Ahmedabad - Ahmedabad

Zračni pogled na osrednji Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad ali Amdavad (tudi črkovano Ahmadabad) (Gudžaratski: અમદાવાદ, Hindujščina: अहमदाबाद) je peto največje mesto v Ljubljani Indija s 6,5 milijona prebivalcev. Čeprav je komercialno središče ene najbolj uspešnih indijskih držav, Gujarat, ni glavno mesto države, ki je njegovo pobrateno mesto Gandhinagar, 30 km (19 milj) proti severu.

Ahmedabad je dober primer materialističnega odnosa in duhovnosti samoodpovedi. Ahmedabad, eno najhitreje rastočih mest v Indiji, je središče za informacijsko tehnologijo, izobraževanje in industrijo. Utrdba Bhadra, mulci Shaking in Tran Darwaja so zgodovinska mesta. Jezero Kankaria in jezero Vastrapur sta kraji, ki omogočajo občutek užitka v naravi. Če želite uživati ​​v barviti strani tega dela, potem obiščite glavne Ahmedabadeve festivale: Uttarayan in Navratri sta dva najbolj znana festivala, ki ju praznujemo z veliko vnemo in zagnanostjo. Zimska sezona velja za najboljši čas za obisk mesta.


Okrožja Ahmedabad

Spodnja klasifikacija je v skladu z Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC). Zahodna cona in nova zahodna cona sta na zahodni strani reke Sabarmati. Vsa ostala območja so na vzhodni strani.

 Osrednje območje (Girdharnagar, Madhupura, Dudheshvar, Shahpur, Dariapur, Kalupur, Raikhad, Jamalpur, Khadia)
To območje večinoma sestavljajo območja obzidanih mest Ahmedabad in znana možganska arhitektura starih časov. Glavna železniška postaja Ahmedabad (ADI) je v Kalupurju.
 Severno območje (Sardarnagar, Nobalnagar, Naroda, Kubernagar, Meghaninagar, Asarva, Shahibaug, Naroda Road, Thakkarbapanagar, Saraspur, Nava Naroda)
Mednarodno letališče SVP (AMD) je v Hansolu. Asarva je dobro znana po civilni bolnišnici Ahmedabad, Naroda pa je industrijsko območje, ki se zdaj hitro razvija.
 Južna cona (Behrampura, Kankariya, Indrapuri, Khokhra, Maninagar, Narol, Danilimda, Lambha, Isanpur, Ghodasar, Vatva)
Jezero Kankariya je tukaj zelo priljubljeno in sproščujoče mesto. Železniška postaja Maninagar služi tej regiji mesta kot alternativna postaja glavni železniški postaji v Kalupurju v osrednjem območju. Prestižna državna avtocesta Ahmedabad - Vadodara - 1 se začne od C.T.M.
 Vzhodno območje (Nikol, Bapunagar, Gomtipur, Rakhial, Odhav, Vastral, Hatkeshwar, Ramol, Hathijan)
Večinoma industrijska območja.
 Zahodno območje (Motera, Chandkheda, Sabarmati, Vadaj, Usmanpura, Navrangpura, Ambawadi, Paldi, Vasna)
Motera, Chandkheda in Vasna se hitro razvijajo v predmestjih. Motera-Chandkheda v severnem delu služi kot izhod v glavno mesto in pobrateno mesto Gandhinagar po medkrajevni avtocesti Visat-Gandhinagar (do Infocity Gandhinagar). Sabarmati je eno najstarejših področij Ahmedabada, ki ima železniško postajo Sabarmati (SBI) za vlake, ki vozijo v Severno Indijo (kot alternativno postajo glavni železniški postaji (ADI) v Kalupurju v osrednjem območju). Ashram Road in C G Road sta osnovni poslovni in komercialni področji. Vasna je precej na jugu in je industrijsko območje.
 Nova zahodna cona (Gota, Chandlodiya, Kali, Ranip, Thaltej, Bodakdev, Sarkhej, Vastrapur, Vejalpur, Juhapura, Memnagar, Jodhpur Gaam)
Večina jih razvija predmestja. IIM-Ahmedabad, ena najboljših poslovnih šol v Indiji, je v Vastrapurju. Jezero Vastrapur je novo zgrajeno umetno jezero. Ranip je blizu Sabarmati in ima železniško postajo Sabarmati (SBT) za vlake do / iz Srednje Indije (kot nadomestna postaja glavni železniški postaji (ADI) v Kalupurju v osrednji coni). Bodakdev in Vastrapur sta dobro znana po trgovskih središčih. Sarkhej je Ahmedabadski konec avtoceste SG, ki povezuje s Gandhinagar na zahodni strani.


Panorama Ahmedabada


Mesto je ustanovil kralj Karandev (Karna) v 11. stoletju in se je prvotno imenoval "Karnavati". Hindujsko kraljestvo Karnavati je ohranilo svoj pomen do leta 1411, ko je sultan Ahmed šah osvojil Gujarat in mesto se je po njem preimenovalo v Ahmedabad. V urduju se pomen Ahmedabad nanaša na Ahmedovo blaginjo, pri čemer je "Ahmed" ime Ahmed, "abad" pa blaginjo.

Mesto je bilo zgrajeno v odprti in prostorni ravnini vzhodno od reke Sabarmati. Vključevala je manjšo znano utrdbo kot utrdba Bhadra. Mestno obzidje je imelo dvanajst vrat. Mesto se je postopoma širilo v vse smeri, z lepo postavljenimi čudovitimi zgradbami, jezeri in mošejami na obeh straneh reke.

Leta 1753 sta združeni vojski Raghunath Rao in Damaji Gaekwad zavzeli utrdbo in končali Mughalovo vladavino v Ahmedabadu. V 64 letih vladavine Gaekwada in Peshwe je mesto postalo čistejše. Leta 1818 so Britanci priključili Ahmedabad. V tem obdobju je bil ustanovljen občinski odbor in železniška povezava.

Indijski inštitut za management (IIM) v Vastrapurju, Ahmedabad

Britanci so se omejili na območje kantonov in se mesta niso preveč zanimali. Prav tako niso prišli do kulturne kolonizacije Ahmedabada; po vsem mestu niso ustanovili šol, cerkva in klubov, kot v drugih mestih, ki so jih vključili v svoj način življenja.

Ahmedabad je bil zibelka nenasilnega gibanja za neodvisnost Indije in je bil gostitelj Sabarmati ašram Mahatme Gandhija. Ahmedabad predstavlja mešanico bogate tradicije in sodobnega občutka.

Jama Masjid Ahmedabad


Gudžaratska skupnost je znana po gostoljubnosti in preudarnih poslovnežih. Ahmedabad je veliko industrijsko mesto, ki že dolgo slovi po tekstilni industriji, danes pa bolj po kemijski, naftni, mednarodni trgovini in IT industriji. Znan je tudi po industriji finančnih storitev in kot sodobno središče Jain Religion. Mesto ima ustanove, kot so Indijski inštitut za management - Ahmedabad, Nacionalni inštitut za oblikovanje, Univerza Pandit Deendayal Petroleum (PDPU), Inštitut za informacijsko in komunikacijsko tehnologijo Dhirubhai Ambani, IHM, MICA, EDI, Univerza Nirma, Swaminarayan Gurukul, CEPT ( Center za okoljsko načrtovanje in tehnologijo) Univerza in NIFT.


Poletje se začne sredi marca in traja do sredine junija. Običajna temperatura vročega, sončnega dne v maju bi bila 34-44 ° C (93-111 ° F). Priporočljivo je, da ga ne obiščete poleti. S prihodom monsuna do sredine junija mesto postane zabavno mesto. Uživali boste lahko v različnih monsunskih specialitetah mesta, kot so kuhane ali pražene jedi iz koruze na stojnicah ob cesti ali nekatere posebne lokalne jedi, kot je. Obstaja tudi nekaj znanih hindujskih festivalov, kot sta Rakshabandhan (ali Rakhi) in Janmastam, rojstni dan Gospoda Krišne, ki padejo v tej sezoni. Včasih lahko končate v poplavah. Zima je najboljša sezona za obisk mesta, ko je tipična temperatura 5-20 ° C (41-68 ° F).


Z letalom

Terminal 2
  • 1 Mednarodno letališče Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (AMD IATA) (je na območju Hansol, le 15 km (9,3 mi) severovzhodno od središča mesta). Letališče se širi z dovoljenji za številne mednarodne letalske linije in razvojem novih terminalov. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport (Q401700) on Wikidata Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport on Wikipedia
Terminal 2 (pogled od znotraj)

Mednarodne letalske povezave vključujejo Muscat, London Heathrow (Air India), Kuvajt (Kuwait Airways), Dubaj (Emirati), Doha (Qatar Airways), Sharjah (Air Arabia) in Singapur (Singapore Airlines).

Domače destinacije z dnevnimi leti vključujejo Mumbaj, Delhi, Indore, Chennai, Bangalore, Goa, Kolkata, Jaipur, Pune, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Nagpur, Kandla in Surat. Večina domačih letalskih prevoznikov leti v Ahmedabad in iz njega.

Potnikom, ki prihajajo zjutraj, svetujejo, da mednarodni terminal ne deluje 24 ur in se lahko odpre šele pozno popoldne. Tako kot na drugih indijskih letališčih boste verjetno zavrnili vstop približno tri ure pred načrtovanim letom, tudi če je terminal odprt. Zato bo povezava med domačim in mednarodnim letom pogosto vključevala čakanje zunaj ure in ure z množico ljudi, ki se trudijo.

Obstaja več možnosti za pot od letališča do mesta:

  • Avtor avto: Območje Hansol, kjer je letališče, leži v bližini rečnih bregov, med območjema Shahibaug in Naroda, ki omogočata dostop do Ahmedabada. Za potovanje na večino glavnih predelov Ahmedabada pojdite v smeri Shahibaug. Nasproti rečnih bregov je območje Ljubljane Motera - Chandkheda ki so severni konci Ahmedabada in so bolj dostopni skozi Koteshwar - Bhat Road (vstopi v Motero skozi Koteshwar) oz Obvoznica (Vodi k Visat, zavijte levo pri Tapovanovem krogu); obe cesti se odcepata na različnih točkah na cesti od letališkega kroga (v smeri Narode od letališča) do kroga Koba (levo od letališkega kroga na most Indira). Tudi do avtoceste SG je mogoče dostopati tako, da se usmerite naravnost po obvoznici, namesto da zavijete levo za Visat.
  • An avto rikša ali a taksi naj stane približno 200 JPY oziroma 300 JPY. Prihranite si precej težav z uporabo predplačniške kabine ali po možnosti se vnaprej dogovorite za prevoz s svojim hotelom.
  • Avtobusi AMTS neposredno služijo letališču. Ti avtobusi imajo razvejano mrežo po vsem mestu.
  • Avtobus BRTS med letališčem in klubom Karnavati ne vozi 1000 vozov z 29 postanki. Najvišja cena vozovnice je 50 JPY. Avtobusi imajo klimatsko napravo in prihajajo vsakih 30 minut.

Z vlakom

Glavni vhod na železniško postajo Ahmedabad (ADI), eno najprometnejših v Indiji
Peron 1, železniška postaja Ahmedabad (ADI)

Indijske železnice imajo zelo široko mrežo po vsej Indiji in Železniška postaja Ahmedabad (osrednja) (Koda postaje: ADI) je z vlaki večkrat na dan povezan z Mumbajem (500 km), Vadodaro Jaipur, Jodhpur in Delhi. Dnevne povezave (ali večkratne tedenske povezave) so na voljo tudi v več drugih večjih mestih, vključno z Bikanerjem, Rajkotom, Suratom, Vadodaro, Udaipurjem, Indorejem, Punami, Bhopalom, Kolkatajo, Nagpurjem, Lucknowom, Varanasijem, Bhubaneswarjem, Purijem, Chennaiem, Nagarcoilom, Trivendram, Bangaluru in Coimbatore. Na voljo so tudi neposredni vlaki za Džamu, Patno, Darbhango, Muzaffarpur, Kolhapur, Goo, Mangalore, Cochin, Trivandrum, Hyderabad in Bangalore.

1 Centralna železniška postaja Ahmedabad (Železniška postaja Kalupur). Ahmedabad Junction railway station (Q4696124) on Wikidata Ahmedabad Junction railway station on Wikipedia (Koda postaje: ADI), glavna železniška postaja, ki služi mestu, je v Kalupurju (Osrednje območje). Druge postaje, ki služijo Ahmedabadu, so Maninagar, Vatva, Gandhigram, Asarva, Chandlodia, Chandkheda, Saij, Kalol Jn, Kali Gam, Vastrapur, Sabarmati, Sarkhej, Naroda, Gandhinagar, Khodiyar, Aamli. Čeprav so pomembni in dobro povezani le Križišče Sabarmati (2 za vlake na zahodu in jugu (Ranip).Koda postaje: SBI, 3 za vlake s severno povezavo (Dharmnagar).Koda postaje: SBT) v okolici Sabarmati (severni Zahodno območje) in 4 Železniška postaja Maninagar. (Koda postaje: ČLOVEK) v maninagarju (Južna cona).

Sabarmati Junction (SBI), postaja v predmestju Sabarmati (zahodno območje, Ahmedabad)

Spletno mesto Indijske železnice vam bo pokazal vlake od določene postaje do vašega cilja skupaj z dnevi, časom vožnje, vozovnicami in razpoložljivostjo. To vam bo pomagalo najti vlake s posameznih postaj Ahmedabada (ločena iskanja) kot NE vsi vlaki se ustavljajo na vseh postajah, razen seveda glavni Železniška postaja Ahmedabad (postajna koda: ADI) kjer se vsak vlak ustavi (in za daljše trajanje kot katera koli druga postaja). Rezervacija lahko na spletnem mestu IRCTC, hčerinsko podjetje indijskih železnic ali prek katerega koli železniškega rezervacijskega centra po vsej Indiji.

Od železniških postaj do mesta

Železniška postaja Ahmedabad

Na območju Kalupur (Osrednje območje). Stoji Janmarg BRTS ob cesti znotraj kampusa železniške postaje, tik pred glavnim vhodom v železniško postajo. Z njo neposredno vozijo avtobusi BRTS Vrstica št. 9.(proti krogu RTO [sever Zahodno območje] in proti Ellisbridgeu [Central Zahodno območje]) in Vrstica št. 10.(proti Vasni [Južni Zahodno območje]) AMTS pa postajo neposredno oskrbuje tudi z različnimi deli mesta.

Križišče Sabarmati

Je v soseski Sabarmati (severna Zahodno območje), se z avtobusi BRTS vozi po postajah BRTS ene ali druge Elektrarna Sabarmati (bližje železniški postaji) oz Policijska postaja Sabarmati, oba na Vrstica št. 8.(proti Maninagarju (Južna cona) in proti križišču Visat (služi predmestju Chandkheda)). Služijo ga tudi avtobusi AMTS.

Železniška postaja Maninagar

To je v Maninagarju (Južno Ahmedabad) neposredno vozijo avtobusi BRTS na Vrstica št. 1.(proti krogu RTO [sever Zahodno območje]), Vrstica št. 5.(proti Iskconu Nova zahodna cona) in Vrstica št. 8.(proti križišču Visat [sever Zahodno območje]). Avtobusi AMTS služijo tudi železniški postaji.

Z državnim avtobusom

Državna korporacija za cestni promet v Gujaratu (GSRTC) ima avtobuse iz vseh delov države Gujarat, ki vstopajo v mesto. Osrednji avtobusni terminal na Geeta Mandir, z drugimi terminali na mostu Subhash in Naroda; med manjšimi postanki sta Paldi in Sabarmati Tollnaka. Priporočljivo je predhodno rezervirati sedeže zaradi verjetnosti gneče.

Od avtobusnih postaj / postajališč do mesta

5 Centralni avtobusni terminal GSRTC (Osrednje območje) z avtobusi BRTS vozijo skozi Aastodia Darwaja postaja naprej Vrstica 9 (proti krogu RTO [Zahodno območje] in proti Ellisbridgeu [Zahodno območje]) in avtobusi AMTS vozijo do postajališča Astodia Darwaja.

Ustavi GSRTC dne 6 Sabarmati Tollnaka je dostopen prek postaje BRTS v Ljubljani Policijska postaja Sabarmati, oba na Vrstica 8 (proti Maninagarju [Južna cona] in proti križišču Visat [v predmestju Chandkheda]). Avtobusi AMTS imajo tudi postajališče v bližini.

Z avtom

Iz južnega Gudžarata / Maharaštre

Hitra cesta Ahmedabad - Vadodara

Vožnja do Ahmedabada iz Mumbaija po novi avtocesti (NH-8) traja približno 8 ur (brez zastojev), da prevozi 550 km. Mimo Vapija, Valsada, Surat, Bharuch, Vadodara, Anand in Nadiad na poti. Vožnja z NH-8 je energijski saper in ni zabave, saj je ogromno prometa s tovornjaki. Pokvareni tovornjaki na avtocesti redno ure in ure povzročajo zastoje. Potovanje od Vadodare do Ahmedabada lahko opravite tudi po namenski ekspresni poti (NE-1), ki ne prečka nobenega mesta namesto NH-8.

Hitra cesta od Vadodare (Južno Gujarat) do Ahmedabada konča pri C.T.M. (Južna cona).

Preko vzhoda

Zavijte desno na C.T.M. je cesta Narol - Naroda, ki vas vodi do Narode na severovzhodu Ahmedabada, medtem ko skozi območja Vastral, Odhav, Nikol itd. na desni strani ceste in območja Maninagar, Shastri Nagar, Hansol (območje letališča) na levi strani ceste. Za severna območja Sabarmati, Motera, Chandkheda itd., Kjer se konča cesta Narol - Naroda, se usmerite naravnost na NH-8 in v krogu Ranasan zavijte levo na obvoznico. Zavijte levo pri Tapovan Circle, čez nekaj km bo Motera na levi strani avtoceste, Chandkheda na desni. Avtocesta se konča pri Visatu, od koder vas zavijanje levo pripelje do Sabarmatija.

Preko zahoda

Zavijte levo pri C.T.M. je cesta Narol - Sarkhej, ki gre skozi Nehrunagar, Narol, Vatvo, Ghodasar itd., ki se konča na T-križišču na cesti Vasna (ali cesti Jawaharlal Nehru). Od tu zavijte levo, pojdite skozi območja Juhapure, Makarbe itd., Dokler ne pride do križišča Y. Desna roka vas pripelje do križišč Sarkhej, od koder zavijete desno na avtocesto S G. Levi krak na križišču Y vas pripelje skozi Sarkhej, pri Santhalovem krogu zavijte desno na obvoznico.

Obvoznica je zaželena, če je vaš cilj daleč (blizu severnega Ahmedabada), sicer uporabite avtocesto S G. Tudi za Bopal uporabite samo obvoznico.

Glavne vstopne točke z avtoceste S G so območja Prahladnagar, Shilaj, Vastrapur, Satellite, Bodakdev, Thaltej, Sola, Ognaj, Gota itd.

Iz Gandhinagarja / Severnega Gudžarata / Radžastana

Nacionalna avtocesta 8 (Mumbai do New Delhija), ki poteka skozi Ahmedabad
Preko severa in vzhoda

V Ahmedabad lahko vstopite tako, da greste skozi Gandhinagar. Medmestna avtocesta se začne pri krogu Indroda (CH 0) (Južno Gandhinagar), ki poteka skozi krog Koba in krog Tapovan in se konča pri Visatu (severno Zahodno območje), križišče s predmestji Sabarmati, Motera in Chandkheda. Namesto da bi se odpravili na Visat, se lahko odločite tudi za obvoznico: Od kroga Koba se odpravite na cesto do mednarodnega letališča Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (SVP), vendar zavijte levo v Rajasthan Hospital Circle in ste na obvoznici. Od tu se lahko povežete z območji Vzhod Ahmedabad, kot so Nikol, Odhav, Vastral itd. Preko obvoznice so dostopna tudi južna območja Ahmedabada, kot so Ramol, CTM, hitra cesta Ahmedabad - Vadodara, Narol, Vatwa itd.

Preko zahoda

Druga možnost je, da obvozite Gandhinagar s pomočjo ceste Mahatma Mandir, nato pa zavijete desno pri Sargasan Circle na avtocesto S G. Lahko ostanete na avtocesti S G ali zavijete desno pri krogu SGVP (znan tudi kot krog Vaishnodevi) na obvoznico. Ob meji skrajnega zahodnega Ahmedabada je več vstopnih točk, kot so Gota, Ognaj, Sola, Thaltej, Bodakdev, Satellite, Vastrapur, Shilaj, Bopal, Prahladnagar, Sarkhej (kjer se konča avtocesta S G) in Juhapura. Za pot do Bopala raje uporabite obvoznico kot avtocesto S G. Tudi če želite iti do južnega Ahmedabada, izberite obvoznico, saj bo to veliko hitrejša možnost kot avtocesta S G.


Turistični zemljevid Ahmedabada

Storitve AMTS in BRTS se ustavijo na 23:00in nadaljujte ob 06:00.

Z mestnim avtobusom AMTS

Lokalni mestni avtobusi vozijo Občinska prometna služba Ahmedabad (AMTS). Ahmedabad Municipal Transport Service (Q4696119) on Wikidata Ahmedabad Municipal Transport Service on Wikipedia od leta 1947 tvori široko mrežo, ki zajema skoraj vse točke Ahmedabada. Z AMTS.UTTAR PRADESH lahko pridete do katerega koli cilja v mestu od koder koli v mestu

Starejši avtobusi AMTS
Novi avtobusi AMTS zaposleni pod JnNURM

Za njihovo prepoznavanje in razlikovanje od avtobusov državnega prevoza GSRTC ali zasebnih luksuznih avtobusov je tu ključ: Starejši avtobusi v tej storitvi so pobarvani v rdeča in bela ali v rdeča in rumena, medtem ko so nove živo rdeče postavljene pod JnNURM imajo elektronske prikazovalne table. Z lahkoto povprašate po esp. tisti, ki čakajo na enem od postajališč AMTS glede poti, časa itd., saj so prikazani podatki v gujaratiju. Možnost Javni prevoz v Google Zemljevidih ​​vam prikaže najbližjo postajo AMTS med iskanjem navodil od vaše lokacije do cilja, prav tako pa tudi informacije o številkah avtobusov, prestopnih točkah itd., Čeprav časi morda niso zanesljivi. Namestite lahko tudi neuradno aplikacijo z imenom „Ahmedabad AMTS Info“, ki je na voljo v Trgovini Google Play za naprave Android, ki vas vodi glede potovalnih poti, prestopov itd.

7 AMTS Central Bus Terminus (Lal Darwaja) (v Lal Darwaja v osrednji coni).

Obstajajo še drugi terminali v Kalupurju, Sarangpurju, Starem Vadaju (Juna Vadaj), Maninagarju, Akhbarnagarju (Nava Vadaj), Vasni in Narodi ter skladiščih v Jamalpurju, Memcu (Naroda Patiya) in Memnagarju. Skupaj ima AMTS približno 1200 postajališč z 210 potmi.

Na avtobus je obvezno vstopiti z zadnjih vrat in izstopiti s sprednjih vrat. Kondukter na avtobusu vam bo izdal vozovnico glede na ciljno postajo. Hranite pri roki nekaj zapiskov z apoeni 10/20/50 namesto višjih, saj so cene vozovnic zelo nizke (ti avtobusi so najcenejše sredstvo za potovanje v mestu). A plačilo na vožnjo cena vozovnice vas bo stala najmanj ₹ 3, najvišja pa samo ₹ 25). Lahko se odločite tudi za nakup a Človek Pasand vozovnica v vrednosti 45 JPY (na voljo pri vodniku avtobusa), ki vam omogoča enodnevni prevoz neomejeno, čeprav ni priporočljivo kupiti vozovnico 45 JPY, saj lahko potovanje okoli 4-5 mest opravite v samo 30 JPY –35. Ker so avtobusi najpogostejši prevoz v mnogih mestih, so pogosto prenatrpani.

Med potovanjem lahko od sopotnikov ali kondukterja zahtevate, da vas obvestijo, kdaj bo cilj prispel / bo kmalu prispel, da ne boste zamudili izstopa na postajališču in nato morali v obratni smeri. Nadaljujte tudi proti sprednjim vratom, saj bo avtobus poln ljudi, ki stojijo na hodniku med sedeži in bo morda težko hitro priti do vrat in izstopiti, ko prispe vaš cilj (avtobus se ne ustavi ob ustavite več kot 10–12 sekund, razen če gre za osrednji terminal AMTS pri Lal Darwaji ali zadnjo postajo poti).

Poti najdete na AMTS avtobusne proge (angleščina)

Dediščina / romarske ture (Dekho Amdavad)

AMTS ima poseben program Dekho Amdavad, tj. Glejte Ahmedabad za ogled znamenitosti v Ahmedabadu. Avtobusi so klimatizirani. Izhodišče je Civilni center Law Garden. 18002337951, 917926589172

Jutranja tura: 07: 45 začetek v civilnem centru Law Garden, obisk mošeje Siddi Saiyyed (Jali), mimo Jhulta Minare (pretresljivi minareti), Prema Darwaje (Love Gate), Delhi Darwaje (Delhi Gate), obiska templja Hutheesingh Jain, spomenika Sardar Patel , Muzej Gandhi Ashram in vrnitev ob 13:00.

Popoldanska tura: 13: 45 začetek v civilnem centru Law Garden, mimo IIM, obvoznice 40 metrov, APMC, obisk Sarkhej Roza, Vaishnodevi, Adalaj Stepwell, muzej Gandhi Ashram, tempelj Hutheesingh Jain, skozi Prem Darwaja (ljubezen Vrata), Jhulta Minara (Tresenje minaretov), ​​obisk jezera Kankaria in povratek ob 20:15.

Nedeljska posebna romarska tura: 08: 00 do 20: 00 Obisk templja Jalaram (Paldi), templja Bhadrakali (Bhadra / Lal Darwaja), templja Siddhivinayak (Lal Darwaja), templja Jagannath (Jamalpur), templja Hutheesingh Jain (Shahibaug), templja Swaminarayan (Shahibaug), Tempelj Gayatri (Shahibaug), tempelj Camp Hanuman (Shahibaug), tempelj Dholeshwar Mahadev (Gandhinagar), tempelj Akshardham (Gandhinagar), Trimandir (Adalaj), tempelj Vaishnodevi (avtocesta SG), tempelj Balaji (avtocesta SG), Bhagwat Vidyapeeth (Bhagwat Vidyapeeth) , Tempelj ISKCON (avtocesta SG).

Z mestnim avtobusom BRTS

Zemljevid omrežja BRTS (avgust 2015)
Koridor BRTS Nehru Nagar - Shivranjani Crossroad (naprej Št.1 in 8)
Avtobus BRTS med postankom na postaji, ponoči

Ahmedabad BRTS (avtobusni hitri tranzitni sistem) ima srebrne in modre avtobuse, ki vozijo po namenskih hodnikih v središču cest. BRTS ne pokriva celotnega mesta, toda kadar je na voljo, je to najboljši način za vožnjo, kot je izjemno hitreje kot drugi načini (saj nobeno drugo vozilo ne more voziti po koridorju BRTS) in vse postaje so dobro označene v angleščini in hindijščini. Potujete lahko tudi s kombinacijo BRTS, AMTS in / ali samodejne rikše. Sistemi vozovnic BRTS in AMTS niso integrirani. Cene vozovnic so le nekoliko višje od AMTS (najnižja cena ₹ 4, najvišja cena ₹ 36)

Namenski hodnik BRTS v središču ceste

Postaje BRTS so povišana zavetišča v osrednjem osrednjem koridorju mestnih cest, od koder lahko kupite vozovnico. Vozovnico imejte pri sebi, dokler ne izstopite na cilju, kjer pokažete vozovnico cekarju in nato pustite postajo naprej na cesti. Avtobusi so opremljeni s centralnimi samodejnimi vrati, ki se samodejno odprejo, ko se avtobus ustavi na postaji. Medtem ko bo avtobus prispel na postajo, so na elektronski plošči znotraj avtobusa napovedi z imenom postaje in prikazom na postaji. Znotraj postaj so table, ki v realnem času prikazujejo informacije o prihodih ali prihodnjih avtobusih, skupaj s potmi in predvidenim preostalim časom za prihode. Ime postaje bo z belimi črkami natisnjeno na modrih trakovih na straneh (vodoravno) in na strehi postaje (navpično).

Vsi avtobusi in postaje BRTS so dostopni za invalidske vozičke razen tiste v RTO Circle in železniški postaji Kalupur, ki so za razliko od običajnih postaj BRTS zavetišča ob cesti.

Za informacije o vseh postajah BRTS obiščite zgoraj povezano spletno mesto, ki jih prikazuje glede na linijo, ali namestite neuradno Aplikacija za Android, ki vsebuje informacije, kot so možnosti potovanja, poti, prevoznina, čas, imena postaj itd. (NJavnost javnega prevoza v Google Zemljevidih ne prikaži storitve BRTS, samo AMTS)

Obstaja 12 BRTS linij in 126 postaj, več jih je v gradnji. Trenutne vrstice so:

  • Vrstica 1 Krog RTO - Maninagar
  • 2. vrstica Anjali (Vasna) - Naroda
  • Vrstica 3 Krog RTO - Naroda
  • Vrstica 4 RTO Circle - Sarkari Litho Press (Delhi Darwaja)
  • Vrstica 5 Bopal - Iskcon - Maninagar
  • 6. vrstica Soni Ni Chali - Odhav - S P Ring Ring
  • Vrstica 7 Sarkari Litho Press (Delhi Darwaja) - Pristop znanstvenega mesta
  • Vrstica 8 Chandkheda - križišče Visat - Maninagar
  • Vrstica 9 RTO Circle - Mestna hiša (Ellisbridge)
  • 10. vrstica Anjali (Vasna) - železniška postaja Kalupur (osrednja Ahmedabad)
  • 12. vrstica Krog RTO - Nehrunagar - Kalupur - Krog RTO
  • Vrstica 13Anjali (Vasna) - Kalupur - Akhbarnagar - Anjali (Vasna)

Z metrojem

Podzemna železnica Gujurat je verjetno najprimernejši način za obhod nekaj območij, ki jih ponuja. Obstaja le proga vzhod – zahod, ki teče skozi mesto in se ustavi na nekaterih zanimivih krajih, vključno s stadionom za domači kriket in železniško postajo Ahmedabad Junction.

Z avto rikšo

Avtoriška v New Delhiju, podobna tistim v Ahmedabadu

Ti rumeno-zeleni trikolesni hrupni stroji, znani kot avtorikše ali preprosto rikše, so vedno cenejši od taksijev in veliko dražji od AMTS ali BRTS, kadar je razdalja daljša od 3 km. Niso zelo udobni in prostorni. Vozniki se lahko vozijo zelo grobo, v tem primeru lahko od njega zahtevate, da vozi gladko in počasi.

Vpitje »auto« ali »rikša« ob mimoidoči rikši bi moralo biti dovolj, da pritegne pozornost voznikov. V večini primerov bodo vozniki lahko razumeli hindujščino in morda celo nekaj besed v angleščini. Običajno so zelo koristni, nekateri pa bodo skušali prevarati turiste. Kot vedno se pred vstopom dogovorite za ceno. Dnevne in nočne vozovnice se razlikujejo. Če ste videti zunaj mesta, boste morda na koncu previsoki. Na primer, lahko vztraja pri ceni vozovnice, ki temelji na števcu, in vas po daljši poti pripelje do cilja. Če nekaj razumete o razdaljah, je lahko v pomoč.

S taksijem

Ker so poleg BRTS in AMTS prevladujoči način potovanja avtorike, je v Ahmedabadu malo taksijev. Tako da na cestah težko najdete taksi, da bi pozdravili, kadar koli je to potrebno, čeprav lahko taksi rezervirate v hotelu ali pa ga rezervirate neposredno pred železniško postajo. Obstaja državno pooblaščena taksi postaja. 50 950 na dan 12 ur. Morda je dražje rezervirati v hotelih, bolje pa je, da se neposredno dogovorite z voznikom. Spletne rezervacije so možne tudi na različnih spletnih mestih.


Lokalni jezik je Gudžaratski. Hindijščino razumejo skoraj vsi, angleščina pa prevladuje med izobraženci. Večina ljudi v turistični industriji angleščino vsaj delno razume.


Ahmedabad ima več lepo izrezljanih zgodovinskih spomenikov, med njimi Stepwell pri Adalaju in mošeje Rani (posvečene Raniju Sipriju in Raniju Rupmatiju). Obstaja nekaj muzejev in umetniških galerij. Sodobne poslovne stavbe in nakupovalna središča so na novo razvitih območjih.

Pomembna mesta za ogled vključujejo:

Gandhi Ashram
  • 1 Gandhi Aashram (Ašram Sabarmati), Gandhi Ashram, Gandhi Smarak Sangrahalaya, Ashram Road, 91 79 27557277, faks: 91 79 27560569, . 08:00 - 18:99. Sabarmati Aashram je bil nekoč hiša Mahatme Gandhija in ašram je ustanovil leta 1915. Danes je nedvomno največja atrakcija za obiskovalce v Ahmedabadu. Leži na mirnem odseku reke Sabarmati, v času Mahatme pa je bil imenovan ašram Satyagraha. Od tod je Mahatma leta 1930 začel svoj slavni "Dandijev pohod" v protest proti davku na sol, ki so ga uvedli Britanci. V prostorih ašrama lahko vidite tri modre opice in še veliko Gandhiijevih naukov. V ašramu se danes nadaljuje delo, ki ga je začela Mahatma, v njem pa so obrtni center, tovarna ročno izdelanega papirja in tovarna kolovratov. Obstaja še nekaj drugih zanimivosti. Sabarmati Ashram (Q1410702) on Wikidata Sabarmati Ashram on Wikipedia
Vrata trdnjave Bhadra (pogled od znotraj)
  • 2 Trdnjava Bhadra. Poseben čar raznolikim mestnim znamenitostim doda poseben čar trdnjava Bhadra, v kateri so bile nekoč kraljeve palače in urejeni vrtovi. Ponaša se s templjem Bhadrakali in je bil zgrajen leta 1411 med vladavino Maratha. Bhadra Fort (Q3544561) on Wikidata Bhadra Fort on Wikipedia
  • 3 Tekstilni muzej Calico, Fundacija Sarabhai, nasproti Shahibagh Underbridge, 91 79 22868172, faks: 91 79 22865759. Četrtek od 10.30 do 12.30, 14.30 do 17.30. Ima čudovito zbirko redkih tekstilij iz 17. stoletja. Obstaja tudi odlična referenčna knjižnica o tekstilu. Nahaja se v fundaciji Sarabhai v mestu Shahibagh. Tekstilni muzej Calico, ki velja za enega najboljših tekstilnih muzejev na svetu, je bil zgrajen leta 1949. Ima globoko zbirko tekstila, oblačil, pohištva, tempeljskih predmetov in obrti. Ima tudi zbirko ikon iz marmorja, peščenjaka in brona.
  • 4 Dada Harir ni Vav, Asarva. Stopnica. Dada Harir Stepwell (Q16251479) on Wikidata Dada Harir Stepwell on Wikipedia
  • 5 Akademija za uprizoritvene umetnosti Darpana. Ena najstarejših uprizoritvenih umetniških akademij v mestu. Njegov amfiteater Natarani ima čudovito prizorišče s pogledom na reko Sabarmati in je eno redkih krajev, ki v mesto pripelje mednarodno priznane nastopajoče umetnike.
Tempelj Hathi Singh Jain
  • 6 Hutheesing Jain Temple, Shahibaugh Road, Madhupura. Izjemno bela zgradba, tempelj Jain, zgrajen iz belega marmorja in dodelano izrezljan, je posvečen Dharmanathu: 15. Jini ali Jainskemu apostolu. Podobno kot vsi jainski templji je tudi ta tempelj bogat z zapletenimi rezbarijami, ki med drugim prikazujejo glasbenike. Hutheesing Jain Temple (Q2776493) on Wikidata Hutheesing Jain Temple on Wikipedia
Tipičen pol v Ahmedabadu
  • Dediščina Hiše polov, Živa dediščina, zgradbe so stare 200–400 let, prebivalci pa so stare družine Ahmedabadi, ki še vedno sledijo starodavnim tradicijam. Trgovina s spominki, ki ponuja lokalne obrti. Ima star svet v veliki hiši, ki je podobna palači.
  • 7 Indijski inštitut za management (IIM-A), IIM Ahmedabad, Vastrapur (Lahko dostopen z avtobusne postaje Andhjan Mandal / IIM BRTS, blizu križišč IIM na notranji obvoznici, dolgi 40 m). Poslovna šola za upravljanje, ki se nahaja v arhitekturno impresivni stavbi. Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (Q46027) on Wikidata Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad on Wikipedia
  • 8 Mednarodno društvo za tempelj zavesti Krišne (ISKCON tempelj), ISKCON, Satelitska cesta, avtocestni prehod Sarkhej-Gandhinagar (Dostop do avtobusne postaje BRTS in avtobusne postaje AMTS z imenom "ISKCON Temple" ali "ISKCON Cross Roads"), 91 79 26861945, . Od 4.30 do 13.00, od 16.00 do 21.00. Ta hindujski tempelj prikazuje Krišno in njegovo ljubimko Radho, ki velja za poosebitev ljubezni.
  • 9 Muzej starodobnih avtomobilov Auto World, Dastan Estate, vzhodna obvoznica AUDA Patel AUDA, Kathwada (Obvoznica obkroža mesto Ahmedabad, pridite na njegov vzhodni del), 91 79 22820699, faks: 91 79 22820699, . Shri Pranlal Bhogilal je svojo zasebno zbirko starodobnikov predelal v muzej. Ima zbirko več kot 100 avtomobilov, med njimi Rolls Royce, Bentley, Maybach, Jaguar, Cadillacs, Austin, Chrysler, Lincoln, Ford in še veliko več. Nekatere od njih lahko za 3,5 km vozite za 500 JPY.
Jama Masjid stebri
  • 10 Jama Masjid (Džamija mošeja), Jama Masjid, Manek Chowk, Gandhi Road, Khadia. Je eno izmed najbolj priljubljenih turističnih znamenitosti v mestu. Mošeja, zgrajena iz rumenega peščenjaka, stoji na 260 stebrih, ki podpirajo 15 kupol na različnih višinah. Mošejo je zgradil Ahmad Shah leta 1423. Je lahko dostopna, saj stoji v središču starega mesta. Ta impozantna struktura odraža muslimansko arhitekturo tistega obdobja. Jama Masjid (Q2758009) on Wikidata Jama Mosque, Ahmedabad on Wikipedia
Jhulta Minara (tresenje minaretov) v mošeji Sidi Bashir, Sarangpur
  • 11 Jhulta Minara (Tresenje minaretov) (near the central railway station in Kalupur area). Quite an unusual structure, Jhulta Minara or swaying minarets are a part of the mosque of Siddi Bashir and can be moved back and forth by applying a little force at the topmost arch. One of the minarets was partly demolished by an Englishman in his endeavours to unravel the mystery of the swaying minarets. The mosque was built by master craftsmen and the crucial mechanism that leads to the vibration is still a mystery. Sidi Bashir Mosque (Q2669049) on Wikidata Sidi Bashir Mosque on Wikipedia
  • 12 Kankaria Lake, Kankaria Lake, Kankaria (Accessible easily by BRTS bus station 'Kankaria Lake' and AMTS bus stop of the same name). Tu-Su. A circular lake built in 1451 by Sultan Qutub-ud-Din. In the centre of the lake is an island garden with a summer palace known as Nagina Wadi. It has a beautiful Musical Fountain show, although the music isn't too good the lights and fountain are worth the visit. 'Bal Vatika' - an aquarium, a boat club, a toy train, a natural history museum and a zoo. ₹10 entrance fee. ₹10. Kankaria Lake (Q16384) on Wikidata Kankaria Lake on Wikipedia
  • 13 Kamla Nehru Zoological Garden (Kankaria Zoo), Kankaria Zoo, Kankaria (Accessible easily by BRTS bus station 'Kankaria Lake' and AMTS bus stop of the same name), 91 79 25463415, 91 79 32984115, faks: 91 79 25463818, 91 79 25350926, . Tu-Su 10:00 to 18:00. It is near to Kankaria Lake and one of the best zoos in India.
  • 14 Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum (L D Institute of Indology), Near Gujarat University, Navrangpura, 91 79 26302463. Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Institute of Indology was established in Ahmedabad by Muni Shri Punyavijayji and Shri Kasturbhai Lalbhai. The museum houses priceless collection of books, manuscripts and other reference material from ancient India.The museum is a treasure trove of manuscripts relating to Jainism. In all there are about 45,000 printed books with 75,000 manuscripts including out of which 500 are illustrated ones. These documents from the past cover a wide range of subjects like Vedas, Agamas, Buddhism, Tantras, Jain Darshana, System of Indian Philoshy, Jaina Philoshpy, Grammar and Poetics etc.The institute has also published seven volumes of catalogues in Hindi, Sanskrit, Old Gujrati, Prakrit and Rajasthani. The institute also conducts periodical workshops on manuscriptology and palaeography. Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum (Q6480225) on Wikidata Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum on Wikipedia
  • 15 Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum (L D Museum/N C Mehta Gallery), Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Museum, Nr. Gujarat University, Navarangpura (Accessible by 'L D Engineering College' BRTS bus station and 'St. Xavier's College' AMTS bus stop), 91 79 26306883, . One of the best art museums in the city. It has a wide collection of Indian miniature paintings, stone sculptures, terracotta, paintings of Tagore, art of Nepal and Tibet, bronzes, textiles, wood work, cloth paintings, metal sculptures, coins.
  • 16 Law Garden (accessible by 'Law College' AMTS bus stop). Considered the main centre of activity in Ahmedabad, one can purchase handicrafts and traditional Gujarati outfits, amongst other things
  • 17 National Institute of Design (NID Ahmedabad), National Institute of Design, Paldi, 91 79 26629500, 91 79 26629600, faks: 91 79 26621167, . A design institute with over 16 disciplines of design. In Paldi in West Zone.
Parimal Garden, C G Road
  • 18 Parimal Garden, C G Road, Panchavati Society, Gulbai Tekra. A public park with nice green surroundings. A good place to jog and relax.
Sabarmati Riverfront (Day)
Sabarmati Riverfront (Evening)
  • 19 Sabarmati Riverfront. Across the city on both the banks of the Sabarmati River, is a refreshing place in the mornings; a very relaxing atmosphere in the evening. A must-visit place. It can be accessed by a narrow road on the right, a few metres ahead from the point where Subhash Bridge ends on the Shahibaug side. Also a road to the left, just a little ahead of Income Tax on Ashram Rd (from RTO side), leads to the Riverfront on the opposite bank to that of the Subhash Bridge one. Sabarmati Riverfront (Q16377) on Wikidata Sabarmati Riverfront on Wikipedia
  • 20 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial, Balvantrai Mehta Road, Shahibagh, Ahmedabad - 380004 (Accessible by 'Circuit House' AMTS bus stop, it's on the Airport Road), toll-free: 91 1800 233 7951. M-Sa 09:00 to 18:00. It is a memorial and museum dedicated to the National Activist and first Home Minister of independent India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. The Museum is opposite the Circuit House in the Moti Shahi Mahal Complex in Shahibaug. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial (Q7423740) on Wikidata Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Memorial on Wikipedia
  • 21 Narendra Modi Cricket Stadium (Motera Stadium), Motera Stadium Road, Motera-Sabarmati (accessible by 'Sabarmati Police Station' & 'Motera Cross Road' BRTS station and 'Gujarat Stadium' AMTS bus stop). Narendra Modi Cricket Stadium is an international cricket stadium. Watching Team India play here is a wonderful sight as thousands of fans cheer for them. Rebuilt in 2020. Narendra Modi Stadium (Q3531421) on Wikidata Narendra Modi Stadium on Wikipedia
  • 22 Sarkhej Roza, Makarba, Post Jeevraj Park (accessible by S G Highway), 91 79 6828675, . Known for its architectural complexes. Sarkhej Roza (Q15697211) on Wikidata Sarkhej Roza on Wikipedia
  • 23 Gujarat Science City, Gujarat Science City, Science City Road (accessible by Western Sardar Patel AUDA Ring Road, Sola Cross Roads on S G Highway. Accessible by 'Science City Approach' BRTS bus station and 'Science City' AMTS bus stop), 91 79 65220111, . The Government of Gujarat has established the Gujarat Council of Science City, a registered society, to achieve the Gujarat Science City mandate. Further expansion of Science City & related projects is planned. Gujarat Science City (Q5617014) on Wikidata Gujarat Science City on Wikipedia
Siddi Saiyed Jali Mosque
  • Sidi Sayed Mosque is unique for its exquisite screens. The screen carved out of one rock is exceptional.
  • Swaminarayan Gurukul, a residential and day boarding school run by the Swaminarayan faith of Hinduism. It teaches not only formal education but also provides training in horse-riding, archery, dairy development.
  • SG Highway, or Sarkhej - Gandhinagar Highway, a hub of entertainment in Ahmedabad. The same road leads to Gandhinagar as well, where there is Akshardham temple and other places of interest.
Teen Darwaja, Central Zone Ahmedabad
  • Teen Darwaja (Three Gates) south of Shahpur near Lal Darwaja. It is composed of 3 arched entrances was built by Sultan Ahmed Shah to serve as a royal entrance to Maidan Shahi. Mughal emperor Jehangir and his wife Nur Jahan used to watch the Tazia procession of Mahuram from over these gates.
  • Vaishnodevi Temple, replica of famous Vaishnodevi temple at Sola Gandhinagar Highway.
  • Vastrapur Lake, artificial lake.
  • Veechar Utensil Museum, an odd museum with over 3,000 old, traditional household items. It is based on one man's personal collection. The lack of signs or explanation limits the understanding, and for many the interest, for visitors. The museum is a part of the Vishalla restaurant which serves ethnic Gujarati food.
Ancient well at Adlaj (Ahmadabad) India


Watch Bollywood movie at Drive-In Theatre


Only some of the cinemas are listed here. For more, visit individual pages of different zones.

Watch a Gujarati film

  • Gauri Cinema, Near Soni ni Chali, National Highway - 8, Odhav, 91 79 22872444.
  • Ashok Cinema, Gheekanta Char Rasta, 91 79 25356598.
  • Sapna Cinema, Sarkhej Highway (National Highway - 8A), Sarkhej, 91 79 26820750.

Watch a Bollywood (Hindi) or Hollywood film:

  • Cinépolis, Cinepolis India Pvt. Ltd., 3rd floor, Alpha One Mall, Vastrapur. A Mexican cinema theatre chain, one of the best quality screens in Ahmedabad.
  • Sunset Drive-In Cinema, Drive-In Road, 91 79 27454600, . Evening. The largest screen in Asia. One can watch film sitting in your car, on the grass or in the balcony seats. Cheaper than most..
  • Mukta A2 Cinema, 4th floor, Gulmohar Mall, Ramdevnagar, Satellite, 91 79 30464500, . A venture by film maker Subhash Ghai. The quality of viewing and the seats (esp. legroom) is among the best in Ahmedabad.
  • PVR Cinemas (PVR Acropolis), PVR Cinemas, 2nd floor, Acropolis Mall, Thaltej Cross Roads, S G Highway. A premier cinema chain in India.
  • Grand Cinemas (Cine Grand), Balaji Agora Mall, Nr. Tapovan Circle, SP Ring Road (Outer), Sughad (Near Motera), Ahmedabad - 382424, 91 79 65211889, . Dubai - fame Grand Cinemas. Very good quality screens, on North - Western periphery of Ahmedabad in a high-end mall (Agora Mall).


Sardar Patel Gujarat International Cricket Stadium, Motera
  • Diwaliis one of the popular festival in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. It's called the festival of light. People make many sweets and meet each other on this day. It is a festival of Lord Rama and belongs to Ramayana.
  • Makar Sankranti or festival of kites or "Uttarayan", 14 January, in the festival of Makar Sankranti or festival of kites or "Utarayan". The festival marks the end of winter and return of the sun to northern hemisphere and hence is named "Uttar ayan". On this day, many in the city start the day with kite flying, and continue into night with the flying of lamps (Tukkal) attached to kites. The sky is dotted with colourful kites throughout the day.
  • RakshaBandhan - A festival celebrated by sisters and brothers. The festival consists of a sister tying a rakhi on the brother's hand. They ask to be by their side forever and also save them from all the problems they might face in the future. The festival is generally celebrated in the month of August.
  • Holi - Better known as festival of colours, where people apply colour on their beloved very well known as 'gulaal', which was ideally made of 'Kesuda' a flowering plant. But, now people use the powdered form. People gather at one place forgetting all their problems and have fun in this festival. It is also very well associated with myth or Holika - Phrlad & Hirnayakashyapu.
  • Navratri (festival of nine nights), Navratri or the festival of nine nights is devoted to Goddess Shakti. The festival also has the famous folk dance of Gujarat "Garba". The festival continues for nine nights, everybody takes part into it with same emphasis. Each night starts with ceremonial "Aarti" and is followed by Garba until midnight. The Garba dance is carried out around the statue of Goddess Shakti. Garba is also played with Dandiyas in hand. During these nights, the city is beautifully decorated and nights become short.
  • Eid-Ul-Fitr OR Ramdhan Eid is celebrated on the first day of Shaw'waal, at the completion of Ramadan. Shaw'waal is the 10th month of the Islamic calendar. The Eid-al-Fitr is a joyous day when Muslims express joy for the health, strength and the opportunities of life, which they believe Allah has given to them to fulfill their obligation of fasting and other good deeds during the month of Ramadan.

The Muslims of Ahmedeabad and surrounding villages come to Eidgah (a holy place to perform Eids' Namaz (prayer) and Shahi Jam-E-Masjid. The people decorate their homes, shops, buildings, greet each other etc.


Crowd at Himalaya Mall, Drive-In Road, Gurukul (Ahmedabad)

Ahmedabad is known for its textile industries including traditional hand embroidered and tie-dyed clothes. If you buy from the roadside shops, be prepared to barantaj. It would not be advisable to try these without a local guide. The city's main market area is situated at Teen Darwaja, Dhalgarwad, Ratan Pole, Manek Chowk(old areas)near Lal Darwaja and newer markets such as CG Road and Sarkhej - Gandhinagar highway near Vastrapur & Gurukul. It is generally a crowded area, and very crowded during festival seasons, although with a wide variety of clothes. The street side shops near Law Garden also offers good choices. Some shops such as Bandhej and Sanskruti offer these traditional items at fixed (and maybe overpriced) rates. But now the big shopping malls are offering almost all the things at a very cheap rate. Local sweet shops, where traditional Gujarati sweets will catch your attention: some the more famous are Bhogilal Mulchand Kandoi, Jai Hind and Ras Ranjan.


Lunch in Ahamedabad means roti, puri, vegetables, mango sweets, gulab jamun and butter milk.

Ahmedabad is a gastronomic paradise, and there are many restaurants. Gujaratis are fond of eating and the food generally tends to be on the sweeter side. Gujaratis are mostly vegetarians hence most local dishes are vegetarian. However, with the recent advent of international and domestic food chains non-vegetarian food has become popular. Ahmedabad is famous for its ice-creams because of abundance of dairy products in the state and Gujaratis' penchant for sweets. Local specialities include Dhokla, Khandvi, Srikhand, Haandvo, Bhajiya amongst others.

A famous food from Ahmedabad and/or Gujarat is the 'Cheese and Pineapple Jam sandwich which is sold by most sandwich vendors in Gujarat, especially in Ahmedabad, despite this dish being famous in Gujarat, the other parts of India find this dish to be disgusting, wait till you actually try the sandwhich!

There are lots of Gujarati dining halls where you can get unlimited "thali" meals for around ₹250. A thali consists of variety of concoctions including salads, appetizers, snacks, breads, pulses, vegetable curries and sweets.

If you have not stayed in India for long, select a food place which is famous and well organised (hotels, big restaurants). Otherwise, its fun to eat at one of the road side stalls, especially at the Khau Galli in Law Garden area and Khan Pan Bazaar in Manekchawk. Various stalls open in the evening until late at night. You may enjoy Paani - Puri (Gol Gappa), Indian Chat, Indian Sandwiches, North Indian, Indian-Chinese and some continental cuisines, amazingly at road-side stalls and for less than a ₹60 item. Recently, SG Road in the western part of city has transformed into an restaurant strip. It has over 100 restaurants in a five-mile stretch offering most varieties in all price ranges.

  • Amazo Restaurant, Gelateria, Cafeteria (Area: Prahladnagar, St Xavier's College crossroads, Paldi) Specialised vegetarian Italian and Mexican food.
  • Vishala (Area: Vasna Toll Naka): Best Dish: Thali Meals. Average food, but unusual because of its village-like decor and rather strange utensils museum. It has several pre-dinner activities like puppet-show for children, folk music and dance, snake-charmers, etc.
  • Tadka Punjabi (Area: Opp. Vastrapur Lake, Vastrapur) Serves authentic Punjabi food specialities such as Amritsari Kulcha, Bathure-chhole, stuffed parathas and lassi.
  • Sankalp (Area: CG Road, SG Road) A chain with outlets across them city that specialises in South Indian food. It set an Guinness World Record for the "longest dosa (thin-crepe) in the World" (25 feet)
  • Havmor (Area: Panchwati, Stadium Circle) Known for its Chola Bhatura, a north Indian dish. Novelty ice creams such as Raja Rani, Cassata Roll Cut, Tall Beauty are specialities
  • Choice Snacks (Area: CG Road) Excellent Chaat items including Bhel, Indian-style pizza and sandwiches.
  • Bardo(Area: C.G Road, Near Choice) Excellent Kathiyawadi Food with good staff and value for money.
  • Honest (Area: Panchwati, SG Road, etc.) A well-known fast-food chain that started as road-side stall serving Pav-Bhaji and Pulav in Law Garden area and now a fledging restaurant chain
'Khaman', the popular Gujarati breakfast
  • Asarfi Kulfi (Area: Panchwati & Law Garden & Gurukul) They only serve dessert. Try any of the Kulfis
  • Bhagwati Chat (Area: Panchwati) The best dish is the paneer tikka. Try the gulab jamun or jabeli for dessert.
  • Oswal (Area: Ashram Road Nr. Statue of Mahatma Gandhi) Snack shop specialising in Gujarati snacks and sweets such as Jalebis (sweet-syrup filled pretzels), Fafda (flat chick-pea biscuits served with spicy papaya chutney).
  • Raipur Bhajia House (Area: Raipur Darwaja) Famous for Bhajias (much better taste & quality than the Astodia Bhajia)
  • Cafe Upper Crust (Area: Vijay Char Rasta, Vastrapur) A popular cafe with teenagers. Dishes including veg/non-vegetarian sizzlers, pastas, sandwiches, cakes and desserts. Hosts occasional food festivals.
  • Mirch Masala (Area: CG Road, SG Road) Serves North-Indian food in a typical highway "dhaba" setting. Excellent food but more interesting for its decor.
  • King's Food Factory (Area: Panchwati cross road, CG Road) It is new restaurant chain. They serve Indian cuisine as well as some Spanish, Italian, Chinese and American food. Very nice dessert are available in the coffee parlour and there is a possibility to play some scrabble or uno upstairs. It is clean, all staff speak English; Wi-Fi, A/C and two plasma TV screens.
  • ZK(Area: Relief Road). One of the best and oldest non-veg restaurant in the city
  • Ras Ranjan (Area: Vijay Char Rasta). Great place for sweets, Bislari Paani Puri, Paneer Tikka w/famous chutney, vaada pav.
  • Pudding Good veg and non-veg food, and in particular the Hydrabadi Biryani.
  • Seva Cafe is a gift economy restaurant, serving meals made by volunteers. The meals are offered as gifts to the guests who are asked to ‘Pay Forward’ as a chain of kindness. The guests and volunteers have continued this chain have provided more than 85,000 meals.

Other than these that are several other restaurants that serve excellent food for example (Swati Snacks, House of MG both famous for Gujarati food in chic setting, Bawarchi for Punjabi food, etc.) For western palates, a good way to find new restaurants is to ask a local, especially someone young who would certainly know about such places. International chains like Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Subway are present throughout the city.

For some street food following places are quite famous:

  • R. K. Vadapau, Vijay Char Rasta, Vada Pau at its best, it is also known as Anna's Vada Pau
  • Karnavati Dabeli, Opp. Hirabhai Tower, Uttam Nagar, Maninagar, Best Kachhi Dabeli


Gujarat is one of the few Indian states where alcohol is prohibited. But this applies only to Indians. If you have a non-Indian passport / green card holder/ PR status, you can get an alcohol permit valid for one month by going to an alcohol shop large hotel and purchasing one. Hotels that have alcohol shops include: Cama Hotel in Khanpur, Hotel Inder Residency, Opp. to Gujarat College, Comfort Inn President Hotel at CG Road among others open from 12 noon to 20:00 Monday to Saturday ph no. 91 79 26467575. Many local people will be able to direct you because they can purchase alcohol on a 'health' licence. If you are non-resident of Gujarat, then one can get alcohol permits issued at alcohol shops on showing proof of travel to Ahmedabad like (1) Air/Train/Bus ticket,(2) any Identity proof by Govt. with Photo, Address & birthdate preferably driving licence and (3a) your Ahmedabad address proof such as Residence Address of Local friend/relatives electric/telephone bill/ driving licence or (3b) Proof of stay at hotel.

However, if you are staying longer you will need a non-resident permit. For that, you will need: a photocopy of passport including your entry stamps, a photocopy of visa, a photocopy of a local resident's ID card (drivers licence will probably be easiest). As of January 2009, ₹1000 (although the person may ask for ₹50 extra as a bribe but should not be given). If you can get a local person to go with you, the entire experience will be a lot easier.

Directions1 Get your copies notarized as ‘true’ copies. If you don't have easy access to someone who can do this, the Prohibition and Excise Department will direct you to a nearby office. This will cost about ₹10 per copy.2. Go to Prohibition and Excise Department which is just off the Ellis bridge on the Victoria garden side of old city .3. Pick up the bank payment form, and get copies notarized if you haven't already done this.4. Fill in the name and local address for the permit holder5. Get a rickshaw and go to the State Bank of India which is very near by. If a rickshaw is not available, the bank is in walking distance.6. Pay ₹1050 (or the asked fee) at the State Bank of India7. Get an ink stamp on form from bank8. Take your copies, your payment slip and your forms back to the Prohibition and Excise Department.9. The Department office will provide you with form F.L. /A-1. Fill out form and ask for more than the maximum allowed (ask for about 6 units) to ensure you get the maximum.10. Pay ₹2 at the Department office. Receive two stamps which are to be stuck onto get form F.L. / A-1 form to show you have paid.

You will either be able to pick up the license immediately, or in a few days. Once you have your licence, you take it to a large hotel where they have an alcohol shop, and make your purchases.

Bootlegging is rampant, but it carries a risk as well. Decent brands of Indian whisky start around ₹200 as do rum, vodka and gin. Premium brands range from ₹600 to ₹1,800 for 12-year-old Scotch.

Beer is difficult to buy as is wine/vodka/gin/brandy/scotch/champagne/rum.

Booze is strictly a private affair and don't expect to order a drink at a restaurant, and there are no pubs or bars, and you will have to drink in your hotel room or at someone's home. If someone invites you to a party, there is a good chance you will be offered a drink there. Under a new amendment to the law prohibiting alcohol, you cannot be arrested or detained for consuming alcohol illegally unless you misbehave under influence or indulge in bootlegging. However, it is best to consume alcohol at your hotel room or at a very close friends place. Majority of the guests staying at a hotel consume it in their rooms and there is always an implied consent from the hotel who will serve you ice, soft drinks and glasses.

Many small shops sell lassi, a yogurt drink. Lassi choices include: sweet, salty, with almonds. Farki, Girish Cold Drinks and Krishna Dairy are some of the famous ones. Apart from this, Janta Ice Cream and Cold Drinks offers a delicious drink cold Chocolate Coco, a chocolate flavoured thick shake. Janta has its shops across Ahmedabad. There is also a very wide variety of fruit juices available. Most large places like Havmor are reputable and use good water, but you should exercise care when drinking at smaller places.



Cheaper hotels are available on the Eastern side of the Sabarmati in the old town area.

More expensive and newer hotels are available in the more affluent Navrangpura area.

In case you don't have an idea where to go when you arrive to the city, you could ask a rickshaw driver to take you to Relief Road which has plenty of budget accommodation available and is pretty close to the main train station.

  • Ginger Hotel. Off Drive-in road, close to the SG Road Business district. A no-frills, business class hotel, similar to the other Gingers. From ₹1000/night.
  • Hotel Caspia Pro, Plot 38/1, Prahladnagar Road, Besides Venus Atlantis, Prahlad Nagar, 91 79 4900 4141. The chain opened in July 2012.

Srednji razred

  • Lemon Tree Hotel, Ahmedabad in Ahmedabad's downtown shopping and commercial area of CG Road in Navrangpura, this is an attractive and airy hotel.
  • Hotel Royal Highness is in the heart of business and shopping areas at Lal Darwaja. This hotel charges a premium mid range hotel tariff, with around 50 rooms and 8 conference rooms.
  • Hotel Cama Park Plaza is a landmark of culture and comfort in the city of Ahmedabad. It is in the heart of business and shopping areas. It combines old-world charm with 21st century amenities.
  • Hotel Comfort Inn Sunset has a unique architectural design. Its close proximity from Airport is another advantage.
  • Hotel Fortune is an economy hotel of Ahmedabad around 10 km from the Airport. Ammeneties include large meeting rooms, business facilities and food & beverage options. Close to the city centre, government houses and major business center in the city.
  • Hotel Comfort Inn President, on C.G. Road, sells a wide range of brands of whisky, wine and beer. Liquor permits issued in the liquor shop to non-residents of Gujarat and foreigners against photo ID.
  • Hotel Quality Inn is a business class hotel in the commercial district on the banks of Sabarmati River. Hotel provides an excellent view of the river at dawn and in the evening. Has 69 rooms & suites, multi-cuisine restaurant, health club and business centre.
  • Hotel Westend is in the commercial area.
  • Hotel Country Inn is a hotel suited for business travellers in the business and shopping areas, off Drive-In Road.
  • Hotel Ramada is suited for business travellers in Prahladnagar, near the SG Road, which is a business and shopping area


  • Hyatt Ahmedabad. In city centre adjacent to the Vastrapur Lake.
  • Gateway Hotel (formerly Taj Residency). Close to the airport and 15-minute drive from the central business district and state capital, Gandhinagar.
  • Hotel Le Meridien. From ₹3750/night
  • Hotel Pride is in the Judge's Bungalows area by Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway.
  • Hotel Fortune Landmark on Ashram Road.
  • Hotel Inder Residency is in calm and quiet western suburbs of Ahmedabad close to main commercial roads: C.G & Ashram road. Easy accessibility to the Railway Station and Airport.
  • Hotel Courtyard by Marriott. On Satellite Road.
  • Royal Orchid Central, 91 80 4127 6667. Near Gujarat College.
  • House of MG - in the old historic city is a 5-star Heritage Hotel
  • The Grand Bhagwati, 301, Circle P, Prahaladnagar Garden Road, S.G. Road, 91 7926841000, . Bodakdev, SG Road
  • Cambay Grand - Thaltej, Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway
  • Hotel St Laurn is in the city centre, Ashram Road

Povežite se

International code for India is 91The local area code is 79. Thus in total, 91 79 must be prefixed to a phone number.

Buy pre-paid SIM

To buy a SIM card foreign nationals need to provide a photocopy of their passport, Indian visa page, a passport-sized photo and a proof of residence in India. As with much in India, the associated bureaucracy can be slow and frustrated. Activation of a SIM card can take a number of days.

The top mobile phone networks in India are:

Emergency information

  • Emergency Help (at any time) - 108
  • Police - 100
  • Fire - 101
  • Ambulance - 102 / 108
  • Airport Inquiry - 141
  • Railways I.V.R.S. - 139
  • Railways General Enquiry - 131
  • Telephone Directory Inquiry - 197
  • Telephone Local Assistance - 199


The railway reservation office, and tourist booking window, are in an air conditioned building just outside and to the right (when looking from the street) of the Kalupur Railway station. Other railways stations are able to book tourist quota, but often refuse to serve you and refer you to Kalupur Railway station after a lengthy wait.

  • Canada and United States Visa Facilitation Centre Gujarat Chambers Building, Shri Ambika Mills, Ashram Road (Ellis Bridge)


The main Apollo Hospital is in the twin city of Gandhinagar, but very close to the airport. The Apollo City Centre is in Ellisbridge area (West Zone).


Stay updated with local news.

Ostani varen

People are friendly and the police will help you when you have an emergency. Ahmedabad is relatively safe because alcohol is not permitted: no late-night rowdyism as seen in other cities.

Police stations

Ahmedabad City Police has around 35 major police stations besides the minor police chowkis.

For emergency, dial 100.

Find your police station depending on the area. Contact details (e-mail IDs and phone numbers) can be found when clicking on the respective station.

Pojdi naprej

  • Akshardham temple in Gandhinagar - a 35 km ride from Ahmedabad is not to be missed. They have various shows throughout the day showing the rich Indian heritage and the legend of Lord Swaminarayan. The water show in the evening is one of the best you will find in India.
  • Adalaj Step-Well - a remarkable structure, dug five stories deep underground and full of intricate carvings. 15 km north of Ahmedabad. Glej Gandhinagar article for details.
  • Nal Sarovar - Bird Sanctuary About 65 km southwest of Ahmedabad, spread over 120 km2, the lake - Nal Sarovar - the extensive reed beds and marshes are an ideal habitat for aquatic plants and animals. The lake attracts a large variety of birds like plovers, sandpipers, stints, cormorants, grebes and openbill storks among others. The best season to visit the sanctuary is November to February.
  • Thol Bird Sanctuary This sanctuary is about 30 km west of the city centre. Just as Nal Sarovar, this lake attracts a large variety of bird species. It has become more preferable for the amdavadis to take an early morning trip. Although it does not have any facilities like boating, it has turned out more favourable as this is a lesser known place. It will be best to rent a taxi for a morning as there is no public transport available here. November to March is the best time to visit.
Routes through Ahmedabad
END N NE1-IN.svg S NadiadVadodara
Merges with NH 27Bagodara W NH47-IN.svg E GodhraIndore
DelhiJaipur N NH48-IN.svg S VadodaraMumbai
END ← Merge with NH 47 ← N NH64-IN.svg S NadiadAnand
Gandhinagar N NH147-IN.svg S END
Ta vodnik po mestu Ahmedabad je uporabno Članek. Vsebuje informacije o tem, kako priti tja ter o restavracijah in hotelih. Pustolovska oseba bi lahko uporabila ta članek, vendar ga lahko izboljšate z urejanjem strani.