Gaspé - Gaspé

Z več kot 15.000 prebivalci in zgodovino, ki sega vse do zore evropske kolonizacije v današnji Kanadi, Gaspé je največje mesto in neuradna prestolnica regije, s katero si deli ime. Kot Polotok Gaspéje najpomembnejši servisni center in vozlišče, skoraj vsak obiskovalec regije bo na enem ali drugem mestu potoval skozi.

Toda Gaspé predstavlja nekaj zagonetke: v ta del Quebeca nihče ne pride v iskanju udobja za urbana bitja in - še posebej za turiste, ki jih je pravkar navdušila veličastna pokrajina med vožnjo v mesto ob St. dan v turističnem vzdušju Ljubljane Percé navzdol po cesti - na prvi pogled se zdi Gaspé delovni dan, poslovno mesto, ki mu malo primanjkuje šarma.

Toda to ne pomeni nujno, da bi morali na pot takoj, ko se dotaknete Letališče Michel Pouliot, založili z gorivom ali zalogami ali kar koli vas je pripeljalo v mesto. Počakajte nekaj časa in poiščite malo globlje, Gaspéjeva nizka, a vredna paleta zanimivosti vas lahko preseneti.


Pogled na središče mesta Gaspé s čez glavo zaliva.

Leta 1971 - pod okriljem ene od pogostih oblog reorganizacije vlade pokrajine Quebec - je bilo Gaspéju priključenih nič manj kot enajst okoliških občin, med njimi Cap-aux-Os, Cap-des-Rosiers, Douglastown, Haldimand, L'Anse-au-Griffon, L'Anse-à-Valleau, Rivière-au-Renard, in York. Čeprav boste še vedno videli ta in druga stara imena krajev na cestnih oznakah ob cesti 132, domačini pa se nanje še vedno pogosto sklicujejo, v tem članku so vse zanimivosti v teh nekdanjih mestih.

Meje mesta Gaspéja zajemajo celotno območje Narodni park Forillon, kateri je ne zajetih v tem članku.


Izjemnega pomena Gaspéja v kolonialni zgodovini Severne Amerike ne vedo niti mnogi Québécois. To mesto dejansko uveljavlja naziv "zibelka Francoske Amerike": leta 1534, sedem let pred neuspelim poskusom, da bi ustanovil naselje v Cap-Rougeu (in skoraj tri četrt stoletja pred ustanovitvijo Quebec City), je slavni raziskovalec Jacques Cartier med zavetjem v zalivu Gaspé med nevihto za kratek čas prišel nekam v mesto in v ime francoske krone v zemljo posadil surovi leseni križ ter tako postavil 200-letno zgodovino " Nova Francija "v gibanju. Domorodni prebivalci Mi'kmaq so to območje označili z gespeg (kar pomeni "konec zemlje"; sklic na Cap-Gaspé na vzhodnem koncu polotoka), ki so ga kolonisti galicizirali v današnje ime.

Kljub zgodovinskemu pomenu je območje ostalo skoraj v celotnem dvostoletnem obdobju francoske vladavine. Šele leta 1763 se je zares začelo naseljevanje današnjega Gaspéja - in prvi naseljenci so bili Angleži, ki jim je bila gaspezijska zemlja brezplačno podeljena, potem ko je bil nadzor nad Quebecom trdno v britanskih rokah. V kratkem so jim sledili valovi francosko govorečih Akadancev, pregnanih iz njihovih nekdanjih domov v Nova Škotska, "Lojalisti Združenega imperija", pregnani iz tega, kar je zdaj Združene države po tamkajšnji revoluciji ter priseljenski ribiči in ladjedelniki (slednji večinoma izvirajo iz Jersey), ki so prišli iz Evrope, da bi izkoristili bogat ribolov trske v okoliških vodah. Prva Gaspéjeva pošta se je odprla leta 1804, vas pa je bila uradno ustanovljena leta 1855.

Gaspé je v 19. stoletju napredoval z gospodarstvom, ki je bilo osredotočeno na njegov pomen kot pristanišče za čezatlantsko ladijsko trgovino - zares za kratek čas okoli preloma stoletja se je Gaspé uvrstil med največja kanadska pristanišča, na stotine tujih držav ladje se vsako leto potegnejo v globok zaščiten zaliv, da izkoristijo status mesta kot dajatve prostega pristanišča, še stotine pa se odpravijo v oddaljene dežele z zalogami lesne kaše, bakrene rude, posušene trske in drugega lokalnega blaga, impresivno prisotnost podružničnih konzulatov držav, kot je Italija, Norveška, in Brazilija pomaga pri nadaljnjem mazanju orodja mednarodne trgovine in kulture, ki je veliko večjezičnejša in svetovljanska kot zaspane vasice za ribolov in sečnjo drugod v regiji. Kljub prihodu železnice leta 1911 pa Gaspéjevo pristanišče ni moglo konkurirati večjim in bolj centralno umeščenim alternativam, kot je Montreal in Halifax, danes pa ima svoj pomen predvsem kot regijsko središče prebivalstva, podjetja in industrije; ljudje, ki živijo v mestih iz vse regije, se odpravijo na nakupovanje, lepo večerjo in uživajo v videzu mestnega življenja.

Informacije o obiskovalcih

Gaspé Forillon je uradno turistično spletno mesto za naslovno mesto in park: izčrpen vir informacij, vključno z vodnikom za obiskovalce, seznamom hotelov, restavracij in prireditev, čudovitim albumom fotografij in celo mobilno aplikacijo za uporabnike iPhone in Android za prenos.

Gaspéjev glavni Turistično informacijski center(Urad za informiranje turistov de Gaspé) se nahaja v prvem VIA Rail postaja na 8, rue de la Marina, tik čez most od centra mesta Gaspé. Odprto je vse leto med delavniki od 8.30 do 16.30.

Številni oddaljeni zaselki, ki tvorijo današnje mesto, imajo svoja turistična informacijska središča. The 1 Turistično informacijski center L'Anse-à-Valleau na naslovu 884, boulevard de l'Anse-à-Valleau je odprt vsak dan od 9.00 do 17.00 od 12. junija do 30. septembra. Poleg tega je stavba na naslovu 17, rue de la Langevin, v kateri je Jadralski klub Forillon(Club nautique Forillon) in Interpretacijski center za ribištvo(Center d'interprétation des pêches) ima tudi trojno dolžnost kot dom Turistični informativni kiosk Rivière-au-Renard, odprto med junijem in septembrom.


Z avtom

Kot pri veliki večini mest na polotoku, Pokrajinska pot 132 - Glavna magistralna cesta Quebeca vzdolž južne obale reke in izliva sv. Lovrenca - služi kot glavni upor Gaspéja.

Nadaljujte iz smeri Montreala in Quebeca Samodejna pot 20 proti vzhodu, dokler se avtocesta ne ustavi pri Trois-Pistoles. Od tam zavijte levo po oznakah za pot 132, nato zavijte desno in nadaljujte proti vzhodu 314 km (195 milj) do L'Anse-Pleureuse. Od tam naprej imate na voljo več možnosti:

Cesta 132, ki poteka skozi Gaspéjevo obrobje.
  • Na najhitrejši in najbolj neposredni poti v Gaspé bi na križišču z zavili desno Provincialna pot 198, celinska pot skozi Murdochville ki vas odvrže neposredno v središče mesta. Vendar ta možnost prihaja na račun izgube najbolj veličastne pokrajine obalnega polotoka polotoka Gaspé in v resnici ni to veliko krajši.
  • Po poti 132 lahko sledite tudi do samega mesta, čeprav je pot po njej zares krožna: po vstopu v mestne meje in prehodu skozi L'Anse-à-Valleau, Rivière-au-Renard in druge zunanje zaselke na Jugovzhodno pot vzdolž obale sv. Lovrenca, cesta močno zavije proti jugozahodu pri Cap-des-Rosiers, vijuga in vijuga skozi narodni park Forillon, preden se podvoji nazaj proti severozahodu ob obali zaliva Gaspé. Od tam prečka izliv reke Dartmouth in se na zadnjem pristopu do središča mesta Gaspé še enkrat obrne proti jugovzhodu.
  • Možnost Zlatokose, ki je skoraj tako hitra kot celinska pot skozi Murdochville in omogoča tudi uživanje v večini te pokrajine, vključuje zavijanje proti jugu Pokrajinska pot 197 pri Rivière-au-Renardu in se ponovno priključila cesti 132 tik pred omenjenim mostom čez reko Dartmouth in tako odrezala žilavi del poti Forillon.

Glede na to, katero od teh poti se peljete, od mesta Quebec do Gaspéja iščete vožnjo kjer koli med sedem in pol ter osem in pol urami, brez postankov. Če prihajate neposredno iz Montreala, dodajte še dve uri in pol.

Če prihajate iz smeri ceste Pomorstvo ali nekaterih delov Nova Anglija, pot je veliko bolj preprosta: mimo New Brunswick po provincialni cesti 17 prečkamo v Quebec na Campbellton, nato sledite cesti 132 vzhodno od tam. Gaspé je približno 330 km (205 milj) od pokrajinske meje, vožnja približno tri ure in pol brez postankov.

Z letalom

1 Letališče Michel-Pouliot Gaspé(Letališče Michel-Pouliot de Gaspé) (YGP IATA) je približno 10 km (6 milj) od središča mesta na 60, rue de l'Aéroport. Enterprise in Državna imeti najem avtomobila objektov na kraju samem. Air Canada je julija 2020 zaradi pandemije COVID-19 ustavila vse lete do letališča.

Z avtobusom

The Orléans Express avtobusno omrežje služi celotni provinci Quebec, vključno s polotokom Gaspé. Vsak dan odpeljeta dva avtobusa, ki vozijo do Gaspéja Rimouski ob 14.55, pri čemer je vsak na križišču ceste zavil v drug zavoj Sainte-Flavie vzdolž laso oblikovane poti Ceste 132. Pot skozi Zgornji Gaspé prek Matane in Sainte-Anne-des-Monts je hitrejši, cenejši in bolj slikovit, v Gaspé prispe ob 21:35 po ceni 76,15 USD na potnika. Če je ta razprodan, je južna pot skozi Dolina Matapédia in Zaliv Chaleur regije prek Amqui, Bonaventura, Percé pa prispe v Gaspé ob 23.10 po ceni 83,05 USD na potnika.

V vseh primerih vozovnice vključujejo davke in dve oddani kovčki, z doplačilom 5 USD za vsako dodatno prijavljeno torbo do največ štirih skupaj. Avtobus vas odpelje ob Motel Adams ob 20, rue Adams.

S kolesom

Glavna magistralna linija ceste Route Verte - največja mreža kolesarskih poti na ameriški celini z lovkami, ki se raztezajo po celotni provinci Quebec - poteka skozi polotok Gaspé. Route Verte 1 večinoma sledi toku provincialne ceste 132, čeprav gradnja kolesarskih stez in druge infrastrukture še ni zaključena na celotni poti. Gaspé je dejansko dostopen s kolesom iz mesta Percé in kaže proti jugu s kolesarskim pasom ob strani ceste 132, toda ko se približujejo iz druge smeri vzdolž sv. Lovrenca, morajo kolesarji vzdolž ceste voziti 82 km neposredno po prometnih pasovih ( 51 milj) med Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine in Rivière-au-Renard, kjer se končno spet pojavijo obcestne kolesarske steze.

Za podrobnosti o poti Route Verte 1 skozi samo mesto Gaspé glej ustrezen odsek spodaj.


The Mednarodna apalaška pot (IAT; v francoščini Sentier international des Appalaches ali SIA) prečka Gaspéja na repu severnoameriškega celinskega dela svoje poti. Za pohodniki na dolge razdalje Približuje se zahodno, scenarij je sprva nadaljevanje razmeroma lahkega in ravnega terena, ki so ga uživali zadnjih nekaj kilometrov (milj): po prehodu v mejo mesta Gaspé se pot najprej tesno prilega obali in / ali Cesta 132 in nato po kratkem, a strmem vzponu približno 2,5 km (miljo in pol) mimo Grand-Étang, prehaja po grebenu visokega grebena nekoliko v notranjost. Tam se lahko po želji povežete z Pot vetrnic(Sentier éolien), 6,3 km (skoraj 4 milje) zanke skozi Cartier Énergie Éolienne vetrna elektrarna. Po tem gre počasen in postopen spust nazaj proti Sv. Lovrencu, mimo ceste svetilnik pri Pointe-à-la-Renommée na drugem lahkem odseku poti. Za L'Anse-à-Valleau pa se scenarij obrne: zavijete ostro v notranjost, skočite čez hrib in dol po gostem borovem in brezovem gozdu, nato pa skozi zeleno dolino reke zavijete proti vzhodu in nadaljujte v narodni park Forillon.

Sépaq, provincialni park in služba za prosto živeče živali, upravlja številne kampiranje in zaklonišča na prostem vzdolž Québécois dela IAT. Glej spodaj za informacije o tistih v Gaspéju.

Moj čoln

Nahaja se na naslovu 10, rue de la Marina, marina pri 2 Navtični klub Jacques Cartier sprejme obiskovalce, ki prispejo z ladjo z več kot 90 lističi tik pred mestnim jedrom. Leta 2017 so nečlani za pristajanje zaračunali 1,55 USD na čevelj na dan, dolgoročnejši obiskovalci pa so uživali 50% popust za vsak tretji dan. Če namesto tega namestite jadrnico, je 18 USD na dan. Veljajo tudi zagonske pristojbine; podrobnosti o teh najdete na spletnem mestu marine.

Z vlakom

Gaspéjeva 2 Intermodalna prometna postaja(Gare intermodale) se nahaja na naslovu 8, rue de la Marina, nasproti središča mesta. Vlak v Gaspé zagotavlja VIA RailProga Montreal-Gaspé je bila začasno ustavljena od leta 2013 Čeprav namerava VIA Rail po opravljenih popravilih nadaljevati servis, ni časovnega razporeda, kdaj bi se to lahko zgodilo, in proga Montreal-Gaspé bo morda pravkar odpravljena.


Da, Gaspé je edino mesto na polotoku, ki ga upravičeno lahko imenujemo "mesto", in ja, središče mesta je popolnoma sprehodljivo. Toda privlačnost tega dela Quebeca je v široko odprtih prostorih stran od civilizacije, zato - razen če ste pohodnik na dolge razdalje in počnete Mednarodna apalaška pot (q.v.) - dokaj nesmiselno se je tu pojavljati brez avtomobila na razpolago.

Sprehod bi bil lep način za obhod tistih, ki se ne nameravajo odpraviti dlje od središča mesta, a priznajmo si - na mestu, kot je polotok Gaspé, to velja skoraj za nikogar. V tem primeru je avtomobil v bistvu nujen za obhod po teh delih.

Z najemom avtomobila

S kolesom

V mestu Gaspé, Route Verte 1 obstaja v treh neprekinjenih segmentih:

  • Od Rivière-au-Renarda se obcestne kolesarske steze vzdolž ceste 132 raztezajo proti vzhodu 10 km (6½ milj) v L'Anse-au-Griffon, nato pa se po gramozna tlakovana terenska pot skozi narodni park Forillon. Na drugem koncu parka je še 19,5 km (12 milj) kolesarskih stez vzdolž 132 med La Penouille in vogalom Rue Louise, tik pred središčem mesta Gaspé.
  • Začetek na zadnjem parkirišču pri Carrefour de Gaspé nakupovalno središče v bližini pristanišča, Route Verte 1 se vzpenja nazaj po asfaltirani asfaltirani terenski "železniški poti" 10 km (nekaj več kot 6 milj) skozi Peščeno plažo in do Haldimanda, ki se konča v križišču ceste 132 z rue de la Plage. To je verjetno najbolj prijeten od treh segmentov, z lepimi razgledi na zaliv proti Forillonu in nekaj dragocenih gričev, s katerimi se je mogoče spoprijeti.
  • Na kratki razdalji zahodno od Haldimanda se cestne kolesarske steze spet pojavijo vzdolž ceste 132 in nadaljujejo proti jugu mimo letališča, skozi Douglastown in čez mestno črto v Percé.

V prelomih med temi odseki se pot poti Verte 1 nominalno nadaljuje po cesti 132. Vendar pa morajo kolesarji za zdaj voziti neposredno po prometnih pasovih skozi te diskontinuitete, saj kolesarske steze in drugo infrastrukturo še ni treba zgraditi.

Najem koles je na voljo pri:

  • Auberge Griffon Aventure, v L'Anse-au-Griffon na naslovu 829, boulevard du Griffon - od začetka maja do sredine oktobra po ceni 10 USD na pol dneva (od 9.00 do 12.30 ali ob 13.30 v mraku) ali 20 USD za vse dan.
  • ÉcoRécréo ob Mestna plaža Haldimand - od konca junija do konca avgusta po ceni 10 USD na uro, 18 USD na pol dneva ali 20 USD ves dan za odrasle, 8 USD / 15 USD / 18 USD za otroke. Tandemska kolesa, debela in druga tovrstna vozila so tudi v najemu, glej Spletna stran[mrtva povezava] za določanje cen.
  • 3 Športni kompleks Marcel Bujold(Pavillon des sports Marcel-Bujold), v kampusu Polotok Gaspé in Collegeles de la Madeleine Community College(Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles) - pokličite 1 418-368-6939 za cene in razpoložljivost.

S taksijem

Taksi storitev je na voljo pri:

Z avtobusom

Parkirišče ob Kraj Jacques-Cartier nakupovalno središče v centru Gaspéja je glavno vozlišče RéGÎM, regionalno javno avtobusno omrežje, ki vozi do polotoka Gaspé in otokov Îles de la Madeleine. Skozi to povezavo se začne, konča ali preide najmanj šest avtobusnih poti sistema.

Poti, ki so vsebovane popolnoma znotraj Meje mesta Gaspé vključujejo:

  • Cesta 20, ki odpelje vsak delavnik ob 6.30 z 4 Pošta L'Anse-à-Valleau(Bureau de poste de l'Anse-à-Valleau) na 922, boulevard de l'Anse-à-Valleau, skozi Petit-Cap, Rivière-au-Renard, in Saint-Majorique in prihod na Place Jacques-Cartier ob 7:33. Povratna potovanja odhajajo vsak dan ob 16.47 in prispejo v L'Anse-à-Valleau ob 17.36.
  • Pot 21, ki odpelje vsak delavnik ob 6.29 z 5 Dépanneur Bilodeau ob 2, chemin du Portage v L'Anse-au-Griffon, skozi Narodni park Forillon in Saint-Majorique in prihod na Place Jacques-Cartier ob 7:35. Povratna potovanja odhajajo vsak delavnik ob 16.47 in prispejo v L'Anse-au-Griffon ob 17.38.
  • Cesta 23, zanko skozi zahodno obrobje Gaspéja, vključno z občinami Wakeham, Sončna banka, in York. Vsak delavnik sta dva izleta: jutranji tek, ki zapusti Place Jacques-Cartier ob 7.40, povratek ob 8.25, in popoldanski "hitri" tek (mimo večine postajališč v središču mesta Gaspé), ki odpelje ob 3. uri. : 45:00 in povratek ob 16:19.
  • Pot 24, zanka skozi Gaspéjevo jugovzhodno obrobje, vključno z občinami York, Haldimand, in Peščena obala. Avtobusi odhajajo iz kraja Jacques-Cartier vsako jutro ob 7.40 in se vračajo ob 8.30.

Poti, ki prispejo v Gaspé iz obrobnih mest, vključujejo:

  • Pot 22, ki odpelje vsak delavnik ob 6.40 od L'Anse-à-Beaufils, ki se je ustavil na Place Jacques-Cartier ob 7.38 zjutraj in zaključil vožnjo kmalu vzhodno od središča mesta pri 6 Srednja šola C. E. Pouliota(École C.-E.-Pouliot) ob 7.47. Povratna potovanja odhajajo iz srednje šole ob 17:50, mimo Place Jacques-Cartier ob 18:02 in prispejo v L'Anse-à-Beaufils ob 19:02.
  • Cesta 26, ki vozi samo v petek, odhod ob 8.45 iz Murdochvillea, postanek na trgu Jacques-Cartier ob 10. uri in zaključek vožnje ob Bolnišnica Gaspé v Jorku ob 10:25. Povratna potovanja odhajajo iz bolnišnice ob 16:00, mimo Place Jacques-Cartier ob 16:25 in prispejo v Murdochville ob 17:15. Obstaja tudi skrajšani opoldanski tek med bolnišnico in Place Jacques-Cartier, le da odhodi s prvega ob 13h prispejo na drugega ob 13:25 in v obratni smeri odhajajo ob 13:20 in prispejo ob 13:45.
48 ° 54′40 ″ S 64 ° 25′41 ″ Z
Zemljevid Gaspéja

Voznina se plača v gotovini (4 USD) ali z vstopnicami (3 USD na kos, na voljo v desetih knjigah sodelujočih trgovcev ali neposredno pri voznikih avtobusov). Če nameravate RéGÎM med bivanjem na polotoku Gaspé močno uporabljati, bi bilo koristno kupiti predplačniško kartico za dostop (na voljo v spletu za 5 USD), ki je dobra za cel mesec in vam omogoča enak popust Cena vozovnice 3 USD kot vstopnice.


Muzeji in zgodovina

Polotok Gaspé je v prvi vrsti cilj na prostem: osupljivi pogledi na gozdne plašče in valovite obale, vidne z vsakega okna, obiskovalcem praktično zapovedujejo, da se dvignejo na svež zrak in veličastno divjino. Seveda pa vreme v tem delu sveta ni vedno povezano - in če imate deževen dan, ko želite prestaviti prestavo in se naučiti nekaj več o fascinantni zgodovini in kulturi regije, je mesto Gaspé kraj, ki bo.

Vaša prva postaja naj bo ...

  • 1 Pokrajinski muzej Gaspé (Musée de la Gaspésie), 80, boulevard de Gaspé, 1 418-368-1534. Junij-oktober vsak dan od 9.00 do 17.00; November-maj Z-Ž 10.00-17.00 in so-ned 12:30 - 17.00. V pristojnosti regionalnega muzeja Gaspé je širok razpon, ki zajema bogato zgodovino, očarljivo kulturo in presenetljivo živahno umetniško sceno v regiji. V glavni muzejski razstavi "Gaspésie ... Veliko potovanje" (Gaspésie ... Le Grand voyage), zgodba regije je pripovedovana skozi usta moških in žensk, ki so jo oblikovali, toda to je šele začetek: ljubitelji staromodnega šanson lahko pregleda zbirko starih fotografij in dediščin, ki pripadajo Mary "La Bolduc" Travers, tako imenovani "kraljici kanadskih ljudskih pevcev", ki je živela v Newport tik po cesti in tisti, ki jih zanima zgodovina gespezijskega ribolova polenovke - nekoč oporišča gospodarstva na tem območju - lahko stopijo na Gaspésienne št. 20, zgodovinski ribiški čoln, obnovljen in opremljen v prvotnem videzu, in / ali trak na slušalkah za navidezno resničnost in "odprt" v zaliv Gaspé s parom prijaznih ribičev, če želite izvedeti več. Obstaja tudi vrsta začasnih eksponatov, ki se osredotočajo na bolj specifične vidike gaspezijske identitete (preverite spletno stran glede trenutne ponudbe), obsežni arhivi dokumentov in artefaktov za raziskovalce, bistro na kraju samem in trgovina s spominki, ki prodaja originalna umetniška dela in darila lokalnih umetnikov in umetnikov. obrtniki. Vstop v muzej 11 USD, študentje (18 s šolsko izkaznico) in upokojenci (65) 9,25 USD, otroci (6–17) 5,25 USD, otroci do 5 let brezplačno. Film navidezne resničnosti znaša 6,50 USD na osebo. Popusti za muzeje, film in družine; glej spletno stran za podrobno razčlenitev cen.
  • 2 V njen spomin (En mémoire d'Elle). Ta betonski kip - delo rojstnega Percéja Renée-Mao Clavet -, ki se nahaja na območju regionalnega muzeja Gaspé, je bil leta 2013 posvečen v čast prispevka žensk k zgodovini in družbi Quebecois. Skulptura je v višini 5 metrov (16 čevljev) upodobljena nosečnica v tekočem krilu z obrazom, dvoumno oblikovanim tako, da predstavlja ženske frankofonce, anglofone in prve narode. Knjiga in torba s tradicionalnimi zdravilnimi zelišči, ki ju nosi lik, simbolizirata prispevek žensk na področju izobraževanja in medicine.
  • 3 Nacionalno zgodovinsko območje spomenika Jacques Cartier (Lieu historique nacionalni du spomenik à Jacques Cartier). Nahaja se tudi v muzeju, s približno približno polovico pogleda na zaliv V njen spomin in muzejska stavba, je ta skupina šestih pokončnih granitnih plošč, na eni strani vklesana z reliefnimi skulpturami, ki prikazujejo Cartierjev zgodovinski pristanek v Gaspéju 24. julija 1534 - datum ustanovitve kolonije Nova Francija - in vpisana na drugi z odlomki iz revij Cartierja in očeta Chrestiena Leclerqa, ki ga je spremljal na odpravi.

Če želite kopati globlje, si lahko ogledate tudi naslednje zanimivosti.

  • 4 Interpretacijski center za ribištvo (Center d'interprétation des pêches), 17, rue de la Langevin, 1 418-360-3631. M-Sa 9:30 - 17:30, konec junija do konca avgusta. Rivière-au-Renard je nekoč imel eno najprometnejših ribiških pristanišč v regiji, to interpretacijsko središče pa spremlja svojo zgodovino od slavnih dni ribolova trske Gaspezije do sodobne, danes tehnološko vodene industrije. V hotelu lahko celo poskusite sveže ujete lokalne morske sadeže! Pokličite za cene.
  • 5 Gaspé, rojstni kraj Kanade (Gaspé, Berceau du Canada), 179, montée Wakeham, 1 418-368-9423. Z 9:30 - 18:00, vsi ostali dnevi od 10:30 do 18:00, konec junija do sredine septembra. Nahaja se na obali nasproti Kraj Jacques-Cartier, ta skupina približno pol ducata stavb deluje kot nekakšen miniaturni muzej žive zgodovine, ki prikazuje vas Gaspé, kakršna je bila okoli leta 1900, skupaj z interpreti v starodobnih kostumih. Privoščite si prijeten obrok v gostilni, raziščite skladišče rib in staro prodajalno, obiščite hišo Horatio Leboutillier (pristen izdelek, zgrajen ok. 1850) ali odpeljite na enega od sprehodov po sodobnem središču Gaspéja ki se tukaj začnejo in končajo. V središču vsega je granitna replika križa Jacquesa Cartierja, posvečena leta 1934 ob 400-letnici njegovega pristanka.
  • 6 Interpretativno spletno mesto Gespeg Mi'kmaq (Site d'interprétation micmac de Gespeg), 783, boulevard de Pointe-Navarre, 1 418-368-7449. Vsak dan od 9.00 do 17.00, od sredine junija do sredine oktobra. Cilj razlagalnega spletnega mesta Gespeg Mi'kmaq je obiskovalce izpostaviti kulturi ljudi Mi'kmaq, ki so stoletja pred prihodom Evropejcev naselili polotok Gaspé in sosednje dežele, ter zapisati novejša poglavja lokalne zgodovine prvih narodov. od 17. stoletja. Prostovoljci lahko vodijo ljudi na vodene oglede po obnovljeni vasi, interpretativni eksponati in artefakti podrobno opisujejo zgodovino, kozmologijo in vsakdanje življenje Mi'kmaqa, na ogled pa je celo razstava zdravilnih zelišč in rastlin, ki se uporabljajo v tradicionalni kulturi Mi'kmaq. V darilni trgovini najdete tudi vrsto verodostojnih obrti, ki jih izdelujejo lokalni obrtniki. 11 USD, upokojenci (65) 9,50 USD, otroci od 7 do 15 let in študenti z ID 8,50 USD, otroci do 6 let brezplačno, 32 USD za družine dveh odraslih in dveh otrok.
  • 7 Družbeno-kulturni center Le Boutillier Manor (Center sociokultura Manoir Le Boutillier), 578, boulevard du Griffon, 1 418-892-5150. Vsak dan od 9.00 do 17.00, od sredine junija do sredine oktobra. To nacionalno zgodovinsko območje Kanade je bilo nekoč prijetna lesena hiša Johna Le Boutillierja, ladjedelniškega magnata in lokalnega političarja, ki je bil v svojem času eden najvidnejših državljanov v zaselku L'Anse-au-Griffon. Danes vas turistični vodniki v kostumih vodijo skozi glavno hišo, prostore za hlapce in prostrane prostore, ki so bili obnovljeni tako, kot so izgledali v petdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, in vam omogočili vpogled v življenje višjega razreda v Gaspéju iz 19. stoletja. Obstaja trgovina s spominki, ki prodaja lokalno izdelana oblačila, dodatke in obrt ali obisk omeji s postankom v priloženi čajnici in slaščičarni. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. 8 dolarjev; upokojenci in študentje z ID 6 USD, otroci do 11 let brezplačno, 18 USD za družine dveh odraslih in dveh otrok.
  • 8 Žaga Plourde (Moulin des Plourde), 5, rue du Moulin, 1 418-269-1212. M-Sa 9:30 - 17:30, konec junija do konca avgusta. To je edina preostala žaga na parku na polotoku Gaspé in je bila ena zadnjih, ki je obratovala, ko je leta 1986 zaprla vrata po osmih desetletjih izdelave skodle za lokalne graditelje. Dandanes deluje kot eden izmed slavnih "eko-muzejev" v Quebecu (économusées), kjer si lahko ogledate originalno opremo, ki je še vedno na mestu, in se naučite zgodovine gozdarske industrije Gaspesian ter družine Plourde, ki je bila lastnica mlina. Pokličite za cene.
Cap-des-Rosiers se ponaša z najvišjim svetilnikom v Kanadi.


  • 9 Svetilnik Cap-des-Rosiers (Phare de Cap-des-Rosiers), 1331, boulevard de Cap-des-Rosiers, 1 418-892-5767. Spletno mesto odprto vsak dan od 8.00 do 18.00, od konca junija do začetka septembra; vodeni ogledi vsake pol ure od 9h do 17h. Najvišji svetilnik v Kanadi na višini 34,1 metra (112 čevljev), svetilnik Cap-des-Rosiers Lighthouse že od leta 1858 opozarja na promet na St. Lawrence stran od skalnate rte, na kateri stoji - z originalno optično napravo manj. Zdaj popolnoma obnovljen in avtomatiziran je bil leta 1973 imenovan za nacionalno zgodovinsko mesto Kanade. Samo vstop: 3 USD, otroci do 6 let brezplačno. Z vodenim ogledom: 10 USD, otroci od 7 do 17 USD, otroci do 6 let brezplačno; družine 25 USD za 2 odrasla in 1 otroka, 30 USD za 2 odrasla in 2 otroka, 3 USD na dodatnega otroka.
  • 10 Svetilnik Pointe-à-la-Renommée (Phare de Pointe-à-la-Renommée), 200, chemin de la Pointe-à-la-Renommée, 1 418-269-3310. Vsak dan od 9.00 do 17.00, od sredine junija do konca septembra. Fotogenični svetilnik Pointe-à-la-Renommée, ki se nahaja na kratki razdalji zahodno od L'Anse-à-Valleau, je bil zgrajen leta 1907, da bi nadomestil manjšo luč z lesenim okvirjem iz leta 1880 in skoraj 70 vodil ladje po njihovi poti leta pred razgradnjo in "izgnanstvom" (kot so rekli domačini) v staro pristanišče mesta Quebec, kjer je še tri desetletja stalo pred tamkajšnjim sedežem obalne straže. Svetilnik so leta 1998 preselili na prvotno mesto, zahvaljujoč prizadevanjem množične skupnosti, danes pa presenetljiv rdeči stolp - skupaj z rekonstruiranimi oskrbniškimi prostori in drugimi gospodarskimi poslopji - služi kot muzej, ki vsebuje dve stalni razstavi: "Pointe-à -la-Renommée: Prostor življenja " (L'Espace d'une vie à Pointe-à-la-Renommée) povezuje zgodovino samega svetilnika, družino Ascah, ki ga je negovala v njegovem operativnem življenju, in majhno, tesno povezano ribiško skupnost, ki ga je obkrožala, medtem ko "Marconi in zgodba o radijskih komunikacijah" (Marconi, histoire des communication et radio) se ukvarja z Guglielmom Marconijem, izumiteljem brezžičnega radia, ki je leta 1904 ustanovil eno prvih morskih radiotelegrafskih postaj v Pointe-à-la-Renommée. Vodeni ogledi vključujejo razstavne predmete in se končajo na vrhu stolpa s čudovitim razgledom na ustje izliva sv. Lovrenca. 10 USD za vodeni ogled, 6 USD za posamezno razstavo. Otroci, stari od 6 do 10 let, sprejeti po polovični ceni, otroci do 5 let pa so brezplačni.


  • V njen spomin (En mémoire d'Elle), na območju Regionalnega muzeja Gaspé, gl nad.
  • 11 Umetnostna galerija La Griffonne (Galerie d'Art la Griffonne), 696, boulevard du Griffon, 1 418-892-0110. Odprto od začetka junija do sredine oktobra. Montrealska Pauline Saint-Arnaud je uspešna akvarelistka, katere opus prevladujejo umirjeni gozdovi, kmetijska zemljišča in pokrajine ob morju, ki jih najdemo po celotnem polotoku Gaspé - zato ni čudno, da "Morje in obalne črte" (La Mer et les bords côtiers) je naslov, ki si ga je izbrala za stalno samostojno razstavo, razstavljeno v kmečki hiši, obrnjeni v galeriji v L'Anse-au-Griffon, kjer preživlja poletja. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini.
  • 12 Kulturni center Le Griffon (Center kulture Le Griffon), 557, boulevard du Griffon, 1 418-892-5679. M & W-F od 11. do 21. ure, od ponedeljka do 8. ure od konca junija do konca oktobra; po dogovoru drugič. Nekoč hladilnica, kjer so lokalni ribiči shranili ulov, je ta čedna stara stavba s pogledom na pristanišče L'Anse-au-Griffon danes večnamenski prostor - tu je vetrič obmorska kavarna kjer so na jedilniku lokalni morski sadeži, butik, kjer gaspezijski obrtniki prodajajo ročno izdelane spominke, predvsem pa Galerija in delavnica Claude Côté(Atelier-Galerie Claude Côté), kjer istoimenski rezidenčni umetnik v turistični sezoni prikazuje svoje akvarele. Côté je o svojem delu dejal: "Navdihuje me moje neposredno okolje, kjer je" intelektualizem "pozabljen in daje pot poeziji vsakdanjega življenja, čudoviti svobodi preprostih stvari", in to je tako primeren način za opis močna lepota njegovih pokrajin in naravnih prizorov. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini.
  • 13 Umetnostna galerija Marie-Josée Gagnon (Galerie d'Art Marie-Josée Gagnon), 806, boulevard de Pointe-Jaune, 1 418-269-3198. Marie-Josée Gagnon, ki deluje samo z lopatico, ustvarja bleščeče pisane prizore iz okolice svojega rodnega Gaspéja: pokrajine, morske pokrajine in čudovite cvetlične slike, kjer je medsebojno vplivanje barv, svetlobe in sence najpomembnejše (ali, če uporabimo njene besede: "to je bistvo pokrajine, ki jo želim upodobiti, ne pa zgolj posnemanje tega, kar vidim"). V majhni galeriji v mestu Pointe-Jaune, ki nosi Gagnonovo ime, ni razstavljeno samo njeno delo, temveč tudi vznemirljiv portret Stelle Joncas-Veillet ter abstraktno-ekspresionistične slike in izklesane figurice Estelle Francoeur.
Kristusova kraljeva katedrala.

Verske strani

  • 14 Kristusova kraljeva katedrala (Cathédrale du Christ-Roi), 20, rue de la Cathédrale, 1 418-368-5541. Edina rimskokatoliška katedrala z lesenimi okvirji v Severni Ameriki, katedrala Kristusa kralja, je sedež škofije Gaspé, katere ozemlje pokriva večji del polotoka. To je tretja cerkev, postavljena leta 1969, na tem mestu; its striking design — wherein the fundamentals of traditional Christian religious architecture are totally subverted and reinvented along modernist lines — is the handiwork of Montreal-based architect Gérard Notebaert, working here in the "Shed Style" that had been pioneered only a few years earlier by Charles Moore with his Sea Ranch condominium community on the North Coast of California. Faced monochromatically in glue-laminated slats of red cedar, the sleek lines and angular geometric forms of this vaguely boat-shaped building certainly set it apart from the prototypical Gaspesian church. The interior is no less impressive, austere yet handsome and lit by a quintet of glass skylights built into the slopes of the roof. Bishop Gaétan Proulx delivers the Sunday Mass weekly at 11AM.
  • 15 Our Lady of Pointe-Navarre Shrine (Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-de-Pointe-Navarre), 765, boulevard de Pointe-Navarre, 1 418-368-2133. Church open daily 8AM-7PM; gift shop M-Sa 9AM-4:30P & Su 1PM-4PM. In a peaceful setting several kilometres (miles) outside the town centre, Our Lady of Pointe-Navarre has been a place of retreat and pilgrimage for the local Catholic community since its founding in 1940 by Father Jean-Marie Watier. The complex consists of a spacious church building that's replete with breathtaking works of religious art and hosts novena recitals, personal visitations, and a Tuesday evening Mass every week at 7PM; the smaller Chapel of Remembrance, open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for private prayer and meditation at the site of Father Watier's tomb; and a verdant hillside hermitage out back whose pleasant paths and grottoes offer a peaceful setting for spiritual reflection (not to mention spectacular views over Gaspé Bay). Website in French only.


On the water

Surrounded on three sides by water, Gaspé boasts aquatic fun in myriad forms.


Douglastown Beach is the most secluded of Gaspé's public beaches.

The shore of Gaspé Bay is dotted with beaches that are popular summertime destinations for locals and visitors alike, including three within the city of Gaspé itself:

  • 1 Haldimand Municipal Beach(Plage municipale d'Haldimand) is the most beautiful, the most centrally located, and the most crowded beach in Gaspé. Here you'll find pristine water, luscious white sand, a playground for the kids, and even a beachfront restaurant serving Mexican specialties, all a quick ten-minute drive from downtown. Lifeguards patrol the waters in high season (late June through late August), an annual sand castle competition draws crowds of onlookers in late July, and there are even paddleboards and bikes available to rent through ÉcoRécréo.
  • For those in search of a more private beach getaway, 2 Douglastown Beach(Plage de Douglastown) lies further south, on the other side of the lagoon. Douglastown boasts a setting almost as beautiful as Haldimand's — and an even greater length, a sand spit fully a kilometre and a half (a mile) long — yet its more off-the-beaten-path location and lack of any amenities means it's more often than not just you, the rustling dune grass, and the crashing waves.

  • Finally, in the shadow of Forillon National Park is found 3 Cap-aux-Os Beach(Plage de Cap-aux-Os), the smallest of the three. The water here tends to be a bit chillier, but that doesn't stop folks from coming down to enjoy swimming, sunbathing, a quick meal at the snack bar, or kayak rental courtesy of Cap Aventure. Public washrooms are offered, and leashed pets are welcome.


As you've probably gathered from reading thus far, fishing is a really big deal around these parts. Indeed, the fishery was the region's economic lifeblood for centuries, and although tourism has since usurped that status for the most part, it retains a good deal of importance even today.

But fishing isn't just an industry here — it's a way of life, for locals and visitors alike. Fishing in Gaspé can be as simple as finding a wharf or a dock and casting your line into the water, which can be done any time of year without a licence. Mackerel and smelt are popular with Gaspesian wharf fishers: the former are most plentiful in late July and early August, while smelt fishing is strictly a wintertime pursuit — ice fishing shacks are a common sight on Gaspé Bay starting in January, when freeze-up typically occurs.

Away from the shore, brook trout teem in the waterways of inland Gaspé. Locals generally don't bother with trout fishing, which has led to an abundant population — some say an overpopulation — in the fast-flowing streams and crystal-clear lakes of the Chic-Chocs. You can easily reel in some whoppers up here in the mountains; 2-kg (4½-pound) specimens are not at all uncommon. However, unlike wharf fishing from shore, trout fishing naredi require a licence from the Quebec Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks(Ministère des forêts, de la faune et des parcs du Québec). This costs $20.19/$39.56 per day or $46.30/$148.57 annually, for Quebec residents and nonresidents respectively. Please also see the Ministry's website for information on other regulations that may apply to the specific body of water you're planning to fish.

But if there's one single species that comes to the mind of fishing connoisseurs when they hear of the Gaspé Peninsula, it's the Atlantic salmon — a species that, thanks to the efforts of the Quebec Salmon River Management Federation (Fédération des gestionnaires de rivières à saumon du Québec or FGRSQ), is on the rebound after decades of decline. With 22 world-renowned rivers managed by that organization, you're hard-pressed to find better salmon fishing anywhere — and you'll find two of those rivers within the city of Gaspé itself.

  • The Saint-Jean River Wildlife Reserve(Reserve faunique de la rivière Saint-Jean) is the city's premier salmon-fishing venue, with a season that extends from May 25 through September 30 (catch-and-release only through the end of July up to a maximum of three fish per person; one catch-and-keep per person is permitted thereafter; size limits may also apply). The Saint-Jean flows eastward through Gaspé's southern precincts before emptying into Douglastown Bay, and is divided by the FGRSQ into three different zones, each with their own regulations. In Sector 1, which begins at the Route 132 bridge and extends about 10 km (6 miles) inland, the number of fishermen on any given day is limited to eight; for Sector 2, which extends further inland beyond the city line, regulations are still more stringent at two per day. Advance reservations are required, and you're best off booking as far ahead as possible. Day passes allowing fishing on the Saint-Jean cost $34.60/$67.20 in Sector 1 and $46.99/$91.98 in Sector 2, for Quebec residents and nonresidents respectively.
The Dartmouth River features world-class salmon fishing.
  • The Dartmouth River Controlled Harvesting Zone(Zone d'exploitation contrôlée de la rivière Dartmouth) runs roughly parallel to the St. Lawrence along the northern part of the peninsula's interior spine and empties into Gaspé Bay a few kilometres (miles) northwest of the city centre. Like the Saint-Jean River, the Dartmouth is divided into seven zones, with Sector 1 comprising almost the entirety of the portion of the river within Gaspé's city limits. Though this sector features "unlimited access" — with no maximum number of fishermen allowed in the water simultaneously — the season is shorter (June 1 through August 31) and catch limits are no less stringent. In addition, a short stretch of river near the western boundary of the city falls within Zone 2, where you're back to the advance-reservation system with two anglers on the river at a time. Day passes for salmon fishing on the Dartmouth cost $41.02/$60.51 in Sector 1 and $73.75/$109.63 in Sector 2, for Quebec residents and nonresidents respectively.

Day passes can be purchased at the 7 FGRSQ regional office at 25, boulevard de York Est, which is open daily from 8AM-6PM, and the quoted fees are in addition to that of the provincial fishing licence mentioned above.

If ocean fishing is more your thing, the folks at Auberge Griffon Aventure run 2½-hour excursions aboard the Balbuzard where you can angle for mackerel along the coast or, weather permitting, head out to the deeper waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence in pursuit of the Atlantic cod. Departures happen twice daily from mid-June through mid-September, at 6:30AM and 5PM, from Cap-des-Rosiers Marina. Additional departures may also be added to the schedule based on demand. Tickets cost $70 for adults, $50 for kids 17 and under, $220 for families of two adults and two kids, or $250 for families of two adults and three kids. Rods and tackle are provided, and — most convenient of all — no licence is necessary!


Of course, fishing isn't the only thing you can do on a boat here: from kayaks to sailboats to stand-up paddleboards, the waters surrounding Gaspé teem with fun-seekers of all different stripes. The colonies of grey and harbour seals that congregate on the shore of the bay, in Forillon National Park, are a popular destination for boating excursions departing from Gaspé.

  • 4 Aube sur Mer, 2172, boulevard de Grande-Grève, 1 418-892-0003 (in season Jun-Oct), 1 418-360-4073 (other times). Sea kayaking is the name of the game at Aube sur Mer, with several different regularly-scheduled excursions setting off from their Cap-aux-Os headquarters. "Ride with the Seals" (Balade aux phoques) is a two-hour jaunt suitable for all skill levels, departing four times daily (8AM, 11AM, 2PM, and 5PM) for a visit to the Forillon seal colonies. More avid kayakers can get up bright and early for the "At the End of the World" (Au Bout du monde) excursion's 7AM daily departure, which goes further afield to the tip of Cap-Gaspé: five to six hours in all. Real kayaking fanatics can inquire about longer two-, three-, and four-day excursions around the region, and if you don't quite trust your sea legs, Aube sur Mer offers a choice of two Paddle Canada-accredited training courses: a one-day introductory class for $115, and a more in-depth two-day course for $225. And if human-powered vessels aren't your thing, Aube sur Mer also offers customized sailboat excursions on the bay accompanied by a trained captain. "Ride with the Seals" excursion $45 for adults, $41 for students (with ID) and $35 for children (14 and under); "At the End of the World" excursion $75 for adults, $69 for students with ID and $59 for children 14 and under; sailing excursions $59 adult/$39 child for 2 hours and $89 adult/$59 child for a half-day. See website for detailed price structure including discounts for families and pricing on longer excursions.

  • Cap Aventure, 1 418-892-5056. "Meet the Seals" excursion departs daily 8AM, "Zodiac Safari" departs 9AM, "Around Forillon" excursion departs 6:30AM on prior request. See website for schedule for "Seals at Sunset" excursion. To describe what Cap Aventure offers as mere "seal-watching excursions" wouldn't do them justice: much more than just another touristy trifle, these tours are true educational experiences, where seasoned guides put their affiliation with the Marine Mammal Watchers' Network(Réseau d'observateurs des mammifères marins) to good use in providing a window into the delicate ecosystem of Gaspé Bay, conducted in a manner that is sustainable and respectful of the natural environment. It's not all dry academia, though — the learning experience is punctuated daily by unforgettable sights like a pod of seals dancing and playing around your boat, the plaintive bellow of whales breeching in the distance, and seabirds by the hundreds taking flight from the top of the sheer seaside cliffs. Cap Aventure offers a range of excursions tailored to customers' individual needs: the short Meet the Seals(Rencontre avec les phoques) excursion is open to participants five and older and sticks to the interior of Gaspé Bay, the longer Around Forillon(Pourtour de Forillon) tour rounds Cap Gaspé, and the self-explanatory Seals at Sunset(Phoques au coucher du soleil) excursion is especially popular. All excursions depart from Cap-aux-Os Beach, with the exception of "Around Forillon", which leaves from Cap-des-Rosiers. Plus: if you like seals but kayaking is not your cup of tea, Cap Aventure also offers two-and-a-half-hour "Zodiac Safaris" out to the seal colonies in a 12-passenger boat helmed by an experienced captain-cum-docent, and if it's vice-versa, kayak rental is offered subject to availability (sit-on-top kayaks go for $14/$20 an hour for solo and tandem respectively, while sea kayaks go for $40/$60 for 4 hours or $50/$70 all day, for solo and tandem respectively). The season begins May 8 (June 1 for zodiac excursions) and runs through October 6, and wetsuits are provided during the spring and fall. Website in French only. See website for detailed price structure.

  • ÉcoRécréo, 30, rue de la Plage. Daily 9AM-5PM, late Jun through late Aug. With rental kiosks and organized outdoor activities in locations all over the province, ÉcoRécréo is a familiar name to Québécois of an outdoorsy bent. If you're into stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) — or you're interested in learning this new-school watersport best compared to surfing with an oar — their Haldimand Municipal Beach outpost is the place to go in Gaspé. For experienced paddleboarders, $15 an hour, $32 per half-day, or $45 per day is the going rate for equipment rental, while introductory courses for beginners are offered for $45. Beyond that, ÉcoRécréo also does kayak rental, and if you're thinking more in terms of landward transportation, there's a range of bikes for rent preveč. See website for detailed price structure.


The folks at Auberge Griffon Aventure describe the guided canyoneering excursions they offer on Chesnay Creek as "like an outdoor waterpark designed by nature" — and indeed, there's hardly a more fun way to spend five hours in Gaspé than donning a wetsuit and helmet and slip-sliding down foaming river rapids into emerald green pools of crystal-clear water. Gear is provided for you (but do bring a bathing suit to wear underneath your wetsuit, as well as a pair of non-slip waterproof shoes); tours leave rain or shine, but may be cancelled in the event of high water levels in the canyon. Every day at 9AM between June 22 and September 2 (or later in the year, weather-depending), tour groups depart from the parking lot of Restaurant Chez Ron on boulevard de York; beginning July 16, one additional departure daily at 11:30AM occurs on high-demand days. Rates are $71 for adults and $61 for kids age 8-17.

On land


  • 5 Fort Prével Golf Club (Club de golf Fort-Prével), 2035, boulevard de Douglas, 1 418-368-6957. Daily 8AM-6PM, late May through mid-Oct (weather-dependent during shoulder months of May, Jun, Sept & Oct). Enjoy sweeping views over mountains and sea as you hit the links on this beautifully manicured 6,428-yard, par-73 course on the Gaspé-Percé city line, but don't get too distracted by the scenery: with the ruins of a World War II-era coastal fortification doubling as hazards and a doozy of a second hole at 702 yards and par 6, Fort-Prével presents a truly challenging scenario for the golfer. There's also an onsite putting green for those looking to hone their short game, a practice field that plays host frequently to free training sessions for beginner golfers, an onsite restaurant, and even a hotel and campground. Staff is unfailingly polite and friendly. Website in French only. $39/$22.30 for 18/9 holes in high season, $28.30/$17.23 in shoulder season; children 12-17 $20 before noon and $14 thereafter; discounted admission for arrival after 1PM, with further discounts after 3PM. Other fees may apply, see website for detailed price structure.

If "full-size golf" isn't your thing, Gaspé also boasts a pair of mini-golf courses.

  • 6 Cantine du Golf, 1833, boulevard Forillon, 1 418-355-4653. Miniature golf course in Cap-aux-Os with attached snack bar. Open in season, call for hours and rates.
  • Fort Ramsay Mini-Putt (Mini-golf de Fort Ramsay), 254, boulevard de Gaspé, 1 418-368-5094. On the premises of Motel-Camping Fort Ramsay.

Horseback riding

  • 7 Le Centaure, 1713, boulevard de Forillon, 1 418-892-5525. Le Centaure offers a diversity of equestrian experiences whose durations, intensities, and skill requirements vary widely — from one-hour sessions on the grounds of their spacious ranch in Cap-aux-Os that are perfect for beginners, to longer expeditions to Sandy Beach (2 hours) and Forillon National Park (5 hours), to multi-day expeditions to further-flung destinations like Gaspésie National Park. Website in French only. Call for rates.
Just outside of Douglastown. You can imagine those Irish immigrants probably felt right at home here.

Festivals and events

  • [mrtva povezava]Douglastown Irish Days (Journées irlandaises de Douglastown), 1 418-368-0288. Tooling through this hamlet south of Gaspé city centre down streets with names like Kennedy, McDonald, and St. Patrick, it's not hard to realize that Douglastown was historically a community of Irish immigrants. This Hibernian heritage is feted each year in late July and/or early August with a weekend celebration of traditional foods, music and dance performances, and workshops and lectures on a wide range of subjects from knitting to genealogy. The 8 Douglas Community Centre(Centre communautaire de Douglas) at 28, avenue Saint-Patrick is the venue. Most events free, but check website.
  • Festival Musique du Bout du Monde, 1 418-368-5405. There's really no way to succinctly describe the typical lineup of acts that converge on Gaspé every year for this music festival, other than maybe "maddeningly eclectic". For ten days in August, a multiplicity of venues around town are packed with dozens of artists and bands from all around the world — alumni include Beninese singer-songwriter Angélique Kidjo, British reggae sensations UB40, and Montreal rappers Loco Locass — along with dance performances, street theatre, food and drink, and miscellaneous family-friendly revelry. Traditionally, the headliner of each year's festival takes the stage at sunrise on Sunday morning at Cap Bon-Ami, in Forillon National Park, with shuttle service provided from central Gaspé. Ticket prices vary by performance.


  • 9 Cartier Bowling (Salle de quilles Cartier), 8, rue de l'Église, 1 418-269-5752. A small bowling alley in Rivière-au-Renard with six lanes.
  • Cinéma le Cube, 178, rue de la Reine, 1 418-368-3355. Gaspé's only movie theatre is located inside the Hôtel des Commandants, and it's a modest affair: there's one screen with one showing per day (at 6:30PM) of a feature that changes weekly. All movies are shown in French without subtitles, so if you don't speak the language, maybe stick to the attached video arcade and snack bar.

In the winter

Čeprav National Geographic magazine has ranked the Gaspé Peninsula among the Top 10 cold-weather destinations in North America, the wonders of wintertime in this part of the world remain a well-guarded secret. Don't be fooled by the dirt-cheap hotel rooms and ghost-town feel in the streets: there's plenty to do in Gaspé offseason. (That goes double if you're a winter sports fanatic.)

  • Les Bons Copains Snowmobile Club of Greater Gaspé (Club de motoneige Les Bons Copains du Grand Gaspé), 6, rue de l'Aréna, 1 418-269-5021. M-Th 10AM-6PM, F 10AM-11PM, Sa 9AM-11PM, Su 9AM-6PM, in season. There are over 200 km (125 miles) of snowmobile trails in and around Gaspé, and these folks are the ones to talk to if you're interested in buying an Access Pass to ride them. Not only that, but their clubhouse at the 10 Rosaire Tremblay Arena(Aréna Rosaire-Tremblay) in Rivière-au-Renard is open to members and nonmembers alike: after a long day on the trails, you can warm up with a meal at the café, unwind with a game of pool or foosball, or even belt out some tunes at karaoke.
  • 11 Les Éclairs Cross-Country Ski Club (Club de ski de fond Les Éclairs), 20, rue des Pommiers, 1 418-368-0044. Daily 8AM-4PM in season. No, your GPS hasn't misdirected you — the way to Les Éclairs ski club does pass through a nondescript industrial park in York Centre. But there's nothing ugly about the extensive network of well-manicured trails, open to cross-country skiers and snowshoers alike, on the club's vast forested tract whose back end abuts the grounds of Michel Pouliot Airport. Website in French only. Day/season passes for ski trails: $12/$150, full time students 12 and over with ID $6/$50, children under 12 always free. Family ski passes are also available for $295/season. $10 annual membership card entitles adults & families to discount of $2/day or $15/season. Snowshoe trail access $6/day or $30 season, or free with purchase of ski trail access.
  • 12 Mont-Béchervaise Ski Centre (Centre de ski Mont-Béchervaise), 50, rue Eden, 1 418-368-2000. F-Su 9AM-3PM. Mont-Béchervaise may not be the largest or grandest ski resort in the Gaspé Peninsula, but it has a strong claim on the title of most conveniently located — given its oddly abbreviated opening hours and relative lack of onsite amenities, it helps that downtown Gaspé is only a quick five-minute drive away. Take the chair lift from the chalet to the top of the hill, which not only serves as the starting point for about two dozen ski trails suitable for all skill levels, but also offers a panoramic view over the bay. Off to the side at the base are a couple of shorter hills open to downhill tubing, and there's a small snack bar next to the parking lot. Mont-Béchervaise is also open in the summer to hikers and mountain bikers. Website in French only. Day/half-day: lift tickets $34/$27, seniors (55 ) $24/$20, students with ID $22/$19; tubing $12/$8 per person or $22/$17 per family.


No, it's not the wonderland of souvenir trinkets that you'll find just down the road in Percé. However, being the largest city in the region by far, Gaspé naturally has a respectable range of shopping opportunities of a somewhat more conventional bent. These are concentrated principally in and around the city centre — especially along the surprisingly fashionable shopping street of rue de la Reine.

Shopping centres

A case in point of the above. If you're the type of person whose tastes run toward the name brands and well-known designers that are sold at chain clothing stores, Gaspé is pretty much the only game in town on the peninsula that shares its name.

  • 1 Carrefour de Gaspé, 39, montée Sandy-Beach, 1 418-368-5253. M-W 9:30AM-5:30PM, Th-F 9AM-9PM, Sa 9:30AM-5PM, Su 11AM-4PM. The Gaspé Peninsula's largest retail complex is a sprawling strip mall just past the harbour, with 21 stores including locations of Canadian Tire in Sports Experts, a Hart department store, Uniprix pharmacy, and IGA supermarket. Website in French only.
  • 2 Place Jacques-Cartier, 167, rue de la Reine, 1 418-368-1460. M-W 9:30AM-5:30PM, Th-F 9AM-9PM, Sa 9:30AM-5PM, Su noon-5PM. The Gaspé Peninsula's only indoor shopping mall anchors the west end of the downtown retail district. Small in size but unique in design, the three-storey Place Jacques-Cartier is built into the slope of the low hill that separates downtown from the shore of the bay. Here you'll find 15 shops, restaurants, and other businesses including a Provigo supermarket, another Uniprix, Rossy in Dollarama discount stores, SAQ provincial liquor outlet, and a McDonald's.


  • Boutique le Galet, 557, boulevard du Griffon, 1 418-892-5679. Daily 9:30AM-8PM in summer, Sa-Su 8AM-1PM in winter. Le Griffon Cultural Centre's gift shop stocks a wide range of gifts and souvenirs — everything from fashion accessories to books and greeting cards to ceramics, and even locally-grown produce from the shore of Chaleur Bay, all made in Quebec and all sourced directly from the artisans themselves. Website in French only.
  • 3 Les Créations Marie Gaudet, 115, rue de la Reine, 1 418-368-8161. Summer: M-F 9:30AM-6PM, Sa 10AM-5PM, Su noon-4PM; winter: M-F 10AM-5:30PM. The oeuvre of the eponymous artist is centred around the painting and fashioning of the smooth, flat stones found on the shores of the beaches around Gaspé into supercute dolls and figurines, individually accessorized with hairdos, clothes and shoes. You'll find plenty of those on the shelves at her store, along with a vast selection of artisan jewelry, handmade pottery and ceramic decorative baubles (lighthouses are a common theme), and more.

Clothing and accessories

  • 4 Bijouterie Dary, 109, rue de la Reine, 1 418-368-1212. Daily 10AM-7PM. A wide variety of elegant men's and women's jewellery, watches, and even commemorative plates are to be had at this friendly shop in the heart of downtown Gaspé.
  • 5 Boutique Mode Andréa, 123, boulevard Renard Est, 1 418-269-7766. M-W 10AM-5PM, Th-F 10AM-6PM, Sa 10AM-4:30PM. A really nice, comfortable, fashionable yet unpretentious women's clothing shop in an out-of-the-way location: Rivière-au-Renard. Andréa's house style is statement-making without being over the top: bright colours and vibrant prints married to timeless traditional designs. Website in French only.
  • 6 Chlorophylle, 114B, rue de la Reine, 1 418-368-8222. M-W 9:30AM-5:30PM, Th-F 9:30AM-9PM, Sa 9:30AM-5PM, Su noon-5PM. If you're in town over winter to hit the slopes at Mont-Béchervaise or take to the snowmobile or cross-country ski trails, stop in at the Gaspé location of this provincewide chain for a wide selection of upscale jackets, gloves, and other winter gear. If not, there are still three other seasons' worth of sports- and activewear to browse through.
  • La Joaillerie, 167, rue de la Reine (At Place Jacques-Cartier), 1 418-368-1881. M-W 9:30AM-5:30PM, Th-F 9AM-9PM, Sa 9:30AM-5PM, Su noon-5PM. Place Jacques-Cartier's resident jewellers offer a full line of gold and silver pieces including some that are locally made, as well as engraving and repair services.
  • 7 Kon-Joint, 123, rue de la Reine, 1 418-368-2708. M-Sa 10AM-5:30PM. You can't miss this place: it's a spacious shop nestled into the ground floor of the tallest building on rue de la Reine, a handsome mansard-roofed brick beauty right in the centre of the downtown action. The sign on the door advertises lingerie, and you will indeed find high-quality selections for regular and plus sizes, but that's not all: Kon-Joint also sells women's clothing and accessories of all descriptions. Fashions for all four seasons of the year are available, but the specialty seems to be cute, breezy summer wear of the type that's perfect for a day of outdoor people-watching in the warm months. Website in French only.


  • 8 À Chacun Sa Bête, 33, rue Adams, 1 418-368-9362. M-W 8AM-5:30PM, Th 8AM-6PM, F 8AM-8PM, Sa 10AM-4PM. If you're in the market for some new toys, clothes, or accessories for your dog or cat — or if you've brought Rover along on your trip and need someone to keep an eye on him for a day while you're off on a pet-unfriendly outing — set your sights on À Chacun Sa Bête. Aside from the above, they also offer a selection of premium name-brand pet foods, grooming services, and more. Ample onsite parking is a relative rarity downtown. Website in French only.
  • 9 Boutique Sport Plein Air, 1, rue de l'Église, 1 418-269-2535. M-Th 9AM-5:30PM, F 9AM-8PM, Sa 9AM-noon. If you've come to the Gaspé Peninsula to enjoy the great outdoors — and really, why else would you have come? — but find yourself shorthanded on gear, this is your one-stop shop. Stuffed into Boutique Sport Plein Air you'll find everything from hockey sticks to hunting rifles to boat motors to bikes, sold for decent prices by friendly folks. Website in French only.
  • 10 Librairie Alpha, 168, rue de la Reine, 1 418-368-5514. You'll find books of all kinds, on all subjects, and for all age levels on the shelves at this über-friendly independent bookstore in downtown Gaspé — but, being a proud member of the Quebec Bookstore Association(Association des librairies du Québec), those in search of works by local authors speaking from local perspectives can be assured they'll find more than their share of options here. Librairie Alpha also has a good selection of board games. Website in French only.
  • 11 Marché des Saveurs Gaspésiennes, 119, rue de la Reine, 1 418-368-7705. M-W & Sa 8AM-6PM, Th-F 8AM-7:30PM, Su 10AM-6PM. If you're a locavore with a taste for the gourmet, this is the destination for you: the place's name translates to "Market of Gaspesian Flavours", and that's no exaggeration. Locally-sourced produce, meats, cheeses, baked goods, and other delights populate the shelves in this friendly shop. Website in French only.


The restaurant scene is one area in which Gaspé definitely does ne lag behind other cities on the Peninsula in terms of interest to visitors. For instance, if you've come to the region to check out Bonaventure Island and Percé Rock, sure you could stick around for dinner in one of Percé's overpriced, touristy eateries — but if you're in the mood for a more refined and distinctive experience, Gaspé is the place to go.

City centre and around

  • 1 La Banquise, 102, boulevard de Gaspé, 1 418-368-6670. Su-W 11AM-8PM, Th-Sa 11AM-9PM, Mar-Sep. Situated on the main drag just north of the Gaspé Regional Museum, this retro-style snack bar offers pleasant summery fare — think poutine platters, soft-serve ice cream, hamburgers, and even pizza — in a picturesque setting overlooking Gaspé Bay. Lines can be long on summer weekends and prices are a little high compared to the competition, but the combo "trios" offer a chance to economize. Website in French only. $10-20.
Rue de la Reine is downtown Gaspé's main shopping and dining street.
  • 2 Bistro le Brise-Bise, 135, rue de la Reine, 1 418-368-1456. Su-W 11AM-1AM, Th-Sa 11AM-3AM. One of the most distinctive, upscale, and trendy dining options on the Gaspé Peninsula, and a great option for folks who don't like seafood — all for prices that won't break the bank. The eclectic menu draws from Asian (a trio of Thai-style soups), classically Gaspesian (a locally-sourced grilled sausage and sauerkraut platter, plus crowd-pleasing shrimp poutine), and — above all — Italian (about a half-dozen pasta dishes and several specialty pizzas) influences. Bilingual waitstaff and English-language menus are a big help to those who have yet to master the local language, and live music performances are frequent. $20-50.
  • 3 Café Sous-Marin, 3A, rue Adams, 1 418-368-4337. Su-W 8AM-11PM, Th-Sa 8AM-midnight. Once upon a time it was a Subway sandwich shop that occupied the ground floor of the three-storey blue building at the foot of rue Adams across from Tim Hortons, and although it's nowadays a locally-owned mom-and-pop, relatively little has changed. In fact, if anything the offerings at Café Sous-Marin are more interesting — the new ownership has introduced an Eastern Mediterranean influence to the proceedings, with souvlaki and shawarma wraps among the hottest sellers, as are the "taco subs" of spicy seasoned beef — sold for the same modest prices as before. $10-25.
  • 4 Mastro Pizzéria, 85, rue Jacques-Cartier, 1 418-368-1313. Daily 6AM-8PM. With a friendly bilingual staff and a roster of specialty pizzas crowned by the ever-popular "All Dressed" (with pepperoni both under and on top of the cheese, plus mushrooms and green peppers), Mastro offers counter service and a small dining room but also, for a $3 upcharge, the Gaspé Peninsula's only pizza delivery service. If you're in the mood for something else, there's also a sizable menu of other options, especially in the domain of seafood: lobster rolls, Belgian-style moûles frites, seafood chowder, and a first-rate battered fish and chips made with locally-brewedPit Caribou craft beer. Customers praise the quality of Mastro's food almost unanimously, but the very high prices are off-putting even in light of that. Website in French only.

Northern outskirts

Away from downtown, dining options get less fancy and high-concept, but no less appealing. If an unpretentious casse-croûte (snack bar) serving local fare is what you're after, seek it out in Gaspé's outer precincts.

  • 5 La Baleinier, 2089, boulevard de Grande-Grève, 1 418-892-6184. Daily 8AM-9:30PM. If you like seafood, first of all congratulations on choosing the right travel destination, and secondly this is the restaurant for you. Le Baleinier is Gaspesian cuisine done right: pan-fried cod, seafood poutine, and (above all) lobster are the standouts on the pint-sized but well-curated menu of this unassuming eatery in Cap-aux-Os just outside the entrance to Forillon National Park. Service is a weak spot, ranging from hostile to merely disinterested. Before you leave, don't forget to stop in to the onsite souvenir shop and peruse the range of crafts produced by local artisans. Website in French only. $15-30.
  • 6 Bistro du Banc, 51, rue du Banc, 1 418-269-1616. M-Tu 7AM-4PM, W-Th 7AM-6PM, F 7AM-7PM, Sa 8AM-6PM, Su 8AM-7PM. A family-style restaurant specializing in seafood (notice a pattern emerging?), Bistro du Banc earns rave reviews for its fish chowder, lobster rolls, cod filets, and other Gaspesian specialties from the briny deep. The interior looks straight out of the 1950s in such a way that you can't tell whether the decor is self-consciously retro or if it's simply never been updated. Service is friendly, and portions are generous for what you pay. Website in French only. $10-35.
  • 7 Café Croque-Faim, 159, boulevard Renard Est, 1 418-269-3336. M-W 5AM-9PM, Th-F 5AM-10PM, Sa 6AM-10PM, Su 7AM-8PM. They say good things come in small packages, and that's certainly the case with this casse-croûte in Rivière-au-Renard — Croque-Faim may be small in size, but it's certainly not short on friendly, lightning-fast service or unequivocally delicious, scratch-made comfort food. Nosh on hamburgers, fries, pizza, club sandwiches, and — most popular of all — 17 different varieties of poutine in the dining room or, on pleasant summer days, outdoors on picnic tables. Website in French only. $10-25.
  • Café de l'Anse, 557, boulevard du Griffon (At Le Griffon Cultural Centre), 1 418-892-0115. Summer: daily 8AM-9PM; winter: Sa-Su 8AM-1PM. The bright, breezy café portion of Le Griffon Cultural Centre serves a varied but predictably seafood-dominated menu in an ambience that's creative and elegant without pretension. The star attraction at Café de l'Anse is cod, served in varieties traditional to Francija (brandade in huge portions with mashed potatoes and a garden salad on the side), to the Gaspé Peninsula (breaded fritters with the same side dishes), and universally (grilled filets); elsewhere on the menu you'll find a respectable range of sandwiches, salads, meat dishes, and delectable bistro-style appetizers. Service can be inept and slow, but on a pleasant summer day, if you're not too hungry when you arrive, you can turn that to your advantage by taking the opportunity to linger on the outdoor terrace and take in the view over the Saint Lawrence. Bilingual staff, but website in French only. $20-45.
  • 8 Chez Cathy, 216, montée de Rivière-Morris, 1 418-269-5518. Daily 10AM-12:30AM, late Mar through mid-Sept. The last of a dying breed in this part of the world, this super-friendly casse-croûte has been recognized in the pages of the Huffington Post (among others) as the only remaining one on the Peninsula that offers carhop service. That's not the only reason why Chez Cathy is notable, though — the poutine that visitors rave about is topped with homemade gravy and available in myriad different varieties including BBQ and "all dressed" (topped with a mountain of sautéed onions, bacon, relish, mustard, ketchup, lettuce and tomato). If you're sick of poutine at this point in your travels, try the lobster rolls or fried scallops. Website in French only. $10-20.
  • 9 La Maison d'À CôTHÉ, 463, boulevard de Forillon, 1 418-360-0056. Th-Su 8AM-4PM, late May through late Sept. On the road toward La Penouille is where you'll find this handsome saltbox house, brimming with character and serving an ever-changing weekly menu of light gourmet breakfasts and lunches, homemade ice cream, and — as the name implies — a full slate of delicious teas. Soft music, pleasant surroundings (especially if you opt for outdoor seating in the rear garden!), and the work of local artists on the walls all combine to craft a uniquely relaxing and charming experience. Vegetarians and locavores are well cared for — and so, surprisingly, are children, with a dedicated play area occupying a corner of the dining room. Website in French only. $15-30.

Harbour area and southern outskirts

  • 10 La Cantina Latinogaspésienne, 30, rue de la Plage, 1 514-943-2012. Daily 10AM-5PM, late Jun through early Sept. If you're an aficionado of Mexican cuisine who's planning a trip to the Gaspé Peninsula, you'd better be arriving in the summer, because Cantina Latinogaspésienne is the only game in town — and when we say only, we mean samo; even the nearest Taco Bell is a seven-hour drive away in Moncton, New Brunswick. But don't despair, amigos: there's no better place to enjoy a meal of tacos, burritos, or nachos (surprisingly authentic interpretations thereof, courtesy of chef/owner Juan Sebastián Larobina, a native of Mexico City) than on the sunny shores of Haldimand Municipal Beach. They even have live music performances on occasion. Website in French only. $10-25.
  • 11 Casse-Croûte Jo-Ann, 137, boulevard de York Est, 1 418-368-5508. Open late Apr through mid-Sept. Yet another roadside snack bar that's open seasonally and specializes in myriad varieties of poutine (along with burgers, fried chicken, soft-serve ice cream, and other summertime delights) — but this one has a staff that's friendly in bilingual. With uncommonly tasty food sold for cheap, Casse-Croûte Jo-Ann is a popular place, so be prepared to wait in line for a bit. Outdoor seating is available at picnic tables around the perimeter of the front parking lot, from which you can enjoy a pleasant view over the bay. $10-20.
  • 12 Chez Ron, 627, boulevard de York Est, 1 418-368-6274. Daily 7AM-8PM. It's all well and good to play the tourist, but there are some people who really like to get under the skin of a place they're visiting — to do what the locals do, go where they go, eat what they eat. If that kind of authenticity is your bag, head to Chez Ron. To be sure, there are some similarities between this place and the roadside greasy spoons frequented by many travellers — a goodly portion of the menu is indeed made up of poutine, soft ice cream (64 flavours; Baskin-Robbins, pojejte svoje srce) in druge lokalne restavracije s hitro hrano - toda srce in duša tega kraja je v dodelanejših ponudbah domačega sloga, udobne hrane, ki se drži do reber, ki jo postrežejo v velikodušnih delih v okolju, ki čeprav je povsem nezahteven, je velik korak naprej od povprečja casse-croûte. Kot ponavadi dnevi vladajo morski sadeži, vendar lahko za spremembo tempa poskusite eno od Ronovih družinskih "super posebnosti" pice, pijač in prigrizkov - še boljšo vrednost kot ostala hrana tukaj. Tudi dvojezični meniji in osebje. $15-30.
  • Nic et Pic, 39, montée Sandy-Beach (Na Carrefour de Gaspé), 1 418-368-2950. M-Ž 8:30 - 17:00. Ta prijetna majhna družinska restavracija na Carrefour de Gaspé v širokem meniju preproste udobne hrane v vsakem trenutku dneva, najbolj pa je znan po svojih zajtrkih - domačih jajčnih, mesnih in prepečenih kruhkih, ki jih postrežejo v velikih količinah in po cenah, ki niso. $15-25.

Trgovine s špecerijo

Samopostrežniki v Gaspéju imajo na voljo obilo možnosti.

  • 13 Bonichoix, 48, montée de Rivière-Morris, 1 418-269-3300. M-Sa od 8:30 do 21:00, od 9:00 do 17:00.
  • IGA, 39, montée Sandy-Beach (Na Carrefour de Gaspé), 1 418-368-5211. Vsak dan od 8.00 do 10.00.
  • 14 Marché Ami (Épicerie Alban Aspirault), 43, boulevard Renard Est, 1 418-269-3202. M-Ž 7:30 - 21:00, sobota 7:30 - 18:00.
  • 15 Marché Ami (Marché Cassivi), 2051, boulevard de Grande-Grève, 1 418-892-5383. Vsak dan od 8.00 do 10.00.
  • Provigo, 167, rue de la Reine (Na trgu Jacques-Cartier), 1 418-368-7144. Vsak dan od 8.00 do 10.00.
  • 16 Richelieu, 420, pot 132, 1 418-269-3212. Vsak dan od 8:30 do 21:00.
  • 17 Super C, 327, boulevard de York Est, 1 418-360-0021. Vsak dan od 8.00 do 10.00.


Mogoče ne bo videti, toda verjeli ali ne, Rivière-au-Renard je središče Gaspéjeve majhne, ​​a živahne barske scene.

V kolikor nočno življenje obstaja na polotoku Gaspé, ga boste našli večinoma v Gaspéju - ali, natančneje, v Rivière-au-Renardu, domu dveh od treh spodaj naštetih krajev.

  • 1 Bar Apollo, 69, rue du Banc, 1 418-269-3538. Vsak dan od 14.00 do 15.00. Od zunaj se zdi precej nezahtevno, a naj vas ne zavede - Bar Apollo je dogajanje s pijačo, tovarištvom in dobrimi časi v nadvse prijaznem okolju v središču Rivière-au-Renarda. Pogosti so posebni dogodki in tematske noči. Če ste navdušenec nad country glasbo, si oglejte njihovo Facebook stran in si oglejte koncerte, ki jih Apollo pogosto organizira.
  • 2 Bar La Voûte, 114, rue de la Reine, 1 418-368-0777. Z-Sa 20 PM-3AM. Še en lokal, ki je hkrati tudi prizorišče glasbe v živo: La Voûte's je bolj kot kateri koli drug oder, na katerem seznam lokalnih rock skupin na polotoku Gaspé strga svoje stvari. Od tega pisanja je vrsta nedavnih tamkajšnjih dogodkov vključevala par tribute bandov, ki so predvajali glasbo Metallice in Rage Against The Machine, lokalnega country pevca Nash Stanleyja ter številne karaoke noči in DJ plesne zabave. In četudi po nenavadnih priložnostih za določeno noč ni predviden noben dogodek, se vseeno odpravite: lokal je majhen, a dobro založen, stranke so mlade in trendovske, vibracija pa prijazna, kot je mogoče.
  • 3 Microbrasserie au Frontibus, 41, rue du Banc, 1 418-360-5153. Th-Sa 14:00 - 21:00. Frontibus, ki so ga leta 2017 odprli iz nekdanjega supermarketa v osrednjem Rivière-au-Renardu, ni izgubljal časa in postal ena najbolj plodnih obrtnih pivovarn na polotoku Gaspé s seznamom šestih piv Abbey v belgijskem slogu in angleškega sloga blond ale, katerega recepti so navdihnjeni z neukrotljivo veličastnostjo okoliške pokrajine. Zvezda oddaje je njihov 9,2-odstotni ABV "Tripel Boréale", s sadnimi in začinjenimi notami iz trio avtohtonih sestavin, znanih lokalnim prvim narodom že od nekdaj: zelena paprika iz jelše, labradorjev čaj in goba čaga. Razen prisotnosti v supermarketih, specializiranih trgovinah in barih po Quebecu je Frontibusova prodajalna in degustacijska soba odprta tri dni v tednu s pogostimi posebnimi dogodki. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini.


  • 4 Brûlerie Café des Artistes, 101, rue de la Reine, 1 418-368-3366. M-Ž 7:00 - 10:30, sobota od 8:00 do 10:30. Prva kavarna na polotoku Gaspé prodaja lastno linijo kav, pripravljenih v hiši, ne samo v domači bazi - veseli, zračni kavarni na vzhodnem koncu pasu Rue de la Reine - ampak tudi v številnih drugih trgovinah in restavracijah po regiji. Café des Artistes je veliko bolj kot kavarna, kjer lahko uživate tudi v lahkem kosilu ali večerji (jedilni meni je sestavljen iz vrste slastnih sendvičev, solat, testenin in pita pizz) in se ponovno poveže s spletnim svetom ( na voljo je internetno povezan računalniški terminal za uporabo strank in brezplačen brezžični internet povsod v nepremičnini), si oglejte delo lokalnih umetnikov (ločena soba ob jedilnici gosti stalno spreminjajoče se rotacije začasnih razstav) in si oglejte občasno glasbeno predstavo v živo. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. Kava 2–5 USD na skodelico, 15–35 USD na osebo za hrano.


Razen tam, kjer je navedeno, vse cene, navedene v teh oddelkih, veljajo za dvojno zasedenost v visoki sezoni (julij in avgust).

Hoteli in moteli

Najpogosteje posteljna postelja v teh delih pomeni prijavo v očarljivo staro gîte ali grobo obdelavo v kampu. V urbanem jedru polotoka Gaspé ni tako: tu prevladujejo tradicionalni hoteli in moteli.

Središče mesta in okolica

  • 1 Hôtel des Commandants, 178, rue de la Reine, 1 418-368-3355, brez cestnin: 1-800-462-3355. Prijava: 16.00, preveri: opoldne. Ta velik sodoben hotel, ki se nahaja tik ob ulici Rue de la Reine, je primeren za nakupovanje in obedovanje v središču Gaspéja, ampak ponuja tudi številne dodatke: v hotelu Hôtel des Commandants je vse, kar je od običajne opreme v hotelu. kot so fitnes center, masažna kad, brezplačen brezžični internet in zelena zunanja terasa, za izjemne funkcije, kot so masažni terapevt, kinodvorana in video arkada na kraju samem, in TÉTÛ Taverne Gaspésienne, ena najfinijih restavracij v mestu, ki streže vrhunske reimaginacije klasičnih gaspezijskih specialitet. Vsaka soba ima zelo udobno posteljo, televizijo z ravnim zaslonom, kavč, mizo in aparat za kavo, mnogi pa se ponašajo tudi z mikrovalovkami, mini hladilniki in prijetnim razgledom na zaliv. Dvojezično osebje. 144-199 $ na noč.
  • 2 Hôtel Plante, 137, ulica Jacques-Cartier, 1 418-368-2254, brez cestnin: 1-888-368-2254. Prijava: 15.00, preveri: 11.00. To je vsekakor bolj motel kot "hotel"; grozd nizko obešenih zgradb z modro streho, umaknjen z ulice za neopazno opečno poslovno stavbo. Ampak naj vas rinkydink videz zunanjosti ne zavede: Hôtel Plante vam ponuja verjetno največ dolarjev v katerem koli hotelu v Gaspéju, njegova osrednja lokacija v središču središča pa še bolj posladka lonec. Sobe so prostorne, čiste, udobne, presenetljivo moderne in polne udobja - standardne sobe vključujejo majhne kuhinje z mikrovalovno pečico, hladilnikom in aparatom za kavo (da, to so standard sobe, o katerih govorimo), kot tudi klimatska naprava, zasebna kopel s sušilcem za lase, likalnikom in likalno desko ter brezplačen WiFi; luksuzne sobe zamenjajo pogled na parkirišče za enega nad zalivom Gaspé in televizijo nadgradijo na ravni zaslon, apartmaji in studii pa so še vedno bolj razkošni. Zajtrka ni, ampak Tim Hortons je po ulici skupaj s številnimi drugimi restavracijskimi možnostmi. 95-145 $ na noč.
  • 3 La Maison William Wakeham, 186, rue de la Reine, 1 418-368-5537. Prijava: 16.00–21.30, preveri: opoldne. Čeprav ima le 11 sob, je La Maison William Wakeham najbližje, kar ima polotok Gaspé "velik stari hotel". Zgrajen okoli leta 1860 kot dom svojega soimenjaka, uglednega zdravnika in vladnega uradnika, ima ta lepotica v slogu Drugega cesarstva dolgo zgodovino sprejemanja popotnikov: kmalu po Wakehamovi smrti leta 1920 je drugi lastnik, ugledni lokalni hotelir John Baker je kraj spremenil v kronski dragulj svojega cvetočega imperija, toda če ste do zdaj prebrani pričakovali brezhibno razkošje, se pripravite na razočaranje: utrujene stare sobe Maison Wakehama potrebujejo ustrezne posodobitve, preden kraj lahko resnično izpelje vrhunsko izkušnjo butičnega hotela, za katerega strelja. Preproge so odrgnjene in suhe, suh vonj po pljuščih in ožičenje je električni požar, ki čaka, da se zgodi. Pozitivna stran je, da ima kraj zlatokos Lokacija, z enostavnim dostopom do mestnega vrveža preko ulice Rue de la Reine, vendar dovolj oddaljena, da gostom omogoči malo miru, terasa ponuja čudovit razgled na zaliv Gaspé, restavracija pa bolje dela projekcije luksuzno, z lahkotno eleganco in jedilnikom na osnovi lokalnih morskih sadežev. Na voljo je brezplačen brezžični internet, klimatska naprava v sobah, brezplačno parkirišče in zajtrk je vključen v ceno sobe. 125-189 USD na noč.
  • 4 Motel Adams, 20, ulica Adams, 1 418-368-6963, brez cestnin: 1-800-463-4242. Prijava: 15.00, preveri: opoldne. Prijazen, v družinski lasti Motel Adams je starejši kraj, vendar so sobe čiste, prostorne, moderne, njegova osrednja lokacija pa je dobra vrednost za vaš denar (čeprav ne tako dober kot Hôtel Plante tik v hrib). V sobah je dokaj špartanska ponudba - vsaka ima klimatsko napravo, hladilnik, kabelsko televizijo in sušilec za lase v kopalnici, nepremičnina pa ponuja brezplačen brezžični internet in pralnico gostov na kovance - a lačni popotniki lahko izbirajo med dve restavraciji na kraju samem. V hotelu je na voljo brezplačen zajtrk Restavracija Adams, restavracija v družinskem slogu s prijetno zastarelim dekorjem in obsežnim jedilnikom, ki se začne, vendar ne konča z lokalnimi morskimi sadeži, medtem ko Le Castor je bar & žar s trendovsko, a prijazno atmosfero. Motel Adams je zelo priljubljena nepremičnina - rezervirajte zgodaj, če nameravate ostati v glavni sezoni, in se na parkirišču pripravite na zapleten scenarij. Recepcija je hkrati tudi agent za prodajo vozovnic Orléans Express avtobusno omrežje. 134 USD / noč.

  • 5 Motel-Kamp Fort-Ramsay, 254, boulevard de Gaspé, 1 418-368-5094. Prijava: 14.00, preveri: 11.00. Obiskovalci Motel-Camping Fort-Ramsay se na slikoviti lokaciji, pet minut vožnje od centra mesta Gaspé, stisnjeni med celinske gore in severni del zaliva Gaspé, lahko pohvalijo s čolnom, ki ga ne bi pričakovali. poiščite na tako skromnem mestu in za tako ugodne cene: kabelsko televizijo, klimatsko napravo in majhno kuhinjo v vsaki sobi; brezplačen WiFi v celotni posesti; popolnoma dvojezično osebje; okrepčevalnica na kraju samem, otroško igrišče in igrišče za mini golf; celo zasebno plažo. Na minus strani bi sobe lahko prenovili, lokacija neposredno na cesti 132 pa ustvarja nenehni hrup na avtocesti. Poleg motela Fort-Ramsay ponuja tudi oskrbovane in neoskrbljene kampe za šotore, prikolice in avtodome. Od 82 $ na noč.

Severno obrobje

  • 6 Auberge le Caribou, 82, bulevar Renard Ouest, 1 418-269-3344, brez cestnin: 1-877-260-3344. Prijava: 16.00, preveri: opoldne. Čeprav so deli razprostranjenega kompleksa obnovljeni, ta najpomembnejši obcestni motel na zahodnem koncu Rivière-au-Renarda resnično kaže svojo starost: tanke stene in škripajoče talne deske le malo preprečujejo zvoke iz sob zgoraj ali iz sosednjih vrat. , da ne omenjam včasih grozljivih množic, ki se izlivajo iz lokala in restavracije (La Revolte) ponoči. Toda prijaznost in ustrežljivost osebja na recepciji zelo pomaga pri odpravljanju pomanjkljivosti Auberge le Caribou. Tudi pozitivna stran hotela je prijetna zunanja terasa s pogledom na lastno zasebno plažo, isti vrtljivi bar pa ponuja prijeten brezplačen zajtrk zjutraj in razkošne večerje z morskimi sadeži zvečer. Vsaka od 39 sob ima hladilnik, televizijo z ravnim zaslonom in zasebno kopalnico z brezplačnim toaletnim priborom ter sušilcem za lase, brezplačen, a ne strašno zanesljiv WiFi pokriva celotno nepremičnino. 80-123 $ / noč.
  • 7 Chalets et Motel au Gaspésien, 58, rue des Touristes, 1 418-269-3191. L'Anse-à-Valleau je kraj, kjer boste našli to prikupno, rustikalno mestece, ki ga sestavljajo majhen trosobni motel na eni strani ulice des Touristes in na drugi strani vrsta osmih prijetnih hišic, stisnjenih med ceste in obale izliva sv. Lovrenca (in pogledi so neprimerljivi). Vsaka soba ima televizijo, lastno kopalnico in dostop do zunanjega bazena in zasebne plaže, koče pa imajo tudi majhno kuhinjo. Odprto od 15. junija do 15. oktobra. 65–75 USD / noč.
  • 8 Hôtel-Motel le Pharillon, 1293, boulevard de Cap-des-Rosiers, 1 418-892-5200, brez cestnin: 1-877-909-5200. Prijava: 16.00–21.00, preveri: 11.00. Na slikoviti lokaciji pred pragom Forillona in v senci Ljubljane Najvišji kanadski svetilnik stoji ta skromni motel, iz katerega 30 sob različno ponujajo pogled na sv. Lovrenca (tiste od blizu; stavba leži neposredno na obali, lahko pa zaspite ob zvoku valov, ki treskajo pred vašim oknom) ali proti impozantne skale notranjega Gaspéja (nekoliko manj impresivno, saj gore ležijo v daljavi čez avtocesto; kot da bi nadomestili razočaranje, imajo vse sobe na tej strani stavbe čajne kuhinje z mikrovalovnimi pečicami in mini hladilniki). Sobe so osnovne, a prostorne, čiste in tihe, s prijetno urejenimi dekorji in eno zakonsko posteljo ali eno ali dvema velikima posteljama, lastno kopalnico, kabelsko televizijo in brezplačen brezžični internet. Na voljo je brezplačen zajtrk, vendar o tem ni ničesar, o čemer bi lahko pisali domov - nekaj žit, ki jih lahko izbirate, vrečke in kolački in podobno - in osebje, čeprav je prijazno in super podkovano na tem območju, ne govori zelo dobro angleško. 85–95 USD / noč.
  • 9 Motel-kamp des Ancêtres, 865, boulevard de l'Anse-à-Valleau, 1 418-355-9747. Prijava: 14.00, preveri: 11.00. Če želite prenočiti v L'Anse-à-Valleau, vendar je Au Gaspésien rezerviran, ali če je udobje, da se nahajate neposredno ob glavnem odseku, večje od neprijetnosti ob poslušanju hrupnega prometa skozi tanke stene, se obrnite naokrog vogal do Motel-Camping des Ancêtres. Ime tega kraja je približno: teh devet motelskih sob je starih, vendar ne brez določenega utrujenega šarma, z dekorjem naravnost iz časovne osnove iz sedemdesetih let in majhnimi kuhinjami, ki se bodo izkazale za koristne, ko boste ugotovili, da v kraju ni zajtrka in tudi ni katere koli bližnje restavracije. Poleg tega je seznam udobja skoraj tako redek - televizorji so velike stare škatle, ni klimatske naprave in voda v kopalnicah sploh ni pitna. Edino, kar vas opomni, v katerem stoletju ste, je brezplačen in zanesljiv WiFi. Poleg motela ponujajo tudi kampiranje, vendar se ne trudite, če niste res obupno: kampi so polni smeti in ruševin, uporaba stranišč pa stane dodatno (ja, prav ste prebrali). Na voljo je lepo igrišče za otroke. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. 85–90 USD / noč.

  • 10 Motel-Chalets Baie de Gaspé, 2097, bulevard de Grande-Grève, 1 418-892-5240, brez cestnin: 1-877-892-5152. Prijava: 16.00–21.00, preveri: 11.00. Vsaka od osmih motelskih sob v tej prenočišču Cap-aux-Os vključuje lastno kopalnico, aparat za kavo, mini hladilnik, televizijo z ravnim zaslonom in brezplačen dostop do interneta WiFi - toda res je, da je njegovo glavno prodajno mesto osupljivo panoramski razgled na zaliv Gaspé s sprednjega okna, pa tudi enostaven dostop do plaže, oddaljene le pet minut hoje. In če ste namesto tega rezervirali eno od koč na zadnjem koncu nepremičnine, ne bodite preveč razočarani zaradi pomanjkanja pogleda na ocean - čudoviti razgledi na celinske gore Forillon so skoraj tako impresivni, poleg tega pa seznam dodatnih udobja, kot so lastne čajne kuhinje in vetrovne zunanje terase. Negativna stran je, da je služba za stranke hit-and-miss in voda iz pipe ni pitna (čeprav je ustekleničena voda na voljo brezplačno). Obstaja tudi kamp soseda, ki ga vodijo isti ljudje. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. Motel sobe 104,50 USD / noč, enosobna koča 132 USD / noč, dvosobna koča 154 USD / noč.
  • 11 Motel du Haut Phare, 1334, boulevard de Cap-des-Rosiers, 1 418-892-5533, brez cestnin: 1-866-492-5533. Prijava: 15.00, preveri: 11.00. Bolj luksuzni moteli Cap-des-Rosiers: du Haut Phare ima samo 13 sob, vendar so vsi opremljeni bodisi z zakonsko posteljo bodisi z dvema zakonskima posteljama, kabelsko televizijo z ravnim zaslonom, brezplačnim brezžičnim internetom in zasebnim balkon s pogledom na prostrano izliv sv. Lovrenca (pazite na kitove in tjulnje!), večina pa ima tudi kuhinjo z mikrovalovno pečico, hladilnikom, opekačem kruha, aparatom za kavo in plinskim štedilnikom (žari so na voljo tudi tistim, ki bi raje kuhajo na prostem). Osebje je neizmerno prijazno in ustrežljivo, čudoviti zajtrki, ki jih dnevno pripravi lastnikova mama, pa so vredni dodatnih 5 USD za ceno sobe. 119-148 $ na noč.
  • 12 Motel le Noroît, 589, boulevard du Griffon, 1 418-892-5531, brez cestnin: 1-855-892-5531. Prijava: 14.00–20.00, preveri: 11.00. Edina motelna nastanitev L'Anse-au-Griffon ima deset nastanitev na obalni strani ceste 132. Le Noroît je preprosto in čudovito, a čudovito mesto, usmerjeno pravokotno na obalo, tako da pogled iz vsake sobe je kombinacija gora, pečin in vode: Gaspé na kratko. Po dolgem dnevu dogodivščin se lahko spočijete v sobi, ki je opremljena z eno ali dvema zakonskima posteljama, kabelsko televizijo, brezplačnim brezžičnim internetom, hladilnikom, mikrovalovno pečico, aparatom za kavo in lastno kadjo, ali pa se sprostite na sveži terasi in poskusite z roko pri opazovanju kitov, tjulnjev in morskih ptic ali se celo spustite po kratkem stopnišču do same obale in potopite prste v mogočnega svetega Lovrenca. Postelje so udobne; osebje je prisrčno, ustrežljivo in dvojezično in ste na pragu Forillona - kaj bi še lahko zahtevali? 85–95 USD / noč.

Južno obrobje

  • Auberge Fort-Prével, 2035, boulevard de Douglas, 1 418-368-6957. Fort-Prével je večplastno mesto: ne samo, da je v tej nekdanji obalni utrdbi iz 2. svetovne vojne zdaj glavni cilj Gaspéja igralci golfa, ponujajo pa tudi prenočišča v več različnih oblikah. To ni posebej dobra vrednost za vaš denar, če niste igralec golfa z dragim po naročilu zajtrki v restavraciji in neklimatizirane sobe brez posebnosti, vendar če iščete prijetno zeleno, priročno, a mirno lokacijo na sredini med udobjem urbanih bitij Gaspéja in turističnimi preusmeritvami Percéja , lahko temu mestu ogledate. Izbirate lahko med hotelskimi sobami z dvema zakonskima posteljama, lastno kopalnico, udobno pisalno mizo, aparatom za kavo in majhno televizijo; prostorne zasebne počitniške hiše, na voljo za nočni in tedenski najem z dvema zakonskima posteljama in majhnimi kuhinjami z jedilnimi mizami (poskrbite, da boste pospravili sami, če boste izkoristili to lastnost; nepremičnina odšteva stroge stroške čiščenja za tiste, ki tega ne umijte posodo in odnesite smeti!), popolnoma urejeni kampi za prikolice in avtodome ter bolj primitivna mesta za kampiranje šotorov. Številne hotelske sobe in vse počitniške hiše imajo pogled na ocean, gostje pa imajo dostop ne le do igrišča za golf, temveč tudi do zunanjega bazena in samotne zasebne plaže. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. Hotelske sobe 135 USD na noč, počitniške hiše 160 USD na noč ali 800 USD na teden, kampiranje šotora 30 USD na noč, kampiranje prikolic / RV 42 USD / noč.
  • 13 Motel Gaspé, 960, pot Haldimand, 1 418-368-3282. Prijava: 13.00–21.00, preveri: 11.00. Začeli bomo z minusi, preden se bomo lotili prednosti: Motel Gaspé je stara stavba, ki jo nujno potrebujejo prenove, sobe so umazane do te mere, da se sprašujete, ali sploh zaposlujejo gospodinjstvo, voda iz pipe je ni pitna (na voljo je brezplačna ustekleničena voda), se politika prepovedi kajenja rutinsko krši, če je vztrajajoč vonj znak, recepcija pa se odpre šele po poldnevu, tako da se zjutraj niti nikomur ne more pritožiti (in srečno, ko poskušate koga dobiti na telefonu). Po drugi strani pa je za tiste nekaj, ki ste pripravljeni spregledati te precej hude pomanjkljivosti, to najbližji motel, ki ga boste našli plaže v Douglastownu in Haldimandu in težko najdete cenejšo sobo kjer koli v mestu. Vse sobe vključujejo kabelsko televizijo, brezplačen brezžični internet, mikrovalovno pečico in hladilnik ali popolnoma opremljeno majhno kuhinjo, zadaj pa je prijetna terasa. 80–95 USD / noč.


Polotok Gaspé je romantičen kraj, ki je popolnoma primeren za tiste, ki iščejo miren počitek nekje, ki je poln zgodovinskega značaja, s prijaznimi in ustrežljivimi gostitelji, ki vsak dan za vas začnejo z obilnim zajtrkom in dobro poučenimi nasveti. po okolici. Tam je gîte du passant - ali samo gîte na kratko - pride noter. Sorazmerno gledano na polotoku Gaspé (če ne nujno na samem Gaspéju), gîtes so še bolj priljubljena prenočišča kot nočitev z zajtrkom (v bistvu isti koncept) so v angleško govorečem svetu. V zaselkih, ki obkrožajo narodni park Forillon, boste našli spodoben izbor, zlasti Cap-des-Rosiers.

Središče mesta in okolica

  • 14 Auberge du Saumonier, 282, montée Corte-Real, 1 418-368-2172. Prijava: 16.00–21.00, preveri: 10:30. Auberge du Saumonier ni prva stvar, ki vam pade na pamet, ko pomislite na gîte - namesto čudovite zgodovinske hiše, polne starinskega pohištva in starodavnega šarma, je rustikalna koča (ironično le 10 minut od centra mesta) in namesto parov na romantičnih počitnicah so tipični gostje tu lososovi ribiči, ki želijo potopiti svoje črte v znane vode rek Dartmouth, York in Saint-Jean. A tega mesta ne vzemite za "mankavo": gostilničarka Lisa je dekorju dodala prijeten ženski pridih, poleg tega pa vsako jutro pripravlja okusne zajtrke v podeželskem slogu in celo pomaga zabavati tiste goste, ki bi raje ostali zadaj, medtem ko je njen mož Eli ribiški vodnik na odpravah, ki jih ponujajo. Pet individualno urejenih sob za goste je v zgornjem nadstropju in vsebuje postelje različnih velikosti in številk (od dveh dvojic do enega kralja), brezplačen brezžični internet in balkone s pogledom na gore, medtem ko so skupne kopalnice, skupna soba (založena s kabelsko televizijo). in deževne dneve, kot so družabne igre), jedilnica pa je v pritličju. 127 USD / noč.
  • 15 La Normande, 19, ulica Davis, 1 418-368-5468, brez cestnin: 1-866-468-5468. Prijava: 16.00–20.00, preveri: 11.00. Če iščete čudovito eleganco pozlačene dobe, ima La Normande po razumni ceni na voljo: to je čudovit stari opečni dvorec v mirnem kotu središča mesta Gaspé, na odlični lokaciji na hribu, obkroženi s terasastim vrtom in pogled na zaliv. Stopanje v vhodna vrata je kot potovanje nazaj v čas v viktorijansko dobo: modnih lesenih izdelkov, starinskega pohištva in dodatkov ter celo starih ozadij je na pretek. Toda La Normande ima tudi sodoben pridih: vsaka soba ima kabelsko televizijo in radio z budilko, skupne kopeli vključujejo sušilce za lase, brezplačen WiFi pa se razprostira po celotni posesti. Najboljše od vsega je, da se gostilnica Chantal Leclerc, tudi pri delu, kjer lahko zvezdna služba za stranke dobesedno ustvari ali pokvari posel, odlikuje po svoji nagnjenosti k preseganju in preseganju: ne samo, da si močno prizadeva prilagoditi vsako izkušnjo gostu. potrebuje, toda tudi ona vodi tesno ladjo, s spic-and-span sobami, čim bolj udobnimi posteljami in zajtrkom, ki je uresničitev sanj lokalnega prehranjevalca, poudarjenimi z domačimi krepči, toasti in kolački z nenehno spreminjajočimi se izbor sezonskih sadnih konzerv. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. 110-130 USD / noč.

Severno obrobje

Cap-des-Rosiers je dom številnih Gaspéjevih gîtes.
  • 16 Chez Mammy, 1284, boulevard de Cap-des-Rosiers, 1 418-892-5309. Chez Mammy je najcenejša skupina grozdov gîtes v Cap-des-Rosiersu, ob vznožju najvišjega kanadskega svetilnika in na pragu narodnega parka Forillon. Tukaj je izkušnja manj tradicionalna nočitev z zajtrkom in bolj izkušnja skupne hiše s sostanovalcem. Pravzaprav je to majhna koča v velikosti pinta, ki je bila komaj preurejena iz zasebnega bivališča, ki je bilo nekoč: dve majhni spalnici, redko opremljeni s posteljo in televizijo, sta edini del zasebnosti, medtem ko si obe enoti delita kopalnica, skupna soba (opremljena z večjim televizorjem, povezanim z DVD-predvajalnikom) in jedilnica (s hladilnikom, opekačem kruha in štedilnikom). Brezžični internet je na voljo povsod v nastanitvi, gostiteljica Irène vsak dan postreže zajtrk in shrambo za kolesa. Odprto od 1. maja do 31. oktobra. Od 83 dolarjev na noč.
  • 17 Gîte Haut-Phare, 1321, boulevard de Cap-des-Rosiers, 1 418-892-5826. Prijava: 11:30, preveri: 11.00. Ne gre zamenjati z Motel du Haut Phare za ovinkom sta Gîte Haut-Phare v lasti Verna in Anne Green, prijaznega starostnega para iz Sudbury, Ontario - zato vas ni treba skrbeti glede jezikovne ovire. Pet majhnih sob za goste ima stropne ventilatorje, radijske ure in predvidljivo svetilniško, prav to kičasto dekoracijo, ki je zamisel same Ane. Na voljo je prijeten zadnji predel za sedenje s pogledom na svetilnik v prvi vrsti, brezplačen brezžični internet, lačni pa lahko uživajo ne samo v prijetnih zajtrkih v podeželskem slogu, ki jih gostitelji kuhajo zjutraj, ampak tudi v sprehajalni stojnici za sladoled. Na minus strani so vzmetnice na posteljah neprijetno mehke in se pripravite na čakanje v vrsti za uporabo kopalnice v zasedenih dneh: prostor spi do 14 ljudi, kar je malo, če si delite eno polno in pol kopel. Odprto od junija do septembra. 95 USD / noč.
  • 18 Lumière sur le Golfe, 1325, boulevard de Cap-des-Rosiers, 1 418-892-1325. Prijava: 16.00, preveri: 10:00. Ljubitelji svetilnikov, poslušajte: to je primerno poimenovano gîte je najbližje, do katerega lahko zakonito pridete neposredno spat v svetilnik Cap-des-Rosiers: ravno na dvorišču je! Lumière sur le Golfe veliko dela na svoji mirni, urejeni lokaciji stran od vrveža v središču mesta Gaspé, in res je: ni boljšega kraja za počitek kot na zadnji terasi pred panoramskim pogledom na svetilnik in morsko obalo ter tri sobe za goste osvežujoče motijo ​​udobje, ki vsebuje le udobne postelje, zračne prostore, isti pogled na morje in privlačna imena, kot sta "À couper le souffle" ("Dih jemajoče") in "Dans les bras de Morphée" ( "V naročju Morpheusa"). Po drugi strani pa to ne pomeni, da se na tem območju ne da narediti nič drugega, kot da se sprostite - ne pozabite, da ste na pragu narodnega parka Forillon - in če res imeti za povezavo z zunanjim svetom je na voljo brezplačen brezžični internet v celotnem posestvu in televizija v skupni sobi za tiste deževne dni. Skupna kopalnica vključuje sušilec za lase, zajtrk pa skorajda na prostem izkušnja: ogromna jedilnica je s treh strani obdana z okni! Odprto od sredine junija do sredine oktobra. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. 85-105 $ na noč.
  • 19 Le Meilleur des 2 Mondes, 689, boulevard de Forillon, 1 418-892-5133. Prijava: 16:30 - 19:00, preveri: 11.00. Ena od teh stvari ni podobna drugim: Le Meilleur des 2 Mondes boste našli na nasprotni strani Forillona od druge gîtes v tem delu prikladno do plaž in sprehajalnih poti La Penouille pa tudi le deset minut vožnje z avtomobilom od centra mesta (morda je to pomen njegovega imena, kar pomeni "Najboljše iz obeh svetov"). Morda bolj kot kateri koli lokalni gostilničarji gostitelji Danièle in Laurent resnično živita in dihata La Gaspésie: njuna ljubezen do regije, ki jo imenujejo dom, je očitna in uživajo v tem, da gostom poiščejo informacije o stvareh, ki jih morajo početi. v lokalnem okolju ali preprosto pripovedovanje zgodb o življenju tukaj na "koncu sveta". Po drugi strani pa znajo tudi hoditi po vrvi prijaznosti in ustrežljivosti, ne da bi bili pretirani. V sklopu nastanitve so tri sobe: barvna tematika "La Rouge sur Baie" ("Bayside Red") in "La Verte Pommeraie" ("Apple Orchard Green") imata zakonsko posteljo in skupno kopalnico, pri čemer se lahko pohvali tudi slednja kotni umivalnik in raztegljiv kavč; medtem je "Le Bas-côté" ("Spodnja stran") luksuzna suita za celo družino z zakonsko posteljo, dvema enojnima posteljama in futonom ter lastno kopalnico in kuhinjo, ki so na voljo na zahtevo. doplačilo (podrobnosti vprašajte pri rezervaciji). Brezplačen WiFi pokriva celotno nepremičnino, zajtrki, ki jih postrežejo vsak dan med 7.30 in 9.00, pa se nenehno spreminjajo v prijetne domače specialitete. Minimalno bivanje je dve noči de rigueur v visoki sezoni (od 1. julija do 15. septembra). Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. 85-115 $ na noč.
  • 20 Pétales de Rose, 1184, boulevard de Cap-des-Rosiers, 1 418-892-5031. Prijava: 14.00, preveri: 10:00. Pétales de Rose nadoknadi svojo lokacijo nekoliko dlje od svetilnika, tako da ponuja številne dobrine, ki so veliko širše, kot jih boste našli v drugih Cap-des-Rosiers gîtes: tri sobe za goste vsebujejo televizorje in vse se ponašajo s pogledom na ocean, skupna soba ima večji televizor, pa tudi delujoč kamin za tiste nežne gaspezijske noči, otroci niso le dovoljeni, ampak so prijazno nameščeni z majhnim igriščem zunaj, dve skupni kopalnici oba vsebujeta sušilce za lase, na voljo pa sta tudi brezplačna shramba za kolesa in brezžični internet. Okusnost domačih pekovskih izdelkov in krepkost kombinacij jajc in mesa, ki jih postrežejo za zajtrk, sta še toliko bolj posrečena glede na absolutno pomanjkanje bližnjih restavracij. Omejeno znanje lastnika angleščine je edina manjša prepirica. Odprto od maja do oktobra. 90 USD / noč.

Južno obrobje

  • 21 Le Phénix, 55, boulevard de York Est, 1 418-368-4355. Prijava: 15.00–19.00, preveri: 11.00. Čeprav Sylvie Hamel zelo rada govori o njeni sproščujoči tišini gîteLe Phénix je na južni obali zaliva mimo pristanišča resnično najboljši scenarij z obeh svetov: panoramski pogled na mestne luči čez vodo, ki ga lahko uživate s te nepremičnine na hribu, služi kot opozorilo, da je velika mestna akcija (razmeroma gledano) v središču mesta Gaspé oddaljena le tri minute vožnje. Tri sobe za goste tega kraljevskega dvorca, zgrajenega sredi 19. stoletja, se še vedno ponašajo z imeni podružnice ugledne družine Le Boutillier, ki je tu živela že zdavnaj: "Gertrude Le Boutillier" gleda na dvoriščno teraso in je opremljeno z zakonsko posteljo, dvema komodama in pari stolov; "John Le Boutillier" ima vse našteto, poleg tega pa še omaro, prtljažnik in par oblazinjenih stolov s krili namesto trdih, "Antoine Panchaud" pa posteljo kraljice nadgradi na kralja. Poleg tega imajo vse sobe pisalne mize, par nočnih omaric, brezžični internet, televizijo z ravnim zaslonom in zasebne kopalnice (nekatere z lastno kopalnico, nekatere po hodniku) s sušilci za lase. Najboljše od vsega je, da je Hamel dovršena hostesa, navdušena tako nad zgodovino stavbe kot tudi umetnostjo storitve za stranke, ogromni zajtrki, ki jih pripravlja, pa vas bodo "napajali dneve", kot je dejal en kritik. 125-135 USD / noč.

Počitniške hiše in počitniške hiše

Medtem ko so hoteli in moteli najbolj priljubljena nastanitev v središču mesta, in gîtes ponavadi se združujejo na severnem obrobju proti Forillonu, počitniške hiše prevladujejo južno od centra mesta. Če iščete priročno domačo bazo med Gaspéjem in Percéjem, preberite naprej.

Severno obrobje

  • 22 Les Cabines sur Mer, 1257, boulevard de Cap-des-Rosiers, 1 418-892-5777. Prijava: 16.00–19.00, preveri: 11.00. Če prihajate iz ene izmed tistih evropskih držav, kjer je vse majhno, se boste verjetno počutili kot doma, ko boste bivali v Les Cabines sur Mer: ena ali dve zakonski postelji sta približno vse, kar lahko vtaknete v spalnice standardnih velikosti. kuhinjo in kopalnico v velikosti poštne znamke. V nasprotnem primeru se lahko odločite za enega bolj prostornih dvosobnih "bungalovov" s polno opremljenimi kuhinjami (še vedno blizu četrti, vendar dovolj veliki, da dejansko pripravite hrano) ali pa se potolažite z dejstvom, da so enote brezhibno čiste , pogled na vodo je čudovit, gostitelja Marc in Chantal pa sta prijazna, ustrežljiva in vedno prisotna kot kdaj koli drugje gîte. "Utesnjeno" je tudi dober način, kako opisati način, kako je teh šest koč stisnjenih v priležen pas zemlje med cesto 132 in obalo sv. Lovrenca na poti do Cap-des-Rosiers: skoraj so neposredno na ob cesti (vzporedno parkirišče je de rigueur for want of a lot, which makes for a precarious situation getting into and out of your car). Luckily, things usually quiet down enough after dark that traffic noise isn't an issue — guests report being lulled into dreamland by the crashing of the waves far more often than being kept awake by cars. Aside from the aforementioned, amenities include flat-screen TVs with cable, free WiFi, and a pleasant outdoor sitting area with picnic benches and a barbecue grill. Open mid-May through late September. $70-85/night.
  • Chalets du Parc, 1231, boulevard de Forillon, 1 418-892-5873, toll-free: 1-866-892-5873. Prijava: 16.00, preveri: 11AM. The aptly named Chalets du Parc comprise 32 detached cottages arranged in two equally aptly named clusters about 2 km (1½ miles) apart from each other on opposite sides of Route 132, on the north shore of Gaspé Bay near the entrance to Forillon. The cottages of the 23 Chalets du Parc — Bord de la Baie cluster are smaller, cheaper, and a bit further from the action, but boast a panoramic view of downtown Gaspé from their waterfront location, not to mention bedrooms with a bed and a pull-out sofa, en suite bathroom, TV, free WiFi Internet, firepit, and access to a small private beach. Meanwhile, if a day on the beach at La Penouille is in the offing, you'll want to check out the larger and more luxurious accommodations at 24 Chalets du Parc — Plage de Penouille, located directly across the street from the main parking area of the national park: spacious two-, three-, and four-bedroom cottages with all the aforementioned amenities plus fully stocked kitchens (including pots, pans and silverware!) and full bathrooms. About the only bad thing you could say about this place is the TVs don't have cable (but who wants to veg out in front of a video screen in a place like this?) and the bugs tend to get inside. Open May 10 through October 15; 6-night minimum stay from July 16 through August 20, 3 nights minimum from June 23 through July 15, and 2 nights minimum at all other times. $150-270/night.
  • 25 Les Chalets Forillon, 85, chemin du Portage, 1 418-892-0175. Prijava: 16.00, preveri: opoldne. At least for the time being, the plural "chalets" is a misnomer: the smaller of the two units onsite at this L'Anse-au-Griffon property ("La Libellule") has been unavailable for rental since 2016. That leaves "La Chanterelle", a two-storey cottage that sleeps six with a bedroom and a bathroom on each floor, which friendly owners Françoise Tétreault and Stéphane Morissette have outfitted with a double bed in each as well as a pullout sofa and bunk beds on the upper and lower floors respectively. There's also a spacious living room with a TV and DVD player (make sure to bring some discs of your own, as there's no cable or satellite service), WiFi Internet, a fully stocked second-floor kitchen and dining room, and a barbecue grill outdoors. Payment is accepted in cash only, and a 3-night minimum stay applies. $150/night or $845/week.
  • 26 [mrtva povezava]Maison Madame Alain, 732, boulevard du Griffon, 1 418-892-0122. Operated as an ordinary gîte up through the 2017 season, after the semi-retirement of its owners this former country general store just outside L'Anse-au-Griffon (still named in honour of its longtime shopkeeper) has made the transition to a weekly vacation rental, without any hosts onsite serving breakfast but still boasting the same off-the-beaten-path privacy, verdant tranquility, and resplendent view over the St. Lawrence as before. With four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a fully-stocked kitchen, washer and dryer, TV and DVD player, WiFi Internet, and a working fireplace, Maison Madame Alain is a true, full-fledged home away from home. Open year-round, with a one-week minimum stay from June 23 through September 1 and 3 nights minimum at all other times (discounted rates offseason, too). Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. $1,050/week.
  • 27 Ode à la Mer, 688, boulevard de Forillon, 1 418-368-9727. Ode à la Mer is a cozy little cabin, just 53 m² (576 square feet) in area and with only a double bed and a pull-out sofa: the perfect place to escape from the madding crowds in a quiet bayside location near La Penouille, yet only a 10-minute drive from downtown. The wood-panelled walls, rustic furniture, and wood-burning stove in the living room lend this place an appropriately woodsy ambience that's further enhanced when you discover the pleasant outdoor sitting area in back, with a charming firepit and a view through the trees over the water. Aside from that, you've got one full and one half bathroom, a full kitchen with stove, fridge, microwave, toaster, coffeemaker, crockery, and utensils, and WiFi Internet (no TV, though). Open May 15 through November 15, with a one-week minimum stay through September 16 and 3 nights minimum thereafter. $750/week.

Southern outskirts

  • 28 Aux Galets Doux, 13, rue de l'Anse-à-Brillant, 1 418-360-7006. One of a pair of cottages you'll find nestled in a quiet, off-the-beaten-path waterfront location in L'Anse-à-Brillant, Aux Galets Doux consists of a spacious cottage and an even more spacious house that together sleep 13 — you can rent one or the other or both simultaneously. Both of these adjacent units contain two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen fully stocked with appliances, cookware, plates, glasses, and silverware, a living room with satellite TV and DVD player, WiFi Internet, access to laundry facilities, a rear balcony equipped with a barbecue grill, a delightful airy ambience, and a stunning view over Gaspé Bay and out to Forillon. On top of that, the house also has a finished basement with another TV. Best of all, the trail out back leads to a lovely private beach! $275/night or $675/week for cottage only (minimum stay 1 week between August 4 and 24, 3 days all other times); $1,750/week for house and cottage (minimum stay 1 week at all times).
  • 29 Cap Soleil, 11, rue de l'Anse-à-Brillant, 1 581-888-3912. Prijava: 16.00, preveri: 11AM. You'll find Cap Soleil right next door to Aux Galets Doux, with the same tranquil isolation, breathtaking views, simple but tasteful decor, and easy access to L'Anse-à-Brillant's beach and fishing harbour. As for the place itself, it's not quite as big as its neighbour: upstairs at this typical Gaspesian country house are only two bedrooms, with one queen and two double beds respectively, plus a full bathroom with a tub, while downstairs you'll find a living room (with cable TV, DVD player and wood-burning stove), a kitchen (fully equipped with stove, refrigerator, toaster, microwave, and cookware), and another bathroom. WiFi Internet, access to laundry facilities, and an outdoor firepit round out the list of amenities. However, if you're travelling with young kids, Cap Soleil is the superior option in L'Anse-à-Brillant: contact Sarah, the friendly owner, and she'll set you up with a high chair, crib, baby gate, stroller, and other accessories to help your little ones stay safe and make the most of their vacation too. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. $1,400/week.
  • 30 Chalets du Bout du Monde, 1141, route Haldimand, 1 418-368-0042. Prijava: 14.00, preveri: 11AM. If you're a summertime visitor looking for a place to stay that's near the beaches south of town yet you rue the thought of setting foot in the nightmarish Motel Gaspé, relief is at hand in the form of this octet of charming waterfront cottages just a little further away. The "Cottages at the End of the World" really pack in the amenities: each one has two bedrooms with four smallish but comfy beds between them (plus a pull-out couch in the living room), a fully stocked kitchen (complete with espresso machine and electric fondue plate!), cable TV with DVD player, WiFi Internet, barbecue grill, and outdoor firepit — and the luxurious Cottage #5 ("Mikmak") also has a Jacuzzi tub. The friendly management provides each visitor not only with a raft of blankets and towels for their days on the beach, but also complimentary kayak and mountain bike rental (first come, first served) and, in wintertime, snowshoe rental. The only complaint guests commonly lodge about this well-regarded place is that the buildings' thin walls do little to keep out the loud squawking of the seabirds that frequent the adjacent Douglastown Bay — though if you're into birdwatching, you're in luck! A one-week minimum stay length applies between June 29 and September 2. $1,295/week.
  • 31 Chalets du 1925, 1925, boulevard de Douglas, 1 418-750-9530. Named for their address on boulevard de Douglas on the road toward Percé, these three cottages are attached in a row, townhouse-style, and are way more spacious than they look from outside. Each one contains two double beds, a private en suite bathroom, a large kitchen and dining room with stove, fridge and microwave, cable TV and WiFi Internet, and huge windows that let in ample natural light and provide an expansive view of the mouth of Gaspé Bay where it meets the larger Gulf of St. Lawrence. Out back there's a pleasant shoreline sitting area centred on a large firepit, perfect for roasting marshmallows on a nippy night. Open May through September. $85-90/night.


Relative to neighbouring towns, Gaspé has a surprising paucity of campgrounds. If none of the options listed here are to your liking, check out what Forillon National Park has to offer.

  • 32 Camping Baie de Gaspé, 2107, boulevard de Grande-Grève, 1 418-892-5503, toll-free: 1-844-363-5503. Prijava: 13.00, preveri: 11AM. Owned by the same people who run Motel-Chalets Baie de Gaspé next door, this Cap-aux-Os camping destination encompasses over 100 sites for trailers and RVs (fully serviced with water, electricity and sewer) as well as about a dozen unserviced tent sites that are perfect for those looking for a more primitive experience without completely giving up their creature comforts, situated in various milieux from fully shaded to out in the open with a panoramic view of the bay. Other amenities include a community room with games and kitchen facilities, a brand new complex of washrooms and shower facilities, free WiFi, and a public phone out front. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. Open June through September. Per night/week: $26/$156 for unserviced sites; $39/$234 for serviced sites with 30-ampere electric connections, $45/$276 for 50 amperes.
  • 33 Camping des Appalaches, 367, montée de Rivière-Morris, 1 418-269-7775, toll-free: 1-866-828-7775. An aptly named campground if there ever was one, this complex of 129 sites for camper vans and RVs is situated in an out-of-the-way location between the Morris River and Route 197, amid the mountainous inland spine of the peninsula and just a stone's throw from the Mednarodna apalaška pot's Forillon access point. Oscar, the friendly bilingual owner, will be more than happy to help you choose from fully serviced, semiserviced (with electricity and water but no sewer), or a handful of unserviced tent sites — and if you don't have any of those at your disposal, they even have a couple of campers for rent (call for rates and availability). Just past the entrance is a large common building containing most of the camp's amenities (washrooms with showers, coin laundry, a lounge with a selection of arcade games, convenience store, and a heated saltwater pool just behind the building); just beyond that is a basketball court, horseshoe pitch, and a small playground for the youngsters. Free WiFi, too. Open June through September. $27-37/night.
  • 34 Camping Gaspé, 1029, route Haldimand, 1 418-368-4800. Prijava: 13.00, preveri: opoldne. If camping and the beach sound like the perfect combination to you, head down to the shore of Douglastown Bay where these 53 well-shaded trailer and RV campsites lie only 2 km (1¼ miles) from the salt-and-pepper sands of Haldimand Beach. Unserviced, semi-serviced and fully serviced sites are all available (the latter two options come with 30 amperes of electricity), and other amenities include a laundry room, playground, free WiFi, a number of community firepits (wood is available for purchase at the front office), a horseshoe pitch, and even kayak and canoe rental. Best of all, if you're a large party who might otherwise need to book two or more spots, you can potentially save money by opting for the one trailer they have available for rent ($750/week in July and August, $700/week in June and September) that manages to sleep seven thanks to a sofa, dinette and bedroom table that all convert to beds to complement the queen-sized one in the master bedroom and the bunk beds in the smaller one. Strictly enforced "quiet hours" from 11PM to 7AM ensure a relaxing night's sleep for all. Open June through September. Unserviced sites from $24.35/night; semi-serviced from $28.70/$31.31 per night for tents and RVs respectively; fully serviced from $34.78/night.
  • 35 Camping Griffon, 421, boulevard du Griffon, 1 418-892-5938, toll-free: 1-877-892-5938. Prijava: opoldne, preveri: 11AM. You might call Griffon the Ryanair of Gaspé campgrounds: it can be a good value for the money for those who mind their P's and Q's with regard to the sometimes picayune regulations, but more freewheeling types should be prepared to get nickel-and-dimed at every turn with extra fees: $3 to book over the phone rather than online, 25¢ for a paltry two and a half minutes in the shower, and a hefty $12 cancellation fee (or a full night's rate if you do so with less than 48 hours' notice!) Thankfully, the standard of customer service is where the analogy ends: the care the friendly bilingual staff takes with campers is anything but shoddy; rather, it's everything you'd expect from a third-generation family-owned business that folks have been coming back to year after year since 1969. 75 tree-shaded campsites for tents, camper vans, and RVs come with varying levels of service and a prime clifftop location right on the St. Lawrence in L'Anse-au-Griffon, with immaculately clean washrooms, showers and laundry facilities in the main building, a kitchen shelter, free and reliable WiFi, a playground for the kids, facilities for basketball, horseshoes, and other games, and access to the beach via a 75-step staircase. Open June through September. Sites with water from $28/night; with water and electricity from $33/night; fully serviced from $39/night.

Backcountry camping

Sépaq, Quebec's provincial park and wildlife service, maintains a provincewide network of 35 unserviced campsites and shelters that are open by prior reservation to hikers on the Mednarodna apalaška pot. In all cases, these sites are open from June 24 through October 11, full payment must be made in advance, and hikers should have their ID and proof of reservation on hand at all times to show to any officials who may happen by. Hikers must bring all their own supplies, including sleeping bags, mattresses, flashlights, toilet paper, matches, and cooking and eating utensils, and clean up after themselves upon departure. A portable cookstove might also be a good idea, as fires are allowed only in specified areas, and only if forest fire danger is listed as low or moderate. In addition, all sites are located near a water source, but said water might not be potable; best practice is to boil thoroughly before drinking.

There are three Sépaq IAT shelters within the city of Gaspé (not including those in Narodni park Forillon). From west to east, they are:

  • 36 Refuge du Zéphir (about 1 km/0.6 miles east of Pointe-à-la-Renommée). Prijava: 3PM, preveri: 10AM. If a relaxing evening watching the sun set over the mighty St. Lawrence sounds like your ideal way to cap off a long day of backpacking, pencil in a night's stay at Le Zéphir. This sturdy wooden shelter atop a seaside cliff near L'Anse-à-Valleau sleeps up to 8 people in a quartet of bunk beds, has a wood-burning stove for heating (bring or chop your own firewood), and there's a dry pit toilet on site. $23/night per person.
  • 37 Abri et Camping des Carrières (about 1km/0.6 miles east of chemin du Lac-Brillant). Prijava: 3PM, preveri: 10AM. With fewer amenities than the other two sites on this list and a true backcountry location deep in the interior wilderness, Les Carrières is for those who are looking to really rough it. Accommodation here takes two forms: a small three-walled lean-to shelter that sleeps four to six, as well as a pair of 3.7 m square (12 feet 3 inches square) wooden platforms where you can pitch tents. There's also a dry toilet and a 4-m (13-foot) "bear pole" on which to hang food out of reach of bears and other wildlife. $5.75/night per person to pitch a tent; $17.25/night per person for lean-to shelter.
  • 38 Refuge de l'Érablière (about 8km/5 miles west of Route 197). Prijava: 3PM, preveri: 10AM. With room for eight people on bunk beds, L'Érablière is an enclosed wooden shelter with the exact same slate of amenities as Le Zéphir, but in a much more remote location than either of Gaspé's other IAT shelters, an 8-km (5-mile) hike from the nearest road. $23/night per person.

Hostels and guesthouses

Rounding out the gamut of lodging options in Gaspé is a pretty respectable range of hostels and accommodations of a similar bent.

  • 39 Auberge de Douglastown, 28, avenue Saint-Patrick, 1 418-368-0288. Prijava: 2PM-7PM, preveri: opoldne. It bears emphasizing: the Auberge de Douglastown is a place to stay when you want to save money, not enjoy a sumptuous luxury experience. Don't misunderstand — this slightly off-the-beaten-path hostel in the heart of Gaspé's old Irish neighbourhood has a friendly staff, clean and spacious rooms, and generally gets the job done in its spartan way — but the sparsely furnished rooms and gloomy shared bathrooms and group showers definitely give off an institutional "boarding school" ambience. Choose from a bunk bed in the mixed-gender dorms or the privacy of an individual or family room, but if you're a light sleeper, bring earplugs because the beds are not secured to the floor (and the private rooms are no escape from the nightly creaking and cracking; these thin walls let in every little noise). That being said, the slate of amenities is fairly impressive given the price point: the common room has a TV and books, the windows are tiny but boast an impressive view over Douglastown Bay, the free WiFi is fast and reliable, continental breakfast included in the room rate is a nice touch, and best of all, the huge institutional kitchen in the adjacent Douglas Community Centre is a godsend once you realize there are no nearby restaurants or grocery stores. (And speaking of the community centre: if you're arriving in late July or early August, you're in for a treat.) $27.83/night for dorm bed, $50/65/75/85 per night for 1/2/3/4 people in private rooms.

  • 40 Auberge Griffon Aventure, 829, boulevard du Griffon, 1 418-360-6614. Prijava: 14.00, preveri: opoldne. More than just a hostel; more, in fact, than just a place to sleep at night: Auberge Griffon Aventure is a multifaceted experience with so much to offer that it's a struggle to contain it all in this listing. The focus here is on a sustainable, eco-friendly tourism experience: the Gaspé Peninsula is a magnificent natural wonderland, and with such measures as water-saving toilets and buildings constructed using upcycled wood, Griffon Aventure's owners are doing their part to help keep it that way. And it's not for nothing that "adventure" is a part of this place's name: the young, friendly, and energetic staff leads guests and the general public on fun-filled fishing in canyoneering expeditions, as well as other fun activities you won't find at your average lodging around these parts. And if you're not up for adrenaline-pumping action, don't worry: the place's magnificent setting — perched at the top of a seaside cliff in L'Anse-au-Griffon with a panoramic view over the St. Lawrence estuary (take a long but rewarding climb down the stairs to get to the private beach) — is great for relaxing and unwinding. As for accommodation, it takes myriad forms: dorm rooms are co-ed and include a reading light and power outlet for each bed; private rooms and cottages come in various sizes and bedding configurations and have heat, electricity, and (in most cases) kitchenettes, bedding, and private patios with barbecue grill; camping can mean anything from serviced RV sites to primitive tent camping in the woods to souped-up "prospector tents" for glampers with electricity, heat and kitchenettes. You can even sleep on a converted fishing boat. Washrooms, showers, and kitchen facilities are available at the lounge, which also boasts a bar with pool table, foosball, and Québécois craft beers on tap. There's free WiFi in the lodging areas, bike rental, a firepit, etc. etc. ad infinitum. Auberge Griffon Aventure is affiliated with Hostelling International (HI). Open May 4 through October 14. Dorm beds $25/night, private rooms $65-70/night, private cottages $100-140/night, tent campsites $15/night, camper/RV sites $18/night, "prospector tents" $90/night.
  • 41 Auberge Internationale Forillon, 2095, boulevard de Grande-Grève, 1 418-892-5153, toll-free: 1-877-892-5153. Prijava: 10AM, preveri: 10AM. On tap at this friendly place overlooking Gaspé Bay, a three-minute walk from Cap-aux-Os Beach and three minutes by car from the south entrance to its namesake national park, is a classic, old-school hostel experience, complete with a laid-back "hippie" vibe courtesy of the amiable Gilles and his welcoming staff. At Auberge Internationale Forillon you can choose from a bed in a mixed-gender dorm which includes bedding, or else opt for one of a limited number of private rooms which come sparsely furnished with bed, chair and table. In all cases, bathrooms are shared (there's one on each floor, small and equally as minimalistically appointed as the bedrooms; bring your own towels), with free but not terribly reliable WiFi as well as laundry facilities and a fully equipped and stocked communal kitchen in the basement. Plus, if you're looking to further economize beyond the already-reasonable prices, you can pitch a tent on the lawn out back. Open May through October. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. $30/night for dorm bed, $35/night for private room (plus $10 per night for each additional person), $15/night for tent camping.
  • 42 Auberge La Petite École de Forillon, 1826, boulevard Forillon, 1 418-892-5451, toll-free: 1-844-762-5451. Prijava: 3PM-5PM, preveri: 11AM. Pull your car up the driveway past the expansive children's playground and toward the cheery red-brick building and it's obvious that the name of this place is to be taken literally: La Petite École de Forillon was indeed once an elementary school, and judging by the odd layout of the building and the institutional ambience, not so much has changed. This smaller but better-appointed of Cap-aux-Os' two hostels boasts ten private rooms plus an eight-bed, mixed-gender dorm, which each share three fully equipped kitchens, laundry facilities, a fitness centre, a common room with flat-screen TV, free WiFi, and a large game room with foosball, ping-pong, and pool tables. Out back there's a manicured garden with picnic area and firepit, and even a skating rink for wintertime guests. Best of all, all those fun amenities, plus the aforementioned playground, combine with a clientele that skews older and less rowdy than your typical party-hearty backpacker crowd to make this place a good option for families with kids and other types of people who wouldn't normally consider staying at a hostel. Just don't come expecting to sleep in the lap of luxury: the rooms, while comfy enough, are sparsely furnished and dimly lit, and the scenario presented by the bathrooms is not much better (think along the lines of threadbare towels). Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. $29/night per person for dorm bed, from $60/night per person for private rooms.
  • 43 Polotok Gaspé in Collegeles de la Madeleine Community College (Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles), 94, rue Jacques-Cartier, 1 418-368-2749. During summer break (roughly mid-June through mid-August), the downtown Gaspé campus of the regional cégep offers up their student residence facilities to travellers passing through. Accommodation is available either in pavilion-style dorms (with one or two beds, a work desk, and shared bathroom and shower facilities) or else in private apartments that sleep up to eight people (with en suite bath and kitchenettes equipped with stove, fridge, dishes, and dining table and chairs; bring your own silverware and cooking utensils). Whichever you choose, all guests are also provided with bedding and towels, and have access to free WiFi, foosball and pool tables in the student lounges, and coin laundry. $50/65 per night for single/double dorm room, from $110/140 per night for private apartment (3 night minimum).
  • 44 La Merluche, 202, rue de la Reine, 1 418-368-8000. Prijava: 4PM-9PM, preveri: 11AM. If a central location is what you're after in a hostel, head to the far west end of rue de la Reine to get to this sprawling old house on the edge of downtown, wherein you'll find the usual selection of dorm beds, individual rooms, and even an entire private apartment. If you chose one of the former two options, prepare for what is (despite some pretty nifty antique furniture and snazzy hardwood floors) a relatively spartan affair: dorms are little more than two side-by-side, not-terribly-comfortable bunk beds separated by a small night stand, while private rooms are an only marginally more elaborate affair with a work desk and small dresser to store your clothes. Either way, bathrooms are shared, bedding is provided for you, there's free WiFi on the whole property as well as a community computer for wired Internet access, a homey communal kitchen that looks little changed from the days when this place was a private residence, a cozy common room with TV, and a rear terrace with an outdoor foosball table. The private apartment is another story entirely, with its own kitchen, bathroom, sitting room with futon for extra guests, and even a separate entrance onto rue Davis. The friendly staff speaks English, French, and Spanish. Open June through August. Spletno mesto samo v francoščini. $30/47.84 for single/double dorm bed, $65.23/82.65 for private room that sleeps two/three, $100 for private apartment.

Povežite se

Gaspé, along with the rest of the peninsula, is served by area codes 418 and 581. Ten-digit dialling is mandatory for local calls, so to reach a number within Gaspé or the immediate vicinity, it's still necessary to dial the area code first. To call long-distance within Canada or to the United States, dial 1, then the area code, then the number. For international calls, dial 011, then the country code, then the city code (if applicable), then the number.

Gaspé's main post office is located downtown in the 8 Frédérica Giroux Building(Immeuble Frédérica-Giroux) at 98, rue de la Reine, and is open weekdays 8:30AM-5:30PM. Branch post offices can be found in Cap-aux-Os, Cap-des-Rosiers, Douglastown, Fontenelle, L'Anse-à-Valleau, Petit-Cap, Rivière-au-Renard, Saint-Maurice-de-l'Échouerie, and York Centre.

Spopadite se


Le Pharillon is a free weekly newspaper covering local news, culture, sports, and events in Gaspé and the neighbouring cities of Percé, Chandler, in Grande-Vallée.

Health care

9 Bolnišnica Gaspé(Hôpital de Gaspé) is just outside of downtown at 215, boulevard de York Ouest.

Pojdi naprej

Cap-Gaspé Lighthouse(Phare du Cap-Gaspé) is one of the landmarks of Forillon National Park, perched at the very outermost tip of the Gaspé Peninsula.
  • While the points of interest listed in this article are all well worth your time, it would be a shame to leave Gaspé without experiencing its most prominent tourist attraction by far: Narodni park Forillon. Though inside the city limits, Forillon seems a world away: 242 km² (94 square miles) of rugged forest sandwiched between Gaspé Bay and the St. Lawrence Estuary, with a mind-boggling diversity of landscapes and ecosystems packed inside. Hikers, nature lovers, whale-watchers, watersports enthusiasts, and even history buffs will all find something of interest here at the bout du monde (end of the world).
  • Just south of here you'll find Percé, an unabashed tourist town that's the perfect antidote to Gaspé's button-down, all-business vibe. Rather than the hustle and bustle of urban life (or as close as you can come to that around these parts), on tap in Percé are all the souvenir shops, ice cream stands, and miscellaneous touristy bric-a-brac you could want — not to mention Percé Rock(Rocher Percé), the iconic arch-shaped rock formation that's the Gaspé Peninsula's main tourist draw by far, and which, together with the seabird haven of Bonaventure Island(Île Bonaventure), make up yet another entry in the region's roster of national parks.
  • Heading the other way along Route 132? The next major town, about two hours' drive away, is Sainte-Anne-des-Monts. Here in the Zgornji Gaspé's main population centre, salmon fishermen who were impressed by their catches in the Saint-Jean and the Dartmouth will find more of the same along the Sainte-Anne River, kitesurfers flock to the windswept Cartier Beach(Plage Cartier), and the annual Driftwood Festival(Fête du Bois Flotté) is an end-of-summer haven for sculptors working in an offbeat medium. However, Sainte-Anne-des-Monts is best known to tourists as the gateway to...
  • Gaspésie National Park, the rooftop of the Gaspé Peninsula, perched at the summit of its highest interior mountains about half an hour south of Sainte-Anne-des-Monts via Route 299. If you thought the Gaspé portion of the Mednarodna apalaška pot was remote, wait till you get a load of the Grande Traversée, a 100-km (62-mile) backcountry adventure that passes through the territory of the only remaining caribou herd south of the Saint Lawrence on its way to Mont Jacques-Cartier, the highest peak in the Chic-Chocs. And if you're a skier who (understandably) found Mont-Béchervaise less than impressive, you can hit the slopes here in five separate ski and snowboard areas.
Routes through Gaspé
RimouskiPercé W VIA Rail Montreal Gaspe icon.png E KONEC
RimouskiNarodni park Forillon W Qc132.svg E PercéRimouski
Rimouski prek Qc132.svgMurdochville W Qc198.svg E KONEC
Ta vodnik po mestu Gaspé ima vodnik stanje. It has a variety of good, quality information including hotels, restaurants, attractions and travel details. Prosimo, prispevajte in nam pomagajte, da to naredimo zvezda !