Nizozemsko cesarstvo - Dutch Empire

Jahta podjetja Rotterdam VOC komora.

The Nizozemsko čezmorski imperij (Het Nederlandse Koloniale Rijk) je zgodovinsko cesarstvo, ki še vedno delno obstaja.


Zastava nizozemske vzhodnoindijske družbe s črkami VOC (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie)
Zastava nizozemske zahodnoindijske družbe s črkami GWC (Geoctrooieerde West-Indische Compagnie)

Po osamosvojitvi od Špansko cesarstvo leta 1581 je Nizozemska sama ustanovila kolonialni imperij. Nizozemsko cesarstvo se je takrat razlikovalo od nekaterih drugih evropskih imperijev, saj je bilo večinoma osredotočeno na posamezne trgovske postojanke in ne na velika zemljišča (izjema sta bili Indonezija in Cape Colony). Nizozemska kolonizacija je bila razdeljena na dve podjetji: Nizozemsko vzhodnoindijsko podjetje, uradno podjetje United East India (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie; HOS), ki delujejo v Afriki in Aziji ter na Nizozemsko zahodnoindijsko podjetje (Geoctrooieerde Westindische Compagnie; GWC ali Westindische Compagnie; WIC) v Ameriki. Tretje podjetje na seznamu je bilo Noordsche Compagnie (Nordijsko podjetje), aktiven v Svalbard in Jan Mayen. Ta podjetja so bila v celoti odgovorna za kolonije, dokler jih leta 1815 ni prevzela krona. Do takrat je bila vsaka četa sestavljena iz t.i. komore, ki so bile lokalne pisarne v večjih pomorskih mestih. Ta podjetja so kupila in razposlala ladje. Te komore so, na primer v primeru HOS, nadzorovali tako imenovani Heeren Zeventien (Gospodje sedemnajst), sedemnajstglava uprava družbe.

Kljub temu so bili Nizozemci prisotni v Ameriki, Afriki in Aziji, nizozemski raziskovalci, ki so delali kot zaposleni v HOS, pa so bili prvi Evropejci, ki so na Avstralijo, Tasmanijo in Novo Zelandijo usmerili oči in imenovali točke. Indonezija razvila kot kolonija HOS, osredotočena na trgovsko postojanko Batavia, preimenovano Džakarta po osamosvojitvi. Kolonialna vojna z Portugalsko cesarstvo od 1606 do 1663 se je končalo z izgubo vpliva v Južni Ameriki za Nizozemce, v jugovzhodni Aziji za Portugalce in nekoliko neodločenim v Afriki.

Nizozemsko oporišče v teh naseljih je hitro upadalo Batavijska revolucija (1795) in preoblikovanje Nizozemske v Batavijsko Nizozemsko. Številne kolonije, ki niso prešle v novo odkrito francosko nadvlado (kot npr Južna Afrika) so bili priloženi angleščina, ki se je odločila, da jih ne bo vrnila, potem ko bodo Nizozemci ponovno postali neodvisni kot Kraljevina Nizozemska.

Tako kot druga evropska cesarstva se je tudi večina njegovih posesti v desetletjih po tem osamosvojila 2. svetovna vojna. To je šlo v različni stopnji enostavnosti, s Indonezija boj proti revoluciji proti nizozemskemu nadvladu od leta 1945 do 1949, ko je postala neodvisna. Pet let kasneje, Surinam in Nizozemski Antili so v kraljevini pridobili poseben status. Nizozemska Nova Gvineja hranila do leta 1963, ko je bila prenesena v Indonezijo. Surinam se je nato osamosvojil leta 1975. Dandanes je še vedno šest karibskih otokov, ki so del Nizozemske; ti so bili do leta 2010 znani kot Nizozemski Antili. Tri od teh, Bonaire, Sveti Evstatije in Saba, so zdaj znane kot Karibska Nizozemska, a javni organ na Nizozemskem. Preostali trije, Aruba, Curaçao in Sint Maarten, so neodvisne države znotraj Kraljevine Nizozemske. Nizozemska je še naprej priljubljena destinacija za priseljence iz svojih nekdanjih kolonij in je dom številnih skupnosti surinamskih, indonezijskih in karibskih držav.


Montelbaantoren v Amsterdamu je ena izmed številnih nemih prič propada Nizozemskega cesarstva.

Na Nizozemskem

Znamenitosti, povezane z VOC in WIC na Nizozemskem.

Stvar, ko imate kolonije, je ta, da jim morate vladati. Večini kolonij je vladalo eno glavnih mest v tej koloniji, VOC in WIC pa je obvladovala množica komor, razporejenih vzdolž nizozemske obale. Poleg tega je po vsej državi najdenih več obnovljenih in ponovljenih ladij iz časa, ki obstaja.

  • 1 Oost-Indisch Huis (Amsterdam) Oost-Indisch Huis na Wikipediji, Oude Hoogstraat 24, Amsterdam. Upravna pisarna Amsterdamske komore VOC. Poleg dvajsetih mož, ki so sestavljali imeniški zbornici, je videl tudi večino sestankov Heeren XVII (Heren Zeventien, Gospodje sedemnajst), prvotno imenovani 17-vodni upravni odbor samega podjetja. Hiša je daleč največja in najbolj impresivna zgradba HOS, ki stoji še danes.
  • 2 Oost-Indisch Huis (Hoorn), Muntstraat 4, Hoorn. Upravna pisarna v komori Hoorn. Njegova zunanjost poleg pedimenta, na katerem so štirje angeli, ki nosijo logotip Hoorn Chamber, ne bi pokazala njegove nekdanje uporabe.
  • 3 Oost-Indisch Huis (Delft), Oude Delft 39, Delft. Delft, ki ni mesto z veliko pomorske zgodovine, se je dokaj pozno pridružil prvim potovanjem v nizozemsko Indijo in je bil ustanovljen približno takrat, ko je bil tudi HOS. Njegova lokalna družba pred HOS je bila tako absorbirana v HOS. Ladja, s katero je želela priti do Indije, je bila preimenovana in se odpravila nanjo Bantam. Večina pomorske zgodovine Delfta je potekala od Delfshaven (Delftovo pristanišče) približno 12 km (7,5 mi) južno, blizu Rotterdam.
  • 4 Skladišča HOS (Hoorn), Onder de Boompjes, Hoorn.
  • 5 Mauritshuis Mauritshuis na Wikipediji poleg Binnenhofa, Den Haag. S pogledom na vodo ribnika Hofvijver je bil zgrajen kot dom Johana Mauritsa van Nassau-Siegena med letoma 1636 in 1641 med njegovim guvernerstvom Nizozemske v Braziliji. Čeprav je precej majhna, vsebuje nekaj slikarskih mojstrovin, na primer Johannesa Vermeerja Deklica z bisernim uhanom in Pogled na Delft, Avtoportreti Rembrandta van Rijna pri 20 in 63 letih in Lekcija o anatomiji dr. Nicolaesa Tulpain Andyja Warhola Kraljica Beatrix. Odrasli 14 €, mlajši od 18 let, dobijo brezplačno.
  • 6 Muzej Westfries, Roode Steen 1, Delft. Muzej s precej opazno zbirko o HOS, vključno s celotno tematsko dvorano, na kateri so predmeti iz mest HOS v Hoornu in Enkhuizen.
  • 7 Zahodno-indijski Huis (Amsterdam) West-Indisch Huis (Amsterdam) na Wikipediji, Herenmarkt, Amsterdam. Sedež nizozemske zahodnoindijske družbe od 1647 do 1674 je West-Indisch Huis kraj, od koder so bila dana naročila za gradnjo utrdbe na Manhattnu (New York City) in tako postavili začetek velemesta, ki ga poznamo danes.
  • 8 Zahodno-indijski Pakhuis (Amsterdam), 's-Gravenhekje 1, Amsterdam
  • 9 Zahodno-indijski Huis (Dordrecht), Wijnstraat 87, Dordrecht.
  • 10 De Amsterdam Amsterdam (1748) na Wikipediji, del 11 Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum Het Scheepvaartmuseum na Wikipediji, Amsterdam je kopija ladje HOS iz leta 1748, ki je nasedla na obali Ljubljane Hastings.
  • 12 De Batavia Batavia (ladja 1628) na Wikipediji, Bataviaplein, Lelystad. Replika Batavia, ladja VOC iz leta 1628, ki je nasedla na Houtman Abrolhos. Nasedanju je sledil upor in množični umor. Del originalne razbitine najdete v galerijah brodolomov Zahodnoavstralskega muzeja v Ljubljani Fremantle. Artefakti na krovu so ohranjeni v Zahodnoavstralskem muzeju v Ljubljani Geraldton.

Nekdanja gospodarstva

Zemljevid nekdanjih ozemelj Nizozemske.

Sedanje meje Nizozemske še nikoli niso bile zacementirane. Sčasoma je pridobil in izgubil osrednje ozemlje, in sicer:

  • 1 Belgija je bil del Kraljevine Nizozemske od 1815 do 1830 po dunajskem kongresu (1815). Nizozemci naj bi bili odgovorni za varnostno državo, ki bi Franciji preprečila nadaljnje dosežke, ki jih je videla med Napoleonove vojne. Vendar ta zveza ni bila tista, ki bi ostala dolgoročno. Pomanjkanje podpore nizozemskemu nadvladu nad Belgijo je privedlo do belgijske revolucije (1830-1839), ki je po nizozemskem priznanju belgijske neodvisnosti leta 1839 pripeljala do neodvisne države, ki jo poznamo danes.
  • 2 Luksemburg nikoli ni bil v celoti del Nizozemske, toda od dunajskega kongresa (1815) do 1890 je bilo Veliko vojvodstvo pod osebno unijo z Nizozemsko, kar pomeni, da je bil njegov vodja države tudi luksemburški. Za razliko od belgijskega primera se je ta zveza ustavila leta 1867 z Londonsko pogodbo. Takratni nizozemski kralj William III je hotel državo prodati Francija, kar je bilo vse za to. Sosednje Prusijapa je ni odobril, kar je privedlo do konflikta. Pogodba je Luksemburg naredila "za nedoločen čas neodvisen", kar bi na papirju končalo osebno zvezo, in videl 3 Limburg dal Williamu v odškodnino. William III pa je bil še naprej njegov vladar. Zveza se je formalno končala šele z njegovo smrtjo leta 1890. William III ni zapustil nobenega moškega dediča, kar je predstavljalo problem z luksemburškimi zakoni o nasledstvu. To je pripeljalo do tega, da so prevzeli vejo iz hiše Nassau-Weilburg, ki je še danes njena kraljevska hiša.
  • 4 Vzhodna Frizija je bil na kratko del Kraljevine Nizozemske (1808-1810), ki ji je vladal Louis Bonaparte (nizozemsko: Lodewijk Napoleon Bonaparte), mlajši brat znanega Napoleona Bonaparteja. Njegova kratka zgodovina je bila, ko so jo na ministrstvu za Vzhodno Frizijo Francozi odvzeli Prusiji, jo dodelili in vključili v Kraljevino Nizozemsko, ki jo je Francija 9. julija 1810 priključila. Naslednje leto je postala oddelek prvo francosko cesarstvo kot Ems-oriëntal (Vzhodni ems). Po francoskem porazu je postala del Kraljevine Francije Hannover in Kraljevina Ljubljana Oldenburg.
  • 5 Elten Elten na Wikipediji in 6 Selfkant Selfkant na Wikipediji so bila nadomestila od Nemčije do Nizozemske druga svetovna vojna. Te priključitve so bile napovedane leta 1949, kar je skupno povečalo 69 km2 (27 kvadratnih kilometrov) na nizozemsko ozemlje. Poleg teh občin je bilo ob nemško-nizozemski meji opravljenih še veliko manjših popravkov meje, večinoma v bližini Nijmegen in okoli Achterhoek. Po aneksiji je Zahodna Nemčija začela pogajanja za ponovno pridobitev obeh občin, kar je povzročilo vrnitev leta 1963. Noč, po kateri je bilo ozemlje vrnjeno, tista 31. julija 1. avgusta, je lokalno znana kot Eltener Butternacht (Elten Butter Night). Podjetja bi svoje tovornjake poslala v Elten, čez noč naj tam parkirajo vozniki in se zbudijo v Nemčiji, ne da bi morali plačati uvozne davke.

Združene države

Verjetno eno najbolj znanih nizozemskih kolonialnih posesti mora biti New Amsterdam (New York). Prikazano tukaj na reprodukciji načrta iz leta 1660 iz leta 1916.
Nizozemska naselja na Novi Nizozemski.

The Združene države vsebujejo nekdanje nizozemske kolonije, s katerimi so leta 1674 "trgovali" z Angleži. Kolonija, znana kot "Nova Nizozemska" (Nieuw-Nederland) zasedla večji del tekočega dne New York, New Jersey in Delawarepo rekah Delaware in Hudson. Kolonija je bila prvič raziskana leta 1609, na začetku dvanajstletnega premirja. Nizozemsko vzhodnoindijsko podjetje je poslalo ladjo, da najde zahod do Indije. Ladja, ki so jo poslali, je bila Prepolovite Maen (Pol mesec). Odprava je najbolj odkrila a ogromen severni zaliv, ki zdaj nosi ime svojega skiperja Henryja Hudsona.

Štiri leta kasneje se je odpravila nova odprava, ki jo je vodil Adriaen Block. Njegova ladja, Tijger (Tiger) pogorel v poznejši Novi Nizozemski. Med podaljšanim bivanjem je skupaj s posadko zgradil novo ladjo ter raziskal in preslikal okolico, odplul po reki East in raziskal Dolgi otok. Zemljevid, ki ga je Block objavil, ko se je vrnil v Evropo, bi uvedel ime "Nova Nizozemska". Po tem se je začela prava kolonizacija Nove Nizozemske.

  • 1 Trdnjava Nassau Fort Nassau (North River) na Wikipediji je leta 1613 ustanovil Hendrick Christiaensen, ki je tovarno poimenoval v čast Stadtholderja iz Hiše Orange-Nassau. Njegov glavni namen je bil trgovanje z bobrovim krznom z domačini. Trdnjavo bi vsako leto poplavila reka Hudson in jo tako hitro opustili in nadomestili z bolj južno 2 Trdnjava Oranje Fort Orange (Nova Nizozemska) na Wikipediji (1624). V bližini nove utrdbe se imenuje mesto Beverwijck nastala leta 1647, ki bi bila preimenovana v Albany pod angleško vlado.
  • 3 Manhattan je bil prvi kos zemlje, ki so ga uradno kupili od domačinov. Ti domačini na začetku niso živeli na otoku in so verjetno mislili, da prodajajo pravice za lov, vendar je bilo to dovolj, da se šteje za zakonito prodajo zemlje Nizozemcem. Prvi naseljenci so pristali na Noten Eylantu (Governors Island) leta 1624, posesti pa so se razširile do 4 Obroč Fort Goede Hiša upanja (utrdba) na Wikipediji. Med Nizozemsko-portugalska kolonialna vojna, južnoameriška kolonija New Holland je prenehala obstajati leta 1654, njena obsežna sefardska judovska skupnost pa se je preselila na Manhattan.

Zahodnoindijska družba je leta 1629 posameznikom dovolila, da ustanovijo svoja posestva v Novi Nizozemski. Glavni zagovornik tega načrta je bil Kiliaen van Rensselaer, ki je ustanovil graščino Renselaerswijck. Na svoji višini se je ta graščina raztezala več kilometrov na obeh straneh reke Hudson. Po uspehu Renselaerswijcka je mesto Beverwijck (sodobna 5 Albany) je bil ustanovljen z namenom odvzema električne energije iz Renselaerswijcka. Sedemnajst let po ustanovitvi, leta 1664, je Beverwijck postal drugo mesto kolonije, ki šteje približno tisoč prebivalcev.

V vsem tem se je Nova Nizozemska kar dobro odrezala. Na zahodu pa je nastala druga kolonija: Nova Švedska, ki je bila švedsko-finska kolonija ob današnji Filadelfiji. Nova Švedska je bila naseljena izključno na zahodnem bregu reke Delaware, da bi se izognila konfliktu z Nizozemci, ki so zahtevali obe strani reke. Nizozemci so medtem gradili utrdbe v zatrjevani regiji, kar je švedski koloniji povzročalo težave. Leta 1654 je švedska kolonija poskušala prevzeti nadzor nad 6 Trdnjava Casimir Trdnjava Casimir na Wikipediji, ki jim je uspelo in jih takoj preimenovali v Trefaltighet. Guverner Nove Nizozemske Peter Stuyvesant je leto kasneje zavzel utrdbo in osvojil vso Novo Švedsko.

Nizozemci so bili do svoje kolonije v novem svetu precej malomarni, saj so menili, da je odgovornost WIC, da jo brani in skrbi zanjo. Medtem je imel WIC trgovino in ustvarjanje dobička med svojimi glavnimi interesi, in ko so Angleži 27. avgusta 1664 kolonijo priključili s štirimi fregatami, niso naleteli na noben odpor. Domačini se niso upirali njihovi priključitvi, predvsem zato, ker so njihovi prošnji za podporo domovine proti številnim napadom domačinov ostali brez odgovora. Nizozemci so za maščevanje zasedli današnji čas Surinam in britanskiGvajana med drugo angleško-nizozemsko vojno (1664). Podpis Bredski mir (1667) je povzročil status quo: Nizozemci so obdržali Surinam, Angleži pa New Amsterdam. Končna resolucija pa je bila prepuščena prihodnosti.

Status quo ni trajal dolgo, tretja angleško-nizozemska vojna je sledila leta 1672. Novi Amsterdam je 7 Fort Amsterdam Fort Amsterdam na Wikipediji in Beverwijck spet zasedejo nizozemske sile. Naselja so bila na tej točki preimenovana tudi v Nieuw-Oranje (Nova Oranžna), trdnjava Willem Hendrik oziroma Willemstadt, vse v čast novemu nosilcu države, Williamu III iz Orange-Nassaua. V Westminsterskem miru (1674) se je nizozemska kolonija v Severni Ameriki končala. Nova Nizozemska je bila pravilno prenesena v Angleže, Surinam pa je postal prava nizozemska kolonija. Novi Amsterdam, pa tudi druga naselja in utrdbe so bili takoj preimenovani v današnja imena. Nizozemska republika se je v novem svetu ponovno uveljavila z nizozemsko Arkadijo, ki je bila sestavljena iz delov francoske Arkadije, sestavljenih iz delov današnjega časa New Brunswick in Nova Škotska. To ozemlje so Francozom vrnili leta 1675, Nizozemci pa so svoj zahtevek tri leta kasneje umaknili. Rivalstvo med Nizozemci in Angleži se je končalo z veličastno revolucijo, v kateri sta nizozemski grad William III in njegova žena Marija II iz Anglije prevzela nadzor nad Anglijo.

Nizozemska kolonialna naselja okoli sedanjosti New York City.

Med njihovo prisotnostjo so nizozemski kolonisti ustanovili naslednja naselja:

  • Na Manhattnu:
    • Nieuw-Amsterdam (Novi Amsterdam), postaja današnji Južni Manhattan, ki je bil glavno mesto nizozemske kolonije New York City po angleški vladavini. Prvotno poimenovano po Amsterdam, so ga Angleži preimenovali v imenu vojvode York.
    • Nieuw-Haarlem (New Harlem), sodobna Harlem, imenovan za Haarlem.
    • 8 Noortwijck (Severni oddelek) ali Greenwijck (Pine Ward), zdaj Greenwich Village.
    • 9 Stuyvesants Bouwerij Bowery na Wikipediji (Stuyvesantova kmetija), ki jo je WIC ignorirala, se je tu naselila družina Stuyvesant. Zgradil je kmetijo, graščino in kapelo ter svoj nasad razvil v naselje. To naselje se je približno nahajalo v današnjem času Bowery (Spodnja vzhodna stran/Kitajska četrt)
  • V Bronx in Yonkers:
    • 10 Jonas Broncks Bouwerij (Kmetija Jonasa Broncka) ali Broncksland (Bronckova dežela), ustanovljeno leta 1639. Ime je sčasoma pokvarjeno, da je postalo "Bronx" pod angleško vlado. Ime je dobilo po reki Bronx, po kateri je bil kasneje poimenovan tudi sam Bronx.
    • 11 Colen Donck Colen Donck na Wikipediji (Donckova kolonija) ali Land Het Jonkers (Squirejeva dežela), patronat ob reki Hudson. Sam "Jonkers" je korupcija "Jonkheerja" (štitonoša), ki se je pokvaril v današnji Yonkers.
  • V Kraljice:
    • 12 Heemstede, ustanovljeno leta 1644, je postalo moderno Hempstead, imenovan za Heemstede, mesto južno od Haarlem.
    • 13 Vlissingen, ustanovljeno leto kasneje, pokvarjeno v sedanjost Kraljice / zardevanje, imenovan za Vlissingen.
    • 14 Middelburgh, ustanovljeno leta 1652 in poimenovano po Middelburg, je bil preimenovan v Newtown pod angleško vlado.
    • 15 Rustdorp (Počitek ali Mirovna vas). Naseljeno leta 1656, je danes znano kot Jamajka
  • V Brooklyn:
    • 16 's-Gravensande Gravesend, Brooklyn na Wikipediji, verjetno imenovan za 's-Gravenzande, zdaj znano kot Gravesend.
    • 17 Breuckelen Brooklyn Heights na Wikipediji, imenovan za Breukelen, svoje ime izposodi Brooklynu. Prvotno naselje je lagalo v današnjem času Brooklyn Heights.
    • 18 Nieuw-Amersfoort Flatlands, Brooklyn na Wikipediji (Novo Amersfoort), sodobna Ravnine
    • 19 Midwout Flatbush, Brooklyn na Wikipediji (Srednji les), sodobna Flatbush.
    • 20 Nieuw-Utrecht New Utrecht, Brooklyn na Wikipediji (Novo Utrecht), sodobna Nov Utrecht.
    • 21 Boswijck Bushwick, Brooklyn na Wikipediji (Gozdni oddelek), sodobna Bushwick.
  • V Rensselaerswijcku:
    • Beverwijck (Beaver Ward), sodobna Albany.
    • 22 Wiltwijck, sodobna Kingston.
  • V nekdanji Novi Švedski:
    • 23 Swaanendael Zwaanendael Colony na Wikipediji (Labodja dolina), ustanovljeno leta 1631, vendar so njegovo prebivalstvo že naslednje leto uničili prebivalci. Na svojem mestu stoji danes Lewes.
    • 24 Nieuw-Amstel (Nov Amstel) v bližini trdnjave Casimir, danes znane kot Novi grad.
    • 25 Altena, sodobna Novi grad.

Karibi in Južna Amerika

Zahodna Indija

4 ° 21′36 ″ S 55 ° 43′12 ″ Z
Zemljevid nizozemskega imperija
  • Nizozemske Zahodne Indije:
    • 1 Aruba. Leta 1636 prevzeta od Španije, je Aruba še danes del Nizozemske, pod nadzorom Angležev pa je bila v letih 1807 in 1816. Otok je gostil več rudarskih podjetij, vključno s tistimi za zlato in fosfate. Otok lobira za neodvisnost od leta 1947, pravico do upravljanja pa je dobil leta 1978. Od začetka leta 1986 ima otok status neodvisne države znotraj Kraljevine Nizozemske, kar ga postavlja na isto raven avtonomija kot celinska Nizozemska. Njeno zgodovino kot nizozemske kolonije je še danes mogoče izkusiti, najsi gre za ime krajev ali jezik, ki ga govorijo domačini, bodisi nizozemski ali papiamento. Aruba (Q21203) na Wikidata Aruba na Wikipediji
    • 2 Bonaire. Leta 1636 vzet tudi iz španščine, so Bonaire Nizozemci večinoma uporabljali za pridobivanje soli, kar so sprva izvajali s sužnji. Suženjstvo je bilo ukinjeno leta 1863 v Bonaireju in preostalih Zahodnih Indijah. Nizozemska je v začetku devetnajstega stoletja dvakrat izgubila moč nad otokom zaradi Britancev, otok pa je leta 1816 postal zagotovo nizozemska zemlja, zaradi česar so Nizozemci zgradili trdnjavo Oranje, da bi zagotovili, da otoka ne bo več izgubil. Po drugi svetovni vojni je otok počasi postajal položaj turistične točke. Leta 1954 je otok postal avtonomni del Kraljevine Nizozemske, ki je bil del Nizozemskih Antilov. Ko je ta država leta 2010 prenehala obstajati, je otok namesto tega postal "posebna občina" na Nizozemskem. Bonaire (Q25396) na Wikipodatih Bonaire na Wikipediji
    • 3 Curaçao. Španci so ga poleti 1499 "odkrili" prvotno vsebovali približno 2000 domačinov, ki so bili kot sužnji odposlani leta 1515. Dvanajst let kasneje so otok naselili Španci, ki so na koncu ustvarili kolonialna posest s poskusi in napakami. Čeprav je proizvodnja govedi povezanih proizvodov potekala dokaj dobro, so Španci še vedno menili, da je otok neuporaben, saj jim pridelava poljščin ni pomenila ničesar. Zaradi tega so po napadu nizozemske West India Company avgusta 1634 Španci otok predali Nizozemcem. WIC je otok prevzel predvsem zato, ker se je zdel obetavna lokacija za izvajanje pomorskih zasebnih napadov. Po osvojitvi so Nizozemci otok hitro utrdili z utrdbami na pomembnih lokacijah, kot je zaliv Saint Anna, kjer je bil primarni vodni vir otoka. Kmalu zatem je bila leta 1635/1636 na Pundi postavljena trdnjava Amsterdam. Te utrdbe so sicer stale veliko denarja, medtem ko je bil otok malo bolj uporaben kot v španskih časih, zaradi česar je bil imeniški stol WIC (De Heeren XIX), razdeljeno na vrednost otoka. Curaçao pa so obdržali, verjetno zaradi deljenih mnenj o otoku. Ne glede na to se je otok sčasoma izkazal za dragocenejšega. Z padcem nizozemske Brazilije leta 1654 je Curaçao postal bolj trgovsko središče za nizozemske dejavnosti, ki jih je zahodno vezal. WIC je svoje dejavnosti trgovanja s sužnji začel leta 1665. Sužnje bi pridobivali v zahodnoafriških nizozemskih gospodarstvih ali mestih za zunanjo trgovino in jih od tam pošiljali v novi svet. Leta 1674 je WIC preoblikoval Curaçao v "prosto pristanišče" (Vrijhaven), kar pomeni, da je pridobil sposobnost olajšanja trgovine s sužnji, za kar je hitro postal ključno trgovsko središče. To je poslabšalo odnose z večinoma Francijo in Anglijo. Leta 1713 je otok kmalu zasedel francoski zasebnik Jacques Cassard. V preostalem delu 18. stoletja je Curaçao poskušal utrditi svoj položaj trgovskega vozlišča, čeprav je bila španska obalna straža, omejena na jug, trgovino s španskimi kolonijami zelo omejena, da bi ustavila nezakonito trgovino s tobakom in kakavom . K temu pa se je še povečal vpliv Angležev in Francozov, zato je pomen Curaçaa začel upadati. Prizadevanja za kmetovanje za izvoz so bila kasneje ustavljena in pridelki zemlje so postali bolj lokalno uporabljeni. Zaradi tega je bil glavni dohodek otoka trgovina s sužnji. WIC je leta 1791 bankrotiral, zaradi česar je nizozemska država prevzela kolonijo. Štiri leta kasneje so se sužnji na otoku uprli, čeprav je bil upor takoj ukinen. Leta 1800 so otok zasedli Britanci, ki so jih tri leta kasneje izselili domačini. Otok so prevzeli leta 1807, le da so ga leta 1816 vrnili v nizozemske roke. Da bi znižali stroške upravljanja kolonij, so bili Curaçao in drugi nizozemski karibski otoki pod neposrednim nadzorom Paramaribo leta 1828, ko so otoki leta 1845 dobili kolonijo sami, pod nadzorom Curaçaa, saj se nadzor iz Paramariba ni izkazal za plodnega in učinkovitega. Nizozemci so ukinili trgovino s sužnji leta 1863. Od takrat do začetka 20. stoletja je otok večinoma delal na področju ribištva, trgovine in kmetovanja. Ko so leta 1914 v Venezueli našli velike zaloge nafte, je otok poleg turizma hitro prešel na rafinerijsko industrijo, po kateri je otok še vedno opazen. Otok je dobil politično neodvisnost z ostalimi Nizozemskimi Antili leta 1954. Od leta 2010 ima otok podoben status kot Aruba v Kraljevini Nizozemski. Curaçao (Q25279) na Wikipodatih Curaçao na Wikipediji
  • 4 Saba.
  • 5 Sint Maarten. Na otoku, ki ga deli s Francijo, je francoska stran Sveti Martin.
  • 6 Sveti Evstatije.
  • 7 Surinam.


  • Med nizozemsko-portugalsko kolonialno vojno 1606-1663 so Nizozemci poskušali ustanoviti kolonijo New Holland leta Brazilija, z zasedbo:
  • 8 Salvador. Kolonialna prestolnica in tarča prvega napada. 10. maja 1624 ga je pod vodstvom Jacoba Willekensa in Pieta Heina zajela in odvzela flota zahodnoindijske družbe. Johan van Dorth je pred svojim atentatom upravljal kolonijo in osvobodil sužnje. Mesto je 1. maja 1625 ponovno zavzela luzo-španska flota pod vodstvom Fadriqueja Álvareza de Toleda y Mendoze.
  • 9 São Luís. Ustanovljeno na otoku kot glavno mesto predhodne kolonije France Équinoxiale leta 1612 so ga osvojili Portugalci leta 1615. Leta 1641 so mesto napadli Nizozemci, ki so odšli leta 1645.
  • 10 Natal. Albuquerque Maranhão se je začel 6. januarja 1598 z gradnjo trdnjave svetih kraljev ali kraljev čarovnikov (Forte dos Santos Reis ali Forte dos Reis Magos), poimenovano po Trijeh modrecih, počaščenih na krščanski praznik Bogojavljenje, ki so ga praznovali na ta dan. Natal ("Rojstvo" ali "božič" v portugalščini) je bilo ustanovljeno 25. decembra 1599, tako da je vas zunaj trdnjave dobila današnje ime mesta. Trdnjavo, mesto in okolico so zasedle nizozemske sile med letoma 1633 in 1654. Trdnjavo so ponovno krstili "Fort Ceulen".


  • 11 Olinda (7 km severno od Recifeja). Prestolnica dedne kapetanije Pernambuco, ki so jo napadalci oblegali že od začetka invazije, dokončno oropali in požgali leta 1631. Nato je njen pomen upadel in Recife je leta 1827 postal glavno mesto Pernambuca.
Zemljevid Mauritsstadta (Recife), 1637

in ustanovitev

  • 12 Recife (Mauritsstadt). Poimenovano po nemškem grofu Johanu Mauritsu van Nassau-Siegenu, guvernerju med letoma 1637 in 1644, je bilo glavno mesto kolonije New Holland, ustanovljene na otoku António Vaz leta 1630. Po porazu zahodnoindijske družbe (čeprav ozkemu) ) portugalski in domači sili v bitki Guararapes leta 1649 na njenem obrobju, mnenje v Amsterdam je menil, da "nizozemska Brazilija do zdaj nima več prihodnosti, za katero bi se bilo vredno boriti", ki je dejansko zapečatila usodo kolonije. Zadnji napadalci so bili leta 1654 pregnani iz Recifeja. Recife Antigo je ohranjena in vredna ogleda, v njej je nekdanja sinagoga, odkrita kot taka v devetdesetih letih.


  • 13 Fortaleza (Trdnjava Schoonenborch). Leta 1637 so Nizozemci zavzeli staro portugalsko utrdbo São Sebastião. V bitkah s Portugalci in domačini leta 1644 je bila trdnjava uničena. Pod vodstvom kapitana Matthiasa Becka je nizozemsko Zahodnoindijsko podjetje zgradilo novo trdnjavo ob obrežju reke Pajeú. Trdnjava Schoonenborch ("graciozna trdnjava") uradno odprta 19. avgusta 1649. Po kapitulaciji Pernambuca leta 1654 so Nizozemci to utrdbo predali Portugalcem, ki so jo preimenovali Fortaleza da Nossa Senhora de Assunção ("Trdnjava Marije Vnebovzete"), po kateri je ime dobilo mesto.


Južna Afrika

Zemljevid nizozemskega imperija
Pogled na Kasteel de Goede Hoop (Grad dobrega upanja), sredi Cape Towna.

The Nederlandse Kaapkolonie (Nizozemska rtna kolonija), uradno naslovljen Tussenstation Kaap de Goede Hoop (Vmesna postaja Rt dobrega upanja), je bila nizozemska kolonija, ki jo je okoli naselil HOS 1 Kaapstad (Južna Afrika). Kolonija se je začela leta 1652, Britanci pa so jo izgubili leta 1795, ki so jo zasedali osem let in jo vrnili v Batavian Commonwealth, uradno ime Nizozemske med francosko revolucijo aneksija s strani Francozov. Britanci so kolonijo zasedli še enkrat tri leta kasneje, odkar je Batavian Commonwealth postal država zastopnica Francije, s katero so bili Angleži v vojni, in v Pariški pogodbi (1814) je bila kolonija prenesena v britanske roke, česar pa ne bi ' ne pustite do neodvisnost leta 1931.

"Kolonija na rtu" se je začela po naključju marca 1647, ko je Nieuw Haarlem (Novo-Haarlem) uničen na rtu. Potopljena ladja je zgradila majhno utrdbo, ki so jo poimenovali Zand Fort van de Kaap de Goede Hoop (Peščena utrdba Rta dobrega upanja). Ker so ga skoraj eno leto kasneje rešili, se je del posadke prepričal, da bo HOS odprl trgovsko središče na rtu. HOS je napotil ekspedicijo, ki jo je pozneje vodil Jan van Riebeeck, ki je prispela na cilj 6. aprila 1652 in ustvarila prvo stalno naselje na rtu. Posadka, ki jih je štela devetdeset kalvinist kolonisti, ustanovili utrdbo iz gline in lesa, ki bi jo med letoma 1666 in 1679 zamenjali z 2 Kasteel de Goede Hoop Grad dobrega upanja na Wikipediji, danes najstarejša stavba v celotni Južni Afriki. Kolonija je od domačih plemen Khoikhoi kupila zemljo, ker so potrebovali širitev.

Prvi kolonisti, poslani na Rt, so bili večinoma iz srednjih slojev nizozemske družbe, kar je med njimi privedlo do brezbrižnosti glede tega, kako bo kolonija nastala. To se je spremenilo, ko je bil leta 1685 poslan komisar, ki je kolonijo nadzoroval. To je v kolonije pritegnilo novo skupino priseljencev: francoski hugenoti, ki so po izgubi varnosti v Franciji pobegnili na Nizozemsko in njene kolonije. Zaradi tega, kako so Nizozemci upravljali kolonijo (izobraževanje je bilo dovoljeno samo tistim, ki govorijo nizozemsko), je bil francoski vpliv na polovici 18. stoletja izgubljen. Njihova zapuščina pa je preživela v imenu 3 Franschhoek (Francoski kotiček), imenovano po 176 hugenotih, ki so se tam naselili leta 1688.

Kolonija je sčasoma rasla in prisilila lokalna plemena Khoikhoi, ki so bila že oslabljena zaradi bolezni, da so postala del kolonije in delala za nizozemske naseljence ali pa se preselila proti severu in tam srečala sovražna sovražna plemena. Vlada Cape je začela izpodbijati zakone leta 1787, katerih cilj je bil preostali nomadski Khoikhoi vedno bolj odvisen od Nizozemcev.

Kljub sovražni okolici, tako s sovražnimi plemeni kot s pokrajino, ki za začetek ni bila zelo obdelovalna, se je kolonija širila, kar je HOS sčasoma pripeljalo do omejevanja kolonije, ki so jo želeli zgolj oskrbovalno mesto in ne naselje, ki bi bi jih na koncu stalo denarja. Ti zakoni dovoljujejo, da imenik VOC ustavi odprto migracijo v kolonijo, mu omogoči monopol nad izvozom, mu da popolno vladavino, poleg tega pa naj določa, kaj naj kmetje gojijo na svoji zemlji, kar daje VOC velik odstotek letine. Kolonisti, ki so večinoma zapustili Nizozemsko zaradi svojih svobodovidnih pogledov na življenje, so bili razumljivo nezadovoljni z zakoni. V poskusih, da bi se izognili nadzoru HOS, so se obrnili v notranjost in naselili zemljo, ki nad podjetjem ni imela nadzora. HOS na koncu ni mogel storiti nič drugega kot priznati ta ozemlja. 4 Swellendam leta 1745 dobil sodnika, 5 Graaff-Reinet sledila je druga leta 1786. Reka Gamtoos naj bi bila od te točke uradna nova meja, ki je bila prezrta, zemlja vzhodno od reke pa je bila hitro poseljena. Kolonisti in kmetje (Boeren, kasnejeBoers) kljub temu, da se je strinjal z imenikom VOC, da naj bi bila Grote Visrivier nova vzhodna meja, od lokalnih plemen ni dobil zaščite, ki so jo potrebovali. Zaradi tega so pregnali uradnike kolonije in organizirali prvega Burske republike.

Pred britansko zasedbo kolonije Cape leta 1795, po poklic republike Nizozemske s strani francoske vojske, kolonijo so sestavljala štiri okrožja: Kaap, 6 Stellenbosch en 7 Drakenstein Lokalna občina Drakenstein na Wikipediji, Swellendam in Graaff-Reinet, ki sta skupaj štela približno 60.000 prebivalcev. Angleži so sledili navodilom nizozemskega stacionarja Williama V. iz Orange-Nassaua, da naj se "upirajo Francozom s kakršnimi koli sredstvi", kar je za Anglijo pomenilo zasedbo nizozemskih kolonij, preden so jih Francozi lahko zahtevali, kar je bila izrecna zahteva stadholderja. Guverner kolonije sprva ni hotel slediti mirni okupaciji, a ko so Angleži zagrozili z uporabo nasilja, je popustil. Britanci so šele kasneje istega leta priključili obe burski republiki.

Mir v Amiens (1803), je nadzor nad kolonijo vrnil v Batavian Commonwealth, a šest let kasneje so kolonijo znova prevzeli Angleži. Tokrat pa je bil prenos moči trajen, saj je nizozemski William I kolonijo podpisal v Londonski pogodbi iz leta 1814. Dutch association and relations with the descendants of the settlers of the Kaap (The Boers) continued up into the 1960s, due to the Boer Republics they founded following the Great Trek and the migration of many Dutch citizens into South Africa following World War II.

Central and West Africa

Map of formerly Dutch holdings in Central and West Africa.
View of Arguin (ca. 1665).
  • 8 Arguin Arguin na Wikipediji is best known as a Portuguese colony. The Dutch, however, controlled the island from 1633 to 1678, having conquered it from the Portuguese. The Dutch, in turn, lost the island to the French, from which it was transferred to Brandenburg, then back to the French, and then briefly back to the Dutch again from 1722 to 1724. Again, control was lost to the French after only two brief years. The island is nowadays part of Mavretanija, a former French colony.
  • Senegambia ali Bovenkust (Upper Coast) was the name for the collection of forts and factories in modern-day Gambia in Senegal. The most notable use of these holdings was to collect slaves for transport to the Caribbean. The area was a federation of loose settlements by the WIC, which controlled it from the island of Gorée, off the coast of Dakar. The island was lost to the French in 1677, and the rest of the holdings, including the previously mentioned Arguin, followed the year after.
    • 9 Gorée Gorée na Wikipediji, for which we don't know exactly how it got into Dutch hands in 1617, though a purchase off of locals is assumed and documented. The island was under Dutch control from 1617 to 1677, with a one year hiatus in 1664. The island consisted of two forts; one on the north side (Fort Nassau) and one on the south side (Fort Oranje). The French, which were in control of the island after 1677, rebuilt pretty much the entire island. Both forts have been destroyed by the French in their successful attempt of conquering the island, and the WIC did not return, since it was quickly losing its market-share already.
    • 10 Portudal Saly na Wikipediji, a Dutch possession between 1633 and 1678, after which it was lost to the Portuguese, was the main base in the region from which the WIC acquired slaves and ivory. In the 1980s, the settlement was developed into a seaside resort.
    • 11 Rufisque Rufisque na Wikipediji (1633-1678), at the time an important harbour and centre of trade.
    • 12 Joal (1633-1678), a similarly noticeable port and centre of trade.
  • Loango-Angolakust (Loango-Angola Coast, better known as Dutch Loango-Angola) was a short-lived Dutch colony in modern-day Gabon, Congo-Brazzaville in Angola. The colony was originally Portuguese, but was captured and controlled by the WIC for seven years between 1641 and 1648. The controlled cities were:
    • 13 Luanda, being the largest city in the 17th century slave trade, Luanda was of much strategic interest to the WIC, which first attempted to take the city and its fort in 1624. This failed, and a second attempt was made some twenty-five years later in 1641. The fort was rebranded to Fort Aardenburgh. The WIC continued the slave trade in the seven years it controlled the city, but during that time, it "only" saw 14,000 slaves transported. The city was not seen as profitable to the Dutch, and thus when Portugal retook the city in 1648, it was decided that Dutch interests in the slave trade would go no further south than Kongo.
    • 14 Benguela was also captured by the same effort as Luanda in 1641. It had a similar story to Luanda altogether. Profits were low, and when the Portuguese came knocking again seven years later, the Dutch didn't consider it to be in their interests to retake the city.
    • 15 Cabinda is more of the same, though it is special in that the WIC kept an agent situated there for the purpose of buying slaves until 1689.
    • 16 Cambambe Trdnjava Kambambe na Wikipediji ali Ensadeira Eiland (Ensadeira Island), notable for not being a coastal town or fort, was settled by the Dutch in 1643 next to a Portuguese factory. The factory was subsequently expanded along the river Cuanza. The settlement turned into a fort, named after the person in charge: Fort Mols. After the Portuguese retook most of the Dutch colony in 1648, the fort was abandoned as well.
    • 17 Coriso Corisco na Wikipediji was captured in 1642, and control was lost to the Portuguese again in 1648. A second attempt at capturing the city to revive the Dutch slave trade was done in the 1680s, but it wasn't successful.
    • 18 Loango Loango, Republika Kongo na Wikipediji was a relatively profitable settlement along the river Congo. Until 1670 there was mostly trade in ivory and copper, after which the slave trade started taking over. Since the trade wasn't as amazing as expected, the settlement was abandoned in 1684. A second attempt to start the trade from here was done in 1721, but the settlement was conquered by locals five years later.
    • 19 Malembo Malembo na Wikipediji was similarly controlled by the WIC during 1641 and 1648. It was considered to be the last profitable settlement in the colony. Mostly ivory, copper and slaves were traded. When the city became Portuguese, the WIC continued trading with the city.
  • Slavenkust (Dutch Slave Coast) or Nederlands Guinea (Dutch Guinea) most consisted of Dutch factories enabling the Dutch slave trade. Dutch involvement here started around 1640 and ended around 1760. The timeline and exact involvement of the colony aren't as well documented as some of the others. Many factories in the region simply were slowly abandoned over time, with others simply not being listed any longer between documentations on the colony. Quite a few of the dates on the colony's timeline are therefore vague.
    • 20 Allada Allada na Wikipediji (1660-?)
    • 21 Annobon (1641-?)
    • 22 Benin City (1660-1740)
    • 23 Grand-Popo (1660-?)
    • 24 Ouidah (1670-1724)
    • 25 Principe (circa 1589)
    • 26 São Tomé (1641-1648), like most of Laongo-Angola was captured from the Portuguese.
Map of formerly Dutch holdings in Dutch Gold Coast.
Fort Coenraadsburg overlooking the city of Elmina.
  • Nederlandse Goudkust (Dutch Gold Coast) is the most successful of the Dutch African colonies. Regardless of its name, it was for the most part financially dependent on the slave trade, especially near the end of Dutch rule. Most of these slaves were shipped to Curaçao, where they would be sold on markets to work in, amongst others, Dutch Guyana (Surinam). The colony came to an end with the Gold Coast Treaty (1871), in which the Netherlands sold the colony to the English, in return for 47,000 Dutch Guilders, as well as the English vow to not intervene in Dutch attempts to conquer Atjeh. The treaty also dropped the double taxation on British ships in the Dutch Indies, in return for which the Brits revoked their claim on Sumatra. The main settlements and forts in the colony were:
    • 27 Fort Amsterdam Fort Amsterdam, Gana na Wikipediji (1655-1811), rebranded to Fort Cormantine (after Cormantijn or Cormantine, the nearest settlement, known today as Kortmantse) during British rule, who built the fort in 1631. Some thirty years later, in 1665, the fort was captured by Dutch naval hero Michiel de Ruyter as compensation for Dutch forts taken earlier that year. The fort was granted to the WIC, who renamed it. Initially, gold was the main sales product, which was traded against booze, tobacco and guns. Later on, the slave trade would take over. The fort would briefly be under British occupation again from 1782 to 1785. It became Dutch again, but was overrun by native forces in 1811, forcing the Dutch to abandon the fort. The fort's ruins were largely restored in the early 1970s, funded in part by the Dutch government.
    • 28 Fort William III Trdnjava Apollonia na Wikipediji ali Fort Apollonia, founded as a trading post by the Swedish for their short-lived Gold Coast Colony (1655-1657), the settlement quickly fell into English hands, which between 1768 and 1770 extended it to a fort in the nearby limestone rocks through the means of slave labour. Due to the abolition of slavery, the British saw profits from the fort dwindle, and thus left the fort in 1819. The fort became Dutch in 1868, who renamed it after their king, William III. Four years later, the Dutch too left the fort following the Gold Coast Treaty of the year prior. The fort has been bombed by the British the year after, but restored in the late 1960s. The fort has reopened in 2010.
    • 29 Fort Batenstein Fort Batenstein na Wikipediji
    • 30 Carolusburg Grad Cape Coast na Wikipediji (or Cape Coast Castle)
    • 31 Christiansborg Grad Osu na Wikipediji
    • 32 Coenraadsburg Fort Coenraadsburg na Wikipediji
    • 33 Crevecœur Ussher Fort na Wikipediji
    • 34 Fort Dorothea
    • 35 Fort Goede Hoop Fort Goede Hoop, Gana na Wikipediji (Fort Good Hope)
    • 36 Fort Hollandia Brandenburger Gold Coast na Wikipediji (or Groß-Friedrichsburg/Groot Frederiksburg)
    • 37 Fort Leydsaemheyt Fort Patience na Wikipediji (or Fort Leidzaamheid, Fort Patience)
    • 38 Fort Metalen Kruis Fort Metal Cross na Wikipediji (Fort Metal Cross)
    • 39 Fort Nassau Fort Nassau, Gana na Wikipediji
    • 40 Fort Oranje Fort Orange, Gana na Wikipediji (Fort Orange)
    • 41 Santo Antonio de Axim Fort Saint Anthony na Wikipediji (or shortened as Axim)
    • 42 Fort Sint George (or São Jorge de Mina ali Fort Elmina)
    • 43 San Sebastian Trdnjava San Sebastian na Wikipediji (or Shama/Chama)
    • 44 Fort Singelenburg Fort Prinzenstein na Wikipediji (Fort Moat Fortress, also known as Fort Keta ali Fort Prinzenstein)
    • 45 Vredenburg Fort Vredenburgh na Wikipediji (Fort Peace Fortress)

Asia and Oceania

5°0′0″N 114°39′32″E
Map of formerly Dutch colonies and discoveries in Southeast Asia


Jakarta's history museum, built in 1710 as the city hall of Batavia
  • 1 Ambon (Maluku). The Spice Islands' provincial capital, originally named Nossa Senhora de Anunciada, founded by Portuguese-Moluccan Governor Sancho de Vasconcelos. The Portuguese were driven out by the Dutch in 1609. It has a number of interesting historical and cultural sites, among them the remnants of forts built by the Dutch East Indies Company during the heyday of the spice trade. The ruins of the Portuguese fort at Hila are almost entirely hidden beneath the contorted roots of a giant banyan tree. Ambon (Q18970) na Wikipodatih Ambon, Maluku na Wikipediji
  • 2 Banda Islands (Maluku). The original habitat of the Myristica fragrans tree, from which seeds mace and nutmeg are extracted. First colonized by the Portuguese, were wrested by the Dutch who later fought the Spice Wars with the British. In the Treaty of Breda in 1667, the British agreed to withdraw and gave up Pulau Run to the Dutch, partly in exchange for another small island on the other side of the world: New Amsterdam, now better known as Manhattan. Their capital Banda Neira features the 1661 Fort Belgica, fully restored, close to the ruins of the older and unrestored Fort Nassau. Nizozemska Malacca (Q949314) na Wikidata Otoki Banda na Wikipediji
  • 3 Bengkulu (Sumatra). First conquered by the Dutch in 1682. The British came later, naming the area Bencoolen, and secured a safe anchorage spot for their ships. Their first fort (Fort York) didn’t last very long, leading them to built Fort Marlborough in 1714, which still robustly stands today. In the 1824 Anglo-Dutch Treaty, British Bencoolen was ceded in exchange for Dutch Malacca. Bengkulu (Q8042) na Wikidata Bengkulu (mesto) na Wikipediji
  • 4 Džakarta (Zahodna Java). Under the name Batavia, it was the capital of the Dutch East Indies, known as the "Queen of the East". However, the Dutch made the mistake of attempting to replicate the home country by digging canals throughout the malarial swamps in the area, resulting in shockingly high death rates and earning the town the epithet "White Man's Graveyard". In the early 1800s, most canals were filled in and the town was shifted 4 km inland. Batavia (Q1199713) na Wikidata Batavia, Nizozemska Vzhodna Indija na Wikipediji
  • 5 Makassar (Sulawesi). Seized by the VOC in 1667, this spot became a collecting point for the produce of eastern Indonesia: copra, rattan, pearls, trepang, sandalwood and the famous oil made from bado nuts used in Europe as men's hairdressing – hence the anti-macassars (embroidered cloths protecting the head-rests of upholstered chairs). Arabs, Malays, Thai and Chinese came here to trade. Its central sight nowadays is Fort Rotterdam, an old fortress from Dutch colonial days. Entrance is free. Makassar (Q14634) na Wikipodatih Makassar na Wikipediji


  • 6 Malacca (Malezija). For 130 years (1511–1641), was a Portuguese colony. The 3rd VOC Fleet conducted a siege in 1606. It was finally assaulted and conquered by the Dutch with their local allies in January 1641, and governed as a VOC colony until 1825, when it was handed to the British in exchange for the British colonies on Sumatra. Nizozemska Malacca (Q949314) na Wikidata Nizozemska Malacca na Wikipediji


Map of Dutch Empire

Dutch holdings in and around India consist of three different colonies. These were the Coromandel Coast (Kust van Coromandel) in the modern-day Andhra Pradesh in Tamil Nadu, Dutch Bengal, located roughly in modern-day Bangladeš, and Dutch Ceylon in modern-day Šrilanka.

  • Coromandel Coast is named for the town of Karimanal, some 50 km (31 mi) from Chennai. In 1606, a Dutch ship stopped on the shores near the village and stuck a trade agreement with locals, which is deemed to be the start of the colony. Permission to actually settle the colony came two year later from Queen Eraivi, wife of King Venkata II of Vijayanagara. Cloth was the most exported good from the colony, which was centred around Pulicat. The colony slipped completely from Dutch rule in 1825.
    • 7 Pulicat (Fort Geldria) Fort Geldria na Wikipediji. Having been granted permissions to settle a colony, Fort Geldria was erected in 1613. It was the main city of the colony until 1690, when it moved to Nagapattinam, being reinstated as the capital once Nagapattinam fell into British hands in 1781.
    • 8 Nagapattinam (Fort Vijf Sinnen) Nagapattinam na Wikipediji was captured from the Portuguese in 1658. It was initially made a part of Dutch Ceylon. After the Portuguese fort was reduced to rubble following a flood in 1660, Vijf Sinnen was built anew atop the rubble. This fort then became the new capital of Dutch Coromandel until it fell to the British in 1781.
    • 9 Fort Sadras Sadras na Wikipediji was established in 1612 and upgraded to a full factory in 1654. In 1749 a fort was completed at the site. Like Vijf Sinnen, it was taken by the British in 1781, but unlike Vijf Sinnen, Sadras was returned under the 1784 Treaty of Paris. The factory supplied high-quality cotton and bricks to Batavia and Ceylon.
    • 10 Fort Bheemunipatnam Bheemunipatnam na Wikipediji, settled in 1652, was fortified in 1758. It primarily traded rice, which was shipped to Ceylon.
    • 11 Fort Jaggernaikpoeram became an important centre for the textile trade from 1734 onwards, when it took over this role from Draksharama, which was located further inland.
    • 12 Parangippettai Parangipettai na Wikipediji, being settled in 1608 and abandoned in 1825, is one of the longest-used Dutch factories.
    • 13 Palakol was a trading post for textile, lamp oil, wood, roofing tiles and bricks, which was used from 1613 to 1825, being temporarily abandoned in 1730.
    • 14 Masulipatnam was the first Dutch factory in the colony being erected in 1605, eventually being abandoned in 1756.
    • 15 Nizampatnam Nizampatnam na Wikipediji is the second factory settled by the Dutch, being settled in 1606 and abandoned half a century later.
    • 16 Golkonda Trdnjava Golconda na Wikipediji was an important staple market to the VOC. The Dutch presence here was expanded with a full factory in 1664. Local unrest saw the trade diminish, which led to the abandonment of the factory in 1733.
    • 17 Puducherry is the outcast on the list, being under Dutch rule for six years. Duning the Nine Years' War, the VOC set out to expand its influence in India, conquering Puducherry from the French in 1693, but returning it to French hands again in 1699.
  • Bengal was another directory of the VOC in India from 1610 to 1800, after which the directory was transformed into a colony under the Dutch crown. Twenty-five years later, the colony would be handed over to the British, following the 1824 Anglo-Dutch Treaty. From Bengal, about 50% of all textiles and 80% of all silks traded by the VOC were imported.
    • 18 Pipeli was visited by the VOC from as early as 1627. It ran its local business from here until 1635, after which the unhealthy climate, recurring river floods, and the river's tendency to block up, forced it to relocate. The harbour city saw mostly slaves and saltpeter be traded through it. After 1635, the town was still being traded with as like any other harbour, though there was never a permanent settlement.
    • 19 Baleshwar was located about five miles south of Pipeli, being sailed to by the English from 1633 onward, the French from 1674 onward, and the Danes from 1676. In 1675, the Dutch too opened a factory, which mostly functioned to connect the Bengal and Coromandel. The fort here was built by the British East India Company, though named for the Dutch stadtholder William III of Orange, who served beside his wife Mary II as the King of England, Scotland and Ireland following the Glorious Revolution.
    • 20 Patna was a considerably small trading post, located some ways land-inward. It was usually staffed with only eight men, trading in saltpeter, cotton and amphonics (raw opiates).
    • 21 Chhapra was established as a saltpeter factory during the 18th century, which was often refined into gunpowder.
    • 22 Cossimbazar (Kasim Bazar) Cossimbazar na Wikipediji was one of the most important Dutch trading posts in the Bengal. Its main export product was silk, which was very desirable in Japan, and sold there for a considerable mark-up. The VOC opened a weaving mill here, which at its height employed around 600 men and women. Cossimbazar also had its own minting office, printing silver rupees, which were used through the Mughal Empire.
    • 23 Dhaka, centre of the silk trade, saw the arrival of both the Dutch and the British in 1665.
    • 24 Malda was a short-lived trading post. Due to the bad condition of the VOC-housing, as well as the tensions between the traders and the locals, the trading post was quickly closed again.
    • 25 Murshidabad, like Cossimbazar, was used between 1710 and 1759 as a minting office, following up 26 Rajmahal Rajmahal na Wikipediji as a settlement for silver minting. Its hospital was located in nearby 27 Mirzapore.
    • 28 Sherpur saw a temporary VOC office for the silk trade. Its silk, however, was of considerably lesser quality than that of Cassimbar, which was considerably more profitable.
    • The Dutch settlement in 29 Rajshahi Nizozemsko naselje v Rajshahiju na Wikipediji was the first European settlement in the area, having existed during the 18th century. The Dutch settlement, built in 1781, does not leave many traces today, though some, such as 30 Boro Kuthi Boro Kuthi na Wikipediji still stand today and are preserved as cultural heritage sites.
The southern wall of Fort Galle seen from bastion Vlaggeklip towards bastion Utrecht, overlooking the British lighthouse and the Great Mosque.
  • Ceylon was settled by the Zeeland chamber of the VOC in 1602, in order to start trade in cinnamon. The Dutch were welcomed on the island by the king of Kandy, which wanted to get rid of Portuguese influence on the island, and the Dutch sent an envoy to meet the king. Sebald de Weert, who led the envoy, was however murdered in the castle along with several of his accompanying men as they would have insulted the king and some of his servants. This stopped Dutch influence until the king once again reached out to the Dutch to rid himself of the Portuguese in the 1630s. In 1638 a treaty was signed between Kandy and the Dutch, which promised Dutch help in return for trade in cinnamon. Also included in this trade was the promise to split the forts they conquered. The Kandy version said that its king could demand the Dutch to leave their forts when he so desired, whereas the Dutch version did not include this rule, and the Dutch thus took charge of the forts they got out of the treaty. These forts subsequently were used to acquire cheap cinnamon from the king, since he was still indebted to the Dutch.
In March of 1640, the Dutch started conquering the west side of the island. Because the Dutch wouldn't return the forts because of their version of the treaty demanding no such thing from them, the king of Kandy had the leader of the VOC expedition be murdered. This however, did not change his position. The last Portuguese holdings on the island fell in 1658. After the removal of the Portuguese, the relation between Kandy and the Dutch Republic got tenser. The Dutch had to kneel before the king once per year and offer him gifts as to show their allegiance, which got them permission to harvest cinnamon from the island. In 1760, a Kandy revolt broke out against the Dutch, which managed to burn down the city of Kandy, which forced the signing of the 1766 peace, which gave the entire coastline of the island to the Dutch.
In the 1780s, the English got interested in the island as well. The king of Kandy turned to them to rid himself of the Dutch in the same way he turned to the Dutch to rid himself of the Portuguese before. The Dutch held out until 1796, when they had to revoke their efforts for the ongoing revolution at home. The Peace of Amiens of 1802 saw the last Dutch holdings transferred to English hands, thus ending the Dutch influence on the island after two centuries.
  • 31 Trdnjava Galle Trdnjava Galle na Wikipediji, taken from the Portuguese in 1640, is one of the foremost holdings of the Dutch on the island. The fort as well as the old city are well-preserved UNESCO-listed sights.
  • 32 Trdnjava Batticaloa Utrdba Batticaloa na Wikipediji
  • 33 Trdnjava Jaffna Jaffna Fort na Wikipediji
  • 34 Unawatuna Governor's House
  • 35 Negombo is a city on Sri Lanka's west coast, featuring the remains of a former Dutch fort, Dutch waterways and a former Dutch cemetery.
  • 36 Colombo Cerkev Wolvendaal na Wikipediji, the commercial capital of Sri Lanka, features a Dutch governor's house, a museum about VOC involvement, as well as the Wolvendaalsche Kerk, an impressive church built by the VOC, featuring some ornate decorations remembering of Dutch involvement in the city.
  • Other forts and buildings left behind by the Dutch can be found the length and width of the island, mostly centring around the coastal holdings. Furthermore, you might run into a Burgher during your journey to Sri Lanka. They are a minority on the island, being descendants from European settlers and indigenous populations. They have mostly emigrated to Australia after Sri Lankan independence in 1947, though the island counted about 40,000 burghers as of 1982.
The city of Cochin (Kochi) in 1665, two years after falling into Dutch hands.
  • Malabar was a commandment of the VOC in India, situated on the Malabar Coast. The region fell into the Dutch sphere of influence following the capture of Portuguese Quilon, and ended with British occupation in 1795. The main reason for taking the Portuguese colony were mostly fuelled by a wish to secure Dutch Ceylon from Portuguese interference, the lucrative pepper trade in the region definitely played a role as well. After invasions of Goa failed in 1604 and 1639, the Dutch instead went for secondary posts along the Malabar Coast. Over time, these included:
    • 37 Fort Cochin Fort Kochi na Wikipediji (1663 - 1795) was the main outpost of the Dutch along the Malabar Coast, it being the capital of the commandment. The Dutch mostly reduced the prevalence of Portuguese elements over their stay in the region, reducing the size of the Portuguese town, the fort and destroying most Portuguese-built public buildings. The harbour, piers and many other naval trade-related elements in the city were strongly developed, however. Among this is Bolgatty Palace Palača Bolgatty na Wikipediji, one of the oldest Dutch palaces outside of the Netherlands themselves, being built in 1744.
    • 38 Fort Cranganore Fortaleza da São Tomé na Wikipediji (1662 - 1770) was a small city with a small fort, yet of notable military importance, being of tactical importance to Cochin. Initially the fort was given to the Zamorin of Calicut in return for his alliance with the Dutch, though starting in 1666, the Dutch started renovating the fort for their own purposes.
    • 39 Fort Pallipuram Trdnjava Pallipuram na Wikipediji (1661 - 1789) was of similar strategic importance to Cochin, but was sold to the Kingdom of Travancore in 1789.
    • 40 Purakkad Purakkad na Wikipediji (1662 - ?), a factory run under direct control from Cochin.
    • 41 Fort Quilon St Thomas Fort na Wikipediji (1661 - 1795) was the first Portuguese fort to be captured by the Dutch in late 1663. It served as the commandment's capital until the capture of Cochin less than two years later.
    • 42 Kayamkulam (1661 - ?), a factory under direct control from Quilon.
    • 43 Fort Cannanore Trdnjava sv. Angela na Wikipediji (1663 - 1790), captured in early 1663, was a proper harbour city with a strong stone fort, giving it strategic leverage.
    • 44 Vengurla (1637 - 1693), preceding Dutch rule in any of the other places on this list, Vengurla fell under direct control from Batavia (Džakarta) and precedes the establishment of the Malabar commandment by several decades. The factory was founded in order to facilitate spying on the Portuguese in Goa. From 1673, it was a part of Dutch Surate, and from 1676 onward became a part of Dutch Malabar.
    • 45 Barselor (1667 - 1682) was established through a treaty with a local ruler. The non-reinforced factory traded in rice and pepper and was closed and abandoned in 1682 following problems with local merchants.
  • Suratte, centred and named for the modern-day city of Surat, this directorate of the East India Company consisted of mostly factories. The area was taken by the Dutch as the sultan of Aceh refused them to buy any more cheap cotton, forcing the Dutch to look elsewhere. The colony diminished in importance around 1759, favouring the British-held city of Bombay namesto tega. With the 1795 Kew Letters, which transferred Dutch ownership of many colonies to the British, the colony came more or less to a permanent end, though the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814 granted the remains of the colony to the Dutch, with the 1824 treaty of the same name permanently dividing East Asia into Dutch and British spheres of influence, which was the final nail in the coffin for the colony, being permanently transferred to the British on December 21st, 1825.
  • 46 Suratte (1616-1825), the first trade post and most notable Dutch settlement in the colony, being founded in 1616 by cloth merchant Pieter van den Broecke. The factory's role diminished a lot after the British took the nearby city of Suratte. The post was transferred to the British in the Kew Letters, after which it was briefly controlled by the Dutch from 1818 to 1825.
  • 47 Ahmedabad (1617-1744) was a notable Dutch port, which eventually was abandoned in 1744 due to the diminishing of the East India Company.
  • 48 Agra (1621-1720) is a notable Dutch settlement. The town was a good month and a half from the city of Suratte, and was therefore rarely visited by inspectors of the VOC. The factory therefore saw a lot of private trading, which was forbidden according to VOC codes of conduct. The rampant corruption in the city made traders willing to isolate them this much from the outside world filthy rich.
  • 49 Cambay (1617-1643) was a relatively short-lived port. Ships were unable to dock at low tide, meaning that when a problem with local merchants occurred in 1643, the factory was closed.


Mid-1830s view of the Nagasaki harbour, with Dejima in the centre-left.

Japan is fairly well-known to have been closed to the outside world for a large part of its history. The main exception to the rule were the Dutch, specifically the VOC, which had gained the ability to found two factories in 50 Hirado Hirado, Nagasaki na Wikipediji (1609 - 1641) and 51 Dejima Dejima na Wikipediji (1641 - 1860), both lying in the modern-day prefecture of Nagasaki. The Dutch, being the sole western influence in the whole of Japan, came in contact with Japan during the Edo shogunate. The Dutch brought, amongst other things, many books to Japan, which stimulated an interest in Western learning, called "rangaku" or "Dutch learning". Especially around the time of Japan opening up to the rest of the world under force of the United States in 1853, the Dutch influence weakened the reigning Edo shogunate, which helped contribute to its fall.

The two trading posts, both located in Nagasaki, followed each other, with the Dutch transferring from Hirado to Dejima in 1641. The latter was a specially constructed artificial island. On Hirado specifically, you can find the 2011 reconstruction of a warehouse belonging to the former 52 Dutch Trading Post and nearby Dutch Wall. The warehouse itself was built in 1637 or 1639, and almost immediately torn down in 1639, as the building contained stonework depicting the Christian year date of construction, which at the time was disapproved of by the Tokugawa shogunate.

Dejima is where a lot of Dutch influences came into Japanese culture. Amongst other things, the Dutch introduced the Japanese to beer, coffee and chocolate, but also cabbage, tomatoes, the piano, clovers, photography, billiards and photography. The island has since been given a designated status as national historic site in 1922, and restoration was started in 1953, which ended up not going very far. In 1996, the island's shape was more or less restored, and some 25 buildings were restored in their 19th-century state. This was followed by another five buildings in 2000, and six more in 2017. The long-term plans for Dejima are for it to be fully surrounded by water again, thus being restored as an island, but as of 2020, that plan is very much still in progress.

The Kankō-maru in the Yokohama harbour.

Good relations between the Dutch and the Japanese continued until the Dutch left Nagasaki at the end 1859. This shows in the "Watermannen" (Water men), who were Dutch hydraulic and civic engineers sent to Japan in the 1870s. These men were a part of a larger influx of western knowledge from larger countries like the US, Germany, France and the United Kingdom, though the Dutch were specifically called in for water management and civic engineering. Some twenty years earlier, the Dutch also provided Japan with its first steam-powered warship, which was built in the Netherlands as Soembing, though it was renamed to Kankō-maru when taken into Japanese service. Additionally, quite a few words of scientific or western nature have been adapted from the respective Dutch words, and are retained in speech to this day.


The southern part of Taiwan was colonised by the Dutch from 1624-1662. The Dutch would eventually be defeated by Ming Dynasty loyalist Zheng Chenggong, perhaps better known in the West as Koxinga, who set up the Kingdom of Tungning, from which he hoped to conquer the mainland and re-establish the Ming Dynasty. His son would subsequently be defeated by the Manchu-Chinese Qing Dynasty, resulting in Taiwan being incorporated into the Qing empire.

  • 53 Tainan was the site of the first Dutch settlement in Taiwan, and the de facto capital of Dutch Formosa. It retained its status as the capital of Taiwan for much the Qing Dynasty, before the capital got shifted to Taipei in the late 19th century. Today, the ruins of several Dutch forts remain in Tainan and can be visited. Among them are the former Fort Zeelandia, today known as Anping Fort, and the former Fort Providentia, today known as Chih-kan Tower.


Map of Dutch Empire
The route of Abel Tasman's 1642 and 1644 voyages in the service of the VOC

Many ships using the Roaring Fourties to get to Indonesia got wrecked off the coast of New Holland, modern-day Western Australia. On November 1642, 1 Tasmanija was "discovered" and claimed by VOC commander Abel Tasman, exploring from Mavricij under orders of Anthony van Diemen, governor-general of the Dutch East Indies. Tasman named it "Van Diemen's Land", after his patron. A cape and a group of islands in northern Nova Zelandija are still called by names given by Tasman while underway. He reportedly reached Fidži in Tonga, later returning to Batavia. His second voyage took place in 1644; he mapped a part of Australia's northern coast, but failed to find Torres Strait and a possible trade route, and the expedition was deemed a failure.

  • 2 Rottnest Island, now a famous nature reserve 18 km (11 mi) from Perth, Rottnest Island was named by Dutch sailors in 1658, believing the local marsupial quokka were large rats (Hence "Rats' Nest Island").
  • 3 Houtman Abrolhos. The name of this group of islands is a weird mix between Portuguese and Dutch created by Frederik de Houtman, the first European to discover and name them (1619). Houtman was semi-fluent in many languages, and the accepted theory is that, for the lack of a better Dutch word, he chose the Portuguese nautical slang Abrolhos ("open your eyes", meaning "look out for reefs and rocks around here") to clearly express a mariner's point.
The islands saw two major shipwrecks over time: first in 1629, when the Batavia ran aground on its maiden voyage. A group of men stayed behind on the island while some went to Batavia using the open rescue boat to get help. A group of the men left behind went on to massacre many of the others, following a mutiny. When rescue forces came back to pick up the rest of the group, many were found dead, including the culprit. Some of the culprits still alive were left behind on the mainland, never to be seen again, making them the first European inhabitants of Australia in recorded history. It is speculated that they or other Europeans with similar fates are the explanation behind the strangely European-looking aboriginals that were discovered during Australia's colonial times.
Similarly, yet less dramatic, the Zeewijk wrecked on the coast of the island group in 1727. Chaos ensued during the ten months that most of the crew was left behind, trying to survive. The wrecked ship was used to create a rescue craft dubbed the Sloepie (Little Dinghy), which carried 88 towards Batavia. Of them, six died along the way, leaving only 82 of the initial 208 on board to survive the wreck.
  • 4 Cape Leeuwin Cape Leeuwin na Wikipediji, the most southwestern mainland point of the Australian continent, named by English navigator Matthew Flinders after the first known ship to have visited the area, the Leeuwin ("Lioness"). The logs of the Leeuwin though, are lost to history. The 1627 map that does remain of its voyage is believed to have mapped the area around the somewhat more northern Hamelin Bay; the cape itself is not identifiable on this map.
  • 5 Arnhem Land, like Cape Leeuwin, it was also named by Matthew Flinders after the ship known or speculated to have first visited the area, De Arnhem (after the eponymous city in the eastern Netherlands). The region has been made into a reservation for the Yolgnu, one of Australia's biggest native tribes.

See also

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