Teheran - Tehran

Teheran (piše se tudi teheran) (Perzijsko: تهران), je glavno mesto Iran. Živahno velemesto s 14 milijoni prebivalcev leži ob vznožju visokega pogorja Alborz.

Zračni pogled na Teheran


Teheran je svetovljansko mesto z odličnimi muzeji, parki, restavracijami in toplimi prijaznimi ljudmi. Zasluži si vsaj nekaj dni vašega iranskega načrta potovanja.

Mesto lahko približno razdelimo na dva dela - severni in južni. Severna okrožja Teherana so bolj uspešna, moderna, svetovljanska in dražja, medtem ko so južni deli manj privlačni, a cenejši.

V času dinastije Zand je bilo to malo mesto, ki je bilo s strateškega vidika pomembno. Prvi od kraljev Qajar, Agha Mohammed Khan, je Teheran leta 1778 imenoval za prestolnico države, večina njegove rasti pa se je začela v času vladavine naslednjega monarha Qajarja, Fath-Ali Shaha. Grad, ki ga je zgradil Agha Mohammed Khan, naj bi vseboval nove veličastne zgradbe.

Hkrati se je število prebivalcev v mestu podvojilo. Zaradi naraščajočega pomena mesta so bila zgrajena vrata, trgi in mošeje in ravno v času Nassereddina Shaha je bila pripravljena glavna skica mesta in zgrajene moderne ulice. Kasneje so bili zgrajeni ogromni osrednji trgi, kot je trg Toopkhaneh (danes imam Homeini) in kar nekaj vojaških stavb. Čeprav je bila dinastija Qajar v obdobju propada, je Teheran kmalu dobil obliko modernega mesta. Začela se je gradnja velikih vladnih zgradb, novih ulic, rekreacijskih centrov, organizacij za mestne storitve ter akademskih in metodičnih središč, čeprav je bila večina starih vrat in zgradb uničena, staro arhitekturno tkivo mesta pa nadomeščeno s sodobnim.

Teheran si je prislužil tudi nezavidljiv sloves kot smog polnega, prometno zamašenega in nenavadnega raztegovanja betona, ki je po švovih počil s 14 milijoni prebivalcev. Lahko pa najdete tudi nešteto prijetnih in prijetnih krajev v mestu in okolici - če veste, kje iskati. Teheran je mesto z več kot 800 parki, urejenimi. Mesto je skoraj miljo visoko nad morjem, zato je hladnejše od drugih mest na Bližnjem vzhodu. Kljub temu so poletne temperature zelo vroče, v povprečju julija znašajo 33 ° C (91 ° F) in pogosto presegajo 38 ° C (100 ° F). Zrak je ponavadi zelo suh.

Kombinacija dejavnikov naredi Teheran prijeten kraj za obisk: suho podnebje, ki je ob večerih hladno, bližina gora, parki in vrtovi, kjer cvetijo rože skozi vse leto, drevoredi na drevoredih ali celo manjši ulice in celo voda, ki teče iz zgornjega mesta po globokih in širokih žlebovih, ki spomladi izgledajo kot majhne reke. Pogorje Alborz na severu Teherana, ki je najvišji vrh Irana, pozimi ljubiteljem smučanja nudi fantastične pogoje. Pozimi so gorski hoteli in smučarski klubi v Šemshaku in Dizinu polni več dni v tednu. Nekateri smučarji specialisti menijo, da je vrednost snega v severnem Teheranu ena izmed najboljših na svetu.


Za informacije o iranskih vizumih glejte Iran # vizumi strani.

Z letalom

1 Mednarodno letališče Imam Khomeini (IKA IATA) (55 km jugozahodno od središča mesta, železniška postaja Robat Karim (ایستگاه راه آهن رباط کریم) približno 3 km severozahodno v bližini proge 1 „Kahrizak“ ~ 20 km NE). Edino letališče v Teheranu, do katerega letijo mednarodni potniški leti. Mednarodno letališče Teheran Imam Khomeini (Q734729) na Wikidata Mednarodno letališče Teheran Imam Homeini na Wikipediji

Kopenski prevoz:

  • Metro Do središča mesta je najlažje priti s podzemno železnico. Linija številka 8 povezuje letališki terminal A z metro linijo 1 (rdeča črta) (75000 rial, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti za celotno omrežje, marec 2019). Teče nepravilno: 06:50, 08:10, 09:30, 10:50, 12:10, 13:30, 14:50, 16:10, 17:30, 18:50, 20:10.
  • Avtobusi med letališčem in mestom (npr. podzemna postaja Haram) vozite vsakih 30-60 min 07: 00-23: 00. Zapustijo se tik pred glavnim izhodom in stanejo 20.000–30.000 rial. Obstajajo nepotrjena poročila o avtobusu, ki vozi med IKIA in letališčem Mehrabad vsake 4–5 ur.
  • Taksiji stanejo fiksno stopnjo 800.000 rialov (ali 25 USD ali 20 EUR od oktobra 2017), povprašajte na taksi pultu. Vožnja do / iz središča mesta traja 45 minut brez prometa, lahko pa traja tudi več kot 90 minut. Tik pred dvorano za prihode je kabina, ki organizira taksije. Dogovorite se lahko tudi s taksiji, ki potnike odloži v dvorani za prihode, ker bi se morali v Teheran vrniti prazni. Taksiji do najbližje postaje podzemne železnice (Haram-e-Motahhar) stanejo 500.000 rialov.
  • Shuttle taksiji in zeleni minibusi vozijo med letališčem in postajo Shahed na rdeči črti podzemne železnice. To je lahko priročna možnost, da se odpeljete na letališče iz mesta, vendar bo iskanje letaliških taksijev na letališču težko, saj se mnogi tam ne ustavijo. Pri 7000 rialih za vozovnico za podzemno železnico in 40.000 rialih za shuttle taxi (poskušali vam bodo odtrgati ali zaračunati vnos prtljage, tudi če je prostora, zato zavzemite le en sedež, če ne želite plačati verjetno), je verjetno najcenejša možnost iz mesta, ki ne zahteva dolgo čakanja na avtobus (shuttle taksiji zapustijo, ko so polni). Na postaji Shahed pojdite na parkirišče (izhod je samo en in ga ne morete zgrešiti) in na levi strani boste videli zelene minibuse. Od tam do letališča traja približno 30-40 min. Zadnji odpelje okoli 21:30.
  • Metro linija 1 (rdeča) Čez dan je podzemna železnica od IKA do Teherana. Vlaki vozijo vsako uro, zato preverite vozni red (september 2017).

2 Teheransko letališče Mehrabad (THR IATA). Mehrabad se uporablja samo za notranje in tovorne lete. Povezan je s teheransko podzemno linijo 4. Mednarodno letališče Mehrabad (Q513684) na Wikidata Mednarodno letališče Mehrabad na Wikipediji

Kljub opozorilom v nekaterih vodnikih za tuje potnike ni izstopnine niti na Mehrabadu niti na letališču Imam Homeini. The izstopnina velja za tuje potnike le, če zapustijo Iran na kopnem ali po morju.

Z vlakom

Na dan vozi vsaj en vlak (nekaj čez noč) iz iranskih mest, kot je Mešhad, Isfahan, Tabriz, Kerman, Yazd, Sari, Gorgan, Ahvaz in Bandar Abbas. Domače vozovnice lahko kupite na kateri koli postaji, pri potovalnih agencijah ali prek spleta na različnih spletnih mestih upravljavcev vlakov, kot je npr Raja, Fadak, BonRail[mrtva povezava], Jooparin Behtarinsafar. Za nakup vstopnic prek spleta lahko uporabite tudi enega od iranskih OTA. Alibaba je priporočljivo.

Mednarodni vlak iz Ljubljane Ankara, Transasia Express, vozi dvakrat na teden. Iz mesta je na voljo dodaten mednarodni vlak kombi prek Tabriz prav tako.

  • 3 Železniška postaja v Teheranu (ايستگاه راه آهن تهران) (Najbližja podzemna postaja je Rahahan). Teheranska železniška postaja (Q4453688) na Wikidata Teheranska železniška postaja na Wikipediji

Z avtom

Promet je zelo preobremenjen, vendar se je izboljšal z dograditvijo več novih predorov in avtocest (ki jih domačini imenujejo avtobani) po mestu. Iz Turčije in južnih delov Irana se lahko pripeljete dokaj enostavno. Čeprav je bilo v Iranu že od nekdaj veliko prometnih nesreč, je policija zaostrila nesreče in vožnja je zdaj varnejša kot prej. Najem avtomobila je možen na letališču IKA, Mehrabadu in v mestu.

Če boste uporabljali ceste in zemeljski prevoz, je na voljo spletno mesto, ki ga vzdržuje vladno ministrstvo za promet in urbani razvoj tukaj ali tukaj ki objavlja stanje cest. Morda boste morali uporabiti Google prevajalnik za razumevanje besedila med krmarjenjem po straneh.

Z avtobusom

Skoraj vsako mesto in oddaljena vas v Iranu ima avtobusne povezave do Teherana - na stotine avtobusov, ki se vsak dan vlijejo in izstopijo iz prestolnice. Večina avtobusov prispe na enega od štirih glavnih avtobusnih terminalov:

  • 4 Zahodni avtobusni terminal (Terminal-e-gharb, avtobusni terminal Azadi), Severozahodno od stolpa Azadi (10 minut hoje severozahodno od trga Azadi in nekaj minut hoje severno od postaje podzemne železnice Azadi Square). Največji, najbolj zaseden in najbolje opremljen med teheranskimi terminali. Večina mednarodnih avtobusov in tistih, ki vozijo do regije Kaspijskega morja in destinacij zahodno od Teherana, prihaja in konča tukaj. Avtobus do Erevan stane 1.800.000 rialov in odpelje vsak dan ob 13:00. (Q5685485) na Wikidata
  • 5 Vzhodni avtobusni terminal (Terminal-e-shargh) (7 km severozahodno od trga Emam Hossein). Upravlja avtobuse iz province Khorasan in nekaj storitev s severa. (Q5873355) na Wikidata
  • 6 Južni avtobusni terminal (Terminal-e-jonoob), Morsali, (se podzemno linijo 1 pripeljete do postaje Terminal-e-Jonoob, nato pa uporabite podzemni prehod vzhodno do avtobusnega terminala). Služi destinacijam južno od Teherana, npr. Kashan, Qom, Isfahan in Shiraz. Cena vstopnic za Isfahan je okoli 300.000 rialov in 600.000 rialov za Shiraz. Južni avtobusni terminal v Teheranu (Q65718545) na Wikidata
  • 7 Avtobusni terminal Beihaghi (Terminal-e-beihaghi, Shahvand Beihaghi), poleg Arzhantinovega trga (približno 1,5 km jugozahodno od podzemne postaje Line 1 Mossallah (skupni taksiji do terminala stanejo 10.000 rialov septembra 2016) ali severozahodno od podzemne postaje Shahid Beheshti). Postaja ima storitve iz večine glavnih destinacij v Iranu, vključno z Mašhadom, Esfahanom, Rashtom, Shirazom, Tabrizom in Yazdom. Vstopnica iz Esfahana stane 255.000 rialov (september 2016). (Q56361691) na Wikidata


35 ° 41′15 ″ S 51 ° 25′17 ″ V

Zaobiti se v prometno zamašenem, razprostranjenem Teheranu je pravi preizkus potrpljenja. Čeprav so vaše taksije vaše najboljše stave, so tukaj cenejše od preostale države. Veliko lokalno avtobusno omrežje vas bo pripeljalo skoraj kamor koli boste morali, če boste lahko razumeli poti in številke perzijskih linij. Prava zvezda teheranskega prometnega sistema pa je podzemna železnica.

Z avtobusom

Teheran ima poceni, a zmedeno avtobusno omrežje. Nekateri potrebujejo predplačniško brezkontaktno kartico (najmanj 5000 rialov), ki jo lahko kupite v kabinah ob avtobusnih postajališčih in podzemnih postajah, ki se uporabljajo, ko izstopite iz avtobusa, nekateri pa jih je treba plačati z gotovino (od 1.000 do 4.000 rialov). Avtobusi so razdeljeni na dva dela, samo za moške (sprednji del) in samo za ženske (zadnji del).

V vrsticah BRT je spredaj le odsek za ženske. Prav tako se pristojbina plača na postaji z uporabo predplačniške brezkontaktne kartice (v skupni rabi z Metrojem) ali s plačilom stražarju.

Ker so številke avtobusov, opisi poti in druge informacije v perzijščini, je najbolje, da na avtobusni postaji izgledate zmedeno; domačin se bo zagotovo ustavil, da bo pomagal. Vsaka avtobusna linija ima določeno in skoraj nespremenljivo pot, vendar le ljudje natančno vedo, katere avtobusne postaje obstajajo za določeno cesto. Tudi v perzijščini ne smete pričakovati zemljevida ali vodnikov, ki prikazujejo avtobusno omrežje ali avtobusne postaje. Tudi če vprašate voznika avtobusa, tudi vam ne bi bilo v veliko pomoč pri iskanju poti. Če vstopite v avtobus in iščete določeno postajo za izhod, prosite eno, da vam pomaga - večino časa boste našli veliko ljudi, ki vam želijo pomagati pri iskanju poti.

Avtobusni hitri tranzit (BRT)

Avtobusi BRT so obarvani rdeče. BRT ima posebne linije in zelo hitro potuje s trga Azadi (zahodno od Teherana) neposredno na vzhod (Terminal-e-Shargh). Železniški trg (južno od Teherana) neposredno na severu (trg Tajrish). Trg Azadi do brezplačne univerze (severozahod). Trg Azadi do južnega terminala in most na mostu (severno od Teherana) do trga jomhuri. Stane 1.000-3.000 rialov. V urah z velikim prometom (07: 00-09: 00 in 16: 00-20: 00) je to najboljši način za potovanje. BRT ima veliko postaj v bližini glavnih ulic. Čeprav zaradi gneče v avtobusu morda ne boste našli praznega sedeža, vam ljudje namenijo svoje mesto, če vedo, da ste turist. Ženski in moški sedeži in čakalne vrste so ločeni.

Z metrojem

Teheranski metro

Teheranski metro sistem ima sedem linij, ki vas bodo hitro prepeljale z enega konca mesta na drugega, ne da bi se morali spoprijeti s hrupom, onesnaženjem in kaosom prometa v Teheranu. Vendar se je veliko prebivalcev odločilo, da bodo pustili avtomobile in se vozili s podzemno železnico, zato v prometnih konicah pričakujte veliko gnečo.

Obstaja sedem linij, dve najbolj uporabni pa sta liniji 1 (od severa proti jugu - od postaje Tajrish do postaje Haram-e-Motahar) in 2 (od vzhoda proti zahodu), ki se povezujejo na osrednji postaji Imam Homeini. Vse postaje imajo napise v perzijščini in angleščini. Vlaki vozijo vsakih 10 minut ali manj v prometnih konicah (15 minut ob petkih in praznikih) od približno 05:30 do 23:00 vsak dan.

Linija 6 (roza črta) je bila odprta aprila 2019 s trga Shohada na liniji 4 do Dowlat Abada. Ena vmesna postaja je odprta. Preostali del proge in njene postaje so še v izgradnji.

Vstopnice veljajo za 1 ali 2 potovanja (vključno s spremembo linije) in stanejo 10.000 rialov za en sam (marec 2019). Na vsaki postaji so kabine za prodajo vozovnic. Lahko tudi kupite brezkontaktno kartico za vozovnico, ki je najboljša možnost, če boste veliko uporabljali metro ali če želite imeti manj težav, če za kartico plačate 50.000 rialov in jo uporabite v metroju in nekaterih mestnih avtobusih (če uporabljate to kartico, običajno plačate manj kot katere koli druge vozovnice, saj zaračunajo najdaljše potovanje v omrežju). Na vsakem koncu vlaka sta dva namenska vagona, namenjena samo ženskam. Ženske se sicer lahko odločijo za potovanje z drugimi kočijami, vendar le redko.

Obstaja nekaj aplikacij za naprave Android in iOS, ki pomagajo potnikom pri uporabi podzemne železnice. Lahko poskusite prenesti Teheranski metro aplikacija za tuje potnike. Najprej se lahko znajdete na Googlovem zemljevidu (na njem so označene postaje) in s svojim ciljem se odločite, na katero postajo lahko pridete in na katero želite prispeti. Po njem jih lahko izberete na zemljevidu postaj, da dobite besedilno razlago o navodilih in spremembah linij ter oceno časa potovanja.

S taksijem

Stari taksiji

Tako kot v preostali državi so tudi v Teheranu na voljo zasebni taksiji in taksiji v skupni rabi, čeprav je morda označevanje skupnega taksija zaradi prometa in kaosa težje, medtem ko so zasebni taksiji dražji kot v manjših mestih. Glejte informacije o rešitvah okoli Iran za podrobnosti o označevanju taksija. Če se želite voziti s skupnim taksijem, je najbolje, da skočite od kvadrata do kvadrata, saj vas vozniki ne bodo želeli pobrati, če bo vaš kričani cilj preveč odstopal od poti. Na vsakem kvadratu boste našli določena mesta, kjer se zasebni taksiji postavijo v vrsto in vozniki pokličejo potnike do cilja. (večinoma v času, ko število čakajočih taksijev presega število potnikov). V tem primeru bi počakali, da se avto polni potnikov (večinoma ena oseba spredaj in 3 osebe zadaj, razen voznika). V nasprotnem primeru se morajo ljudje postaviti v vrsto in čakati, da pridejo taksiji. Tako je v času prometnih konic (približno 07: 00-08: 00 in 17: 00-20: 00). Vse to je odvisno od iskanja njihove običajne postaje na trgu. Prav tako jih lahko prosite, da izstopijo prej kot vaš cilj, kjer koli želite, vendar morate plačati njihovo skupno pristojbino do cilja. Cena takšne vožnje od trga Azadi do trga Vanak znaša približno 10.000 rialov za vsako osebo. Večina voznikov sicer zelo slabo govori angleško.

Teheranski hibridni taksi

Snapp je tudi iranska različica Uber v Teheranu, ki je dokaj poceni in cena je izračunana vnaprej. Aplikacijo lahko prenesete iz Trgovina Google Play in Apple App Store[mrtva povezava] Na voljo je v angleščini in francoščini, vendar je za njegovo aktiviranje potrebna lokalna kartica SIM. Čeprav vozniki morda ne govorijo dobro angleško, podporna linija dobro govori angleško in lahko reši težave s komunikacijo med vami in voznikom.

Motoristični taksiji so teheranska posebnost in ponujajo način za hitro prepletanje mestnih prometnih zamaškov. Veliko voznikov boste videli ob cesti in klicali "motor" pri vseh, ki gredo mimo. Motorni taksi operaterji se zdijo celo bolj samomorilni kot povprečni teheranski voznik. Dogovorite se za ceno prej vzletite in pričakujete, da boste plačali nekoliko manj kot zakup zasebnega taksija.



  • 1 Stolp Azadi (Perzijsko: برج آزادی, Borj-e Āzādi), Kuy-e-Mehr Abad (Podzemna postaja Azadi Square). Dolgoletni simbol Teherana je bil izdelan v spomin na 2500. obletnico perzijskega imperija, ki združuje elemente sasanidske in islamske arhitekture. Vhod v stolp je neposredno pod glavnim obokom in vodi v muzej Azadi v kletnem nadstropju. Ne sedite na travi! Policisti preganjajo ljudi. Stolp Azadi (Q1140026) na Wikidata Stolp Azadi na Wikipediji
  • 2 Mavzolej ajatole Homeini (Grobnica imama Homeinija), v bližini Behesht-e Zahra, pokopališke avtoceste (بزرگراه بهشت ​​زهرا) (Podzemna železnica: Haram-e-Motahar NW 300 m,). Ogromen mavzolej je na južnem robu mesta. Že sama velikost svetišča / nakupovalnega središča zadostuje, da se izlet izplača. Ženske si lahko izposojajo chadorde ob vhodu. Torbe je treba pustiti brezplačno na enem od sestavljenih vrat. Vstop je prost. Mavzolej Homeini (Q1076004) na Wikidata Mavzolej Ruhollah Homeinija na Wikipediji
  • 3 Stolp Milad (برج میلاد) (od podzemne železnice Tarasht 3,5 km SV ali od podzemne železnice 4 km zahodno), 98 21 8436 1000. 435 m visok stolp Milad je četrti najvišji stolp na svetu in 12. najvišji samostoječi objekt na svetu, viden pa je skoraj povsod v Teheranu. Vstopnice za vstop v opazovalni prostor je treba rezervirati vnaprej. V stolpu in okoli njega je več restavracij ter povprečna umetniška galerija. Obstajata dve razgledni ploščadi: notranja kupola na 305 m - 350.000 rial, zunanja razgledna ploščad na 250 m - 120.000 rial. Milad Tower (Q622796) na Wikidata Milad Tower na Wikipediji

Zgodovinske znamenitosti

Palača Golestan
  • 4 Palača Golestan (Perzijsko: کاخ گلستان izgovarja "Kakheh Golestān", palača Rose Garden, palača Gulistan), Khordad Sq. 15, Pamenar (پامنار) (M: Panzdah-e-Khordad 300 m), 98 21 3311 3335, faks: 98 21 311 8338. 9:00 - 18:00, muzeji se zaprejo ob 17:00. Najstarejši od zgodovinskih spomenikov v Teheranu. Kompleks je sestavljen iz 17 palač, muzejev in dvoran. Citadela Golestan (vrt vrtnic) je eno pretežno obiskanih krajev v Teheranu, ki je bila kraljevska rezidenca Qajarjev, njegov vrt pa je oaza hladnosti in miru v središču mesta. V glavni stavbi, arhitekturno nezahtevni, je muzej s predmeti iz obdobja Qajar v samopomembnem slogu prejšnjega stoletja. Na vrtu Golestan, enonadstropnem paviljonu na desni in na kratki razdalji od vhoda, je zavetje enega najbolje organiziranih muzejev v Teheranu. Priloži približno trideset izložb, ki predstavljajo skoraj vse, kar je povezano z Iranom, kar predstavlja kritično izvirnost iranskega življenja v različnih provincah države. Palača Golestan je bila dodana Unescov seznam svetovne dediščine leta 2013. 150.000 rialov za vstop na vrtove, 300.000 rialov za glavne stavbe in nekatere druge manj pomembne prostore (slike in predmeti), 80.000 rialov za druge stavbe in muzeje. Skupaj več kot milijon rialov, če jih nameravate obiskati. Palača Golestan (Q210610) na Wikipodatih Palača Golestan na Wikipediji
    • 5 Takht Marmar (Marmorni prestol). Spektakularna terasa (iwan) je bila zgrajena leta 1806 po ukazu Fath Ali Shah Qajar (r. 1797-1834). Okrašena s slikami, rezbarijami iz marmorja, obdelovanjem ploščic, štukaturami, ogledali, emajlom, rezbarijami in mrežnimi okni; prestol pooseblja najboljšo iransko arhitekturo. Marmorni prestol je ena najstarejših stavb zgodovinskega Arga. Obstoječi prestol, ki se nahaja sredi terase (iwan), je izdelan iz slavnega rumenega marmorja province Yazd. Marmorni prestol (Q4267023) na Wikidata Marmorni prestol na Wikipediji
    • 6 Khalvat Karim Khani (Kotiček na terasi). Ta stavba je bila del notranjega bivališča Karima Kana Zanda. Osnovna zgradba je podobna Takht-e-Marmar. Na terasi je majhen marmornat prestol. Struktura je veliko manjša od Takht-e-Marmar in ima veliko manj okrasja. Zdi se nenavadno, a dragoceni nagrobni kamen Nasser-ol-Din Shaha je našel pot do tega mirnega kota palače. Ta marmornat kamen z zaželeno podobo Nasser-ol-Din Shaha je resnično mesto, ki ga je treba videti. Khalvat Karim Khani (Q65921478) na Wikidata
    • Hoze Khaneh (Pomladna dvorana (Ribniška hiša) کاخ شهوند). Hoze Khaneh je bil med poletjem Qajar uporabljen kot poletna komora. Poseben hladilni sistem, ki črpa vodo, tvori podzemni sistem potokov (qanats) v majhne ribnike znotraj komor. Ta sistem ni več v uporabi. Tu so nastanjene evropske barve.
    • Negar Khaneh (v galeriji). Tu so slike kraljevega dvora z evropskimi barvami v Hose Khaneh in dela iranskih slikarjev v Negar Khaneh (Galerija). Dela iranskih slikarjev, ki naj bi prikazala razvoj slikarstva v Iranu v času Qajarja, so razstavljena v dveh odsekih. V južnem delu Negar Khaneh so dela zgodnjih mojstrov Qajarja, kot so Mirza Baba, Mehr Ali Afshar, Ali Akbar Khan Mozaien-ol-Douleh, Aboul Hassan Sani (Sanie-ol-Molk), ki je bil Kamal-ol- Molkov stric.
    • Talar Berelian (Dvorana briljantnosti). Dvorano je zgradil Nasser-ol-Din Shah, ki je nadomestil drugo dvorano, imenovano Talar Bolour (Kristalna dvorana). Zgradil jo je Fath Ali Shah, dvorano Bolour je vlaga opustošila. Berelian Hall je znan po svojih ogledalih in lestencih.
  • 7 Palača Niavaran (کاخ نیاوران), Pourebtehaj / Pvrabthaj (پورابتهاج) (od podzemne postaje Tajrish 4,5 km E; odhod taksijev s trga Tajrish; zahtevajte, da vas odpeljejo na trg Niavaran ("maydoone Niavaran"); taksi "dar baste" bi moral stati 20.000-30.000 rialov; medtem ko so na vhodnih vratih taksiji, je ob izstopu iz palače cenejša možnost uporaba občinskega avtobusa, ki konča na Tajriškem trgu; poiščite avtobusno postajališče na ulici Niavaran, ki je blizu poslovalnice banke Refah), 98 21 2228 2012. To je zgodovinski kompleks, ki ga sestavlja več stavb in muzej. V kompleksu je tudi palača Saheb-Qaranieh (صاحبقرانیه) iz časa Naserja al-Din Shaha iz dinastije Qajar. - Muzej Jahan Nama(کاخ‌موزه‌های نیاوران): palača Niavaran, avenija Niavaran, telefon 98 21 228 2012, faks: 98 21 228 2079. - Kinematografski muzej(موزه سینمای ایران): Muzej palače Niavaran, Niavaran, 98 21 228 2012/5. Kompleks palače Niavaran (Q1984633) na Wikidata Kompleks Niavaran na Wikipediji
  • 8 Palača Masoudieh (Emarat-e Masoudieh), 98 21 3399 2013. 08:00 - 17:00. Zgrajena leta 1879 za princa Mass’ouda Mirzo - sina Nasseredin Shaha, guvernerja Isfahana. 200.000 rialov. Dvorec Masoudieh (Q5958245) na Wikidata
Palača Saadabad, Teheran
  • 9 Palača Saadabad, Ave Vali Asr (Do palače in muzejskega kompleksa Saadabad se lahko s trga Tajrish pripeljete peš. Sprehodite se po ulici Sa'dabad mimo nakupovalnega središča Arg in zavijte levo, ko pridete do ulice Afraz. V naslednjem križišču zavijte desno in pojdite po ulici Javdan, pri naslednjem križišču pa spet desno. Pojdite do konca ulice Taheri, kjer se nahajajo južna vrata. Vstop v park je brezplačen, vendar morate pred vrati kupiti vse vstopnice v muzeje, ki jih želite obiskati. Pazite na promet med hojo tja!), 98 21 228 2031, faks: 98 21 228 2079. Palača, ki jo je na območju Shemirana v Teheranu zgradila iranska dinastija Pahlavi. Kompleks so prvič naselili monarhi Qajar in kraljeva družina v 19. stoletju. Deli kompleksa palače Saadabad so muzeji, v katerih se obiskovalci lahko sprehajajo in si ogledujejo bogato zgodovino Irana. Naslednji muzeji sestavljajo kompleks: Slikarski muzej Klara Abkar, Hossein Behzad (miniaturni) Muzej slik, Muzej miniatur Abkar, Muzej likovne umetnosti (Evropske slike 18. in 19. stoletja), Miniaturni muzej Kamaleddin Behzad, Miniaturni muzej Mahmoud Farshchian, - Muzej palače Mellat, Vojaški muzej (موزه نظامی), Kaligrafski muzej Mir Emad, Etnološki raziskovalni muzej, Iranski državni vojni muzej Zeleni muzej (Poletna palača Shah Reza), Muzej vode (vodenje, obnavljanje in prihodek vode v Iranu). Palača Rojat, palača Ebrat (mati), Muzej plovil (Palača Ashraf), Muzej Dafineh, Palača Farideh Diba, Prirodoslovni muzej. Druge stavbe na kompleksnem območju: palača Shahram, palača Prince, palača Leila, palača Farahnaz, palača Hamid Reza, palača Gholamreza, palača Nasiri, palača Twin Ghajar. Palača Sa'dabad (Q1969012) na Wikipodatih Kompleks Sa'dabad na Wikipediji
    • Zelena palača. Zgrajena v letih 1922-1928. Glavni deli: čakalnica, delovna soba Reza Shah, dvorana Ceremonies, jedilnica Reza shah, hodnik, spalnica Reza Shah, slovesna dvorana.
    • Narodni umetniški muzej (موزه هنرهای زیبا?, Afriški muzej) (v okrožju Baharestan.). Del palače Saadabad; darila kitajskim, indijskim in afriškim delegacijam šahom.
  • 10 Brlog vohunjenja (Podzemna postaja Taleghani). Zapre se ob 18:30. Nekdanje ameriško veleposlaništvo, ki so ga leta 1979 napadli revolucionarni študentje, je danes muzej. Protiameriške propagandne slike krasijo stene zgradbe. Kljub uradni sovražnosti so Iranci na ulicah nekdanjega veleposlaništva prijazni do Američanov in drugih tujcev. 200.000 rialov (marec 2019).


  • 11 Muzej Azadi, Trg Azadi (perzijsko: میدانِ آزادی) (M: Podzemna postaja Azadi Square), 98 21 602 3951, faks: 98 21 600 8168. Muzej Azadi se nahaja pod stolpom Azadi.
  • 12 Zakladnica narodnih draguljev, Ferdosi St (فردوسی), blizu vogala avenije Jomhuriyeh Eslami (Podzemna železnica: Saadi 300 m NE ali M: Imam Homeini 200 m; poiščite težka železna vrata in varovalke s puško ob Centralni banki). Sa-Tu 14: 00-16: 30. Če želite sliniti po zlatu in bleščicah, si oglejte tukaj. Ogledali si boste zbirko nekaterih najdražjih draguljev na svetu. Značilnosti vključujejo največji neobrezani rubin na svetu, največji roza diamant na svetu (Morje luči) in samostoječi zlati globus iz 34 kg zlata in osupljivih 51.366 dragih kamnov. Kolekcija obsega sklop kron in prestolov, približno 30 diademov, številne aigrete, z dragulji obložene meče in ščite, ogromno dragocenih ohlapnih draguljev, vključno z največjimi zbirkami smaragdov, rubinov in diamantov na svetu. Vključuje tudi druge predmete, ki so jih zbrali iranski šahi med 2.500-letnim obstojem iranskega kraljestva. 200.000 rial vstopnina. Na voljo je informativna knjiga z informacijami o 6000 rialih. Zakladnica nacionalnih draguljev (Q5949273) na Wikidata Zakladnica nacionalnih draguljev na Wikipediji
  • 13 Iranski narodni muzej (Iran Bastan muzej, perzijščina: موزهٔ ملی ایران Mūze-ye Millī-ye Irān), 30. Tir (سی تیر) (M: Imam Homeini 200 m jugovzhodno, križišče 30. Tir St. in Imam Ave.), 98 21 670 2061 (/6), faks: 98 21 670 2648. 08: 00-19: 00 (marec 2019). V njem so keramika, kamnite figure in rezbarije, ki segajo vse do 5. tisočletja pred našim štetjem. Gre za kombinacijo dveh muzejev, stare zgradbe (vstopnina: 300.000 rialov), posvečene predislamske zbirke iz obdobja neolitika do obdobja Sasanidov, in nove stavbe (vstopnina 200.000 rialov), posvečene 1400-letni islamski zgodovini Irana. Stavba ena je sestavljena iz treh dvoran. Tri dvorane vsebujejo artefakte iz spodnjega, srednjega in zgornjega paleolitika, pa tudi iz neolitika, halkolita, zgodnje in pozne bronaste dobe ter železne dobe I-III, skozi srednjo, ahemenidsko, selevkidsko, partijsko in sasanidsko obdobje. Poislamski del muzeja je bil odprt leta 1996 in je sestavljen iz treh nadstropij. Vsebuje različne koščke keramike, tekstila, besedil, umetniških del, astrolabov in adobe kaligrafije iz 1400-letne islamske zgodovine Irana. Tudi tukaj najdete: Muzej islamskega obdobja. 200.000 rialov, 300.000 rialov. Iranski narodni muzej (Q1631008) na Wikipodatih Narodni muzej Irana na Wikipediji
  • 14 Muzej pisarniških strojev Safir (Perzijščina: موزه ماشین‌های اداری سفیر, Ambasadorski muzej, موزه سفیر), Št. 232, Kalantari? Križ, ulica Severni Iranshahr ?, (خیابان ایرانشهر) (Iz M Ferdosi North?), 98 21 8832 0320, faks: 98 21 8831 8804, . Ž 11: 00-16: 00, Sa-Z 09: 00-19: 00, Čet 09: 00-18: 00. Leta 2008 jo je ustanovil Frashad Kamalkhani, lastnik muzeja. Vključuje zbirko zgodnjih pisarniških strojev.
  • 15 Muzej likovne umetnosti Saad Abad (Perzijščina: کاخ سعدآباد, Kakhe malakeye madar, Bela palača), Darband, Zafaraniyeh, Tajrish, Valiasr St (od M: Tajriš 1,5 km SZ). Zgrajena v neoklasičnem slogu leta 1920.
  • 16 Muzej steklovine v Teheranu (موزه آبگینه و سفالینه, muzej Abguineh), Behjat Abad.- Jomhoori (ali Jomhouri?) Ave., ali Republic Street ?, Sytyr (30. Tir) St, No. 55-75 ?; (od M: Hassan Abad 0,7 km SV), 98 21 670 8153, faks: 98 21 670 5614. Tu-Su 09: 00-17: 00. 25.000 rial za tuje turiste, 2.500 rial za iranske odrasle. Muzej Abgineh iz Teherana (Q1479500) na Wikidata Muzej Abgineh v Teheranu na Wikipediji
  • 17 Iranska nacionalna galerija preprog in muzej preprog (Perzijščina: موزه فرش ایران), Dr. Fatemi (دکتر فاطمی) (od M: Enqelab-Eslami 1,5 km N, blizu parka Laleh, križišča Fatemi in Severni Kargar). V njem so razstavljene različne perzijske preproge iz vsega Irana, ki segajo od 18. stoletja do danes. Ima knjižnico, ki vsebuje 7000 knjig. Muzej preprog Irana (Q970335) na Wikidata Muzej preprog Irana na Wikipediji
  • 18 Muzej Reza Abbasi (Perzijsko: موزه رضا عباسی), Seyed Khandan, 972 Shariati Ave (pred mostom Seyed Khandan; do njega lahko pride po avtocesti Resalat; od M: Aliabad 500 m SV), 98 21 863001-2, 98 21 863003, faks: 98 21 863006. Tu-Su 09: 00-17: 00. Zbirke tega muzeja, poimenovane po Rezi Abbasiju, enem izmed umetnikov v času Safavida, spadajo v obdobje od 2. tisočletja pred našim štetjem do začetka 20. stoletja. 25.000 rial za tuje turiste, 2.500 rial za iranske odrasle. Muzej Reza Abbasi (Q7319720) na Wikidata Muzej Reza Abbasi na Wikipediji
  • 19 Teheranski muzej sodobne umetnosti (Perzijsko: موزه هنرهای معاصر تهران), Severna Kargar Ave. (کارگر شمالی), 98 21 88963200, faks: 98 21 886 1664, . Th-Sa 10: 00-17: 30. Predstavlja dela velikih umetnikov, kot so Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso in Andy Warhol. Zbirko teh slik je izbrala nekdanja cesarica Farah Diba. Teheranski muzej sodobne umetnosti (Q1756399) na Wikidata Teheranski muzej sodobne umetnosti na Wikipediji
  • 20 Naravoslovni muzej Darabad (Muzej narave in divjih živali Dar-abad), Muzeh, Dar-abad (Od podzemne postaje Aghdasiyeh 2km N), 98 21 22803539, faks: 98 21 228 8254. 20. marec - 20. september: M-Sa 08: 30-20: 30, 21. september - 19. marec: M-Sa 08: 30-18: 30 Nedelja. Najbolj znan iranski muzej narave in divjih živali. (Q5958443) na Wikidata
  • 21 Nekdanji zapor Qasr (Zapor Ghasr, زندان قصر), Marvdasht? Qelichkhani?. Zaprto ali premaknjeno? Zdaj je sodišče islamske revolucije? (دادگاه انقلاب اسلامی) - Zgrajena je bila po naročilu Fat'h Ali Shaha iz dinastije Qajar leta 1790 v obliki palače. Zapor Qasr (Q4993148) na Wikipodatih Muzej zapora Qasr na Wikipediji
  • 22 Muzej časa (Tamasha-gah Zaman, تماشاگه زمان), Asad Abad? Št. 12, ulica Baqdadi (Bagdadi Bahar), (Zaferanieh St., Vali Asr Ave., okrožje Farmaniye, severno od Teherana - Avtobus BRT 7 do 'Baagh Ferdows'), 98 21 241 7336. Razvoj instrumentov za merjenje časa. V stavbi (700 m²) z vrtom (0,6 ha). Hiša Hossein Khodadad (Q5938023) na Wikipodatih
  • 23 Muzej denarja (تماشاگه پول), No.1, Daman Afshar (نبش کوچه دفینه), Mirdamad Street (Mirdamad Blvd?), Vali Asr Ave (od podzemne železnice 'Haghani' NW 1km), 98 21 879 5994, 98 21 877 4745, faks: 98 21 877 4744. Kovanci in bankovci iz različnih zgodovinskih obdobij. Muzej Dafineh (Q5929072) na Wikidata
  • 24 Nekdanji zapor Towhid, zdaj Muzej vzgoje (Muzej Ebrat), 11, ulica mučenika Yarjanija, - ulica Kuška Mesrija (Ferdousi Ave., пл. Imam Khomeini (ميدان امام خميني) - od podzemne železnice "Imam Khomeini" 300 m SZ). Ogledi vsak dan od 10.00 do 14.00. Perzijščina: بازداشتگاه توحید. Šahov zapor se stara. Bil je neuradni center za pridržanje v Teheranu, ki se je uporabljal proti nasprotnikom Islamske republike Iran do zaprtja leta 2000.
  • 25 13 (mučenci?) Muzej Aban (شهدا), Imam (Sepah) kv. (od M 'Emam Hossein' NW 0.7 km), 98-21 670-1915. Sa-Th 09: 00-20: 00. Slike, skulpture ljudi, kraljev, umetnikov in znanstvenikov. Mojstrovine "Seyed Ali Akbar Sanati".
  • 26 Letalski muzej, Avtocesta Karaj (جاده مخصوص کرج) (Podzemna postaja Ekbatan 1 km južno), 98 21 600 9318, faks: 98 21 600 8168.
  • 27 Akskhaneh Shahr (Fotografski muzej), Ave. Bahar-e-Shiraz (Od podzemne postaje Haft-e-Tir 0,8 km vzhodno), 98-21 884-8993. Starodavne fotografije, orodja in oprema.
  • 28 Muzej kovancev (سکه), Imam Khomeini Avenue, Amnar (امنار) (M: Imam Homeini), 98 21 311 1091, faks: 98 21 311 3936. Muzej kovancev Bank Sepah (Q5913546) na Wikipodatih
  • 29 Spominski muzej dr. Hesabija, 8 Hesabi St., Zaferanieh, Vali Asr Ave (M 'Tajrish' 0,9 km, vogal 17. ulice), 98 21 223 1676, faks: 98 21 221 8548. Muzej Mahmuda Hessabija (Q5953394) na Wikipodatih Muzej Mahmuda Hessabija na Wikipediji
  • Etnološki muzej, 15 Khordad Sq (Palača Sa ’d-Abad?), 21 311 0653, 98 21 311 3335.
  • 30 Geološki muzej, Meraj Blvd?., Azadi Ave, 98-21 600-7537, 98-21 607-1981 (do 1990), faks: 98-21 600-9338. Vsak dan 09: 00-12: 00, omejeno na šolarje.
  • Muzej divjih živali Haft-Chenar, 21 573 8745, faks: 98 21 573 8747. Sa-Th 09: 00-18: 00. Perzijsko: تنوع زیستی حیات وحش
  • Zgodovinski muzej, Afrouz St., Pirouzi Ave., Trg Shohada, 98 21 878 8680, 98 21 878 8681, faks: 98 21 877 4744. Prikaže 500 umetniških del o 200-letni zgodovini Teherana.
  • 31 Iranski zgodovinski muzej avtomobilov (موزه خودروهای تاریخی ایران در), Hitra cesta Lashkary, avtocesta Karaj (Od postaje Metro Chitgar SW 2,7 km - poleg trgovine Sepah), 98 21 44 52 5892, faks: 98 21 44 53 7763. Čet petek 08: 00-20: 00. V zbirki je 45 cesarskih avtomobilov, 2 kraljevi kočiji in 3 motorna kolesa. Iranski državni avtomobilski muzej (Q13218982) na Wikidata Nacionalni muzej avtomobilov Irana na Wikipediji
  • Iranski muzej elektroindustrije? (صنعت برق ایران), Afrouz St., Pirouzi Ave., Trg Shohada?, 98 21 326 2328. (Q5949621) na Wikidata
  • 32 Zgodovinski muzej, Qobadian St., Vali Asr Ave (Od podzemne železnice Haghani NW 0,5 km), 98 21 878 8683. Su-F 09: 00-13: 00; 14: 00-20: 00.
  • 33 Narodni muzej in knjižnica Malek (عکسخانه), Baq Melli, imam Sq, 98 21 672 6653, 98 21 672-6613, faks: 98 21 672 7364. 08:30-13:30. Umetniške zbirke, kovanci, znamke, preproge. Iranski narodni muzej Malik (Q6743603) na Wikipodatih Malik National Museum of Iran na Wikipediji
  • Narodni umetniški muzej (Kamal-ol-molk St, Baharestan пл), 98 21 311 6329. Bila je del palače Golestan, zdaj pa se nahaja znotraj vladne stavbe. Je majhen muzej, vendar z nekaj dobrim pohištvom in slikami.
  • 34 Prirodoslovni muzej, 9 9 Qaem Maqam-e-Farahani Ave (M Mofateh 1 km vzhodno), 98 21 884 3498, 98 21 882 4513, faks: 98 21 883 1297. Sa-Z 07: 00-12: 00; 13: 00-15: 00. Naravni primerki, ki se nanašajo na geologijo, zoologijo, botaniko, fosile rastlin in živali na štirih nivojih.
  • Muzej preprog Rassam Arab-zadeh (فرش), 7 First Boustan, Pasdaran Ave, 98 21 284 9775, 98 21 284 7911, faks: 98 21 284 7912. Sa-Th 09: 00-20: 00. Razstava majhnih preprog (30 kosov). (Q25423558) na Wikidata
  • 35 Hiša Saba (صبا), No. 92, Zahiro-Islam St., Baharestan, 98 21 311 1246. Sa-M W-Th 08:00-16:00. Iranian Musician Memorial Museum. (Q5907487) na Wikidata
  • 36 Stained Glass Painting Museum (نقاشی پشت شیشه), No.348, Hedayat St., (Sadi Ave.) (Hedayat & Tonekabon Intersection,), 98 21 752 6777. Tu-Sa 09:00-18:00. (Q5704480) na Wikidata
  • Tehran University Science Museum (Tehran University), 98 21 611 2629, 98 21 611 2701.
  • 37 Telephone, Post & Telegraph Museum (پست و تلگراف), Imam khomeini Ave, 98 21 670 0503, 98-21 671-028, 98-21 674-454, faks: 98 21 670 9170. Tu-Su 09:00-12:00; 13:00-15:00. Muzej pošte in komunikacij v Teheranu (Q5700418) na Wikidata
  • Zoološki muzej (تنوع زیستی) (Agriculture Faculty of Tehran University).
  • 38 National Museum of the Holy Quran (موزه ملی قرآن کریم). (Q47531288) na Wikidata

Stenske slike

A1one (aka Alonewriter, tanha) graffitis and street art works are a sort of interesting stuff in Tehran's Urban Space. A famous local graffiti artist is at the centre of controversy about whether his work is art or vandalism, and you can see his early works on the Tehran-Karaj Expressway, on the southern side walls UP in Ekbatan and Apadana districts. A more recent work of stencil art is found at the entrance of the Saba Art Institute. - Kolahstudio-an Art Basement, Iranian Underground Arts.


Parki in rekreacija

  • 1 Tochal Mountain (تله‌کابین توچال), end of Velenjak St, Zafaraniyeh (Metro line 1 to Tajrish station, then minibus (15,000 rials) or a taxi to the telecabin entry gate. From the entry gate a minibus service (10,000 rials) can take you to the 1st station), 98 21 22404001-4. Th F 06:30 till sundown, Sa Su Tu W 08:30 - 14:30. A recreation area on Mount Tochal that offers hiking trails, a ski resort, gym and other activities. It's also a great place to get some scenic views over Tehran and enjoy a little peace and quiet in contrast to the bustling city. Usually people get to the top using cable car. Embarkation point of which is at the 2 gondola lifts' 1st station. However, if you're energetic (or strapped for money), you can simply hike all the way up. You can also start walking and hop on one of the telecabins at the next station when you get tired. If going to the top, bring a jacket, even in summer, as the summit is 4,000 m above sea level so it can be chilly. There are lots of restaurants and cafes near the 1st station and entrance gate, and only one canteen upper on the mountain - at the 5th station. Besides, there is an alpin coaster at the base of the gondola lifts that offers a scenic ride for 200,000 rials. Tickets range from 100,000-380,000 rials depending on how far up the mountain you want to go. Skiing 650,000 rials which also has a side bonus of priority boarding the cabins.
There are also two alternative ways of hiking up the mountain:
  • 3 Darband, Darband (taxis to Darband go from Tajrish metro station). This is the alternative way to climb Tochal mountain. The walk goes across a canyon to Tochtal (مسیر کوهپیمایی به توچال از طریق دربند). Short-ride chair lift is also available here and leads to the upper platform, operates only during weekend Th–F 07:00–18:00.
  • 4 Darake (دركه), Darakeh (the easiest way to get there is to take a taxi or minibus from Tajrish Square). This is another entry point into nearby mountains. Like Darband, Darake hiking trail begins with tens of open-air restaurants alongside a stream.
The Tabiat Bridge
  • 5 Jamshidieh Park, Niavaran district, Omidvar (from M: Tajrish 3 km NE or from Aghdasiyeh Subway Station 2.5 km NW). It is one of the most picturesque and beautiful parks in Tehran. It is at the base of the Kolakchal Mountain. Mellat Park in Valiasr street is one of the largest recreation areas in the Middle-East. Niavaran Park is one of Tehran's famous and most pleasant public city parks. It is in the Niavaran district and is immediately south of the Niavaran Palace Complex. Additionally there are some large parks called "park-e-jangali" (literally "forest park") around (and some inside) the city which are very popular among the locals for picnic. The most famous one is Chitgar in the west of the city and is accessible via Karaj road.
  • 6 Ab-o-Atesh Park and the Tabiat Bridge (پارک آب و آتش و پل طبیعت) (the closest metro station is Shahid Haghani (line 1); the park is also a 15-minute walk away from Vanak Sq). The Ab-o-Atesh (prižgano "Water and Fire") Park is one of Tehran's newest and most impressive. The highlight of the park is the Pol-e Tabiat or Nature Bridge, which offers spectacular views of north Tehran and the Alborz mountain range. Populated by the well-to-do urban middle classes of Tehran, this friendly park offers a plethora of cafes and restaurants, most of which can be found along the Rah-e Joobi ali Wooden Road Food Court (رستوران‌های راه چوبی) in the southern section of the park (nearly all of the restaurants there are open only after 20:00 as it is customary for Iranians to eat dinner late in the evening). The park and its surroundings also offer other services, such as a skate park.
Chitgar lake in snow.
  • 7 Chitgar Lake (دریاچه چیتگر). Znan tudi kot Lake of Martyrs of the Persian Gulf, is an artificial and recreational lake in the north of Chitgar Park. The total area of this complex is about 250 hectares; 130 hectares across the lake, and the rest of it goes for the coastal zone and resorts. The lake has good weather and it's host to migratory birds in some seasons. Jezero Chitgar (Q16047980) na Wikipodatih Jezero Chitgar na Wikipediji
  • 8 Paradise Garden, Baq-e Ferdous Park? (باغ فردو س), Delbar (From Metro 'Tajrish' West 1.1 km).


  • 9 Tehran City Theater (Tehran Theater of the Performing Arts, Te'atr e Shahr, Persian: مجموعه فرهنگی و هنری تئاترشهر), Enghelab és Vali Cross Street (تقاطع خیابان انقلاب و ولی‌عصر) (From M Enqelab-Eslami 0.5 km east), 98 21 66460592, faks: 98 21 66460594. Architect Ali Sardar Afkhami designed the main building in the 1960s, later (1972) expanded.
  • 10 Talar Vahdat Theater. Dvorana Roudaki (Q2389872) na Wikidata Dvorana Vahdat na Wikipediji

Nauči se

University of Tehran Entrance gate

It is easy to find work in Tehran, but you must have a university diploma to be applicable for good jobs. Although there is some inflation, many of the people in Tehran have good and well paying jobs. Like every other big developing world city, there's a big difference between poor and rich.


Izmenjava denarja

For information on Iranian currency see Iran#Buy.

You can exchange your currency in most banks after filling out between two and five forms, but the exchange rate in exchange offices (sarraafis) is always better than what is offered by banks. It is much advisable to go to one of these 1 money exchange offices at Ferdosi Ave (close to Jewels Museum). Such offices can also be found in other parts of the city, but are far more scattered. Ask them to show you a copy of their license, issued by the Central Bank of the country and/or the local guild. A list of licensed sarraafis of the whole country, in Persian (Farsi), can be found tukaj. This list includes phone numbers and addresses as well as license numbers and dates.

Also, most exchange offices in Tehran don't exchange before 09:00, when the daily rate gets fixed.

Do not exchange your money with one of the many individuals offering to exchange along Ferdosi St. It is much riskier and illegal. They might be criminals offering counterfeit money.

As for March 2019, exchange offices in Tehran were not exchanging, and they announced lower rate than at the airport. The best rate was (surprisingly) at the airport, and higher than stated at XE Currency Exchange. Accommodation can be paid in euros, so you do not need to exchange all the money for the trip. In March 2019, they were changing 151,000-153,000 rials for €1; 170,000-173,000 rials for £1; 139,000 rials for US$1 (dollar rate as of 26 Apr 2019) - at the airport, first floor (departures).

Bazaars and shopping malls

Obiščite Bazaar, very appropriate for shopping. It ranges from cheap things to very expensive luxury things. You can find almost anything in the Bazaar, from clothing to carpets, kitchen accessories, decorations, jewellery....

Obstajajo tudi številni shopping malls in the city. Valiasr Street and Tajrish Square (also includes a traditional bazaar) are two of the many locations full of shopping centres in Tehran.

  • 2 Grand Bazaar of Tehran (بازار), Panzdah-e-Khordad St (0.5 km SE from metro Panzdah-e-khordad. Ask for Zaid Mosque (امامزاده زید) at Northern limit of the Bazaar). Wander around Tehran's massive bazaar. The main entrance on 15 Khordad Ave leads to a labyrinth of stalls and shops that were once the engine room of Iran's commodity markets and one of Imam Khomeini's greatest sources of conservative, pro-Revolution support. As usual, shops are clustered according to the products they sell. If you're planning on heading out into remote areas, the bazaar is an ideal and cheap place to stock up on almost anything you need. Veliki bazar v Teheranu (Q1548608) na Wikidata Veliki bazar, Teheran na Wikipediji
  • 3 Milad-e-Noor Mall, 2nd St/Farahzadi St (north 0.5 km from Pardisan Park -).
  • 4 Behjat Abad Market (Bazar Roze Behjat Abad), Aban Street (خیابان آبان) Karimkhan St (from Shahid Nejatolahi Subway Station SW 0.7 km - east from Behjat Abad Park). For those interested in cooking, Behjat Abad Market offers a good variety of fresh ingredients all year round.
  • 5 Palladium Mall, Moqadas Ardabili St (BRT Line 7, Homayooni stop (همایونی)). The confectionery shop next to the supermarket is perfect for shopping souvenir sweets. Though on the pricey side by Iranian standards, the quality of the sweets is also high. Look out for the Tehranis who are wearing traditional black chadoors; they are a distinct minority among the well-to-do clientele of this ultra-modern mall.

Računalniška programska oprema

Due to Iran's refusal to sign the Berne Convention, the sale of pirated software is legal in the country. However, bringing the software home is likely to be illegal and may carry large fines or jail sentences if caught. The software might also not include the correct ID keys and therefore might not work on your computer. Buyer beware!

Places where pirated software is for sale include the bazaar at the corner of Vali-e-Asr Avenue and Enghelab Avenue, Bazar-e-Reza, Bazar-e-Iran, and the "Paytakht Computer Complex", a modern complex of seven storeys filled with computer equipment at the intersection of Vali-e-Asr and Mirdamad. The prices at the "Bazaar Reza" (at Charrah-e-Vali-e-Asr) are usually cheaper. Some of the computer equipment that is sold in Iran are cheap knockoffs.

  • 6 Paytakht Computer Complex, At intersection of Vali-e-Asr and Mirdamad (from M 'Haghani' west 1.7 km).

Jewellery & gold

Jewellery & gold boutiques in Geisha, Milade Noor, Karim Khaan St. Golds, gems, and diamonds.

Bags & shoes

Designer bags and shoes such as Gucci, Versace, Dior, Armani in Golestan shopping centre & Milade noor.


Prices quoted on the menu may exclude an 8% tax, a 10-15% service charge, and a 10% tip. Be prepared to add as much as 1/3 to the prices quoted on the menu.


You'll find cheap & good enough abgoosht stew in any of the places they call ghahvekhuneh (قهوه‌خانه) which you can find in any non-strictly-residential area. Just ask for a ghahvekhuneh or get this قهوه‌خانه printed and show it. Nice traditional working class ambience as a rule.

You can find several food courts around Tehran with a variety of cuisines from Thailand, India, Italy, China and Turkey.

  • Delsin Sandwiches, Jordan Blvd, in Golfam St. Kebab and sandwich joints are found everywhere. This one has interesting salad, and humus (lebanese mezeh). They have roast beef, chicken, turkey sandwiches that comes with fresh vegetables, like mint and basil. andwiches priced between US$2-4.
  • Dizi Sara, Jordan Blvd. A hangout of the rich and famous. Abgosht (meat stew) 400,000 rials.
  • Falafel Stalls, 15 Khordad Ave (across the road from the bazaar). 10,000-25,000 rials.
  • Food Court at Jaam-e-Jam Mini Mall, Corner of Vali Asr Ave & Taheri Street. A sight to see - not for the food. This is the closest thing in Iran to a pick up bar. Teenagers push the limits on acceptable clothing. Has western import products in several stores underneath. There is also a decent bakery here with western type bread.
  • Iranian Traditional Restaurant, 28 Keshavarz Blvd (near Agha Bozorg Mosque, underground, down a staircase east of the Canon/Konica shop). Young Iranians flirting, smoking flavored water pipe, and eating. The dizi is recommended. Dizi: 55,000 rials.
  • Super Star Fried Chicken (SFC). The Iranian version of KFC. Serves very good chicken burgers.
  • 1 Traditional Restaurant Karimkhan, Karim Khan Bridge/Blvd. A cozy place serving fantastic Dizi among other traditional dishes. Cute little canaries are flying around. Dizi: 170,000 rials.
  • 2 Restaurant Moslem, Bazar, District 12 (North West corner of Sabzeh Meydan Square), 98 21 5560 2275. Huge (very huge!) portions that are hard to finish. That is why most of the locals pack about half the portion for take-away (free). The canteen-like place is super crowded at lunchtime and the people form a long queue. Get an ordering number at the entrance first. Upstairs you can watch the bustling square while enjoying your meal.
  • When in the Bazaar, don't miss out the 'Sharafol-eslam' restaurant in the Bazaar. It is very famous for its kebabs and chickens, excellent food, excellent quality, you'll never have enough. It gets really crowded though, which requires some patience.

Srednji razred

  • Barbod Restaurant, 87 Seoul St.; Vanak Square.
  • Coffee Shop & Veggie Restaurant at Iranian Artists' Forum, Baghe Honarmandan, Moosavie Str, Taleghani Ave. (just behind the Den of Espionage (former US Embassy) inside the Iranian Artists' Forum building. There are two restaurants at Artists Forum, the vegetarian one is reached from inside the building (turn right as you go in) and has a terrace overlooking the park), 98 21 88310462. Fantastic place to stock up on those much needed vegetables. The menu is pure veg and very, very good. Also, great coffees and desserts at very reasonable prices. Serves pizza, sandwiches, and salads
  • Dizi, near Karimkhane-e Zand St. downtown. A beautiful Dizisara. With many Miniature paintings on walls and a nice meal of Abgusht (traditional Iranian soup-like food, but way heavier than normal soups), it is worth a visit for lunch. Not open for dinner.
  • Farid, 39 Shahid Sereni St (5-minute walk from Vali Asr Street). Speciality is the steamed blue fish.
  • Hani, Corner of Vali Asr Street & Motahari Street. Delicious Iranian food served buffet style.
  • Iran Tak, 431 Vali Asr Street (Just north of the metro station. Look for the unmarked ornate blue tile entrance and a staircase down to the basement). Ambient cellar restaurant with ornate chandelier and fountain. Popular with young people since water pipe smoking is allowed for both men and women. Try the lamb leg dishes. Complete meal with drink: 250,000 rials.
  • Khayyam Restaurant (200m south of the Khayyam metro station, opposite the mosque). Beautifully decorated, originally part of the mosque. 300-year-old building restored in 2002. Typical Iranian food.
  • SPU Restaurant, Darakeh Square, 98 21 224 19494. Iranian food. Ranked as one of the best outdoor restaurants in Tehran.


  • Alborz Restaurant, Nikoo Ghadam Alley & North Sohrevardi Avenue. Many locals regard this as a fairly good chelo kababi in Tehran.
  • Bistango @ Raamtin Hotel, 2153 Vali Asr Street. European décor and cuisine. Serves high-end dishes such as filet mignon, caviar, prawns.
  • Divan, Fayazi Blvd (Fereshteh) (SAM Shopping Center - 8th Floor), 98 21-22653853. Fusion Persian food in a luxurious setting. Consistently ranked as one of the best restaurants in Tehran.
  • Monsun, 8 Gandhi Street (Shahid Ghandi Shopping Center). The best Asian restaurant in Tehran, serving good Thai curries and decent sushi. European décor and music.
  • Nayeb, 2220 Vali Asr Street (Across the street from the Raamtin Hotel). Traditional Iranian food served in style.


  • Bahar Confectionary, Sarcheshmeh Crossroad (Beside Keshavarzi Bank). The oldest Confectionary of Iran founded 1938. birthplace of paderazi and sugar bread. Best Known for traditional Paderazi and Shekari cookies. Quality is guaranteed. Diverse range of cookies and pastries are available.


For information on popular drinks in Iran, see Iran # Pijača


Coffee shops are a great place for people watching as well as drinking.

  • There is a string of coffee shops on the south side of Jomhuriyeh Eslami Ave, a couple of hundred metres west of Ferdosi St. You can stock up on coffee beans and related paraphernalia, or even sample a cup for 4,000 rials.
  • Cafe Naderi - serves coffee, tea and pastries to a mix of Tehran's intelligentsia and bohemian elite. It's a great place to sit and watch hip young guys eyeing gossiping girls while old men reminisce about the "good ol' days" under the Shah.
  • Gramophone Cafe, Charrahe Vali-e Asr (Vali-e Asr St. - In front of Theatre building). If you want talk to your friends, you can go to Gramophone coffee shop, listen to nice music, and have a nice coffee. Some of people who work there can speak English. Ask for Beiruz.
  • Crystal Coffeeshop (at the top of the Borj-e Sefid Hotel) along Pasdaran Ave, Definitely worth a visit if in the area for the relaxing drink and view.

Tea houses

  • Azari Traditional Tea House - Just north of the train station. A bit far from the center but worth the trek. The atmospehere here is unique, from the moment you enter from the beaded doorway. This is a popular hangout for people of all ages. Features an eclectic collection of water pipes and tea pots.
  • Chai bar (Anjoman Khoshnevisan), 145 North Salimi Blvd (Farmanieh), 98 21 22210310. In a beautiful historic garden in Tehran. It is an ideal place to spend late afternoons/evenings. It offers great selection of teas and coffees as well as sandwiches.
  • Gandhi Shopping centre. For trendy cafes filled with liberal Iranians. You will find about ten coffeeshops as well as a few very good restaurants, including Monsoon.

Juice bars

  • In many places you can find fresh sickly-sweet carrot juice - as well as some other juices - for just 30,000 rials a cup.
  • By most main bazaar in Tehran you can get a drink of blended honeydew melon with ice and sugar. Its delicious and extremely refreshing on a hot day. In the summer, you can try Khakshir a locally made amazing drink which is refreshing.


The old-styled Mosaferkhanehs and budget hotels are often low quality and overpriced. The reason is that Iran has had very limited exposure to the outside world. In many low budget places there are no European toilets or even no toilet paper and staff can be rather unfriendly with no English-speaking ability. However, a couple of modern hostels have opened in Tehran.


  • 1 Tehran Heritage Hostel, No. 22, Kamal-ol-Molk, Baharestan Square (Walk 100 meters to the west in Kamal-ol-Molk Street from Baharestan Square Metro Station.), 982133988739. 24 ur. Prijava: 14:00, preveri: 12:00. The newly renovated Tehran Heritage Hostel sitting in a 100-year-old-building opened in January 2018. The location is very central and Baharestan metro station is just around the corner. Dormitories have beautifully designed bunk beds with private curtains, individual lockers, sockets and light on each bed and private rooms are en-suite, beautifully decorated with stunning bed linen. Useful and friendly staff, they can book your bus or train tickets for you. Dorms from €5; yurts from €15; private rooms from €25, accepts payment in euros. Payment with card for a fee.
  • Firouzeh Hotel, Dolat Abadi Alley, Amir Kabir St, 98 21 33113508, 98 91 24361974 (Cell), . Preveri: 14:00. Good hotel with very friendly receptionist, Mr Mousavi, is a good source for information, especially regarding embassies and visas. Great place for breakfast, tea and meeting other travellers. Internet and wifi available. Single: US$28 (870 000 rials, Sep 2016); double: US$30.
  • Hotel Hafez, Bank Alley, off Ferdowsi Street, 98 21 66709093, . Location quite good, 5-min walking to National Jewelry Treasure and Turkish Consulate, with nearby currency exchange places. The duty manager (an old gentlemen) is very nice and speaks good English. Rooms are good and clean, bathroom water is hot. Can help you book train/bus/flight tickets, car/van or even visa renewal. Zajtrk vključen. Free Wi-Fi, but signal is not good in the room. Double: US$74.
  • 2 See You in Iran Hostel in Tehran, No. 2, Vahdati-Manesh (3rd) Dead End, South Kheradmand St., KarimKhan Ave, 98 21 88832266, . Accommodation for cultural exchange. It features eight private rooms, two dorm rooms, an event-based café, a spacious outdoor garden and is run by a multilingual team.
  • Mashhad Hostel, #388 Amir Kabir Street, Opposite Seraj Mosque, 98 21 33113062, . One of the cheapest accommodation in Tehran. Nothing fancy and not exactly very nice but the obvious choice for those on a budget. Has a small kitchen with possibility to boil water and a dial up Internet connection. They do laundry for a reasonable price of 30,000 rials. Dorm beds, single or double. Price for double Dec 2016 500 000 rials.
  • 3 Hotel Naderi, 520, Jomhouri Ave, 98 21 21 6670 8610, . One of the cheapest hotels outside the grubby Amir Kabir Street. Still in central Tehran but Jomhuri Ave. has more restaurants than Amir Kabir St. Hotel Naderi is an old famous hotel where writers and intellectuals still meet in the downstairs Cafe Naderi. Some bathrooms are very old and somewhat dirty but the beds are reasonably clean. Ask for a room in the back to avoid the noise. Not to be confused with Hotel New Naderi. 300,000 rials for a single.
  • Hotel Saadi, 375 Laleh Zarno St (get off Metro at Saadi Station. Walk down Jomhouri, it's very close from the metro, the intersection is Laleh Zar to the left and Laleh Zarno to the right. Go right and then the hotel is on right side of street about 200-300 m.), 98 21 33117653. Small hotel with free Wi-Fi for guests. Single: 850,000 rials; double: 1,240,000 rials.
  • 4 7 Hostel (Seven Hostel), No 5, Dideh Baan Alley, Fakhr-e-Razi St, Enghelab St, Enghelab Sq (http://sevenhostels.com/addresses-and-directions), 98 21 88 68 15 16, . In a villa not too far away from the center; it offers a veranda, kitchen and patient help for your time in Tehran. Dorm US$10; single/double starting from US$40; includes bread, butter, cheese, and jam breakfast.
  • 5 Tehran Hostel, Malekoshoara bahar St. Gohar Alley . N.2 (Close to Taleghani Metro Station), 98 912 725 7703, . Preveri: opoldne. Nice little hostel in a residential neighbourhood. Mori the manager is very nice and helpful. Clean dorm and bathrooms (only two (?) for the dorm). It's a good place to meet other travellers: those who just arrived and those who are about to leave. Free Wi-Fi and breakfast: Mr. Mori gets fresh bread every morning and you are free to use the guest kitchen to fry some (free) eggs, boil water for tea and use the fridge. It takes some time to get to the sights but the location is nicer than most of the central hotels. Double €35, dorm €12.50.
  • HI Tehran Hostel I (Bahar St. Branch, #2, Corner of Firooz Abadi Dead End., Tabatabaei Alley, Bahar Shomali Street (Take off from the Haft-e-Tir Metro station on the red line(Line 1). Leave at Mofateh Street exit. Go straight down until you see Shimi Alley (کوچه شیمی), turn left into Shimi alley and follow it until you get to Bahar-Shomali Street. Cross the street. Tabatabei alley on the other side of street is right in front of you. We are #2 on your left-hand side in Tabatabei alley.), 98-912-053-0663, . Prijava: 14:00, preveri: 12:00. Private rooms, mixed dorms and female dorms €13 per bed per night. This place is clean with a super friendly staff, with a large variety of dorms and private rooms. Beautifully designed and noticeably clean private & dormitory rooms, working space, study & working room, kitchen & serving space, a green front garden which is a place to meet locals & get to know the local culture while relaxing and enjoying a traditional drink or meal, 24/7 reception, secured lockers, CCTV protection for common spaces, free Persian-style breakfast. €11-100.
  • Hi Tehran Hostel II (Enghelab St. Branch), #854, beside Abiverd Alley, Between college crossroad and Ferdowsi square, Enghelab St. (get off at Ferdowsi station(Line 4) from south Ferdowsi Exit; walk for 3 minutes toward west; after Abiverd Alley you will reach the hostel which is No. 854), 989120530663, . Prijava: 14:00, preveri: 12:00. Hi Tehran Hostel II (Enghelab St. Branch) is in the most famous historical/political street of Tehran, full of cafes, restaurants & art centers. 150 meters from Ferdowsi St and its metro station & exchange shops. The newer of the two Tehran Hostels, it is in a renovated historical building which dates back to first Pahlavi period. Beautifully designed with clean private & dormitory rooms and other amenities as in its sister hostel. 24/7 reception, secured lockers, CCTV protection for common spaces, free Persian-style breakfast. £9-100.
  • 6 Bibi Hostel, No. 13 Ramsar Street, Ferdowsi Square (near Darvaze Dowlat Metro station and BRT (bus rapid transit) station), 98 912 378 0600, . Prijava: 14:00, preveri: 12:00. It's near various cafes and Iranian restaurants popular with tourists and locals.

Srednji razred

  • Amir Hotel, 325 Taleghani Ave. Between Iranshahr and Forsat, 98 21 8830 4066, 98 21 8830 4069, faks: 98 21 8882 4505, . 70 nice rooms with a great location. Popular with business travelers. Double: US$83.
  • Atlas Hotel, #206 Taleghaani Ave (7 minutes walk west of Taleqani metro station), 98 21 88907475, 98 21 88906058, 98 21 88900286, 98 21 88900288, faks: 98 21 88800407, . Prijava: 14:00. Two-star hotel in convenient location and good rooms. Insist on a room in the rear building as rooms in the front building face the very noisy Taleghaani Avenue. Must pay in USD or euros. Zajtrk vključen. Single: $48; double:$76; triple: $97.
  • Ferdowsi International Grand Hotel, No. 20, Kooshk e Mesri street, Ferdowsi Ave (Along Ferdosi Street North of Imam Khomeini Metro Station), 98 21 66727026, 98 21 66727031, faks: 98 21 66711449. Very nice and posh rooms and fantastic breakfast buffet. Centrally location. Zelo priporočljivo. Single US$99; double $140.
  • Ideal Apartment Hotel (هتل آپارتمان ایده آل), Fatemi Sq Kamran Alley, No. 10 (in a small quiet street just off the busy Fatemi/Vali Asr intersection), 98 21 88920841, 98 21 88920850, faks: 98 21 88920839. Offers apartments with kitchens and separate sleeping rooms. While not palaces, they are good for self-caterers or people who face a longer stay in Tehran. Staff is motivated and speaks English. US$80 including buffet breakfast.
  • Iranshahr Hotel, No 81, South Iranshahr Street, 98 21 88846650, 98 21 88820518, . Opened in 1953; renovated in 1981. Nice rooms and good service. Single US$70; double $98.
  • Hotel Mashad, 190 Mofatteh St, near Talequani ave., . Rooms are renovated but small. Some rooms have a view into the former US embassy complex. Single US$59; double $84.
  • Hotel New Naderi, off Jomhuri-ye Eslami Ave #53, Gohar Shad Alley, 98 21 66709530, 98 21 66703761, 98 21 66701356, 98 21 66709531, faks: 98 21 66709532, . By 'new', they mean 1970s. Clean rooms. Single US$44; double $63.
  • Parasto Hotel (Parastoo Hotel), Mohammad Buyk Alley, off Jomhuri-ye Eslami Ave (Near the British Embassy, a bit of a hike from Ferdosi Metro), . Basic hotel popular with tour groups. Rooms can be smoky or dirty. Single US$25; double $39.


  • Espinas Persian Gulf Hotel, 126 Keshavarz Blvd. Opened in 2010, it is one of the nicest hotels in Tehran. 224 rooms, gym, sauna, pool. Single US$168; double $224.
  • Esteghlal Hotel, Crossroads of Dr. Chamran Experessway & Valie-Asr Ave. (near Elahieh and the International Expo Center), 98 21 2266 0011, 98 21 2266 0025, . Formerly a Hilton hotel. 15 floors, 550 rooms, built in 1962.
  • Homa Hotel Tehran, #51, Shahid Khodami St., Vali-e-Asr Ave., Vanak Square, . Double: 3,700,000 rials.
  • Raamtin Residence Hotel, 2153 Valiasr Ave (directly across from the gas station), 98 21 8872 2786, 98 21 8872 2788, . 50 spacious rooms with leather couches. Single 3,200,000 rials; double 3,900,000 rials.
  • Simorgh Hotel, 1069 Vali Asr. Nice location on cosmopolitan upmarket section of Valiasr St. Saei Park is almost next door and a beautiful green/concrete oasis in a deep valley. Hotel was once the Miami Hotel, and on the top floor is still the Miami Restaurant. Fairly good food - try the estrogen (sturgeon) fish kebabs, and the chicken cordon bleu. Good coffee in ground floor cafe. Rooms are comfortable and well equipped although rather dark. Business centre with fast internet and wifi in most rooms. Terrific indoor pool with separate bathing times for men and women. The hotel cars are in very poor condition, better to take a taxi from the street. Single US$168; double $205.

Povežite se

For information on mobile phone operators and using the internet in Iran, see Iran#Connect

You need to use a proxy server, VPN or a software like Freegate ali Psiphon to access Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and some websites; otherwise, you might see tej strani which shows that the site you want to access is filtered and blocked by the judiciary system. You also need to use Freegate to check your bank account balance; otherwise, your account might get blocked due to the sanctions against Iran.

Internet cafés

  • Ferdosi Coffee Net - Enghelab Ave, (a few doors east of Ferdosi Square) is hard to find (look for the small sign plastered to a building) has two banks of computers.
  • Pars Net - one of south Tehran's hottest coffee nets, dishing up reasonable speed. It is on the eastern side of Ferdosi St, between Jomhuiyeh Eslami Ave and Enghelab Ave, across from the British embassy. They also provide fax and long-distance phone services.
  • Coffee Net Firouzeh - In Tehran's south in the nice and very friendly Firouzeh Hotel
  • Iranian Trade Centre - around Valiasr Square offers several Internet cafes (coffee nets).

In addition to the above caffes, there are many others in all parts of the city.

3G and 4G internet connections

With a copy of the information page of your passport and a copy of the page with Iranian entrance seal and also, your visa, you can buy SIM cards and access the internet with GPRS, EDGE, 3G and 4G technologies. SIM cards are available in places like post and government e-services offices (Persian: singular: Daftar-e Pishkhan-e Khadamat-e Dowlat دفتر پیشخوان خدمات دولت; plural: Dafater-e Pishkhan-e Khadamat-e Dowlat دفاتر پیشخوان خدمات دولت), in big shops and at the Imam Khomeini airport. At least some shops refuse to sell SIM cards to British nationals.


Mobile Communications of Iran(IR-MCI) ali Hamrahe Avval همراه اول is a cellular phone company that provides SIM cards with 3G technology. You need to activate special packages to access the internet with less cost. This company has the largest cellular phones network subscribers and its numbers begin with 091. IR-MCI SIM cards have better signal coverage on roads.Irancell is another company that provides 3G service along with the other cellular phone services. Its SIM card numbers begin with 093 and 090.RighTel (رایتل) is anothe company providing reliable 3G internet connections.


Irancel, Rightel, MCI all have 4G coverage in big cities.

Wireless portable internet connection

Irancell Wimax is one of the wireless internet networks available. MobinNet ISP Company is another service provider which provides wireless portable internet connection.

Ostani varen

See also the warnings at Iran#Stay safe.

Considering that the population of Tehran is around 15 million, it is still one of the safer cities to visit in global terms. Violent crime is rare and exercising common sense and taking the usual precautions against pickpockets in crowded areas should ensure a hassle-free visit. Most areas are safe even late at night, although it is not advisable to take a private taxi at 02:00 for example (but the lack of public nightlife means that few tourists would be out at that time in the first place). South Tehran (or the areas south of the Tehran Bazaar) is the only area that should really be avoided after dark, as some of the more deprived neighborhoods are there.

Traffic in Tehran is very dangerous and should be considered to be among the worst in the world. Even though crossing the street might at first seem impossible, drivers usually do a very good job avoiding pedestrians. Still, try to cross the street when the locals do as there is safety in numbers. The rate of traffic accidents is disturbingly high, so faith should not be put on drivers' skills alone.

Traffic congestion is very acute in Tehran and driving habits are dangerous. Exercise extreme caution when crossing the street.

The fake police that have traditionally targeted tourists in Esfahan have also found their way to Tehran. These are usually uniformed men in unmarked cars flashing fake IDs and requesting to see your passport or to search through your luggage. You should ignore such requests and head to the nearest police station ("kalantari") if you feel unsafe. However, it can be somewhat hard for the untrained eye to tell these apart from real police.

If you decide to smoke the qalyan (waterpipe or hubble-bubble), make sure that you are not unintentionally smoking opium or any other kind of drug. Čeprav drugs and alcohol are illegal in Iran, it is not impossible to get them, especially in Tehran. The government has banned smoking qalyan and cigarettes in public places, so finding a good place to smoke can be a challenge. If you really want to try the qalyan, do it only at a qahvekhane recommended by a Western guidebook or travel website.

Emergency services phone numbers

  • Police: 110 (has English-speaking operators)
  • Fire department: 125
  • EMS: 115
  • Road EMS: 115 or 112
  • Road Status Information: 141

Spopadite se

The traffic in Tehran is horrendous. To get a break from it, head to the parks in the north of the city.


Pojdi naprej

  • If the hustle and bustle of Tehran becomes too much, it's possible to go to the Caspian Sea for a day or two. The holiday town of Ramsar is about five hours away, and the drive across the Alborz Mountains is spectacular. A taxi round-trip for a day shouldn't set you back more than 500,000 rials (ask for taxis near Azadi Square).
  • 2 Namakabrud (Shahrak-e Namak Abrud, Persian: شهرک نمک ابرود,Shahrak-e Namak Ābrūd; Namak Abrood, Namak Ābrūd, Namak Ābrūd Sar, Namakrūd Sar), Chalus County, Mazandaran Province (190 km North.-about 4.5 hours away). Villa city and gondola lift in beautiful green coasts of Caspian Sea. - Violet and box-tree parks
  • Qom — about 2 hours away southwest of Tehran by bus and one hour by car (120 km) is the most religious city of Iran followed by Mešhad
  • 3 Šemshak smučišče (پیست اسکی شمشک), Rudbar-e Qasran District, Shemiranat County, Tehran Province (1–2 hours north-east of Tehran in the Alborz Mountains.). its steep slopes are considered appropriate for expert skiers and boarders. The slopes lie at an altitude of 2550m to 3050m above sea level.
  • 4 Dizin smučišče (دیزین), Provinca Teheran (70 km north of Tehran). This is a larger ski resort with more facilities and is considered better for beginners and intermediates. Kraji ustvarjajo nekaj rivalstva med domačini, nekateri "Šemšaki" gledajo na tiste, ki smučajo v Dizinu, kot "otroke v parku", Šemšak pa je kraj za "prave smučarje". Smučarska sezona: od decembra do maja.
  • 5 Narodni park Sorkheh Hesar (پارک ملی سرخه‌حصار), Okrožje Rey, provinca Teheran (17 km vzhodno od Teherana - Blizu Raya - Teheransko 20. okrožje - Z avtom od ceste Khojir 14 km (8,7 mi) do Khojirja, ki se odcepi na Zereshki Fork.). Odlično opazovalno mesto za ptice na nadmorski višini 1.547 m.
Ta vodnik po mestu Teheran je uporabno Članek. Vsebuje informacije o tem, kako priti tja ter o restavracijah in hotelih. Pustolovska oseba bi lahko uporabila ta članek, vendar ga lahko izboljšate z urejanjem strani.