Barcelona - Barcelona

Barcelona je Španijaje drugo največje mesto s skoraj dva milijona prebivalcev in glavno mesto Katalonija. Glavno pristanišče na severovzhodni sredozemski obali Španije ima Barcelona številne znamenitosti, ki privabljajo turiste z vsega sveta. Številni obrazi Barcelone vključujejo srednjeveško staro mestno jedro in edinstveno ulično mrežo, ki je rezultat urbanističnega načrtovanja iz 19. stoletja. Mesto ima dolge peščene plaže in zelene parke na gričih, ki so precej drug ob drugem. Znan je tudi po številnih uglednih zgradbah, med katerimi so najbolj znane arhitekt Antoni Gaudí, vključno z Sagrada Família, ki je mnogim postala simbol Barcelone.

Ustanovljen pred več kot 2000 leti kot staro rimsko mesto Barcino, Barcelona je tako zgodovinska kot sodobna, s stalnim pretokom projektov, ki spreminjajo videz mesta, in dolgoletno nagnjenost k oblikovanju in inovacijam. Zahvaljujoč bogastvu zanimivosti, zelo dobro razviti nastanitveni bazi, živahnemu nočnemu življenju in robustnemu prometnemu sistemu je Barcelona postala ena izmed evropskih in precej najbolj priljubljenih turističnih destinacij na svetu.


41 ° 23′30 ″ S 2 ° 8′30 ″ V
Zemljevid Barcelone

 Ciutat Vella
Staro mestno jedro Barcelone, vključno s srednjeveškimi Barri Gòtic, La Rambla (Les Rambles), Raval in El Born (znan tudi kot La Ribera)
Modernistična četrt, osrednje središče mesta in najti delo Antonija Gaudija.
Prej samostojno mesto se je mestu pridružilo v 20. stoletju. Ozke ulice in svetovljansko in mlado vzdušje z ne preveč turisti
Plaça Espanya in Montjuïc sta bili v središču več velikih sejmov in razstav. Za popotniki so pustili muzeje, spomenike in festivale.
 Sant Martí
Več plaž ob obali, na splošno pa manj turistov in turističnih znamenitosti.
 Celinsko predmestje
Večinoma stanovanjske, vendar je nekaj znamenitosti, če želite raziskati. Vključuje Camp Nou, dom FC Barcelona; Tibidabo, najvišja točka v Barceloni; in več Gaudijeve arhitekture.
Obala Barcelone v visokem poletju


V Barceloni redko sneži, ko pa to poudari, da je gorska veriga na enem koncu mesta na morju na drugi strani

Kdaj na obisk

Podnebna karta (razlaga)
Povprečna maks. in min. temperature v ° C
PadavineSneg skupaj v mm
Cesarska pretvorba
Povprečna maks. in min. temperature v ° F
PadavineSneg skupaj v palcih

Avgust je verjetno najbolj obremenjen čas za turiste v Barceloni. Številne trgovine in restavracije pa so zaprte od začetka avgusta do začetka septembra. V tem času boste našli najdražje hotelske cene (izven kongresnih ur, kot je Mobile World Congress), mesto pa je brez domačinov, saj se velika večina prebivalcev avgusta odpravi na dopust in zapusti toploto in vlago. hordam prihajajočih turistov. To je tudi eno najvišjih obdobij vdorov v dom, saj zločinci vedo, da je marsikje cel mesec nezasedenih.

Medtem ko ima Barcelona spodobne, čeprav natrpane plaže, bodo domačini zelo hvaležni, če obiskovalci Barcelone ne bodo šteli za letovišče in ne bodo nosili oblačil za plažo ob obisku cerkva, restavracij itd. Če želite samo plažo in dobro plažo na to, gremo proti jugu Costa Daurada, severno do Costa Brava ali na morje za Balearski otoki.

Barcelono je mogoče obiskati zunaj sezone in kljub hladnemu vremenu je lepo mesto tudi v zimskih mesecih januarja in februarja, če je možnosti za dež malo. Glede na visoko vlažnost se za udobno vreme šteje 19–23 ° C (66–73 ° F), ki je običajno temperatura od maja do junija in od konca avgusta do oktobra. To so najboljši časi za obisk mesta. Vse, kar je toplejše od tega, se lahko počuti preveč vroče, obdobje od novembra do aprila pa je precej hladno in na trenutke mračno.

Z otroki

Sreča malčkov v Španiji velja za javno odgovornost. Na katerem koli javnem mestu se bodo ljudje okoli vas po najboljših močeh potrudili, da bodo vašega malčka osrečili: kadar koli se mu zdi dolgčas ali joče, se vsi po svojih najboljših močeh pogostijo ali pomirijo. Med obiskom Barcelone boste našli odličen seznam stvari, ki jih lahko počnete z otroki.

Informacije o obiskovalcih

  • 1 Turistična pisarna na trgu Plaça de Catalunya, Plaça de Catalunya, 17-S (Metro: L1, L3. Avtobus: 9, 22, 28, 42, 47, 58, 66, 67, 68. Vlak: R4). 08:30-20:30. To je glavna turistična pisarna v mestu.
  • Turistična pisarna na Plaça de Sant Jaume, Ciutat, 2 Ajuntament de Barcelona (Mestna hiša). M-Ž 08: 30-20: 30, sa 09: 00-21: 00, ne in prazniki 09: 00-14: 00.
  • Turistična pisarna na Estació de Sants, Plaça dels Països Catalans (Metro: L5, L3. Avtobus: 63,68). Vsak dan od 8: 00-20: 00.
  • Turistična pisarna pri Aeroport del Prat (Terminal 1 in 2.). Vsak dan od 9: 00-21: 00.

Vse turistične pisarne so zaprte 1. januarja in 25. decembra. Celoten seznam turističnih informacijskih točk najdete na zgornji povezavi.

Veleblagovnica El Corte Ingles objavlja brezplačen ulični zemljevid za turiste. Izvod si lahko izberete v trgovini ali v enem izmed številnih hotelov v mestu.

The Turisme de Barcelona spletno mesto je lahko koristno.

Barcelona Card

Barcelona City Pass je paket, ki združuje preferencialne karte za preskok in vozovnice za prevoz v Barceloni. Ta uradni paket mestne vozovnice vam prihrani denar med obveznimi obiski v Barceloni.

Barcelona Card. Ta kartica omogoča prost vstop v več kot 25 muzejev in drugih mest v Barceloni. Za več kot 70 moresites ponuja različne vrste popustov. Vključuje tudi potno vozovnico za javni prevoz v Barceloni (za podrobnosti glej Hola BCN! kartica spodaj). Kartico lahko kupite za obdobje od 2 do 5 dni. Če ne nameravate vsak dan videti veliko muzejev, je morda ceneje kupiti vozovnice samo za prevoz (glej spodaj) in če preživite veliko časa v največjih muzejih, je morda boljši umetniški potni list Barcelona. Te kartice ni mogoče uporabljati na žičnicah ali vzpenjačah (razen za Montjuïc). Če si na splošno želite ogledati samo znamenite znamenitosti in ne obiskujete muzejev, ta kartica ni vredna velike cene ali težav. Veliko potovalnih spletnih mest priporoča in promovira tovrstne diskontne kartice, ker prejmejo provizijo. Za prevoz si raje priskrbite T10. Od 20 € za kartico Barcelona Card Express (2-dnevna), do 60 € za 5-dnevno kartico (10% popust, če jo kupite v spletu vnaprej); na voljo je tudi različica za otroke..


Cerkev Sagrada Família Antonija Gaudija je morda najbolj znana znamenitost Barcelone
Poglej tudi:Katalonski zvezek izrazov, Španski besednjak

Uradni jeziki Barcelone so Katalonski in španski. Približno polovica raje govori katalonsko, velika večina ga razume in skoraj vsi znajo špansko. Vendar je večina znakov označena samo v katalonščini, ker je zakon določen kot prvi uradni jezik. Kljub temu se španščina pogosto uporablja tudi v javnem prevozu in drugih objektih. Redna obvestila v Metroju so samo v katalonščini, nenačrtovane motnje pa napoveduje avtomatiziran sistem v najrazličnejših jezikih, vključno s španščino, angleščino, francoščino, arabščino in japonščino. Po drugi strani pa bodo objave FGC - bodisi redne bodisi motnje - objavljene samo v katalonščini, obvestila o motnjah v omrežju RENFE pa bodo običajno predvajana samo v španščini. Kot v večini drugih mest je tudi vsak poskus, da bi obiskovalci uporabili materni jezik, vedno cenjen. Večina domačinov je dvojezičnih v katalonščini in španščini, tujce pa nagonsko nagovarjajo v španščini. Katalonščina je jezik, ne narečje, in se v marsičem sliši italijansko, portugalsko in francosko. Izogibajte se sklicevanju na katalonščino kot narečje, ki bo žalilo Katalonce.

Nekateri domačini bodo morda našli odgovore v katalonščini, potem ko jih bodo vprašali v španščini. To ni zato, ker so nesramni, ampak ker domnevajo, da ste dvojezični. V Kataloniji ni redko slišati, kako ljudje v istem pogovoru preklapljajo med različnimi jeziki. Če ne razumete, kaj govorijo, jim recite, da ne govorite katalonsko, in vljudno prosite, naj to ponovijo v španščini ali angleščini.

Glavni vzrok za špansko in katalonsko družbeno dvojezičnost v sodobni Kataloniji je obsežen priseljevalni proces iz preostale Španije, ki se je zgodil v 20. stoletju, saj je Katalonija začela pomembno industrializacijo, ki je zahtevala povečano delovno silo od drugod. 60% ljudi v Kataloniji uporablja španščino kot svoj prvi jezik, 40% pa katalonščino. Vprašanja glede jezika, nacionalne identitete in politike so kot politika kjer koli.

Na turističnih območjih imajo skoraj vse trgovine in bari nekaj angleško govorečega osebja. Ljudje se na splošno potrudijo, da bi vam poskušali pomagati, če govorite angleško. Če govorite angleško, boste imeli malo težav, saj Barcelona gosti veliko turistov.


Z letalom

Mednarodno letališče Barcelona

Glavno letališče je 1 Barcelona El Prat (BCN IATA). Nekateri nizkocenovni prevozniki, zlasti Ryanair, uporabljajo letališča Girona (GRO IATA), skoraj 100 km (62 milj) proti severu, ali Reus (REU IATA), približno na isti razdalji proti jugu. Ker je Ryanair začel obratovati na BCN, natančno preverite, kam gre vaš let. Tričrkovna koda IATA mora biti del vašega postopka rezervacije.

Mednarodno letališče Barcelona

Glavni članek: Letališče Barcelona El Prat

Mednarodno letališče Barcelona (BCN IATA), poznan tudi kot El Prat, je glavno prometno vozlišče z leti iz vse Evrope in zunaj nje. Do središča Barcelone lahko pridete z vlakom ali avtobusom s kartico T1. To stane 10,20 EUR za 10 voženj s katerim koli metrojem, tramvajem ali avtobusom v metropolitanskem območju Barcelone in si jih lahko deli več oseb. Prav tako je veliko cenejši od Aeroba (5,90 evra za eno pot). Vlak odpelje s terminala 2, od terminala 1 do terminala 2 pa je na voljo brezplačen prevoz. Vlaki vozijo vsakih 30 minut do približno polnoči. Če prispete s poznim letom, lahko v Barcelono vstopite z nočnim avtobusom N18, ki se ustavi na trgu Plaça d'Espanya na poti do trga Plaça Catalunya.

Letališče Girona – Costa Brava

Letališče Barcelona Bus vozi avtobusni prevoz od Estació del Nord (do postaje podzemne železnice Arc de Triomf) v Barceloni do letališča Girona, sinhronizirano z različnimi časi letov. Enosmerna vozovnica stane 16 EUR, povratna pa 25 EUR. Potovanje traja približno 1 uro 10 minut. Na voljo so vozni redi na spletu.

Letališče Reus

Do tja je najlažje priti z avtobusom, ki ga vozi Hispano Igualadina, od avtobusne postaje Barcelona Sants do letališča. Odhodi avtobusov so sinhronizirani z odhodom / prihodom letala Ryanair. Enosmerna vozovnica stane 13 EUR, povratna pa 24 EUR. Vožnja traja od 1 ure 30 minut do 1 ure 45 minut, odvisno od prometa na avtocesti. Na voljo so vozni redi na spletu. Nekoliko cenejša, a daljša možnost je, da se z vlakom od postaje Barcelona Sants odpeljete do Reusa in nato z lokalnim avtobusom št. 50 do letališča. Vlak stane 7,25 evra, nato pa avtobus 2,5 evra. To traja približno 2½ ure. Vozne rede vlakov lahko preverite pri Renfe's Spletna stran in vozni red avtobusov je na voljo na Spletna stran javnega prevoza Reus.

Železniška postaja Barcelona Sants

Z vlakom

Superhitri vlaki vas bodo odpeljali v Barcelono iz celotne Španije in Francije

Barcelona je dobro povezana s španskim železniškim omrežjem in s preostalo Evropo. Hitri vlaki pogosto vozijo od glavne postaje 2 Barcelona Sants Železniška postaja Barcelona Sants na Wikipediji (na jugozahodu mesta) do Madrida, Seville in Malage. Obstajajo tudi redne medkrajevne povezave, ki delno uporabljajo hitro infrastrukturo do vseh večjih španskih mest.

Zgodovinsko 3 Estació de França Železniška postaja Barcelona França na Wikipediji zdaj večinoma služi regionalnim vlakom.

Neposredna redna hitri vlaki gre na destinacije v Francijo. Poleg dveh dnevnih TGV storitev od Pariz (čas potovanja ~ 7 ur do Barcelone), vsak dan je na voljo storitev Toulouse (3 ure), dnevna storitev od Lyon (5 ur) in dnevno storitev od Marseille (4 ure). Cene se začnejo pri 39 evrih, zato je vlak, čeprav bi lahko trajalo dlje kot let, pogosto cenejša in bolj sproščena alternativa.

Nekdanji vlaki Talgo iz Montpellierja v Barcelono in Cartageno prek Portbouja so prenehali voziti, ko so se začele neposredne storitve visoke hitrosti. Po Cerbèreju / Portbouju je še vedno mogoče potovati z lokalnimi vlaki, vendar je okorno, boleče počasno in usklajevanje voznih redov na meji je grozno; vendar je morda edina alternativa, če so vsi TGV v celoti rezervirani. Če rezervirate vnaprej, je TGV lahko precej cenejši od uporabe lokalnih vlakov. Za potnike, ki uporabljajo prevozi Eurail in Interrail, pa so te lokalne poti koristen način, da se izognejo visokim dodatnim rezervacijam na mednarodnih TGV-jih, ki so lahko skoraj tako visoke kot vnaprej rezervirana samostojna vozovnica za nekatere daljše poti.

Obstaja tudi manj znana železniška proga čez Pireneje do Toulousea. Na španski strani je približno en vlak vsake 3 ure in na francoski vsaki dve ali štiri, vključno s spalnim vlakom iz Pariza (s podružnico proti Portbouju, ki se razdeli na Toulouse: preverite vse vozne rede, ali je pot hitrejša, je močno odvisno od čakalnih dob na meji). Nakup vozovnic za to pot je lahko zapleten. Španska linija velja za mestno linijo, čeprav je daleč od Barcelone in se ne pojavlja v nobenem svetovnem evropskem voznem redu, zato mednarodne vozovnice CIV ni mogoče dobiti, vsak del je treba kupiti posebej. Za potovanja proti jugu postaja Latour-de-Carol prodaja samo vozovnice SNCF, zato je treba španski del kupiti neposredno pri inšpektorju, samo v gotovini. Potovanje traja 7–8 ur (vključno s prevozom) in stane približno 30 EUR.

Začetek storitve visoke hitrosti je pomenil konec čez noč imenovane storitve spalnega avtomobila Trenhotel med Barcelono in Parizom. Trenhoteli še vedno pa tečejo med Barcelono in Granada, A Coruña in Vigo.

Barcelona je priljubljeno pristanišče križark

Moj čoln

Mestno pristanišče je eno najprometnejših v Sredozemlju.

Velike ladje za križarjenje pristajajo 1–2 km (0,62–1,24 milje) proti jugozahodu. Mnogi od njih ponujajo avtobusne prevoze do lokacij na južnem koncu La Rambla. Trajekti pristajajo skoraj neposredno na Ramblas.

Do Ljubljane so redne trajektne povezave Balearski otoki (Alcúdia, Ciutadella de Menorca, Mesto Ibiza, Sant Antoni de Portmany, Mahón, Palma de Mallorca), Italija (Savona, Genova, Livorno, Porto Torres in Civitavecchia za Rim) in Tangier, v Maroko. Iz Rima (Civitavecchia) s trajektom je dejansko ceneje kot z avtobusom.

Nekatere največje ladijske družbe vključujejo Baleària, Linije Grimaldi in Trasmediterana obstaja pa tudi več manjših podjetij.

Z avtobusom

Vse avtobusne povezave so na 4 Barcelona del Nord Estació del Nord (Barcelona) na Wikipediji (Barcelona Nord, Estacion del Norte) postaja ( 34 902 260 606). To vključuje nacionalne (npr. 18 avtobusov na dan iz Madrida) in mednarodne proge.

Megabus vozi med avtobusnimi postajami Barcelona Nord in London Victoria, čez Pariz in Toulouse. Povezujejo se tudi z Amsterdamom, Kölnom, Brusljem in številnimi mesti v Veliki Britaniji. Lahko so zelo poceni, vendar bodite pripravljeni na 24-26 urno vožnjo z avtobusom iz Londona! Za rezervacijo je treba plačati 0,50 GBP. Na krovu so lahko vtičnice ali Wi-Fi ali pa tudi ne. Megabus priporoča, da ste na odhodni točki vsaj 30 minut pred odhodom (razen v Londonu Victoria, kamor morate prispeti 60 minut pred odhodom).

Z avtom

Več glavnih cest povezuje Barcelono s Francijo in preostalo Španijo. Izven konic je promet ponavadi razmeroma majhen. Brezplačna parkirna mesta najdete nekaj postaj s podzemno železnico od središča mesta.

Modra parkirna mesta so plačljiva M-Sa 09: 00-14: 00 in 16: 00-20: 00. Na nekaterih križiščih se čas izplačila začne ob 08:00. Vsakdo lahko uporablja modro preslednico, vendar je ni tako enostavno najti. Plačate pri števcu in vozovnico položite na armaturno ploščo. Zelena parkirna mesta so namenjena samo prebivalcem. Bela parkirna mesta so ves čas brezplačna, v središču mesta pa jih ni.

Mestna parkirišča najdemo po vsem mestu.


Z javnim prevozom

Javni prevoz v mestu in okolici, ki ga upravlja Autoritat del Transport Metropolità (ATM) konzorcij. Celotno območje pokriva Integrirani sistem vozovnic, ki je razdeljen na 6 con. Ta sistem vključuje večino javnega prevoza na tem območju: metro, mestni in medkrajevni avtobus, tramvajski in primestni vlaki.

Meje mesta v Barceloni so popolnoma znotraj cone 1. Javni prevoz v mestu večinoma upravlja Prevozi Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB). Imajo ločeno spletno mesto namenjena turistom. Druga dva operaterja v Barceloni sta Rodalies de Catalunya in Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC).

Barcelona metro sistem in nekatere železniške proge.

Na voljo vstopnice in potovalne kartice:

  • Posamezna vozovnica. A neintegrirano vozovnica velja samo za en način prevoza določenega prevoznika: avtobus, podzemna železnica ali vzpenjača itd. €2.20.
  • Hola BCN! kartice TMB. Za neomejeno število potovanj za 2, 3, 4 ali 5 dni. Veljajo za podzemne in avtobusne, tramvajske, FGC in regionalne vlake TMB v mestu in metropolitanskem območju. T-10 in njegove sestrske kartice boste našli boljše vrednosti. 2-dnevna kartica 14,50 €.
  • Integrirano za določeno število potovanj. T-10, T-50/30, T-70/30. Te kartice so za več oseb za 10, 50 oziroma 70 posameznih potovanj. Med vsakim potovanjem je mogoče opraviti do tri prestope. Celotno potovanje ne sme biti daljše od 1 ure 15 minut in znotraj območja 1. T-10 je najboljša možnost za običajne turiste v mesto. To je bolj priročno kot nakup posameznih vozovnic. To je boljša vrednost kot posamezne vozovnice za več kot 5 potovanj. Je veliko cenejši od različnih popustnih kartic z možnostjo brezplačnega prevoza. In končno, ne veže nobene na določene poti, kot so avtobusi hop-on-hop-off. T-10 za cono 1 11,35 €.
  • Integrirano za neomejeno število potovanj za nekaj dni. T-Dia (1 dan), T-Mes (30 dni), T-Trimestre (90 dni). Te kartice niso prenosljive, torej jih mora uporabljati ena oseba. T-Dia za cono 1 8,40 €.

Potovalne kartice imajo v primerjavi z eno vozovnico odlično vrednost. Pazite, da jih dobro skrbite, saj upognjene ali poškodovane kartice avtomatov za branje ne bodo brale. Takšne kartice je mogoče zamenjati v enem od TMB-jevih centrov za pomoč strankam.

TMB jih ponuja tudi nekaj načrtovalci poti na njihovi spletni strani: različice za namizje, za mobilni brskalnik in mobilne aplikacije za Android in iPhone. Še en načrtovalec poti je na voljo na spletnem mestu bankomatov.

Z metrojem

The Metro (podzemna železnica) je učinkovit način za prevoz po mestu. Čas obratovanja je 05: 00–24: 00 (M – Čet), 05: 00–02: 00 (F) in neprekinjeno obratovanje od sobote do 05:00 do nedelje ob polnoči. Postaje so na večini zemljevidov označene z ; vsaka postaja ima podroben zemljevid izhodov v mesto. Vlaki so hitri, pogosto prihajajo v dveh minutah. Vendar pa ob praznikih in vikendih vlaki vozijo le vsakih 6-8 minut in jih je mogoče enostavno spakirati. Obvestila so samo v katalonščini, čeprav znaki in avtomati za prodajo vozovnic na splošno vključujejo tudi španščino in angleščino.

Uporabljati T-10 (1 cona) je najugodnejši način potovanja znotraj Barcelone

Bodite pozorni na dejstvo, da pridete s podzemnih linij, ki jih upravlja TMB ( L1 ,  L2 ,  L3 ,  L4 ,  L5 ,  L9 / L10  in  L11 ) na tiste, ki jih upravlja FGC ( L6 ,  L7  in  L8 ) ali obratno, morate zapustiti in nato vstopiti skozi novo plačilno ploščo. V tem primeru, če ste imeli vozovnico za eno pot, morate dobiti novo. Če ste uporabili vozovnico za več potovanj, vam pri menjavi linij ne bo zaračunan drugič, če ste znotraj navedenega časa potovanja za eno potovanje. Prav tako ne morete ponoviti operaterja, zato ne morete uporabiti vožnje FGC za bližnjico. Na primer: prehod na L9S na L1 prek L8 s pomočjo Fira in Espanya vam bo zaračunal dve vožnji, raje bi morali iti skozi Torrasso, čeprav dlje. Vsi vlaki so klimatizirani.

Bodite previdni tudi pri potovanju na letališče: T-10 sicer velja za storitve Renfe, v Metroju pa ga ne sprejemajo. Če se do letališča pripeljete s podzemno železnico s T-10, boste prisiljeni plačati celotno vozovnico, ki znaša 4,50 EUR, in vozovnice, ki ste jo uporabili, vam ne bodo povrnili.

Z avtobusom

The avtobusno omrežje v Barceloni je precej obsežen. Morda je najboljša možnost pri načrtovanju vaše poti posvetovanje z enim od zgoraj omenjenih načrtovalcev poti.

Večja reorganizacija avtobusnih linij je bila zaključena novembra 2018, zato ne upoštevajte starih voznih redov in ponovno preverite poti. Na primer, avtobusna linija 92 do parka Güell, s katero mnogi turisti pridejo tja po obisku cerkve Sagrada Familia, je ustavljena, nova linija V15 pa se tam ustavi, vendar vodi drugo pot skozi središče mesta (Passeig de Sant Joan ).

Tu je nekaj nasvetov za kode avtobusnih linij:

  • Proge Hxx potekajo vzporedno z obalo, nizke številke potekajo na visoki strani, velike številke na morski strani.
  • Proge Vxx potekajo od plaže do hribov, veliko število na severni strani (Besòs), malo na južni (Llobregat).
  • Dxx črte potekajo po nekoliko diagonalni poti, čeprav zanimivo je, da nobena od njih ne pokriva niti diagonalnih niti Meridiana, glavnih poševnih ulic.
  • Proge Mxx se nahajajo na zunanjem obodu pokritosti podzemne železnice in povezujejo postajališče podzemne železnice z okolico, v kateri ni podzemne železnice.
  • Proge Bxx potekajo na severnem območju zunaj Barcelone ali povezujejo Barcelono s sosednjimi občinami v metropolitanskem območju, B pomeni reko Besòs.
  • Lxx proge potekajo na južnem območju podobno kot Bxx proge, L pomeni reko Llobregat.
  • Nekatere občine imajo črte v celoti znotraj meja mesta z dvema črkama in številko, te dve črki spominjata na ime mesta. Primeri: BDx za Badalona, ​​LHx za L'Hospitalet ...
  • Proge Nxx vozijo samo ponoči, ko vse druge proge ne vozijo, približno od 23:00 do 6:00.
  • Proge Cxx povezujejo Barcelono z različnimi obalnimi mesti Maresme do Matarója.
  • Proge Exx so hitri avtobusi od / do Barcelone do različnih občin, oddaljenih 10–60 km (6,2–37,3 mi) zunaj metropolitanskega območja.
  • Vrstice z eno ali dvema števkama brez črke sledijo zgodovinskim potim pred shemo H-V-D.
  • Proge med 100 in 199 so običajno zelo lokalne proge, ki se vozijo z avtomobili z majhno zmogljivostjo in so slabe frekvence, 30 'ali slabše. Pomembni primeri so linija 111 do zabaviščnega parka Tibidabo, linija 120 skozi Ciutat Vella in linija 150 do olimpijskih prizorišč in gradu Montjuïc; drugi so za turiste večinoma neuporabni.
  • Številke linij od 200 navzgor se uporabljajo za nekatere poti, ki gredo izven metropolitanskega območja, medtem ko nekatere druge iste vrste sploh nimajo številke.

Avtobusi H-V-D vozijo približno vsakih 6-12 minutnih delovnih dni, 15-20 'vikendov. N avtobusov vozi vsakih 20 'vse noči. Druge linije lahko vozijo tako pogosto kot 5 'ali pa le ena storitev na uro ali manj.

Upoštevajte, da imajo nekatere linije posebne omejitve vozovnic: kartice Barcelona (neomejeno potovanje od 2 do 5 dni) veljajo samo za Hxx, Vxx, Dxx in številke linij pod 200. Vsaka vozovnica za vozovnico 1 ne velja za Cxx, Exx in številke linij nad 200 - pravzaprav potovanja v celoti znotraj vozovnice 1 na teh progah niso dovoljena, ne glede na to, katera vozovnica je uporabljena; če se vkrcate na katerega koli od teh avtobusov znotraj območja vozovnic 1, ne boste mogli izstopiti, dokler ne pridete do druge vozovnice .

  • Barcelona Bus Turístic. Ta avtobus ima tri poti (zemljevid dobite ob vkrcanju), vključno s črto proti severu in proti jugu, ki peljeta z nasprotnih strani Plaça de Catalunya. Vsak traja 1-2 uri. Oblika hop-on / hop-off vam omogoča, da izstopite na katerem koli zanimivem postajališču, vidite, kaj vas zanima, nato pa se vrnete na kateri koli kasnejši avtobus na tej ali kateri koli drugi postaji. Eden od pristopov je ostati na celotni poti, nato pa nadaljevati, medtem ko izstopite na lokacijah, ki so vas prej zanimale. Avtobusi so dvonadstropni, zgornja paluba na prostem ponuja veliko boljši pogled ... zaščita pred soncem je v poletnih mesecih bistvena, jakne pozimi / zgodaj spomladi / pozno jeseni. Slušalke so na voljo ob prvem vstopu, tako da boste lahko slišali komentar, ko se vozite po pomembnih lokacijah. Trgovine blizu vsakega sedeža omogočajo izbiro med številnimi jeziki in obsegom predvajanja. Avtobusi so zelo pogosti. Za cenejšo možnost z večjo prilagodljivostjo poti se odločite za metro in T-10. Enodnevna vozovnica 27 €, 2 dni 38 €; vstopnice lahko kupite na avtobusnih postajališčih, nekaterih hotelih itd. ali na spletu z 10% popustom.

S skuterjem

Razen dostave so električni skuterji prepovedani na pločnikih in vseh sprehodih za pešce po vsej Barceloni. Če to storite, se lahko ena kaznuje z zajetnimi globami in pogostim, slišnim zaničevanjem pešcev. Električni skuterji so dovoljeni na kolesarskih stezah in lahko delijo cesto z avtomobili.

  • Mattia46, 50cc 125cc 150cc 200cc skuterjev za najem.
  • GoCar je dvosedežno trikolesno vozilo, ki deluje z 49-kubičnim motorjem za skuter. Pravno je klasificiran kot skuter za vožnjo po cestah. GoCars so bili ustvarjeni z namenom, da so najeti turiste kot drugačen način za ogled mesta.
  • Skuterji[mrtva povezava] za samske ali pare je odličen način za raziskovanje Barcelone s svojo hitrostjo. Če prihajate kot skupina, si lahko osebno ogledate vse kraje, ki jih želite videti.
  • Cooltra Motos Najem skuterjev. Moped lahko najamete za 1, 2, 3 dni in do 1 mesec. Lahko se udeležite tudi zasebnih ali skupinskih ogledov.
  • BookYourMoto Najem skuterjev in motornih koles v Barceloni. Poceni najem motorja v Barceloni.

S kolesom

  • Najem koles Donkey Republic Barcelona. Oranžna kolesa Donkey Republic so postavljena po vsem mestu. Turisti lahko kolesa najamejo in odklenejo prek aplikacije Donkey Republic 24 ur na dan. Aplikacija deluje tako, da zaklene in odklene kolo brez internetne povezave, kolesa pa se začnejo pri 12 EUR na dan.
  • Kolesa Barceloneta. V bližini pristanišča in plaž ima podjetje različne vrste koles, ki jih lahko najamete.
  • Kolesarjenje v Barceloni. Podpira Biciclot, zadruga, ki v Barceloni promovira uporabo koles.
  • Proračunska kolesa. Najem kakovostnih nizozemskih koles. Ponuja skupinska znižanja.
  • e-bikerent. Najem električnega kolesa od 7-20 € na dan.
  • Mattia46 najem koles in motosov. Kolesa in motorji, en dan (24 ur) na kolesu za 6 EUR.
  • Terra Diverzije. Velika izbira mestnih, gorskih, hibridnih, cestnih in otroških koles v različnih velikostih.

Barcelona ima tudi svoj skupni kolesarski sistem, imenovan BiCiNg. Vendar se zdi, da je to dostopno samo za domačine.

S segwayem


Barcelona je zelo sprehodljivo mesto. Od pristanišča Port Vell ob morju do parka Güell ob vznožju gorovja na severovzhodnem delu mesta potrebujete nekaj več kot uro hoje, na svojem mestu pa si lahko ogledate vrsto znamenitosti, vključno z La Ramblo in Sagrada Família. način. Povsod so možnosti, da se vsedete in uživate ob pijači ali obroku. Če ste v formi, lahko mesto raziščete tudi sami peš, razen če vas v toplejših mesecih ne bije toplota (in potem se vedno lahko zatečete v klimatizirano podzemno železnico).

Z avtom

Parkiranje okoli vseh večjih turističnih destinacij je drago (3 EUR / uro, 20–36 EUR / dan), prostori pa so težko navigacijski, saj obstaja več razredov javnih parkirnih mest s zapletenimi pravili za vsak razred. Barcelona je prizadeta z enakimi težavami, ki pestijo tudi druga večja evropska mesta; ogromni zastoji in na nekaterih območjih izjemno ozke ulice, skupaj z zelo zapletenim cestnim sistemom. Kot taka vožnja okoli ni priporočljiva za turiste, zlasti tiste, ki nimajo vozniških izkušenj v velikih mestih. Javni prevoz vas bo pripeljal do vseh glavnih področij in to bi morali uporabiti kot glavni način prevoza.

Zemljevid vožnje je bistvenega pomena - načrtujte pot, preden se odpravite na pot. Navigacija s povprečnim turističnim zemljevidom je pogosto zavajajoča: številne ulice so enosmerne; levi zavoji so bolj redki kot pravice (in so nepredvidljivi). Kot primer lahko Gran via de Les Corts Catalanes je pravzaprav enosmerna severna ulica med Espanyo in Marino, nasprotna smer pa je rezervirana samo za avtobuse in taksije.

Nekaj ​​brezplačnih parkirnih mest, ki so jih prijavili potniki:

  • Blizu Moll de Sant Bertran (ki je jugozahodno od Museu Maritim) - vožnja po B-10, izstop do WTC-ja in popolno kroženje v krožišču, smer do skladišč - in parkiranje ob avtomobilih zaposlenih.
  • Nekje blizu parka Guell.
  • V bližini Font Màgica, na trgu Plaça Espanya in griču Montjuïc.

Vožnja z avtomobilom je smiselna, če nameravate veliko več časa porabiti za vožnjo zunaj meja mesta kot znotraj njega - in v idealnem primeru, če sploh ne nameravate parkirati čez noč. V nasprotnem primeru razmislite o najemu skuterja ali pa namesto tega uporabite javni prevoz.

S taksijem

Od januarja 2019 storitve skupne vožnje kot je Uber, zahtevajo vsaj eno uro predhodnega obvestila. Za manj kot eno uro prej morate poklicati reden taksi.


41 ° 23′30 ″ S 2 ° 8′30 ″ V
Zemljevid Barcelone

Kaj videti v temi

Najbolj spektakularne nočne znamenitosti so:

  • Glasbene fontane, na Plaça d'Espanya. Maj-oktober: čet-ne 20:30. Vsaka seja traja 30 minut, zadnja pa se začne ob 23:00.
  • Casa Batlló.
  • Torre Agbar pisarniški stolp, poudarjeno F-Su 19: 00-23: 00.
  • Pogled na mesto iz Hrib Montjuïc
La Pedrera (Casa Milà)

Staro mesto

Sprehodite se po vijugastih ulicah in skritih trgih, fontanah in palačah v Ljubljani Barri Gòtic (Ciutat Vella). Poudarki vključujejo 1 Katedrala Katedrala v Barceloni na Wikipediji, Museu d'Història de Barcelona Muzej zgodovine Barcelone na Wikipediji (prej znan kot Museu d'Història de la Ciutat) in 2 Plaça Reial Plaça Reial na Wikipediji.

Modernistična arhitektura

Gaudijev Parc Güell je treba videti v Barceloni

Od leta 1984 je bilo sedem stavb arhitekta Antonija Gaudija (1852–1926) v Barceloni ali v njeni bližini na seznamu "Dela Antonija Gaudija" na Unescov seznam svetovne dediščine: bazilika v 3 Sagrada Família Sagrada Família na Wikipediji, 4 Casa Milà Casa Milà na Wikipediji (La Pedrera) in 5 Casa Batlló Casa Batlló na Wikipediji v Eixample, 6 Palau Güell Palau Güell na Wikipediji v Ciutat Vella, 7 Parc Güell Park Güell na Wikipediji in 8 Casa Vicens Casa Vicens na Wikipediji v Gràcia, 9 kripta Cerkve Cerkev Colònia Güell na Wikipediji v Colònia Güell.

Hospital de Sant Pau avtorja Lluís Domènech i Montaner

Dela katalonskega arhitekta moderne Lluís Domènech i Montaner, uvrščena na Unescov seznam svetovne dediščine: 10 Palau de la Música Catalana Palau de la Música Catalana na Wikipediji v Ciutat Vella in 11 Hospital de Sant Pau Hospital de Sant Pau na Wikipediji na meji Eixample.

Ruta del Modernisme vodijo Modernisme Center (Pl. De Catalunya, 17, subterráneo; telefon 34 933 177 652) je knjiga vodnikov in kuponov s popusti, ki stane 12 EUR. Odpelje vas do vseh najboljših zgradb Modernisme (art nouveau) v Barceloni. Glavni del poti je mogoče prehoditi v nekaj urah, če ne zaidete predaleč od glavnih poti. Turistične pisarne ponujajo paket, ki vključuje vstopnice s popustom za številne znamenitosti, kot sta La Pedrera in La Casa Batlló. Vse si lahko ogledate od zunaj brezplačno.

Z otroki

  • Naravoslovni muzej na forumu - Museu Blau
  • CosmoCaixa: Muzej znanosti Neverjeten muzej za otroke od 4-5 let naprej. Res bodo uživali tudi odrasli.
  • Živalski vrt in Parc de la Ciutadella.
Pogled iz Gaudijevega parka Güell proti starem mestnemu jedru in obali Barcelone


Skočite na krov Bus Turístic, da si ogledate vse ključne znamenitosti, ne da bi premaknili mišico
  • 5 Aeri del Port de Barcelona (Telefèric del Port), C / Taquígrafo Garriga, 97 - Esc.B -2º9ª, 34 934 304 716, . Junij-avgust 11: 00-20: 00; Marec-maj, september-oktober 11: 00-19: 00; 11.-11. Februar: 00-17: 30. Vozite se po zračni tramvaji Port Vell. Letališka tramvaj Port Vell je 1450 metrov dolga pristaniška zračna tramvaj z rdečimi avtomobili. Montjuïc in Barceloneta. Začne se v Barceloneti na vrhu 78 metrov visokega 6 Torre San Sebastian Torre Sant Sebastià na Wikipediji stolp, ki ima na vrhu tudi restavracijo, dostopno z dvigalom. Ima vmesni postanek pri 7 Torre Jaume I Torre Jaume I na Wikipediji stolp (blizu Columbusovega spomenika), do katerega lahko pridete z dvigalom s tal - 107 metrov visok stolp, drugi najvišji zračni podporni stolp na svetu. Končna točka črte je Miramar na pobočjih hriba Montjuïc. Na splošno je celoten sistem precej star (zgrajen leta 1929, čeprav nekajkrat obnovljen), avtomobil pa je podnevi poln turistov - še posebej občutljiv za voziček ali invalidski voziček. Če pa začnete z Montjuîc strani, je ljudi manj. samski 11 €, vrnitev 16,50 €; ni del integriranega omrežja vozovnic v Barceloni. Zračni tramvaj Port Vell (Q1567972) na Wikidata Zračni tramvaj Port Vell na Wikipediji
La Rambla, glavni bulvar v Barceloni
  • Stroll along the following famous streets in Ciutat Vella:
    • 1 La Rambla La Rambla, Barcelona na Wikipediji (Las Ramblas), a gorgeous tree-lined pedestrian walkway, the busiest and most lively street of the city. Mostly occupied by tourists, expect to pay higher prices for food and drink. Avoid the groups of people supposedly betting on a game played on a cardboard table - they are thieves. Head off into some of the side streets for a cheaper, more local, and authentic experience of Barcelona. Often called Las Ramblas, because it is a series of several different streets each called 'Rambla de ____', the sections also have distinct feels. As you get closer to Plaça Catalunya, you find more street performers doing stunts. In the middle, you'll find street performers in costumes. Towards the pier, there are artists who will do pencil drawings, paintings, etc.
    • 2 Plaça de Catalunya Plaça de Catalunya na Wikipediji. Connecting all the major streets in the city, the Plaça is known for its fountains and statues, and the central location to everything in the city. A favourite meeting spot for locals.
    • 3 Portal de l'Àngel Portal de l'Àngel na Wikipediji. Large pedestrian walkway with many new and stylish shops in which to browse.
  • Cruise miles of beachfront boardwalk starting from Barceloneta, or get a tan on the beach. Eat good seafood and rice dishes at La Barceloneta neighbourhood
  • Sit on a wooden bridge to Maremagnum in Ciutat Vella and cool your toes at the water's edge with a book, sandwich, or just for a short rest.
  • Wander the Barri Gotic v Ciutat Vella, the largely intact medieval center of the city and visit the Cathedral and its wonderful cloister.
  • Enjoy your Sangria at La Plaça Reial v Ciutat Vella, near La Rambla Street. Great place to sit, relax, and drink. (People from Barcelona do not drink sangria, it's just a tourist drink! But you can enjoy it anyway!)
  • Walk in El Born neighbourhood in Ciutat Vella, a former very popular area with great restaurants and places to have a few drinks. If your accommodation is on Rambla, El Born is a great place to enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere, and find more creative shops and craftsmen. El Born means jousting field, and its history and stories can fill one of those huge books stored in old libraries. There are interesting and quirky details to uncover while walking around, such as the name given to its streets, the medieval signs to brothels, and remnants of the secession war of the end of the 18th century. Indulge yourself at Hofman or Bubó bakeries and make sure you visit the Santa Maria del Mar church.
  • Visit a Flamenco Show in a real tablao. One of the best is Tablao de Carmen in Sants-Montjuïc. A cheaper alternative is in the jazzclub Jazz Si v Ciutat Vella. (Although Flamenco is mostly just a touristy activity, Catalan people are not into flamenco. It's a dance and music from Andalucia, the southeast region in Spain)
  • Ride the Cable Way to get from the sea front to Montjuïc mountain in Sants-Montjuïc
  • Sit and sip on a coffee in Plaça dels Àngels v Ciutat Vella, while admiring the whiteness of the MACBA and the best street skate tricks in town.
  • Catch a performance at the beautiful Teatre del Liceu ali Palau de la Musica Catalana, both in Ciutat Vella.
  • Rent a bike, or join a bike tour, and see the highlights of the city in a different way. Ride from the magic beaches of the Mediterranean to Gaudí's modernist buildings through the medieval atmosphere of the Gothic Quarter.
  • Sail 3 hours to see Barcelona from the sea.
  • Mail boats serve almost all populated in Barcelona, and are among the cheapest way, to reach many areas, though far from the fastest or most comfortable. The government has a mailboat schedule of routes na spletu which may or may not reflect reality.
  • Sail on a classic yacht. Enjoy a day trip sailing along the Barcelona coastline on a classic yacht.
  • Walk in Gracia neighborhood, a very popular area with a great variety of restaurants, cafés and terraces where you can still feel the local ambiance that has already been lost in El Born.
  • For good views over Barcelona: visit Park Güell, Tibidabo, Montjuïc or Carmel's bunkers.
  • Artoba Tours, 34 656 855 866, brez cestnin: 1 888 538 7377, . City and day tours of Barcelona and Catalonia led by a professional archaeologist. €54–200 pp, depending on tour.


The Spanish sports conglomerates that dominate soccer are also active in other sports. For example, FC Barcelona is by far the most successful team in Spanish handball and among Europe's top basketball teams.

  • Oglejte si nogomet: the big famous soccer team is FC Barcelona playing in La Liga, the top tier of Spanish football. Their home ground is Camp Nou (capacity 98,000), 1 km west of Sants railway station. Nearest Metro is Palau Reial.
RCD Espanyol were relegated in 2020 so they play in Segunda División, the second tier. Their home ground is RCDE Stadium (capacity 40,500) at the western edge of the city. No metro, take a bus towards Ave del Baix Llobregat.

The El Clásico rivalry between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid is one of the most intense in the world as a result of its political undertones; Real Madrid is seen as a symbol of the Spanish ruling establishment, while FC Barcelona is seen as a symbol of Catalan identity. Similarly, the local Derbi barceloní is a politically-charged one, with FC Barcelona traditionally being supported by pro-independence locals, and Espanyol traditionally being supported by anti-independence locals. Be careful not to wear team colours of the opposing team when you are in a crowd of supporters of one team, as violent confrontations have been known to occur.

Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya is a motor-racing circuit hosting Formula 1 and other big events. It's in the northern suburb of Montmeló.

Festivali in prireditve

Correfoc in La Mercè

Barcelona hosts a number of annual fiestas, many of which are unique to Catalonia and offer an insight into its distinctive culture.

  • Sónar. An annual three-day music festival. It is described officially as a festival of Advanced Music and Multimedia Art. Music is by far the main aspect of the festival. The festival runs for three days and nights, usually starting on a Thursday in the third week of June. There is a day location and a night location. €52 daypass, €76 night entry, €199 festival pass on internet booking, higher fees for entrance passes.
  • Monegros Desert Festival. The most famous and biggest one day/night electronic music festivals in Spain is in the desert of Fraga, 200 km (120 mi) from Barcelona. More than 40, 000 people gather every July to celebrate electronic music with the best DJs representing styles from house, electro, minimal, techno, to drum&bass, dubstep, and hiphop. 20 hours nonstop, it is a unique desert experience.
  • Festes de la Mercè. Barcelona's main annual festival around 24 September, encompassing many events such as human towers (castellers), free live music events on the streets, firework displays, and processions of wooden giants. It is a holiday and the city offers a lot of activities to have fun. Enjoy a fountains and fireworks show at the base of the Montjuïc hill.
  • Festes de Gràcia. The Festes de Gracia is a Catalonian celebration, held around 15 August each year to commemorate the Assumption. During the week of festivities that mark one of Barcelona's most important fiestas, the city of Gracia explodes with fun, excitement, color, and fireworks. Many streets are decorated by neighbours, and there is live music, food in the streets, and the parties continue all night.
  • Festes de Sants. Similar to Gracia's event, but smaller and later on in August. If you can't go to Gracia's event, try to go to this festival.
  • Sant Jordi. 23 April. Considered to be like Valentine's Day. People give roses and books around the streets. Traditionally, men give women roses and women give men books. It is one of the most popular and interesting celebrations in Catalonia.
Casa de l'Ardiaca during Corpus
  • Korpus. Late in May (Corpus Christi day). An egg is put over the fountains (most of them in the churches, and decorated with flowers), and it "magically dances" over the water. Most of the churches are in the city center: Cathedral's cloister, Santa Anna, Casa de l'Ardiaca, Museu Frederic Marés, and over 10 more fountains.
  • Fira de Santa Llúcia. From 2/3 December to 23 December, to commemorate Sta. Llúcia (13 December). During this time, in front of the Cathedral, Christmas objects are sold. Some places sell Christmas trees, but most of them sell elements for making the pessebres (Nativity scenes). These include small sculptures, wooden pieces, and moss used to simulate grass.
13 December is the feast day of Santa Llucia, patron saint of fashion designers and blind people, who gather at the Santa Llucia chapel in the cathedral to pay their respects.
  • Barcelona Jazz Festival. A brighter way to celebrate the colder Autumn days, the annual Jazz festival has been running for nearly 50 years now and runs roughly from the last week in October and all the way through November Tickets prices differ for each event.
  • Revetlla de Sant Joan. This is the midsummer solstice celebration. It is celebrated on 23 June every year and is signified by the fireworks (there are frequent and loud amateur fireworks all night long, which may make it hard to sleep) that are permanently on display during this time.
  • Fira de Barcelona. There are trade events all year round in Barcelona.

During festivals and especially during Mobile World Congress which is a major trade show at the Fira, accommodation in Barcelona and especially near the Fira is much more difficult to find and more expensive than usual.

La Biblioteca de Catalunya

Nauči se

For those wishing to make a real attempt at learning the language, there are plenty of Catalan and Spanish language schools in Barcelona.

El Corte Inglés in Plaça de Catalunya is one of the few stores in the chain that is not an eyesore to look at - and provides a good view of the Plaça as well from its top-floor restaurant


Most shops and shopping malls are closed on Sundays because of law restrictions. V Ciutat Vella you will find plenty of small fashion shops, souvenir shops and small supermarkets open on Sundays. The souvenir shopping scattered throughout the Barri Gotic and all along La Rambla are tourist traps, none of them sell Catalan or Spanish products but the typical array of Chinese general souvenirs, they should be avoided. Moreover on the Port Vell, right at the end of The Ramblas there is Maremagnum, a shopping mall that stays open all Sundays.

La Boqueria
  • 1 La Boqueria (Mercat Sant Josep). V Ciutat Vella. Large public market with a diverse range of goods and produce. Enjoy freshly squeezed organic fruit juices for €1.5 per cup. If you go near closing time (20:00) sellers will make you a special price (2 or 3 for €2). Closed Sundays. La Boqueria (Q1334899) na Wikipodatih La Boqueria na Wikipediji
  • Poštne znamke are actually sold in 'Tabacs' or tobacconists. Once you know what they look like, you'll notice them on every block or so. To post your mail, you need to find one of the rare rumena letter boxes along the sidewalks.
  • Zapisi For vinyl records, try the wonderful shop Discos Revolver at 13 Carrer dels Tallers.
  • Supermarketi are spread across the city. BonÀrea, Bonpreu and Condis are the most popular supermarket chains from Catalonia. Mercadona, Consum, and Dia are other popular chains from the rest of Spain. All of them are a cost-effective way to purchase grocery items. There are also organic/specialty supermarkets like Casa Ametller or Veritas which are pricier. Small corner stores are the most visible on city streets, but tend to mark up prices in exchange for convenience.


As with all cities which welcome large numbers of tourists, Barcelona's cuisine is inconsistent in quality, but there are plenty of restaurants serving excellent food at very reasonable prices, if you know where to look. The usual rules of thumb apply: to save money and get better food, look for places off the beaten track used by fellow travellers, and seek out cafés and restaurants which the locals frequent. In practice, this usually involves searching out eateries in residential districts away from the main sightseeing attractions. Avoid restaurants with touts outside, and have a basic understanding of the traditional foods served in restaurants, as well as the local drinks. One slightly crafty way of sussing a place's authenticity at a glance is to take note of how they spell a certain word: a menu board advertising tapniteas, written the Spanish/international way, is likely to be somewhere which primarily caters to tourists, whereas somewhere offering tapnitees, using Catalan spelling, is in all probability a venue frequented by locals.

Some districts to check out include Gràcia, which is a hub of quality, affordable Catalan cooking of both the traditional and more avant-garde varieties, and the Eixample, whose chic boulevards have upscale restaurants aplenty worthy of your splurge money. The fishing quarter of Barceloneta (in Ciutat Vella) is an example of a neighbourhood where it pays to be picky: closer to the gentrified seafront, a slew of mojito beach bar-style places serve up expensive tourist tapas; for the real thing, head into the backstreets, where many traditional bars are still tucked away. In all cases, be prepared to "promenade" in search of the most attractive-looking menu; that's what the locals do, after all.

Where to eat during siesta

The majority of restaurants and cafes are closed 16:00-20:00 for migdiada. If you failed to plan for that, here are some places you can eat during this period:

  • tapas in bars
  • international chains
  • food stands in market halls

Set menus (menú del migdia / menú del día) Most restaurants (and some bars) offer a menú del migdia / menú del día (menu of the day), which usually means a three course meal (a first plate often a salad or rice-based or pasta-based dish, a second plate usually a meat or fish, and a drink; plus a dessert or coffee), 3 or 4 options for each course, for €12 to €20, depending on the restaurant. The portions may be quite generous, or rather small. During the week, some smart restaurants offer lunch specials from 14:00 to 16:00. The savvy traveller will try the hip places for a fraction of the price during the day.

If you're looking for a place where everyone can choose their own meal, ask for restaurants that serve platos combinados, which is the closest thing to an American/Northern European meal.

Kajenje is not permitted inside bars and restaurants since 2011, but it's usually allowed in terraces.


Krožnik tapes

You can get food from any part of the world in Barcelona, but make sure you try some Catalan food.

Glej Catalan cuisine section in the Catalonia article.

The selection of seafood is consistently great, although not a lot of it is local (this part of the Mediterranean is pretty well fished-out).

A treat to try that no travel guide mentions is waffles sold at street stands. They will tempt you with their mouth watering smell and taste.

Tapas restaurants are now all over the city (although tapas originated in Andalusia in the south of Spain). Each Spanish region has its native tapas; signature 'Catalonia' tapas is delicious. Some Catalans eat a more French-style three course meal (appetizer, main dish and dessert) and would more likely go for a pre-meal beer/vermouth and some snacks (olives, chips, etc.); others go for a meal entirely of tapas. This pre-meal snack is called 'fer el vermut' or 'making the vermouth'. As you travel to smaller towns in Catalonia outside of Barcelona, it is less likely that you will find tapas and more likely you'll see restaurants serving traditional Catalan food in three courses.

Beyond Catalan food, there is no shortage of durum ali shawarma stands in Barcelona, offering tasty beef or chicken and salad in toasted flatbread for around €3.50. Gyros are delicious! You can also consider the Azijski selection, with a lot of Chinese, Japanese and Indian restaurants. As with anywhere else, there are plenty of Italijansko restaurants, while Latinskoameriški offerings, particularly Argentine and Mehiški, are well-represented too.

Food tours

If you feel lost in the variety of food choices there are - Catalan, Basque, Spanish, and beyond, it may be helpful to do a food tour to quickly get oriented. Many independent tour operators run food and wine tours in the city.

Areas to eat

Depending on where you are in the city, there may be restaurants galore, or none at all. The following areas tend to be restaurant "hubs", with a large variety of restaurants to choose from:

  • Barceloneta: A popular quarter for locals, where you can try fish based dishes, such as Paella (a name that may hide many different kinds of rice concoctions) or Arròs negre (Black Rice), that takes its colour because it is made using squid ink. Barceloneta is a very good place to eat tapas prav tako.
  • Sant Antoni is the new addition to the culinary scene in Barcelona where old and trendy cuisine mingle.
  • Eixample Esquerra (between Gran Via and Mallorca)
  • Barri Gòtic (especially for tapas)
  • "El Born" (next to Barri Gòtic)

Around Plaça Catalunya there are dozens of restaurants serving tapas. One should be careful with the tourist traps as the area is highly populated with tourists.

For budget eating you may choose "menú del migdia" in small bars on the Avinguda del Parallel for €9-11 per person. Be aware that sometimes the menu and the staff are only in Spanish.

The large cafes that line the Passeig de Gràcia and the Rambla Catalunya, just north of the Plaça Catalunya, offer a variety of acceptable tapas. This part of the town is quite touristy and a bit expensive.

Ta stran uporablja naslednji cenovni razpon za tipičen obrok za enega, vključno z brezalkoholnimi pijačami:
ProračunDo 10 €
Srednji razred€10 - €25
Splurge25 € in več


In several supermarkets you can find a wide stall with a great selection of ready-to-eat dishes. You can get a two-course lunch for less than €5.


Individual listings can be found in Barcelona's okrožje člankov
  • Comer y no Bombas (Location is variable). Shares free vegan food.
  • Juice bars. More and more the city is being populated by bars that serve organic/vegan food and cold-pressed juices.
  • El Glop. Three locations, in Eixample in Gràcia. Excellent mid-range Catalan meals. Dovolite približno 20 EUR na osebo, čeprav bi se lahko od tam odpravili za polovico tega, če pustite, da cena narekuje izbiro jedi.



Try a "café con hielo" an espresso served with a glass of ice cubes on the side and any local 'cafeteria'. Cafes are found on each corner in Barcelona, and these days a conscious movement in favour of top quality coffee is changing the scene in the Catalan capital with a new trend in terms of coffee houses.


  • Chupitos are found in several locations throughout the city, including one in Barceloneta. Chupitos is Spanish for "shots" and offers hundreds of unique shots including the "Harry Potter" (a shot that sparks as cinnamon is sprinkled over it), and "Monica Lewinsky" (a variety of flaming shots) among others. As much a show as it is a place to get a drink, it's a fun night out.


The sail-shaped hotel W Barcelona is one of the city's newest landmarks

Barcelona offers a great range of accommodations, from cheap, decent apartments, hostels and guest-houses to five-star hotels. Every district has plentiful offerings, and thanks to the efficient public transportation you can stay comfortably in any of them, depending on your budget and preferences.

  • Ciutat Vella offers a mix of luxury hotels and cheerful hostels within a dense urban environment. Staying there means being at the heart of Barcelona's nightlife - which is both lively and noisy.
  • Eixample in Gràcia in Sants-Montjuïc are calmer, but quite as dense, and popular due to closeness to attractions. You will find more mid-market properties there.
  • Sant Martí contains most of Barcelona's beaches and a string of very modern hotels along the Diagonal
  • The suburbs are not as far away as you may think thanks to the metro and local railway. Some hillside hotels offer great views, but may be far away from public transit though.

See the district articles for detailed listings of accommodation opportunities.

Povežite se


  • Barcelona WiFi. Daily 08:00-01:00. An internet service provided by the city council. There are more than 700 Wi-Fi hotspots in the city, mostly at various municipal buildings. The speed is limited to 256 Kbps, VoIP applications are filtered. No registration is required. prost.

Ostani varen


Pickpocketing is the most pressing issue for visitors to Barcelona. Never keep your wallet, cash or important documents in trouser pockets or in bag pockets: a money belt is an easy and inexpensive way to prevent being robbed. As always, be alert in crowded places, such as public transport, train and bus stations, La Rambla and Raval. People may approach you asking for change, or to change money. Just ignore them. If you are asked to change money, then official looking police may approach you afterwards to 'check' your wallet for ID, etc. These are not police, so be at your most vigilant or you might find they have taken a few cards or cash upon returning your wallet. If you are in a crowd of spectators watching street entertainment, beware of anyone getting suspiciously close to you.

Pickpockets use the football trick as the local specialty. At certain tourist hotspots, there are people who will try to show you a 'magic trick'. This involves tying a piece of string around your finger. While you are distracted (and your arm is effectively disabled), an accomplice will pickpocket you. It is also possible that criminals will pose as tourists and ask directions to approach their victims. Keep your distance and be careful in tourist places.

The subway is a hotbed for pickpocketing activity, which can range from simple opportunistic thefts to coordinated attacks. Be especially wary on the subway platforms at Sants train station and Sagrada Família. A group of men will come out of seemingly nowhere while you attempt to enter a subway car and block your entrance in exit in a coordinated manner, effectively pinning you against the doors while they close. They will act as if the car is just crowded and they are trying to get on as well, but, in reality, they have already gone through your pockets.

Once they take stuff, they quickly return to the platform and walk off calmly while you are trapped in the departing subway as they make sure they exit just before the doors cannot be reopened. Violence in these situations is rare, and in most cases the goal of the thieves is to rob you undetected. Stay vigilant: do not leave anything in a back trouser pocket (except maybe a map of the city). Hold on to your bag or purse at all times. Do not leave anything unattended while you sit in a cafe or restaurant.

One guy acts like he's reading a newspaper and is about to go into the subway gate (he's scanning his target). While you insert your subway card to enter and before the gate opens, that guy immediately enters his subway card also, which causes the gate to jam and alarm sound. Immediately 3-4 other people appear and, while acting like trying to help, (pointing to the gate telling you 'the door is jam') will try to snatch your backpack or wallet while you are still surprised. Check and make sure no one tailgates on you, or, simply, just let the guy go first.

While you are at an outdoor table of a café, don't leave your smartphone on the table. Someone will try to steal it. For example, a guy babbling for change with an unreadable poster in his hands, getting closer and closer to the smartphone until he eventually picks it up, passes it to a second guy that will run away with it.


Poglej tudi: Common scams

People in Barcelona are often very friendly and love to practice their English, so don't be unfriendly. That said, you should, of course, be suspicious if someone approaches you in a touristy area speaking your language and asking you for help. This should put your guard up immediately. Do not be tempted to sign their petition, give them directions, or help them with their problem. You don't know anything about where you are, since you're a tourist, so you won't be able to help them in any case.

Professional scam artists exhibiting a high degree of coordination are active in many areas of the city. Be careful in tourist areas. Različne methods are employed, including the No-change trick. A common scam involves fake cops who will show up ask to see your passport, then take your belongings at the first opportunity. The story varies, but they are almost certainly not real ones. When it happens, the best strategy is to just walk away instead of starting any sort of conversations with them. Another trick is that one seemingly confused person will ask you for directions, diverting your attention and then suddenly fake police will appear asking for your ID. This is a co-ordinated move to divert the attention and steal whatever is possible. If such incident happens, just walk away, without listening to any of their conversation. Stay alert, especially in busy tourist area near the Sants station and Plaça d'Espanya.

Another popular scam happens in the metro. A group of scammers (often middle-aged women) will take advantage of the fuss while people are entering the metro and surround a tourist, frantically asking for directions. Most tourists won't know what to say while one of the scammers empties their pockets. They will try to confuse the tourist while the metro stays in the platform, and will get out just before the doors are closed. When you realize you've been scammed, the train will have already left and they will be safely outside with your belongings.

The bird excrement scam is also common. One or more accomplices will secretly spray or throw a smelly liquid on you. When you look up thinking a passing bird has pooped on you, they will run up to you and tell you that they saw a bird poop on you. They will offer to help you clean up, and while you are cleaning they will go through your pockets and any bags you have set down. It is wise to beware of anyone who is attempting to touch a complete stranger.

Različica Three Card Monte is one of many common scams played on Les Rambles. There are also people holding petitions to install a wheelchair lift in locations with a lot of stairs. Once your signature is obtained they will then aggressively ask for a donation. Sometimes there can be crowds of children demanding money with hardly anyone else in the area, making it difficult to get away.

Violent crimes

In 2019 there was a surge in violent crimes around Barcelona: in just the summer, there were almost as many violent deaths as there were for the whole previous year. While tourists are very rarely targeted, so for the regular tourist this should be not a concern, many of these deaths are either drug-related or take place during drunken fights, so you are best advised to avoid such situations.


Local club FC Barcelona (also known as "Barça", a term used by locals to refer strictly to the club and not the city) is seen as a symbol of Catalan nationalism, and has a very heated and politically charged rivalry with Real Madrid, which is seen as a symbol of the Spanish state and ruling establishment, and violent confrontations between the supporters of both clubs have been known to occur. Avoid wearing Real Madrid jerseys while you're in Barcelona, especially on matchdays, as that could result in you being singled out for violence by local fans.

On the other hand, wearing an Atlético Madrid (the other Madrid club) jersey might get you some stares and a couple of harmless teasings, but certainly no violent reactions.


Barcelona offers ATMs in many locations. Many provide a wide range of services (withdrawals, transfers, mobile credit recharges, ticketing, etc.), and most accept ATM/debit/credit cards of various banks. Choose an ATM in a secure or highly-public space (e.g., in a bank lobby or airport terminal) to avoid machines modified by criminals to skim/video your card data or where you might be robbed after use. Ensure early in usage that the ATM supports a language you understand. For a full discussion of safe/effective charge/debit/ATM card usage and their cost trade-offs, see Denar.

Areas of caution

Be very careful in the Barcelona Sants train station where thieves prey on new arrivals, even on the platforms. In general, try to stay away from suburban trains (cercanias in Spanish or rodalies in Catalan) late in the evening, as you may encounter young offensive drop-outs that disturb passengers, smoke, break windows and vandalize equipment. Don't rely too much on the railway security staff, as they prefer not to get involved, and by all means avoid messing with those troublemakers.

Women travelling alone should exercise caution while exploring the more isolated parts of Montjuïc. The city beaches, particularly the ones adjoining Barceloneta, have proven to be quite lucrative for bag snatchers. Anything that you would rather not lose is best left, locked, in your hostel or hotel.

Men traveling alone should expect the prostitutes on Les Rambles, St. Antoni, and Raval in the early hours to be very aggressive and in league with pickpockets and robbers.

Also, people need to be careful when leaving the bars of the Olympic Port late as there are many pickpockets around.

Women should be wary of wearing exposed jewelry such as gold chains and necklaces. People walking down a street may be attacked from behind by a thief who may grab the necklace and try to rip it off the woman's neck before quickly running away, often down a convenient side street. Be especially careful of seedy looking men on bicycles, as grab and snatch assaults can occur.

In the event of such a robbery, people will need to find the local police station to report the incident, especially if a travel insurance claim is going to be made. Don't expect any police action beyond the report, though, as these types of events are par for the course and arrests, even when made, almost never lead to prosecution due to a slow, antiquated, and overburdened legal system.

Parts of Barcelona are covered by closed circuit TV surveillance, but only the more popular spots.

Anti-tourism movement

Many Barcelona residents have the impression that there are too many tourists in Barcelona and that it has increased living costs, as landlords prefer to rent to tourists and not to locals to make more profit. Also, a lot of local shops have closed to make way for souvenir spots, so many locals feel they are being expelled from areas they have lived their whole life. In some areas, particularly the ones next to the beach where drunken tourists often stroll in swimming suits, there were anti-tourism demonstrations by locals, which had the backing of the Mayor of Barcelona. By October 2019, this movement had nearly disappeared from scene.


Tourist drivers may attract special attention, such as Red light bag snatch ali Flat tire scams

Javni prevoz

Besides being a particular pickpocket hot spot, there are plenty of fare evaders who will stick to you when crossing a fare barrier. Do not even attempt to block their way and let them pass, as many of them can be quite aggressive. Although stations are full of surveillance cameras, they are seldom used to either enforce fare payment or as a proof for filed assault charges, except in the most severe cases. Lack of staff in many stations and few ticket inspections effectively mean carte blanche for them. The fare evasion fine is just €50 if paid on spot, no matter how many times the culprit has previously been caught, and many fines remain unpaid because payment enforcement is legally way too cumbersome.

Reporting crimes

If you need to report a crime (for example, to claim on travel insurance), be prepared for the reality that in the downtown police station, officers generally do not speak English, even though the theft report form is in English, Spanish, and Catalan. The police station most often used to report theft is the one underneath Plaça Catalunya beside metro station, where they have some translators for common world languages.

Spopadite se


EU citizens can get free or reduced cost medical treatment on presentation of an EHIC card and passport.

  • Hospital Clinic I Provincial De Barcelona, C/ Villarroel 170 (Metro Stn Hospital Clinic (Line 5)), 34 932 275 400.


Pojdi naprej

Day trips from Barcelona include:

  • Canet de Mar - Is small enough to walk almost anywhere. See the historical centre, the churches and cathedral, and visit many architectural works of Lluís Domènech i Montaner. Canet is the smallest town in Katalonija with many historical and modernist buildings. It also has a lot of blue flag beaches, recognised at the European level for their quality.
  • Colònia Güell — is a tiny settlement famous for its modernist architecture. It is on the railway to Montserrat.
  • Costa Brava - The coast North of Barcelona has rocky cliffs and a mix of pebble beaches and sandy beaches.
  • Figueres- Home of the most impressive Salvador Dalí museum.
  • Girona - A quiet town with an ancient Jewish section, narrow streets, imposing walls and plenty of cafes. See directions to the north airport above.
  • Montseny - UNESCO Biosphere Reserve 40 km (25 mi) northeast of Barcelona. Go there by car or bus/train
  • Montserrat - Visit the monastery nestled high in the mountains to see the Black Madonna or hike to the peak to earn a fantastic view of the surroundings. 50 km (31 mi) from Barcelona.
  • Pireneji - A mountain range around 150 km (93 mi) north from the city.
  • Sant Cugat del Valles - Has one of the most interesting Romanesque cloisters in Catalunya, with many interesting carvings. The town itself is full of expensive vilas.
  • Sitges - A traditional beach side destination for the locals. Full of fashion shops open on Sundays. Is a popular gay destination too.
  • Taragona - Old Roman period capital of eastern Spain, and today small seaside city off the tourist trail compared to Barcelona.
Routes through Barcelona
Tabliczka E9.svgGirona PyreneesTerrassa N C-16.svg S ENDS AT VIA AUGUSTA
Ta vodnik po mestu Barcelona je uporabno Članek. Vsebuje informacije o tem, kako priti tja ter o restavracijah in hotelih. Pustolovska oseba bi lahko uporabila ta članek, vendar ga lahko izboljšate z urejanjem strani.