Walt Disneyjev svet - Walt Disney World

Pepelkin grad

Ob Svetovno letovišče Walt Disney v Lake Buena Vista in Bay Lake na Floridi lahko raziščete človeške inovacije in sodelovanje; uživajte v vožnjah tako razburljivih kot očarljivih; sprostite se in okrevajte na plaži ali igrišču za golf; in odkrijte celo letovišče, kjer se bodo otroci in odrasli lahko zabavali - skupaj.

Načrtovanje potovanja v Walt Disney World vas spravi v dobro družbo; je vodilno mesto Disneyjevega svetovnega imperija tematskih parkov in je daleč najbolj priljubljeno letovišče tematskih parkov na svetu. Tudi med številnimi drugimi znamenitostmi v in okoli Orlando, Florida, Mišja hiša je visoka, svetilnik, ki letno privabi milijone turistov na to območje. Nekateri obiskovalci ga opisujejo kot kraj čarovništva, čudenja in domišljije; drugi govorijo o zabavi, navdušenju in sprostitvi; spet drugi se pritožujejo nad gnečo, umetnostjo in neomajno lepljivostjo. Kot pri večini stvari je bistvo Walta Disney Worldja blizu križišča teh treh pogledov. Včasih je lahko frustrirajuće, vendar bo priprava in pozitiven odnos zgladila večino grobih robov.

Osrednji del Walt Disney World so štirje tematski parki: The Čarobno kraljestvo, Epcot, Disneyevi hollywoodski studii, in Disneyjevo kraljestvo živali. Walt Disney World ima tudi dva najbolj priljubljena vodna parka, Laguna Tajfun in Plaža Blizzard, oba močno tematska. Dva nakupovalna in zabaviščna okrožja, Disney Springs in Disneyjeva promenada, ponujajo obilo možnosti za maloprodajne terapije in nočno zabavo. Če se vam nič od tega ne zdi, si oglejte nekatere manj znane dejavnosti, kot so golf, tenis, čolnarjenje, ribolov, zdravilišča in zdraviliški klubi, zakulisni ogledi, športni dogodki in restavracije.

Preprosto povedano, vedno obstaja nekaj zabavno v Walt Disney World.


Walt Disney World lahko razdelimo na pet ločenih področij - po eno za vsakega od štirih tematskih parkov in Disney Springs. Različni letoviški hoteli ter zanimivosti in restavracije znotraj so združeni v najbližji park.

  • The Čarobno kraljestvo - Na podlagi izvirnika Disneyland v Kaliforniji je to najstarejši in najbolj priljubljen park kompleksa; pravzaprav je z več kot 17 milijoni obiskovalcev letno najbolj obiskan posamezni tematski park na svetu. To je park, na katerega ljudje najprej pomislijo, ko pomislijo na Walt Disney World, kraj, kjer se pustolovščina sreča s fantazijo, zgodovina pa s prihodnostjo. Čarobno kraljestvo ima otrokom najbolj prijazne atrakcije in večino klasičnih voženj, ki jih imajo radi otroci po srcu.
  • Epcot - Nekakšen "stalni svetovni sejem", je Epcot posvečen tako mednarodni kulturi kot tehnološkim inovacijam. Park je kombinacija dveh različnih idej. World Showcase vas popelje na potovanje okoli sveta, ko obiščete tematske paviljone, polne umetnosti, arhitekture, ljudi in izdelkov enajstih različnih držav. Prihodnji svet raziskuje človeške dosežke v paviljonih, namenjenih komunikaciji, domišljiji, ohranjanju in še več. Nedaleč od Epcota je Disneyjeva promenada, zbirka restavracij, trgovin s spominki in nočnih klubov, tematskih kot sprehajališče iz 20. stoletja na vzhodnem morju.
  • Disneyevi hollywoodski studii - Ta park predstavlja "Hollywood, ki ga nikoli ni bil", z zanimivostmi, tematskimi okoli filmov in televizije. Našli boste različne oddaje v živo in zanimivosti, ki temeljijo na produkcijah Disney, Pixar in Lucasfilm. The Široki svet športa ESPN kompleks je v bližini.
  • Disneyjevo kraljestvo živali - Ni vaš povprečni živalski vrt, v kraljestvu živali je kombinacija živih živali, tujih kultur in tradicionalne Disneyjeve čarovnije. S poudarkom na razumevanju in ohranjanju je kraljestvo živali največji in najrazličnejši tematski park. Plaža Blizzard, v bližini je vodni park, tematiziran kot talilno smučišče.
  • Disney Springs - Za bolj "odrasle" dejavnosti Disney Springs ponuja nakupovanje, nočne klube, restavracije in edinstveno zabavo. Tu je največ akcije po temi. Disney Springs je razdeljen na štiri področja: Marketplace, The Landing, Town Center in West Side, od katerih vsaka ponuja nekoliko drugačno mešanico maloprodaje, hrane, zabave in nočnega življenja. Laguna Tajfun, ogromen vodni park, je v bližini.


Vsi smo v tem skupaj

Morda ni presenetljivo, da je osem od desetih najbolj obiskanih tematskih parkov na svetu povezanih s parki in letovišči Walt Disney, vključno z vsemi štirimi tematskimi parki Walt Disney World!

UvrstitevparkiratiUdeležba (2018)
1Čarobno kraljestvo20,963,000
2Disneyland (Anaheim, CA)18,666,000
3Tokio Disneyland17,910,000
4Tokio DisneySea14,650,000
5Universal Studios Japonska (Osaka)14,500,000
6Disneyjevo kraljestvo živali13,888,000
8Oceansko kraljestvo Chimelong (Zhuhai, Kitajska)11,736,000
9Disneyevi hollywoodski studii11,483,000
10Šanghajski Disneyland11,210,000

Vir: Tematski indeks TEA / AECOM 2019

"Filmov ne delam predvsem za otroke. V vseh nas jih delam za otroka, ne glede na to, ali imamo šest ali šestdeset let. Otroku rečemo" nedolžnost ". Najhujši med nami ni brez nedolžnosti, čeprav bi bil lahko globoko pokopan V svojem delu poskušam doseči in spregovoriti o tej nedolžnosti, ji pokazati zabavo in veselje do življenja; pokazati, da je smeh zdrav; pokazati, da človeška vrsta, čeprav včasih srečno smešna, še vedno sega po zvezdah. " - Walt Disney

Najpomembnejše, kar je treba razumeti pri svetovnem letovišču Walt Disney, je, da je bilo zasnovano zabavno za vsakeno. Ne delajte se napake, če se izogibate samo zato, ker nimate otrok. Samski in pari brez otrok, ki mislijo, da so počitnice sveta Walta Disneyja namenjene samo otrokom, ne upoštevajo številnih "odraslih" zabav, ki so na voljo v celotnem letovišču. Foodies, častilci sonca, svetovni popotniki, iskalci vznemirjenja, ljubitelji komedij, ljubitelji filma, športni navdušenci, ljubitelji klubov in ljubitelji zgodovine bodo našli veliko načinov za zabavo.

Če imate otroke, je najboljši del vaših počitnic Walt Disney World v doživljanju parkov skozi njihove oči. To je takrat, ko resnično razumete Walt Disneyjevo vizijo kraja, kjer otroci in starši se lahko zabavajo skupaj.

Walt Disney World je ogromen, a večdnevna letoviška destinacija. Vsak od štirih tematskih parkov je dovolj velik, da zasede obiskovalce za cel dan (in pogosto dva, odvisno od gneče). Če ne živite v bližini, se štejejo štirje dnevi najmanjši minimum dolžina obiska, da bi celo začeli doživljati letovišče; nekateri ostanejo tudi dva tedna in še vedno obidejo nekatere zanimivosti.

Potovanje v Walt Disney World predstavlja veliko romanje za številne ameriške družine. "Tipičen" obisk vključuje letenje na mednarodno letališče Orlando, avtobus do hotela v Disneyju, približno en teden, ne da bi zapustili Disneyjevo lastnino, in vrnitev domov. Možne so neskončne različice, vendar to ostaja tisto, kar večina ljudi misli, ko govori o "odhodu v Disney World".

Vse v Walt Disney World je skrbno zgrajena in koreografirana da ohranite svoje dojemanje obiska idealiziranega sveta. Žargon podjetja kot del "predstave" oblikuje vse vidike storitve za stranke: zaposleni so "igralski člani", obiskovalci so"gostje", vsak rekvizit in kostum pa morata biti popolnoma" v značaju ", medtem ko sta" na odru ". Disney meni, da je izkušnja gostov njihova glavna prednostna naloga, njihova storitev za stranke pa je skorajda univerzalna brezhibno. Nikoli ne boste našli smeti, ki leži na ulicah ali v kopalnicah, ki so preveč umazane, in vse, kar je poškodovano, bodisi odstranite bodisi takoj popravite. Ulice so skoraj bleščeče in stavbe so videti povsem nove, ne glede na to, kje v dnevu ali letu ste.

Medtem ko se nekaterim ta pozornost posveča prikrivanju podrobnosti in je to umetno, se velika večina obiskovalcev z veseljem potopi v to sproščujoče, brezskrbno okolje. Kljub temu je resničnost Walta Disney Worlda lahko močna: dolge vrste, vročina vročine, nesramni gostje in drago blago so pogosti. Obstajajo načini, kako se izogniti najslabšim elementom (in sicer tako, da skrbno izberete, kdaj obiskati), če pa gre kaj narobe, se lahko zanesete, da bodo člani zasedbe poskušali stvari urediti.

Številni prvi obiskovalci to poskušajo naredi preveč med njihovim bivanjem. Če ni gneče nenavadno malo, je to zanesljiv recept za izgorelost in izčrpanost. V mislih morate imeti osnovni urnik, vendar morate biti prilagodljivi, da upoštevate zaprte vožnje, polne restavracije, posebne dogodke in samo premislite. Če je gneča pretežka ali vreme postane vroče, se pametni gostje, ki ostanejo na kraju samem, vrnejo v svoje hotele, da se sprostijo, privoščijo prigrizek ali zaplavajo, nato pa se vrnejo pozneje čez dan. Poskus, da se držite togega urnika, bo samo vas in vašo družino razočaral in ne boste šli v Walt Disney World, da bi se razočarali, kajne?

Z nekaj skrbnega osnovnega načrtovanja, odprtega duha in vedrega odnosa je obisk Walta Disney World lahko karkoli želite: izpolnjujoč, vznemirljiv, sproščujoč, razsvetljujoč ali preprosto zabavno.


Disneyland je bil neuspešen uspeh. Walt Disney je ustvaril ne le zabaviščni park, v katerem so se otroci lahko vozili z otroki, medtem ko so starši gledali s klopi, ampak prvi pravi na svetu tematski park, kraj, kjer bi lahko otroci in odrasli oboje zabavajte se skupaj.

Toda kmalu po odprtju Disneylanda leta 1955 je Walt spoznal, da je na voljo prostor v Ljubljani Anaheim je bila premajhna. Imel je svoj park, a on in njegov Imagineers so nenehno pripravljali nove ideje, ideje, ki preprosto niso ustrezale Disneylandu. V šestdesetih letih je Walt začel na vzhodni obali iskati prostor z dovolj prostora za vse ideje, o katerih je njegova ekipa lahko sanjala. Tak kraj je našel v Osrednja Florida, jugozahodno od zaspanega mesta Orlando. Tukaj, ob novem Meddržavni 4, prostora je bilo veliko, veliko več, kot bi bilo potrebno le za en sam tematski park. Walt je imel v mislih bolj čudovite ideje za ta svoj "projekt Florida".

Potem ko je Walt po naključju odkupil več kot 27.000 hektarjev zemljišč, je Walt napovedal svojo ambicioznost Disneyjev svet načrtov za svet. Seveda bi zgradili tematski park - a Čarobno kraljestvo na severnem koncu posestva. Toda da bi prišli tja od I-4, bi morali gostje skozi resnično osrednjo stran projekta: EPCOT, Poskusna prototipna skupnost prihodnosti.

EPCOT je bila največja, najbolj revolucionarna ideja Walta Disneyja doslej - resnično mesto, v katerem živi in ​​dela 20.000 resničnih ljudi, ki uporabljajo najnaprednejše tehnologije za pridelavo hrane, zagotavljanje prevoza in izboljšanje kakovosti življenja. Večina tehnologije je bila že v uporabi v Disneylandu - na primer PeopleMovers in monorails - vendar to ne bi bile zabavne vožnje. EPCOT naj bi bil kraj, kjer so ideje Imagineerjev praktično uporabili za izboljšanje celotnega človeštva.

Žal, ni bilo. Walt je umrl decembra 1966, ravno ko se je začel projekt Florida. Brez Walta, ki bi vodil projekt, upravni odbor podjetja ni hotel sprejeti ambicioznih načrtov EPCOT. Ampak Waltov brat Roy O. Disney vztrajal, da gre projekt kot celota naprej, začenši s Čarobnim kraljestvom. Roy je ime projekta spremenil v Walt Disneyjev svet; to novo leto bi bilo poklon Waltovi viziji, vendar je v resnici ne bi nikoli izpolnilo.

The Čarobno kraljestvo odprt 1. oktobra 1971 z dvema hoteloma, kampom in dvema igrišča za golf v bližini. To je bil takojšen uspeh, ki je z eno roko spodbudil razvoj območja Orlanda kot ene najbolj prometnih počitniških destinacij v državi. Čeprav je Roy umrl pred koncem leta, mu je uspelo končni projekt svojega brata spraviti s tal.

Prvo desetletje Walta Disney Worlda je hitro minilo in v času praznovanja "Tencennial" leta 1981 je bil v prostoru, ki ga je Walt predvidel za EPCOT, zgrajen nov tematski park. Poimenovali bi se novi park EPCOT Center, čeprav je bil malo podoben Waltovim prvotnim načrtom. Namesto tega bi bil EPCOT Center nekakšen "stalni svetovni sejem", ki bi združeval Svet prihodnosti, sestavljen iz velikih paviljonov, posvečenih človeškemu napredku, z a Svetovna predstavitev natančno podrobnih rekreacij tujih dežel. Center EPCOT je bil odprt leta 1982, sledil pa mu je kombinacijski tematski park in filmski studio Disney-MGM Studios leta 1989, nato pa še Disneyjevo kraljestvo živali, zoološki tematski park, leta 1998.

V preteklih letih so dodali številne letoviške hotele in rekreacijske dejavnosti, da bi podprli večjo udeležbo v letovišču z več parki. Leta 1989 in 1995 sta bila dodana dva velika vodna parka. Poleg tega se je oddaljeno območje premoženja, ki se je začelo, ko se je nakupovalna vas Lake Buena Vista razvilo v tržnico Disney Village, razširilo v središče Disneyja in je zdaj Disney Springs, nakupovalno-zabaviščno okrožje, namenjeno odraslim.

Walt Disney si nikoli ne bi predstavljal, kaj je postal Walt Disney World, in je daleč od svoje prvotne vizije. Toda eno od njegovih vodilnih načel je bilo "nadaljevati naprej", Disney World pa je to storil in postal največji in najbolj priljubljen letoviški kompleks tematskih parkov na svetu.


O Waltu Disney Worldu je bilo napisanih dovolj knjig, da bi zapolnili dobro knjižno polico. Eden zelo poučnih sklopov knjig, čeprav so bili napisani leta 2009, so Imagineering terenski vodniki; za vsakega od štirih parkov je en (plus en za Disneyland). Ti vodniki ne govorijo o praktičnih turističnih informacijah; namesto tega pokrivajo zgodbe za vsakim območjem v vsakem parku in vsebujejo odlične konceptne slike (nekatere redko videne), podrobnosti iz zakulisja in trike trgovine Imagineering. Prav tako so dovolj majhni, da jih lahko nosite v žepu, če želite med ogledom parkov izvedeti več o postopku izdelave površin.

Presenetljivo je, da o samih parkih ni napisanih veliko fikcije. Ridley Pearson ima v parkih neprekinjeno serijo romanov za odrasle, imenovane Imetniki kraljestva. Carole Marsh je zapisala Skrivnost v svetu Walta Disneyja kot del nje Pravi otroci, Pravi kraji skrivnostna serija. Obstaja tudi Dol in ven v čarobnem kraljestvu, znanstveno-fantastični roman Coryja Doctorowa, ki se odvija predvsem v prihodnji različici Čarobnega kraljestva.


Podjetje Walt Disney je večnacionalni medijski konglomerat, zato so video produkcije, v katerih nastopa Walt Disney World, vseprisotne.

V letovišču je bilo posnetih več televizijskih programov. Oživitev 90 - ih let Klub Mickey Mouse (tisti, ki je Britney Spears in Justin Timberlake začel), je bil v celoti posnet v proizvodnih obratih v studiih Disney-MGM (danes Hollywood Studios). Polna hiša, Družinske zadeve, Najstniška čarovnica Sabrina, in Črno-ish, so med sitkomi (večinoma na ABC-ju v lasti Disneyja) z epizodami, ki prikazujejo like, ki obiskujejo Walt Disney World. Druga zabavna možnost, če jo najdete, so devetdeseta leta Lutke v svetu Walta Disneyja, ki je bil namenjen predhodniku Disneyjevega nakupa Lutke (kar se je končno zgodilo leta 2004).

Te oddaje pa so park uporabljale le kot kuliso, zato imajo omejeno "turistično" vrednost. Za mesnejše jedi je vedno letno Čarobno božično praznovanje Disney Parks, ki prikazuje božično parado Walta Disneyja in vključuje tudi segmente, ki prikazujejo najnovejše in največje zanimivosti okoli Disneylanda in Walta Disey Worlda. Če boste gledali posebno ponudbo samo zato, da boste dobili informacije o načrtovanju, lahko kar pokličete Disney na 1 407 W-DISNEY (9-347639) in prosite za njihovo brezplačni video za načrtovanje počitnic. Drug dober vir informacij je uradni YouTube kanal parkov in letovišč Walt Disney. Ni presenetljivo, da ti korporativni viri v Disneyju ponavadi prikrivajo težave, s katerimi se lahko srečate v Walt Disney World, vendar ponujajo dober uvod v letovišče za začetnike, ki se trudijo dobiti občutek za kraj.

Disney je na podlagi različnih voženj po parkih ustvaril tudi nekaj celovečernih predstav - pet Pirati s Karibov filmi so daleč najboljši - vendar ne pričakujte, da bodo vožnje s filmi imele kaj skupnega. So pa dober način za razpoloženje za vaše potovanje!


Kot vsi Osrednja Florida, podnebje v Walt Disney Worldu je vlažno in subtropsko. Poletje (maj – oktober) je vroče in lepljivo, zima (november – april) pa je blago in bolj suho. Obiskovalci z višjih zemljepisnih širin so pogosto presenečeni nad samim intenzivnost poletnega sonca na Floridi, ki se lahko junija in julija dvigne do nekaj stopinj naravnost nad glavo. Od junija do septembra, pozno popoldanske grmenje so zelo pogosti; ustrezno načrtujte.

Kljub temu so podnebne težave v Walt Disney World dobro znane in obstaja več načinov za spopadanje (glej "Vreme" v razdelku Ostani na varnem).

Vreme lahko pogosto povzroči začasno zaprtje voženj na prostem in nastopov v živo. V primeru voženj se bodo znova odprle po izboljšanju vremena in izbrani FastPass bodo še naprej veljavni, tudi če je potekel čas rezervacije. Nastopi v živo se lahko bodisi odložijo bodisi dokončno odpovedo. Po drugi strani pa vam slabo vreme lahko koristi, saj nekatere obiskovalce odžene stran od zunanjih površin ali v celoti iz parkov.

Kdaj na obisk

Včasih so bili parki v letu razmeroma zapuščeni, a ne več toliko. Zdaj se le razlikujejo od "zmerno zaseden" do "popolnoma nor". Kljub temu odločitev, kdaj iti, ostaja a igra kompromisov: odločiti se morate, ali boste favorizirali manjšo gnečo ali daljše ure parkiranja, in se odločite, ali imate raje žgoče dneve ali hladne noči.

Najvišja obdobja obiska so konec decembra, sredina junija do sredine avgusta in sredina februarja do sredine aprila. Zakaj? Takrat je večina ameriških otrok na odmoru od šole. Če imate otroke, vam morda ne bo preostalo drugega, kot da se odpravite v te konice. Slaba novica je, da boste kot sardele spakirani poleg 50.000 novih najbližjih prijateljev, dve uri boste čakali na vožnjo, kot sta Splash Mountain in Soarin ', za privilegij pa boste plačali premijo. Poleti lahko tudi poslušate otroke, ki se pritožujejo nad vročino. Na dobri strani pa boste imeli veliko družbe, parki bodo zagotovo odprti pozno in čim več voženj bo delovalo.

Če vaš urnik sploh dopušča kakršno koli prilagodljivost, se izogibajte tem obdobjem konic. Udeležba je najmanjša oktobra, novembra (pred zahvalni dan), decembra (pred božičem) in januarja. To so lahko zelo dobri časi; gneče je malo in tudi cene, vendar ne pozabite, da boste morda ugotovili, da je več voženj zaprtih zaradi vzdrževanja, parki pa imajo krajši delovni čas. Pozimi je pogosto prehladno za odhod v vodne parke, ponoči pa boste potrebovali jakno.

Tedni med veliko nočjo in spominskim dnem so še eno počasno obdobje, pa tudi meseci avgusta in septembra; obe obdobji zagotavljata dobro razmerje med ceno, gnečo, temperaturo in delovnim časom, vendar boste morda morali otroke peljati iz šole, če jih boste pripeljali s seboj.

Zavedajte pa se, da v obdobju od decembra do februarja, od sredine junija do julija, v prvih 2-3 tednih oktobra in na dan zahvalnosti (v nekaterih primerih), turistične skupine iz Južnoameriške države, predvsem iz Brazilije in Argentine, bodo napadli Walt Disney World in druge tematske parke v Orlandu. Številni gostje so se pritožili zaradi nesramnosti in neprimernega nadzora. Obstajajo nekatere skupine, ki morda niso tako problematične, kot bi si lahko vsi mislili, toda vseeno, če vidite ali slišite skupino najstnikov za 20 do 30-letno odraslo osebo z zastavo, je najbolje, da greste v nasprotno smer.

Seveda boste morda želeli svoje potovanje uskladiti z a poseben dogodek. (Ni naključje, da so ti dogodki v parkih razporejeni v sicer počasnih obdobjih.) Epcot ima dvomesečne dogodke: Mednarodni festival cvetja in vrta Epcot traja od marca do sredine maja, in Mednarodni festival hrane in vina Epcot traja od oktobra do sredine novembra.

The Čarobno kraljestvo gosti dve posebni počitniški prireditvi, Mickeyjeva ne tako strašljiva zabava za noč čarovnic septembra in oktobra ter Mikijeva zelo vesela božična zabava novembra in decembra. Ti dogodki, ki vam omogočajo, da ostanete v parku po običajnem času zapiranja, lahko stanejo do 100 USD na osebo, vendar je število vstopnic omejeno, zato je množica še vedno obvladljiva.

Kako pripeljejo zvezdo na vrh?

Ko smo že pri tem Božič, mesec december je lahko ravno najbolj čaroben letni čas v svetu Walta Disneyja. Celotno letovišče je v celoti okrašeno vse, z ogromnimi tematskimi božičnimi drevesi v vsakem parku in vsakem letovišču ter spektakularno Grajske sanjske luči zagrnjen na grad Pepelke. V letoviščih je tudi nešteto prazničnih prireditev, Procesija pri svečah na Epcot in drugi dogodki. In dokler se izogibate zahvalnemu in božičnemu tednu, gneča res ni tako slaba.


Če so datumi dopustov prilagodljivi, načrtujte, da boste na območje Orlanda prispeli v četrtek. Petek in sobota sta za obiskovalce parka prehodna dneva, zlasti v poletnih mesecih. Sobote sicer v park pritegnejo več imetnikov letne vozovnice, vendar je to glavni dan, ko ljudje pridejo ali zapustijo območje. Zaradi tega se število obiskov zmanjšuje, zato je popoln dan za obisk parkov.

Če nameravate na dopustu imeti dan počitka, lahko s prihodom v četrtek uživate v dvodnevnih parkih z manjšo gnečo in nato nedeljo izkoristite za počitek. Če v prvih dveh dneh nameravate obiskati Čarobno kraljestvo, to načrtujte v petek. Številke obiska se za ta park dvignejo v soboto. V prvih dveh dneh boste lahko naredili več zanimivosti, medtem ko se boste okrepili, nato pa se boste lahko sprostili in uživali v parku ob bolj gnečih dneh.


Kot v večini krajev v ZDA, angleščina je privzeti jezik v celotnem letovišču Walt Disney World Resort. Člani zasedbe World Showcase v Epcotu so večinoma državljani predstavljenih držav, zato bodo tekoče govorili svoj materni jezik in angleščino. Drugi člani zasedbe v celotnem premoženju so lahko tudi dvojezični ali trijezični; takšne člane igralcev je mogoče prepoznati po jezikovnih znakih na njihovih imenskih ploščicah, ki predstavljajo jezike, ki jih govorijo. Španščina je zelo pogosta tudi na Floridi in v ZDA kot celoti. Špansko govoreči ne bodo imeli težav s plovbo po letovišču.

Vsi štirje tematski parki imajo informacijski center, imenovan Odnosi z gosti, v bližini glavnega vhoda. Člani zasedb na teh lokacijah, ki so pogosto večjezični, lahko odgovorijo na vsa vaša vprašanja.

Disneyjeva ušesa v svet je zvočna slušalka, ki nudi prevode dialogov izbranih znamenitosti v tuj jezik v francoščino, nemščino, japonščino, portugalščino ali španščino. Lahko ga najamete v storitvi Guest Relations, vendar je na voljo omejeno število; znesek v višini 25 USD bo zbran in vrnjen po vrnitvi.

Gosti z motnje vida si lahko sposodi Disneyjeva ročna naprava. To je prenosna brezžična naprava, ki ponuja zvočne opise za večino predstav in znamenitosti v celotnem letovišču. Disney ponuja tudi braillove vodnike. Za depozit v višini 25 USD lahko dobite katerega koli na lokaciji za odnose z gostom v katerem koli parku. Največje restavracije, ki nudijo proste storitve, zdaj ponujajo tudi braillove menije in vedno lahko prosite člana zasedbe, da vam po potrebi prebere meni.

Dovolj čudno, slušno prizadeti gostje lahko tudi uporabite Disneyjevo ročno napravo; za večino zanimivosti in oddaj ponuja tako napise kot pomožno poslušanje. Depozit z možnostjo vračila v višini 25 USD še vedno velja. Nekatere zanimivosti imajo lahko (brezplačne) ročne, odsevne ali video napise; vprašajte člana zasedbe. En park na dan bo imel izbrane tolmače v živo; za trenutni urnik pošljite e-pošto na naslov [email protected]. Tolmači so na voljo za posebne prireditve in večerne predstave po dogovoru vsaj dva tedna vnaprej. Člani zasedbe z znanjem o Ameriški znakovni jezik jih lahko prepoznate z ustreznim simbolom na njihovih imenskih oznakah.

Gluhi in naglušni gostje imajo lahko katero koli Disneyjevo sobo za goste, opremljeno z vizualnimi opozorili, stresalniki postelj in TTY-ji; 1 407-824-4321, 1 407-827-5141 (TTY).


"Človek si mora čim prej zastaviti cilje in vso svojo energijo in talent nameniti temu, da pride tja. Z dovolj truda ga lahko doseže. Lahko pa najde nekaj, kar je še bolj koristno. A na koncu, ne glede na to, kakšen izid, bo vedel, da je živ. " - Walt Disney

Z letalom

Zakaj je MCO in ne ORL?

Če rezervirate letalsko potovanje v Orlando, si tega morate zapomniti MCO koda letališča. Turistično-humorna razlaga je, da MCO pomeni "Mickey in COmpany", okrajšava pa dejansko izvira iz prvotnega imena letališča, letalske baze McCoy. Pričakovana koda ORL je dodeljena letališču Orlando Executive, letalskemu objektu za splošno letalstvo, ki se nahaja nekaj kilometrov severno od Orlando International.

Večina obiskovalcev prileti Mednarodno letališče Orlando (MCO IATA), 1 407-825-2001. Opravljajo ga vse glavne ameriške letalske družbe in širok spekter mednarodnih prevoznikov. Od tam lahko najamete avto, vzamete taksi, naročite limuzino ali mestno vozilo ali vzamete Disneyev čarobni izraz: brezplačen avtobusni prevoz od letališča do letoviških hotelov v lasti Disneyja (potrebne predhodne rezervacije). Florida State Roads 528 (na severu) in 417 (na jugu) povezuje letališče z Meddržavni 4, ki vodi neposredno v Walt Disney World.

Mednarodno letališče Orlando-Sanford (SFB IATA) je nekoliko dlje od sveta Walta Disneyja kot Orlando International. Poleg domačih letov v družbi Allegiant Air letališče skrbi tudi za lete iz Združenega kraljestva in Islandije. Disneyev čarobni izraz je ne na voljo tukaj. Florida State Road 417 povezuje letališče z avtocesto Interstate 4.

Letovišča Disney ponujajo storitve prijave na letališču (vključno s preverjanjem prtljage) kar v hotelu, v bližini avtobusne postaje Magical Express. Ta storitev je na voljo za notranje (in kmalu mednarodne) lete na vseh večjih ameriških letalskih družbah (vključno z Alaska Airlines). Lahko se prijavite zjutraj, preverite velike kovčke, pustite ročno prtljago pri storitvah Bell Services in se pred odhodom na letališče zabavate v parkih.

Z avtom

Meddržavni 4 je najbolj neposredna vozna pot v Walt Disney World. Glede na vašo izvorno točko, Floridska avtocesta je lahko zelo koristno. To še posebej velja, če morda prispete iz Miamija ali drugih točk južno. Če boste prispeli s križarjenja ob Pristanišče Canaveral, Florida State Road 528 vas pripelje do I-4 z mednarodnim letališčem Orlando in avtocesto na poti.

Z vlakom

AmtrakovaSrebrna storitevMiamiNew York City poti služijo Orlando in Kissimmee. Storitev je štirikrat na dan, z dvema vlakoma v katero koli smer. Severni vlaki iz Miamija prispejo na postajo Orlando ob 13:43 in 19:08; vlaki proti jugu iz New Yorka prispejo ob 10:17 in 12:55. The Avto vlak, ki lahko prevaža potnike in avtomobile, služi v bližini Sanford non-stop od Lorton, Virginia (blizu Washington DC.).

Čeprav je postaja Kissimmee veliko manjša, je bližje čarobnemu kraljestvu in vsem letoviščem na južnem koncu sveta Walt Disney, vključno z letovišči All-Star. Manjša razdalja pomeni manjše cene taksijev za tiste, ki ne načrtujejo najema avtomobila. Od tod je mogoče Lynx Link 56 odpeljati do Centra za prevoz in vozovnice.

Če prihajate iz delov okrožij Volusia ali Seminole ali iz okrožja severne Osceole ob delavnikih in se želite izogniti prometu I-4, je vaša najboljša možnost SunRail, ki poteka med Debary in Poniciana. Tukaj je brez vikenda in nekaterih zveznih praznikov (na primer zahvalni dan in božični dan), vlaki pa vozijo vsakih 30 minut v času prometnih konic in vsaki 2 uri v obdobjih, ko ni konic. SunRail ima dve povezovalni postaji za Disney. Prva je Lynx Central Station v središču Orlanda, druga pa v centru Kissimmee.

Z avtobusom

Disneyev čarobni izraz se je izkazal kot zelo priljubljena možnost za goste, ki bivajo v letoviščih v Disneyevih hotelih; zagotavlja brezplačen prevoz do letališča in nazaj. Vsekakor pa rezervirajte storitev vnaprej!

The Disneyjeva križarjenja zagotavlja podoben avtobusni prevoz za svoje potnike, in sicer med letoviškimi hoteli Walt Disney World in njihovim terminalom v Port Canaveral. Cena enosmerne vozovnice je 35 USD na osebo, čeprav je vključena v ceno, če rezervirate počitniški paket na kopnem in morju.

Če ne bivate v Disneyjevem letovišču ali ne prihajate prek mednarodnega letališča Orlando ali Disney Cruise Line, imate na voljo še nekaj drugih možnosti. Mears Prevoz je velik pes na tem območju; pravzaprav Disney z njimi sklene pogodbo za vožnjo avtobusov Magical Express in Disney Cruise Line. Vozijo pa tudi lastne avtobuse in mestne avtomobile, s katerimi vas lahko pripeljejo do katere koli lokalne znamenitosti ali hotela.

Medkrajevno avtobusno podjetje Hrt služi tako Orlandu kot Kissimmeeju, pri čemer je slednji bližje svetu Walt Disney.

RIS je javna avtobusna služba regionalne prometne uprave Central Florida. Deset poti LYNX zagotavlja povezave med Walt Disney World in okolico. Vsi razen 56 potujejo preko I-4 in Disney Springs in služijo Disney Springs West Side Transfer Center.

  • Redne poti:
    • Pot 50, od Centra za prevoz in prodajo vozovnic, ob parkirišču Magic Kingdom, do SeaWorlda in centra Orlanda. Ta pot služi kot primarna povezava javnega prevoza WDW do International Drive, glavni turistični koridor v mestu Orlando. To je tudi glavni priključek na SunRail z glavne postaje Lynx.
    • Pot 56, od Centra za prevoz in vozovnice do centra mesta Kissimmee. To je tudi glavni priključek za SunRail podjetja Kissimmee.
    • Pot 111, od SeaWorld Orlando do nakupovalnega središča Florida Mall in mednarodnega letališča Orlando. Opomba: Če obratujete enkrat na uro, lahko enkrat uporabite cesto 50 pri SeaWorld Orlando, da prispete v center za prevoz in prodajo vozovnic.
  • Poti 300–306 so primestne poti z zelo omejenimi storitvami:
    • Pot 300, od Disney Springsa do centra Orlanda.
    • Cesta 301, od Živalskega kraljestva do Pine Hillsa.
    • Cesta 302iz letovišč Magic Kingdom v Rosemont.
    • Cesta 303, od Hollywood Studios do Washington Shores.
    • Cesta 304, od Disney Springs do Rio Grande.
    • Cesta 305, od letovišč All Star do kraja Kirkman / Raleigh.
    • Cesta 306, od Disney Springs do Poinciane.


PrevidnoNakup vstopnic prek spleta: Številne vstopnice, ki se prodajajo prek spleta prek dražbenih spletnih mest, kot sta eBay ali Craigslist, so delno uporabljene večdnevne park-hopper vstopnice. Čeprav je to zelo pogosta dejavnost, jo Disney prepoveduje: vstopnice niso prenosljive. Tudi za vas kot kupca obstaja tveganje, ker zagotovo ne veste, koliko dni je še na vozovnici. Če kupujete vstopnice prek spleta, kupujte samo pri pooblaščenih posrednikih; preprodane vstopnice se lahko zavrnejo pred vrati.

Obisk sveta Walta Disneyja je zelo draga zadeva, vendar imate nekaj manevrskega prostora pri določanju kako drago. Vaša najosnovnejša vstopnica krije stroške obiska enega od štirih tematskih parkov na dan za vsak dan vstopnice (do 10 dni). Enodnevne vozovnice so zelo drage, zlasti za Magic Kingdom, vendar nakup večdnevnih vstopnic pomeni veliko nižji dnevni strošek.

Na osnovno vozovnico lahko dodate znak Park Hopper možnost, ki vam omogoča, da na isti dan vnesete več tematskih parkov tolikokrat, kot želite. Ta možnost stane pavšalnih 75 USD na vozovnico (ali 60 USD za vozovnice, krajše od štirih dni). Za dodatnih 15 USD na vstopnico lahko Park Hopper nadgradite na Park Hopper Plus. Poleg običajne ugodnosti Park Hopper, Park Hopper Plus vključuje tudi prednosti stare možnosti "Water Park Fun & More", ki omogoča vstop v oba Disneyjeva vodna parka in druge zanimivosti.

Prednosti možnosti Park Hopper so pogosto spregledane, vendar je toplo priporočamo zaradi prilagodljivosti, ki jo ponuja. Brez tega bi se lahko zataknili nikamor drugam, ko bi v enem parku naredili vse, kar želite; ali pa bi vam zmanjkalo časa, da bi naredili še zadnjo atrakcijo in se ne bi mogli vrniti še en dan ponj. Če imate sedemdnevne vozovnice, dodajanje te možnosti stane le 10 USD na vozovnico na dan; ne smemo podcenjevati vrednosti obiska enega parka zjutraj in drugega zvečer. (Of course, if you have enough days on your tickets, maybe you don't need to worry about park hopping; you may have enough days to see everything you want to see without it.)

With the Park Hopper Plus option, you receive a number of admissions to attractions outside the four main parks. The number is equal to the number of days on your base ticket (or two admissions for one-day tickets), though they can be used anytime. You can use these admissions at Laguna Tajfun, Plaža Blizzard, DisneyQuest, Široki svet športa ESPN, and the nine-hole Oak Trail golf course. You can also use an admission for a round of golf at the Fantasia Gardens ali Zimsko poletje miniature golf courses, but only before 4PM. Depending on which attractions you visit, the cost of the option may be covered by the money you save on just one visit.

Don't forget that you can always add Park Hopper later in your trip, just by paying the $75 (or $60) cost for the option. This change may be made at any ticket window or at the Guest Relations office inside each theme park as well as the Concierge desk at Disney Resort Hotels.

Another option you can add to your tickets is Memory Maker ($149/ticket), which allows unlimited downloads of all PhotoPass photos and videos, as well as discounts on prints. It's not available for one-day tickets. Neither this nor the Park Hopper option is likely worth it if you buy only a one- or two-day ticket, but because they have a flat cost, their value goes up sharply as you add more days.

Multi-day tickets do not have to be used on consecutive days. However, these tickets will expire 14 days after they are first used, so be sure to use all the days purchased prior to that. Unused tickets expire at the end of the following calendar year; those purchased in 2020 will be good through the end of 2021, for instance. (Even if your ticket expires, though, you can still redeem its cost toward the purchase of a new ticket.)

Too good to be true?

Billboards along interstate highways in Florida and even southern Georgia promote the availability of cut-rate admission tickets for Walt Disney World and other central Florida theme parks. While these offers are genuine, there is often a catch. Many of these promotions require the buyer to tour a time-share resort and sit through a high-pressure sales pitch for the property prior to getting the tickets.

Most time-share tours and pitches have a time limit, and once that time is up guests may ask to receive their perk and return to their vacation; however, most time-share companies will not advertise this in hopes that they can keep you longer than originally scheduled to continue their high-pressure sales pitch.

Children under age three are admitted for free. The prices below were accurate as of February 2017 (6.5% Florida sales tax ne included):

Disney Park Ticket Prices
Dneviages 3-9ages 10
SkupajNa danSkupajNa dan
* Value season price for all parks except Magic Kingdom
Add $8 for Regular season or $20 for Peak season
Add another $8 ($5 Peak) for Magic Kingdom

The two Disney vodni parki have different admission prices. They are $62 ($56 for ages 3–9), and you can freely hop between both water parks (if they're both open) for no additional charge. These tickets are good anytime, but if you know you won't be using them during the summer, you can get discounted "blackout" tickets for $5 less. Blackout tickets can't be used between Memorial Day and the end of August.

Disney resort guests (those staying on-site at Disney hotels) are usually best served by getting package deals that include both lodging and admission. Magic Your Way Packages include discounts on dining, shopping, and other experiences as well as vouchers for miniature golf. (So pay attention to what your package includes prej you add on the Water Park Fun and More option!) There are Magic Your Way Premium in Magic Your Way Platinum packages available as well; they add some interesting luxury options to your vacation package. They both include the Deluxe Dining Plan, preferred fireworks viewing, unlimited access to select recreational activities, tours, and a portrait session. The Platinum package adds to that a spa treatment, a fireworks cruise, and more. If you're sure you're going to use the benefits these packages provide, they may just be worth the extra cost. Purchasing these packages does require booking and staying at a Disney owned resort hotel.

Florida residents who provide proof of residence get discounts of varying degrees, but they can't purchase beyond a 7-day ticket (meaning that Florida residents who ask for the discount can't purchase 8-, 9-, or 10-day tickets). Annual passes are also available for frequent visitors or residents.


Walt Disney World Resort overview map

Getting around Walt Disney World is easy and often fun. You may walk, drive, or ride public transit (in this case, buses, monorails, or ferryboats). All Walt Disney World transit vehicles are wheelchair-accessible, and there is no additional fee to use any of them. If you are traveling with a stroller, you must take your child out of the stroller, then fold it and hand-carry it onto the vehicle.


Ponekod hoditi is the most convenient way to travel from one area to another. Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios, and the five resorts in between (Swan & Dolphin, Yacht & Beach Clubs, and Boardwalk) are connected by walkways, as is Disney Springs to Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort. If you are staying at Disney's Contemporary Resort, you will find it quicker to walk to the Magic Kingdom than to take the ferry or monorail. From Shades of Green (a military-only resort) it's a five-minute walk to Disney's Polynesian Village Resort, to take the monorail or ferry to the Magic Kingdom; and from the Polynesian it's another five-minute walk to the Transportation and Ticket Center, to take the monorail to Epcot.

Keep in mind, though, that you'll be doing a lot of walking znotraj the parks, especially at Epcot and Animal Kingdom, so don't tire yourself out early!

Otroški vozički, wheelchairs, in electric convenience vehicles (ECVs) are readily available to rent at the entrance to each park. If you have a problem standing too long, or if walking on the hot pavement makes your feet ache, renting a wheelchair or ECV can make a big difference. Wheelchairs can be brought up to the loading area of most rides, where you'll usually need to transfer to the ride vehicle. Both wheelchairs and ECVs are accommodated in most theater and stage attractions. Strollers will usually need to be left outside; most attractions have a designated stroller parking area. Electric standing vehicles (ESVs) are also available for guests who have trouble walking, but also cannot sit for long periods of time. There are very few ESVs, though, so it might be a bit of a hassle to rent one.

A single stroller rents for $15, or $13/day for multi-day rentals. Double strollers are $31, or $27/day. Wheelchairs are $12, or $10/day. ECVs and ESVs are $50, with a $20 refundable deposit. Even if you park-hop, you only have to pay once per day; simply show a same-day receipt to avoid paying a second fee.

Z avtobusom

Disney buses lined up

Learn to love the ubiquitous Walt Disney World bus system. You'll be using it a lot, especially if you didn't bring a car.

The bus routes are set up to facilitate travel from a resort to a park, but not from one resort to another or from one park to another. Most resorts have five bus routes originating from them, providing direct service to all four theme parks and Disney Springs. Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach are served only by buses that leave from Disney Springs and Animal Kingdom, respectively.

Disney's Boardwalk is actually part of a resort, so visitors from other resorts (except Swan/Dolphin or Yacht/Beach Clubs) will have to travel there via one of the parks. The most convenient option is Disney's Hollywood Studios, which has two connections to the Boardwalk: walking or ferry. (Although Epcot is the closest park to the Boardwalk, using it as an interchange is not recommended, as it would require entering through the main entrance and exiting out the back entrance, thereby costing the admission fee.)

There is no bus service to the Magic Kingdom or Epcot from the Magic Kingdom-area resorts; they are served by the monorail system. Likewise, service to Epcot and Disney's Hollywood Studios from the Epcot-area resorts is by ferry or walking. There is also no consistent direct bus service between the theme parks and Disney Springs. (After 4PM you can find buses from the parks to Disney Springs, but not the other way around; this discourages guests from parking for free at Disney Springs and taking the bus to the parks.) To travel to Disney Springs from a theme park, or vice versa, you must travel to any resort and change buses. The most convenient resort for this purpose is Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort, which is right next door to Disney Springs; you can get there via a pedestrian bridge, bus, or ferry.

The buses are reliable, fairly efficient, and reasonably comfortable, but you do need to give yourself plenty of time to get where you're going. You may wait up to twenty minutes for a bus to your destination, and another ten to thirty minutes to get there—possibly longer during the busy season. The buses can be very crowded around park opening and closing times; be prepared to stand. Also keep in mind that guests in wheelchairs and ECVs have first priority when boarding.

Z monotirko

Monorail Coral

Walt Disney World's enotirna system is one of its signature attractions, and it's not even inside one of the parks. They do a great job of getting large numbers of guests from place to place, but they're also quite comfortable and fun to ride.

The monorail service is limited and only goes to certain areas, all originating from the Center za prevoz in vozovnice (TTC). There are three monorail lines:

  • Express: This route travels from the Transportation and Ticket Center (adjacent to the Magic Kingdom parking lot) to the Magic Kingdom gates and back, without stopping at the resorts. This is primarily used by Magic Kingdom guests who parked in the lot or are coming from Epcot. This route runs on the outer beam, counter-clockwise around Seven Seas Lagoon.
  • Letovišče: This route runs parallel to the Express route, clockwise on the inner rail, and stops at all the resorts it passes. The stops are, in order: Transportation and Ticket Center, Polynesian Village, Grand Floridian, Magic Kingdom, and Contemporary. This route is used by resort guests to get to the Magic Kingdom or Epcot, and by guests visiting one of the resorts.
  • Epcot: This route travels between the Transportation and Ticket Center and the Epcot gates. When entering Epcot this way, the monorail makes a nice loop in the park before arriving at the station, giving a great aerial view of Future World and the World Showcase.

If you are going to Epcot from the Polynesian Village Resort, you may walk to the Transportation and Ticket Center to get to the Epcot monorail; it's usually faster than taking the Resort monorail completely through the loop. The same is true of traveling to the Magic Kingdom from the Contemporary Resort. It is also possible to walk to the TTC from Disney's Wilderness Lodge, which is not connected to the monorail. The distance is about half a mile, and takes around 10 minutes.

Monorails generally run from an hour before park opening to an hour after closing. Most of the time that'll be enough for anyone, but if you're using it to transit between resorts (for, say, a late dinner reservation), you might want to double-check the exact hours at your resort's front desk. You might also have a problem with early-morning breakfasts and tour appointments, but again the front desk can help you arrange alternative transportation.

Moj čoln

Walt Disney World also has several waterways which are used by ferryboats to transport guests. In some cases, these take the place of bus service between two destinations.

  • From the Magic Kingdom, huge ferryboats transport guests to the Transportation and Ticket Center, adjacent to the parking lot. Smaller motor launches and cruisers travel to the Grand Floridian, Polynesian Village, Fort Wilderness Campground, and Wilderness Lodge (and sometimes the Contemporary).
  • From Epcot and Disney's Hollywood Studios, Friendship boats travel to the Swan/Dolphin, Yacht/Beach Club, and Boardwalk.
  • From Disney Springs, ferry service is to Saratoga Springs, Old Key West, and the two Port Orleans resorts.

Z avtom

If you are staying on-site, a avto is not necessary, unless you wish to travel off-property during your stay. Some people purchase groceries to use during their stay; while there are a couple of places on the property to buy them, better selection and prices are found off property. Other people use a car to avoid the delays that can sometimes affect the public transportation options.

If you are staying at a hotel off Disney property, on the other hand, a car is strongly recommended. Many off-resort hotels offer shuttle service to the parks, but the schedules may not be convenient.

Getting around Walt Disney World by car is not much of a problem. All you need to do is follow the purple directional signs with black Mickey Mouse ears to your destination. Your WDW resort will also provide a map of the complex. If you run into problems, just drop by the Walt Disney World Car Care Center on World Drive, near the Magic Kingdom toll plaza.

The four golf courses (see spodaj) are accessible only by car; however, complimentary taxi service is available for guests of Disney-owned hotels.


Several car rental agencies have locations on Walt Disney World property:

  • Alamo in Državna, which are both owned by the same company, have dual locations in three places:
    • WDW Car Care Center (near the Magic Kingdom toll plaza), 1 407 824-3470
    • Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel, 1 407 934-4930
    • Hilton Buena Vista Palace (in the Disney Springs Resort Area), 1 407 827-6363
  • Avis at the Hilton Lake Buena Vista in the Disney Springs Resort Area. 1 407 827-2847
  • Proračun at the DoubleTree in the Disney Springs Resort Area. 1 407 827-6089
  • Dollar at the Wyndham in the Disney Springs Resort Area. 1 407 583-8000
  • Hertz at Shades of Green. 1 407 938-0600
  • U-Save at the Best Western in the Disney Springs Resort Area. 1 407 938-9585


Tam so drevesa Speedwaygas stations within the resort: at the Car Care Center on World Drive, on Buena Vista Drive near the entrance to Hollywood Studios, and on Buena Vista Drive across from Disney Springs. Don't worry too much about paying a premium for convenience; these three stations are often the najcenejši v območju. If you do go off-property for fuel, check prices very carefully. Some stations take advantage of unwary tourists by charging $1-3 a gallon več than the local market rate.


The parking fee at the four theme park lots is $22 for most vehicles (campers, trailers, buses, and tractor trailers are $27.) Parking is free for pass holders, but as of 2018 there is a charge for those staying at on-site resorts. The four theme park lots are huge, and are divided into subsections; this is to enable you to remember your car's location. To save you from having to walk the long distances, there are trams that will shuttle you from the parking lot to the park gates and back (except in the case of the Magic Kingdom, where the tram will take you to the Transportation and Ticket Center, from which you may take the ferry or the monorail to the park).

Parking at the two water parks and at Disney Springs is free. However, there are no parking lot trams available, so be prepared to walk.

Valet parking is available at Deluxe resorts (see the Spi section) for $33/day (keep your receipt; it's good all day). Self-parking is always free at the resorts for those visiting for the day, but not for those staying at the resort overnight. Nightly cost is $13 at a value resort, $19 at a moderate resort, and $24 a night at Deluxe Resorts and Deluxe Villas.

Glej in delaj

"Here in Florida, we have something special we never enjoyed at Disneyland — the blessing of size. There's enough land here to hold all the ideas and plans we can possibly imagine." — Walt Disney

Tukaj je veliko to do at Walt Disney World, and only some of it involves standing in lines or meeting Mickey Mouse. In fact, there's so much to do that you simply can't do it all; don't even try! Instead, prioritize. Of course you have to visit the theme parks, but not necessarily every day. Leave time for shopping, boating, dining, swimming, golfing, and relaxing.

The people who res enjoy Walt Disney World, the ones who return like clockwork, know how to balance time in the parks with time outside the parks. And both can be equally magical.


In 2013, Disney unveiled MyMagic , their brand name for a whole suite of new innovations intended to improve their guests' experiences at Walt Disney World. There are three major components: My Disney Experience, MagicBands, and FastPass .


A pink MagicBand.

Disneyjeva Key to the World cards have largely been superseded by their new MagicBands. MagicBands are rubber wristbands that you can wear all day around the parks. Each member of your party gets one, and you use it to gain admittance to the parks and access FastPass queues. If you're staying at a Disney resort, the MagicBand will also unlock your hotel room, and you can use it to charge purchases to your room account or access meal options from your Disney Dining Plan. The MagicBands use RFID wireless technology, so all you have to do is wave your wrist near a special Mickey-head sensor, and you're all set.

If you are staying at a Disney resort, you can have each member of your party pick a color, and Disney will send you your MagicBands ahead of time. (If not, you can still use MagicBands, but you'll have to buy them for $12.95 each once you get to the park.) Disney sells decorations for your MagicBands, so you can customize their look. The Tomorrowland Power and Light store in the Magic Kingdom also has a MagicBand on Demand facility, which allows you to customize special MagicBands on the spot. They're $21.95 with just your choice of artwork, or $29.95 if you want to add your name as well.

MagicBands sent to your home before your trip are automatically linked to your Moja Disneyjeva izkušnja account (see next section); if you get them later, you'll need to have them linked at the point of purchase.

Moja Disneyjeva izkušnja

Moja Disneyjeva izkušnja is an integrated platform, a one-stop shop for all of your trip information.

Setting up an account using the web site and connecting it to your trip reservation allows you to access all of your reservations: your Disney hotel stay, your FastPass times, and your Advance Dining Reservations. (It also lets you choose your MagicBand colors ahead of time!) Even if you're not staying at a Disney resort, you can create an account and hook it up to your admission media (MagicBand or card) once you get to the parks. You can review and make changes to your FastPass choices or ADRs both from the site and from the My Disney Experience mobile app (iOS or Android only).

Disney is starting to provide online ordering and payment at counter-service restaurants, starting with Satu'li Canteen in Animal Kingdom. This feature of the app will allow you to skip the lines and just go get your food when it's ready.

The app has a number of other features, too, like an interactive park map, current attraction wait times, and access to your PhotoPass photos and videos. Need to know what restaurants are near your current location? Want to know when your favorite character is going to be posing for photos? Or what time the 3PM parade starts? This app has the answers. While it's never a good idea to wander the parks with your eyes locked on your mobilni telefon all day, the usefulness of the My Disney Experience app means you probably don't want to leave it in your hotel room, either. No wonder Disney has been improving wi-fi access throughout the resort!


At their busiest, lines at Disney's theme parks can be over three hours long for the most popular attractions. (During the least busy times, you'll rarely see more than 45 minutes, though.) As great as the attractions are, they are rarely worth standing in a three-hour line. One option for avoiding these lines is the free service known as FastPass , available at pretty much every attraction that experiences wait times of more than a few minutes. FastPass allows you to schedule your visit to an attraction ahead of time, and then enter the attraction using a dedicated queue that bypasses the standby line.

FastPass replaces the old FastPass system, in which you had to visit the attraction, get a FastPass ticket, and then come back at a designated time. Now with FastPass , you no longer have to keep track of paper tickets; your scheduled ride reservations are stored on your admission media (card or MagicBand). Guests staying at Disney resort hotels can select their FastPass attractions 60 days before their trip using the My Disney Experience mobile app or web site; off-site guests have to wait until 30 days prior (though of course you'll need to buy your park tickets at least that far in advance to do so). Don't worry if you forget, or can't make the reservations in advance; you can still make FastPass reservations after entering the park. This can be done at kiosks located throughout the park, or at any Guest Relations location.

There is a catch, though: you can only schedule three FastPass attractions ahead of time, and all three have to be at the same park. But don't worry; after your third attraction's scheduled time, you can continue making reservations one at a time for the rest of the day, and those additional attractions can be at any park. Also, if you get to your FastPass attraction and discover that its standby line is super short (making your FastPass worthless), you can change it on the fly to another attraction.

If the demand is high, you might find that you can't get a FastPass reservation for your preferred attraction. Early indications are that this should be rare, but it could happen. Also, be aware that the FastPass queues may bypass some or all of the scenery and theming found in the longer lines, which for some guests is a significant part of the Disney experience. Consider what you may be missing if you choose to get a FastPass .

FastPass is still being tweaked, so details sometimes change; please check with your reservations agent, your front desk cast members, or Guest Relations cast members if you have any questions or concerns.

Zabaviščni parki

Štirje theme parks are Walt Disney World's bread and butter. These are not traditional amusement parks, where age is a hindrance to full enjoyment. The Disney parks have rides, sure, but many of them are quite sedate and can be enjoyed by everyone, not just those with a high tolerance for thrills. And even beyond the rides, there are stage shows to watch, shops to browse, characters to meet, and atmosphere to soak in.

Most importantly, though, none of these rides, shows, and stores just "sits there". Each one pripoveduje zgodbo, in much the same way that Disney's animated films do, and each is crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail. There are also the bigger stories to be found in each themed land, and in the park as a whole. When you enter the Magic Kingdom, and the entrance tunnels give way to the vista of Main Street, with Cinderella Castle at the far end, you're raising the curtain on a new production—and you're the featured player.

You won't find dirt or peeling paint or run-down mechanics at a Disney Park, not even at the oldest attractions. Disney takes quality very seriously, and if anything intrudes on your perception of the "show", it gets fixed quickly. It's all about suspension of disbelief: total immersion into worlds of imagination, art, and history.

The sheer number of attractions—including rides, stage shows, parades, and fireworks displays—at Walt Disney World's four theme parks can be intimidating to guests. It's usually best to have a plan going in. Check the guide map for the park you plan to visit and decide which attractions will be your highest priorities prej you leave for the park. Keep in mind that parades and some shows occur only at specific times, and plan your route to put you nearby in time to get a seat. Be flexible, though—once you've hit your priority attractions, you can go back and pick up more if you have time remaining.

The traditional amusement park advice of arriving early and heading to the back of the park first tends to work well, although more and more guests are starting to catch on, so the benefit may be reduced.

The Magic Kingdom

The Čarobno kraljestvo, based on the original Disneyland in Anaheim, California, is the most popular theme park in the world. It is organized around the central landmark of Cinderella Castle, with various "lands" arrayed around a central hub: Main Street USA, Adventureland, Frontierland, Liberty Square, Fantasyland, and Tomorrowland.

The park is the oldest, most crowded, and the most child-friendly, although many adults love it as well. Adult visitors who do not enjoy rides such as it's a small world, where you sit in vehicles that take you in a circle through a tunnel as animatronic figures sing children's songs to the riders, may want to visit Epcot or Hollywood Studios instead. On the other hand, roller coasters like Vesoljska gora in Gorska železnica Big Thunder provide plenty of thrills, and dark rides like the Dvorec s straši in Pirati s Karibov are classics that only the most curmudgeonly would dismiss.

The lines at the Magic Kingdom can be endless, but they always keep moving. Though the FastPass system works well, it is not available for all attractions. Even just walking around, you will likely encounter bottlenecks where there are huge masses of people, and they all seem to be going to the same place you are. Then there's the food and the merchandise, which can be pricey, but not too bad considering where you are. Despite it all, most people would agree that the lines, the crowds, and the prices are worth it for the experience.


Spaceship Earth, the icon of Epcot

Epcot is like an eternal world's fair. It is divided into two distinct areas, Future World and World Showcase. Future World features eight indoor pavilions, each one focused on a specific area of human achievement or endeavor. World Showcase replicates, on a small scale but with great attention to detail, eleven of the world's nations, complete with authentic food and merchandise.

First-time visitors should be sure to ride Vesoljska ladja Zemlja, the park's signature attraction, inside the giant geodesic dome that is Epcot's icon. At the other end of the park, Ameriška pustolovščina is a stirringly patriotic tribute to the United States. While sedate rides and shows like these used to be Epcot's focus, there are now some very popular thrill rides in Future World. Testna pot in which visitors go through the motions of tests for new cars, is probably the most fun, and the most traditionally theme-park-y, of the Epcot rides. Other perennial favorites include Soarin', a ride where visitors "hang-glide" through many landscapes, and Poslanstvo: PROSTOR, a centrifugal spaceflight simulator. The newest and very popular ride is Frozen Ever After in the Norway pavilion.

Epcot has a bit of a reputation as a more "grown-up" (or more educational) park. While some of the slower, more intellectual attractions may be over the heads of the youngest visitors, the park still has plenty to keep them entertained. Of course there are character greetings, especially at World Showcase, but there are also Kidcot Zabava se ustavi, which encourage children to work on a craft and interact with cast members who are representing their home countries. Morja z Nemo in prijatelji is great fun for fans of Iskanje Nematudi.

Disneyevi hollywoodski studii

Disneyevi hollywoodski studii (formerly Disney-MGM Studios) is themed around film and television, and features a variety of live shows and attractions based on some of the most iconic productions in Hollywood history. Disney subsidiaries Pixar, Lucasfilm, and The Muppets each have a significant presence here.

Among the attractions are a few exceptional thrill rides, most notably Grozljiv stolp cone mraka (which drops you 13 stories) and the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster z Aerosmithom v glavni vlogi (which launches you 0–60 in 2.8 seconds). The 3-D shooting gallery Mania Story Toy! and the associated Toy Story Land also grab big crowds, as does the Vojna zvezd-based simulator ride Zvezdne ture: Pustolovščine se nadaljujejo.

Disneyjevo kraljestvo živali

Disneyjevo kraljestvo živali, a member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, is a wildlife discovery park, a mix between a zoo and a theme park. Naturalistic animal exhibitions are interspersed, and sometimes integrated, with typical Disney rides. Among these are Kilimandžaro Safaris, a jeep safari past live animal enclosures; Rečne brzice Kali, a raft ride through the deforestation of a tropical rainforest; Dinozaver, a time travel ride which includes close encounters with dinosaurs; in Odprava Everest, a roller coaster that includes an encounter with the Yeti. The newest area of the park, Pandora, is based upon the Avatar movie franchise, featuring other-worldly landscapes and attractions which allow guests to experience scenes from the movie.

The park is organized in a Magic Kingdom-like format, with different continents revolving around the central Tree of Life. While light on rides, there are also shows and plenty of animals to view (though the variety of species seems a bit sparse when compared to many larger city zoos). Animal Kingdom is more of a kid-friendly theme park, with many animals that would attract the attention of younger generations, and lots of character greeting opportunities.

Meet the characters

Indy finds an idol

Especially for kids, pozdravi znakov are one of the most exciting reasons to visit Disney World. Kids and adults alike can give hugs to, take a photo with, or get autographs from many of their favorite Disney characters. Some kids like to bring or purchase a special autograph book in which the characters can inscribe their names.

Character appearances tend to be surprises (to avoid huge lines), so keep a close eye out. If there's a character your child really wants to see, you can ask at Guest Relations if they know of any upcoming appearances, but nothing is ever guaranteed. And remember that it's hot inside those character costumes; sometimes the character has to leave even if there are people still waiting to say hello. It's disappointing but necessary for safety.

Most often, character greetings will happen in the parks, in particular the Magic Kingdom, but they can happen just about anywhere! The Magic Kingdom does have the widest variety of characters, though; everyone from Miki Miška do Kapitan Jack Sparrow. Disney's "Big Six" (Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy, and Pluto) might be found anywhere in the park—for example, you might see Donald Duck in a Davy Crockett-like outfit in Frontierland. Other characters stick to the themed land most appropriate for their genre: Jack Sparrow in Adventureland, Buzz Lightyear in Tomorrowland, and so on.

At the other parks, character appearances are somewhat rarer. At Epcot, for instance, you'll generally only find characters who hail from one of the themed foreign lands of World Showcase—Mulan in the China pavilion, for example. Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom tend to have more structured greetings, where characters will make scheduled appearances at designated locations, but stay out of sight of most of the park.

If you miss out on random encounters with the characters, be sure to look into character dining opcije. While restaurants that offer character dining are extremely popular, if you can get a table, you're virtually guaranteed a few minutes of face time with the characters. Glej Character Dining in the Eat section, below.

Pin trading

The trading of commemorative pins has been popular at Olympic Games for decades. At the turn of the millennium, Disney decided to get in on the act and began creating metallic lapel pins specifically for trading. Its popularity peaked about ten years later, but there remains a low level of activity around the parks. Although it's not the massive phenomenon it once was (in part as collectors diversify, first to Vinylmation figures and then to Tsum Tsum plushies), Disney continues to produce scores of new pin designs every year.

Getting started is easy. Most every store has pins for sale ($7–$14 each), along with lanyards on which to display them. You can also get a starter pack with pins and a lanyard for $20–$60. These pins are generally not very valuable, so you'll need to trade up to get the more interesting (and much rarer) pins. The most reliable way to do so is to keep an eye out for Cast Members wearing pin lanyards. Cast Members are required to trade one-for-one if asked (up to two per guest per day) and can't refuse a trade based on pin rarity or design (although they can refuse to accept another copy of a pin they already have displayed). Cast Members with green lanyards will trade only to kids under 13.

You can also trade with your fellow guests, and here things can get interesting. You may need to offer several more common pins to get your hands on a single rare pin. Dedicated traders carry a supply of common pins for just this purpose. Your best way to find people willing to trade is to head to a dedicated pin kiosk or store, but there are also ample opportunities for trading while waiting in lines or while riding the monorail or bus.

Some tours and special events have unique pins that can only be obtained by participants. These pins are thus very rare in highly coveted. Make sure you (and especially your kids) don't trade these pins away without getting something really nice in return—but even then, think very carefully. Many people treat these more as souvenirs than commodities.

There's an annual pin-trading event at Epcot in late August


Each of the theme parks offers at least one ogled, some of which are very popular. For an extra fee, a cast member will take you and a small group and introduce you to some of the "secrets" behind Disney operations. Many of these tours go into backstage areas where guests are not normally allowed, although children may be restricted from these to avoid spoiling the "magic".

The gold standard among the tours is the Keys to the Kingdom tour at the Čarobno kraljestvo, a five-hour tour that includes a peek into the park's Utilidors. Ob Epcot, there are several tours at Morja z Nemo in prijatelji that take you into the huge aquarium to get up close to the animals who live there. The newest tour offering is the Divja Afrika Trek ob Živalsko kraljestvo, which will let you go on-foot into some remote areas of the park's African savanna and forest.

Water parks

Walt Disney World's two water parks, Plaža Blizzard blizu Živalsko kraljestvo in Laguna Tajfun blizu Disney Springs, are the most-visited water parks in the country, with a combined total yearly attendance of over 4 million. Each water park has a unique central theme. Blizzard Beach brings to life the absurdity of what would happen if a ski resort suddenly melted, while Typhoon Lagoon makes use of the runoff from a tropical storm for sliding and floating fun.

Both parks are big enough to spend several hours sliding, floating, or just soaking up the sun. Counter-service restaurants provide for a hearty lunch. If you have an extra $250 to spend, consider renting a private cabana for the day; they come with towels, lockers, a cabana attendant, and all the bottled water you can drink.

Shopping, dining, and nightlife

Disneyjeva promenada

Sometimes you just want to get away from the theme parks for a while. Maybe do some shopping, have a quiet meal, or get away from the kids and go out dancing.

Disney Springs is just what the doctor ordered: an outdoor shopping, dining, and entertainment paradise, geared primarily toward adults. Most of the entertainment activities are found on the Zahodna stran; the featured attraction is Cirque du Soleil,. A new show is expected to debut within the next few years. The middle sections, known as Pristanek in Mestno središče, both have a wide variety of upscale restaurants and fashionable stores, as well as a few quick service options. The east side, known as the Tržnica, is made up largely of gift shops and family restaurants.

Disneyjev krožek, next to Epcot, is a smaller collection of nightlife themed as a 1920s Eastern Seaboard boardwalk. The BoardWalk is also home to carnival midway games, tandem bike rentals, the ESPN klub, a dance hall, a dueling piano bar, and more.

Sporting activities

Often overlooked during a Walt Disney World vacation—whether due to time constraints or just lack of knowledge—are several recreational activities that have nothing to do with theme parks and rides.


Walt Disney World is home to three 18-hole championship golf courses, plus a nine-hole walking course and two different mini golf experiences.

The Lake Buena Vista je v Disney Springs območje; it's the most scenic of the courses. The Magnolia in Palm courses, which hosted a popular PGA tournament from 1971–2012, are in the Čarobno kraljestvo area, adjacent to the Shades of Green resort. The three championship courses require standard golf attire, and metal cleats are not allowed. Golf clubs are available for rent. A golf cart must be used, but it is included in your greens fee.

The Oak Trail Golf Course, in the Magic Kingdom area next to the Magnolia and Palm courses, is a nine-hole walking course. It's designed for less-experienced golfers and older children. The same rules and regulations apply here as at the championship courses, except golf carts are prohibited.

The four golf courses can be reached only via car or, in some cases, walking. The Disney-owned resorts offer complimentary taxi vouchers for their guests traveling to the golf courses. For more information or assistance, or to reserve a tee time, call 1 407 WDW-GOLF (939-4653). Tee times can be reserved up to 90 days in advance if you're staying at a Disney hotel (up to 60 days in advance otherwise).

The Four Seasons Orlando resort east of Fort Wilderness incorporates what used to be Disney's Osprey Ridge Golf Course; it's open to the public, but different prices and policies will apply.

The miniature golf courses are Fantasia Gardens, across the street from the Walt Disney World Swan Hotel in the Epcot resort area, and Zimsko poletje, right next to Plaža Blizzard. Each has two 18-hole layouts, with whimsical, kid-friendly holes and decor.

Vodni športi

Walt Disney World boasts a number of expansive waterways, and that means čolnarjenje, ribolov, in druge vodni športi can be a great way to spend a few hours away from the parks.

The Magic Kingdom-area resorts each have a small marina with a selection of recreational boats for rent. These include small SeaRaycers, pontoon boats, and speedboats. Letovišče in kamp Fort Wilderness ponuja tudi najem kajakov in kanujev.

V letovišču Yacht Club (v bližini promenado), Marina Bayside ponuja SeaRaycers, pontonske čolne in vrsto najetih križarjenj, vključno z Osvetlitve križarjenje z ognjemetom do Epcota. Restavracija Boathouse na Disney Springs ima tudi majhno marino z "Amphicars" in drugimi vodenimi križarjenji.

Če želite kaj početi, medtem ko ste na ladji (ali celo na obali), jih je na voljo več ulov in izpust priložnosti na nepremičnini. Poleg ribolovnih izletov lahko ribarite tudi z obale Otok Ol 'Man, del letovišča Port Orleans - Riverside v bližini Disney Springs.

Nikoli dokončano

Walt Disney je nekoč sam rekel, da "Disneyland nikoli ne bo dokončan." No, tudi Walt Disney World ne bo. Letovišče se je z leti močno spremenilo in marsikaj je prišlo in odšlo kot čarovnija. Ponovno obiščite preteklost Walta Disneyja na Walt Dated World ali Yesterland (pomaknite se do razdelka z naslovom "Yester World")

Za informacije o rekreaciji pokličite 1-407-WDW-PLAY (939-7529) ali za ribolovne izlete 1-407-WDW-BASS (939-2277).

Športni športi

Če so športi za gledalce bolj kot vaša hitrost, si oglejte Široki svet športa ESPN, najsodobnejši športni kompleks v bližini Hollywoodski studii. Ima baseball stadion, dve notranji areni, različna športna igrišča, atletski kompleks in teniški kompleks. Njeni največji dogodki so pozno pozimi / zgodaj spomladi, s Pro Soccer Classic (spomladanski trening za Major League Soccer) februarja in spomladanskim treningom baseball za Atlanta Braves marca. Vse leto potekajo številni drugi dogodki, zlasti srednješolski in kolegijski športi.

Zdravilišča in klubi zdravja

Če čutite potrebo po malo razvajanja, Walt Disney World's spa objekti ponujajo celo vrsto masaž, nego kože in nohtov.

Senses - Disney Spa ima dve lokaciji v Walt Disney World. Zdravilišče v Disneyjevem letovišču Saratoga Springs, v bližini Disney Springs, se spominja razcveta Saratoga Springs, New York s svojimi zdravilnimi mineralnimi kopelmi. Zdraviliški in zdravstveni klub v Disneyjevem Grand Floridian Resortu v bližini čarobno kraljestvo, spominja na viktorijansko dobo. Med obema zdraviliščema ni bistvene razlike v ceni, čeprav so nekatera posebna zdravljenja edinstvena za eno ali drugo.

Zdravilišče Mandara ima objekt v Walt Disney World Dolphin v bližini Epcot, in obstaja tudi Hotel & Spa Buena Vista Palace pri Downtown Disney Hotel Plaza.

Če ne potrebujete spa s popolno ponudbo storitev, ima večina drugih luksuznih letovišč manjše salone z bolj omejenim izborom storitev. To so lahko odličen način za hiter čas sprostitve, ne da bi morali potovati v drug hotel. Večina krajev ima tudi vsaj skromno telovadnico, če se v parkih premalo sprehajate.


Težki spominki

Snežne kroglice so bili nekoč zelo priljubljen darilni predmet, ki so ga našli pri Walt Disney World, dokler jih ameriški predpisi o letalih niso začeli prepovedovati v ročni prtljagi. Ta omejitev je bila sproščena za zelo majhne snežne kepe (približno velike kot žoga za golf). Kljub temu je še vedno najvarneje, če spominske globuse položite v oddano prtljago ali pa jih plačate nazaj domov. Prodajalec na drobno, ki obravnava vaš nakup, vam lahko pomaga pri pakiranju ali pošiljanju.

Podobno prodajajo trgovine noži in meči, kot so kuharski noži in katana meči v trgovini Mitsukoshi v japonskem paviljonu Epcot morajo nakup poslati na dom kupca; ti predmeti bodo brezplačno poslani na ameriške naslove.

"Najraje se potapljam v svojem denarju kot pliskavka! In se zakopljem skozi njega kot gopher! In ga vržem in pustim, da me udari po glavi!"- Scrooge McDuck
PrevidnoOpomba: Od maja 2016 Disney ne prodaja več svojih priljubljenih Disneyjevi dolarji, ki so ga gostje lahko kupili (po tečaju 1: 1) in uporabili kot prava valuta na Disneyevi nepremičnini. Zaradi nenadne odpovedi programa so se obstoječi Disneyjevi dolarji močno povečali. Če imate kakšen Disneyjev dolar, ne uporabljajte jih v parkih. Zdaj so za zasebne zbiratelje vredni veliko več kot njihova nominalna vrednost.

Iskanje spominki je eno najlažjih stvari v Walt Disney World; izogibanje stroškom je bistveno težje. Številne znamenitosti, zlasti tiste najbolj priljubljene, usmerjajo svoje izhodne čakalne vrste neposredno v trgovino z blagom, ponavadi eno na temo. (Pravzaprav več voženj celo posname vašo sliko, ki jo boste lahko kupili v trgovini.) Na boljši strani to olajša iskanje blaga z določeno temo. Disneyevi hollywoodski studii je še posebej bogat vir tematskega blaga, zlasti za ljubitelje Indiane Jones, Vojna zvezdin Muppets.

Kupci včasih spregledajo različna letovišča. Vsa naselja imajo nekakšno trgovino s spominki, a mnogi gredo dlje. Na primer, Tržnica Zawadi v koči Animal Kingdom ima edinstveno afriško blago, ki ni drugje na voljo, in Wilderness Lodge Mercantile je odličen kraj za ljubitelje gozdov in ljubitelje rustikalnega humorja. Poiščite v letovišču BoardWalk Galerije Wyland, s podvodnimi tematskimi grafikami in slikami, na katerih je predstavljeno delo umetnika Wylanda. Pravzaprav ima vsako letovišče nekaj malce drugačnega, česar ne boste našli drugje na posestvu, in zabavno je iskati te majhne skrite dragulje.

Zavedajoč se, da številni spominki, kot so velikanske punčke Mickey, preprosto niso narejeni tako, da bi jih ves dan vlekli po tematskem parku, bo Disney dan rešil s svojimi prevzem paketa in dostava paketov storitve, ki so na voljo v vseh trgovinah, ki jih vodi Disney. Gostje, ki bivajo v hotelskem letovišču, lahko nakupe dostavijo v hotelsko trgovino s spominki, medtem ko lahko vsi gostje kupijo v okencu za prevzem paketov na vhodnih vratih vsakega tematskega parka. Obe storitvi sta brezplačni, vendar upoštevajte dostavne roke - paket naj bo dostavljen v vašem hotelu 24 ur ali približno tri ure, da pride do vhodnih vrat v park.

Gostje, ki jim je všeč aplikacija My Disney Experience na svojih pametnih telefonih Android ali Apple, lahko izkoristijo tudi brezplačno Nakupujte Disneyeve parke app. Aplikacija vam omogoča, da najdete skoraj vsako Disneyjevo blago, ki se prodaja v parkih. Trgovina, v kateri ste, nima vaše velikosti? Ne veste, kje najti to zbirateljsko opremo, ki jo je treba imeti? Poiščite ga v aplikaciji in ugotovite, v katerih trgovinah je na zalogi, ali ga kupite kar v aplikaciji. Lahko ga pošljete domov, tako kot katero koli drugo spletno nakupovalno aplikacijo, vendar imate tudi druge možnosti: če ste v istem parku kot vaš izdelek, lahko uporabite Disneyjevo storitev prevzema ali dostave paketov, ne da bi kdaj obiskali blagajniški register.

Če ste zaljubljeni doma in si želite kupiti nekaj blaga iz parkov, imate srečo. V telefonu lahko uporabite aplikacijo Nakupovanje Disney Parks (tako kot če bi bili v parkih) ali se obrnete na Walt Disney World Mail Order.

  • Walt Disney World Mail Order, 1 407 363-6200, faks: 1 407 352-6369, . M-Ž 9 AM-20PM. Nakup Walt Disney World od doma! Preprosto pokličite, pošljite faks ali e-pošto s podrobnim opisom izdelka, za katerega je znano, da se prodaja kjer koli v Walt Disney Worldu, in ga bodo poiskali in vam ga poslali po običajni maloprodajni ceni in poštnini.

Izdelano z Magic

Za poseben spominek, ki vas postavi v predstavo, si oglejte nekaj Izdelano z Magic trgovsko blago. Ti posebni izdelki zasvetijo v različnih barvah, resnična čarobnost pa se zgodi, ko gledate nočno oddajo, kot sta Happily Ever After ali IllumiNations. Na teh predstavah bo vsa oprema Made with Magic, ki jo nosijo člani občinstva, svetila in spreminjala barvo v soglasju z učinki predstave. Sliši se sirasto, vendar so učinki dobro usklajeni in resnično se počutite kot del predstave.

Koncept se je začel pred nekaj leti Žarite s predstavo Mickey ušesa, a linija se je zdaj razširila, tako da vključuje trak Minnie, rokavico Mickey in čarobno palico. Vsak izdelek stane 25 USD in je na voljo na večini splošnih trgovskih lokacij v celotni nepremičnini.


Osvetlitev noči v Disney Springsu
"Hrenovke! Hrenovke!"- Mickey Mouse, iz Karnevalski otrok (1929)

Kot vse ostalo je tudi pri Walt Disney World hrana draga. Na srečo je hrana dokaj dobra, od zgoraj navzdol.

Na dnu boste našli prenosne vozičke s hrano in možnosti hitrega postrežbe (ali "hitre storitve" v Disneyevem jeziku). Nekoč so bile te možnosti žalostne; vsaka prodajna postaja je postregla z istim blagim menijem s hamburgerji in piščančjimi prsti, do te mere, da so bili do konca dopusta celo otroci siti od njih. Na srečo se je v zadnjih 15 letih vse to spremenilo.

Na majhnih stojnicah običajno prodajajo predpakirane dobrote in prigrizke. Restavracije s protitočnimi storitvami se po kakovosti ujemajo z večino verig restavracij s hitro hrano, a po ceni bistveno dražje. Kljub temu to ni vaša običajna cena zabaviščnega parka; nekateri med njimi so v resnici dokaj dobri in veliko je raznolikosti. Tri odlične možnosti so Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe v Tomorrowlandu pri Čarobno kraljestvo, Sodišče za hrano Seasons v paviljonu Land v Ljubljani Epcot, Žar iz plamenskega drevesa na otoku Discovery pri Živalsko kraljestvo, in Komisar ABC ob Hollywoodski studii, ki ima presenetljivo mednarodni jedilnik.

Za najnižje možne cene obstaja ena McDonald's restavracija na posestvu WDW, na križišču ulice Buena Vista Drive in ulice Osceola Parkway, med plažo Blizzard in hoteli All-Star resort.

Če se pomaknemo po lestvici navzgor, obstaja precej velika vrzel med restavracijami s protitočnimi storitvami in nižjimi restavracijami. Če lahko rečemo, da karkoli zapolnjuje to vrzel, so to bifeji, vendar jih ni naokoli veliko, večina pa jih vsebuje sprehajalne like. Pri strežbi miz boste ugotovili, da so meniji presenetljivo omejeni; čeprav je hrana na splošno dobra, če ima vaša stranka veliko izbirčnih jedcev, boste morda imeli težave z iskanjem restavracije, s katero se lahko vsi strinjajo. (Na srečo je Disney zelo upoštevanje posebnih zahtev, zato se ne bojite prositi, naj se demi glace ustavi ali nadomestite krompirček za gratiniran krompir.)

V vrhunski restavraciji Disney najdete nekaj možnosti, ki so enake najboljšim v državi, vključno z morda najbolj modno restavracijo v vseh Osrednja Florida, Victoria in Albert's pri Grand Floridian. Te vrhunske restavracije ponavadi najdemo v letoviščih; malo ljudi hoče iti na modno večerjo, potem ko se cel dan sprehajajo po parkih, ne da bi se prej spremenili. Ne počutite se tudi, kot da bi morali zapustiti otroke; vsaka restavracija (razen Victoria in Albert's) sprejema otroke in jim postreže v najboljši Disneyevi tradiciji.

Za tiste z omejenimi prehranskimi omejitvami, kot so alergije, Disneyeve restavracije ne bodo pustile ugibati. Leta 2015 so v vsaki restavraciji uvedli nove, alergikom prijazne menije; preprosto ga prosite in videli boste, kateri elementi menija vsebujejo gluten, mlečne izdelke, arašide, drevesne oreške in ribje sestavine. Če ste v restavraciji s samopostrežno ali samopostrežno restavracijo in potrebujete več informacij, vam bo kuhar osebno pomagal izbrati med razpoložljivimi možnostmi in ponudil alternative za vaše posebne potrebe. Pri sprejemanju neželenih učinkov si obvezno zapišite svoje omejitve; številne pogoste omejitve so na voljo kot potrditvena polja v spletnem obrazcu. Če so vaše potrebe bolj zapletene ali omejitev ni na seznamu, podajte svoje neželene rešitve in se nato obrnite Svetovne posebne diete Walta Disneyja (, 1 407-824-5967) vsaj 14 dni pred potovanjem; pospravili bodo vse na kvadrat in poskrbeli, da bodo restavracije obveščene o vaših potrebah.

Če prehranska omejitev zahteva, da v parke prinesete svojo hrano, je to dovoljeno pod pogojem, da ne zahteva ogrevanja ali kakršne koli druge priprave. Za zagotovitev svežine ga nosite v izolirani škatli za kosilo ali vrečki. Upoštevajte pa, da predpisi ministrstva za zdravje Florida prepovedujejo Disneyjevim članom kulinarične zasedbe pripravo ali celo ravnanje z živili, ki jih prinesejo gostje. Prav tako Disney prepoveduje vnašanje ohlapnega ledu.

Če vas zanima, ali bodo vaši otroci (ali vaš zakonec) dobili zdravi obroki in prigrizki, bodite pozorni na Mickey Check logotip, predstavljen leta 2012 in vidno prikazan poleg najbolj zdravih možnosti na menijih in stojnicah s prigrizki. Predmeti z Mickey Checkom ustrezajo Disneyjevim novim prehranskim smernicam, ki so usklajene z ameriškimi zveznimi smernicami.


Walt Disney World uporablja sistem za klasifikacijo cen jedilnic s štirimi deli:

  • $: 14,99 $ in manj
  • $$: $15 – $29.99
  • $$$: $30 – $75.99
  • $$$$: $76

Večina restavracij s šalterji ima ocene $, večina restavracij z mizami pa je $$ ali $$$. Restavracije s podpisom so ponavadi $$$. Victoria and Albert's je edina restavracija z oceno $$$$.

Značilna jedilnica

Ena od edinstvenih atrakcij jedilnice v Walt Disney World je priložnost, da med Disneyevim odnosom od blizu sodelujete z najljubšimi liki značaj jedilnico obroki. Te priložnosti so izjemno priljubljena; za vse praktične namene so predhodne rezervacije zahteva. V zameno za načrtovanje vnaprej pa se boste srečali in fotografirali z liki ter tako poskrbeli za nepozabno doživetje.

Nabor znakov je ogromen. Mickey in Minnie ter banda so seveda najpogostejši, na mestih, kot so Kuhar Mickey's v Sodobno letovišče, vendar boste morda našli tudi Mary Poppins na 1900 Park Fare pri Grand Floridian, ali liki iz Disney Juniorja na Hollywood & Vine v Hollywoodski studii. In seveda je (pravljična) botra vseh Pepelkina kraljeva miza, znotraj gradu v Čarobno kraljestvo, kjer si lahko punčke do konca privoščijo svoje princesine fantazije, če lahko starši dejansko dobijo rezervacije.

Disneyjev jedilni načrt

Gostje, ki kupijo Disneyjev počitniški paket s hotelskim bivanjem, so upravičeni do sodelovanja v programu Disneyjev jedilni načrt. Načrt za pavšalno doplačilo gostom omogoča določeno število obrokov na osebo na noč bivanja. Jedilni načrt Disney sprejemajo v kateri koli restavraciji, ki jo vodi Disney razen Victoria in Albert's. Poleg tega vse restavracije v Disney Springsu, tudi tiste, ki jih vodijo zunanja podjetja, sprejemajo tudi jedilni načrt.

Načrt prehrane je na voljo na treh različnih ravneh (cene so okvirne):

Paket Magic Your Way in hitra postrežba
Dva hitra obroka in dva prigrizka na osebo na noč. Cena: 48 USD na noč za odrasle in mladince, 21 USD na noč za otroke od 3 do 9 let
Paket Magic Your Way plus Dining
En obrok za mizo, en obrok za hitro postrežbo in en prigrizek na osebo na noč. Cena: 69 USD na noč za odrasle in mladince, 25 USD na noč za otroke od 3 do 9 let
Paket Magic Your Way plus Deluxe Dining
Trije obroki (miza ali hitra postrežba) in dva prigrizka na osebo na noč. Cena: 107 USD na noč za odrasle in mladince, 39 USD na noč za otroke od 3 do 9 let

Paketi Magic Your Way Premium in Platinum vključujejo tudi Deluxe Dining. "Prigrizek" kot del jedilnega načrta je en sam predpakiran izdelek, priloga, juha, kos sadja ali brezalkoholna pijača na katerem koli prodajnem mestu, v prigrizkih ali na prodajnem mestu. Z dobropisom za hitro postrežbo obrokov lahko dobite do tri prigrizke.

Vsi načrti jedilnice vključujejo tudi vrč za pijačo, ki ga je mogoče ponovno napolniti, enega na osebo. To plastično vrč lahko polnite na mestu hitre storitve v letovišču za celotno bivanje. V parkih ga ni mogoče napolniti, v vročih poletnih mesecih pa ga lahko napolnite z vodo iz številnih vodnjakov.

Nekatere restavracije s "podpisom" in večerne oddaje zahtevajo dva dobrote za mizo za en obrok. Te restavracije so Artist's Point, California Grill, Le Cellier, Cinderella's Royal Table, Citricos, Flying Fish, Hollywood Brown Derby, Jiko - The Cooking Place, Monsieur Paul, Narcoossee's, Tiffins, Wolfgang Puck's The Dining Room in Yachtsman Steakhouse, plus glasbena revija Hoop-Dee-Doo, Mickey's Backyard BBQ in Disney's Spirit of Aloha večerja. Sobna strežba, kjer je na voljo, prav tako vzame dva kredita za mizo, razen za dostavo pice.

Če želite uporabiti jedilni načrt, preprosto uporabite svoj MagicBand. Napitnine so ne priloženi, lahko pa s svojim MagicBand napitnino napolnite na svoj sobni račun.

Pogosti obiskovalci Walta Disney World so glede vrednosti jedilnih načrtov razdeljeni. Splošno soglasje je, da se splača le, če ste prepričani, da boste uporabili vse zadnje dobropise v načrtu, kar pa zahteva vnaprejšnje načrtovanje in (če imate dobroimetje v mizah) skrbno uporabo rezervacij. Če želite več prilagodljivosti pri sprejemanju obrokov, ne glede na to, kako se sliši ali izgleda dobro, boste bolje plačali za vsak obrok posebej. Seveda, če izkoristite eno od pogostih Disneyevih promocij, ki ponujajo a prost jedilnico z vašo hotelsko rezervacijo, potem vsekakor uživajte v njej in poskrbite za restavracije, ki jih sicer ne bi poskusili.

Predhodne rezervacije za večerjo

"Ma chère mademoiselle. Z globokim ponosom in velikim veseljem vas pozdravljamo nocoj. In zdaj vas vabimo, da se sprostite, privlecite stol, kot jedilnica ponosno predstavlja ... vašo večerjo." - Lumiere, od Lepotica in zver (1991)

Restavracije Walt Disney World ne sprejemajo rezervacij, same po sebi. Imenuje se Disneyjev sistem restavracij, kjer strežejo mize Vnaprej rezervacije za jedilnico (Neželeni učinki). ADR je nekako kot restavracija FastPass. V bistvu si, ko izdate ADR, rezervirate mesto na čakalnem seznamu restavracije. Ko prispete v restavracijo ob rezerviranem času, se takoj postavite na vrh čakalnega seznama in dobite naslednjo razpoložljivo mizo, primerno za vašo zabavo.

Pomen ARS ni mogoče podcenjevati. V najpočasnejših letnih časih boste morda ugotovili, da ne boste imeli težav s hojo do restavracije in sedežem v 15–30 minutah. Če vam ni posebej vseeno, kje jeste ali ste pripravljeni jesti zgodaj ali pozno, boste verjetno lahko preživeli brez neželenih učinkov. Ampak, če imate srce v določeni restavraciji ali se želite prehranjevati točno opoldne ali ob 18.00, boste želeli ADR. In če je vrhunec sezone, bolje varno kot žal; brez ADR-ja se lahko znajdete pri iskanju tabele visoko in nizko tudi ob 20.00.

Seveda se lahko tudi brez neželenih učinkov odpravite, če se odločite, da boste jedli samo v restavracijah, ki ne nudijo nobenih rezervacij.

Nekaj ​​restavracij je tako priljubljenih, da se redno polnijo tudi v najpočasnejših obdobjih. Zanje so nujni neželeni učinki. Tisti, ki vzame torto, je Pepelkina kraljeva miza, znotraj gradu v Čarobno kraljestvo, ki je običajno rezervirano solidno v nekaj minutah po odprtju rezervacij. Le Cellier v kanadskem paviljonu na Epcot ima sloves najboljšega zrezka v nastanitvi, zato je zelo priljubljen. Victoria in Albert's pri Grand Floridian prav tako močno predlaga ADR, tako da lahko dobite meni, prilagojen vašim okusom. ARS so tudi dobra ideja za katero koli večerno oddajo in kaj obrok z Disneyjevimi liki.

Če želite rezervirati vnaprej večerjo, ne poskusite neposredno poklicati restavracije. Pokličite Disney Dining na 1 407 WDW-DINE (vsak dan od 7. do 10. ure po srednjeevropskem času), da rezervirate vse. ARS sprejemajo do 180 dni pred datumom rezervacije. Če želite vstopiti v katero od zgoraj omenjenih restavracij, še posebej Pepelkina kraljeva miza, začnite klicati prvi dan, ko lahko rezervirate, ob 6:55 in še naprej pritiskajte na ponovno klicanje, dokler vas ne prenehajo obveščati, da so zaprti.

Druga možnost je, da ADR lahko rezervirate po spletu. Pojdi k Disneyju stran z restavracijami, poiščite restavracijo, v kateri želite jesti, in preverite, ali ima oranžen gumb "Rezerviraj rezervacijo". Mnogi se še naprej držijo preizkušenega telefonskega klica, ker lahko operaterji hitro predlagajo in preverijo, ali obstajajo druge možnosti, če vaše prve možnosti niso na voljo.

Gostje, ki bivajo v hotelu, ki je v lasti Disneyja, lahko za svoje vložijo ADR celotno potovanje 180. dan pred prihodom. To pomeni, da lahko ADR za sedmi dan potovanja opravite 186 dni vnaprej; to je velika ugodnost bivanja v Disneyjevem hotelu.

Če ste že na dopustu, lahko obiščete Odnose za goste v katerem koli parku ali Disney Springsu ali celo pri hotelskem strežaju, da rezervirate svoje neželene učinke. V restavracijah pogosto odpovedo, zato se ne bojte vprašati, ali bo ta priljubljena restavracija, na katero ste bili pozorni, odprta jutri, še posebej, če ste pripravljeni jesti zgodaj ali pozno.

Pri rezervaciji ADR morate navesti a veljavna številka kreditne kartice; ta kartica bo zaračunana 10 USD, če se ne boste pojavili pri rezervaciji. Tej pristojbini se lahko izognete z odpovedjo prej dan vaše rezervacije - toda tako kot Pepelka imate na voljo le do polnoči. Če morate preklicati ADR, uporabite posebno vrstico za odpovedi, 1 407-WDW-CNCL (939-2625); verjetno boste imeli krajši čas čakanja kot na glavni številki jedilnice.

Jedilnica v parku

Hrano je lažje kot enostavno najti v vseh štirih tematskih parkih. Možnosti jedilnice v parku segajo od vozičkov s prigrizki, najpogostejših restavracij s hitro hrano do manj pogostih restavracij z mizo. Upoštevajte, da se ure med poldnevom in 14:00 na splošno štejejo za "največji" čas jedilnice v parkih. Če v tem času zajdete na kosilo, počakajte 30 minut do ene ure, preden vam postrežejo, razen če imate rezervacijo v restavraciji z mizami. Nekateri vozički s prigrizki strežejo dokaj velike porcije (na primer dimljene puranje krake na Frontierlandu Magic Kingdom) in imajo večino časa kratke črte.

Vsak park ima poceni obroke v razponu od 4 do 5 dolarjev za otroške obroke in 7 do 10 dolarjev za obroke za odrasle v trgovinah s sendviči, kotičkih z etničnimi specialitetami, kavarnah in skupnih jedilnicah. Za denar zagotavljajo dovolj hrane, kakovost pa je običajno precej spodobna. Pogosto lahko v kateri koli vrhunski restavraciji nahranite vso svojo družino za malo več, kot stanejo dragi predjed.

Jedilnica v letovišču

Vsa Disney Resorts imajo vsaj eno restavracijo, od sodišč za hrano in samopostrežnih bifejev do nagrajenih restavracij z mizami. Letovišča Value imajo samo preprosta igrišča za hrano, vendar se možnosti prehranjevanja širijo, ko se dvignete na cenovno lestvico. Najboljše od vsega je, da imajo nekatere hotelske restavracije Disneyjeve pozdrave.

Večina ljudi ob obisku drugih hotelov rezervira v bifejih in sedečih restavracijah. Vendar se ne zavedajo vedno, da je nekaj najbolj okusnih in edinstvenih živil v hotelih mogoče najti na njihovih dvoriščih s hrano in v manjših jedilnicah - pa tudi poceni so. Oglejte si nekaj teh skritih draguljev:

  • Boardwalk To Go, Gostilna Boardwalk. BTG streže veliko hitrih živil, kot so koruzni psi in piščančji sendviči, eden izmed njegovih najbolj okusnih izdelkov pa je sir in / ali čili krompirček. Lahko dobite košarico krompirček za 4,00 USD. The pomfrit s čilijem so tudi 4,00 USD. Čili in krompirček znašajo 4,50 USD. Naredi odličen popoldanski ali večerni prigrizek.
  • Kapetana Cooka, Letovišče polinezijske vasi. Ena izmed polinezijskih posebnosti je Tonga toast—Globoko ocvrta in olupljena jed za zajtrk iz kislega testa, posuta s cimetom in sladkorjem ter polnjena z bananami. V kavarni Kona je na voljo po ceni 10,99 USD, postrežejo ga z jagodnim kompotom in šunko, slanino ali klobaso po vaši izbiri. Vendar pa za tiste, ki imate proračun, lahko Tonga Toast dobite tudi na sodišču s hrano Captain Cook za samo 5,09 USD. Če vam to ni všeč, poskusite krožnik za zajtrk za odrasle za samo 6,29 USD, ki ima več kot dovolj hrane, ki jo lahko delite z drugimi.
  • Mara, Koča Animal Kingdom. Ena najbolj edinstvenih in priljubljenih sladic v letovišču je Kupole Zebra. So plast rumene torte, na kateri je moka-čokoladna miška, prekrita z ganachejem iz bele čokolade in prebarvana z ganache črtami iz mlečne čokolade, da spominja na zebro. Prvotno so narejeni in postreženi v samopostrežni restavraciji Boma. Gostje, ki so na poti, pa lahko med kosilom in večerjo v paketu Mara kupijo štirje paketi za 3,69 USD.
  • Court Street Food Court, Letovišče na Karibih. Ena od posebnosti tega sodišča za hrano je rotisserie piščanec v razdelku Bridgetown Broiler. Na voljo je samo ob večerji in je na voljo z dvema stranema.
  • Roaring Fork, Wilderness Lodge. Ne zamudite te dvorane s hrano piškoti. Vsak piškot s 3,29 dolarja se zamrzne in razreže na kvadrate, široke približno štiri centimetre in debele pol centimetra, zaradi česar so vredni svoje cene. So precej zajetni, zato bodite previdni, ko ga dvignete. Morda boste morali uporabiti obe roki!
  • Sassagoula Floatworks in živilska tovarna, Port Orleans-Francoska četrt. Eno izmed posebnih živil tukaj je beignets, srednje veliki ocvrti francoski krofi, prekriti s sladkorjem v prahu. So del kulture New Orleansa in jih ekskluzivno strežejo v letovišču Port Orleans. Tri begnete lahko kupite za 2,99 USD ali šest za 4,29 USD. Okusne so, a pazite na sladkor. Lahko pride povsod!


"Walt me ​​je poslal."- Eddie Valiant, Kdo je uokviril zajca Rogerja (1988)

Nekoč, Otok užitkov je bila vroča in dogajajoča se nočna točka, ravno v Disneyjevi lasti - in po določeni uri ste vedeli, da v bližini ne bo otrok. Danes so nočni klubi Pleasure Islanda le spomin, vendar to ne pomeni, da se odrasli po mraku ne morejo zabavati odraslo.

Vsekakor Disney Springs, kjer je bil nekoč Otok užitkov, je ponoči še vedno živahno in aktivno mesto. Nekatere tamkajšnje restavracije, zlasti v The Landingu in na zahodni strani, imajo bare s polno ponudbo; Raglanska cesta zlasti je res bolj irski pub kot restavracija. In DJ pri Kubanska kavarna Bongos vas bo plesal ves večer.

Kljub zaprtju otoka užitkov ne mislite, da je Walt Disney World danes popolnoma brez nočnih klubov. Če se odpravite na Disneyjev krožek, boste našli sodoben plesni klub z imenom Atlantska plesna dvorana, bar za dvoboje s klavirji Jellyrollsin miren, a čaroben bivalni prostor AbracadaBAR. Preostali del BoardWalk-a ostane tudi osvetljen do pozne noči, s kavarnami na pločnikih, sprehajalnimi čarovniki in drugimi zabavnimi nočnimi življenji na plaži.

Tudi večina letoviških hotelov ima svoje salone. Čeprav niso ravno dober kraj za ples čez noč, ponujajo bolj intimno, sproščeno vzdušje in veliko pijač za odrasle. In če želite samo popiti ob večerji, večina restavracij v nastanitvi ponuja vsaj nekaj alkoholnih možnosti.

V Epcot, se imenuje priljubljeni kaskader Pitje po svetu: popijte pijačo v vsaki od držav World Showcase. (Ali pa za zabavno, brezplačno in trezno potovanje "okoli sveta" poskusite različne mednarodne izdelke Coca-Cole na Club Cool v paviljonu Innoventions.)

  • Pri nakupu alkohola v WDW morate upoštevati nekaj stvari:
    • The starost pitja alkohola v Walt Disney World (in celotna Florida na tem področju) je 21. Bodite pripravljeni na dosledno izvrševanje tega pravila; kdorkoli, ki je bil ujet pri pitju mladoletnikov, tudi s starši, je lahko predmet premestitve iz lastnine in kazensko preganjan.
    • Bodi prepričan prinesti dejanski ID pri nakupu pijač. Kopije ne bodo zadostovale.
    • Alkoholnih pijač ni dovoljeno vnašati v katerega koli od tematskih parkov.
    • Alkoholnih pijač ni dovoljeno uživati ​​zunaj določenih krajev nakupa ali jih celo odstraniti (tj. Alkohol, kupljen v Disneyevih hollywoodskih studiih, ne more zapustiti parka). Alkohol, kupljen v izbranih prodajalnah daril (kot npr Weinkeller v Epcotovem nemškem paviljonu v World Showcase) bo zapečatena v darilni škatli; če je škatla odprta, nakupa ni mogoče izvesti iz parka. V trgovini lahko paket brezplačno dostavite do vhodnih vrat ali do vašega letoviškega hotela ali pa se z doplačilom dogovorite za pošiljanje domov.

The kava v Walt Disney World je bila zadeva, ki jo je treba zamenjati. Leta so bile izbire na splošno takojšnje (Nescafé) ali nič. Z leti pa se v parkih in letoviščih pojavlja kuhana kava različne kakovosti, privrženci pa se včasih trudijo priti do "pravih stvari". Kavarna Kona v letovišču Polynesian Village Resort je bila ena izmed najbolj priljubljenih destinacij, saj se ponaša s pravimi havajci Kona kava. Starbucks ljubitelji si lahko tudi vzamejo srce: Disney je s kavnim gigantom sklenil partnerstvo za ustanovitev prodajnih mest Starbucksa s polnim menijem v vsakem od svojih parkov.


Ta vodnik za standard uporablja naslednje cenovne razpone dvojno soba:
ProračunManj kot 150 USD
Srednji razred$150–$250
Splurge250 USD in več

Ena najpomembnejših odločitev, ki jih morate sprejeti pri načrtovanju počitnic Walt Disney World, je ali ostati na kraju samem v enem od znanih Disneyevih letovišč ali zunaj njega v enem izmed neštetih cenejših, a bolj tradicionalnih hotelov.

Za številne obiskovalce je ključni del "izkušenj" sveta Walta Disneyja bivanje v enem od 25 letovišč, ki so v lasti in upravljanju Disneyja. Vsak in vsak letovišč v Disneyju je močno tematsko urejena, brezhibno vzdrževana in dopustna izkušnja zase. Čeprav nobenega letovišča v resnici ne moremo imenovati poceni - pravzaprav je večina luksuznih in temu primerno prilagojena -, najcenejša letovišča imajo zunaj sezone sobe za samo 82 dolarjev na noč.

Morda je največja ugodnost bivanja v Disneyjevem sodobnem letovišču postaja z enotirno železnico, ki se nahaja na priročnem mestu v atriju.
  • Obstajajo številne ugodnosti, ki so na voljo samo gostom hotela v letovišču Disney:
    • Brezplačen prevoz od / do mednarodnega letališča Orlando z letališčem Disneyev čarobni izraz
    • Rezervacije FastPass lahko opravite 60 dni pred prihodom namesto 30
    • Dodatne čarobne ure - dodatne jutranje in večerne ure v izbranih parkih
    • Brezplačen in priročen dostop do parkov preko Disneyjev prevoz: avtobus, monotirni ali vodni taksi
    • Do hotela je le hiter izlet, ki vam omogoča, da zapustite parke, ko je gneče (ali sonca) preveč in malo zadremate ali se potopite v enega od hotelskih bazenov
    • Vaš MagicBand služi kot ključ sobe in dostop do računa za sobo, poleg tega pa je tudi vaš medij za sprejem v park - denarnica ni potrebna
    • Brezplačno parkirišče v parkih, če se odločite za vožnjo
    • Zajamčen sprejem do parkov (v času najbolj prometne konice park maja (redko) napolnite in celo goste z vstopnicami lahko zavrnejo, vendar bodo gostje letovišča Disney še vedno lahko vstopili)
    • Upravičenost do Disneyjev jedilni načrt, s čimer lahko prihranite denar za obedovanje po celotni nepremičnini
    • Sposobnost izdelave predhodne rezervacije jedilnic za celotno potovanje že 180 dni pred prihodom
    • Člani ekipe Disney Cast so na voljo za odgovor na vaša vprašanja
    • prost dostava paketov od prodajaln, ki jih upravlja Disney, do vašega hotela
    • Brezplačen taksi do igrišč za golf, če nimate svojega avtomobila
    • Edinstvena zabaviščna in tematska zabava v Disneyjevem slogu

Po drugi strani pa lahko bivanje zunaj premoženja ima svoje ugodnosti. Stroški nastanitve in hrane so nesporno cenejši - pogosto tudi bistveno, s pogostimi popusti. Za večje skupine lahko rezervirate apartmaje ali najem stanovanja, kar vam omogoča kuhanje obrokov, s čimer so stroški jedilnice še cenejši, stroški nastanitve pa zelo poceni. Številna letovišča, ki se nahajajo zunaj kraja, imajo storitev prevoza do parkov Disney, čeprav je storitev lahko omejena, potencialno neprijetna in lahko plača. In še vedno lahko kupite MagicBands, tudi če ostajate zunaj spletnega mesta (čeprav jih seveda ne boste mogli uporabiti kot ključ sobe).

Če se želite izogniti nepremičninam, obstaja veliko možnosti, vendar vsekakor dobro preučite svoj izbor. Veliko hotelov se oglašuje kot blizu sveta Walta Disneyja, pogosto z imenom "Maingate", v resnici pa so lahko oddaljeni več kilometrov. Glej Lake Buena Vista in Kissimmee za sezname zunaj nepremičnin.

Eden od možnih kompromisov med obema pristopoma je ostati pri Walt Disney World Swan, Walt Disneyjev svetovni delfin, ali Four Seasons Orlando, ki ponujajo bolj tradicionalno hotelsko izkušnjo z izbiro ugodnih ugodnosti za letovišče Disney. Druga možnost je bivanje v hotelu v Downtown Disney Hotel Plaza; so dokaj splošni in imajo malo Disneyjevih pripomočkov, vendar so tik čez cesto od Disney Springs (nekdanje Downtown Disney).

Letovišča v Disneyju

Disneyeve cenovne sezone

(najnižji do najvišji strošek)

Za cenovna in zmerna letovišča
January to mid-February; August and September
late February to early March; mid-April through May
June and July
October, November, December before Christmas (except Thanksgiving)
late February; early March until Easter
Easter; Thanksgiving; late December
For Deluxe resorts
January to mid-February; mid-July through September
late February to early March; mid-April to mid-July; late September to mid-October
late October until Thanksgiving; December until Christmas
late February; March through mid-April
Thanksgiving; late December

Disney has created an incredible variety of themed resorts over the years, each one offering a unique experience to guests, ranging from the basic services and colorful decor at the three All-Star resorts, to the opulence and luxury of Disney's Grand Floridian Resort and Spa, to the rustic, wooded charm of Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort and Campground.

Check-in time at Disney resorts is 3PM (4PM for the All-Star Resorts), and check-out time is 11AM—but don't fret if your flight schedule doesn't match up. You can do an early check-in starting at 8AM; leave your bags with bell services and they'll be delivered to your room when it's ready. You'll get your MagicBands (if you don't already have them), so you can go enjoy the parks right away. Likewise at check-out; you can get into the parks all day on the day of your departure, so just leave your bags with bell services and pick them up before you leave for the airport.

If you opt to get your MagicBands by mail ahead of time, you can check-in online and go directly to your room upon arrival at your resort (except Fort Wilderness), bypassing the front desk entirely.

Please see each okrožje's Sleep section for details on individual hotels.


Disney classifies their cheapest options as Value resorts. These resorts are great for guests with a limited budget, or for families with young kids on whom the sophisticated theming and amenities at the other resorts would be wasted. Prices (one room, two adults and two children) range from $82/night for a standard room in the value season to $160/night for a preferred room during Christmas week. There is a $10 fee for each adult beyond two per room.

The Value resorts have basic rooms with exterior entrances and minimal amenities. The theming is bold and colorful—kids ljubezen the larger-than-life decorations—but not particularly evocative of any particular environment. Hotel amenities include food courts and swimming pools, but no sit-down restaurants or other on-site recreation options.

The Value resorts are All-Star Movies, All-Star Sports, in All-Star Music blizu Živalsko kraljestvo; in Umetnost animacije in Pop stoletje blizu Hollywoodski studii.

If you have a tent, camper, or motorhome, perhaps the best value on Disney property is at Fort Wilderness (blizu Čarobno kraljestvo), where you can rent a campsite for as little as $43 a night.

Srednji razred

These are Disney's Moderate resorts. Guests who want the full Disney resort experience without paying for the extra luxuries and amenities at the Deluxe resorts will be more than satisfied by the Moderate resorts. Prices (one room, two adults and two children) range from $149/night for a standard room in the value season to $250/night for a preferred room during Christmas week. Prices can go even higher for the new pirate-themed rooms at Caribbean Beach and club-level rooms and suites at Coronado Springs. There is a $15 fee for each adult beyond two per room.

The Moderate resorts have basic rooms with exterior entrances. The theming is straightforward but fun and evocative of the appropriate time and place, from the Louisiana bayou at Port Orleans-Riverside to the warm Caribbean colors of the Caribbean Beach. Hotel amenities include food courts, sit-down restaurants (usually), limited room service, swimming pools with extras (such as a slide), and some on-site recreation activities.

The Moderate resorts are Caribbean Beach blizu Hollywoodski studii; Port Orleans-Riverside in Port Orleans-French Quarter blizu Disney Springs; in Coronado Springs blizu Živalsko kraljestvo.


Disney's Deluxe resorts and the Deluxe villas fall into this category, the largest by far.

Deluxe resorts

The Deluxe resorts are for guests who want the ultimate in Disney hospitality, with luxury-hotel amenities and signature Disney experiences. Prices in this category vary widely. Some basic rooms can be had for as little as $240 a night in the value season, but more commonly start at $355/night and go up to $835 or more for the best single rooms. Luxurious suites are available at most of the resorts, starting at over $1,000/night and going up from there. There is a $25 fee for each adult beyond two per room.

Deluxe resorts feature well-appointed rooms with interior entrances and extensive theming to match the resort. A Deluxe resort's decor is evocative and all-encompassing, with as much attention paid to detail as at any of the Disney theme parks. Hotel amenities include multiple full-service and casual restaurants, often with character dining; full room service; extensive pool and beach facilities with plenty of extras; numerous on-site recreation activities; and valet parking.

The Deluxe resorts are the Sodobna, Wilderness Lodge, Polynesian Village, in Grand Floridian blizu Čarobno kraljestvo; Boardwalk Inn, Jahtni klub, in Beach Club blizu Epcot, in Koča Animal Kingdom blizu Živalsko kraljestvo.

The rental cabins at Fort Wilderness (blizu Čarobno kraljestvo) have full kitchens, plumbing, and maid service. They sleep six for $265–$410 a night.

Deluxe villas

The Deluxe villas were created to be part of the Disney počitniški klub, a time-share program created by Disney, but when DVC members aren't using them, they're open to the general public. The villas offer a more "home-away-from-home" feel, with studios and one-, two-, and even three-bedroom suites available. Prices range from $295/night for a studio at Old Key West or Saratoga Springs during the value season to $2,215/night for a three-bedroom Grand Villa at the Boardwalk or Beach Club Villas during Christmas week. If that price seems astonishing, consider that those villas sleep twelve people!

Studios have a kitchenette; the suites have full kitchens with dishware (and the Grand Villas have full dining rooms). Most of the DVC resorts are attached to one of Disney's Deluxe resorts, sharing amenities with the "parent" resort; the others (Old Key West and Saratoga Springs) are standalone but have comparable amenities.

The DVC resorts are Bay Lake Tower at the Contemporary, Villas at the Wilderness Lodge, Villas at the Grand Floridian, in Polynesian Villas and Bungalows blizu Čarobno kraljestvo; Boardwalk Villas in Beach Club Villas blizu Epcot; Animal Kingdom Villas blizu Živalsko kraljestvo; in Old Key West in Saratoga Springs blizu Disney Springs.

Non-Disney resorts

This section covers only those resorts that are not owned/operated by Disney, but are located on Disney property. Off-property hotels are covered in other articles.


If you or a family member is an employee or retiree of the United States Department of Defense, including the military, you're in luck. Odtenki zelene, blizu Čarobno kraljestvo has rooms starting at $93, depending on the employee's pay grade. Amenities are somewhat limited, though; see the full listing for details.

For everyone else, affordable deals can be found at the Disney Springs Hotel Plaza located adjacent to the Disney Springs Marketplace, and comprising seven franchise hotels. Disney amenities are virtually nonexistent; only their proximity to Disney Springs (formerly Downtown Disney) separates them from the other hotels in Lake Buena Vista. Their prices are quite reasonable, though, considering their location.


The Walt Disney World Swan in Walt Disneyjev svetovni delfin, located near Epcot and not far from Hollywood Studios, have most of the amenities of Disney Resorts but are not operated by Disney. They are ideal for guests who want a more traditional hotel experience while still being right in the middle of Disney property. The whimsical exteriors are a sight to see all by themselves.

The Four Seasons Orlando is located east of Fort Wilderness. It incorporates what used to be Disney's Osprey Ridge Golf Course, and boasts views of the Magic Kingdom fireworks from some of its rooms. Aside from its location and some integration with the Disney ecosystem, though, it's a typical luxury hotel.

  • 1 Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, 4401 Floridian Way, Bay Lake, 1-407-824-3000. Prijava: 3:00PM, preveri: 11:00AM. Stately Victorian resort & spa overlooking the Seven Seas Lagoon. $900.

Povežite se

Generally, visitors enjoy coming to Walt Disney World for a break from daily life, but that doesn't mean you want to be cut off completely. Mail can be dropped off at locations just inside each theme park's gates. Or, to really get into the spirit, drop your postcard in a real vintage mailbox on Main Street U.S.A.; cast members pick up such mail daily. Deluxe hotels might provide copies of the local časopis, Orlando Sentinel; ask at the front desk.

As of December 2012, and after years of guest grumbling, dostop do interneta at Walt Disney World has been vastly improved. Brezplačen brezžični internet is now available in every park, at every resort, and in each guest room (free wired access at Fort Wilderness campsites). This is expected to help alleviate the many cellular network load issues that have plagued guests at the World. The speed may not be great, but at least you'll be able to check your e-mail... and use Disney's mobile apps!

But remember, Walt Disney World is designed to be an immersive environment; you'll miss a lot if your eyes are locked onto a mobile device. Make an effort to keep the electronics usage to a minimum, and just enjoy a respite from the world outside the World.


Useful phone numbers:

Ostani varen

Almost like being in Paris... almost

Walt Disney World is a very safe area, and the company spends a lot of time and money ensuring that it remains so. Still, it's wise to take common-sense precautions; even Disney can't account for every contingency. People have been victimized and injured while visiting Walt Disney World, but there are plenty of steps you can take to minimize the chance of anything happening.


  • Weapons of all sorts are prohibited in the parks; if you are carrying in a bag or backpack, a security officer will check its contents before you enter, and some random guests will be chosen to pass through metal detectors. Toy firearms (including blasters) are also banned, though toy swords (including lightsabers) are allowed.
  • While theft is rare and security is always present throughout the resort, it's still a good idea to keep valuables locked in the electronic safe in your hotel room. Avoid bringing unnecessary items with you, and if you must, rent a locker and store them locked inside during your visit.
  • Keep your eye on your belongings at all times. Do not display cash in public. Consider wearing a money belt. Do not leave anything in an unattended stroller or wheelchair, especially when you go on a ride. If possible, leave loose articles with a non-rider.
  • Children are very safe at Walt Disney World, but it's not uncommon for parents and children to get separated due to the crowds. One suggestion is to write down your child's name with your name, resort, cell phone number, and any vital medical information on a 3x5 index card. Place the card in your child's pocket and instruct him/her to show the card to any Cast Member in the event that you get separated. Likewise, if you lose your child, notify a Cast Member immediately. They are all well trained and will get you reunited as quickly as possible. If your child goes on a ride on his/her own, make sure you know where the ride's exit is.
  • Arrange a place to meet with all members of your party if you become separated. Make the meeting place easy to find, but out of the way; areas such as in front of Cinderella Castle or the front of the park are likely to be too crowded to be useful. Some families also wear matching T-shirts with very bright, bold colors, making it less difficult to spot a member of your party in a sea of people.

Ride safety

Disney has a standard safety warning that applies to select attractions in each park:

The above warning applies to the following attractions:

Čarobno kraljestvo
Space Mountain, Tomorrowland Speedway, Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Test Track, Mission: Space
Hollywoodski studii
Star Tours, Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith, The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
Živalsko kraljestvo
Dinosaur, Kilimanjaro Safaris, Expedition Everest, Kali River Rapids, Primeval Whirl

Lap children are not permitted on most rides, especially if there are restraining devices. If your child does not meet the ride's height requirement, there is a "rider swap" service available. This service enables one person to wait with the child while another goes on the ride; afterwards the person waiting with the child may board the ride without having to wait in line. Ask a Cast Member for more information.

You're not even supposed to have them in the park, but if by some chance you manage to get a camera monopod (aka a selfie stick) past security, never use it while on a ride; the rides' safety margins were not designed to account for the length of your selfie stick.

Divje živali

Disney does everything they can to keep the wildlife away from the guests, but there are still some hazards.

  • Alligators are sometimes spotted in or near bodies of water. While Disney had long downplayed the risks, the death of a two-year-old boy in the park in 2016 has made the danger clear. Never enter the water except in designated swimming areas, especially after dusk.
  • You'll find nuisance insects like komarji to be much less common on Disney property than elsewhere in Florida. Still, if you're concerned or have a special sensitivity, don't rely on Disney's pest control efforts; use bug spray.

Pet safety

  • With the exception of working service animals, pets are not permitted in the parks, at Disney Springs, or on transportation vehicles. Most resorts also disallow pets. There are designated campsites at Disney's Fort Wilderness Campground that naredi allow dogs; ask when you make your reservation. As a pilot program, up to two dogs per unit are now allowed at Art of Animation, Yacht Club, Port Orleans Riverside, and the Fort Wilderness cabins; the nightly fee is $50 ($75 at Yacht Club) and dogs must be leashed when outside the room.
  • If you do bring your pooch, or other companion animal, you'll still need to drop her off somewhere when you go to the parks; don't leave her in your room! Best Friends Pet Care operates a "pet resort" near the Port Orleans resorts. They offer a variety of packages, including both day stays and overnight accommodations, with separate areas for dogs, cats, and "pocket pets" like hamsters.
  • Do not leave your pet in your car. It is against the law in Florida, as well as potentially fatal. The penalty is a $5,000 fine. A car with a pet locked inside volja be broken into to remove the pet, and WDW will ne be held liable for any damages incurred.
  • Service animals may not be accommodated on some attractions. In that case, they must remain with a non-riding member of your party, as Cast Members are not authorized to handle service animals. And be cognizant of what each attraction is like and whether your service animal is likely to be startled or frightened.


  • If you have car trouble while in a theme park's parking lot, raise your car's hood, and someone will come to your assistance.
  • Just like anywhere else in the USA, the emergency number throughout Walt Disney World is 911. Contacting this number will get you in touch with Reedy Creek Emergency Services, WDW's police, fire, and ambulance service.
  • Minor prva pomoč services are available free of charge at any park or resort and offer a quiet and cool place to rest. The stations at the parks have refrigerators available for medicines that need to be kept chilled, and nursing mothers can find both quiet and privacy inside. The first aid locations in each park:
    • Magic Kingdom — next to the Crystal Palace, left around the central hub.
    • Epcot — next to the baby center on the World Showcase side of the Odyssey Center.
    • Hollywood Studios — at Guest Relations
    • Animal Kingdom — in Discovery Island, next to Creature Comforts
  • If an emergency need for prescription drugs occurs, Turner Drugs, 1 407-828-8125 at 1530 Celebration Blvd Suite 105-A will deliver the medication. They also will deliver OTC items and pick-up many items they do not stock and deliver them, as well. Most WDW hotels will pay for the delivery and charge the guest's room. There are also several Walgreens locations nearby.
  • There are two full-service medical facilities just outside the property lines:
  • Celebration Health, 400 Celebration Pl., 1 407-303-4000. Located at the intersection of I-4, US-192, and FL-417.
  • CentraCare, 12500 S Apopka Vineland Rd., 1 407 934-2273. Located adjacent to the Downtown Disney Hotel Plaza.


Especially during the spring and summer, heat is the most likely weather-related issue you'll encounter.

  • To cope:
    • Wear a light-colored shirt during the summer. White and light colors reflect sunlight better than darker colors, so you won't get overheated as easily. Wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your head, face and eyes. Sunscreen may be purchased at most gift shops, but are often sold exorbitantly overpriced, so it may be easier on your wallet to bring your own.
    • Pijte veliko vode. You can easily become dehydrated in the heat. Stay clear of carbonated drinks, tea and coffee. Dehydration can lead to weakness, fatigue, and eventually heat stroke due to the body's reduced ability to regulate its temperature.
    • Go back to your hotel in the afternoon for a dip in the pool to cool you off. Or cool off in the one of the many interactive fountains that can be found in the parks. (Don't forget to take spare clothing with you!) Another good idea would be to visit Blizzard Beach or Typhoon Lagoon in the morning, then head to the theme parks afterwards; this will give your body adequate hydration to better withstand the heat.
    • Go indoors, into an air-conditioned shop or attraction. Try to do the outdoor attractions in the morning, and save the indoor attractions and shows until the afternoon when it's hotter.

Remember that even on cool days, the Florida sun can burn. Visitors from northern latitudes often don't realize that the sun's angle in Florida is going to be higher than back home, and that means a greater likelihood of sunburn... even if the temperature is in the 50s or 60s Fahrenheit (10-20 °C). Wear sunscreen!

If your trip is in the late summer or early fall, you'll soon learn about the daily afternoon thundershowers. They are usually brief and won't ruin your whole day. If you want to stay dry, rain ponchos and umbrellas are sold throughout the parks. Walt Disney World does not close down due to rain, though some outdoor rides and attractions may temporarily do so.

Hurricanes are a different story. The Orlando area is as far from the coasts as anyplace in the state, so hurricane-related closures are very rare. If the parks do end up closed for high winds, though, your resort hotel will make sure you stay entertained, sometimes with special appearances from the Disney characters. The hotels are perfectly safe in high winds.


Sure, you're on vacation, but there are still some rules you must follow.

Disney is relatively accommodating when it comes to bringing items into the parks. As long as you're not toting a full-size cooler packed with soda and cold cuts, you can bring in small amounts of ready-to-eat foods for your family. You can also bring in drinks, as long as they're non-alcoholic and not in glass bottles. Large items, including big strollers, full-size luggage, and bulky camera equipment (including monopods, aka 'selfie sticks') may be turned away at the gate. Weapons and weapon-like toys also aren't permitted, for obvious reasons.


So Disney's rule that prohibits adults from dressing up as Disney characters inside the parks is a bummer. But some enterprising fans have created a way to get around that restriction. They call it Disneybounding: select some everyday apparel from your closet (or from a store if you must) that fits the color scheme and style of a Disney character, without actually being a costume. Put it on, visit the parks, see how many people notice your subtle cosplay... and don't forget to get a picture with your Disney doppelganger!

You also need to pay attention to what you're wearing. Disney requests that guests be wearing "appropriate attire" at all times. That means that shirts, shoes, and shorts or pants are required; bikinis (for example) must be covered (standard beachwear is fine at the water parks, of course). Your clothing shouldn't include any objectionable words or pictures, and the same goes for any visible tattoos. Also, while little kids can (and often do) wear character costumes, adults (above age 14) are not allowed to do so, as it can cause confusion for other guests. (The costume rule is, of course, suspended for Halloween events!)

With few exceptions, children of any age are permitted to go anywhere the general public can go. But while no one comes to Walt Disney World expecting a purely adults-only experience, visitors often find themselves wanting some quiet, relaxing time away from small children. Be respectful of your fellow travelers and keep rambunctious kids out of adult areas like hotel lounges, or right up at the bar in a restaurant. (Well-behaved children who understand what behaving like an adult entails will be welcome in the lounges, though.) Oh, and about those exceptions: Victoria and Albert's is only for ages 10 and up; Trader Sam's Grog Grotto is 21 after 8PM; and the nightclubs at Disney's Boardwalk are always 21 .

A few more miscellaneous rules:

  • Smoking, including e-cigarette vaping, is allowed in designated outdoor areas only. As of May 1, 2019, the smoking areas in each park and Disney Springs will be removed; the only remaining areas will be outside the parks and resorts.
  • Disney requests that children under 14 be accompanied by someone at least age 14 at all times, though kids 7 and up can ride rides by themselves.
  • Avoid all commercial and promotional activity (pamphleting, photography, speechifying, etc.).
  • Don't feed the wildlife.

Spopadite se

There's a way to get just about anything you might need while at Walt Disney World, although some may be more convenient than others.

All resorts have coin-operated laundry facilities, daily maid service, and at least one shop selling basic essentials and sundries.

Most of the resorts have exercise facilities; at the value resorts, though, you'll have to be content with just using a jogging path or swimming in the pool. Deluxe resorts will have more extensive "health club" facilities—in particular, the Grand Floridian's health club, attached to the spa, is quite spacious.

If you find yourself in need of a striženje, there are a number of options. Most interesting is the Harmony Barber Shop on Main Street U.S.A. in the Magic Kingdom; first haircuts are their specialty, but anyone can walk in for a trim. The Contemporary Resort, Coronado Springs, the Grand Floridian, and the Yacht and Beach Clubs also have hair salons.

Baby Care Centers are available at each of the four main resorts; they have quiet nursing rooms, sanitary (and comfy!) changing tables, toddler-size potties, and emergency supplies for sale. They're great places for a parent to take a quiet break with the little ones.

For many years, weekly Catholic masses were held at the Polynesian Resort, but not anymore. Today, the only religious services at Walt Disney World are on Easter Sunday and Christmas Day. On those days, two Catholic masses and a Protestant service are held in the Contemporary's ballroom; see your front desk for the schedule. For normal weekly worship, you'll need to head off-property.

You can schedule a portrait session with a Disney photographer by contacting Disney Fine Art Photography; they have $350 and $150 packages available and will take pictures at one of several Disney resorts.

Varstvo otrok

Sometimes, parents want to spend some time for themselves at Walt Disney World, be it going to a fancy dinner, enjoying some alcoholic beverages, or even sneaking another ride on Space Mountain without the kids tagging along. Parents of teenagers can just set them loose in a theme park and trust they'll be all right, but younger kids require more supervision.

What's a parent to do? There are a number of options.

Several of the resorts offer safe and secure Children's Activity Centers, and you don't have to be staying at the resort to take advantage of them! The Centers are open daily from 4:30PM until midnight, and are well staffed by trained and certified child care personnel. Children must be potty trained and be between the ages of 4 and 12 (inclusive). The cost is $15 per hour per child, with a two-hour minimum; dinner is included if the kids are there between 6PM and 8PM. Your children will enjoy so many games, crafts, and activities that they won't even care you're off having fun without them. Of course, you'll be given a pager in case there's an emergency, and you can call at any time to check up on your kid.

  • The Children's Activity Centers include:
    • Cub's Den, Wilderness Lodge
    • Lilo's Playhouse (prej The Neverland Club), Polynesian Village Resort
    • Sandcastle Club, Yacht and Beach Club Resorts (WDW resort guests only)
    • Simba's Clubhouse, Animal Kingdom Lodge

The Walt Disney World Dolphin also has Club Dolphin, which has similar rules and prices. Club Dolphin offers up to two hours free if parents present a receipt from one of the Dolphin's signature restaurants or the Mandara Spa.

If your kids are too young for the activity centers, or you want to stay out past their bedtime, you can get in-room babysitting. WDW recommends Kid's Nite Out, 1-800-696-8105, but other equally reliable services operate in the area as well. Some, including Kid's Nite Out, offer 24/7 service. For one child, rates are $18 an hour, higher for more children.

Pojdi naprej

Avoid I-4

In some cases, it may be a good idea to avoid Interstate 4 and instead use Turkey Lake Road, a surface street that parallels I-4 to the west, to travel from Walt Disney World to SeaWorld and Universal. This strategy can easily save you time, fuel, and aggravation.

Alternatively, you can also take LYNX Route 50 to SeaWorld from the Transportation and Ticket Center or Disney Springs West Side.

It is also possible to get to Universal via the LYNX system, but it involves making transfers. Take Route 50 to SeaWorld and transfer to Route 8 which will take you to a Days Inn near the intersection of International Drive and Universal Boulevard. Here you can either transfer to Route 37 or walk about 15 minutes to get to Universal; either way you will first need to walk across International Drive to a Sheraton Four Points Hotel. You may also transfer in Downtown Orlando at LYNX Central Station to Route 40, which will take you to Universal Orlando. Alternatively, you may also take SunRail on a weekday from LYNX Central Station to the Orlando Health/Amtrak Station, and board Route 40 from there.

Mears Prevoz provides round-trip shuttle service to Busch Gardens from various locations in the Orlando area. The fare is $10 per person, and you are responsible for your own transportation to/from the pickup point.

Walt Disney World lies at the heart of an archetypal Floridian paradise, with enough attractions and activities outside of Disney property to fill a good-sized book. You'll need to arrange some sort of transportation—be it rental car, municipal bus, or one of the many area shuttle services (see infobox)—to get to these other attractions, but they are certainly worth a look if you have the time, or if you just want to get away from Disney for a while.

For a broad spectrum of entertainment options that go beyond the big three theme park complexes, the Go Orlando Card is available in increments of 1, 2, 3, 5, or 7 days. It gives free admission and express entry to more than 30 attractions in and around Orlando and Kissimmee, including Legoland and the Vesoljski center Kennedy. If you're not going to hit them all, you can save money by picking just a subset of the available attractions for your pass.

To Orlando...

International Drive is Orlando's dynamic tourist corridor. With a multitude of attractions, dining, and shopping, it makes for the perfect side trip. Here you can also find Orlando's two other world-famous theme park resort complexes:

  • SeaWorld Orlando - See Shamu and his friends perform the most fascinating animal shows ever. Also, cool off at the sister water park Aquatica, or swim with the dolphins at Discovery Cove. Admission to Discovery Cove is limited to 1,000 people a day, and reservations are an absolute must.
  • Letovišče Universal Orlando - Features Universal Studios Florida, Otoki pustolovščine, Volcano Bay, in CityWalk. It's where you'll find Harry Potter, Dr. Seuss, the Minions, and even Marvel superheroes. And the perfect way to wrap up your visit to Universal is by watching a performance.

...and beyond

It's not just about Orlando, either; Central Florida is packed with attractions from coast to coast.

  • Tampa (I-4 west to I-75) — Theme park enthusiasts will come to Tampa for Vrtovi Busch, but there's plenty else to do and see in Florida's third most populous city, including Buccaneers football, Rays baseball, and Lightning hockey.
  • Clermont (I-4 to US 192 to US 27 N) — Check out one of the oldest central Florida landmarks, the Citrus Tower. Completed in 1956, this 226-foot observation tower still stands tall over former orange groves.
  • Daytona Beach (I-4 east to I-95) — Home to NASCAR's most legendary racetrack. The Daytona 500 Experience is billed as "The Official Attraction of NASCAR", a must for car-racing fans.
  • Cape Canaveral (I-4 east to SR 528) — While countless cruise ships dock at Port Canaveral just to the north, the Cape is most well known for the Vesoljski center Kennedy, where American astronauts have been launching into space since the 1960s. There's a museum on the history of space exploration, two IMAX theatres, and tour buses to the (otherwise restricted) launch facility.
Routes through Walt Disney World
TampaDavenport W I-4.svg E Lake Buena VistaOrlando

Poglej tudi

The best of both worlds

Yes, there are many similarities between Walt Disney World and the original Disneyland in California, as well as the other Disneylands around the world. But don't assume that if you've seen one, you've seen them all; on the whole, they are more different than they are alike. Nekaj ​​primerov:

  • The original Disneyland is the only one that has the "Matterhorn Bobsleds" attraction.
  • Tokyo DisneySea, Tokyo Disneyland's sister park, is a widely acclaimed ocean-themed park exclusive to Japan.
  • Walt Disney Studios Paris, Disneyland Paris' sister park, has a Iskanje Nema roller coaster.
  • Hong Kong Disneyland has two unique themed lands: Grizzly Gulch and Mystic Point.
  • Shanghai Disneyland features the largest of the Disney castles, 11 acres of Chinese gardens, and an indoor TRON-themed roller coaster.
"We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. We're always exploring and experimenting." - Walt Disney

Disney Premier Passport

Visiting both Walt Disney World and the Disneyland Resort in the same year has now become easier with the Disney Premier Passport. For $1,949, the Passport gets you unlimited admission for a year to all eight theme and water parks in both Florida and California, plus ESPN Wide World of Sports and the Oak Trail Golf Course. The Passport may be purchased at any Guest Relations location.

CSR-featured.svgTa vodnik po mestu Walt Disneyjev svet je zvezda Članek. To je visokokakovosten članek z zemljevidi, fotografijami in odličnimi informacijami. Če veste za nekaj, kar se je spremenilo, se potopite naprej in mu pomagajte, da raste!