aarhus na Wikipediji
  • 8 Kvindemuseet (Ženski muzej), Domkirkepladsen 5 (Zraven katedrale.), 45 86 18 64 70. Tu čet-ned 10: 00-17: 00; Z 10: 00-20: 00. Ta kraj se nahaja v stari stavbi mestne hiše poleg arhuske katedrale in se osredotoča na pomen spola v preteklosti in danes. Ženski muzej predstavlja spreminjajoče se razstave o kulturni zgodovini spola in ima lepo zbirko zgodovinskih stvari, povezanih z ženskami. Lahko si ogledate ali kupite publikacije na nekdanjih razstavah, ki ste jih zamudili, ali splošne knjige, povezane z vlogo spola. Nekateri naslovi so v angleščini. Ženski muzej ima lepo staromodno urejeno kavarno, ob nedeljah pa je kosilo vključeno v štartnino. 40 kr. KØN - Muzej spolov Danska (Q6449744) na Wikidata Ženski muzej, Aarhus na Wikipediji
  • 9 Moesgaardov muzej, Moesgård Allé 20, 8270 Højbjerg, 45 8739 4000, . Tu-Ne 10: 00-17: 00; W do 21:00. Čudovita arhitektura: ogromna prizma stavbe, napol pokopane v travnatem griču. Osrednje stopnišče ponuja inovativno pot v človeški razvoj in prazgodovino. Muzej gosti velike spreminjajoče se tematske razstave iz kultur po vsem svetu, hkrati pa je tudi fantastično mesto za proučevanje zlasti danske prazgodovine. Glavni stalni atrakciji v tem pogledu sta umetna rekonstrukcija velike bronaste dobe, ki jo lahko sprehodite, in dve najdbi iz nordijske železne dobe: Grauballe Man, edino popolnoma ohranjeno barjansko telo, in impresivno žrtvovanje orožja iz Illerup Ådal . Muzej so ponovno odprli v novi stavbi oktobra 2014. Odlična muzejska restavracija in kavarna. Vredno ogleda je tudi velika zgodovinska pokrajina pod muzejem, ki je brezplačna in dostopna skozi vse leto. 170 kr (odrasli), 110 kr (študentje in starejši od 65 let), brezplačno za otroke do 17 let. Muzej Moesgaard (Q3299384) na Wikipodatih Muzej Moesgaard na Wikipediji
  • 10 Muzej antične umetnosti (Antikmuseet), Victor Albecks Vej 3 (V univerzitetnem kampusu), 45 87 16 11 06. Ned-12: 00-16: 00. Zbirka Muzeja antične umetnosti, ki jo vodi Univerza v Aarhusu, se osredotoča na umetnine in predmete iz klasične dobe iz antične Grčije, Rima, Egipta, Bližnjega vzhoda in drugod na območju Sredozemlja. Njihova zbirka starogrških kovancev je ena največjih v Evropi. prost. Muzej antične umetnosti (Q12301953) na Wikipodatih Muzej antične umetnosti, Aarhus na Wikipediji
  • 11 Prirodoslovni muzej (Naturhistorisk muzej), Wilhelm Meyers Allé 210 (V univerzitetnem kampusu), 45 86 12 97 77. Vsak dan 10: 00-16: 00; zaprto od 25. do 26. decembra in od 31. decembra do 1. januarja. Še en muzej, ki ga je k vam pripeljala univerza Aarhus, štiri razstavne dvorane Naravoslovnega muzeja, ki so v celoti dostopne za invalidske vozičke, obiskovalce izobražujejo o več kot 5000 različnih živalskih vrstah, ki prihajajo z vsega sveta, prikazanih v reprodukcijah njihovih naravnih habitatov. 95 kr, brezplačno za mlajše od 18 let. Naravoslovni muzej (Q12328428) na Wikidata Naravoslovni muzej, Aarhus na Wikipediji
  • 12 Muzej Steno (Steno Museet), C. F. Møllers Allé 2 (V univerzitetnem kampusu), 45 87 15 54 15. Tu-F 09: 00-16: 00 (odpre se ob 10.00, junij-avgust), ned in ob praznikih 11: 00-16: 00. Znanstveni muzej s poudarkom na medicini in astronomiji z različnimi eksponati, med drugim (med drugim tudi planetarij, vrt z zdravilnimi zelišči, Foucaultovo nihalo in zgodovinski predmeti, kot so stari rentgenski aparati in kirurška oprema. Tu je veliko zanimivih in interaktivnih razstav za mlade in stare. Obstaja kavarna na kraju samem, ki streže lahka kosila, in trgovina z darili s kul izobraževalnimi igračami za otroke: kompleti za kemijo, kompleti za kristalno rast, zvezdne karte itd. 30 kr, brezplačno za mlajše od 18 let. Znanstveni muzeji (Q18356068) na Wikidata Znanstveni muzeji, Aarhus na Wikipediji
  • 13 Muzej Ovartaci, Katrinebjergvej 81 (kratek sprehod severno od univerzitetnega kampusa), 45 41 85 62 90, . M-Ž 10: 00-16: 00, sobota 12: 00-16: 00. Muzej umetnosti, ki prikazuje umetnost, ki so jo ustvarili psihiatrični bolniki. Muzej se posebej osredotoča na soimenjaka Ovartacija, transspolnega duševnega bolnika, ki je 56 let do svoje smrti leta 1985 živel v mestni nekdanji duševni bolnišnici v Risskovem. Vodene oglede je mogoče naročiti in organizirati. 50 kr, brezplačno za mlajše od 18 let.



Skjoldhøjkirken 01.jpg
Aarhuška katedrala in manjša cerkev Vor Frue Kirke (cerkev Naše Gospe) iz zgodnjega srednjega veka in v središču mesta privabljata veliko obiskovalcev, Danska pa je znana tudi po raznolikosti sodobne cerkvene arhitekture. V zunanjih okrožjih mesta je več cerkva moderne arhitekture. Ravnsbjerg Kirken (Ravens-hill Church) v Vibyju je monumentalna modernistična cerkev iz rdeče-rjave opeke iz leta 1976 in z notranjostjo, ki je očitno navdihnjena s norveško pogansko mitologijo. Nekaj ​​podobnega navdihuje tudi manjša cerkev Møllevang v bližini botaničnih vrtov. Cerkev Skjoldhøj v zahodnem delu mesta je moderna cerkev, zgrajena leta 1984 v pobeljeni opeki. Gleda na vrt in pokopališče, ki ga je zasnoval Sven Hansen, ki je v koncertnih dvoranah oblikoval tudi parterni vrt. Sankt Lukas Kirken (cerkev sv. Luke) na Frederiksbjergu v središču mesta iz leta 1926 je dober primer neoklasične arhitekture z minimalističnimi okraski, tako značilnimi za skandinavsko zasnovo. 35-metrski stolp in križ je viden na večini mestnega obzorja. V zunanjih okrožjih so številne starejše pobeljene kamnite cerkve nekdanje vaške cerkve, ki jih zdaj zajema vse večje mesto.
Notranjost iz mestne hiše Aarhus
Bogato okrašeno gledališče Aarhus

Kdor ceni evropsko arhitekturo, bo v Aarhusu našel številne zanimivosti, od srednjeveških zgradb do sodobnih ikon. Čeprav je Aarhus eno najstarejših mest na Danskem, je bil večji del notranjega mesta postavljen v 19. in 19. stoletju med industrijsko revolucijo in po njej, zato v primerjavi s Kopenhagenom na primer ne boste našli veliko večjih struktur iz 16. in 17. stoletja. .

Moderna arhitektura je bogata s številnimi opaznimi stavbami, kot so univerzitetni kampus iz rumene opeke, futuristični Dokk1, stanovanjski Isbjerget (ledena gora) ob pristanišču, Musikhuset (koncertne dvorane) in muzej Moesgård iz leta 2014. Pomembna arhitektura v mestu vključuje tudi del postmodernizma, obilo nordijskega funkcionalizma in zlasti zgodovinarstva, ki ga je veliko. Katedrala v Aarhusu, ki se je začela v 11. stoletju, je najstarejša stavba v mestu, vendar obstaja več ohranjenih srednjeveških stavb z lesenimi okvirji, večinoma v osrčju mesta, z najstarejšimi iz leta 1500.

  • 14 Rådhuset (Mestna hiša), Rådhuspladsen 2, 45 89 40 20 00. Ta stavba velja za enega vrhuncev danske arhitekture, ki sta jo v sodelovanju s prav tako slavnim oblikovalcem pohištva Hansom Wegnerjem zasnovala znana arhitekta Arne Jacobsen in Erik Møller. Oblečen v siv norveški marmor se lahko nenavadnemu očesu od zunaj zdi neprijeten, toda notranja zasnova je veliko bolj zanimiva. Vsako soboto od 10: 00-11: 30 so organizirani vodeni ogledi po notranjosti stavbe. Za doplačilo lahko obiščete stolp z uro in uživate v razgledu. Okoli mestne hiše je več zanimivih kipov. Uživajte v dramatičnem bronastem kipu in vodnjaku "Agnethe og Havmanden" v bližini mestnega vhoda proti centralni postaji. Prikazuje prizor iz danske pravljice o Agnethe, ki se zaljubi v človeka. Od tu se lahko sprehodite skozi mestni vhod in park Mestne hiše ter opazujete več bronastih kipov in spominskih kamnov. V parku je poleti precej živahno, saj se ljudje navadno zgrnejo sem, ko se dovolj ogreje. Ne zamudite kipa "Grisebrønden" (vodnjak prašičev) s slinječimi in pikajočimi prašiči na Mestnem trgu. Dobre hrenovke lahko kupite tudi na Trgu mestne hiše.
  • 15 Univerza v Aarhusu (Univerza v Aarhusu). Oblikovali znani danski arhitekti C. F. Møller, Kaj Fisker in C. Th. Sørensen (slednji je zasnoval urejen vrt), to je še en pomemben del arhitekture. Prve stavbe so bile končane leta 1933, vendar gradnja poteka še danes, vse pa je v skladu s skupno značilno oblikovalsko kodo iz rumene opeke. Tukaj najdete Državna knjižnica, znamenita stolpnica za mesto, skupaj z množico muzejev ( Muzej antične umetnosti, Prirodoslovni muzej, in Muzej Steno), o kateri lahko preberete več vMuzeji"zgoraj. Tudi sam park je vreden ogleda, ne glede na letni čas. University Park (Q12343602) na Wikipodatih University Park, Aarhus na Wikipediji
  • 16 Gledališče Aarhus (Nasproti katedrale). Če je arhitektura starejših časov vaša stvar, boste radi preučevali stavbo gledališča Aarhus v notranjosti. Zgrajena okoli leta 1900 v danski različici Art Nouveau (znana kot skønvirke), stavba je natrpana z arhitekturnimi detajli iz zgodovine gledališča, notranjost pa je še bolj slastno okrašena kot zunanje fasade. Vodeni ogledi (v danskem jeziku) ob nekaterih sobotah.
  • 17 Frederiksbjerg. Historicist architecture is abundant in this neighbourhood where large-scale construction of urban planned townscapes took off in 1898. Go to the square of Sankt Pauls Kirkeplads, uphill and south of the central station. The square is surrounded by notable historicist apartment blocks, each with their own peculiarity. Look up, take it slow and enjoy the variety. From here, there are numerous options for the architectural walk. A stroll down Odensegade towards Ingerslevs Boulevard is a good choice.
  • 18 Mejlborg. Finished in 1898, this was the first large apartment complex to be erected in Aarhus, built where the Northern city gates were demolished two decades before. Gothic Renaissance at its finest. There is no public access, but the detailed facades and metal clad onion dome can easily be enjoyed from the street. Good idea to go here by the historic street of Mejlgade and backtrack by the coastal promenade Kystvejen. Take it slow and be sure to look up, there are many more historicist waterfront buildings to experience here.
  • 19 Varna Palace (Varna Palæet), Ørneredevej 3, 45 86 14 04 00. Another well-known architectural landmark of Aarhus, and a bit of a change of pace from the modern style that predominates over larger parts of the city, Varna Palace is a palatial Neoclassical resort pavilion. It was designed for the Danish National Exhibition of 1909 by native Eggert Achen and is found in the outskirts of the Marselisborg Forests, south of the inner city. The Varna Palace now serves as the headquarters of the local Odd Fellows Society, but with a public onsite restaurant. Varna Palæet (Q12340589) na Wikipodatih Varna Palæet na Wikipediji

Green spaces and nature

Aarhus has a few large parks and several smaller green spaces. The largest and most notable parks includes The University Park, Aarhus Botanical Gardens and The Memorial Park. The city has some nice woodlands, beaches and countryside within easy reach.

Aarhus University Park
Mindeparken and the Marselisborg Palace.
Aarhus Botanical Gardens
Marselisborg Deer Park (Dyrehaven) in the Marselisborg Forests.
  • 20 Aarhus Botanical Gardens (Botanisk Have), Peter Holms Vej, 45 89 40 44 00. Daily 24 hours. Founded in 1873 as a research garden for students at Aarhus University, nowadays the Botanical Gardens have been repurposed more as a pleasant outdoor space for citizens to enjoy during the warm months. However, for laypeople who may be interested in botany, there are still thousands of different species of plants on display throughout this 21-hectare expanse, all labelled in Latin and Danish. The bulk of the place is a hilly outdoor expanse of open lawns, ponds, and landscaped gardens, with tropical plants to be found in a large greenhouse complex, designed in the modernist style (of course) by the prominent architectural firm of C. F. Møller. There's a small children's playground onsite, ample facilities for picnicking, and a café in the greenhouses, serving light lunches. prost. Aarhusov botanični vrt (Q3198468) na Wikidata Aarhusov botanični vrt na Wikipediji
  • 21 Aarhus University Park. The University Park at the university campus is a soothing spot of greenery in the city centre and it is open year round. It is a celebrated piece of landscape architecture with rolling hills, open lawns, large old oak trees and a couple of duck ponds. If there, be sure to visit the southern section as well, known as Vennelystparken. It is the oldest park in Aarhus, dating to 1824, and is a bit different from the main park. University Park (Q12343602) na Wikipodatih University Park, Aarhus na Wikipediji
  • 22 Brabrand Lake (Follow the pathway along the Aarhus River from the city centre). The Brabrandstien pathway leads upstream the river all the way to the Brabrand Lake nature site in the western parts of the city. Brabrandstien is a 20-km-long safe and tranquil corridor of greenery perfect for hiking, cycling and rollerblading. There are several spots for picnicking and resting, and even though it doesn't feel like it, you are always close to the city and its bus lines, if you don't want to backtrack. It is not possible to bath in the lake, but you can go there by canoe from the inner city if you want some alternative action. Jezero Brabrand (Q9019885) na Wikipodatih Jezero Brabrand na Wikipediji
  • 23 Den Japanske Have, Randersvej 395, 45 40 72 73 71. Garden May-Sep: Sa Su (and most weekdays) 09:00-15:30. Restaurant Jun-Aug: Sa Su 11:00-16:00. Located in Lisbjerg on Aarhus' northern outskirts, this is a large, authentic Japanese garden laid out in traditional chisen kaiyu style designed for promenading. There is an onsite restaurant and café (Park13). While the garden is only open for visitors in late spring and summer, larger special events, such as concerts, are occasionally arranged in the winter. prost.
  • 24 Marselisborg Forests (Marselisborgskovene). A 3,700-hectare expanse of woodland stretching along the coast of Aarhus Bay south of town, Marselisborg is one of the most visited forests in Denmark. Poleg tega Ballehage Beach, Tivoli Friheden amusement park, and Varna Palace described elsewhere in this article, other amenities for visitors include: Gozdovi Marselisborg (Q12326206) na Wikipodatih Gozdovi Marselisborg na Wikipediji
  • 25 Aarhus Forestry Botanical Garden (Forstbotanisk Have). Established in 1923, this arboretum at the north end of the Marselisborg Forests is small (5 ha) but packed with over 900 species of trees and bushes from all over the world. It's a pleasant place to take a load off, but it's prohibited to disturb any of the plants, and falling tree branches are a persistent danger in windy weather. prost. Gozdarski botanični vrt Aarhus (Q12312046) na Wikidata Gozdarski botanični vrt Aarhus na Wikipediji
  • 26 Marselisborg Deer Park (Marselisborg Dyrehave). This 22-hectare enclosed section of Marselisborg serves as a low-key sort of zoo or safari park, with a few species of native woodland animals such as deer and wild boars dwelling peacefully in the hilly, not especially thickly-forested environs. The deer park is open from dawn to dusk year round, but for safety's sake it's best to avoid visiting during mating season in the autumn (Sep-Nov), and in the early summer when the does are nursing their calves (June-July). Marselisborg Deer Park (Q17111098) na Wikipodatih Marselisborg Deer Park na Wikipediji
  • A trio of preserved historic water mills dating from the 16th, 17th, and the 18th centuries hearken back to the time when this land was a series of tenant farms owned by the barons of Moesgaard Manor. 27 Silistria, a former grain mill, is now the clubhouse of OK Pan Århus, Denmark's longest-running orienteering club. Skovmøllen, the oldest of the three, has again been a working mill since 2000, and also a restavracija. 28 Thors Mølle, an old powder mill, has served guests since the 1700s and is now exclusively a restaurant.
  • 29 Moesgaard, Moesgård Allé 15. A southern part of the Marselisborg Forests, Moesgaard contains a marked history trail, The Prehistoric Trail, running from the Moesgaard Museum(q.v.) right down to the beach, with reconstructed Stone, Iron, and Viking Age houses and tombs, runestones, etc. If history isn't your thing, just enjoy the beautiful and varied nature of this place; in the spring and summer, it is worth a visit just for that. If you want to eat or drink, start your tour with a meal at the excellent Aarhus Golf Club restaurant near the museum, drop in later on at the old watermill of Skovmøllen in the woods or bring your own supplies and have a picnic lunch at the Moesgaard Beach. prost. Muzej Moesgaard (Q3299384) na Wikidata Muzej Moesgaard na Wikipediji
  • 30 Mindeparken (Marselisborg Mindepark, Memorial Park). This memorial park offers a panoramic view of the Bay of Aarhus. Many larger events are held here and when the weather permits, citizens flock to relax in the park area. The park is centred around an extensive lawn but has several interesting sections of different designs, including a grove of Japanese cherry trees and a flower and sculpture garden. It also contains the largest World War I memorial in the country, commemorating 4,000 dead Danish soldiers. prost. Mindeparken (Q12327291) na Wikidata Mindeparken na Wikipediji
  • 31 Riis Skov. Presented to the citizens of Aarhus in 1395 by Queen Margaret I, Riis Skov is the oldest public forest in Denmark. It is a very popular (and semiwild) green getaway from the bustle of the city, on the waterfront just a short distance northeast of the city centre, next to the charming neighborhood of Trøjborg. At Riis Skov you can have a barbecue on the beach (just bring coal and food); swim, play or soak up some sun at the baths of Den Permanente; or enjoy some upscale dining in a traditional Danish setting at Sjette Federiks Kro. Riis Skov (Q7333935) na Wikidata Riis Skov na Wikipediji


  • 32 Dokk1 (Dock-one, Dokken, Urban Media Space), Hack Kampmanns Plads 2, 45 89 40 92 00. M-F 08:00-22:00; Sa Su 10:00-16:00; Staff available M-Th 10:00-19:00; F 10:00-17:00. This large state-of-the-art public library and culture centre at the harbourfront is the largest public library in northern Europe, and is designed as a public meeting place for all kinds of activities. Enjoy the peculiar and futuristic architecture or engage in the library's many activities. Guided tours are arranged at regular intervals. Good café and an interesting four-section outside playground (adults may try the slides too). There is a specialized toddlers' play section inside. Large subterranean robotic car park below the building. Great for kids and adults alike. The whole building is accessible to people who use wheelchairs. prost. Dokk1 (Q16856305) na Wikidata Dokk1 na Wikipediji
  • 33 Marselisborg Palace (Marselisborg Slot), Kongevejen 100, 45 33 40 10 10. This small summer residence of the Queen of Denmark is situated just west of Mindeparken. The surrounding garden-park is fenced, but open to the public when the Queen is not in residence. It is dotted with sculptures from the private art collection of Prince Consort Henrik, the Queen's late husband. Palača Marselisborg (Q492981) na Wikipodatih Palača Marselisborg na Wikipediji


For a city its size, Aarhus offers a multitude of things for visitors to do. Public events are generally oriented for folks of all ages and budgets, so whether you're a solo visitor, a family, young, old, handicapped, on a tight budget, or in the mood to splurge, there's much to choose from.

Guided tours and sightseeing

  • City Sightseeing (Hop-on-hop-off Aarhus) (Hop on at 8 spots around the city). May-July: daily 09:00-16:00. See Aarhus from an open double-decker bus. With an audioguide in eight languages you can hop on or off at 8 stops on the route around the city. Buses come and go every half-an-hour so you can spend as much time in each spot as you would like, but it takes 70 minutes to complete the circuit if you don't hop off at all. Suitable for the handicapped. €26.72, children under 16: €13.02.
  • 1 Bicycle tour (Cycling Aarhus), Frederiksgade 78 (Frederiksgade is a sidestreet to the Town Hall Square), 45 27 29 06 90, . May-Oct: daily 09:00-13:00. Participate in a guided bike tour around the city. There are several tour themes to choose from and if you are a group of four or more people, you can design your own personal tour with the guides. The guides are all fluent in Danish and English. kr 75-299.
  • 2 Aarhus Culture Walks, Banegårdspladsen 1 (Go to the Central Stations main entrance), 45 42 42 19 25, . Sa 11:00 and 14:00. Every Saturday at 11:00 and 14:00 o'clock, two-hour culture walks starts off from the square outside the Central Station. Just show up or book on-line and save 10 percent. The tours covers both present and older times city life, architecture, art and local stories. Tours on other days of the week and with more personalized themes can be arranged for groups of five or more people, but it costs €100. Children: Free, Adults: kr 150; Seniors: kr 120.

Theatre & performing arts

  • 3 Aarhus Theater, Teatergaden, 45 89 33 23 00. The city's main theatre. A luscious outstanding art nouveau interior design. You can dine or have a drink or coffee at Café Hack to the left of the main entrances. Gledališče Aarhus (Q1138832) na Wikidata Gledališče Aarhus na Wikipediji
Aarhus Theater
  • 4 Bora Bora, Valdemarsgade 1. Bora Bora is a small dance and visual theater located in a cultural centre that was once a school.
  • 5 Filuren, Thomas Jensens Allé 2. Another small niche theater with room for up to 150, located inside the large building complex at the Concert Halls. Filuren is both a theater in itself and a theater school for youth. A nice alternative thing to do if you are with children. Each play has a strictly enforced age limit (usually 3, 4, 5 or 13 years), so be sure to check out the programme beforehand. kr 65.
  • 6 Helsingør Theater. A reconstructed historic theater building from the town of Helsingør north of Copenhagen, now at The Old Town museum complex and still a working theater with room for an audience of 220. Throughout the year, you can catch summer operas, intimate classical concerts and occasional plays here. Not the most active theater in Aarhus, but certainly an interesting visit especially for aficionados of period architecture. Gledališče Helsingør (Q12316174) na Wikipodatih
  • 7 Teater Katapult, Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, 45 86 20 26 99, . Inaugurated in 1995 and located today in the new Godsbanen cultural centre, Teater Katapult is probably the largest alternative theater in Aarhus. The focus here is on fertilizing, stimulating and nurturing the local scene in Aarhus, "catapulting" new talents and projects of a more offbeat bent into the limelight. Several plays are put on monthly, mostly with timely themes explored from a local perspective and presented so as to stimulate debate. kr 170 (kr 60 for people under 25 and discounts for students and pensioners). (Q12342960) na Wikidata
  • 8 Svalegangen, Rosenkrantzgade 21, 45 86 19 19 44, . The second-largest theater in Aarhus, located on Rosenkrantzgade just off the major pedestrian street Ryesgade. There is a nice café attached. Svalegangen (Q12004128) na Wikipodatih
Street performance (ILT Festival)
  • 9 Teater Refleksion, Frederiksgade 72, 45 86 24 05 72, . This is a good example of one of the many small niche theatres in Aarhus. Located in a tranquil backyard in the city centre, Teater Refleksion specializes in puppet and animation theatre of a high international standard. Equally suited for children and adults. Most performances can be enjoyed without knowledge of the Danish language. Sometimes workshops. (Q12342961) na Wikidata
  • 10 Teatret Gruppe 38, Mejlgade 55 B (In a backyard in the Latin Quarter), 45 86 13 53 11, . Every day 09:00-15:00. This small theatre is touring around the world on a regular basis and to accommodate an international audience in Aarhus, a special programme in English has been launched for 2018. There is a small café at the theatre, pay a visit for a cup of tea and see if this place is for you.

Every second year in May, Aarhus is host to the International Living Theatre (ILT) festival, with the next event taking place in 2019. For a number of days, thespians from all over the world meet up here and share the universe of stage art in its broadest sense with each other and interested participants and audiences.


There are three mainstream movie houses in Aarhus, and a number of smaller niche theaters.

  • 11 CinemaxX, M. P. Bruuns Gade 25 (in Bruun's Galleri), 45 70 12 01 01. The largest and most high-tech cinema in Jutland, showing mostly mainstream Hollywood blockbusters with Danish subtitles, some in 3D. Large lounge parlor with a candy store (no outside food or drink!)
  • 12 Nordisk Film Biografer Aarhus C, Sankt Knuds Torv 15 (opposite the Catholic church on the high street near the central station), 45 70 13 12 11. Another large mainstream cinema with nine large screens and a 4DX film theatre. Lounge parlor with café and large candy store.
  • 13 Nordisk Film Biografer Trøjborg, Tordenskjoldsgade 21, 45 70 13 12 11. Daily from 15:00. A smaller mainstream movie theater in Trøjborg, with five screens and a café.
  • 14 Øst for Paradis, Paradisgade 7, 45 86 19 31 22. Showing a mix of indie and European arthouse films with some mainstream Hollywood fare thrown in for good measure, Øst for Paradis (East of Eden) comprises three stories of what is left of an old former craftman's guild complex from 1868, most of which was destroyed during the Second World War. The cinema has seven screens, equipped with state-of-the art digital technology. There is a cozy café at the cinema with newspapers and cultural magazines to browse, as well as a nightclub (Café Paradis) on the top floor.
  • 15 Slagtehal 3, Mejlgade 50. If you're into horror movies, head here: these folks show them every Thursday. 50 kr.

Glasba v živo

  • 16 Fatter Eskil, Skolegade 25 (behind the Aarhus Theatre near the river). Tu-Sa. Housed in an old building from the 1700s in the city centre, Fatter Eskil hosts bands from Denmark in a diverse mix of genres, but mostly blues and rock. kr 40-80, usually free before 22:00.
Musikhuset — The Concert Halls.
  • 17 Gyngen, Mejlgade 53. Gyngen is a music venue, restaurant and café all in one. A smaller place than Voxhall and Train, mostly featuring lesser-known bands and artists in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • 18 HeadQuarters (HQ), Valdemarsgade 1. Tu-Sa from 19:00. HeadQuarters is a cultural venue for theater, dance and music located in the basement of the same old school building where Bora Bora theater is. There are usually three concerts per week on a tiny stage, as well as club and DJ nights.
  • 19 [mrtva povezava]Musikhuset (Koncertna dvorana). The largest concert hall in Scandinavia, Musikhuset has seating for more than 3,600 people in six halls with a large variety of events and concerts throughout the year: classical performances, rock and jazz concerts, operas, musicals, chamber music, as well as more intimate performances on some of the smaller stages. Good restaurant and café.
  • 20 Radar (behind the Scandinavian Center and the Concert Halls). Located in the cultural centre of Godsbanen, Radar hosts many concerts and music events.
  • 21 Studenterhus Aarhus (Stakladen), Nordre Ringgade (on the northern outskirts of the university campus). Built for student activities and assemblies and equipped with a cantina, Studenterhus Aarhus also hosts concerts and other cultural events, usually twice monthly. The largest stage has modern sound technology and room for 750 standing or 450 seated guests.
  • 22 Tape, Mejlgade 53. The latest in a long line of venues to call this building home, Tape's focus is on independent organizers with a diverse musical appeal, ranging from free jazz to punk to dancehall. Here you stand a good chance of experiencing many acts from the local underground.
  • 23 Vlak (at First Hotel Atlantic). Train hosts a large variety of modern contemporary music concerts and other events, from rock, pop and jazz to hip-hop and electronica. There is an onsite lounge, nightclub and cocktail bar (Kupé).
  • 24 Voxhall, Vester Alle 15 (at Mølleparken in the city centre), 45 87 30 97 97. A good, tightly planned schedule of mainstream rock and pop concerts, occasionally dipping its toes into other genres, Voxhall is Aarhus' venue of choice for big-name acts from abroad. A relatively small stage, but room for many people. The associated venue of Atlas is just as active, but mainly focuses on other genres, including world music and folk. Tickets are usually bought at the door, but if you're going to a major concert, buy beforehand! Nice wine and tapas bar in the building at Pica Pica.

Festivali in prireditve

  • 25 Aarhus Festuge. The whole city is decorated for partying and filled with music, theater, food, experimental architecture, film, literature and other events during this 10-day multicultural festival held every year in late August and early September, the largest of its kind in northern Europe. prost. Aarhus Festuge (Q258417) na Wikipodatih Aarhus Festuge na Wikipediji
Outdoor concert (Aarhus Festuge)
  • Aarhus International Jazz Festival. Held every year in the summer, following the Copenhagen Jazz Festival. Hundreds of concerts, many of which are free and open to the public, with a mix of nationally and internationally famous names as well as local up-and-coming talents. Mednarodni jazz festival v Aarhusu (Q17509342) na Wikidata Mednarodni jazz festival v Aarhusu na Wikipediji
  • 26 Classic Race Aarhus. An annual race and classic car festival held every May in Mindeparken. The next race will be from 17 to 19 September 2021. (Q23014597) na Wikidata
  • ARoS Triennial. A continuation of the former and hugely popular biannual Sculpture by the Sea — Aarhus event, the ARoS Triennial is a citywide art and sculpture exhibition held every three years. The next exhibition, titled Mythology, will take place in 2020. The outdoor installations can be experienced in June and July while the museum exhibition runs from April through September. Several pieces from former sculpture festivals are on permanent display around the city, including the kinetic sculpture Snake in Mølleparken close to the ARoS Art Museum. Outdoor exhibitions are free.
  • LiteratureXchange (Aarhus International Literature Festival), 45 88 43 80 00, . A new literature festival with an international outlook. First held in the summer of 2018, the 2021 festival event will be celebrated from 10 to 20 June with more than a hundred events around the city. Talks, debates and readings with celebrated writers along with more experimental happenings and small offbeat events. The 2019 festival featured international hotshots like Mario Vargas Llosa, Pierre Lemaitre and Yasmina Khadra and regional talents such as Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir (Iceland), Klas Östergren (Sweden) and Per Petterson (Norway). Danish, English and other languages.
  • Moesgård Vikingetræf. Open for visitors 10:00-17:00. A large Viking event held every summer in July at Moesgård beach, with reenactments, markets, workshops, and living-history presentations. Interesting activities for all age groups. The 2020 event was cancelled due to the pandemic. According to the organizers the Moesgaard Viking Moot will be back in 2021. A ticket gives you access all three days of the event and also to the Moesgaard Museum (MOMU) close by. Be aware that because of the event's popularity it can be very difficult, if not impossible, to find a place to park a car nearby. It is recommended to take a bus or bike or hike through the Marselisborg Forests to get there. Biking from central Aarhus would take under an hour. 140 kr (Free for those under 18). Moesgård Viking Moot (Q25038242) na Wikidata Moesgård Viking Moot na Wikipediji
  • Northside. A three-day, three-stage annual summer music festival featuring a range of well-known national and international stars.
Street performances (Aarhus Festuge)
  • SPOT festival. A music festival, show-casing local amateurs and up-and-coming bands for a few days in early May every year. The festival also arrange several concerts around town throughout the year. In 2021, the festival will run from 17th to 19th June. SPOT Festival is meant as a rendezvous between the Danish and international music industries and is headquartered at the Concert Halls and the conservatory but with concerts all over town. Small and large concerts from a tightly packed programme of many musical genres. Also talks and interviews with musicians and the music industry as well as conferences and networking opportunities. In the last few years, SPOT Festival has also included films and fashion. kr 790 for everything (day-tickets are also available). SPOT (Q7580030) na Wikidata Spot (glasbeni festival) na Wikipediji
  • Århundredets Festival (Festival of The Century), All over town. Århundredets Festival, or Festival of The Century in English, is a broadly appealing knowledge, art and culture festival held every year in the first half of March across the city. The festival alternates between a historical era theme and a present theme relating to current state of affairs. In 2021 there will be no festival but in 2022 it will be back. The theme will be 'Revolution'. The festival is arranged in a collaboration between the city's many educational and cultural institutions, Aarhus University and Aarhus Municipality, and includes a plethora of events, happenings, debates and lectures based around the annual theme. Everything is conducted in Danish as one of the festivals main purposes is to incite public debate among people and a broad engagement, but some events could be of interest to visitors who don't know the Danish language.

In 2022 Aarhus will host Dirka po oceanu, an international yacht race.


Almost the entire coastline of Denmark consists of publicly-accessible sandy beaches well suited for leisurely activities, and the Aarhus area is no different. Beachcombers might want to be on the lookout for petrified belemnites and sea urchins, but you shouldn't expect to spot any amber in this part of Denmark.

The municipality offers real-time updates of water quality, temperature, etc., at area beaches, on a Spletna stran and via a free mobile app. Be aware that there is increased wave activity throughout the entire bay whenever the catamaran ferry is passing through. The phenomenon is harmless and only lasts 5-10 minutes, but small children are sometimes frightened by this, especially when it happens on an otherwise calm day.

There are several beach parks in Aarhus. The whole Bay of Aarhus is popular with activities in the summer.
  • 27 Åkrogen. An unpatrolled beachpark located some distance north the city centre with shallow, balmy, and clean waters. The beachpark is centred around a marina, from which it stretches north and south. It is especially popular with windsurfers and kitesurfers. At the marina there are several eateries and access to bathing facilities for a fee. Huge lawns with room for sports and other activities in connection with the beaches. The beach itself is not the best quality, it is rather narrow and somewhat stoney in most places, but nontheless Canadian newspaper Globus in pošta rated Åkrogen one of the world's ten best beaches. Åkrogen (Q25044234) na Wikipodatih Åkrogen na Wikipediji
  • 28 Ballehage Beach. This lovely stretch of white sand south of town benefits from a stunning location nestled against the hilly greenery of the Marselisborg Forests, yet within easy walking distance of popular sights like the Marselisborg Deer Park in Varna Palace as well as a number of restaurants. Popular with swimmers, sunbathers, and picnickers, Ballehage boasts calm and clean waters, as well as amenities such as toilets and changing areas. Ballehage (Q27658981) na Wikipodatih Plaža Ballehage na Wikipediji
  • 29 Bellevue Beach Park. Another popular beach in a verdant yet often crowded setting, you'll find Bellevue Beach on the northern outskirts of town just past Riis Skov, facing Aarhus Harbor in the distance. Bellevue's sands are delightfully white and powdery, and the water is shallow and balmy, but notably less clean than other beaches listed here, especially after heavy rains. Amenities includes public toilets, drinking water, trash bins, and a small kiosk. You can get a meal at the café in the adjacent Bellevuehallerne sports complex and there are several small eateries in the immediate neighbourhood. Plaža Bellevue (Q28225945) na Wikidata Plaža Bellevue, Aarhus na Wikipediji
  • 30 Den Permanente. Bathhouse open dawn-dusk Jun-Aug; beach open year round. The name translates to "The Permanent", and reflects the fact that this place is as much about the indoor public bathhouse as the outdoor beach (or more; the latter is quite small). Changing rooms, showers, public toilets, and lifeguards are all provided. The tiny beach immediately south of the bathhouse has been designated as a nudist spot, but welcomes everybody. The historic inn Sjette Federiks Kro, located just up the hill in the forest, is the place to go for a nice traditional Danish meal after your swim. The sea bath was opened in 1933 but has been rebuilt several times since then. It was renovated in 2019. Den Permanente (Q5256478) na Wikidata Den Permanente na Wikipediji
  • 31 Moesgaard Beach (Moesgaard Strand). 12 km from the city center and further south than Ballehage Beach, Moesgaard Beach is patrolled by a lifeguard during the summer months, and the water is even cleaner. There are large green areas here, a car park, toilet facilities, and a kiosk with fast food items, beverages, candy and ice cream for sale in the summer. You can reach the area by road (bicycle, car or bus) through the forests, on foot by The Prehistoric Trail from the Moesgaard Museum or from the beachside. If you go by bus, one option is to take Bus 31 from the Aarhus Bus Station. Plaža Moesgård (Q23753270) na Wikipodatih Plaža Moesgård na Wikipediji

Plavalni bazeni

There are a total of four public indoor swimming pools throughout the city that can be used most of the year. Be sure to check up, as some are closed for extensive periods in the summer. Same price at all venues: kr 45; special prices for children and groups. You can rent towels and bathing suits at some places, but it is expensive.

"Havnebadet" harbour baths opened in June 2018
  • 32 Aarhus Svømmestadion, F. Vestergaards Gade 5, 45 86 12 86 44. All week. If swimming specifically is what you want to do, this is a better option than Badeanstalten Spanien, with an outdoor pool (summer only) to go along with the indoor one. Nonswimmers not allowed. There are also two associated sports halls known as Frederiksbjerghallerne. Bring your own lock for your personal locker, or buy one at the reception for kr 25.
  • 33 Badeanstalten Spanien, Spanien 1 (at the central bus terminal), 45 89 40 20 70. M-Th 08:00-20:00, F-Su 08:00-16:00. The pool at this renovated historic bathhouse from the 1930s hosts many families and children on weekends, but Badeanstalten Spanien is so much more than just swimming: there's a luxury co-ed wellness section (kr 90) with saunas, steambaths, spas, infrared heat lamps and other facilities. The building also houses a fitness centre, a couple of small boutiques offering massage, beauty treatments, wellness products and a café. Španska javna kopališča (Q12302722) na Wikidata Španska javna kopališča na Wikipediji
  • 34 Gellerupbadet, Dortesvej 43, Brabrand (in Braband, in the middle of Gellerup Park), 45 86 25 69 01. W-M. If you're a family with kids, Gellerupbadet is the swimming venue for you, with special shallow heated pools and a sauna, plus a large climbing wall in the hall.
  • 35 Havnebadet (Aarhus Havnebad), Irma Pedersens Gade (Go to Bassin 7 on Aarhus Docklands). 11:00 to 19:00 every day (June-August). Large floating bathhouse in the northern parts of the harbour, part of the developing docklands district. Designed by renowned architecture company BIG, Havnebadet was inaugurated on 30th June 2018. The open-air bathhouse has several pools, including child friendly paddling pools. It is open to the public from June through August. The surrounding area is still under development, but a number of small shops offers coffee, drinks, ice cream and some food. prost.
  • 36 Lyseng Svømmebad, Lysengvej 4, Højbjerg, 45 87 13 33 85, . Sa-Tu and Th. Located in the outer district of Højbjerg to the south of the city centre, this is a swimming hall complex for everybody. Three pools to choose from: a shallow one with swimming toys for the kids, a deep one with diving boards, and swimming lanes for exercise and competitions. Sauna in both the men and women departments. (Q12325291) na Wikidata


Throughout the city there are a number of sports complexes, small and large stadiums, indoor sports halls, and several facilities for street sports. Apart from the free street-level activities, you'll need to be a member of a team to visit most of these places, but sometimes hourly rental or trial lessons are offered.

Full stadium for a football match at Ceres Park & Arena.
  • 37 Aarhus Skøjtehal, Gøteborg Alle 9 (behind the green-roofed watertower at the junction of Randersvej and Ring 2), 45 86 10 42 19. Aarhus Skøjtehal is an indoor ice rink offering ice skating in season, including occasional "ice disco" events and hockey matches. In winter, an outdoor ice skating venue is set up in the inner city park outside the Concert Halls. kr 45. (Q12300337) na Wikidata
  • 38 Ceres Park & Arena (Stadion) (on the outskirts of the Marselisborg Forests next to Tivoli Friheden). The home pitch of local soccer team AGF, Ceres Park & Arena holds around 21,000 spectators. If you're a soccer fan, don't miss a home game (played on Saturdays or Sundays) as the atmosphere is amazing during game night!
  • 39 DGI-huset, Værkmestergade 17 (behind the Bruun's Galleri shopping centre), 45 86 18 00 88, . DGI-Huset is a sports centre of about 5,000 m² in the city centre where you can engage in many kinds of indoor sporting activities. If you're not a member of a team, you can still play badminton or football, or pay by the hour to tackle one of the large climbing walls. Children are welcome and accommodated with a special play area, and there's also an onsite café. Weekends and holidays often see discounts on admission. Free entry, courts kr 100 for an hour.
  • 40 Jysk Væddeløbsbane, Observatorievejen 2 (behind the Ceres Park & Arena, enter from Carl Nielsens Vej), 45 86 14 25 11. Horse racing. kr 40.

Aarhus hosts many large sports events on both national and international level. You may want to attend or plan your visit around one of these events. In March 2019, the city was host to the World Championships in Cross Country.


Canoes for rent at Folkestedet

In the summer from early May through September you can rent canoes at the central community centre of Folkestedet and paddle along the Aarhus River for short or extended journeys.


The are several good spots for recreational fishing on the harbourfront with good chances of catching cod, mackerel, herring, and flatfish (Although eating the latter and other bottom-feeders is not recommended if caught in the harbour). In the countryside surrounding Aarhus streams and lakes likewise offer many opportunities for angling for trout, roach and bream. You will need to buy a Angler Fishing License.


A few places offers horseback riding as an alternative way to experience the immediate countryside.

  • 41 Møllegård Islandsheste, Ormslevvej 325 (Bike, hike or drive towards the small village of Ormslev west of Aarhus), 45 23 30 16 50, . Celo leto. Try some guided horseback riding on Icelandic horses in the countryside west of Aarhus city. Depending on your skill level, you will be guided by professionals on site, and when deemed qualified you can begin exploring the surrounding area on the back of a horse. The nature around Årslev Lake and Brabrand Lake close by offers a memorable nature experience. Icelandic horses are a sturdy breed, but smaller than most other horses, so the weight limit is 90 kg. This place is open for both single visitors and groups year round. 450 kr for 1½ hour (w. guide and equipment).
  • 42 Seldrup Islandsheste, Fuldenvej 119 (Bike, hike or drive to the village of Beder south of Aarhus), 45 22 47 81 10, . Tour hours varies, but tours are scheduled every Wednesday. Horseback riding on Icelandic horses in the beautiful forests and countryside south of Aarhus. All tours are with guides. Only helmets are for rent here, remember to bring your own boots and long trousers. Please book and arrange everything a few days in advance. Tours varies in length and price. Ride for 1½ hour every Wednesday 10:00-11:30 for 300 kr.
  • 43 Rønbækgård, Rønbækvej 35 (Bike, hike or drive to Søften north of Aarhus), 45 28 15 73 01. F 15:30-16:30, Su 15:00-16:30. Rønbækgård is in the forest of Himmerigskov between the suburban villages of Trige, Søften and Hinnerup north of Aarhus. Beginners, as well as the more experienced, can participate in guided tours on Icelandic horses every Friday and Sunday afternoon, tailored to the riders skill levels. Visit, or call, in advance to arrange and book. Tours on other days of the week can be negotiated. F 250 kr, Su 350 kr.


The East Jutland region has many options for golfers. The courses are of a high quality and often situated in beautiful settings. As part of this region, Aarhus has several options:

View across the golf courses at Mollerup Golf Club.
  • 45 Aarhus Golf Club, Ny Moesgårdvej 50, Højbjerg (close to the Moesgård Museum and the Marselisborg Forests), 45 86 27 63 22, . Boasting a great view of the Bay of Aarhus and the excellent bistro and restaurant UNICO (which you can visit even if you're not a golfer), the Aarhus Golf Club has 35 years of experience and more than 1,000 members. 18 holes.
  • 46 Aarhus Minigolf, M. P. Bruuns Gade 25 (At Bruuns Galleri), 45 21 85 05 18, . For something different, how about a round of mini-golf on the rooftops of the inner city? Take the elevator to the top floor of the Bruuns Galleri shopping halls at the central station to access the rooftop terrace. There is a large eatery right next to this place and a small bar outside at the playing field. Closed in the winter. kr 60.
  • 47 Lyngbygaard Golf, Lyngbygårdsvej 29, Brabrand, 45 87 44 10 70. West of the centre in the district of Brabrand. Play either 18 or 9 holes, with five tees on every hole. Challenges for all levels. Onsite restaurant.
  • 48 Mollerup Golf Club, Mollerupvej 7, Risskov (9 km from the centre, in Risskov, on the southern slopes of the Egå Valley), 45 86 78 55 56, . Apart from the golf facilities, Mollerup is known for its beautiful setting near the forest of Mollerup Skov and the lake area of Egå Engsø, with a view across the valley here. 18 holes. Café and restaurant. Mollerup Golfklub (Q12327522) na Wikipodatih


  • 49 Battlearena Lasergame, Sylbækvej 7-9 in Brabrand (Go to the Brabrand Lake west of the inner city), 45 86 22 14 44. 09:00-23:00. Indoor lasergun battles for six or more people. Minimum age is 8 years old. Call in advance to book and pay. Instructions and equipment is part of the package. Bring your own food and drink or buy drinks at the place. Smallest package is 1 hour for 150 kr per person.
  • 50 Eventpark Højbjerg, Søren Nymarksvej 8 (Near Christian X's Vej, just beyond Ring 2), 45 86 14 16 00 (Rush), 45 60 19 87 52 (Eventhall). 09:00-18:00. A cluster of activity game arenas and an event venue, located in an otherwise uninteresting area of light industry in the south of the city. Rush Aarhus is a trampoline park for kids and adults alike. Every Friday and Saturday evening 20:00-22:00, Rush after Dark parties are arranged. Eventhall[prej mrtva povezava] is a multi-purpose arena for all kinds of activity games; try to be a sumo wrestler, play bungee-basket or shoot your friends in a paintball game. Savvaerket is an event venue with occasional concerts and cultural happenings. kr 109 (1 hour at Rush) or 125 (1 hour at Eventhall).
Aarhus Street Food
  • 51 Food markets, Ingerslevs Boulevard, . W-Sa 08:00-14:00. An outdoor farm and artisan market with fresh vegetables, fruit, bread, fish, meat, cheese, and some prepared foods sold by local producers. There's also a small permanent café here with good coffee. 52 Aarhus Central Food Markets in 53 Aarhus Street Food are two indoor food markets since 2016 in the city centre near the central station. Each offers a culinary world tour ranging from craft beers, charcuterie, and luxury porridge to pad thai, fish & chips, and Afro-Caribbean barbecue. Both food courts are open every day of the week. prost.
  • 54 Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3 (behind ARoS and the Concert Halls), 45 8940 9948, 45 2920 9043. A new centre for cultural productions of all kinds: theatre, concerts, performance, film, art exhibitions, finders-keepers markets, and more. There is a restaurant and café here too. Even if you are not interested in participating in anything in particular, Godsbanen is worth a visit for its strange and unique architecture, including the DIY commune known as Institut for (X) za glavnimi stavbami. Tu ljudje urejajo vrtove, igrajo nogomet, rolko, igrajo ulične športe, zabavajo in celo živijo. Vibe je prijazen, vabljiv pogled na anarhistično "svobodno mesto" - ne boste našli ničesar od dekadence Christiania tukaj. Večji del vasi je bil konec leta 2018 buldožer, da bi omogočili nove gradbene projekte, zato obiščite zdaj, če vas sploh zanima. prost.
  • Igrišča. Aarhus ima v mestu in okolici veliko majhnih (in nekaj večjih) igrišč, od katerih je velika večina brezplačnih. Kloden na Dokk1, Legeland v nakupovalnem središču Storcenter Nord in priljubljena izbira so zunanja igrišča v Mindeparkenu in Botaničnem vrtu. Ob Børnenes Jord v središču mesta se notranja in zunanja igrišča udeležujejo strokovnjaki, ki nadzorujejo otroke in urejajo tudi prireditve. Komercialna spletna mesta vključujejo Leo's Legeland v severnem okrožju Skejby in Legelandet kompleks v zahodnem okrožju Brabrand, oba z opremo za otroke vseh starosti do 17 let.
Zabaviščni park Tivoli Friheden.
  • 55 RaceHall, Hasselager Centervej 30 (Beyond Ring 2, blizu Eventparka Højbjerg), 45 86 28 01 70. Pojdite na dirko z kartingom, ki naj bi bila največja dvoranska dirkališča v Evropi. Restavracija v ameriškem slogu. 310-580 kr.
  • 56 Royal Scandinavian Casino, Shranite Torv 4 (v hotelu Royal nasproti katedrale), 45 86 19 21 22, . Vsak dan 24 ur, igralne mize se odprejo ob 19:00. Zaigrajte krog rulete ali igro s kartami in upajte na veliko nagrado, si vzemite odmor od akcije ob skodelici kave v Royal Café ali večerjo v Queens Garden restavracija, pridružite se zabavi v Royal Casino Bar, ali pa samo pogled na bronaste skulpture ob glavnem vhodu, ki jih je zasnoval lokalni umetnik Hans Krull. Vstop 70 kr po 19:00 (20 kr pred 19:00).
  • 57 Tivoli Friheden, Skovbrynet 5 (južno od središča mesta na obrobju gozdov Marselisborg), 45 86 14 73 00. Preverite spletno mesto za urnik. Zabaviščni park z valjarji, kolesom za ferris, hišo s straši in podobno klasično zabavo. Tudi restavracije, plesišče in velik oder, ki gosti občasne koncerte in velike prireditve. Poseben urnik okoli božiča. 70 kr, vozovnica za vse vožnje kr 135.

Nauči se

Da ne bo pomote: Aarhus je univerzitetno mesto. Kot dom Univerza v Aarhusu, največja v Skandinaviji, skupaj z devetimi drugimi visokošolskimi zavodi, Aarhusova študentska populacija šteje enega od petih prebivalcev - statistika, ki zagotovo pojasnjuje mladostno moč mestnih restavracij, nočnega življenja in kulturnih scen.

Tudi če niste maturirani na nobeni od kolidžev in univerz v Aarhusu, mesto še vedno ponuja veliko neformalnih učnih dejavnosti in tečajev vseh vrst.

  • Poleg tečajev, 1 Univerza v Aarhusu (AU) ponuja tudi številne samostojne akademske tečaje angleščine, pa tudi ...
  • Folkeuniversitetet (Folk University), ki prireja predavanja in seminarje o številnih priljubljenih akademskih predmetih z bolj sproščenim in manj tehničnim tonom, namenjenim laikom. Vendar pa učitelji prihajajo iz strogega akademskega ozadja (mnogi so profesorji na AU) in so opremljeni za posodabljanje najnovejših znanj v ospredju raziskav. Vsi tečaji so v danskem jeziku, zato je to lahko dobra priložnost za vaše jezikovno znanje na intelektualno spodbuden način.
  • Dokk1', nova osrednja knjižnica in kulturno središče, ponuja obilo kulturnih dogodkov, srečanj, seminarjev in diskusijskih skupin z različnimi kulturnimi ugledniki.
  • 2 FO-mesto (Frederiksgade 78C) je skupek zgradb, skritih na dvorišču za Mestnim trgom, ki služi kot središče za različne tečaje splošnega izobraževanja, sestankov in konferenc. Obstaja kavarna na kraju samem (Kavarna Nicolai) in včasih trgi, kjer študentje prodajajo lastne obrti in umetniška dela.
  • FOF je dolgoletni program izobraževanja odraslih, ki ponuja najrazličnejše tečaje s kvalificiranimi učitelji, običajno zvečer, na različnih lokacijah po mestu. Tu se lahko naučite igrati kitaro, kuhati za dojenčka ali pridobiti jadralno spričevalo.
  • 3 LærDansk Aarhus. Če je vaš cilj učenje danskega, je to pravi kraj. Tukajšnji jezikovni tečaji so večinoma namenjeni tujim študentom na univerzi Aarhus in priseljencem, vendar so odprti za vse. Tečaji potekajo tako v pisarnah LærDansk (Paludan-Müllers Vej 82) kot v kampusu AU.


Nakupovanje v Latinski četrti.
Bruun's Galleri, eno izmed več nakupovalnih središč s specializiranimi trgovinami v središču mesta.

The cona za pešce v središču mesta je najboljše mesto za nakupovanje - in je tik pred glavno postajo Aarhus in avtobusno postajo, zato je ne morete zamuditi. Opremljen je z majhnimi posebnimi butiki in kavarnami, našli pa boste tudi večje trgovine: lokacije Salling in Magasin du Nord veleblagovnice; tri H&M prodajna mesta; več supermarketov. Glavna ulica Ljubljane Strøget je mesto, kjer se lahko odločite za vrhunske skandinavske trgovine z oblačili, oblikovanjem in nakitom. Obstaja tudi več večjih knjigarn, kjer lahko kupite knjige v angleščini, vključno z vodniki in zemljevidi.

  • 1 [prej mrtva povezava]Bruunova galerija (na centralni postaji vstopite z avtomobilom ali na enega od petih vhodov na ravni ulice, tudi skozi postajo). Največji mestni center na Danskem. Izbirate lahko med 95 trgovinami ter največjim in najnaprednejšim kinom na Jutlandu.
  • 2 Latinska četrt (ob katedrali v Aarhusu, ki jo omejujejo Mejlgade, Nørregade in prostori Vor Frue Kirke). Še eno nakupovalno okrožje v starem mestnem jedru, v Latinski četrti, boste našli majhne samostojne trgovine in nekatere najstarejše mestne kavarne. Tukaj je nekaj za vsakogar: unikatna oblačila, pohištvo in dizajnerski butiki, mnogi z nedvoumnim danskim pridihom (oglejte si Bang & Olufsen Hi-Fi trgovina za še posebej dober primer), umetniške galerije na prodajnih mestih, prodajalne gramofonskih plošč, saloni za tetovaže, frizerski saloni, da ne omenjamo veliko priložnosti za samo vpijanje ozračja in uličnega življenja. Trgovine in podjetja v soseski vsako leto maja ali septembra praznujejo Latinerfestival za nekaj dni, z dogodki in koncerti. Latinska četrt (Q6496462) na Wikidata Latinerkvarteret, Aarhus na Wikipediji
  • 3 Muzeji Kopi Smykker, Skt. Clemens Stræde 7, 45 86 12 76 88. M-Sa. Ena od samo štirih trgovin na Danskem, ki prodajajo visokokakovostne reprodukcije originalnega nakita Viking. Veliko različnih sort.

Izven središča mesta opazne nakupovalne možnosti vključujejo:

  • 4 Bazar Vest, Edwin Rahrs Vej 3 (v Brabrandu, 10 minut hoje od City Vest). Tu-Ne 10: 00-18: 00. Mednarodni bazar s 110 majhnimi trgovinicami, kjer lahko kupite vse vrste uvoženih izdelkov in etnične hrane. Pripravite si obrok, frizuro in popravite čevlje ali kaj pa nargila, prava perzijska preproga in posebej oblikovan arabski parfum? Številne kuhinje, od grške in turške do somalijske in indijske. Dobre šavarme, falafel in sladki arabski užitki. Včasih dogodki, kot so tržni dnevi s posebnimi popusti ali koncerti z bližnjevzhodnimi umetniki ali svetovno glasbo. Velika parkirišča. prost.
  • 5 City Vest (na Silkeborgveju mimo obvoznice Ring 2). Nahaja se v zahodnem delu mesta in ima približno 30 trgovin in kavarn.
  • 6 Storcenter Nord (v severnem delu mestnega jedra v bližini Botaničnega vrta, na Paludanu Müllersvej tik ob obvoznici Ring 1). Približno 50 trgovin, vključno s presenetljivo številnimi restavracijami in velikim notranjim igriščem s prostorom za do 150 otrok. Privoščite si kosilo, medtem ko se otroci igrajo poleg vas. Velika parkirna mesta v kleti in na strehi.

Samooskrbniki s proračunom bi morali iskati rdečo Fakta ali rumene Netto; to so najbolj razširjene prodajalne živil v mestu. Druge možnosti popustov so Aldi in Rema.

Nekateri kraji, zlasti restavracije, zaradi bančnih provizij ocenjujejo nekajodstotno doplačilo za nakupe s tujimi kreditnimi karticami.


Ta stran uporablja naslednji cenovni razpon za tipičen obrok za enega, vključno z brezalkoholnimi pijačami:
Proračundo 100 kr
Srednji razredkr 100-300
Splurge300 kr in več

Aarhus je na splošno znan kot eno najboljših krajev za jesti na Danskem. Ni pa nujno, da se najboljši kraji nahajajo na najvidnejših naslovih, zato je priporočljivo malo brskanja, če vas zanima posebno jedilnico. Cene se nagibajo k nizkemu cenovnemu razredu - kot nalašč za univerzitetne študente, ki so trajno z denarjem - vendar to ni nujno pokazatelj nizke kakovosti; presenetljivo dobro hrano lahko najdete na nekaterih od teh cenovno ugodnih lokacij. Na več mestih je kosilo.

Z okoli 15-odstotnim priseljenskim prebivalstvom ima Aarhus veliko možnosti za etnično hrano; Italijanska, grška, bližnjevzhodna, kitajska, vietnamska, tajska in japonska hrana so najpogostejše kuhinje, spet pa so cene ponavadi zelo dostopne.

Večina restavracij zapre kuhinjo ob 21:00, vendar lahko običajno sedite in uživate v obroku, kolikor želite. Na gurmanskih mestih je dobro predhodno rezervirati mizo, za skupine s petimi ali več osebami pa je zelo priporočljivo. V nasprotnem primeru tvegate, da vas v vratih zavrnejo vrata zaradi nepričakovane obremenitve ali pomanjkanja prostora. Številne restavracije so zaprte za daljša obdobja skozi vse leto; ponavadi v poletnih mesecih ali januar-februar, zato obvezno predhodno preverite, če nameravate obiskati določen kraj.

Žar in hamburgerji

V zadnjih nekaj letih je Aarhus doživel pravo "burgerjevo vojno", povsod so se pojavili kakovostni burgerji, ki so ustvarili močno konkurenco. Aarhus ima tudi več možnosti za žar v ameriškem in tradicionalnem danskem slogu. Bližnjevzhodne jedi, kot so kebab, šawarma in falafel, lahko dobite v številnih restavracijah v okrožjih nočnega življenja, na voljo pa je tudi več mehiških lokalov.


Poleg tega, kar je navedeno spodaj, noben obisk Danske ne bi bil popoln brez pokroviteljstva a Pølsevogn (vagon za klobase): ulični prodajalci, ki prodajajo različne hrenovke, klobase in včasih burgerje. Osrednje mesto ima več, med njimi eno pred centralno postajo in drugo na trgu mestne hiše, ki je večinoma v lasti Danske dobrodelnost ki presežek podari potrebnim otrokom.

A Pølsevogn v Lille Torvu. Na teh mestih lahko dobite ulično hrano z žara v danskem slogu.
  • 1 Burger Boom, Østergade 14, 45 87 30 30 20. Vsak dan 11: 00-21: 00. Ta novi "vojskujoči se" v prej omenjeni Aarhusovi "burger war" je majhen kraj v središču mesta s kratkim, a sladkim menijem s hamburgerji in krompirčkom, ki se prodajajo po ugodnih cenah. Burgerji so minimalistične zgradbe z opaznim pomanjkanjem zelenjavnih prelivov, da ne bi otopili okusa lokalne goveje goveje proste reje. Solato in paradižnik lahko dodate brezplačno, samo povejte, kdaj naročite. Krompirček je navaden krompirček ali sladki krompir. Način dela Burgerja Booma je bil priljubljen in še en in 2 večje mesto odprt v začetku leta 2020, prav tako v središču mesta. Burgerji od 50 kr.
  • 3 Burgerjeva baraka, Frederiksgade 39, 45 23 45 67 27. Ned-Z 11: 30-21: 00, Čet-J 11: 30-4: 00. Tu pečejo povprečen hamburger, odlično narejen z vso govedino in prosto govedino. Tudi sklede hrustljavega ocvrtega piščanca so dobre, toda najbolj priljubljeni element v Shackovem meniju mora biti njihov krompirček, postrežen s prahom iz parmezana in svežega timijana, po izbiri posebej narejenih majonov ob strani . Tri mesta v mestu: prvotno mesto v osrednji coni za pešce, mesto v Skolegadeju, sredi zasedene zabave ob reki Aarhus in eno v severnem okrožju Trøjborg. Burgerji od 55 kr, krompirček 30 kr.
  • 4 Havnens Perle, Sverigesgade 1A (V okrožju severnega pristanišča), 45 86 13 22 56. 8: 00-22: 00 večino dni. Dansko mesto za peko na žaru v pristanišču, priljubljeno med delavci v pristaniščih in drugimi domačini, ki so upognjeni. Uživajte v sveže pripravljenem burgerju, hrenovkah, ocvrtem piščancu, pečeni svinjini, ribah in čipsu ali v različnih toplih obrokih, vključno s tradicionalno dansko ocvrto svinjino z belo peteršiljevo omako in krompirjem (125 kr), krepko jed, ki zahteva veliko točeno pivo. Postrežemo tudi zajtrk in kosilo smørrebrød (Sendviči z rženim kruhom v danskem slogu). Veliko prostora za sedenje zunaj, ko vreme dopušča. Kakovost hrane je lahko težavna, zlasti kadar je gneča. Burgerji kr 89 in več. Hrenovke kr 28. Vroči obroki od 49 kr.
  • 5 De Fyrretyve Røvere, Frederiks Alle 81 (Na Frederiksbjergu), 45 25 40 40 67. Vsak dan. Sorazmerno nova restavracija, del vala kakovostnih žarišč z bližnjevzhodnih navdihov po Aarhusu. Dobre pitas z jagnjetino, govedino, začinjenim piščancem ali domačim falafelom v kombinaciji z drugimi bližnjevzhodnimi dobrotami. Pitas kr 65, stranice so dodatne.
Ob kanalu je veliko restavracij. Restavracija Bone's.

Srednji razred

Nekateri najboljši žari v mestu so v ameriškem slogu.

  • 6 Bone's, Åboulevarden 20 (ob reki blizu Europaplads), 45 87 30 04 00. Vsak dan 11: 00-21: 30. Žar v ameriškem slogu v dveh nadstropjih. Družina Bone's je družini prijazna danska restavracijska veriga z restavracijami po vsej državi. Možnosti kosila vsak dan.
  • 7 Memphis Roadhouse, Christiangade 32, 45 87 30 04 00. M vt 16: 30-20: 00; W Th 16: 30-22: 00; F Sa 11: 00-22: 00; Ned 11: 00-21: 00. Res dober žar v ameriškem slogu v južni tradiciji kadilnice. Možnosti kosila ob vikendih.


Na Danskem so številne italijanske restavracije, ki strežejo vse od gurmanskih večerj do restavracij s hitro hrano, kot so pica in panini. Kakovostni sladoled prej ni bil zelo priljubljena sladka poslastica na Danskem, vendar bi se to lahko spremenilo, saj so se po državi pojavili številni prodajalci sladoleda. V Aarhusu ta trend vključuje tudi kakovostne italijanske sladolede.


V Aarhusu je veliko picerij, nekaj pa jih naredi odlične pice

Picerije so številne po vsem mestu, vključno z oddaljenimi okrožji. Nekateri kraji se dodatno potrudijo:

  • 8 [mrtva povezava]Caffé Ispirazione, Ålborggade 19 (Na Frederiksbjergu), 45 91 53 26 78. Delovni čas se razlikuje. Pazite na zelene stole zunaj trgovine. Običajno 10: 30-21: 00, vendar ob torkih vedno zaprto. Odlične pice in res dobri sladoledi. Tudi sendviči okoli kosila. Ta kraj se še posebej osredotoča na organske sestavine. Široka raznolikost in vegetarijanci in vegani imajo tu veliko možnosti. 79–129 kr za pice.
  • 9 De Martino, Trøjborgvej 8F (za vogalom Casa Mia, 1 min hoje navzdol proti Riisu Skovu), 45 31 38 93 49. Vsak dan 16: 00-21: 30. Kakovostna picerija v Trøjborgu, kjer strežejo tudi testenine, rižoto in nekatere pristne italijanske telečje jedi. Na voljo otroški jedilnik in hrana za s seboj. 75–95 kr za pico.
  • 10 Delizioso, Silkeborgvej 243, Åbyhøj (Na Silkeborgveju in trgu Åbyhøj), 45 72 40 36 50. M-Sa 11: 00-21: 00, Ned 16: 00-21: 00. Picerija in kavarna na mestnem trgu Åbyhøj. Na jedilniku so večinoma pice in testenine, pa tudi panini, solate in italijanske mesne jedi, vse odlične kakovosti. Ponudbe za kosilo od 11.00 do 15.00. Na voljo za ponev. 85–95 kr za pico.
  • 11 La Trattoria, Frederiks Allé 130, 45 32 16 27 52, . Vsak dan 11: 00-21: 00. Italijanska restavracija in kavarna z neposrednim menijem testenin, pice in sendvičev. Jedi so v glavnem v proračunskem cenovnem razponu, nekaj pa jih je drago. Ponudba za ponev. Jedi iz testenin in pice od približno 70 kr in ponudba pice za kosilo za 40 kr.

Srednji razred

Restavracije v italijanskem slogu so na Danskem številne, Aarhus pa ponuja tudi nekaj gurmanskih krajev.

Dobre restavracije s širšim in obsežnejšim italijanskim ali italijansko navdihnjenim jedilnikom vključujejo:

  • 12 AmoRomA, Vestergade 60 (na zahodnem koncu Vestergade), 45 86 19 30 77, . Vsak dan. Lastniki AmoRomA, ki se nahajajo v stari ohranjeni hiši z lesenimi okvirji, črpajo iz svojih izkušenj pri upravljanju svoje posebne trgovine z živili Il Mercatino v Mejlgadeu za jedilnik okusnih italijanskih jedi, ki jih postrežejo v romantičnem okolju. Zelo dobre pice.
  • 13 Gäst, Banegårdspladsen 14, 45 23 62 35 72, . Vsak dan. Ta gurmanska restavracija v italijanskem slogu Županov hotel na osrednji postaji je med najboljšimi restavracijami v mestu. Kosilo in večerni meniji.
  • 14 Restavracija Martino, Marselisborg Havnevej 46 B (v Marselisborg Yacht Harbor), 45 86 18 19 69, . Vsak dan 10: 00-21: 30. Martino streže odlične gurmanske jedi, ki jih navdihuje Italija, s poudarkom na morski hrani. Naročilo po naročilu iz njihovega širokega menija ali si oglejte izbiro sezonskih dvo-, tri- ali štirih hodov prix fixe obroki. Poseben meni za kosilo velja od 11.00 do 16.00. Sedeži na prostem, kadar vreme dopušča.



Obstaja veliko možnosti za poceni azijski obrok. Kitajske restavracije ponavadi ponujajo samopostrežna kosila po ugodnih cenah, nekaj po naročilu posode in škatle za s seboj. Omeniti je tudi skupino vietnamskih in tajskih krajev vzdolž Vesterbrogade mimo Vesterbro Torv ter navzdol Nørre Allé in Nørregade.

  • 15 Com Viet, Nørregade 8 (na severnem koncu Nørregade), 45 60 48 18 73. Tu-Th 12: 00-21: 00; F Sa 12: 00-22: 00. Vietnamska restavracija na skrajnem koncu Nørregade. Vroči obroki so običajno 85 kr, vendar več možnosti za majhne jedi, kot so spomladanski zvitki, solate in sendviči od 45 kr..
  • 16 Den Grønne Papaya, Nørre Allé 23B, 45 86 12 76 80 (30 34 62 49). Su-F 16: 00-20: 00. Sredi mesta Nørre Allé se nahaja to majhno mestece, kjer strežejo okusno in cenovno dostopno vietnamsko hrano. Več jedi je vegetarijanskih, kar ustreza njegovemu imenu, kar pomeni "Zelena papaja". Samo dve mizi, a na srečo je na voljo za ponev. Glavna jed je običajno 65–75 kr.
  • 17 THA, Frederiks vse 120 (Na Frederiksbjergu), 45 32 21 10 21. Tu-Ne 17: 00-21: 15 (ob ponedeljkih zaprto). Drobno mesto, velikega okusa. Ta majhna tajska kuhinja v južni soseski Frederiksbjerg ima le nekaj sedežev in večina obrokov se tukaj prodaja kot za poneti. Zelo dobra hrana in prijazna postrežba. Glavni obroki 90 kr (meniji z dvema jedema kr 120).
  • 18 [mrtva povezava]Vnuodles, M.P. Bruuns Gade 11 (Pojdite do arkade pred kompleksom Bruun's Galleri), 45 24 22 68 99, . Vsak dan od 12:00 do 22:00. Kakovostna vietnamska ulična hrana, vključno s priljubljeno juho Phở. Dvonadstropna restavracija na glavni postaji. Vse je mogoče odnesti. Glavni obroki od 79 kr.
Restavracij v azijskem slogu in še posebej suši restavracij je veliko.

Srednji razred

Sushi prevladuje v seznamu azijskih restavracij s srednjo ceno v Aarhusu: poleg spodaj naštetih nacionalnih verig Karma suši in Sota suši imajo dve lokaciji v središču mesta.

  • 19 Saichi, Jægergårdsgade 81 in Nørregade 28, 45 87 80 00 08 (Jægergårdsgade), . M-čet 12: 00-21: 00, petek 12: 00-23: 00, ned 16: 00-21: 00. Saichi je izvirna japonska restavracija in suši in sashimi, ki jih lahko dobite tukaj, je med najboljšimi v mestu. Aranžmaji "Vse, kar lahko poješ" so na voljo s posebnim popustom za kosilo. Tudi nekaj drugih japonskih jedi in dober izbor sakeja, shochuja in seveda japonskega piva. Odstranite popust. Kuhinja se zapre eno uro pred restavracijo. V Aarhusu sta dve restavraciji Saichi, ena v Nørregade blizu Latinske četrti in ena v Jægergårdsgade na Frederiksbjergu. Sushi meniji od 130 kr.
  • 20 Sushi Springtime, Park Allé 9 (v parku Allé nasproti mestne hiše), 45 22 55 55 44, . Tu-Su 16: 00-21: 00. Verjetno najboljša in najbolj verodostojna suši restavracija v Aarhusu, s kuharjem in lastnikom, šolanim na Japonskem. Izvirni japonski čaji. Najbolje je, da naročite vnaprej, po možnosti en dan ali več, še posebej, če prihajate z veliko zabavo, saj je vse po naročilu sveže.
  • 21 [mrtva povezava]Južnoindijski, Nørre Allé 51 (Na obrobju Latinske četrti), 45 81 470 470, . M-Ž 17: 00-22: 00, sobota 12: 00-22: 00. Južnoindijski je eno redkih krajev v Aarhusu, kjer strežejo indijsko hrano. Tukaj je zelo dobra in pristna indijska hrana s poudarkom na južnoindijski Regija Chettinad še posebej. Juhe, enolončnice, kari, različni kruh in obilo indijskih specialitet, vse to postrežejo v prijetnem in prijetnem okolju. Dobre možnosti za vegetarijance in vegane. Enkratni polni obrok od 107 kr, tri hode prix fixe jedilniki od 179 kr.

Mednarodni gurman

Medtem ko gurmanske restavracije na Danskem tradicionalno pomenijo francosko kuhinjo, obsežna in raznolika skrivnost takšnih restavracij v Aarhusu vključuje tudi gurmansko kulinariko, italijansko in špansko, restavracije z morskimi sadeži in New Nordic. Tri mesta so bila nagrajena z Michelinovo zvezdico, več pa je omenjenih v uglednih vodnikih o hrani, vključno z Belim vodnikom, ki posebej zajema nordijske države.

Večina večjih hotelov ima lastno restavracijo, ponavadi s primerno kakovostjo mednarodnih vozovnic po cenah srednjega razreda, nekateri pa z izjemnimi restavracijami. Tam ni treba imeti prostora, da bi tam lahko jedli. Za podrobnosti si oglejte razdelek "Spanje" ali posamezne spletne strani hotelov. Dalje na podeželje, tradicionalne gostilne (kroer) ponujajo tudi kulinarična doživetja, ki vključujejo tako domače danske jedi kot tudi mednarodno gurmansko kulinariko, spet večinoma po srednjih cenah.

Srednji razred

Izredno kakovostno mednarodno gurmansko hrano lahko dobite po srednjih cenah. Tudi če je vaš proračun omejen na srednji razred, si oglejte tudi restavracije "Splurge", saj je znano, da dražja mesta občasno ponujajo posebne promocijske popuste.

V Latinski četrti je veliko restavracij
  • 22 Kähler Spisesalon, M.P. Bruuns Gade 33, 45 86 12 20 53, . Vsak dan do 21.30. Na tem mestu se lahko odločite, da boste jedli zajtrk, malico, kosilo ali večerno večerjo ali pa se usedli za skodelico čaja ali kave in uživali v vzdušju in modi Kähler keramika. Jedilnik je raznolik in zelo dobre kakovosti, kar dodaja ustvarjalne zasuke predlogi tradicionalne danske in nordijske kuhinje, kar ponazarjajo njihovi okrašeni odprti sendviči. To so tudi ljudje zadaj 23 Restavracija Kähler Villa, razkošna vrhunska gurmanska restavracija v dvorcu v Risskovem, kjer strežejo izvrstne nove nordijske jedi. V Kähler Spisesalon: zajtrk kr kr, zvečer po naročilu večerje za 189 kr in tri hode prix fixe večerna večerja z vinom in pijačami za 649 kr.
  • 24 Latinski Brasserie in Creperie, Klostergade 2, 45 86 13 78 12, . Ponedeljek 18: 00-22: 00, Petek 12: 00-15: 00 in 18: 00-23: 00. Francosko navdihnjena gurmanska kuhinja v živahni Latinski četrti, z izvrstnimi moûles frites z ročno rezanim pomfritom. Po naročilu predmeti od 175 kr; prix fixe večerje 275 kr; 215 kr za doplačana vina.
  • 25 Mefisto, Volden 28, 45 86 13 18 13, . M-Ž 11: 30-22: 00, sobota 10: 00-22: 00. Majhna restavracija v Latinski četrti, kjer strežejo preprosto, a kakovostno gurmansko hrano po dostopnih cenah. Jedilnik je raznolik, poudarja pa morske sadeže (še posebej znani so po jastogu). Spreminjanje sezonskih obrokov s štirimi hodi, posameznih jedi in porcij v obliki tapasa. Lepa terasa. Omrežje od 188. kr. Kosilo od 98. kr.
  • 26 Restavracija ET, Åboulevarden 7 (Pri koncu reke ob pristanišču), 45 86 13 88 00. M-Sa 12: 00-15: 00 in 17: 30-22: 00. V restavraciji ET lahko poskusite številne kakovostne, a cenovno ugodne specialitete, ki jih navdihujejo tako klasični francoski kot danski recepti, vedno s svežim pridihom. Odlična izbira vin in sira. Elegantna in umirjena notranja oprema, kjer lahko iz osrednje kuhinje opazujete kuhanje kuharjev. Po naročilu omrežje kr 168-278, tri hod prix fixe večerje po 368 kr (brez vina). Kosilo od 89 kr.


Prehrambeni prizor je v Aarhusu živahen, novi kraji in eksperimenti prihajajo in odhajajo. Restavracija Domestic je razmeroma nova vrhunska restavracija, namenjena inovacijam nove nordijske kuhinje.
  • 27 L'estragon, Klostergade 6 (V Latinski četrti ob restavraciji Latin), 45 86 12 40 66. Tu-Su od 18:00. Vrhunsko gurmanska kuhinja v francoskem slogu, ki uporablja izključno organske sestavine (vključno z vinsko karto) in, kadar je le mogoče, lokalno pridelano. Štiri, - pet- in celo šest-hodni prix fixe ponujajo se večerje. To je zelo majhno mesto, zato je priporočljiva rezervacija. Posebne ponudbe ob nedeljah zvečer in od torka do četrtka. Odprto za kosilo v soboto. Prix ​​fixe večerje od 350 kr. Seznanjanje vinskega menija 250 kr.
  • 28 Restavracija Domača, Mejlgade 35B (na dvorišču), 45 61 43 70 10, . Tu-Sa 17: 30-21: 00. Skupaj z Hærværk, je ta restavracija eno prvih mest v Aarhusu, ki se ukvarja z "novo nordijsko gurmansko" gurmansko kulinariko, Michelinova zvezda, ki jo ohranjajo od leta 2017, kmalu po odprtju, pa potrjuje njihov uspeh na tem področju. Bodite pripravljeni razmetavati se. Jedilniki od 550 kr.
  • 29 Restavracija Frederikshøj, Oddervej 19-21 (v gozdu Marselisborg čez Mindeparken), 45 86 14 22 80. W-Sa. Ena najbolj izvrstnih gurmanskih restavracij v Aarhusu, ki jo vodi priznani kuhar Wassim Hallal, katerega prvotni meniji imajo zvezdo v Michelinovem vodniku od leta 2015. Eleganten sodoben dekor. Od 700 kr.
  • 30 Restavracija Koch, Pakkerivej 2 (v pristanišču za jahte), 45 86 18 64 00. Gurmanska restavracija ob morju z modnim dekorjem in omejenim, a vrhunsko kakovostnim menijem: velik vodilni gurmanski meni s cenami 1000 kr (Th-Sa), štirismerni prix fixe večerja, znana kot "Norost" (W-Sa), 495 kr, in pomemben nedeljski zajtrk (11: 00-13: 00) pri 345 kr.


Danska je po vsem svetu dobro znana po svinjini, proizvaja pa tudi vrhunsko govedino. Številne restavracije imajo zrezek na jedilniku, vključno z nekaterimi mednarodnimi gurmanskimi mesti, nekaj krajev pa mu služi kot posebnost hiše. Če želite uživati ​​v najboljšem možnem zrezku v Aarhusu, se boste morali razmetati.

  • 31 Hereford Beefstouw, Kannikegade 10-12, 45 86 13 53 25. M-čet 17: 30-22: 00, petek 12: 00-22: 00, ned 17: 30-21: 30. Znana veriga zrezkov s sedežem v Ljubljani Herning in z lokacijami po Danski in celo daleč Grenlandija in Avstralija, Aarhusova lokacija A Hereford Beefstouw ima šport lastna pivovarna da se odpravite s številnimi zrezki in jagnjetino, ribami in nekaterimi morskimi jedmi. Vso to dobroto postrežejo v prostorni jedilnici, obloženi z lesenimi ploščami, ki sprejme do 160 oseb. Na voljo je otroški meni, prav tako pa tudi "Gledališki meni" s popustom za štiri (samo ob delavnikih).
  • 32 Köd, Åboulevarden 23 (ob reki blizu Europaplads), 45 38 41 60 50, . M-Th 17: 00-21: 00, F Sa 17: 00-22: 00. Vrhunski zrezek in morski sadeži z govedino iz Danske, Urugvaj, ZDAin Avstralija.
  • 33 MASH, Banegårdspladsen 12 (v hotelu Ritz), 45 33 13 93 00. Vsak dan. Še ena danska veriga zrezkov z nekaterimi najboljšimi jedmi te vrste v državi, pa tudi z zelo impresivno vinsko karto. Izbor ribjih jedi in nekaj visokokakovostnih burgerjev zaokroža jedilnik. Od 265 kr.

Tradicionalna danska hrana

Za razliko od eksperimentalnih in pogosto precej dragih jedi nove nordijske kuhinje je tradicionalna danska hrana obilna, preprosta in seveda starošolska - njena priljubljenost pa danes raste na danskem restavracijskem prizorišču. Naokoli strežejo posebne menije Mortens Aften (Martinovanje; 11. november), božič in velika noč. Cene so večinoma srednjega razreda.

Teater Bodega
  • 34 Den Lille Kro, Nørre Allé 55 (Obrobje Latinske četrti), 45 86 86 44 41, . Vsak dan 12-21: 30. Udoben kraj, ki se nahaja v nekoliko mirnejšem predelu živahne Latinske četrti, Den Lille Kro (z ustreznim imenom "Little Inn") v obilnih delih ponuja širok izbor kakovostnih tradicionalnih danskih jedi. Različni meniji za kosilo in večerjo. Večerje s tremi hodi 333 kr (a la carte od 169 kr). Kosila od 169 kr.
  • 35 Europa, Havnegade 28 (Harborside), 45 86 19 86 18. W-Sa 12: 00-24: 00. Majhen gastropub, kjer strežejo okusne tradicionalne danske jedi. Večinoma smørrebrød, pa tudi nekaj toplih jedi zvečer. Odnesite ponujeno. Tudi če niste lačni, se lahko preprosto vpijete z njihovega izčrpnega seznama piva. Rdeče vino in domače snaps so tudi postreženi.
  • 36 Restavracija Kohalen, Jægergårdsgade 152-154 (Južno pristaniško okrožje), 45 86 12 14 81. Od ponedeljka do sobote 11: 30-16. Nikakor modno jedilnico, ta kraj se ponaša s svojo lokalno pristnostjo. Kohalen (Kravji rep), ki prebiva v mestni grobi nekdanji klavnici v stari hiši iz leta 1907, v velikodušnih porcijah ponuja kakovostne tradicionalne danske jedi. Poudarek kuhinje tukaj je na pladnjih za kosilo (znano kot Det Kolde Bord), pa vendar z nekaj vročimi jedmi. Restavracija je navadno do vrha napolnjena s hrupno gnečo, zato je malo težko dobiti prost sedež, zlasti ob letnih praznikih. Kosila od 199 kr (obroki po naročilu od 128 kr).
  • 37 Skovmøllen, Skovmøllevej 51 (Gozdovi južno od mesta), 45 86 27 12 14. J-J. Skovmøllenov meni vključuje ustvarjalne zasuke tradicionalnih danskih kosil, pa tudi obilen kosilo ob koncu tedna, ki ga postrežejo v slikovitem okolju obnovljene srednjeveške vodne mlinice z okvirji iz lesa sredi Gozd Moesgaard. Na voljo so spletne rezervacije. Kosilo od 222 kr.
  • 38 Teater Bodega, Skolegade 7, 45 86 12 19 17, . Vsak dan. Zgodovinska restavracija se nahaja na osrednji lokaciji poleg gledališča Aarhus Theatre že od leta 1908, ime Teater Bodega pa je iz leta 1959. V načrtu obrokov je velika raznolikost in kakovost je dobra. Notranjost je urejena v starem tradicionalnem danskem dizajnu in je samo po sebi izkušnja. Srednji razpon.


V mnogih restavracijah v Aarhusu so na meniju vegetarijanske jedi ali druge možnosti. Le nekaj krajev je namenjenih samo vegetarijancem.

  • 39 Mi Feat, Guldsmedgade 33. M-Ž 08: 00-20: 00, Sa 09: 00-20: 00, Ned 10: 00-20: 00. We Feat je dobra izbira za super zdrav vegetarijanski obrok s hitro hrano za zajtrk, kosilo ali večerjo. Posode, solate in sendviči s sokom ali smutiji ob strani. Tu so vse ekološki pridelki, kar je na Danskem tudi znak visoke kakovosti in optimalnega okusa. Če ste vegan ali alergični, brez težav, še vedno lahko izbirate tukaj. We Feat je veriga restavracij z dvema mestoma v osrčju mesta, v Latinski četrti in naprej 40 Frederiksbjerg. Majhne sklede od 65 kr.
  • 41 Kavarna Gaya, Vestergade 43, 45 86 18 14 15. M-Sa. Velika raznolikost ekološko pridelane vegetarijanske hrane z prijetnim dekorjem in ob petkih občasno živo glasbo. Gaya ob sobotah postreže tudi malico. Samopostrežni kosilo za vse, ki ga lahko pojeste, kr 139, večerni bife 179 kr.
  • 42 Faour, Klostergade 32 (V Latinski četrti), 45 60 15 15 70. Zaprte nedelje. Relativno nova restavracija, del vala kakovostnih točk bližnjevzhodnih navdihov po Aarhusu. Faour ponuja falafel, manakiš in mezze različnih vrst po dostopnih cenah. Skoraj izključno vegetarijanski meni. Dober metin čaj in arabska kava s kardamomom. Manakijski meni za 59 kr.
  • 43 Zeleni sosed, Osrednja živilska tržnica Aarhus (V bližini glavne postaje), 45 30 24 04 93. Vsak dan. Različne in spreminjajoče se sezonske solate in sklede samo z ekološkimi pridelki. Sveže iztisnjeni sokovi. Meso lahko dobite kot dodatek za nekatere solate. Od 70 kr.
  • 44 MellemRum, Fredens Torv 2 (V bližini trga Europaplads ob izlivu reke), 45 86 17 18 38, . M-Sa 17: 00-24: 00, kuhinja se zapre 21:30. V tej gurmanski restavraciji lahko vedno izberete sezonski vegetarijanski meni, ki je enak neomejenemu meniju, čemur se kuharski mojstri ponašajo. Trije, štirje ali petkratni sezonski meniji, ki se menjajo na dva meseca ali približno, a tudi po naročilu carte. Prijeten kraj z odlično gurmansko hrano. Ne bojte se, da bi s seboj pripeljali svoje veganske ali ljubitelje mesa, tukaj je nekaj za vse vrste. Tri hod prix fixe vegetarijanski meni 325 kr (Early Bird: 275 kr, če lahko končate pred 19:00).


Številne kavarne v Aarhusu obsegajo raznoliko ponudbo, od majhnih luknjic v steni z dvema stoloma do ekstravagantno okrašenih prostorov z ogledali in natakarji v modnih oblačilih. Nekateri kraji strežejo le najosnovnejše izdelke, drugi pa ponoči kosila, večerne večerje ali koktajle in zabave. Karkoli iščete, torej ne bi smelo biti težav najti kavarno, ki ustreza vašemu okusu ali žepu.

Kavarn je veliko

Večina kavarn v Aarhusu je edinstvenih, vsaka s svojim individualnim šarmom in značajem, v kar nekaj pa boste našli poudarek na visokokakovostni kavi. Vendar pa so prisotne tudi nacionalne verige kavarn z lokacijami Espresso House, emmerys, Lagkagehuset in Sendvič Anettes čez mesto in Starbucks imajo dve kavarni tudi v središču mesta. Če ne pijete kave, v kavarnah pogosto postrežejo tudi vročo čokolado in včasih tudi napitke, a kakovostni čaj se šele začne ujeti okoli teh delov.

Upoštevajte, da se v skoraj vseh kavarnah na Danskem od vas pričakuje, da se osebno obrnete na osebje, običajno za mizo, da vzamete menijsko kartico, oddate naročilo in kdaj želite plačati. Turiste to pogosto zelo zmede, a tako se običajno počne na Danskem in ni znak nesramnosti ali nevednosti.

Although there is a high concentration in the inner city, cafés can be found all over town. A few special places might be hard to discover without particular mention:

  • 45 A.C.Perch's Thehandel (Perch's), Volden 3 (Close to the central square of Lille Torv). M-F 10:00-17:30, Sa 10:00-17:00. A local branch of the venerable tea-house of the same name in Copenhagen with roots back to colonial times. The Aarhus café is smaller, and only a few years old, but has the same old-fashioned style as the original in Copenhagen. Slow down and take time to enjoy a well-made pot of high quality tea with more than a hundred varieties to sample. The clerks are there to guide you. Splurge with a Breakfast Plate or a Five O Clock Tea serving if you like. If you are a group, you can book a table online. No coffee here. Pot of tea 90 kr, Breakfast Plate (including tea) 145 kr.
  • 46 Great Coffee, Klostergade 32 H, st. (backyard) (Go to the Latin Quarter). M-Sa. This oasis for true coffee aficionados is hidden away in a backyard of a larger building complex that used to house a chocolate factory. It is not easy to spot, but some of the best things in life require a bit of effort. There are numerous spots for truly great coffee around the city, but this place is among the very best for sure.
  • 47 Hos Sofies Forældre, Frederiksgade 74, . M-Ž 09: 00-18: 00; Sa 10:00-16:00. A comfortable change of pace from the endless rowdy bars, flashy restaurants, and trendy shops on Frederiksgade, Hos Sofies Forældre is a secluded cozy café filled with vintage furnishings and thick carpeting. It is popular with groups of young mothers, which goes a long way in describing the friendly and relaxed ambience. The menu is lengthy, offering tea, coffee, hot chocolate, cakes and pies, full breakfasts, lunches, and ice cream.
  • 48 LYNfabrikken, Vestergade 49 (in the backyard). M-F 09:00-17:00. "The Lightning Factory" is a business incubator for small creative concerns located in a restored old factory building, with an onsite café in the loft. The laid-back rooftop terrace is a pleasant summertime oasis of seclusion in the midst of the bustling central city. The café offers beverages (good coffee), cakes and a small choice of food, plus a few books and crafts for sale.
  • Aarhus Brædtspilscafé, Vestergade 58A and Fredensgade 38 (Go to Vestergade or the Aarhus Bus Station), 45 81 11 90 05, 45 81 11 90 06. M-Th 14:00-23:00, F Sa 12:00-01:00, Su 12:00-22:00. Two boardgame cafés operated by the same group of people. Just show up and hope for a free spot or reserve a table online if you are a minimum of four people and wants to be sure. The ticket gives you access to a vast number of games, from well-known classics like backgammon, chess or kalaha to various party games, quiz games and much more intricate and elaborate boardgames like Risk, Catan or Pandemic. You can play as many games as you like for as long as you like. Sometimes game-guides introduce new games to people and you can choose to join in. The spot in 49 Vestergade focus on lightweight games while the spot in 50 Fredensgade presents more heavy and advanced games. kr 30.


Denmark has a long tradition of unique, good quality bread and confectionery. You might find it in cafés or in common bakeries across the city, but some places merit a visit for the special effort they put into the craft of baking.

Danish pastry on display in a bakery
  • 51 Lagkagehuset in 52 emmerys are two Danish chains of high-end bakeries with attached café sections. Lagkagehuset has seven spots across town and presents a great selection of cakes which, apart from the Danish pastries of course, include cold confectioners cakes such as layercakes and creamcakes. Emmerys is an organic certified bakery with five spots offering brunch servings, while the cake selection is more limited. Both chains offers breakfast and various snack foods and they are open every day of the week.
  • 53 Briançon, Åboulevarden 53 (At the riverside close to Mølleparken), 45 86 12 43 93. Daily from 07:00. At this small but great bakery you can sometimes watch the bakers at work. A good variety of breads are always available, but the selection of cakes is somewhat limited, but changes often. They only use butter for baking here, no cheap substitutes, and Briançon is renowned for their croissants specifically, which are always up for sale. Also homemade confectionary (their caramels are exquisite) and chocolate delights, quality coffee beans and champagne. The shop is administered by a brother and a sister since 2006 and is located at the riverside, but at a less busy place. No room for eating, but several public spots nearby.
  • 54 Schweizer Bageriet, M.P. Bruuns Gade 56 (Just north of the central station), 45 86 12 34 47. Daily from 06:30. A modern yet historic bakery open for breakfast and lunch. The menu at this pleasant little bakery is full of traditional delights; the variety changes often, but always includes several types of Danish pastry. Schweizer Bageriet is a small place, with only a couple of seats for eating. Good sandwiches and salads.


Aarhus has a lively nightlife, with everything from big mainstream clubs to small alternative hangouts playing niche music. Aarhus's young population fuels a major part of the partying, and the large numbers of students tend to keep prices reasonable. The legal age for buying alcohol in Denmark is 16 and 18 relative to the amount of alcohol present in a given drink, but some bars limit entry to those over 20 or even 23. In any case, it pays to have picture ID on you if you want to indulge in the bar scene. Prices are generally higher than in other parts of Europe, but cheaper than Copenhagen and with several budget options. Entry fees are almost non-existing. The action tends to concentrate around Jægergårdsgade, Frederiksgade, Åboulevarden, Vestergade, the Latin Quarter, Mejlgade, Nørregade, and the riverside (Åen), the latter of which is the most expensive area.

The nightlife in Denmark and Aarhus is quite safe, though occasionally plagued with young immigrants (primarily of Middle Eastern descent) who harass people, sell drugs, and engage in vandalism. These incidents might be rarer these days, but if you are a group of young males with a Middle Eastern look, be aware that you could risk being denied access to some of the more popular spots. Drinking does not limit itself to the night (or the weekends) in Danish culture, so you will not have a problem finding a good place for a cold beer, a nice drink or a glass of wine in the afternoon or even in the morning.

The most widely available Danish beers are Tuborg, Carlsberg and Ceres. With a 150-year history in Aarhus, Ceres was by many considered the "beer of Aarhus", with Ceres TOP as the flagship pilsner, but the beer is not brewed locally anymore. Most places also serve other well-known international brands, mostly on draft. Quite a few spots specialize in quality beers and craft brews, and offer a large variety for the beer connoisseur. This trend seems to have spilled over and affected many of the regular places as well.

Cocktail bars are getting increasingly popular, with most places now offering some kind of mixed drink as an alternative to the omnipresent beer. Quality whiskey, rum and gin can be had in many bars. While in Danish culture wine is traditionally enjoyed with food rather than by itself, there are a few high-end wine bars that are very popular.

Many Aarhus bars change concept and/or owners quite often, some every 2-3 years or so, while other spots close and new ones emerge. The listing below is therefore incomplete and may be out of date, though we've tried to limit it to places with proven staying power.


A neighbourhood with its own atmosphere, separated from the rest of the city centre by a rail yard. Frederiksbjerg's nightlife scene is a mix of traditional bodegaer in værtshuse of the type you can read about below, as well as some newer and more fashionable spots.

While there are several fancy spots, Frederiksbjerg is well stocked on old, traditional værtshus bars.
  • 1 Mikeller Bar, Jægergårdsgade 61. Su-F from 14:00; Sa from 13:00. At this outlet for the renowned craft brewery of the same name, you can choose from a changing slate of 20 beers on tap — both from Mikeller and other breweries worldwide — plus a huge and ever-changing bottle list. If you're (understandably) overwhelmed, the bartenders at this cozy, chilled-out spot are more than happy to help you navigate the vast selection. For non-beer drinkers, a range of high-end spirits and cherry wine (a local specialty) are offered. kr 40 for a tap beer serving.
  • 2 Peter Gift, M. P. Bruuns Gade 28, 45 86 12 01 63. Daily 11:00-01:00. The typical Danish bodega, and mention a claimant to the title of oldest surviving bar in Aarhus (in business since 1906), Peter Gift serves a good selection of beers in a pleasant, relaxed and secluded atmosphere. Lunch is served Tu-Sa, but reservations are required. Smoking is restricted to the backyard.
  • 3 Pub'en, Jægergårdsgade 62, 45 86 13 60 98. Vsak dan. Domačin værtshus with local craft brew (Aarhus Bryghus) on tap and opportunity for a game of dart. Also Ceres TOP beer by the bottle and other beverages. Smoking allowed and a more festive vibe on weekend nights.
  • 4 St. Pauls Apothek, Jægergårdsgade 76, 45 86 12 08 33. Tu-Sa from 17:30. This old restored pharmacy (hence the name) from 1899 now wears many hats: St. Pauls Apothek is a high-end restaurant in the early evening, a fashionable cocktail bar afterward, and a nightclub when it gets res late. Creatively conceived and artfully executed specialty cocktails come served on their own or paired with gourmet dinners.
  • 5 [mrtva povezava]Hartvigs Vinbar, Jægergårdsgade 2A (at the western end of Jægergårdsgade), 45 24 47 84 33, . Tu-W 16:00-22:00, Th 16:00-23:00, F 15:00-02:00, Sa 16:00-02:00. Small, cosy winebar by a very experienced wine connoisseur from the restaurant business. Almost exclusively European wines with a big and unusual focus on German wines in particular. Most wines can be enjoyed one glass at a time, except sparkling wines. White wine lovers has plenty of options here. Reserve a table or just show up and hope for a free spot. kr 55-65 and up per glass.


This partly pedestrianized street brims with nightlife.

The Golden Lion Pub in Frederiksgade. The pedestrianized city centre has a lively nightlife and bus routes that connect to the suburban areas, reducing the risk of alcohol-related accidents.
  • 6 Hos Anders, Frederiksgade 25 (Below Sharks in the same building). A bar with occasional live music, mostly jazz. The audience here is usually a bit more mature. Beer kr 20.
  • 7 Morski psi, Frederiksgade 25 (At the first floor of Busgadehuset, a central car parking house), 45 86 18 09 90, . Vsak dan. Not only a bar but also Denmark's largest pool hall, with 26 billiard tables that pack 'em in most nights. To get away from the madding crowds, head for one of three cozy lounges where you can enjoy a beer or tuck in to a burger or a plate of nachos (the kitchen closes at 22:00). Sharks is also a popular place to catch major sporting events on TV. Pool tables kr 1-2 per minute, cocktails from kr 45.
  • 8 Tir Na Nóg, Frederiksgade 40, 45 86 19 19 10, . Vsak dan. A huge Irish pub with nice decor, a festive atmosphere, live Celtic music and pub trivia on Thursday nights, and a good selection of whiskey and scotch. As at Sharks, the TVs around the bar are a popular place to catch sporting events.
  • 9 Waxies, Frederiksgade 16, 45 86 13 83 33, . Daily from 12:00, happy hour from 22:00-00:00. Another Irish pub closer to the river with three floors of action in a hip riverside location. Premier League football Monday and Tuesday nights, pub trivia Wednesday nights, poker Thursdays, and live music on the weekends starting around midnight. Show up early for discounted drinks and a small food menu.

Ob reki

Most of the cafés near the mouth of the river turn into bars and nightclubs in the late evening, but there are also many places here dedicated exclusively to nightlife. One of the busiest bar scenes in the city, the riverside can be hectic Friday and Saturday nights, attracting many young people. The rest of the week, the promenades along the river offers a more laid-back vibe. Despite the many upscale and fashionable places, there are a surprisingly ample selection of budget-friendly options in between. The nightlife scene here starts off at Immervad, the small bridge crossing the canal at Frederiksgade, and stretches all the way to the mouth of the river at the harbourfront.

Aarhus river
  • 10 The Australian Bar (A-Bar), Åboulevarden 21, 45 30 37 07 38. Th-Sa 22:00-05:00. A large nightclub catering to a youthful audience, with DJs, a dance floor, and occasional hip-hop concerts featuring artists from the Danish scene. The bar serves beers (including Fosters, Victoria Bitter, and other Aussie brews), shots, spirits, and champagne by the bottle, with discounted drinks every Thursday and before midnight on weekends.
  • 11 Barstart, Fiskergade 28, 45 26 14 93 57. W-Sa from 18:00. A short walk away from the riverside, you'll find this small and easy-to-miss place clustered among a handful of similarly busy nightspots. Barstart's constantly changing drink menu encompasses many innovative specialty cocktails, but the experienced bartenders here could most likely make any classic drink you would like. Cocktails from kr 90.
  • 12 Bodegaen, Åboulevarden 33. Vsak dan. Located at the river, this hip place is only a few years old, but equipped as an iconic old fashioned bodega. Enjoy a beer and a game of darts, dice, pool (bob), or foosball (a quite popular "sport" in Denmark for young people) for a bit of fun. Ceres TOP kr 25.
  • 13 [mrtva povezava]Castenskiold, Åboulevarden 32, 45 86 55 22 23, . F Sa 22:00-05:00 (café and restaurant Tu-Sa 12:00-22:00). A cheery café and restaurant during the day and early evening, a chic cocktail bar by night with a clientele drawing heavily from Aarhus' design and fashion elite. Cocktails from kr 90.
Herr Bartels, one of many cocktail bars
  • 14 Herr Bartels, Åboulevarden 46, 45 86 18 08 33, . W-Sa from 20:00. The longest bar desk in town, serving a changing selection of excellent drinks and cocktails in a nice atmosphere. All nights, a few select drinks are "two for the price of one". Age limit is 20 on weekends. Cocktails kr 70-95.
  • 15 Lava, Åboulevarden 22, 45 25 53 30 31, . Another jack-of-all-trades type of place at the riverside, Lava is a café, bistro and bar all in one. The latter identity comes into the picture on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights after 21:00, with an international wine list (including champagne by the bottle), superb rums and cognacs, and French spirits like armagnac, calvados and eau de vie for a very reasonable price. They occasionally host live music as well. Cocktails from kr 65.
  • 16 London Bar, Åboulevarden 31, 45 51 89 56 70, . F Sa 20:00-06:00. A cocktailbar with dimmed lightning, black tiles and individual tables open for reservations. Many of the bars at the riverside attracts a very young audience, but this bar has a minimum age of 25 and a corresponding relaxed atmosphere. The cocktails are good quality, all made from scratch, half-price before 23:00. Champagne and quality liquor also available. Cocktail courses (1-2 hours) and sometimes events.
  • 17 Shen Mao, Sct. Clemens Torv 17, 45 86 17 11 22, . Th-Sa from 20. Table tennis is the name of the game here, just rent a bat at the bar for 30 kr and get a beer when you return it. The place looks pretty rough and tends to focus on hip-hop music. Usually, the party builds slowly, and things gets crowded no sooner than midnight. No state-of-the-art high-end cocktails here, just beer by the can, basic mixed drinks, and all the ping-pong you can play. The namesake of the bar is the Chinese-born owner who used to run the place out of his apartment. Beer cans kr 35, cocktails kr 45.
  • 18 The Mexican, Åboulevarden 21, 45 27 29 62 52. F Sa 21:00-05:00. A Mexican-themed dance and nightclub. Coronas, Tequilas and Mexican cocktails. Tequila of the house for kr 10. Sombreros, skulls, lots of decorations and festive lighting, perfect for a dance club party.


Skolegade is an old narrow sidestreet behind Åboulevarden with a long history as a nightlife destination. Most of the action is near the south end, closest to the riverside.

  • 19 Escobar, Skolegade 32, 45 86 13 79 26. 19:00-05:00. This is a small bar where heavy metal and hard rock music rule the day, including demo-tapes from local bands. Green chartreuse and absinthe are specialties here. Escobar is a great place to get acquainted with the local metal scene, but if you're not the headbanging type, never fear: the nonjudgmental, come-as-you-are ambience is welcoming to all. Pub quiz Monday nights with a focus on movies and music.
  • 20 G-bar, Skolegade 28. Aarhus' gay and lesbian club.
  • 21 Pinds Cafe, Skolegade 11, 45 86 12 20 60. Wednesday to Saturday. This small bar has served since 1848, but got its name from a miss Elna Pind who took control in 1936, notorious for her sharp tongue and very strict rules. Things are more easy nowadays but the old-fashioned decor clings on. The clientele is typically of the mature and relaxed kind. Smoking allowed.

Latinska četrt


As at the riverside, several of the Latin Quarter's cafés turn into festive bars in the evening, while other places serve as such all day.

  • 22 Café Paradis (Den Sidste), Paradisgade 9 (in the top floor loft). Th-Sa 21:00-03:00. Bar and nightclub with beer, wine, shots, cocktails, and a lively dance floor with DJs on most nights. kr 50 entry (includes a drink).
  • 23 Løve's, Borggade 14 and Nørregade 32, 45 52 17 50 16. Two separate buildings around the corner from each other: the former a relaxed wine bar-deli, the latter an equally relaxed wine bar-bookstore-café with occasional book and poetry readings, wine tastings, and other events. Løve's attracts a mixed and sociable crowd.
  • 24 Mig & Ølsnedkeren, Mejlgade 12, 45 93 85 51 58. M-Sa. Beer bar with a large selection of craft beer, among the best in Aarhus. Some of the beers are brewed specifically for this place, while other are imports from around the world. The tap selection changes regularly, so there will always be new stuff to sample for beer lovers. Good vibe and bartenders who knows what beer is all about.
  • 25 Ris Ras Filliongongong (Ris Ras), Mejlgade 24, 45 86 18 50 06. M-Sa 12:00-02:00; Su 14:00-19:00. At this cozy hipster hangout you can indulge in a great variety of beers, rums, and even hookah to the strains of the latest indie music in the background. If you are new to craft beer and don't know where to start, the Hancock on tap is the beer of the house and always a hit. No food up for sale, but you are welcome to bring your own along, if you buy a beer or two and clean up after yourself.
  • 26 Under Masken, Bispegade 3 (Go to the Royal Hotel opposite the Cathedral), 45 86 18 22 66. Vsak dan. This bar and café in the basement next to the Royal Casino and Hotel is owned by local artist Hans Krull. The walls here are decorated with strange tribal wooden masks, artsy pictures and miscellaneous objects from his travels around the world. Krull is a prominent artist in Denmark and you can enjoy some of his finer works by glancing at the three bronze statues outside the casino next door or his large whole-wall mural in Fiskergade nearby of a woman kissing a sea gull. On most Sunday afternoons, Krull[prej mrtva povezava] draws large portraits at the bar, but it is a bit pricey. Be aware that smoking is allowed here and the place is often packed. Happy hour every day from 17:00-21:00 and sometimes live music.


  • 27 Alberts, Store Torv 3 (at the Aarhus Cathedral), . Su-Th from 19:00, F from 16:00, Sa from 20:00. Alberts is a cocktail bar in an 14th-century monks' cellar at the cathedral that also serves quality beer and wine and hosts free open-mic stand-up comedy Monday-Thursday in Danish and Sunday in English. You can play dice too. Cocktails from kr 70, beer and wine from kr 60.
  • 28 Bernhardt Natklub, Store Torv 3 (Go to the main square in front of the Aarhus Cathedral), 45 28 35 44 51, . F Sa 23:00-05:00. Dance and nightclub in the same basement as Alberts. If you are a party, it is possible to reserve your own table. Age limit is 20 on Fridays and 22 on Saturdays.
  • 29 Gedulgt, Fredensgade 41 (Close to the bus station), . Th-Sa 16:00-02:00. If you are willing to spend some time on a nightlife treasure hunt, try if you can find Gedulgt. It is a super hip cocktail bar with the most creative drinks, but located in a nondescript backyard as some kind of secret speakeasy. Look for the green door. If you are four or more people, please preorder your cocktails. Special Colonial punches available. For groups of eight or more people, tasting arrangements can be ordered. From kr 90.
  • 30 Hantwerk, Fiskerivej 2D, 45 91 25 62 57, . W-Sa. Gastrobar in the northern harbour district. Great food, wine and beer and sometimes small musical arrangements. Many people go here just for a drink. The beer is brewed by the local micro-brewery Humleland in-house and served on tap and bottles. The brews are quite creative, diverse and of a great quality. Special imports are also available. Several options for wine by the glass. If you want to dine, reserve a table on-line before you go. Take note that this place does not accept cash.
  • 31 Kupé, Toldbodgade 6 (at First Hotel Atlantic), 45 86 13 47 22. F-Sa from 23:00. Kupe could be called Aarhus' main nightclub, with a young fashionable crowd imbibing cocktails in the lounge or dancing to the tunes spun by the DJs. Age limit is 21. Beer kr 45.

Bodegaer in værtshuse

In Denmark, a bodega is a traditional Danish pub or bar. The bodega has a long cultural history in Denmark and is conceptually somewhat similar to an English pub, but only a few places offer meals and live music. You could warm up at one before going to a concert or a fancy club, or you can drop in for a coffee or a beer in the afternoon. It should be fairly easy to find yourself engaged in a conversation at these places, as the majority of people are here to socialize and unwind.

  • 32 Peder Wessel, Niels Juels Gade 49 (Go to Tordenskjoldsgade, the main street on Trøjborg), 45 30 36 75 16. M-Sa from 11:00, closed Sundays. Nice classic bodega on Trøjborg, north of the city center. Relaxing and cosy atmosphere on the week days but packed with people ready to party on weekend nights. Often live music.

In the older days, when alcohol was seen as a basic thirst-quencher for the working man, bars were much more abundant. These were watering holes with the sole purpose of serving cheap beers all day, every day. The Danish word for these basic bars is værtshus, which loosely translates as "hosting-house": in other words, a place that hosts people for drinking. Times have changed, but there are still some of these places left in Aarhus, many with their own peculiar charm. They are mostly frequented by regulars, but visiting strangers are welcomed too. The crowd at these places can be a lovely mix of joyful people at times, especially weekend nights.

Jacob Skomager

Ceres TOP pilsner is the de rigueur beer in bodegaer in værtshuse, but other alcoholic beverages are usually available too, along with coffee and soft drinks. An "Aarhus set" consists of a Ceres TOP with a shot of Arnbitter on the side, both beverages from Aarhus. Shots of black liquorice-flavoured vodka, often referred to as Fisk, are popular with young people.

In popular usage, the terminology can be confusing: the words værtshus, bodega, in kavarna are nowadays often employed indiscriminately in business names, and in particular værtshus can be used for any kind of bar. To learn more about the true værtshus concept — and to learn how to differentiate between the three categories yourself — you can start your field research at these spots:

  • 33 Bro Cafeen (Bro Cafe), Frederiks Allé 61 A (At the Frederiksbroen bridge), 45 86 12 86 11. M-Th 11:00-22:00, F Sa 11:00-01:00, Su 11:00-18:00. Claimed by some to be the oldest værtshus in Aarhus still in operation, Bro Cafeen has presumably served thirsty guests since 1899. Nice old-fashioned bright yellow townhouse at an excellent location right at the central Frederiksbroen bridge. Outside terrace, dart, and occasionally live music.
  • 34 Cirkuskroen, Skovvejen 23. Every day from around 12:00. Located a bit outside of the central scene, close to Trøjborg, Cirkuskroen owes its name to the fact that its owners are a family of former circus performers. Accordingly, the place is decorated with clowns and old circus paraphernalia. Despite all this, the place is indeed a traditional Danish værtshus — really! Have a listen to Kim Larsen or John Mogensen at the jukebox. Smoking allowed. Beer kr 18.
  • 35 Harmonien, Mejlgade 109, 45 86 12 67 47. Every day from 13:00. Gamers take note: apart from the cheap beer and drinks served at this traditional værtshus, you can also play snooker, darts, foosball and even try your luck on a couple of slot machines if you like. With TVs at the bar invariably tuned to the big game, Harmonien is also a great place to cheer for the home team with the locals. Smoking allowed.
  • 36 Jacob Skomager, Frederiks allé 149 (Near the southern end of the long Frederiks Allé road in the Frederiksbjerg neighbourhood). Every day from 10:00. Redno værtshus with an old fashioned decor in an area with many local værtshus bars. Smoking allowed. Drop in for a cup of coffee in the early afternoon or a beer after work. You can get hot dogs at the small square opposite this place. Fun fact: Jacob Skomager is a character from the Renaissance play "Jeppe på Bjerget" by celebrated writer Ludvig Holberg.


Prices for hotels are generally higher than in other parts of Europe, but there are a number budget options of a good quality.

Apart from the well known hotels listed below, there are also options for small bed and breakfasts — usually located some distance outside the city centre — as well as private stays and holiday rentals.


The Danhostel in the beautiful and tranquil forest-park of Riis Skov just north of the city centre.
  • 1 Aarhus Camping, Randersvej 400 (4 km north of town), 45 86 23 11 33, . A campsite in Lisbjerg, with easy access to nature. Bus lines connect easily to the city centre in about 15-20 minutes. Peak season prices: kr 87, children kr 49, pitch fee kr 25.
  • 2 Blommehaven Camping, Ørneredvej 35, 45 86 27 02 07, . In Marselisborg Forest 5 km south of the city centre lies this campsite with cabins.
  • 3 Cab Inn, Kannikegade 14 (in the centre between the Cathedral and Åen), 45 86 75 70 00, . Rooms at this hotel are quite small, but include a TV and private shower and toilet. From kr 499. Cab Inn (Q43171337) na Wikipodatih
  • 4 City Sleep-in, Havnegade 20 (around the corner from Europaplads, 5& min from Central Station). Basic hostel in Havnegade in a quiet location in the city centre; functional, but rather spartan and not very clean. Dorm beds from kr 190, private rooms from kr 460. City Sleep-in (Q43171232) na Wikidata
  • 5 Danhostel, Marienlundsvej 10 (in Riis Skov), 45 86 21 21 20, . A hostel with a kitchen perfect for guests who are self-catering their meals. From kr 250. Danhostel Aarhus (Q43209537) na Wikidata
  • 6 Wakeup Hotel, M.P. Bruuns Gade 27 (in the same building complex as the Central Station), 45 44800000. Opened in June 2017. 315 nonsmoking rooms with free Wi-Fi and flatscreen TVs, bicycle rental, lounge areas, a 24-hour reception, and a breakfast restaurant. from kr 400. Wakeup Aarhus (Q43171050) na Wikipodatih
  • 7 Zleep Hotel Aarhus, Viby Ringvej 4 (in Viby, 500m from the E45 motorway), 45 70 235 635, . A modern high-rise hotel south of the city centre. Breakfast buffet, free internet plus free and safe parking. There is a large and cosy Chinese restaurant at the ground floor and a shopping mall right next door. kr 499.

Srednji razred

Scandinavian Congress Center with the Radisson Blu Hotel
  • 8 First Hotel Atlantic, Europaplads 10 (at Europaplads), 45 86 13 11 11. Set in a modern high-rise building with views across the harbour and the city. Limited safe parking for a fee. Breakfast option and in-house Italian restaurant Grappa al Porto. From kr 756. (Q12317288) na Wikidata
  • 9 Havnehotellet, Marselisborg Havnevej 20, 45 7022 5530, . A clean, modern, and completely unstaffed hotel at the pleasant Marselisborg Marina where the check-in process is entirely computerized: you can stroll out of your room and watch the sunset with a bottle of wine from the vending machine! There are a couple of restaurants and an ice cream shop nearby. From kr 650. Havnehotellet (Q33048269) na Wikipodatih
  • 10 Hotel Ferdinand, Åboulevarden 28, 45 87 32 14 44, . Small exclusive boutique hotel with a prime location on the riverside in the city centre. Suites and studios are large and luxurious, but few in number. On the ground floor you have a renowned brasserie and restaurant with a stylish decor, and in the backyard you have the excellent, equally stylish, and more low-key FF Aarhus restavracija. From kr 891. Hotel Ferdinand (Q43266212) na Wikipodatih
  • 11 Hotel Ritz, Banegårdspladsen 12, 45 8613 4444, . Modern chain hotel next to the Central Station, operated by the Best Western group. Breakfast buffet and notable MASH steakhouse restaurant. From kr 985. (Q12317317) na Wikidata
  • 12 Hotel Oasia, Kriegersvej 27, 45 8732 3715, . Hotel Oasia is in a central but quiet location close to the Central Station. Rooms are smartly furnished in modern Nordic style. Nice lounge and breakfast buffet. The entire hotel is non-smoking. From kr 1195. Hotel Oasia (Q33048454) na Wikipodatih
  • 13 Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel Arhus, Margrethepladsen 1 (at Margrethepladsen in the Scandinavian Congress Center), 45 8612 8665, . Large, modern chain hotel centrally located next to the City Hall and the Concert Halls. Big breakfast buffet. Restaurant and bar Raa offers three and five-course gourmet dinners. From kr 805.
  • 14 Scandic The Mayor Hotel, Banegaardspladsen 14, 45 87320100, . Prijava: 15:00, preveri: 11:00. A modern chain hotel next to the City Hall and the Central Station. Large full breakfast with bread baked in the hotel's own bakery and good gluten-free and lactose-free options. A superb in-house restaurant Gäst open for lunch and dinner. 24-hour convenience store and safe car parking for a fee. From kr 940.


Hotel Royal, in the city centre. Historic hotel from 1901.
  • 15 Comwell Aarhus, Værkmestergade 2 (at Aarhus City Towers), 45 8672 8000, . Aarhus' tallest skyscraper is where you'll find this 240-room hotel with rooms decorated in modern style. Fitness, restaurant, bar and lounges. Restaurant V serves every day, all day. Limited options for car parking. Green Key certified. kr 1298. Mestni stolp Aarhus (Q12341364) na Wikipodatih Mestni stolp Aarhus na Wikipediji
  • 16 Helnan Marselis Hotel, Strandvejen 25 (near Mindeparken), 45 86 14 44 11, . A bit south of the city centre, this monumental waterfront hotel was designed by Danish architects Friis and Molkte and completed in 1967. Free parking, bicycle rental, swimming pool and fitness. In-house Restaurant Marselis and bar serves every day, all day. From kr 1350. Hotel Marselis (Q12316149) na Wikipodatih Hotel Marselis na Wikipediji
  • 17 Hotel Guldsmeden Aarhus, Guldsmedgade 40, 45 86 13 45 50, . A small hotel in the Latin Quarter. A bit expensive for what you get, but it has a nice patio and good breakfast buffet. Green Globe certified and all food and drink here is organic. From kr 1345. Hotel Guldsmeden (Q33047778) na Wikipodatih
  • 18 Hotel Royal, Store Torv 4, 45 86 12 00 11, . Opened in 1838, you'll find this grand old hotel right in the city centre, with the iconic pair of bronze sculptures (the work of local artist Hans Krull) standing guard out front. The rooms are smartly decorated, and the onsite Queens Garden restaurant serves quality French fare at a surprisingly affordable price. There's also an English garden and casino. From kr 1645. Hotel Royal, Aarhus (Q12317318) na Wikipodatih Hotel Royal, Aarhus na Wikipediji
  • 19 [mrtva povezava]Hotel Villa Provence, Fredens Torv 10, 45 8618 2400, . A small French oasis in the center of Aarhus, with an intimate atmosphere and brimming with character. kr 1400. Hotel Villa Provence (Q33047433) na Wikipodatih
  • 20 Scandic Aarhus City, Østergade 10, 45 8931 8100, . Large hotel in the city centre with fitness rooms and underground car parking. In-house restaurant L'øst serves every day, as does the chic adjacent lounge bar and café. From kr 1645. Scandic Aarhus City (Q33047970) na Wikidata
  • 21 Scandic Aarhus Vest, Rytoften 3, 45 8615 6844, . A modern six-story hotel 4 km from the city centre, with Wi-Fi, parking, and breakfast all free. There's also a 24-hour convenience store. From kr 1354.
  • Radisson RED Hotel, Aarhus (Radisson RED), Frederiksgade 88 Vester Alle 4 (city centre), 45 89333300. Prijava: 24 ur.


Kroer (ednina kro) are traditional country inns of a type that has a long history in Denmark: a nationwide network of these places was laid out by royal decree beginning in the 13th century (and culminating in the 17th) in order to provide easy shelter, dining and fresh horses for the king and his entourage when travelling through the country. Others emerged in places like village halls and old flour mills to provide food and accommodation for larger gatherings and celebrations in the surrounding rural communities. Danes kroer are usually held in high social regard. If you're looking for an all-inclusive getaway in a romantic countryside setting, yet not too far away from the action of the central city, this might be the option you're looking for.

Norsminde Kro, one of several notable guesthouses in the countryside near Aarhus.
  • 22 Malling Kro, Stationspladsen 2, 8340 Malling​ (about 12 km south of Aarhus), 45 86 93 10 25, . Dating from 1884, Malling Kro has a superb onsite restaurant with a renowned wine list that's won the place membership in the prestigious Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs in Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs. From kr 675. Malling Kro (Q43170325) na Wikipodatih
  • 23 Norsminde Kro, Gl. Krovej 2, 8300 Odder (in Norsminde), 45 86 93 24 44, . This historic kro boasts an outstanding high-end gourmet restaurant as well as a more informal and affordable brasserie serving breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, and dessert. There's also easy access to good beaches from this place. From kr 598. Norsminde Kro (Q43170483) na Wikidata
  • 24 Nørre Vissing Kro, Låsbyvej 122 (22 km west of Aarhus, in Nørre Vissing), 45 86 94 37 16, . With over 200 years of tradition under its belt, you'll find Nørre Vissing Kro in a beautiful countryside setting west of Aarhus, in the small village of the same name. From kr 845. (Q43170608) na Wikidata
  • 25 Sabro Kro (Montra Hotel Sabro Kro), Viborgvej 780, 8471 Sabro (12 km from Aarhus), 45 86 94 89 22, . Unlike the stereotypical Danish kro, the vibe here is unrelentingly modern. But don't be deceived: this place can go toe to toe with the competition in terms of history, established by royal decree no later than 1855. Sabro is a rather large kro, with close to seventy double rooms, several suites with spa and other luxury facilities, and room to accommodate conferences, events, and even concerts. There's fine food at the restaurant (including weekend brunch), and the owners' efforts to operate the place in an environmentally conscious way have earned Sabro Kro the international Green Key certificate as well as a silver certificate as a TripAdvisor GreenLeader. From kr 1095. (Q43170715) na Wikidata

Povežite se


Nearly all hotels supply free Wi-Fi and limited workspaces. Most cafés also offers free Wi-Fi for customers, but gazing into your laptop for more than half-an-hour in a café is usually disapproved and you are best advised to find another spot to satisfy your digital needs. In this case Aarhus's free municipal WiFi network, Smart Aarhus, can be freely accessed in and around most public squares, parks, and institutions, including the Urban Mediaspace of Dokk1 where finding a spot to sit around should not be a problem.


If you need to use a computer, the library at Dokk1 has several terminals for public use, with Internet access through an SMS authentication system and printing services available for a fee. Also free Wi-Fi throughout the building.

Spopadite se


In Denmark, all newer buildings — and quite a few older ones as well — are specially equipped with ramps, elevators, lifts, and sometimes escalators to help handicapped people navigate the public space. As well, the beeping sound you hear coming from the traffic lights at some of Aarhus' busier intersections are there to help visually impaired pedestrians know when it's safe to cross. Guide dogs are allowed in most places (even in some cinemas), and personnel are unusually friendly and helpful towards the handicapped.


The homeless in Aarhus are usually harmless (to the point where you could make small talk with many of them), and aggressive begging is uncommon. Mnogi od njih zaslužijo nominalni dohodek s prodajo uličnih časopisov Hus Forbi ("Hiša mimo") mimoidočim na javnih mestih.


  • Avstrija4 Avstrija (Konzul Steffen Ebdrup), Hans Broges Gade 2, 8000 Århus C, 45 89 34 00 00, .
  • Belgija5 Belgija (Konzul Carsten Henriksen), DOKK1, Hack Kampmanns Plads 2, Niveau 3, 8000 Århus C, 45 33 34 07 90, .
  • Burkina Faso6 Burkina Faso (Konzul Jens Pauli), Hjortevænget 11, 8270 Højbjerg, 45 40 27 76 24, .
  • ČileČile (Konzul Kjeld Ranum), Skovboulevarden 8, Stevnstrup, 8870 Langå, 45 40 28 40 37, .
  • Hrvaška7 Hrvaška (Konzul Jakob Østervang), Bech-Bruun, Værkmestergade 2, 8000 Århus C, 45 72 27 00 00, faks: 45 72 27 00 27, .
  • CiperCiper (Konzul Zooulla Winding Jensen), Oldrupvej 57, 8350 Hundslund, 45 40 68 05 38, .
  • ČeškaČeška (Konzul Mark Stig Hellstern), Sofienlystvej 6-8, 8340 Malling, 45 88 80 82 40, .
  • Estonija8 Estonija (Konzul Claus Emil Engel Johansen), Østhavnsvej 5, 8000 Århus C, 45 70 10 05 55, faks: 45 70 20 05 75, .
  • Francija9 Francija (Konzul Allan Aagaard), Skolegade 4, 8000 Århus C, 45 40 60 88 62, .
  • Nemčija10 Nemčija (Konzul Klaus Schäfer), P.O. Pedersens Vej 10, 8200 Aarhus N, 45 28 92 23 98, .
  • Madžarska11 Madžarska (Konzul Heine Sveistrup Jensen), Helgesvej 18, 8230 Åbyhøj, 45 86 18 49 33, faks: 45 86 19 81 11, .
  • Islandija12 Islandija (Konzul Carl Erik Skovgaard Sørensen), DLA Piper Danska, DOKK 1, Hack Kampmanns Plads 2, 8000 Århus C, 45 33 34 00 00, faks: 45 33 34 00 01, .
  • Italija13 Italija (Konzul Carlo Domenico Prola), Laksedalen 81, 8220 Brabrand, 45 42 37 69 65, .
  • Malta14 Malta (Konzul Mogens Ellerbæk), Flakvej 3, 8240 Risskov, .
  • Mehika15 Mehika (Konzul Klaus Erik Krogh), Stenvej 25 B, 1, 8270 Højbjerg, 45 87 40 80 00, .
  • Nizozemska16 Nizozemska (Konzul Jochem van Rijn), Vestre Skovvej 14, 8240 Risskov, 45 20 60 73 62, .
  • Norveška17 Norveška (Konzul Erik Rasmussen), Axel Kiers Vej 13, 8270 Højbjerg, 45 23 28 02 48, .
  • Oman18 Oman (Konzul Ole Munch), Strandvænget 5 B, 8240 Risskov, 45 86 17 50 72, faks: 45 86 17 50 58, .
  • Filipini19 Filipini (Konzul Henrik Esmann Lindberg), Bjarkesvej 30, 8230 Åbyhøj, 45 29 17 70 40, .
  • Poljska20 Poljska (Konzul Jesper Ørskov Nielsen), Mariane Thomsens Gade 1, 8, 8000 Århus C, 45 87 34 34 34, .
  • Romunija21 Romunija (Konzul Michael Holm), Sistematični A / S, Søren Frichs Vej 39, 8000 Århus C, faks: 45 89 43 20 20, .
  • Slovaška22 Slovaška (Konzul Claus Jørgen Søgaard Poulsen), Marselisborg Havnevej 56, 2., 8000 Århus C, 45 70 26 70 10, .
  • Slovenija23 Slovenija (Konzul Knud Kristensen), Stenvadet 6, 8240 Risskov, 45 86 20 42 00, faks: 45 86 17 18 17, .
  • Švedska24 Švedska (Konzul Søren Hammer Westmark), Škt. Clemens Stræde 7, 1. sal, 45 87 32 12 50, .
  • Švica25 Švica (Konzul Jacob Ravn Nielsen), Agro Food Park 13, 8200 Århus N, 45 21 48 48 67.
  • Ukrajina26 Ukrajina (Konzul Morten Sønderby Hansen Munk), Marselis Boulevard 1, 8000 Århus C, 45 70 22 84 55, .
  • Združeno kraljestvo27 Združeno kraljestvo (Konzul Henrik Kleis), Åboulevarden 13, 8000 Århus C, 45 70 11 11 22, .

Ostani zdrav

V nujnih primerih morajo turisti poklicati telefonsko številko splošne nujne medicinske pomoči na telefonsko številko 45 70 11 31 31, v primeru življenjsko nevarnih nujnih primerov pa 112. Obstaja samo ena urgentni center ki služijo vsem Aarhusom. Nahaja se v novi univerzitetni bolnišnici Aarhus izven mesta v severnem okrožju Skejby. Upoštevajte, da morate v vsakem primeru poklicati vnaprej!

Lekarn je veliko (Apotek) v Aarhusu, v središču mesta, pa tudi v oddaljenih okrožjih. Supermarketi in nekatere trgovine prodajajo tudi zdravila brez recepta. Pri Aarhus Løve Apotek v bližini katedrale lahko zdravila pobirate ves teden od 6: 00-24: 00.

Pojdi naprej


Raziščite Vzhodna Jutlandija z Aarhusom kot bazo, pa naj bodo to enodnevni izleti ali daljša postanki. Regija ponuja številne vrste dejavnosti in izkušenj, zlasti poleti.

Grad Rosenholm. Na podeželju okoli Aarhusa je več zanimivih zgodovinskih graščin.
  • Potovanje po neposredni deželi okoli Aarhusa - recimo do Ljubljane Jeksendalen dolina jugozahodno od mesta ali okoli njega Fjord Norsminde na obali - v kombinaciji z lepim obrokom ob cesti kro se lahko odlično oddaljite od mesta. To je najbolje narediti na štirih in ne na dveh kolesih: številne ceste so tukaj ozke, kolesarskih stez ni, avtomobilski promet pa je lahko hiter.
  • Djursland je "nos" Jutlandije takoj severovzhodno od Aarhusa, redko poseljenega podeželskega območja, kjer so se ljudje preživljali s kmetovanjem in ribolovom tisočletja - zgodovina, ki jo lahko zaznate v ohranjenem starem mestnem jedru srednjeveške dobe Ebeltoft, ali na ruševinah Grad Kalø, oba dela Narodni park Mols Bjerge ki obsega večino južnega Djurslanda. Če so živali vaše, boste našli Kattegatcentret, akvarij v Grenå kjer lahko plavate s tjulnji in parom živalskih vrtov na prostem: Skandinavisk Dyrepark - z velikimi živalmi, povezanimi izključno s Skandinavijo, in Ree Park Safari z obilico eksotičnih živali z vsega sveta. Priljubljen je tudi Djurs Sommerland, zabaviščni park z vznemirljivimi vožnjami, vključno z največjim rollercoasterjem v severni Evropi. Severno od Aarhusa je Randers, kjer živi tudi živalski vrt v džungli Gammel Estrup, dvorec-muzej, ki se nahaja v enem izmed mnogih gradovi in ​​dvorci ki pikajo regijo.
  • Søhøjlandet, "jezersko visokogorje", je slikovito območje gozdov, gričev in jezer zahodno in južno od Aarhusa, ki je zgodovinsko pomembno kot dom srednjeveških verskih redov in rojstno mesto danske nacionalne države. Pohodništvo je glavna atrakcija te regije: Pohodniška pot Aarhus-Silkeborg vodi iz središča mesta skozi slikovito pokrajino rek in jezer do mesta Silkeborg, kjer boste našli impresiven muzej moderne umetnosti in še en akvarij - Ferskvandscentret - prikaz avtohtonih sladkovodnih vodnih vrst. Od Silkeborga lahko pritisnete na Himmelbjerget, ali Sky Mountain, ena najvišjih točk na Danskem z impresivnim pogledom na okoliško pokrajino s stolpa iz rdeče opeke na vrhu. Drugje v regiji je Skanderborg, majhno zgodovinsko mesto, ki je bilo nekoč najljubše lovišče kraljeve družine, kasneje pa med drugo svetovno vojno služilo kot sedež danske frakcije Luftwaffe (to zgodovino lahko raziščete na Muzej Skanderborg) in Horsens, pristaniško mesto, ki je dom evropskega srednjeveškega festivala.
  • Samsø je dobro viden iz Aarhusa čez zaliv in je dostopen s trajektom iz vasi Hou. Od pomladi 2021 bo nov mali trajekt za katamarane (nobeno vozilo razen koles), M / Ž Lilleør, povezal središče Aarhusa s Samsøjem. Tempo se upočasni na tem pastirskem otoku, ki ga v celoti poganja obnovljiva energija, v ponudbi pa so golf, jahanje konjev in izvrstne restavracije.
  • Vejle, Regionalna prestolnica Južnega Jutlanda, se ponaša z vrsto zgodovinskih in umetniških muzejev Trekantsområdets Festuge, 10-dnevni regionalni kulturni festival, podoben Aarhuskemu festugu.
  • Viborg je - tako kot Aarhus - staro katedralno mesto z zanimivo mestno pokrajino, polno zgodovine, domiselnih uličic in poletnega uličnega življenja. Je trdo in trdo mesto, kjer domuje ena najbolj priljubljenih in prevladujočih danskih nogometnih ekip. Viborg je bil upravno glavno mesto celotne regije Regija Midtjylland (Regija Osrednje Danske) od leta 2007.

Še dlje

  • Dansko tretje največje mesto, Odense, je rojstni kraj pravljičnega fabulista Hansa Christiana Andersena in igra povezavo z ročajem v korist turistov: hiša, v kateri je odraščal, je danes muzej, kipi Male morske deklice so obkroženi z mestom in obstajajo parade in spomenike njemu v čast.
  • Vsak dan vlada živahna študentska kultura Aalborg, na skrajnem severu Danske, dom istoimenskega Univerza v Aalborgu tako dobro, kot Jomfru Ane Gade, najdaljša barska ulica v Skandinaviji.
Poti skozi Aarhus
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Ta vodnik po mestu Aarhus ima vodnik stanje. Vsebuje vrsto dobrih in kakovostnih informacij, vključno s hoteli, restavracijami, znamenitostmi in podrobnostmi o potovanju. Prosimo, prispevajte in nam pomagajte, da to naredimo zvezda !