Percé - Percé

Nahaja se na vzhodnem koncu Percé je živahno turistično središče Ljubljane Polotok Gaspé. Čeprav je ponosen član Najlepše vasi v Quebecu(Association des plus beaux vasi du Québec), Percé je sprva morda nenaklonjen: gneča, lepljive prodajalne spominkov, neskončni moteli ob cesti in gîtesin raznovrstna turistična prevara je neskladen kontrast z veličastno kuliso vzdolž ceste 132, v kateri so obiskovalci verjetno preživeli zadnjih nekaj ur ali dni v pijači. Ampak za razburjenje obstaja dober razlog: Percé Rock(Rocher Percé)obalna skalnata tvorba v obliki loka, po kateri je mesto dobilo ime, je čudovito naravno čudo, ki je postalo ikonični simbol polotoka Gaspé in vsako leto privabi na tisoče obiskovalcev. To in v bližini Otok Bonaventure(Île Bonaventure), množična plemenska kolonija za različne vodne ptice, ki predstavlja atrakcijo Percéja (in polotoka Gaspé), Otok Bonaventure in narodni park Percé Rock(Parc national de l'Île-Bonaventure-et-du-Rocher-Percé).


Percé Rock

Leta 1971 so se meje Percéja razširile na sedanjo velikost, ko so okoliške vasi v Barachois, Bridgeville, Cap-d'Espoir, in Saint-Pierre-de-la-Malbaie so bili združeni v mesto. Domačini še vedno občasno uporabljajo stara imena, vendar so v tem članku zajete vse znamenitosti in druge zanimivosti v teh nekdanjih krajih.

Percé je zelo sezonska destinacija. Turistična sezona traja približno od sredine junija do konca septembra, v tem času so ulice, trgovine, restavracije in prenočišča pogosto nadležno zasedeni. Večina podjetij in atrakcij je odprtih tudi med sezonami od sredine maja do sredine junija in od konca septembra do sredine oktobra, v nekaterih primerih pa skrajšane ure. Vendar se lahko zunaj sezone Percé zdi skoraj kot mesto duhov. Če se pozimi znajdete v mestu, spletno mesto Počitniški cilj Percé (glejte spodnji razdelek »Informacije o obiskovalcih«) vsebuje popoln pregled dejavnosti in storitev, ki so odprte vse leto; ti se močno usmerjajo v zimske športe, kot so vožnja z motornimi sanmi, krpljanje in sankanje s psi.

Percé se ponaša s približno 3.300 prebivalci, ki so zbrani v verigi vasi, razporejenih vzdolž obale.


Območje Percé je bilo stoletja ribolovno območje za lokalno prebivalstvo Mi'kmaq-a, Evropejcem pa je bilo znano že v 17. stoletju (raziskovalec Samuel de Champlain je leta 1603 opazil in poimenoval Percé Rock, območje pa je služilo kot postanek za ladje, ki so se odpravile v Quebec City). Toda šele v začetku 19. stoletja se je začelo stalno naselje. Sprva je bil Percé mirna ribiška vasica kot mnogi njegovi sosedje na polotoku Gaspé, toda po tem, ko se je Percé Rock v začetku 20. stoletja pojavil na radarskih zaslonih popotnikov, je turizem začel postopoma prevzemati mesto kot gospodarski stolp v mestu. Med drugo svetovno vojno je kraljeva kanadska mornarica v Percéju upravljala pomembno brezžično prestrezno postajo, ki je bila odgovorna za odkrivanje nacističnih podmornic, ki plujejo v vodah ob vzhodni obali Kanade.

Informacije o obiskovalcih

Počitniški cilj Percé je spletno mesto Turistično informacijski center Percé(Bureau d'accueil touristique de Percé). To je izčrpen vir za obiskovalce Percéja, ki vsebuje običajne sezname znamenitosti, hotelov, restavracij, trgovin in barov - pa tudi koledar dogodkov, zgodovinske in arhitekturne sprehajalne ture za tiskanje, urnik oseke (koristen za pot do Percéja) Kamen brez čolna) in najnovejše informacije o gradnji cest in zaporah v okolici.

Percéjeva opeka in malta 1 Turistično informacijska pisarna je v središču mesta, na ulici 142, rue de l'Église. Odprto je sezonsko: vsak dan od 8. do 20. ure v juliju in avgustu, s krajšimi urami v mesecu juniju in septembru.


48 ° 32′42 ″ S 64 ° 16′19 ″ Z
Zemljevid Percéja

Z avtom

Tako pride velika večina obiskovalcev v Percé. Mesto je naprej Pokrajinska pot 132, glavna magistralna cesta na južni obali sv. Lovrenca.

Če želite priti do mesta Percé iz mesta Quebec, vzemite Samodejna pot 20 vzhodno do konca ceste v Ljubljani Trois-Pistoles, nato nadaljujte proti vzhodu po cesti 132. Razdalja je približno 750 km (465 milj), zato načrtujte približno osem ur v avtu, brez postankov. Nekaj ​​kilometrov stran od te razdalje lahko obrijete tako, da izklopite na L'Anse-Pleureuse in po bližnji celini Murdochville prek Provincialna pot 198, vendar to prihaja na račun nekaterih veličastnih pokrajin, ki jih boste videli ob poti ob obali.

Če prihajate iz Pomorstvo, Percé je približno 245 km (153 milj) od New Brunswick meja na Campbellton, po cesti 132 vzhod. Potovanje traja 2½ do 3 ure.

Z letalom

Najbližja letališča z rednim potniškim prometom so Letališče Michel Pouliot Gaspé(Letališče Michel-Pouliot de Gaspé) (YGP IATA) v Gaspé in Letališče Bonaventure(Aéroport de Bonaventure) (YVB IATA) v Bonaventura, s servisom do Îles de la Madeleine, Quebec City in Montreal. Tisti, ki prihajajo od daleč, bi morali najprej prileteti Mednarodno letališče Pierre Elliott Trudeau(Aéroport international Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau) (YUL IATA) v Montrealu ali morda Mednarodno letališče Jean Lesage(Aéroport international Jean-Lesage) (YQB IATA) v mestu Quebec; s katerim koli od teh letališč lahko z Air Canada Express ujamete povezovalni let do YGP.

Letališči Gaspé in Bonaventure lahko na kraju samem ali v bližini najamete avtomobile (Popust, Enterprise, in Državna v prvem; Varčno v slednjem), kjer lahko nadaljujete pot v Percé.

Z avtobusom

The Orléans Express avtobusno omrežje služi celotni provinci Quebec, vključno s polotokom Gaspé. Odpelje se en avtobus na dan Rimouski ob 14:55 in prispe v Percé ob 22:19. Cena prevoza znaša 84,05 USD na potnika, vključno z davki in dvema prijavljenima prtljagama, z doplačilom 5 USD za vsako dodatno prijavljeno prtljago do največ štirih. Avtobus vas odpelje naravnost v središču mesta, nasproti urada za turistične informacije.

Z vlakom

The 1 Železniška postaja Percé je južno od središča mesta, na 44, trasa de l'Anse-à-Beaufils. Do leta 2013 VIA Rail vodil službo na polotoku Gaspé vzhodno od Matapédia. Začasno je prekinjena. Za nadaljevanje železniškega prometa do Percéja ni časovnega razporeda.


Pot 132, obdana z vsemi obcestnimi turističnimi predmeti, ki bi si jih lahko želeli, seka v središču dogajanja v središču mesta Percé.

Če želite priti od kraja do kraja v središču mesta Percé, je pešačenje dobra izbira; če greste dlje, je avto skoraj nujna potreba. Taksi storitev je na voljo, čeprav je draga.

Z avtobusom

RéGÎM, podeželsko omrežje javnega prevoza na polotoku Gaspé, ima dve poti, ki služita Percéju.

  • Pot 31 opravlja dva dnevna odhoda od ponedeljka do petka od Chandler severno do osrednjega Percéja ob 11:59 in 15:59, prihod ob 12:53 in 16:53 ter ob poti veliko vmesnih postankov. Povratna potovanja odhajajo iz Percéja ob 13.00 in 17.00, prihod v Chandler pa ob 13.56 oziroma 17.56.
  • Jutro teče naprej Pot 32 dopusti Paspébiac ob 6:20, prihod v Percé ob 8:08. Povratna potovanja (potrebna je 24-urna predhodna rezervacija, pokličite 1-877-521-0841) zapustite Percé ob 9.00 in se vrnite v Paspébiac ob 10.50, kjer se lahko tisti, ki se odpravijo bolj proti zahodu, prepeljejo do avtobusa Poute 40, ki vozi Carleton-sur-Mer. Popoldanski odhodi iz Paspébiaca na cesti 32 do ne služi Percéju, namesto tega konča pri Grande-Rivière.
  • Pa tudi, Pot 22 teče med L'Anse-à-Beaufils in Gaspéjem, kjer streže Coin-du-Banc, Barachois in druge obrobne predele Percéja, čeprav ne mestnega središča. Avtobusi, ki vozijo do Gaspéja, od L'Anse-à-Beaufilsa odhajajo od ponedeljka do petka ob 6.40, skozi Coin-du-Banc in Barachois ob 6.:52 in ob 7. uri, preden prispejo v Gaspé ob 7.47. Izleti proti jugu zapustijo Gaspé ob 17:50 in se ustavijo ob 18:41 v Barachoisu, 18:50 v Coin-du-Banc in 19:02 v L'Anse-à-Beaufils.

Voznina se plača v gotovini (4 USD) ali z vstopnicami (3 USD na kos, na voljo v desetih knjigah sodelujočih trgovcev ali neposredno pri voznikih avtobusov). Če nameravate RéGéM med bivanjem na polotoku Gaspé močno uporabljati, bi bilo koristno kupiti predplačniško kartico za dostop (na voljo v spletu za 5 USD), ki je dobra za cel mesec in vam omogoča enak popust Cena vozovnice 3 USD kot vstopnice.

V kratkem lahko kupite tudi vstopnico za nekaj dolarjev na Orléans Express avtobus do enega od zunanjih krajev Percéja (postajališča so v Barachoisu, Bridgevilleu, L'Anse-à-Beaufilsu in Cap-d'Espoirju); vozniki se včasih celo dogovorijo, da bodo na cesti zapeljali neposredno do vašega cilja, vendar lahko preteče nekaj časa, preden pride drug avtobus, ki vas popelje nazaj v Percé.


Otok Bonaventure in narodni park Percé Rock

Otok Bonaventure in narodni park Percé Rock ležijo v celoti v mestu Percé, zato se jim morate zahvaliti za vse prodajalne daril, ljubki gîtesin množice turistov tukaj. Kapljice bogatih ljudi, ki so začeli prihajati k Percé Rocku okoli preloma stoletja, so po drugi svetovni vojni postale enakomeren potok, leta 1971 pa je vlada Quebeca kupila otok Bonaventure in ga spremenila v narodni park. Percé Rock je bil dodan tri leta kasneje. Danes park vsako leto obišče 60.000 ljudi.

Poleg dveh naslovnih komponent, ki sta podrobneje opisani spodaj, otok Bonaventure in narodni park Percé Rock vključujeta tudi Charles Robin Sektor(Sektor Charles-Robin), sestavljeno iz peščice natančno obnovljenih skladišč iz 19. stoletja ob pristanišču, ki jih je zgradil Charles Robin, podjetnik iz Jersey in oče ustanovitelj Percéja, katerega velika ribiška družba je bila glavni igralec ribolova polenovke v zalivu Saint Lawrence. Danes so v teh stavbah park Discovery Center v parku, Muzej Le Chafaud (glej spodaj) in La Saline, sejna dvorana, kjer osebje parka prireja posebne prireditve.

Otok Bonaventure in narodni park Percé Rock sta ne kanadski narodni park - kljub imenu ga vodi Quebec provincialni storitev parka. Zato vaš Park Parks Canada Discovery Pass tukaj ne ustreza, če pa ga imate Letni parki Quebec Network Card, vaš vstop je prost. (Če ga nimate in nameravate obiskati druge dele Quebeca, je to morda pametna naložba: Mreža parkov Quebec vključuje na desetine parkov, rezervate divjih živali in druge znamenitosti, ki se nahajajo v vseh delih pokrajine.)

Za tiste, ki nimajo letne vozovnice, je vstopnina 7,50 USD za odrasle in 3,25 USD za otroke med 6. in 17. letom. Tisti, mlajši od 5 let, dobijo brezplačno. Na voljo so tudi popusti za družine (10,75 USD za odraslo osebo in otroke; 15 USD za dve odrasli osebi in otroke). Parkirišče znaša 10 USD za avtomobile in avtodome in 6 USD za motorna kolesa ne pokrito z mrežno kartico Parks Quebec. Leta 2017 je bil park odprt vsak dan od 9.00 do 16.00 od 22. maja do 9. oktobra in do 17. ure med vrhunsko turistično sezono od 5. junija do 16. septembra.

Obnovljene ribiške koče iz 19. stoletja v kraju L'Anse à Butler na otoku Bonaventure.
  • 1 Otok Bonaventure (Bole Bonaventure). Raj za ljubitelje ptic, otok Bonaventure, je približno 4 km² (1.000 hektarjev) od obale Percéja, ki je najbolj znano kot gnezdišče približno ducat vrst morskih ptic selivk. Tu boste našli kormorane, puffine, murres in najbolj znano, največjo in najlažje dostopno kolonijo severnih gannets, s 100.000 pticami. Po kratki vožnji z ladjo se boste izkrcali na L'Anse à Butler na zahodni strani otoka, pred seboj pa boste videli kopico starih hiš s ploščami: preden je bil zaščiteno naravno zatočišče, je bil otok Bonaventure kraj majhne, ​​a uspešne ribiške skupnosti in družine prednikov domovi, ki so jih pustili za seboj, so bili v celoti obnovljeni z verodostojnimi ljudskimi gradbenimi metodami in arhitekturnimi značilnostmi. Potem se lahko prosto zabavate: otok se ponaša z različnimi pokrajinami in pokrajinami, vključno z ljubkimi polji, osamljenimi piknik kraji in slikovitimi pogledi, ki gledajo nazaj na obalo ali zunaj odprtega oceana, pa boste serenadirani. ves čas s pritožbenimi pesmimi ptic. To so znamenitosti, zvoki in vonji (v dobrem in slabem - vonj divjih cvetov je čudovit; ptičji iztrebki ne toliko) nekdanjega polotoka Gaspé. Preden zapustite otok Bonaventure, se ne pozabite ustaviti na restavracija ob pristanišču nekaj njihove znane ribje juhe.
  • 2 Percé Rock (Rocher Percé). Ta velikanski kamniti monolit je naravno čudo, ki je za popotnike postalo skoraj sinonim za sam polotok Gaspé. Od daleč pravijo, da je Percé Rock videti kot ladja pod jadrom, vendar se nekoliko približajte in videli boste 20-metrski (66-metrski) naravni lok, ki je skozi njegovo podlago prebijal skalo - od tod tudi njegovo ime, kar pomeni "prebodena skala". Nekaj ​​metrov (čevljev) od glavnega dela boste videli Obelisk(L'Obélisque), samotni morski sklad, ki je bil včasih podnožje drugega loka, ki se je podrl po manjšem potresu leta 1845. Večino ljudi Percé Rock obišče z ladjo, toda ob oseki je tja mogoče priti z obale (najdete lahko urnik plimovanja v turistično informacijskem centru). Če se peš odpravite na skalo Percé, bodite pozorni na čas in pazite na padajoče kamenje, saj je erozija tu nenehno življenje - vendar izkoristite priložnost, da preverite 150 vdelanih fosiliziranih morskih bitij v prosojnih apnenčastih skalah, relikvije iz devonskega obdobja pred približno 400 milijoni leti.

Središče mesta in okolica

  • Za ljubitelje na prostem narodni park ni vse, kar lahko ponudi Percé. V gorah za mestnim jedrom je trio znamenitosti, ki so pohodnikom dostopne na mreži poti za mestom (q.v.):
  • 3 Grotto (La Grotte) (1,4 km [0,9 milje] mimo poti, preko chemin de la Grotte). Njegovo ime ni ravno natančno, a vseeno je lepo: to ni jama, ampak prijeten slap, ugnezden v niši med Mont Sainte-Anne in Mont Blanc, kjer se gorski potok spušča čez steno rdeče skale v plitek bazen. Vse to se dogaja v polkrožnem naravnem amfiteatru, kjer - v skladu z zgodovino teh gora kot katoliškega romarskega središča (glej spodaj) - kipi Device Marije in druge verske kroglice.
Mont Sainte-Anne se nad pristaniščem blizu skale Percé nahaja v središču mesta Percé.
  • 4 Mont Sainte-Anne (1,8 kilometra [1,1 milje] mimo poti po cesti Chemin de la Grotte; zavijte levo pri chemin du Mont-Sainte-Anne in nadaljujte do konca poti). V 17. stoletju znan kot "Rolandova miza" (La Table à Roland) zaradi njegovega ravnega vrha je dih jemajoče veličanstvo Mont Sainte-Anne postalo versko območje že stoletja Gaspezijcev: od Mi'kmaqov, ki so sem pripeljali novorojene otroke svojega plemena, da bi jih predstavili bogu sonca, do 19. in v začetku 20. leta stoletja, bhakte Québécois sv. Ane, ki bi tam romali 26. julija. Danes lahko pohodniki sledijo njihovim stopinjam in uživajo v čudovitem razgledu na mesto in na L'Anse-à-Beaufils, skalo Percé in otok Bonaventure.
  • 5 Mont Blanc (4,7 kilometra [2,9 milje] mimo poti čez chemin de la Grotte, chemin du Mont-Ste-Anne, sentier des Sources, sentier des Pieds-Croches in sentier de la Crevasse). To je daljši pohod na Mont Blanc kot Grotto ali Mont Sainte-Anne, vendar se splača: Sentier de la Crevasse pot vas pelje ob globoki špranji ob strani gore, ki na višini približno 300 m naravnost navzdol omogoča vrtoglavo doživetje. Mont Blanc je nekoliko višji od Mont Sainte-Anne; njen vrh je dostopen po strmi makadamski poti, ki se začne na koncu sentier de la Crevasse in ponuja čudovit razgled na gaspezijsko obalo severno od Percéja in do odprtega oceana.
  • 6 Svetilnik Cap-Blanc (Phare du Cap-Blanc) (Izven ceste 132, 2,5 km južno od središča mesta). Ta slikovito dovršen svetilnik je visok 7 m (24 čevljev) in je bil zgrajen leta 1915, da bi nadomestil prejšnjo zgradbo iz leta 1874. Čeprav ne deluje več, je nekoč sijala svetloba tega osmerokotnega, trmastega rdeče-belega svetilnika. za 24 km (15 milj), opozorilne ladje stran od skalnih plitvin Bela glava(Cap Blanc) južno od Percéja. Dežela, kjer stoji svetilnik Cap-Blanc, je danes del Camping du Phare à Percé kamp; medtem ko so prostori nominalno zaprti za obiskovalce, je osebje kampa ponavadi strpno do ljudi, ki se na kratko odpravijo na trenutke.
  • 7 [mrtva povezava]Muzej Le Chafaud (Musée le Chafaud), 145, pot 132, 1 418-782-5100. Vsak dan od 10. do 20. ure, od 24. junija do 21. septembra. Osupljiva pokrajina območja Percé je skozi vse leto navdihnila kopico krajinskih umetnikov, njihova dela pa so razstavljena v tem muzeju, ki se nahaja v pritličju starega obalnega skladišča iz 19. stoletja, nekoč v lasti ribiškega podjetja Charles Robin. Stalna zbirka Le Chafauda vključuje večinoma slike, pa tudi nekaj gravur, fotografij in risb s pisalom in črnilom. Pogosto gostijo tudi potujoče razstave. 5 USD, otroci do 12 let 2 USD, študentje in upokojenci 3,50 USD, družine 13 USD.


L'Anse-à-Beaufils je majhna vasica 10 km (6 milj) južno od mestnega jedra Percéja, poimenovana po francoskem plemiču, za katerega se je govorilo, da je polbrat kralja Ludvika XIV. Del Percéja je postal leta 1971. Danes boste našli nekaj zgodovinskih znamenitosti, ki se nahajajo okoli pristanišča ob izlivu reke L'Anse-à-Beaufils.

  • 8 Zgodovinska trgovina L'Anse-à-Beaufils (Magasin général historique authentique), 28, ulica à Bonfils, 1 418-782-2225. Vsak dan od 10. do 17. ure od sredine junija do konca septembra ali v začetku oktobra, omejeno število ur zunaj sezone. Zgrajena leta 1928 in nekoč osrednje središče mesta L'Anse-à-Beaufils Robin, Jones in Whitman General Store danes deluje kot nekakšen muzej žive zgodovine, kjer na policah polnijo staromodno suho robo, kmetijska oprema in drugo blago. Na vodenih ogledih, ki jih vodijo, bodo nastopajoči v kostumskih kostumih stopili izza blagajn in tehtnic z živili, ki gledajo naravnost iz časovnega stroja, in zavihtali po domačih krajevnih anekdotah. Drugje v muzeju stare fotografije in predmeti pripovedujejo o zgodovini vasi. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. 6 USD, otroci do 7. leta brezplačno.
  • 9 Stara tovarna (La Vieille usine), 55, ulica à Bonfils, 1 418-782-2277. Vsak dan od 9.00 do 16.00, od sredine junija do konca septembra. Nekoč obrat za predelavo rib, ta trpežna zgradba v osrčju "kulturnega in turističnega pristanišča" L'Anse-à-Beaufils (havre culturel touristique) nosi veliko klobukov: Stara tovarna služi kot gurmanski bistro s prijetno teraso s pogledom na vodo, prostor za predstave z živo glasbo, predstavami in komičnimi oddajami, snemalni studio in umetniško galerijo, kjer dela približno tri desetine umetnikov iz prikazan je polotok Gaspé in povsod po Quebecu. Zbirka galerije je eklektična, zajema tako ljubiteljska kot profesionalna dela v medijih, ki segajo od slik in kiparstva do nakita in keramike. Izvajajo se tudi tečaji umetnostne obrti za odrasle in mladostnike.


  • 10 Organski vrtovi Percé Rock (Bio-Jardins Rocher-Percé), 397, chemin de St-Isidoire, 1 418-782-2777. Organski vrtovi Percé Rock so podaljšek dela msgr. François Xavier Ross, nekdanji škof iz Gaspéja, ki je ustanovil kmetijsko šolo Val-d'Espoir (École d'agriculture de Val-d'Espoir) na tem mestu leta 1926, da bi spodbudil razvoj območnih kmetij. Danes je v tej zadružni ustanovi dom številnih tematskih vrtov, kjer je poudarek na trajnostnem kmetijstvu in lokalno pridelani hrani. V Gardens lahko kupite tudi skromno paleto drugih izdelkov domače obrti, vključno z linijo naravne kozmetike.


Na vodi

Percé v celoti izkorišča svojo slikovito obmorsko lokacijo, saj številne vodne aktivnosti čakajo obiskovalce v napornih poletnih mesecih.

Opazovanje kitov

Izliv sv. Lovrenca in njegova okolica v toplih mesecih polni kitov, v Percéju pa je nekaj oblek za opazovanje kitov, ki vam omogočajo, da vidite različne vrste, vključno s plavutjo, minko, grbavo in celo ogroženimi. modri kit, pa tudi belostranski delfini in pristaniški tjulnji. Obe turi odhajata iz Ljubljane 2 Turistično pristanišče(Quai de tourisme) v centru mesta. Sezona traja od maja do oktobra, kiti so najštevilčnejši julija in avgusta.

  • 1 Les Bateliers de Percé, 162, pot 132, 1 418-782-2974, brez cestnin: 1-877-782-2974. Odhodi od 15. do 30. maja samo s skupinsko rezervacijo; 1. in 24. junija ob 10.00; 25. junij - 30. september 10:00, 13:00 in 15:30; 1. – 30. Oktober ob 10.00 in 13.00. Izberite: dve uri in pol ure križarjenja za opazovanje kitov so na voljo v udobju klimatske naprave Kapitanija Duval II, ali pa lahko najamete Zodiak za bolj mokro in divje, neposredne in osebne izkušnje (za vaše udobje je na voljo nepremočljiva oprema). Znanje dvojezičnega osebja. 79 USD, otroci od 7 do 12 let, 37,95 USD, otroci do 6 let in brezplačno, Zodiac charter 85 USD.
  • 2 Croisières Julien Cloutier, 9, rue du Quai, 1 418-782-2161, brez cestnin: 1-877-782-2161. Z rezervacijo, od 15. maja do 30. oktobra. Družinsko podjetje izvaja 3-urna križarjenja za opazovanje kitov na veliki udobni ladji: če ste nagnjeni k morski bolezni, je to možnost za vas. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. 69 USD, otroci od 7 do 12 USD, otroci do 6 let brezplačno.

Izleti z ladjo

Izlete z ladjo do narodnega parka opravljata isti dve obleki, ki urejata križarjenja za opazovanje kitov. Ta križarjenja ponavadi zaslišijo Percé Rock na poti do in / ali z otoka Bonaventure; ne pozabite: če se izkrcate na otoku, morate plačati vstopnino za park, ki ni vključena v spodaj navedene cene. Ogledi običajno trajajo od ene do dveh ur in trajajo od sredine maja do konca oktobra. Odhodi obeh podjetij sta iz Ljubljane Turistično pristanišče.

  • Les Bateliers de Percé, 162, pot 132, 1 418-782-2974, brez cestnin: 1-877-782-2974. Odhodi od 15. do 31. maja ob 10.00; 9. junij, 11.00, 13.00 in 17.00; Julij-september vsake pol ure od 9.00 do 17.00; 10. oktober in 13.00. Les Bateliers de Percé ponuja dvojezična pripovedovana križarjenja (čeprav je obvladovanje angleščine posadke nenavadno) po otoku Bonaventure in narodnem parku Percé Rock. Rutina vidi, da čolni prečkajo Percé Rock, preden pristanejo na otoku Bonaventure pri L'Anse à Butler, nato pa obkrožijo otok, preden se vrnejo na pristanišče v Percéju. Tisti, ki se želijo nekaj časa izkrcati in raziskati otok, se morajo ob odhodu dogovoriti, na katero pot se bodo vrnili. 25 USD, otroci od 7 do 12 let, 12,15 USD, otroci do 6 let brezplačno.
  • Croisières Julien Cloutier, 9, rue du Quai, 1 418-782-2161, brez cestnin: 1-877-782-2161. Redni odhodi od 15. do 15. oktobra, z rezervacijo samo od 15. do 30. oktobra. Croisières Julien Cloutier se bo ustavil na otoku Bonaventure, če to izrecno zahtevate, vendar privzeta možnost preprosto obkroži otok, preden se vrne na obalo (prek Percé Rock). Občasno so predvidene križarjenja z mesečino; pokličite za podrobnosti. Zanesljivo podjetje, ki posluje že 20 let. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. 25 USD, otroci od 7 do 12 let, 12,15 USD, otroci do 6 let brezplačno.

Na voljo so tudi vodeni ogledi morskih kajakov:

  • 3 Avolo Plein Air, 1669, pot 132, 1 418-782-5403. V Avolo Plein Air Jeffrey Samuel-Bond in njegova ekipa za vodenje gostov vodijo goste na vrsto izletov z morskim kajakom v Percéju in okoli njega, ki so primerni za vse, od izkušenih pustolovcev na prostem do novincev, ki še nikoli niso položili roke na veslo. Če želite opraviti običajno pot Percé Rock / Bonaventure Island, lahko, a posebnost Avola so poldnevni, celodnevni in večdnevni izleti ob obali Pointe-Saint-Pierre, prehodno okrožje severnega Percéja, ki slovi po svoji divji in čudoviti pokrajini. Podali se boste pod krila množice drekajočih morskih ptic, pozdravili tjulnje in (če imate srečo) kita ali dva in se čudili čudovitemu pogledu na Indian Head Rock(le Tête d'Indien) saj vas vodnik poučuje o široki biotski raznovrstnosti regije. Če svojim morskim nogam ne zaupate povsem, vam Avolo ponuja tudi obsežne lekcije Quebeška zveza kanuinga in kajakaštva(Fédération québécoise du canot et du kajak): enodnevni osnovni, dvodnevni vmesni in štiridnevni nadaljevalni tečaji so na voljo za 125 USD, 225 USD oziroma 500 USD. Izleti se začnejo pri 50 USD (otroci 40 USD); podrobno strukturo cen in urnik odhodov najdete na spletnem mestu.


Vode v Percéju in okolici preplavljajo ribe in morsko življenje različnih opisov. Če igrate na enem izmed različnih pristanišč in marin po mestu, boste verjetno imeli največ sreče pri ulovu skuše julija in avgusta. Tudi postrvi in ​​lososa je v notranjosti rek veliko, toda za razliko od prejšnjega scenarija so potrebna provincialna dovoljenja (dostopna so na številnih mestih po mestu) in ob upoštevanju sezonskih omejitev.

  • 4 Na morju z obalnimi ribiči (En mer avec les pêcheurs côtiers), 1 418-782-6007, brez cestnin: 1-877-689-6595. 9.00, 13.00 in 16.00, julij-september. Kapetan Michael Moreau priveže svoj ribiški čoln Omirlou, čez reko od Stara tovarna v pristanišču L'Anse-à-Beaufils. Odpeljal vas bo na dve uri in pol izleta po vodi, kjer boste lovili skušo in trsko ter poskusili srečo s pastmi za jastoge, medtem ko se boste naučili drobnih utripov gaspezijske ribiške industrije. Govori se angleško. 50 USD, otroci 35 USD.


  • 5 Jahtni klub Percé (Club nautique de Percé), 199, pot 132, 1 418-782-5403. Jahtni klub Percé je najpomembnejši epicenter polotoka na polotoku Gaspé. Klub je bil ustanovljen kot neprofitna organizacija z namenom izobraževanja obiskovalcev o raznolikem in krhkem vodnem ekosistemu otoka Bonaventure in narodnega parka Percé Rock. Ponuja potapljanje na ducat lokacijah ob severni in vzhodni obali otoka Bonaventure. Poldnevne in celodnevne ekskurzije razkrivajo veliko različnih spektakularnih podmorskih znamenitosti, kot so veličastne skalne formacije, ogromne podmorske jame in izgorela ribiška ladja, ki se je leta 1984 porušila - da ne omenjamo morskega življenja, kot so gobice, jastogi, morske vetrnice, in pristaniške plombe. Če nimate potrdila PADI, vam bo $ 300 kupilo celodnevni tečaj certificiranja s testnim potopom - ta cena vključuje opremo, prevoz do potapljaškega mesta in od njega, vstopnino za nacionalni park in vašo provincialno izkaznico - če pa želite hitro slediti, obstaja tudi poldnevni tečaj "Uvod v potapljanje na globokomorskem morju" za 150 USD, ki zadostuje za potapljanje ob pooblaščenem inštruktorju. Če izberete zadnjo možnost, bo vaš drugi potop 75 USD. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. Podrobno strukturo cen preverite na spletnem mestu.


Ko se želite odmoriti od pustolovščin in preživeti dan, ko lenarite na plaži, imate dve možnosti, 6 Plaža Coin-du-Banc in 7 Plaža Cap-d'Espoir, severno oziroma južno od središča mesta. Cap-d'Espoir je sicer manjši, vendar je poleti precej gneče; to je stran letnice Festi-Plage glasbeni festival in ponuja tudi klopi za piknik in garderobe. Medtem pa na dolgi peščeni verigi Coin-du-Banc pogosto ostanemo samo vi, tresljajoči valovi in ​​osupljiva obmorska pokrajina.


Od vetrovnih polj in vremensko pretepenih gozdov Otok Bonaventure do razgibanih gora v notranjosti območje Percé ponuja različne pokrajine za pohodnike.

  • Kot nalašč za začetnike, Otok Bonaventure ima 15 km (9 milj) pohodniških poti lažje vmesne stopnje težavnosti, ki se ponašajo s slikovitimi pogledi na čudovite Percé Rock, v ogromno gnezdilno kolonijo severnih gannets na otoku in nad odprto morje (pazite na kite!) Chemin du Roy pot je hrbtenica mreže: kroži večino poti okoli otoka in objame obalo s pristanišča turističnih čolnov na L'Anse à Butler do L'Anse Chatouilleuse, razdalja 4,7 km (2,9 milje). Medtem pa Sentier des Mousses, Sentier des Colonies, in Sentier Paget so nekoliko težje: prečkajo gozdnato, nekoliko hribovitejšo notranjost otoka in se na obeh koncih povezujejo s Chemin du Roy. Ne glede na to, katero pot izberete, je nujno, da se pred zadnjim izletom z ladjo vrnete na pristanišče pri L'Anse à Butler, sicer boste prenočili!
Percé Rock, otok Bonaventure in središče mesta Percé, kot je razvidno iz Mont Sainte-Anne.
  • Kljub vzponu za več kot 300 m (1000 čevljev) je tudi po njem relativno enostavno Poti Mont-Sainte-Anne in Mont Blanc[prej mrtva povezava](Sentiers du Mont Sainte-Anne in du Mont Blanc) (povezana karta samo v francoščini): poti so asfaltirane ali dobro urejene umazanije, ki se v pogostih intervalih ponašajo s počivališči, umivalnicami in klopmi za piknik. Razprostira se po gorah v notranjosti od središča mesta, to je mreža 13 km (8 milj) medsebojno povezanih poti, ki se začne na zadnjem delu parkirišča za 3 Katoliška cerkev sv. Mihaela(Église St-Michel) pri 57, rue de l'Église. Sekundarni vhod tik ob cesti 132 severno od središča mesta je kot nalašč za tiste, ki prihajajo ali odhajajo iz Mont Blanca. Poleg njihovih istoimenskih zanimivosti opisano zgoraj, same poti se ponašajo tudi s panoramskimi razgledi, ki zajemajo velik del vzhodne obale Gaspezije in narodnega parka. Na jasen dan lahko celo vidite otok Miscou v New Brunswicku.
  • Skrit v gorah za mestnim središčem (nekoliko dlje od Mont Sainte-Anne in Mont Blanc), Route des Failles se razteza od majhnega zaselka Cannes-de-Roches do južnega konca mestnega jedra. Route des Failles je asfaltirana cesta, ki jo je mogoče prehoditi peš, s kolesom ali z avtomobilom - vendar bodite izjemno previdni, če uporabljate vozilo, saj je to izjemno ukrivljena cesta, ki vključuje približno pol ducata las zavije v samo 5,7 km (3,5 milje) razdalje. Toda za pohodnike, ki se lahko spoprimejo s spremembami višine, je nagrada Route des Failles vredna truda: na vrhu je ekstravaganca osupljivih panoramskih gorskih in morskih pokrajin (od tu pa Percé Rock ni mogoče videti).
  • Še bolj od središča mesta lahko še posebej navdušeni pohodniki uživajo v obsežnejšem mreža poti[prej mrtva povezava] (povezan zemljevid samo v francoščini), ki se razteza skozi obrobje Percéja. Dve komponenti sta:
  • Gorska pot(Sentier des montagnes), ki je krajši, a težji od obeh: teče 14 km (8,7 milj) od 4 Auberge de Gargantua, kjer je povezan z Route des Failles in mrežo poti Mont Sainte-Anne / Mont Blanc, do ribiškega pristanišča v L'Anse-à-Beaufils, z več strmimi vzponi in spusti ob poti. Tisti, ki so jim bili všeč čudoviti alpski razgledi na Route des Failles, bodo tu našli več podobnega: slikoviti razgledi in možnosti fotografiranja prihajajo hitro in besno, ko se prebijate od vrha do vrha, s čudovitim razgledom na skalnate gore in nedotaknjeno obalo. . Za veliki finale se pot spušča po Côte de la Fourche in sledi brnečemu potoku proti jugu proti obali, kjer se konča ob ...
  • Rečna pot(Sentier des rivières), 27 km (16,7 milj) enostavnega pohodništva, ki vodi proti severu do Coin-du-Banc. Najprej se povzpnete po mirni dolini reke L'Anse-à-Beaufils (večkrat jo prečkate po petih čudovitih mostovih), ko se odpravite proti severu do Val-d'Espoir. Nato prečkate nekaj sorazmerno lahko prehodnih gričev, sledite paru bukoličnih gorskih potokov in mimo čudovitega slapa na očarljivo in primerno imenovanem Smaragdna reka(Rivière aux émeraudes) preden konča na parkirišču nekaj sto metrov (približno tretjino milje) od ceste 132.

If you're visiting Percé in autumn and plan to hike, please note that hunting season runs from late September through mid-November. During those times, it is essential to wear bright-coloured clothing and take other sensible precautions. This doesn't apply on Bonaventure Island, where hunting is prohibited per the regulations of the national park.

Opazovanje ptic

Bird life is abundant in Percé — especially on Bonaventure Island, home of the world's largest colony of northern gannets.

Aside from the obvious answer (Bonaventure Island), there are a number of other places around Percé where an abundance of bird life can be found, such as Cap-d'Espoir, Pointe-Saint-Pierre, in Malbaie Lagoon(Barachois de Malbaie) in Coin-du-Banc. In addition to the famous northern gannets, Percé is home to a number of different types of migratory birds including puffins, red-necked grebes, and various species of scoters, guillemots, mockingbirds, and warblers.

With a mission of promoting the awareness and conservation of bird life in the region, the Gaspé Birdwatchers' Club(Club des ornithologues de la Gaspésie) (website in French only) is an exhaustive source of information and organizer of activities for birders in Percé and all over the area. The club frequently hosts birdwatching excursions at sites throughout the Gaspé Peninsula, and their website contains a comprehensive list of migratory species that frequent the area and their usual times of arrival, as well as information for winter birdwatchers. Membership is open to all.

V zimskem času

Though the Gaspé Peninsula has been recognized in the pages of National Geographic magazine as one of the top winter destinations in North America, Percé in particular is very much a seasonal town that largely shuts down after the end of October. If you're in town during the cold-weather months, the website Holiday Destination Percé ima comprehensive list of the handful of attractions, lodgings and services that do remain open in the offseason.

  • Aux Jardins de l'Anse[mrtva povezava] (website in French only) is a charming gîte (bed and breakfast) that operates dog-sledding excursions between January and March. Call 1 418-782-2294 for details.
  • As well, the Mont Sainte-Anne and Mont Blanc hiking trails (glej zgoraj) are open to snowshoers in the winter.


There's something about Percé that inflames the creative spirit — actually, it's not hard to figure out why; the magnificent landscapes and the allure of the sea are full of infectious enchantment. At any rate, the work of local artists and artisans figures heavily into the stock of Percé's many souvenir stores. Handmade jewelry is another frequent find, often made with semiprecious stones found on local beaches, such as agate, jasper, onyx, and (if you're lucky) gaspeite, a rare greenish mineral unique to the Gaspé Peninsula.

Town centre and around

  • 1 Agate et Caillou, 67, route 132, 1 418-782-2098. Vsak dan od 9.00 do 18.00. Jewellery and decorative baubles designed and produced in-house using a variety of gems and stones of local origin: agate, jasper, onyx, labradorite, gaspeite, petrified wood, and more. Or even if you're just wondering what the weird-looking stone is that you found on the beach, the folks at Agate et Caillou will identify it for you.
  • 2 Au Bon Secours, 150, route 132, 1 418-782-2011. The oldest continually operating souvenir shop in Percé, open since 1930 in a former drugstore a stone's throw from the harbour, sells a mixed bag of merchandise including clothes, touristy souvenirs, and decorative tchotchkes including carved stone figurines of seabirds by local artist Suzanne Tétreault-Massé.
  • 3 Boutique de la Mer, 5, rue de l'Église, 1 418-782-2011. This extravagantly decorated little shop just off the main drag in downtown Percé sells fashionable ladies' clothes, a bevy of brightly coloured lawn and garden decorations, and other gifts and souvenirs of all kinds.
  • 4 Boutique Nature, La Neigère, rue du Quai, 1 418-782-2240. Daily 9AM-5PM, May 30-Sep 23; till 9PM Jun 27-Aug 26. Run by Sépaq as the official gift shop of Bonaventure Island and Percé Rock National Park, Boutique Nature is in a converted waterfront warehouse that dates to the 19th century. On sale is a treasure trove of literature and visitor information on all aspects of the national park, as well as works by local artists and artisans and souvenirs of varying descriptions.
  • 5 Donald Cahill Art Gallery (Galerie d'art Donald-Cahill), 424, route 132, 1 581-353-1003. Displays the seaside landscapes and other maritime-themed paintings of Donald Cahill, a native Percéen who moonlights as the captain of a whale-watching boat. Other artists working in a variety of media are also represented. Prints are sold. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. Open during off-season.
  • 6 La Marée Basse, 153, route 132, 1 418-782-2823. The handcrafted work of local artisans is the order of the day at this gift shop in the heart of Percé's town centre: everything from paintings and decorative baubles to stylish, one-of-a-kind clothes and jewellery fashioned from local agate.
  • 7 La Marinière, 162, route 132, 1 418-782-5480. True to its name, the stuff that's on offer at La Marinière tends to have a maritime theme: the clothes boast more than their fair share of loud horizontal stripes and anchor motifs, and Marie-Josée Tommi's carved gannet figurines are a hot seller as well. Handbags, artisan jewellery, and homey souvenirs complete the picture.
  • 8 Mylène Henry Studio and Gallery (Atelier-Galerie Mylène-Henry), 224, route 132, 1 514-793-3443. M-F 9AM-5PM. A native Gaspésienne, Mylène Henry's local landscape scenes are realized in a brightly coloured, cartoonlike, somewhat surreal aesthetic that is shared with her work as an illustrator of children's books — the other half of her artistic career. In addition to her original paintings, Mylène's gallery at the south end of Percé town centre sells copies of those books, as well as postcards, greeting cards, and calendars adorned with her work. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini.
  • 9 Wazo, 6, rue de l'Église, 1 418-782-5700. M-F 10AM-6PM, May; daily 8:30AM-9PM, Jun through mid-Sep; daily 10AM-6PM, mid-Sep through mid-Oct, by appointment the rest of the year. Though Martin Boucher Arsenault now runs about a half-dozen Wazo boutiques all over the Gaspé Peninsula and elsewhere in Quebec, the Percé location, located in the heart of downtown, is the original. Art jewellery is the name of the game here: the artist draws on his mixed Amerindian/Acadian heritage as well as forms found in the natural world to create earrings, pendants, bracelets, and other pieces in bold, unique designs that are respectful of the diversity of source materials he uses (gold and silver, semiprecious stones native to the area, even coral and starfish found on local beaches). You can choose from a range of preexisting designs in stock — the "Peace & Love" medallion, commissioned by Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberté, is undoubtedly the best-known of these — or Martin will work with you to custom-design a piece of your very own. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini.


  • 10 [mrtva povezava]La Fabrique d'Antan, 676, route 132, 1 418-645-5315. This is where renowned artisan Pascal Riopel offers unique, high-quality cabinets and other rustic furniture, handmade onsite using only traditional designs and methods — hence the name of his store, which in English translates to something like "the workshop of yesteryear". You can also pick up charming folk art, handmade pottery, and vintage tchotchkes in an appropriately rustic setting about midway between L'Anse-à-Beaufils and Percé town centre. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini.
  • 11 Le Sablier Collection Studio and Boutique (Atelier-Boutique Collection le Sablier), 14, rue à Bonfils, 1 418-782-2964. At his workshop and boutique in L'Anse-à-Beaufils, Serge Bourget sells unique gifts that make a distinctive statement: handmade sand-casted and stone-casted items such as picture frames, carvings, and decorative baubles produced with materials he finds on local beaches.


  • 12 Margot Mérette Studio (Atelier Margot-Mérette), 1247, route 132, 1 418-360-3774. Open year-round by appointment. A graphic designer by trade, Margot Mérette's passion for painting and sculpture ignited during her college days at UQAM and has now come to full fruition in her second career. At her studio in Barachois, she'll show you some selections from her collection of acrylic paintings — dreamlike fantasy scenes that shine in vibrant, radiant colours and celebrate the harmonious cooperation of man and nature — and you'll take a walk through an outdoor sculpture garden, a "lost paradise" (in the words of her website) of carved driftwood and whimsical works in ceramic. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini.


Eating in Percé is all about separating the wheat from the chaff. Sure, by and large the restaurants here serve the kind of overpriced, lackluster fare typical of tourist towns. But a little bit of searching — especially outside the town centre — will turn up some really nice dining experiences. When in doubt, ask a local.

Also, if you're a fan of seafood, you're in luck: that's all anyone seems to eat here, and it's an experience not to be missed. The cod, salmon, scallops, lobster, and other fruits de mer served up in Percé's restaurants are almost unanimously locally sourced, fresh and delicious.

Town centre and around

  • 1 La Maison Mathilde, 85, route 132, 1 418-782-2349. Open Jun-Sep. Owned by the same folks that run the motel next door, the Auberge les Trois Soeurs, La Maison Mathilde is a cozy little place that's far enough from the centre of town to afford diners a bit of quietude, yet not so far as to be inconvenient. Deliciously prepared and exquisitely presented seafood dishes are the name of the game here, with scallops a particular specialty; if you're not a fan of seafood, there's also a range of meat entrées and pasta dishes that, unfortunately, tend not to be quite as good. Local beer is available on tap. Points off for the service, which is hit-or-miss, and the prices, which are a bit high for the somewhat skimpy portion sizes. $35-65.
  • 2 La Maison du Pêcheur, 155, place du Quai, 1 418-782-5331. Daily 11AM-2:30PM (lunch) and 5PM-10PM (dinner), Jun-Sep. La Maison du Pêcheur is easily the most upscale fine-dining restaurant in Percé, but you'd never know it from the unassuming exterior: like most of the buildings next to the wharf, this place used to be a fish warehouse; then it spent a period as a youth hostel (check out the 1960s-era FLQ graffiti that remains on the ceiling rafters!) Locally sourced seafood is the crux of the menu here — salmon, halibut, scallops, lobsters, and other delights come in multi-course prix fixe meals or can be ordered po naročilu, and are crafted into some of the most unique, creative selections you'll find anywhere in the Gaspé (cod tongue with sea urchin sauce, for example). Matching the topnotch food is one of the best waterfront views in town, looking out onto Percé Rock in Bonaventure Island. The attentive yet unobtrusive service befits the level of luxury, and the extensive wine list emphasizes European vintages. $35-80.
  • 3 Les Sacs à Vin, 50, route 132, 1 418-782-1414. There's nothing pretentious to be found at this combination bar, bistro and campground (!) at the north end of Percé town centre — just some of the hugest portions of home-cooked seafood goodies the Gaspé Peninsula has to offer, served up with friendly, folksy verve by a staff headed by a French expat named François. Most visitors to Les Sacs à Vin seem to gravitate toward the lobster, which is some of the cheapest and most delicious around, but there's also a bevy of other local specialties on offer: scallops, smoked salmon (served over fettuccine), maple syrup pie for dessert, and a small slate of Québécois wines. Odprto skozi celo leto. $15-40.
  • Biard, 99 132 Rte W, 1 418-782-2873. Fresh seafood and fish. Lobster dinner $30-38, crab, shrimps, etc. Non-seafood items. View of the Percé Rock.

Bonaventure Island

  • 4 Restaurant des Margaulx, Mauger House, Bonaventure Island. Daily 9AM-5PM, mid-Jun through late Sep; daily 9AM-4PM, late Sep through early Oct. If you've set out for a day of hiking on Bonaventure Island and forgot to pack a lunch, des Margaulx is your answer. Located just at the foot of the dock at L'Anse à Butler, this beautifully restored building served as a fish storehouse back in the days when a small, hardy community of fishermen lived on the island, and the restaurant stays true to its heritage with a hearty yet healthy menu of local seafood specialties, served cafeteria-style. You can get lobster, crab and shrimp sandwiches here as well as heartier entrées, but the specialty of the house that's not to be missed is authentic, old-style Gaspesian fish chowder flavoured with a delectable hint of saffron.


  • 5 Resto de l'Anse, 892, route 132, 1 418-782-5054. Daily 11AM-9PM in season. More popular with locals than the tourist crowd, the bread and butter at this roadside snack bar in L'Anse-à-Beaufils is deep-fried goodies like breaded cod filets, fish and chips, and scallops, as well as poutine, Montreal smoked meat sandwiches, and other Quebec specialties. However, Resto de l'Anse is probably most famous around these parts for their seafood pizza, which they deliver to any location from downtown Percé to Sainte-Thérèse starting at 11AM every morning. Service is friendly and folksy, seating is either indoors or outside on picnic tables, and prices are hard to beat.
  • Café-Bistro de la Vieille Usine, 55, rue à Bonfils, 1 418-782-2277. Open May-Sep. Far from the madding crowds of central Percé is found this old fish factory that now wears many hats: art gallery, concert hall, community gathering place, and pleasant terraced bistro serving up some of the finest food the area has to offer. La Vieille Usine is all about Gaspesian cuisine made with Gaspesian ingredients: the menu makes great use of produce and meat from area farms as well as other local artisanal goods (including microbrews on tap from L'Anse-à-Beaufils' own Pit Caribou) to whip up mouth-watering local specialties such as salt cod patties and lobster club sandwiches. Appetizers and other light fare look down-to-earth at first glance but are deceptively sophisticated — there's a cheeseburger on the menu, all right, but it's made with ground lamb from a farm on Chaleur Bay and topped with warm chèvre. The main courses, for their part, begin with creative concoctions incorporating local seafood, but don't end there — there's also a full range of gourmet pizzas, pasta dishes, and salads. The pleasant, airy ambience makes the ever-present crowds bearable, and you can frequently catch live music or other performances. $20-40.


  • 6 Café des Couleurs, 1004, route 132, 1 418-645-2745. Daily 9AM-5PM, Jun-Sep. This hidden gem is in off-the-beaten-path Barachois, a good distance away from downtown Percé, but it's well worth the trip. Breakfast is the main attraction at Le Café des Couleurs: you can get hot cereal, yoghurt, and standard eggs-and-bacon fare, but the specialty is a range of Belgian waffles that come topped with everything from standard favourites like maple syrup and fruit compote to oddballs like smoked salmon, scallops, and ceviche. Upscale coffee concoctions are abundant. At lunchtime, there's a range of light fare including daily soup and salad specials. The ambience is quiet and pleasant, with walls adorned with the work of local artists. $15-30.


Percé doesn't have a bar scene to speak of. If you're looking to kick back with a tall cold one after a long day of sightseeing and you don't want to do so at a restaurant or your hotel's lounge, you're limited to a pair of options located in the town centre.

Luckily for craft beer fans, though, one of those options is the official outlet for Pit Caribou (website in French only), a microbrewery headquartered in L'Anse-à-Beaufils that turns out about two or three dozen beers sold throughout Quebec and beyond — including the award-winning "Étoile du Brasseur" American brown ale.


Accommodation is definitely something that Percé is not lacking. There's a huge variety of hotels, motels, campgrounds, and vacation homes to choose from, but for a true Gaspesian experience, it's best to stay at one of the town's charming gîtes (glej spodaj).

Hoteli in moteli

Percé's hotels are clustered mostly on the northern and southern outskirts of the town centre, and with the exception of the Riôtel and a few others, they tend toward the small and the quaint. Most properties offer rooms with a view ofPercé Rock, but it pays to request one in advance as, understandably, those tend to sell out the fastest. On the other hand, for budget travellers it's handy to know that rooms brez ocean views often come at a discount.

  • 1 Auberge les Trois Soeurs, 77, route 132, 1 418-782-2183, brez cestnin: 1-800-463-9700. Prijava: 15.00, preveri: 11.00. Open mid-May through late October. Three-star waterfront property boasts a fine-dining restaurant (La Maison Mathilde) as well as a private terrace and beach with an outdoor lobster-baking pit and views over Percé Rock and the harbour (ocean views are also available from some, but not all, guest rooms). Standard rooms come with one king or two double beds and boast a coffeemaker, workstation, and private bath; rooms with mini-fridge, air conditioning, hair dryer, and iron and ironing board are available by request. Suites are also available (with kitchenette in some cases), as well as a few detached apartments and cottages. High-speed wireless Internet available throughout the property. Guest laundry and babysitting services are also available. Hišni ljubljenčki sprejeti. $129-$189/nt in high season.
  • 2 Hôtel Fleur de Lys, 248, route 132, 1 418-782-5380, brez cestnin: 1-800-399-5380. Prijava: 16.00, preveri: 11.00. Open all year; Jan-Apr by prior reservation only. A centrally located 34-room hotel that blends modern amenities with traditional decor. All rooms contain coffeemaker, hair dryer, fridge and air conditioning; rooms with kitchenettes available on request. Air-conditioned dining room features a continental breakfast buffet daily 7AM-10AM; lunch and dinner are served at freestanding restaurant across the street (La Morutière). Coin laundry, free WiFi, business centre. Access to pool at neighbouring Riôtel available to guests free of charge. Hišni ljubljenčki sprejeti.
  • 3 Le Mirage, 288, route 132, 1 418-782-5151, brez cestnin: 1-800-463-9011. Prijava: 16.00, preveri: opoldne. Open Jun-Oct. A large hotel south of the town centre, all of whose 67 rooms are decorated in a country theme and boast private balconies with ocean views. Outdoor pool and tennis court open seasonally. Front desk is staffed 24 hours a day and will arrange boat tours to the national park on request. Property is handicapped accessible. No pets allowed.
  • 4 La Normandie, 221, route 132, 1 418-782-2112, brez cestnin: 1-800-463-0820. Open mid-May through mid-October. Percé's only four-star lodging, the red-roofed "Charming Hotel by the Sea" boasts a postcard-perfect waterfront setting facing Bonaventure Island and the majestic Percé Rock, as well as 45 rooms with a contemporary yet cozy decor and, in most cases, private balconies with ocean views. All rooms feature private baths, flat-screen LCD TVs with cable, complimentary WiFi Internet, mini-fridges, hair dryers, irons and ironing boards; most also have a DVD player and a coffee maker. A buffet breakfast is served daily in the dining room. Small pets (under 14 kg/30 pounds) are accepted, subject to an additional $30 cleaning fee. Disabled guests should know that the hotel has no elevators (ask for a room on the 2nd floor, the only ones you can get to without taking stairs) and none of the rooms are wheelchair-accessible. $99-$399/nt in high season.
  • 5 Le Panorama, 382, route 132, 1 418-782-2208, brez cestnin: 1-800-399-5380. Prijava: 16.00, preveri: 11.00. Open May-Oct. We'll start with the bad: Le Panorama suffers from its somewhat inconvenient location south of the town centre, and its name is a bit of a misnomer: the views of Percé Rock are quite disappointing. That said, the 23 rooms at this reasonably priced roadside motel are all renovated and include coffeemakers, fridges, air conditioning and kitchenettes. There are also four new detached chalets on the property available for guests staying 3 or more nights; these include additional amenities such as flat-screen TVs and full-size kitchens. Heated outdoor pool is open from mid-July to the end of August. Guest laundry is available. Free WiFi Internet. From $109/nt in high season.
  • 6 Au Pic de l'Aurore, 1, route 132, 1 418-782-2151, brez cestnin: 1-866-882-2151. Prijava: 16.00, preveri: 11.00. Open May-Oct. A huge complex just north of the town centre comprised of a motel with standard rooms as well as detached chalets, studios and apartments with more amenities. Standard rooms contain a fridge and coffeemaker, and all of them have balconies with ocean views. Detached units have air-conditioning, private baths, and kitchenettes or full-sized kitchens. Free continental breakfast is available during the shoulder seasons (mid-May through late June and late August through mid-October) for guests in units without kitchens or kitchenettes. Brezplačen WiFi. Hišni ljubljenčki dovoljeni. $135-$235/nt in high season.
  • 7 Riôtel Percé, 261, route 132, 1 418-782-2166, brez cestnin: 1-800-463-4212. Prijava: 16.00, preveri: 11.00. Open mid-May through mid-October. If you're looking for a standard chain-hotel experience without anything cutesy, the Riôtel is your best bet. The largest hotel in Percé is one of a small regional chain with five locations throughout the Gaspé Peninsula. All rooms have a hair dryer, fridge, coffeemaker, and iron and ironing board; some also have air conditioning, flat-screen TV, pull-out couch, kitchenette, and ocean view. Suites are also available. The Riôtel boasts a lovely outdoor terrace looking out onto the water — complete with an outdoor pool, spa and firepit — as well as a fitness room, fax and photocopy service, and a free shuttle available on request to and from the VIA Rail station. Handicapped accessible.


The concept of the gîte du passantali preprosto gîte, roughly equates to what is known in the Anglosphere as a bed & breakfast. Vendar gîte seems to be proportionally a more common form of accommodation in Quebec, and nowhere is that truer than in Percé, where they outnumber standard-style hotels by a wide margin. If you're looking for a truly distinctive lodging experience — charmingly decorated rooms with antique furniture and a peaceful ambience, hearty meals each morning, and attentive hosts that take pride in helping their guests make the most of their stay — a gîte may be the option for you. However, if you're a solo traveller or just looking for a place to lay your head for the night, you may feel out of place: gîtes tend to be geared toward romantic couples' getaways or occasionally families with children, and guests may be subject to a minimum length of stay. It pays to call ahead.

  • 8 À la Revasse, 16, rue St-Michel, 1 418-782-2102, brez cestnin: 1-866-782-2102. Prijava: before 4PM except by prior arrangement. Odprto vse leto. Located in a residential section of Percé town centre, convenient to all the action but secluded enough for guests to enjoy some peace and quiet, À la Revasse is a sturdy old house with five comfy guest rooms, all of which boast private baths and are decorated in a maritime theme. Here, the Tourist Wharf and all the shops and attractions are just a short walk away — ask the knowledgeable owners for tips; they've lived in Percé their whole lives and know the town inside and out — but you can also just relax on the porch or, if it gets nippy, inside by the fireplace. Breakfast in the morning features homemade local favourites, such as blueberry pancakes and old-fashioned chopped pork creton. There's free WiFi, and free parking in the driveway — or, if you've arrived on the Route Verte, there's a shed out back to store your bike. $73-$103/nt in high season.
  • 9 Gîte du Cap-Blanc, 442, route 132, 1 418-782-2555, brez cestnin: 1-888-782-2555. Prijava: between 4PM and 6PM, preveri: 10:00. Situated a short drive (or a relatively easy 25-minute walk) from Percé town centre in the shadow of Cap-Blanc Lighthouse, this charming gîte is the property of Paulette and Carol and their friendly cat Timinne: the most gracious hosts you could want. Here you have your choice of three rooms with a queen bed and a private bath, or two rooms with a full-size bed and shared bath. Breakfast takes place in an airy dining room with huge picture windows looking onto the sea. Nightly rate $80 for one person, $90 for two people, $20 for each additional person.
  • 10 Gîte du Capitaine, 10, chemin du Belvédère, 1 418-782-5559, brez cestnin: 1-877-512-5559. Open seasonally. Run by Daria and Urs, a Swiss couple who summer in Percé, the Gîte du Capitaine is located on a gravel side road off Route 132 at Cap-Blanc, outside of downtown. Here you get your choice of three rooms in the main house, two of which have private baths and all of which come with ocean view, clock radio, hair dryer, luggage rack, robes and slippers, and even a personal iPad computer on request. There's also a detached cottage out back with a private balcony and additional amenities, namely a microwave and tea kettle. Every morning between 8AM and 9AM, Daria cooks up a changing menu of homemade breakfast entrees served with breakfast Bellinis and homemade jellies; high tea is also served in the afternoon. $118/nt.
  • 11 Au Fil des Saisons, 232, route 132, 1 418-782-2666. Prijava: 16.00, preveri: opoldne. Open May-Oct. Au Fil des Saisons falls somewhere between a gîte and a small hotel — unlike most gîtes, breakfast is not served, but these six rooms have far more downhome charm than your average hotel. What you have here is a Victorian-style country inn whose guest rooms are all newly renovated, uniquely decorated in period style, and come with private bath, double bed (plus an additional queen-size bed in two of the six), and WiFi internet — not to mention great views of Percé Rock from its prime location just outside the town centre. From $75/nt.
  • 12 Aux Jardins de l'Anse, 931, 2e Rang, 1 418-782-2294. Odprto vse leto. Aux Jardins de l'Anse is situated in a rather strange location — an out-of-the-way, almost isolated part of inland L'Anse-à-Beaufils — but it's perfect for those visiting Percé during the winter, a time when, unlike most area hoteliers, owners Odette and Jean-Guy are as busy as any other season. In fact, taking good care of offseason visitors at a time when most services are closed seems to be a major point of pride here, with a long slate of winter activities on offer including dogsledding excursions (q.v.), sleigh rides, and snowmobiling. But Aux Jardins de l'Anse is perfect for the other three seasons too, with lobster fishing excursions in the spring, brilliant colours covering the mountains in the fall, and the gardens that give the place its name providing a summertime floral feast for the eyes and nose. The main house boasts four rooms, all with lovely views either over the gardens or out to the sea in the distance; the "Petite Suite" boasts a queen size bed, private bath and lounge and Internet access while the other three have double beds, shared baths and peaceful sitting areas. There's also a detached chalet with a private terrace, a full-size private bath, and additional amenities such as a refrigerator and barbecue grill. Breakfast comes either as a gourmet five-course meal in the midmorning or as an abbreviated continental breakfast beginning at 6AM: perfect for early-rising hikers hitting the River Trail a short walk away. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. $65-$95/nt.
  • 13 [mrtva povezava]La Maison Réhel, 42, rue de l'Église, 1 418-782-2910. Prijava: 16.00, preveri: 11.00. Open Jun-Sep. Located in a calm setting off the main drag yet boasting easy access to all of Percé's attractions, La Maison Réhel is a spacious old Victorian house dating to 1910 (built by local country lawyer Alphonse Garneau) whose relaxing porch gives you a front-row view of towering Mont Sainte-Anne and the majestic St. Michael's Catholic Church. Inside there are five rooms, all of which are decorated handsomely in period style with hardwood floors and antique furniture, and all but one of which boast ample queen-size beds ("L'Aubergine" makes up for only having a double bed with the inclusion of a small dresser and sink). Bathrooms are shared. Elsie and Augustine serve a full breakfast every morning from 7:30AM-9AM featuring locally sourced ingredients, and are on hand constantly to share information on what there is to do around town. High season rates: $80-$85/nt for up to 2 people; $25/nt each additional person.
  • 14 [mrtva povezava]Le Presbytère, 47, rue de l'Église, 1 418-782-5557, brez cestnin: 1-866-782-5557. Open May-Oct. The imposing St. Michael's Catholic Church which towers next door informs the entire identity of this gîte: the house was constructed a century ago as the home of its priest, and the two common living rooms are decorated with artifacts from the church's history and furnished liberally with period antiques. Le Presbytère is conveniently located to all attractions, yet it's a breath of fresh air for those looking to get away from the hubbub: the pleasant front veranda affords a view of Percé Rock sans crowds of gawking tourists, and there are also a few computers there for those who want to stay connected. The five guest rooms here include "La Familiale", a suite with a panoramic ocean view that sleeps 3 to 5 (perfect for families, hence the name), and "La Chambre du Curé", decorated in warm pink tones and boasting a luxurious queen size bed. Most of the rooms feature shared baths. Michel, the owner, speaks French, English and Spanish and is well-known for going above and beyond in assuring the comfort of his guests — and he cooks up a hearty yet elegant breakfast in the morning, with eggs prepared a different way each day and meats sometimes including wild game sourced from area forests. $82-$139/nt for up to two people, $15-$20/nt each additional person.
  • 15 Hôtel-Motel du Rocher Percé, 111, route 132, 1 418-782-2230, brez cestnin: 1-888-467-3723. Prijava: 15.00, preveri: 11:30. Open May-Oct. The Hôtel-Motel du Rocher Percé is another one of those places that falls in the gray area between a gîte and a small hotel. It has 16 rooms, far larger than most gîtes, but the decor boasts far more character than your average hotel, and a hearty country breakfast is served daily. All of the guest rooms here contain a comfy double bed, a chest of drawers, wireless Internet access, and private baths (full bathrooms in most cases; the four second-floor rooms boast private half-baths and one shared full bath for showering). Most rooms also have ocean views and TVs with a remote control. Kitchenette suites and private cottages are available for those staying longer periods (3 or more nights and 6 or more nights, respectively; minimum stay requirements are sometimes waived during the shoulder season). On the ground floor is an art gallery that features solo and group exhibitions by artists from around the Gaspé region; there you can also buy crafts produced by local artisans, such as handmade pottery and fine silkware. $62-$102/nt for one person, $74-$118/nt for two people, $15/nt each additional person.

Mladinski domovi

  • 16 La Maison Rouge, 125, route 132, 1 418-782-2227. Open all year, with lower prices in effect during the offseason. A charming youth hostel centrally located in a historic farmhouse dating back to 1872, with seven private rooms in the main house as well as four shared dormitories (men's, women's and two mixed) in the barn out back. Three of the private rooms have their own bathroom while the other four split two between them; all are decorated in period style. Those staying in the dormitory can bring their own sleeping bag or rent bedding for $5/nt. Guests have access to a communal living room, sunroom, terrace and kitchen. Internet access is available. High season rates: $25/nt for dorm bed, $85/nt for up to 2 people in private room with shared bath ($115 for 3 people), $98/nt for up to 2 people in private room with private bath.


  • 17 Camping du Cap Rouge, 2009, route 132, 1 418-645-3804. Open mid-May through late Sep. Located in the district of Saint-Georges-de-Malbaie, an easy (and lovely) 25-minute drive from Percé town centre, Camping du Cap Rouge is an 85-unit campsite that has it all: a common room and kitchen area with a stove, refrigerator and dishes, a combination bathroom/shower/coin laundry facility, a convenience store out front that sells beer and wine, basketball and volleyball courts, lawn bowling, trout fishing in the stream on the east side of the property, and a full slate of organized activities too. As for the campsites, there are spaces for tents and trailers either oceanside or inland in the woods, and the majority of sites are hooked up to electricity, water and sewer. Even if you don't have your own tent or trailer, du Cap Rouge has you covered: you can rent them (see website for rates)! $23-$33/nt, $600/month, $900 for whole season.
  • 18 Camping Côte Surprise, 335, route 132, 1 418-782-5443, brez cestnin: 1-866-799-5443. Open mid-May through late Oct. This campsite takes full advantage of its prime location a short distance from Percé town centre, boasting a magnificent unobstructed view of Percé Rock from its 125 campsites along the shoreline near White Head. A variety of experiences are to be had at Côte Surprise: about two-thirds of its sites are serviced with modern amenities like electricity and water (along with publicly accessible hookups), but there are also 45 "wilderness camping" sites in a wooded milieu for those who are looking for a more backwoods-style experience — sadly, a relative term at this fairly crowded venue. There are sites for trailers as well, and laundry facilities are available. Cash only. $28-$42/nt.
  • 19 Camping Tête d'Indien, 1669, route 132, 1 418-645-2333. Prijava: 14.00, preveri: 13.00. Open Jun-Sep. This little campground is located north of the town centre, behind the majestic Indian Head Rock(Tête d'Indien) — hence its name — and offers a full slate of activities that takes advantage of its off-the-beaten-path location in the wide open spaces: a volleyball court, a horseshoe pit, a private beach, snorkeling, kayaking, and plenty of opportunities for wildlife spotting. As for the campsites themselves, they accommodate both trailers and tents (41 sites between them). "Primitive" tent sites are available for those in search of a more rustic experience, with fire rings, ecosan toilets, and access to common showering and laundry facilities; all the others boast fire rings, electrical and water hookups, and in some cases, private fireplaces and sewer and cable TV hookups. A choice of mountain or ocean views are available, the latter looking onto lovely Plate Island(Île Plate). Tête d'Indien's friendly staff are always on hand to help with any questions you may have about the campground itself or things to do in the area. $24-$30/nt.

Povežite se

Percé, along with the rest of the Gaspé Peninsula, is served by area codes 418 and 581. Ten-digit dialing is mandatory for local calls, so to reach a number within Percé or the immediate vicinity, it's still necessary to dial the area code first. To call long-distance within Canada or to the United States, dial 1, then the area code, then the number. For international calls, dial 011, then the country code, then the city code (if applicable), then the number.

The 5 Percé Post Office is located in the town centre at 147, route 132, in a large, modernist-style office building that also contains the courthouse and city hall. There are also post offices in Barachois, Cap-d'Espoir, Saint-Georges-de-Malbaie, and Val-d'Espoir.

Spopadite se

Le Pharillon is a free weekly newspaper covering local news, culture, sports, and events in Percé and the neighbouring cities and towns of Gaspé, Chandler, in Grande-Vallée.

Pojdi naprej

  • If you're heading up Route 132 from the direction of Chaleur Bay, the next town you'll come to is Gaspé. Where Percé is the tourist capital of the Gaspé Peninsula, Gaspé is its commercial capital, and at first blush the town seems to be all business. Look a little closer, though, and you'll find some nice off-the-beaten-path tourist destinations like the Gaspé Regional Museum(Musée de la Gaspésie), a perfect place to go when your outdoor plans are rained out: you can learn everything you want to know about the region's history, culture, and people. There's also a wonderful sandy beach at Haldimand, and Canada's tallest lighthouse at Cap-des-Rosiers. However, Gaspé is probably best known to tourists as the gateway to...
  • Narodni park Forillon(Parc national du Canada Forillon), a wild and wonderful expanse of tree-clad mountains and rocky shore centred on Cap-Gaspé, the furthest-east tip of the Appalachian Mountains on the American continent. Hike through dense boreal forests, past placid pebble beaches lined with historic fishing shacks, and admire wide ocean vistas on your way to the svetilnik at land's end. Sea kayaking, whale-watching, snorkelling, and cross-country skiing are just a few of the activities awaiting you at Forillon.
  • If you're heading south and west from Gaspé, Chandler is the next town you'll pass through. This large industrial town was founded on the pulp and paper milling industry and is the birthplace of Mary Travers, better known as "La Bolduc", a pioneering chansonnière (singer of traditional Québécois folk songs). It's also the Gaspé Peninsula's port of call for the M/V CTMA Vacancier, a cruise ship that plies the St. Lawrence river and estuary from Montreal; as such, it's a major gateway to the far-flung Îles de la Madeleine, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
  • Further down Route 132 past Chandler is Bonaventure, where the longstanding Acadian presence in the Chaleur Bay region is represented by the Quebec Acadian Museum(Musée acadien du Québec), a sprawling complex that tells the story of the Acadians through artifacts and exhibits in the main museum as well as historically accurate artisans' shops and other buildings elsewhere. Bonaventure is also home of the Gaspé Biopark(Bioparc de la Gaspésie), a small zoo that features a few dozen animals indigenous to the region.
Routes through Percé
RimouskiChandler W VIA Rail Montreal Gaspe icon.png E GaspéKONEC
RimouskiGaspé W Qc132.svg E ChandlerRimouski
Ta vodnik po mestu Percé ima vodnik stanje. Vsebuje vrsto dobrih in kakovostnih informacij, vključno s hoteli, restavracijami, znamenitostmi in podrobnostmi o potovanju. Prosimo, prispevajte in nam pomagajte, da to naredimo zvezda !